

8 secrets of successwww.ted.com圖標

Lessons Learned

花$4000去現場聽一場TED talk,然後你會做什麼?


St. John Group創始人Richard St. John用了7年問了500位TEDster同一個問題,「什麼使你成功?」

然後他寫了1本書,站上TED talk的舞台,用3分鐘,講了8個詞↓

Vocabulary Builder

  • pass sth on to sb 傳給某人某物

e.g. So why dont i ask them what helped them succeed, and pass it on to kids?

  • make sb tick: the things that motivate someone, the reasons why a person behaves in a certain way 某人前行的動力

e.g. So here we are, seven years, 500 interviews later, and Im going to tell you what really leads to success and makes TEDsters tick.

  • workaholics vs workafrolics 工作狂 vs 享受工作、從中汲取樂趣的工作狂

e.g. I figured, theyre not workaholics. Theyre workafrolics.

  • persist through ... 堅持、咬牙挺過...

e.g. Youve got to persist through crap! Which of course means "Criticism, Rejection, Assholes and Pressure."


  • TED: 8 secrets of success by Richard St. John
  • Zhihu article: [TED] 成功,然後呢?

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aLittleBit on 2018/03/04



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