


1. Guerlain completely deep and beautiful white mask

The active ingredient of 30ml was concentrated and the whitening process was strengthened. The complex acting on melanin generation and migration plays a role in the origin of pigmentation. It is mainly used to mask melanin with whitening ingredients. The effect is faster, but after stopping it, the effect is not good.



2. snail raw liquid mask

Natural snail dope can dissolve melanin effectively, which is the other skincare ingredients no effect, so the snail dope brighten skin effect is good, and the white after the rebound, the Chinese from Henan snail dope, snail farming professional nearly 20 years, the old course of the Yellow River natural environment and the global temperature early the best solution is the global skincare snail, association of certification, South Korea and the United States and other big skin care products are imported snails liquid to their home, this mask not only whitening brighten skin, repair damaged skin firming anti-aging effect is also very good, the snail dope is a globally recognized skincare raw materials, known as liquid gold skin care.



3. Sisley Sisley Whitening Mask

The deep cleaning ability is not inferior to whitening effect. Although a little more expensive, but since the use, the face is a lot better, or is a very worthwhile product. Its quite moisturizing, too.



4. new Lancome intelligent white mask Ningrun pleasure

This mask is a step in the three step of Lancomes whitening process. Although the main whitening is whitening, it still has excellent moisturizing effect. It adopts bionic texture transparent jelly, and fit into great degree, contains abundant nourishing formula. Apply to the face you will feel the skin moisture absorption of nutrients in the big thick collagen, whitening essence and colloid deep into the skin, just 15 minutes, the skin becomes more white, and very elastic, while the mask will become thin sheets of bo. This mask touch is also very cool down, water against the facial pigmentation two not mistake, the skin from the inside out naturally glowing.



5. snow show, crystal whitening whitening mask

Many kinds of plant essence can deeply nourish skin, white ginseng essence belongs to a kind of biological fiber material, so it can be very good to improve the skin, the skin will absorb all the obvious effective essence, so it will improve a variety of skin problems appear on the skin, but also eliminate the melanin to whiten the skin.

5. 雪花秀滋晶雪膚美白面膜


6. Rohto CC Whitening Mask

Narton CC acne India should be a lot of people know, but is actually a very good whitening mask, contains abundant VC, its whitening brightening effect is great, but the price is very beautiful, it is to use this night Oh, dont forget, or just the opposite.



7.SK-II skin care mask

This mask has super moisturizing effect and is rich in amino acids and minerals. Its function is that the natural moisturizing factor in the mask can penetrate into the cuticle of the skin, moisten the skin, help skin adjust the renewal cycle and create a full moist skin. Cotton soft mask, each piece contains rich Pitera, Pitera component can make the skin bath in abundance, this magic ingredient can make the skin quickly become moist and shiny, sparkling moment.



8. myocutaneous Whitening Mask

Beauty 3D mask is fine muscle muscle beauty mask fine classic, 3D carefully tailored, not only in the nose, chin draping, chin length is more from the previous arrived, extended to be wrapped around the entire full chin and extends to the neck, and the full essence yo 30ML! Can dilute melanin, prevent sunburn and skin pigmentation, also suitable for first aid, more suitable for sun emergency and general daily needs whitening fairy oh.



9.Fresh peony coruscate white masks

Fresh peony series is really good! It contains the extraction of peony and licorice root, can prevent and desalination all kinds of color spots, bring up the dark, dark skin, and really see the skin a little white and transparent! The most important thing is to absorb the super fast, without the slightest feeling of sticky.



10. pet name whitening mask brightening white crystal biological Fiber Mask

West India cherry mask contains ingredients will dilute the spots on the skin, so the skin will effectively improve dark complexion, and licorice extract can soothe the skin, this will make the skin become more comfortable, and can alleviate the skin appear on fatigue. In addition, the soy isoflavones in the products are qualitative and mild ingredients that will make the skin smooth and tender after use.





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台灣寵愛之名 面膜紙是膠狀,精華像乳液般。美白效果不是暫時白,是真的提亮膚色,連續敷個10來片你會有炒雞明顯的感覺;

Dr Sebagh VC粉 這個不算面膜,但是真的有效淡化痘印並且美白抗氧化效果也很不錯,這是我長期持續在用的好東西。可以直接按壓上臉,簡單粗暴效果好,還可以混在精華或面霜里用,這樣省量一些。 天啦嚕~寫完好清醒!






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