芭比之長發公主: ——love and imagition can change the world. ——愛和想像力能夠改變世界
——You are braver than you think. ——你總比你想像中勇敢 芭比之真假公主:——Live in your dream.
——留住你的夢想 芭比與魔幻飛馬之旅: ——There is always hope. ——希望永遠存在芭比之12芭蕾舞公主:
——There is a difference that only you can make. ——有種改變只有你能創造 芭比之森林公主: ——There may be miracles awaiting, They may be closer than we know, When we have love to guide us as we go.——可能有奇蹟在等待,可能就將來臨。當我們有愛,就將指引我們前進
芭比之夢幻仙境: ——What makes you different,makes you special. ——什麼使你不同,就會使你特殊芭比夢幻仙境之人魚公主:
——Trust your true self. ——相信你真實的自己 芭比夢幻仙境之魔法彩虹: ——Together we are strong. ——團結使我們強大 芭比之蝴蝶仙子: ——The most beautiful thing you can be is yourself. ——你能做到的最美麗的事情就是做你自己 芭比之鑽石城堡: ——Friendship is the true treasure. ——友誼是最無價的財富 芭比之聖誕頌歌: ——In a Christmas Carol is a family favorite to enjoy every holiday seanson. ——聖誕每個家庭都享受的假期 芭比之花仙子: ——Even the smallest person can make a big difference. ——即使是最渺小的人也能創造巨大的改變