視頻版權:NASA Goddard ; 字幕翻譯:天文志願字幕組(有錯誤的地方望各位指出) 翻譯:Tony Stank 審核:李子遷
(字幕翻譯:天文志願字幕組,若有錯誤,歡迎指出)N【視頻版權:NASA Goddar】
土衛六上的發現NText: A Titan Discovery
除了地球外,我們的太陽系中還有哪兒會存在生命呢?NWhere else might life exist in our solar system? That』s a
NASA的科學家一直在努力尋找問題的答案Nquestion that NASA scientists are trying to answer. An
我們正在研究一個有趣兒的星球——土星最大的衛星,土衛六(泰坦)Nintriguing place we are studying is Saturn』s largest moon, Titan.
土衛六是太陽系中除了地球以外的唯一一個NIt』s the only body in the solar system other than Earth to
表面有液體「海洋」的星球Nfeature seas of liquid on its surface. But that liquid is
只不過這種液體是甲烷,而不是水。因此,我們地球人的細胞膜Nmethane instead of water. The cell membranes we have on Earth,
作為生命的一個組成部分,無法再土衛六上形成Npart of our building blocks for life, could not form here.
之前,我們用電腦深入研究了哪種化學物質NPrevious computer simulations investigated which chemicals
可以在土衛六上構建細胞膜一樣的薄膜Ncould be used to make cell-like membranes on Titan. It』s been
我們發現丙烯腈是最好的材料Ncalculated that this molecule, acrylonitrile, is the best
它可以用來製作最穩定的薄膜Ncandidate to form the most stable membranes. What』s
最驚喜的是,通過分析由智利阿塔卡瑪毫米/亞毫米波射電望遠鏡陣列Nexciting is that our team at NASA Goddard has now detected
得到的光譜數據,NASA戈達德飛行中心的科學小組Nlarge amounts of this chemical in Titan』s atmosphere, using
已經探測到泰坦的大氣中存在大量的丙烯腈Nspectroscopic data from ALMA, the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub
存在大量的丙烯腈 因為泰坦上會降雨Nmillimeter Array, located in Chile. And since Titan has rain,
大量的丙烯腈就可能會到達地表Na significant amount may be reaching the surface and ending
最後來到泰坦上的巨大湖泊中. 我們需要進行更多的研究Nup in Titan』s vast lakes. More research is needed, but by
但是通過探測,研究這種天體生物學相關的分子(丙烯腈)Ndefinitively detecting this astrobiologically relevant
我們就離明白生命是如何在太陽系中出現Nmolecule on Titan, we are another step closer to
以及在哪裡出現更進了一步Nunderstanding how and where life could exist in our solar system.
翻譯: Tony StankN已審:李子遷N[beeping]N(觀看更多中文天文視頻歡迎關注weibo天文在線)N【也歡迎您加入我們字幕組,私信koukou零度星系(南充)】
※2013-12-13:寒冷的冬日觀星 NGC2244
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