中國考生在應對雅思作文時喜歡通過講道理來說明問題,但話題中並不是所有題目和內容都可以通過道理來說服他人的,比如關於「anti-social behavior」, 屬於道德範疇的話題,是很難用道理來講清楚的。所以,建議考生在備考時需要加強論據論證的能力,使其能夠很好地支持自己的觀點。
如下面關於「work at home or study at home」的一段例證:
IBM, one of the business giants, has saved
nearly 70 million US dollars in its northeastern region by promoting telecommuting,
which has been a driving force to other enterprises to convert their normalworking staff into telecommuters. Companies in Japan are one of them and planto launch the scheme in 2009, which, in turn, spiritually wins more supportsfrom the existing employees, and attracts new hires. 這段話中的2個例子(商業巨頭IBM和日本的企業計劃)都較好地完成了「若員工選擇在家上班,會對公司帶來積極的作用」這一證明。此外,提醒考生們需要注意的是,雅思大作文明確指出「give reasons or examples from your own experience」, 這裡的「your own
experience」和「your personal experience」是完全不同的概念。前者是指通過個人的學習和總結而獲得的經驗,後者是指個人經歷或周圍某個個體的故事。如談到「working hard produces better results」, 「your ownexperience」的例子一定是「some 3-year-high school students usually stay up late to reviewlessons and prepare for next day classes」, 而「yourpersonal experience」的例子則應該是「my roommate, Tony has always been working hard on studies andstaying up late every night」, 不難看出兩者的區別。故雅思大作文是不能使用個人案例的論據的,這一點與新托福的寫作也是不同的。
另外,數據論證也是一個重要的方法,同時也是國外文章中非常常見的。使用這種方式,需要注意兩點:數據和數據的來源。數據的真實性不重要,但至少要看上去是「真實的」。如:A survey by the latest Ministry of Labour』s opinion
poll shows that more companies would like to open their doors to disabledpeople, as long as they can access to modern technology, and the rate has beenincreasing every year by 5% since 2003.使用數據論證,提醒考生們不要刻意將數據誇張,這樣反而會降低數據的真實可靠性。常見的句型有「a survey by….shows that / a research by….finds out that / a
study by….suggests that / Statistics by….conclude that…」省略號的部分是需要根據文章的內容來填寫的數據來源出處或機構。常用的機構包括:國外大學、學院、報紙、雜誌、電視台、電台、網站、研究機構、民意調查等。我們按順序給大家做一個示範:the University of Sussex, Business College of several European countries,
the USATODAY, state media CNN, BBC Talking Point, Childwise.com, AmericanInstitute for Research, Harris Interactive Poll等,考生可按照自己的情況,來準備幾個備選方案以供使用。
第三個常見的論證方法要數對比論證了。對比論證可以是一個東西或行為的正反面對比,也可以是一種現象的時間前後的論證。如下面關於「是否moving to regional areas」的例子:
Staffs used to complain about the crowded
offices shared with climbing number of colleagues, the acute shortage ofparking lots, the expensive luncheon, and the tedious civic landscape filled upwith cement, steel rods and ceramic tiles. Now, companies can move to largerspaces, like industrial parks in the regional areas equipped with morepersonalized facilities, ranging from regular shuttle bus service, areas forrelaxation, and more comfortable meeting rooms to hold a larger group ofaudience.
使用對比論證法可以讓段落的內容和字數大幅度提高。上面的這段論述,完全可以只寫搬遷到郊外辦公後對員工的利益;但是增加了前面「staff used to…」的內容,能夠加倍體現遷移的好處,前後形成一個鮮明的對比,增加文章的說服力。
不過,需要特別注意的是,若使用不當,對比論證也可能讓文章變得乏味。比如上面的例子中,在「staff used to…」這段文字中講到了員工的種種抱怨(停車車位緊缺、午飯昂貴、辦公室狹小等),如果在後面的利益中接著談搬遷到郊外後停車車位不緊缺、午飯便宜、辦公室寬敞等內容的話,大家不難發現這樣的論證其實是很無趣的。
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