
《權力的遊戲》經典台詞截圖:韋賽里斯·坦格利安:莫爾蒙,雖說流亡生活很艱苦,但我覺著總比掉腦袋強。Well, Mormont, As brutish as this life is,I suppose it is preferable to beheading.

《權力的遊戲》經典台詞截圖:提利昂·蘭尼斯特:你的好奇心哪兒去了?那裡有史上最偉大的人造建築,勇猛無畏的守夜人軍團,陰森恐怖的白鬼徘徊之地。Wheres your sense of wonder?The greatest structure ever built,the intrepid men of The Nights Watch,the wintry abode of the White Walkers.

《權力的遊戲》經典台詞截圖:提利昂·蘭尼斯特:放心,我不過是想爬上長城,對著世界的邊緣撒泡尿罷了。No, I just want to stand on top of the wall and piss off the edge of the world.

《權力的遊戲》經典台詞截圖:提利昂·蘭尼斯特:說到畸形怪胎,不是我多嘴,死了可什麼都沒了,而活著,活著就有無限的可能。Speaking for the grotesques, Id have to disagree.Death is so final, whereas life...Ah, life is full of possibilities.

《權力的遊戲》經典台詞截圖:艾莉亞·史塔克:茉丹修女讓我重新整理,她說我的衣服沒有摺整齊,誰管它有沒有摺好,反正遲早也要亂成一團的嘛。Septa Mordane says I have to do it again.My things werent properly folded, she says.Who cares how theyre folded?!Theyre going to get all messed up anyway.

《權力的遊戲》經典台詞截圖:凱特琳·徒利·史塔克:榮譽召喚時,男人總把這話掛在嘴上,你們用"別無選擇"來搪塞家人和自己,其實你有選擇,你已經做出了選擇。Thats what men always say when honor calls.Thats what you tell your families, tell yourselves.You do have a choice.And youve made it.

《權力的遊戲》經典台詞截圖:提利昂·蘭尼斯特:守夜人的妙處在於,你可以捨棄原有的家庭,獲得新的生活。Lovely thing about the watch,you discard your old family and get a whole new one.

《權力的遊戲》經典台詞截圖:提利昂·蘭尼斯特:老哥有他的寶劍,我則有我的腦袋瓜,好腦筋需要書本,就如同寶劍需要磨刀石。Well, my brother has his sword and I have my mind.And a mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone.

《權力的遊戲》經典台詞截圖:魯溫學士:草草言戰必將釀成戰禍。Too easily words of war become acts of war.



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