特朗普和英國首相新年演講, 2018首個最強英美音合集









On New Years Day 2018, I am not issuing an appeal. I am issuing an alert – a red alert for our world,」 said the Secretary-General.

「As we begin 2018, I call for unity. […] We can settle conflicts, overcome hatred and defend shared values. But we can only do that together,」 he expressed.

Recalling that last year he urged that 2017 be a year for peace, the UN chief noted that unfortunately – in fundamental ways, the world went in reverse.

Perils, including deepening conflicts and new dangers emerged, and global concerns over nuclear weapons reached the highest since the Cold War, he added.

At the same time, impacts of climate change worsened at an alarming rate, inequalities grew and there were horrific violations of human rights.

「Nationalism and xenophobia are on the rise,」 said Mr. Guterres.

Underscoring his belief that the world can be made more safe and secure, conflicts can be settled, hatred can be overcome and shared values defended, he emphasized that unity is indispensable to achieving these goals.

「Unity is the path. Our future depends on it,」 said the Secretary-General, urging leaders everywhere to resolve in the New Year to: 「Narrow the gaps. Bridge the divides. Rebuild trust by bringing people together around common goals.」



特朗普還在推特上發文說:「隨著我們的國家越來越強大,越來越聰明,我希望所有的朋友、支持者、敵人、仇敵,甚至不誠實的假新聞媒體都有個健康、快樂的新年。2018年將是美國變得偉大的一年。」 「新年快樂!我們正在讓美國重新強大,而且速度比任何人想像得都快!」

Bidding farewell to 2017 with a lavish party at his private club, President Donald Trump predicted 2018 will be a 「tremendous year.」

Trump said Sunday that the stock market will continue to rise and that companies are going to continue to come into the U.S., at 「a rapid clip.」 He also cited several accomplishments, including the tax overhaul, opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, and repealing the individual mandate from the national health care law.

「It will be a fantastic 2018,」 a tuxedoed Trump said, as he entered the gilded ballroom at Mar-a-Lago, accompanied by first lady Melania Trump and son Barron.

Asked for his reaction to North Korea leader Kim Jon Un』s remarks about having a nuclear button on his desk, Trump responded by saying, 「We』ll see.」

Guests gathered in the decorated ballroom included senior White House advisers Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, Trump』s sons Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

Since taking office, President Trump has made frequent visits to his for-profit properties. He has refused to divest from his real estate and hotel empire, drawing criticism from ethics experts.

Earlier in the day, Trump capped 2017 with a video self-tribute touching on what he sees as the high points of his achievements and rhetoric from his first year in office. He gave a plug to American exceptionalism, too.

In the video running 3? minutes, scenes of Trump with military personnel, Border Patrol agents and other world leaders are set to a stirring soundtrack as he declares of his country: 「We gave birth to the modern world and we will shape tomorrow』s world with the strength and skill of American hands.」

Trump cited his success in placing a justice on the Supreme Court, his efforts to cut regulations and his big win on overhauling taxes, which he falsely described as the 「largest tax cut in the history of our country.」

Trump offered the video with a New Year』s Eve message: 「What a year it』s been, and we』re just getting started. Together, we are MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Happy New Year!!」

He later offered another Twitter message, loaded with his signature bombast: 「As our Country rapidly grows stronger and smarter, I want to wish all of my friends, supporters, enemies, haters, and even the very dishonest Fake News Media, a Happy and Healthy New Year. 2018 will be a great year for America!」


2018新年伊始,梅姨發表新年講話!她表示:面對脫歐談判挑戰,2018年的英國將會重振自信和驕傲!!最後也送上新年祝福:I hope 2018 is a great year for you and I wish everyone a very happy new year ~ 喜歡英音的別錯過啦

2017 has been a year of progress for the United Kingdom.

In January, I set out our objectives for the Brexit negotiations, and in the months since we have pursued them with steady purpose.

In March we triggered Article 50, putting the decision of the British people into action.

In December we reached agreement on the first phase of negotiations with our EU partners.

Next year we will move on to the vital issues of trade and security, and I am determined that we will keep up our progress in 2018.

Because whichever way you voted in the referendum, most people just want the government to get on and deliver a good Brexit, and that』s exactly what we are doing.

Making a success of Brexit is crucial, but it will not be the limit of our ambitions.

We also have to carry on making a difference here and now on the issues that matter to people』s daily lives.

That means building an economy fit for the future and taking a balanced approach to government spending, so we get our debt falling but can also invest in the things that matter – our schools, our police and our precious NHS.

Our goal is simple: more good jobs in every part of the country, and more opportunities for young people to get on in life.

The first step to a better future is getting a place at a good school.

It』s what every parent expects, and it』s what every child deserves.

So we will build more good schools, keep a tight focus on standards and discipline, and give more help and support to our fantastic teachers.

We will build more homes, so housing becomes more affordable and more families can get on – and climb up – the housing ladder.

And we will protect and enhance our natural environment for the next generation.

2018 is a special year in the life of one of our most cherished institutions, as we will celebrate the 70th birthday of our National Health Service.

It is a year to rededicate ourselves to its founding ideal: that good healthcare should be available to everyone, regardless of income.

And it』s a chance to celebrate the care and compassion of our wonderful NHS staff.

We will continue to invest in our NHS and ensure it can deliver a world-class service now and for generations to come.

As we mark the centenary of the end of the First World War, and remember the tremendous sacrifices of that conflict, the UK will remain a champion of peace and order around the world.

Together with our allies, we will continue the fight against all forms of extremism, and support our security services as they work every day to keep us safe.

When we host the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in April we』ll work with our partners to tackle global problems like climate change and plastic waste in our oceans.

And as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first votes for women, let』s vow to eliminate all prejudice and discrimination from our society.

Because in the United Kingdom in 2018, everyone deserves the chance to succeed and everyone has a right to be treated with respect.

That means safe workplaces, free from harassment.

And it also means a public sphere where debate is constructive and courteous, and where we treat each other with decency.

Of course any year brings its challenges – that is true for each of us personally, as much as for our country and the world.

But the real test is not whether challenges come; it』s how you face them.

Whether you allow a task to overcome you, or tackle it head on with purpose and resolve.

I believe 2018 can be a year of renewed confidence and pride in our country.

A year in which we continue to make good progress towards a successful Brexit deal, an economy that』s fit for the future, and a stronger and fairer society for everyone.

And whatever challenges we may face, I know we will overcome them by standing united as one proud union of nations and people.

I hope that 2018 is a great year for you and your family – and I wish everyone a very happy new year.



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