乾貨!你去年立下的flag全倒了嗎? 2018年你應該這樣做




Keep your laptop out of bed as much as you can.

網友@ MendesIsBae:

I used to always bring my laptop up to my room, resulting in loss of sleep and lots of stress. So eventually I asked my partner if he could not let me take it, meaning I would have to sneak it up, which she realised and wouldnt let me. Now I feel so much better! A little thing can really help yall!!




Put your change away somewhere where it can accumulate.

網友@ taylord477ea2a04:

Ive saved every $5 bill I get back from change and put it in a wine glass. Ive saved up over $200 dollars in just a few months. This is the first time in my life Ive successfully saved any large sum of money. Its made me think of how many $5s I use on things like coffee and gum and all the nickles it creates that end up in the bottom of my purse.



Bullet-journal your way to being organised.

網友@Anna King:

Bullet journaling – it doesnt have to be time consuming pages of fancy layout. Mine is a complete mess, and it uses a pre-printed diary, but it is very helpful on bad days to look over it and see the big picture, and that most of the time I get along OK. I also include a sentence of gratitude with it every day.



Give yourself social media breaks when you feel you need them.

網友@ kelseyd44429a6d3:

I started off 2017 by taking a 2.5 month long break from social media. I wasn』t someone who used social media a ton anyways but I just noticed how often I used it as a distraction or in small bursts and figured it would be a fun challenge.


After doing it that first time and multiple more times since, I can honestly not recommend it more. I found myself having more focus and clarity, I felt less stressed and overwhelmed, and I found myself having more time and what felt like better control over my life as a whole. Those small bursts throughout the day add up to a lot and, at least with me, I was able to realise how big of an effect social media had on my mental health. 10/10 would recommend.




Swap out "sorry" for "thank you".

網友@francesp48e85f596 :

I tried to avoid unnecessary apologies by switching sorry to thank you. For example, if I was holding someone up at work because I was in a stressful rush, instead of saying sorry I would say thank you for being patient with me. It tends to stop the back and forth of apologising when no one is really at fault. Also, people like to feel appreciated, so thank you is a great alternative.




Lay off the snooze button.

網友@ chloem4350bba95:

It took a hell of a lot of willpower at the start, but I found that when I got straight up when my alarm went off I felt more prepared for the day – I had more time to get myself ready and actually made me feel more awake!!

一開始要下很大的決心,但我發現鬧鐘一響就直接起床能讓我為這一天做更多的準備 —— 我有更多的時間,而且這實際上讓我更清醒了!!





Carve out time.



Got your goals set? Great — now its time to ritualize! See, in order to successfully stick to your resolutions and create lasting change, youll need them to ultimately become habits. And the only way to form new habitual behavior is through scheduling.

So, say you want to exercise thirty minutes each day. Well, carve that time out on your calendar to ensure it happens. Youll quickly realize that through these rituals, new habits will form, and essentially, a new (and improved!) lifestyle will follow.


Round up a support system.


Any form of change can be challenging, which is why its always a great idea to share your goals with family and/or friends. This way, youll have a strong support system to lean on when the going gets tough, as well as a larger group of people to celebrate your future triumphs with.

In fact, your loved ones can also offer unique forms of advice to assist in achieving your efforts for self-improvement. Who knows, they might also be embarking down the same road of change and you can buddy up on your journey!


Regularly track your progress




Curious about what else sparks motivation? Seeing results! Therefore, make an effort to regularly track your progress. Whether its marking your calendar with the days you hit the gym or following your spending through a detailed budget, when you habitually track your progress and think it terms of results, you will have an easier time managing and adjusting your behavior to ensure you cross your aimed finish line.

And dont forget to reward yourself for the progress youve made! Small rewards are a great way to keep a constant flow of encouragement and will give you something to look forward to on even the hardest of days.


Remind yourself that perseverance is key



Now, lets say youre not seeing the results you were hoping for, or even worse, you had some sort of a relapse. Thats OK! None of us are perfect. When these scenarios happen, remember the power of perseverance. Dont turn a temporary failure into a reason to give up. Instead, be resilient and give yourself a break.

Acknowledge the mistake, make a note of what triggered the slip-up, learn from it, and move on. Take a deep breath in, remind yourself of the wonderful progress youve made, and recommit to the path of self-improvement.




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