
Below are my band 9 sample answers for a topic in speaking part 2&3(原創文章,禁止轉載). 如果你覺得我的範文對你有幫助,請點贊並關注我.

Topic: An interesting person

part 2

Describe an interesting person from another country.

You should say:

  • Who this person i
  • What this person does
  • Why this person is interesting
  • And what you think of this person

Someone from abroad who interests me is Barack Obama, the former president of the United States of America. He was the 44th President of the United States and before that he was a senator for the state of Illinois. Now he is in charge of a large organisation called Obama foundation that works to create change in American society and around the world.

Barack Obama is very interesting to me because of his personal narrative. He was born in the state of Hawaii and moved a lot as a child. He worked very hard and was able to go to Columbia University and Harvard, two very prestigious universities in the US. Against the odds he became a successful lawyer and could have made a lot of money in business or in legal practice.

However Barack Obama was always a people-person and he always tried to help everyone around him no matter what. He never forgot where he came from and that because of his success he could help people who were not as fortunate as him. It was these qualities that motivated him first to become a community organiser and then to enter politics, and ultimately let his election as President of the United States.

On the campaign trail he was able to connect to people from so many backgrounds and it was this that made him one of the most popular presidents of the modern age. He was also the first African American president of the United States, representing a significant moment in the history of America. I have a lot of respect and admire Barack Obama because he never let anyone tell him something was impossible, he also worked his whole life in the service of others. I am therefore always inspired by Barack Obama and try to learn from him in my life so I can never give up and always try to help others.

Key Words:

Personal narrative - a person』s life story

Against the odds - a phrase used to mean that someone happened which people would not have thought possible

A people-person - someone who connects with and has good relationships with other people

In the service of others - doing something for other people』s benefit not just your own

Part 3

  • Do you think communicating with foreigners is a good way to learn about foreign culture?

Communicating with foreigners is not only a good way to learn about foreign culture, but it is also the most authentic. What better way to learn about foreign culture than by communicating with the people who create, maintain and live that culture? There is only so much one can learn from reading books and watching movies and by speaking to people from abroad, asking questions and listening to their answers you can gain more knowledge about how they see the world and their culture. There is no substitute for visiting another country and experiencing a culture yourself first hand, but even when you do this it is important to communicate with foreigners so you can appreciate the culture from their perspective, not just your own.

  • What are the disadvantages of working for an international company?

Working for an international company has many challenges and disadvantages. Firstly it can be difficult to communicate and coordinate with colleagues across multiple time-zones, different cultures and in different languages. This can sometimes mean that tasks are more complicated, harder to complete and more difficult to coordinate. Diversity and difference can also mean that there can be a higher propensity for conflict within teams and across the company. A final disadvantage of working for an international company is that it can often mean a lot of international travel, which can result a lot of time spent away from home and your friends and family, this can be difficult for employees to deal with.

  • What kinds of problems will people have when they travel or live in a foreign country?

The first, and most obvious problem that people will have when they travel or live in a foreign country is communication. With so many languages and dialects spoken across the world, being able to understand foreign people, and indeed signposts, menus and other important written texts is a challenge. On a similar note it can be challenging to make yourself understood and communicate with others particularly in simple situations like finding a taxi, ordering food or asking for directions.

A second challenge is cultural diversity. What is acceptable in one country, might not be acceptable in another country and can be seen as rude. It is therefore a problem, because one can cause offence or act inappropriately out of ignorance. Often people abroad are understanding with foreign visitors however it is a risk and a challenge that it is important to acknowledge and try to avoid.

  • Do you like to make friends with people from other countries?

Personally, I really like to make as many friends as I can from around the world because I learn so much from having so many friends from so many different places because they are all different. Although making friends with people from other countries can be hard because of language or cultural barriers, it is rewarding and I would encourage everyone to make as many friends as possible from around the world. Not only does it give you someone to visit when you go abroad, but your friends around the world are always available to answer questions about their country or teach you something new and interesting, broadening your horizons.

Key Words:

Authentic - genuine/ real

multiple time-zones - the idea that different countries have different times relative to each other e.g. GMT +8

Higher propensity - higher likelihood

dialects - a particular form of a language that is specific to a certain region or group

To act inappropriately out of ignorance - to act rudely because you don』t know you are doing so

Unique - different and unlike anything else



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