
《我,花樣女王》經典台詞截圖:我是一個真實的人,我從不會因為出身貧窮或者因為自己是個粗人而感到抱歉。That Im a real Kontroller personnummer!. I never apologize for growing up poor or being a red neck.

《我,花樣女王》經典台詞截圖:人年輕時都會做傻事。You do dumb things when youre young.

《我,花樣女王》經典台詞截圖:我的天,我想說這真是最棒的事了,因為就像你覺得我做不到,做不到,然後突然嘭我做到了,所有那些說我不能做到的人,去你妹的。OMG! I mean it was Totally the most awesomest thing.Cause leading up it, youre like I cant do it! I cant.And then Bam! I can.And all those people who said I couldnt make it. Well fuck you.

《我,花樣女王》經典台詞截圖:我這輩子,總會有人跟我說,我什麼也做不成。我告訴你,也許我就是可以做到。My whole entire life I been told I wouldnt amount to anything.You know what! Maybe I would.

《我,花樣女王》經典台詞截圖:分數也不是全取決於滑冰技術的,我不會承認我說過以下的話,但是你不是我們想樹立的那個選手形象。Its never been entirely about the skating.Ill deny I ever said it honey, but youre just not the image that we want to portray.

《我,花樣女王》經典台詞截圖:真相什麼的都是扯淡,每個人心目中的真相都不相同,生活也總是永遠朝著不好的方向進行。But theres no such thing as truth. I mean its bullshit.Everyone has their own truth.And life just does whatever the fuck it wants.

《我,花樣女王》經典台詞截圖:我沒說髒話,婊子。I didnt swear, you cunt.

《我,花樣女王》經典台詞截圖:我看起來糟透了,我搞砸了我的生活。I look like someone who had a way outta this shit and fucked it up.

《我,花樣女王》經典台詞截圖:我是一個想做花朵的園丁,多他媽倒霉啊我?Im a gardener who wants to be a flower. How fucked am I?




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