【CET6】【每日打卡】 印度首都的空氣污染影響無家可歸者


Air Pollution Affecting Homeless in Indias Capital

來源:VOA | 時長:01:30

Thousands of homeless people in the Indian capital are among the hardest hit victims of the city』s air pollution, which becomes worse in winter.

Living on the streets, homeless individuals cannot escape from pollution, such as dust from building projects and automobile emissions. The pollution released by cars has been shown to cause respiratory disorders.

Karan Gandhi lives on the streets of New Delhi.

He says, 「I used to sleep on one sheet of cloth but I have to use it to cover myself now. When I wake up, I have a problem in breathing.」

Years ago, winter was a season of cool, clear winds in the Indian capital. People enjoyed going for walks, or eating in the open air under a blue sky. Today, dirty smog and falling temperatures have forced some Indians to seek out homeless shelters operated by the city government.

Milan Adhikari has no place to live. He says the air quality can be really bad. 「I get breathless, then I have pain, I cannot walk properly. That is the reason I don』t go to work,」 he says.

This is the second consecutive year that pollution levels in New Delhi have risen to 30 times the safe amount set by the World Health Organization. Doctors tell people not to walk outside when the air quality is bad. But for many of the homeless, staying inside can be difficult.











New Delhi :新德里(印度首都)

Karan Gandhi (人名)卡蘭甘地

Milan Adhikari(人名)米蘭卡里

World Health Organization世界衛生組織


on the streets<非正>無家可歸的,貧窮的

escape from逃避; 逃出; 從…漏出; 發出

dust from撣掉…上的…

building projects土建工程

in the open在野外; 露天


respiratory disorders:呼吸系統疾病

automobile emissions:汽車排放




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