Notes on Implementing Data Structures and Algorithms with Python(三)

Notes on Implementing Data Structures and Algorithms with Python






Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language by Magnus Lie Hetland.

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鄰接矩陣(adjacent matrix)


鄰接表(adjacent list)



  • Graph() creates a new, empty graph.
  • addVertex(vert) adds an instance of Vertex to the graph.
  • addEdge(fromVert, toVert) Adds a new, directed edge to the graph that connects two vertices.
  • addEdge(fromVert, toVert, weight) Adds a new, weighted, directed edge to the graph that connects two vertices.
  • getVertex(vertKey) finds the vertex in the graph named vertKey.
  • getVertices() returns the list of all vertices in the graph.
  • in returns True for a statement of the form vertex in graph, if the given vertex is in the graph, False otherwise.

class Vertex: def __init__(self,key): = key self.connectedTo = {} def addNeighbor(self,nbr,weight=0): self.connectedTo[nbr] = weight def __str__(self): return str( + connectedTo: + str([ for x in self.connectedTo]) def getConnections(self): return self.connectedTo.keys() def getId(self): return def getWeight(self,nbr): return self.connectedTo[nbr]class Graph: def __init__(self): self.vertList = {} self.numVertices = 0 def addVertex(self,key): self.numVertices = self.numVertices + 1 newVertex = Vertex(key) self.vertList[key] = newVertex return newVertex def getVertex(self,n): if n in self.vertList: return self.vertList[n] else: return None def __contains__(self,n): return n in self.vertList def addEdge(self,f,t,cost=0): if f not in self.vertList: nv = self.addVertex(f) if t not in self.vertList: nv = self.addVertex(t) self.vertList[f].addNeighbor(self.vertList[t], cost) def getVertices(self): return self.vertList.keys() def __iter__(self): return iter(self.vertList.values())g = Graph()for i in range(6): g.addVertex(i)g.addEdge(0,1,5)g.addEdge(0,5,2)g.addEdge(1,2,4)g.addEdge(2,3,9)g.addEdge(3,4,7)g.addEdge(3,5,3)g.addEdge(4,0,1)g.addEdge(5,2,1)for v in g: for w in v.getConnections(): print("( %s, %s)" %(v.getId(), w.getId()))( 0, 1)( 0, 5)( 1, 2)( 2, 3)( 3, 4)( 3, 5)( 4, 0)( 5, 2)



# A Straightforward Adjacency List Representationa, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = range(8)N = [ [b, c, d, e, f], # a [c, e], # b [d], # c [e], # d [f], # e [c, g, h], # f [f, h], # g [f, g] # h]print(b in N[a]) # Neighborhood membership -> Trueprint(len(N[f])) # Degree -> 3True3

除了用list,也可以用set, dict等,使用不同的數據結構在插入,判斷連接關係,計算節點的度等操作時的方法和性能有所區別。比如稠密圖更適合用set,它判斷連接關係(元素是否存在)是O(1)。用dict可以表示帶權圖。

# A Straightforward Adjacency Set Representationa, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = range(8)N = [ {b, c, d, e, f}, # a {c, e}, # b {d}, # c {e}, # d {f}, # e {c, g, h}, # f {f, h}, # g {f, g} # h]# A Straightforward Adjacency Dict Representationa, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = range(8)N = [ {b:2, c:1, d:3, e:9, f:4}, # a {c:4, e:3}, # b {d:8}, # c {e:7}, # d {f:5}, # e {c:2, g:2, h:2}, # f {f:1, h:6}, # g {f:9, g:8} # h]


# An Adjacency Matrix, Implemented with Nested Listsa, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = range(8)N = [[0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0], # a [0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0], # b [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0], # c [0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0], # d [0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0], # e [0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1], # f [0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1], # g [0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0]] # hprint(N[a][b]) # Neighborhood membership -> 1print(sum(N[f])) # Degree -> 3_ = float(inf)W = [[0,2,1,3,9,4,_,_], # a [_,0,4,_,3,_,_,_], # b [_,_,0,8,_,_,_,_], # c [_,_,_,0,7,_,_,_], # d [_,_,_,_,0,5,_,_], # e [_,_,2,_,_,0,2,2], # f [_,_,_,_,_,1,0,6], # g [_,_,_,_,_,9,8,0]] # hprint(W[a][b] < float(inf)) # Neighborhood membershipprint(sum(1 for w in W[a] if w < float(inf)) - 1) # Degree13True5


深度優先搜索DFS: 遞歸版; 迭代版:輔助S(visited list),Q(plan queue) while Q. O(V+E)

廣度優先搜索BFS: use deque. 輔助P(dict(visited : parents)) or S(visited set),Q(plan deque). while Q:(O(V)), sum of the for loop:O(E), thus O(V+E).

def recu_dfs(G, s, S=None): if S is None: S = set() S.add(s) for v in G[s]: if v in S: continue recu_dfs(G, v, S) return Sdef iter_dfs(G, s): Q, S = [s], list() while Q: u = Q.pop() if u in S: continue Q.extend(G[u]) S.append(u) return Sfrom collections import dequedef bfs(G, s): Q, S = deque([s]), set() # to-do queue, visited set while Q: u = Q.popleft() for v in G[u]: if v in S: continue S.add(v) Q.append(v) return Sprint(list(recu_dfs(N, 0))) print(list(iter_dfs(N, 0)))[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7][0, 5, 7, 6, 2, 3, 4, 1]


The World Ladder Problem


轉化成兩個問題:1.如果把詞典的單詞用圖表示出來; 2.求解給定兩個單詞之間的最短路徑。




def buildWordGraph(wordList): d = {} G = Graph() # create buckets of words that differ by one letter for word in wordList: for i in range(len(word)): bucket = word[:i] + _ + word[i+1:] if bucket in d: d[bucket].append(word) else: d[bucket] = [word] # add vertices and edges for words in the same bucket for bucket in d: for word1 in d[bucket]: for word2 in d[bucket]: if word1 != word2: G.addEdge(word1, word2) return Gdef ladder_bfs(G, startword, endword): Q, S = deque([s,0]), set() # to-do queue, visited set while Q: u, level = Q.popleft() level += 1 for v in G[u]: if v == endword: return level if v in S: continue S.add(v) Q.append((v,level)) return level

The Knights Tour Problem



def knightGraph(bdSize): # makes one pass over the entire board ktGraph = Graph() for row in range(bdSize): for col in range(bdSize): nodeId = posToNodeId(row,col,bdSize) newPositions = genLegalMoves(row,col,bdSize) for e in newPositions: nid = posToNodeId(e[0],e[1],bdSize) ktGraph.addEdge(nodeId,nid) return ktGraphdef posToNodeId(row, column, board_size): # converts a location on the board in terms of a row and a column... return (row * board_size) + column # ...into a linear vertex numberdef genLegalMoves(x,y,bdSize): # create a list of legal moves for that position on the board. newMoves = [] moveOffsets = [(-1,-2),(-1,2),(-2,-1),(-2,1), # eight directions to go ( 1,-2),( 1,2),( 2,-1),( 2,1)] for i in moveOffsets: newX = x + i[0] newY = y + i[1] if legalCoord(newX,bdSize) and legalCoord(newY,bdSize): newMoves.append((newX,newY)) return newMovesdef legalCoord(x,bdSize): if x >= 0 and x < bdSize: return True else: return Falsedef tour_dfs(G, depth, limit, s, S=None): # s: node we want to explore; depth: current search depth; : if S is None: # limit: the number of nodes in path; S: visited vertices, path. S = [] S.append(s) if depth < limit: done = False for v in G[s]: if v in S: continue done = recu_dfs(G, depth+1, limit, v, S) if not done: S.pop() # search fail, backtracking else: done = True return done

上面的演算法是O(n^k)級的,k是一個由n決定的常數(eg.n=8時,k=5.25)。分析其原因,是因為演算法對於選擇哪一個作為下一個訪問的節點非常敏感。可以用一種啟發式的方法來大大加速這個演算法:選擇具有最少可訪問節點的節點作為當前節點的下一個訪問節點,也就是優先選下圖中靠近邊角的節點。這個啟發式規則被稱為Warnsdorff』s algorithm。

def orderByAvail(n): resList = [] for v in n.getConnections(): if v.getColor() == white: c = 0 for w in v.getConnections(): if w.getColor() == white: c = c + 1 resList.append((c,v)) resList.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) return [y[1] for y in resList]def tour_accelerate_dfs(G, depth, limit, s, S=None): # s: node we want to explore; depth: current search depth; : if S is None: # limit: the number of nodes in path; S: visited vertices, path. S = [] S.append(s) if depth < limit: done = False v = orderByAvail(s) if v not in S: done = recu_dfs(G, depth+1, limit, v, S) if not done: S.pop() else: done = True return done


DAG經常用於表示一些有不同優先順序事物的處理過程。拓撲排序(topological sort)為有向無環圖(DAG)的節點按照邏輯順序進行排序。

思考:如果找到一個節點, 去掉它之後剩下的仍然是DAG. 這樣的節點應該是入度為0的.




\節點出棧, append到sorted list S;


\繼續這個過程, 直到所有節點都被刪掉了(棧Q空)。



def topsort(G): count, Q, S= dict((u, 0) for u in G), [], [] # count incoming,Q(plan list),S(sorted list). for u in G: for v in G[u]: count[v] += 1 Q.extend([u for u in G if count[u] == 0]) while Q: u = Q.pop() S.append(u) for v in G[u]: count[v] -= 1 if count[v] == 0: Q.append(v) return SG = {a:set(bf), b:set(cdf), c: set(d), d: set(ef), e: set(f), f: set()}print(topsort(G))[a, b, c, d, e, f]




遍歷函數walk,其中參數S暫時沒有用,它在後面求強連通分量時需要,表示的是一個「禁區」(forbidden zone),也就是不要去訪問這些節點。只適用於無向圖,而且只能找到一個從參數s出發的連通分量,要想得到全部的連通分量需要修改下。時間複雜度是O(E+V)。

def walk(G, s, S=set()): P, Q = dict({s:None}), {s} while Q: u = Q.pop() for v in G[u].difference(P, S): Q.add(v) P[v] = u return Pdef components(G): seen, comp = set(), [] for u in G: if u in seen: continue P = walk(G, u) seen.update(P) comp.append(P) return compG = { 0: set([1, 2]), 1: set([0, 2]), 2: set([0, 1]), 3: set([4, 5]), 4: set([3, 5]), 5: set([3, 4]) }print([list(sorted(C)) for C in components(G)])[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]







def tr(G): # Transpose (rev. edges of) G GT = {} for u in G: GT[u] = set() # Get all the nodes in there for u in G: for v in G[u]: GT[v].add(u) # Add all reverse edges return GTdef scc(G): GT = tr(G) # Get the transposed graph sccs, seen = [], set() for u in topsort(G): # DFS starting points if u in seen: continue # Ignore covered nodes C = walk(GT, u, seen) # Dont go "backward" (seen) seen.update(C) # Weve now seen C sccs.append(C) # Another SCC found return sccsfrom string import ascii_lowercasedef parse_graph(s): # print(list(zip(ascii_lowercase, s.split("/")))) # [(a, bc), (b, die), (c, d), (d, ah), (e, f), (f, g), (g, eh), (h, i), (i, h)] G = {} for u, line in zip(ascii_lowercase, s.split("/")): G[u] = set(line) return GG = {a:set(bf), b:set(cdf), c: set(d), d: set(ef), e: set(f), f: set()}print(G)print(list(map(list, scc(G))))#[[a, c, b, d], [e, g, f], [i, h]]{a: {b, f}, b: {c, d, f}, c: {d}, d: {e, f}, e: {f}, f: set()}[[a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f]]

圖論的最小生成樹問題(貪心法),DAG的單源最短路徑問題(動態規劃),更一般的最短路徑演算法如Bellman-Ford演算法(遍歷),Dijkstra演算法(貪心),Johnson演算法(Bellman-Ford + Dijkstra),Floyd-Warshall演算法(動態規劃),記錄在筆記的第二部分。


In this chapter we have looked at the graph abstract data type, and some implementations of a graph. A graph enables us to solve many problems provided we can transform the original problem into something that can be represented by a graph. In particular, we have seen that graphs are useful to solve problems in the following general areas.

  1. Breadth first search for finding the unweighted shortest path.
  2. Depth first search for graph exploration.
  3. Strongly connected components for simplifying a graph.
  4. Topological sort for ordering tasks.
  5. Minimum weight spanning trees for broadcasting messages.(later in Part II)
  6. Dijkstra』s algorithm for weighted shortest path.(later in Part II)


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