
六、 一個地方的人口越多,其對水、交通和垃圾處理的需求就會越大。

The larger the population there is in a locality, the more the need there is for water,transportation,and disposal of refuse.

1. There is 是一種存現句型的用法,表示"一個地方「存在」 的人口越多」;

2. locality是local的名詞形式,表示"地方、位置",比place要更正式

3. the need for ...(對...的需求)是一個固定片語,中間的there be 和前面句子中的的there be 保持並列,互相呼應

4. 垃圾處理:disposal of refuse,disposal 是一個名詞,表示"處理、清理";refuse作名詞表示"垃圾、廢物",作動詞是"拒絕"

附:The more you learn,the more you know.The more you know,the more you forget.The more you forget,the less you know.So why bother to learn? 學的越多,知道的越多,。。知道的越多,忘記的就越多。忘記的越多,你就知道的越少,為什麼我們還要學呢? 哈哈~


In order to remain in existence,a profit-making organization must,in the long run,produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.

1. 把"盈利組織"放到後面的主句,使這個部分變成一個目的狀語

2. 若要...= 為了...= in order to

3. 生存:這裡指"組織機構"的生存,用remain in existence比較好,表示"保持一種存在的狀態"

4. 盈利組織: a profit-making organization(profit-making是一個"名詞+現在分詞"的複合型形容詞,表示"製造利潤的",即"盈利的")

5. 最終:in the long run,表示"從長遠來看",插入成分,作為時間狀語,這裡插入在情態動詞must和謂語動詞produce的中間,顯得比較緊湊

6. 消費者可用或需要的產品:即"消費者認為有用的或需要的一些東西",something consumers consider useful or desirable,這裡句式相當緊湊和地道


Long before children are able to speak or understand a language,they communicate by facial expressions and making noises.

1. Long before: 在...以前很久;比before更before;這個連詞短語很好,要記住。

2. 能說或能聽: be able to,這個句型"有能力(做某事)",比can 更能凸顯出"有能力怎樣怎樣",can只是一個情態動詞,語氣較弱

3. 聽懂語言:"聽懂"就是"理解",用understand就可以了。


When it is struck, a tuning fork produces an almost pure tone,retaining its pitch over a long period of time.

1. when... 引導一個時間狀語從句

2. 謂語動詞"產生",用produce

3. 經久不衰:就是"長時間保持音量高"=retaining(保持) its (其)pitch(音高)over a long period of time.(長時間地)


Eliminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scapegoating.

1. 句式調整:"解決問題+通過+怪罪別人的方式"

2. 解決問題:eliminating(消除)problems

3. 怪罪他人:transfer the blame to others. transfer=轉移;blame=過錯,就是"把過錯轉移到別人身上"

4. 尋找替罪羊: scapegoating 一個單詞搞定; scapegoat可以作及物動詞,表示"使...成為替罪羊",比如He is ignored his fault and scapegoated his classmate.他無視自己的錯誤並嫁禍給自己的同學(找人背鍋)。scapegoating是一個動名詞,表示"找人背鍋"的名詞化的意思




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