180120-Leaders-Taming the titans馴服巨人


Google, FB and Amazon are increasingly dominant. How should they be controlled?


Not long ago, being the boss of a big Western tech firm was a dream job. As the billions rolled in, so did the plaudits: Google, FB, Amazon and others were making the world a better place. Today these companies are accused of being BAADD-big, anti-competitive, addictive and destructive to democracy. Regulators fine them, politicians grill them and one-time backers warn of their power to cause harm.

曾幾何時,成為Google,fb和亞馬遜這些西方科技公司巨頭的老闆,日進斗金,名利雙收是很多人的理想工作。科技巨頭讓我們的世界變得越來越好。今天,這些公司是因為「BAADD(big-體量巨大,anti-trust-行業壟斷,Addictive-用戶成癮以及destructive to democracy)而飽受詬病。監管部門對其罰款,政客嚴格監管,趙軍的支持者們,也因為他們體量巨大,而警告它們容易帶來危害。

Much of this techlash is misguided. The presumption that big businesses must necessarily be wicked is plain wrong. Apple is to be admired as the worlds most valuable listed company for the simple reason that it makes things people want to buy, even while facing fierce competition.Many online services would be worse if their providers were smaller. Evidence for the link between smartphones and unhappiness is week. Fake news is not only an online phenomenon.

  • techlash 技術限制
  • plain 平的,徹底的


But big tech platforms, particularly FB, Google and Amazon, do indeed raise a worry about fair competition. That is partly because they often benefit from legal exemptions.Unlike publishers, FB and Google are rarely held responsible for what users do on them; and for years most American buyers on Amazon did not pay sales tax. Nor do the titans simply compete in a market. Increaslingly, they are the market itself, providing the infrastructure (or "platforms") for much of the digital economy. Many of their services appear to be free, but users "pay" for them by giving away their data. Powerful though they already are, their huge stockmarket valuations suggest that investors are counting on them to double or even triple in size in the next decade.

  • benefit from legal exemptions法律豁免


There is thus a justified fear that the tech titans will use their power to protect and extend their dominance, to the detriment of consumers(see page 18). The tricky task for policymakers is to restrain them without unduly stifling innovation.

  • justified合理的
  • detriment 危害
  • unduly 過分地
  • stifling窒息


The less severe contest 越來越緩和的競賽

The platform have bacome so dominant because they benefit from "network effects". Size beget size:the more sellers Amazon, say, can attract, the more buyers will shop there, which attracts more sellers, and so on. By some estimates, Amazon captures 40% of online shopping in America. With more than 2bn monthly users, FB holds sway over the media industry. Firms cannot do without Google, which in some countries processes more 90% of web searches. FB and Google control two-thirds of Americas online ad revenues.

  • network effects網路效應。可以看做是「馬太效應」的線上版本
  • beget引起


Americas trustbusters have given tech giants the benefit of the doubt. They took for consumer harm, which is hard to establish when prices are falling and services are "free". The firms themselves stress that a giant-killing startup is just a click away and that they could be toppled by a new technology, such as the blockchain. Before Google and FB, Alta Vista and MySpace were the bees knees. Who remembers them?

  • trustbusters反壟斷機構
  • the benefit of the doubt疑罪從無
  • topple顛覆
  • the bees knees<口>極好的

美國的反壟斷機構把科技巨頭判定為"疑罪從無"。他們很難找到損害消費者權益的證據,因為(服務)價格正在下降,並且很多很多免費。科技巨頭自身聲稱,只要點擊滑鼠的瞬間,就可能有跟巨頭搶生意的創業公司誕生,同時,科技巨頭也很容易被像區塊鏈這樣的新技術所顛覆。在谷歌跟臉書誕生之前,遠景和my space公司都是行業內的佼佼者,但現在誰還記得他們呢?

However, the barriers to entry are rising. FB not only owns the worlds largest pool of personal data, but also its biggest "social graph"-the list of its members and how they are connected. Amazon has more pricing informaiton than any other frim. Voice assisants, such Amazons Alexa and Google『s Assistant, will give them even more control over how people experience the internet. Chinas tech firms have the heft to compete, but are not about to get unfettered access to Western consumers.

  • social graph社交圖譜,意思是網路上的人們相互之間的聯繫,比如同學、同事等等
  • heft重量,體積
  • unfettered 毫髮無損的



The early signs are already visible. The European Commission has accused Google of using control of Android, its mobile operating system, to give its own apps a leg up. FB keeps buying firms which would one day lure users awahy: first Instagram, the WhatsApp and most recently tbn, an app that lets teenagers send each other compliments anonymously. Although Amazon is still increasing competition in aggregate, as industries from groceries to television can attest, it can also spot rivals and squeeze them from the market.

  • in aggregate整體上
  • attest證明


The rivalry remedy 對抗治療

What to do? In the past, societies have tackled monopolies either by breaking them up, as with Stardard Oil in 1911, or by regulating them as a public utility, as with AT&T in 1913. Today both those approaches have big drawbacks.The tranditional tools of utilities regulation, such as price controls and profit caps, are hard to apply, since most products are free and would come at a high price in forgone investment and innovation. Likewise, a full-scale break-up would cripple the platforms economites of scale, worsening the service they offer consummers.And even then, in all likelihood one of the Googlettes or Facebabies would eventually sweep all before it as teh inexorable logic of network effects reasserted itself.


The lack of a simple solution deprives politicians of easy slogons, but does not leave trustbusters impotent. Two broad changes of thinking would go a long way towards sensible taming the titans. The first is to make better use of existing competition law. Trustbusters should scrutinese mergers to gauge whether a deal is likely to neutralise a potential long-term threat, even if the target is small at the time. Such scrunity might have prevented Facebooks acquisition of Instagram and Googles Waze, which makes navigation software.


To ensure that the platforms do not favour their own products, oversight groups could be set up to deliberate on complaints from rivals-- a bit like the independent" technical committed" created by antitrust cast against Microsoft in 2001. Immunity to content liability must go, too.


Second, trustusters need to think afresh about how tech markets work. A central insight, one increasingly discussed among economists and regulators, is that personal data are the currency in which customers actually buy service.


Through that prism, the tech titans receive valuable information-- in return for their products. Just as America drew up sophisticatd rules about intellectual property in the 19th century, so it needs a new set of laws to govern the ownership and exchange of data, with the aim of giving solid rights to individuals.


In essence this means giving people more control over their information. If a user so desires, key data should be made available to competitors, in return for a fee, a bit like the compulsary licensing of a patent.

In essence本質上,其實.


Such data-sharing requirements could be calibrated to firms size: the bigger platforms are, the more they have to share. These mechanisms would turn data from something titans hoard, to suppress competition, into something users share, to foster innovation.


None of this will be simple, but it would tame the titans without wrecking the gains they have brought. Users would find it easier to switch between services. Upstart competitors would have access to some of the data that larger firms hold had thus be better equipped to grow to maturity without being gobbled up. And shareholders could nolonger assume monopoly profits for decades to come.



Less is more.少就是多。
原版外文圖書資料(weixin: eeziyuan)

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