NUKE 基礎知識 Fundamentals 03 - 理解屬性菜單Understanding The Properties Menu

使用虛擬滑塊和熱鍵來微調屬性 Using Virtual Sliders and Hotkeys to Fine Tune Properties

  • 雙擊選中的節點 Double Click On Node Selected >
  • 屬性面板 Properties Panel >
  • 參數 Parameter [ ] >

參數的斜框中輸入表達式。Enter expressions into Parameter』s Skew Boxes.

如果想要對這些參數進行精細控制。If we want a very fine control of these parameters.

  • 參數 Parameter [ ] >

在傾斜框內,將輸入游標置於該位置。Inside the skew box, put the Input cursor in the one』s place.

按住CTRL並點擊向上鍵和向下鍵來逐步調整參數。Holding down CTRL and hit UP and DOWN to adjust the parameter incrementally.

動畫參數和節點之間的傳輸 Animating Parameters and Transferring Animation Between Nodes

理解關鍵幀即分配給動畫中特定幀的數據。Understand Keyframes is data assigned to specific frames inside the animation.

了解插值是NUKE基於開始值和結束值來計算如何從A到B。Understanding Interpolation is NUKE taking the Beginning and the End Value and calculate how to get from A to B for you.

擦除特定屬性下的所有關鍵幀 To Wipe Out all the keyframes under the specific attribute:

  • 參數 Parameter [ ] >

在斜框中 Inside the skew box.

  • 右鍵點擊選項沒有動畫 Right Mouse Click On Option No animation

現在恢復到正常狀態了。Now we are back to normal.

不同參數和屬性之間的鏈接 Link Between Deferent Parameters and Attributes:

  • 你可以在屬性之間複製粘貼參數 You can Copy and Paste parameters between attributes.
  • 你還可以在節點之間複製粘貼屬性值 You can also Copy and Paste attributes』 value between Nodes.


課程是NUKE Fundamentals by Patrick Krebs




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