

範文:The charts indicate the proportion which ages and genders of game players as well as the sales amount of different games represented(數據是百分比的圖形的固定改寫方法) in South Korea over the period of 2009.

When it comes to ages of players, people aged 18-35 years old played a leading role(起主導作用) among all the game players, accounting for the majority of the total(60%). Subsequently came(排序法中的倒裝結構) those aged 35 over and below 18 years old with the former being moderately higher than the latter(比較高低的固定結構)(25% and 15%). In terms of genders of players, males far outnumbered(遠超=go far beyond) their counterparts(對應物) and the figure of the former was exactly threefold as much as the latter(倍數的固定表達)(75% and 25%).

Turning to the sales situation of games, real-time strategy games occupied the first position(30%), followed by fighting games and turn-based strategy games, whose percentage maintained the same(20%). The remaining shares were distributed to adventure games, shooting games and role playing games in a decreasing order(遞減的順序)(15%, 10% and 5%).

Seen from the charts, electronic games were more attractive to young males with dynamic games making up the largest share on the market in South Korea during the given time.



TAG:雅思備考 | IELTS雅思 | 雅思寫作 |