NUKE基礎知識06 NUKE Fundamentals - 使用預覽 Using The Viewer

預覽節點簡介 Introduction to Viewer Nodes:

通過在comp中添加並連接一個預覽節點,我們可以查看其上游的所有操作 By adding a Viewer to our comp and connecting it, we』re able to view all of the operations that happen upstream to the node that it』s connected to.

預覽不會生成輸出到渲染器,而只會生成顯示數據到預覽面板 Viewers do not produce output to the renderer, they only generate display data to the Viewer panel.

添加預覽 Add A Viewer:

  • 節點圖中 On Node Graph >
  • TAB或滑鼠右鍵單擊 TAB or Mouse Right Click > 圖像 Image
  • 預覽 Viewer >

或 or

  • 工具欄中 On Tool Bar >
  • 預覽 Viewer

或用最簡單的方法 or the easiest way

  • 在選定節點時 On Wanted Node Selected >
  • 數字鍵 1 KEY 1 >


Once Viewer Node is added to a comp, it allows up to 10 pipes or inputs into it.

備註:NUKE的游標是面板可識別意味著熱鍵也會根據游標懸停在哪個面板上而發生變化因此游標必須位於View Panel上才能使用KEY UPKEY DOWN切換視圖

Side Notes: NUKE』s cursor is panel context sensitive, meaning hotkeys change based on which panel your cursor is hovering over. Means your cursor must be over the View Panel to use the KEY UP and KEY DOWN toggles through the views.

熱鍵 Hot Keys:

F - 重回中心 re-center

Ctrl - 將預覽恢復為100% restore Viewer TO 100%

Shift + { 或者 or } - 打開和關閉菜單 toggle the menu on and off

層和頻道下拉菜單 Layer and Channel Drop-downs:

RGB 下拉菜單 RGB Dropdown Menu:

  • 紅色通道 Red channel > 熱鍵 Hot Key: R
  • 綠色通道 Green channel > 熱鍵 Hot Key: G
  • 藍色通道 Blue channel > 熱鍵 Hot Key: B
  • 亮度值 Luminance value > 像素中的亮度級別 level of brightness in a pixel
  • 遮罩疊加 Matte overlay > Alpha 疊加 Alpha superimposed

聯繫表節點 ContactSheet Node:

  • 節點圖上 On Node Graph >
  • TAB >
  • 聯繫表節點 ContactSheet Node >

這個節點將所有輸入製成略縮圖放入同一張表上。是個非常強大的功能 This will thumbnail all the Input on ONE sheet. Very Powerful.

預覽顯示模式 Viewer Display Modes:

比較圖像 / AB圖 Comparing Images / ABing Images:

  • 預覽界面頂部 at the top of the Viewer Interface > A [ ] [比較選項 Comparison Option] B [ ]
  • [比較選項 Comparison Option] >
  • 擦拭 Wipe >


Note: hover over the crosshairs, with the Omni-directional icon and we can modify the wipe between the A image and the B image.

  • AB之間擦拭 Wipe between A & B
  • 圍繞AB旋轉 Rotate around A & B
  • AB之間交叉溶解 Cross Dissolving between A & B

使用代理模式和注視區域(ROI)工具 Using Proxy Modes and the Region of Interest (ROI) Tool:

代理 Proxy: 代理伺服器是comp一個設置為較低的解析度(較低的質量)的版本 Proxy is a version of our comp that』s set to a lower resolution (lesser quality).

注視區域 ROI / Region Of Interest: 注視區域意味著NUKE將計算落在該正方形邊界內的像素 Region Of Interest means is NUKE will ONLY calculate pixels that fall within the border of this square.

使用幀遮罩 Using Frame Masking:

為了遮擋鏡頭的一部分,需要使用到幀遮罩 Frame Masking is needed for quarantining off a part of the shot.

操作安全區 保證所有特定於視圖的操作在安全區域內 Action Safe keeps all plot specific action within this safety zone.

標題安全區 保證這個邊界內所有文本的可讀性(片尾職員表,三分之二標題/分母標題 或標題畫面) Title Safe keeps all text within this boundary (end credits, lower third/Chyrons or title screens ).

斑馬條紋是用來向我們展示顏色是否在合理範圍內的技術 Zebra Striping is a technique used to show us what colors are in safe range.


AE 渲染加速的一些方法

TAG:特效技術 | 後期製作 | 影視後期 |