[美劇] 極品老媽/Mom 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 極品老媽/Mom 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
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這部多鏡頭情景喜劇描述剛剛戒除酒癮的單身母親Christy(Anna Faris)試圖讓生活重回正軌,故事地點為加州著名的葡萄酒產地那帕谷地(Napa Valley)。該劇由多鏡頭情景喜劇之王Chuck Lorre打造,他的代表作品為《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)、《好漢兩個半》(Two and a Half Men)和《胖子的愛情》(Mike & Molly),這三部劇[展開全文]
這部多鏡頭情景喜劇描述剛剛戒除酒癮的單身母親Christy(Anna Faris)試圖讓生活重回正軌,故事地點為加州著名的葡萄酒產地那帕谷地(Napa Valley)。該劇由多鏡頭情景喜劇之王Chuck Lorre打造,他的代表作品為《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)、《好漢兩個半》(Two and a Half Men)和《胖子的愛情》(Mike & Molly),這三部劇集足以讓他在多鏡頭情景喜劇界獨霸天下。由於這三部劇集過於成功,所以他好幾年都沒有參與新劇開發。今年他和CBS續簽了為期四年的「一攬子開發協議」,本劇便是該協議的一部分。
Christy(Anna Faris)是那帕谷地一家高檔餐廳的女服務員,已經戒酒四個月了。她竭盡全力來當一個好母親,避免重蹈覆轍——過去她屢次做出錯誤的選擇,差點把她的一生都給毀了!一切本來相安無事,直到Christy的母親Bonnie(多次艾美獎得主Allison Janney)決定搬來和她一起住。Bonnie和Christy一樣也曾是個酒鬼母親,屢次戒酒屢次再犯。這一次雖然又戒除了一段時間,但誰能保證她不再碰酒瓶呢?更糟的是,這次她會不會把女兒也一起拖下水?
Bonnie總是說一些與Christy過去的錯誤有關的消極言論,但那不是Christy的全部煩惱!Christy生活中的每一段關係似乎都問題重重——她和英俊的、已婚的老闆(兼情人)Gabriel(Nate Corddry)的關係;她和餐館大廚、脾氣暴躁的Rudy(French Stewart)的關係;她和漂亮的、年僅16歲卻有著25歲大女孩的「老成」的Violet(Sadie Calvano)的關係;她和可愛但是過分老實的兒子Roscoe(Blake Garrett Rosenthal)的關係;她與不負責任的前夫(Roscoe的父親)Baxter(Matt Jones)的關係;還有她與Violet的獃頭男友Luke(Spencer Daniels)的關係……全都一團糟!
I think youll find our Napa Chardonnay to have hints of vanilla and caramel with a velvety smooth finish.
Are you all right? Some days are better than others.
=> 你沒事兒吧?有些日子比別人好。
Thanks for asking.
=> 感謝問。
Its very good.
=> 這很好。
Yeah, 2004 was a great year for this wine.
=> 是的,2004年是這個葡萄酒的好年頭。
Not so much for me.
=> 對我來說不是那麼重要
=> 請享用。
So, did I talk you into that souffl??? - Uh, yeah, two.
=> 那麼,我是否把你帶入那個蛋奶酥? - 呃,是,兩個。
- Good call.
=> - 好決定。
You wont want to share.
=> 你不會想分享。
Oh, God.
=> 天啊。
Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday, dear Ethel Happy birthday to you.
=> 祝你生日快樂祝你生日快樂,親愛的埃塞爾祝你生日快樂。
And many more.
=> 還有很多。
Hm More butter and salt.
=> 嗯更多的黃油和鹽。
They only need to live long enough to pay the check.
=> 他們只需要足夠長的時間來支付支票。
Beat those egg whites gently as if they were a small, annoying child.
=> 輕輕打敗那些蛋清,好像他們是一個小小的,討厭的孩子。
Paul, youre on fire again.
=> 保羅,你又一次起火了。
Um, Christy, you got a second? I cant talk now, Gabriel.
=> 恩,克里斯蒂,你有第二個?加布里埃爾,我現在不能說話。
Im working.
=> 我在工作。
Yeah, I know, but, uh, heres the thing.
=> 是的,我知道,但是,這是事情。
I-Im getting a lot of complaints.
=> 我 - 我收到很多的投訴。
Really? About what? Well, apparently, one of my waitresses - is having a nervous breakdown.
=> 真?關於什麼?那麼,顯然,我的一個女服務員 - 正在精神崩潰。
- Is it Jennifer? - No.
=> - 是詹妮弗? - 沒有
- Is it Carol? Its you! Gabriel, what does this taste like to you? - Uh, mushrooms? - The correct answer was "ass.
=> - Carol嗎?是你!加百列,這個味道對你來說是什麼樣的? - 呃蘑菇? - 正確的答案是「屁股。
" Listen, uh, maybe you should take the rest of the night off.
I cant afford to do that.
=> 我不能這樣做。
I have children to feed.
=> 我有孩子喂。
Not a problem.
=> 不是問題。
Grab a couple steaks, head home and feed em.
=> 拿一些牛排,回家喂他們。
You dont understand.
=> 你不明白。
The guy at table 4 said something horrible to me when I was telling him about the salmon.
=> 當我告訴他有關鮭魚的事情時,表4中的那個人說了一些可怕的話。
- Whats wrong with the salmon? - Nothing, the salmons great! - The guy insulted me.
=> - 鮭魚怎麼了? - 沒什麼,三文魚很棒!那傢伙侮辱了我
- Oh, thats fine.
=> 哦,那很好。
- What did he say? - He said I was "a good waitress.
=> - 他說什麼? - 他說我是「一個好女服務員。
" Thats not bad.
Or true.
=> 或者是真的
I didnt grow up to be a "good waitress"" That was never the plan.
=> 我沒有長大成為一個「好女服務員」「這不是計劃。
The plan was to be a psychologist.
=> 計劃是成為一名心理學家。
=> 好的。
Youre a young woman.
=> 你是一個年輕女子。
- You can still do that.
=> - 你仍然可以做到這一點。
- Yeah, maybe.
=> - 是的,也許。
Id probably have to graduate high school first.
=> 我可能必須先高中畢業。
Now all Ive got to look forward to is serving $60 risotto to a bunch of smug food Nazis.
=> 現在我只要盼望著一杯沾沾自喜的食物納粹分子就可以得到60美元的燴飯。
I mean, who are we kidding? Its a big, steaming pile of gooey rice! - What did you say? - Get over yourself, Rudy.
=> 我的意思是,我們在開玩笑嗎?這是一大堆蒸米飯! - 你說什麼? - 放手,魯迪
I saw you at McDonalds going down on a Big Mac.
=> 我在麥當勞看到你在一台巨無霸的電腦上。
First of all, it was a Filet-O-Fish.
=> 首先,這是一個魚餌。
- And for you? - Um, Id like the, uh Id like the, uh, the pounded capon with, uh, lemongrass and thyme.
=> - 以及對於你? - 呃,我想要那個呃呃呃嗯嗯嗯嗯檸檬香草和百里香。
Excellent choice.
=> 很棒的選擇。
You know thats a castrated chicken they beat with a hammer.
=> 你知道那是一把用鎚子打敗的閹雞。
1x01 - Pilot Daily affirmations.
=> 1x01 - 試點每日肯定。
I open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life.
=> 我敞開心扉,讓美好的事物流入我的生活。
I open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life.
=> 我敞開心扉,讓美好的事物流入我的生活。
Forgiving those who have wronged me is a gift I give myself.
=> 原諒那些冤枉我的人是我給自己的禮物。
My daughters an easy lay and its not my fault.
=> 我女兒很容易,這不是我的錯。
- Hi.
=> - 嗨。
- Im sorry.
=> - 對不起。
Did I wake you? Thats okay.
=> 我醒了嗎?沒關係。
How was work? Oh, fun.
=> 工作進展如何?有趣哦。
I feel guilty taking the money.
=> 我感到內疚拿錢。
Whatd you do tonight? Not much.
=> 你今晚做了什麼?不多。
Did my homework, watched TV.
=> 我做了功課,看了電視。
=> 嗯。
Is there a TV on your ceiling? What? Sit down.
=> 天花板上有電視嗎?什麼?坐下。
We need to talk.
=> 我們需要談談。
Whats up? Violet, I cant tell you not to have sex at your age, because I had sex at your age.
=> 這是怎麼回事?紫羅蘭,我不能告訴你不要在你這個年紀發生性行為,因為我在你這個年紀做過性行為。
Mom, Im not having sex.
=> 媽媽,我沒有做愛。
Dont lie to the woman who washes your sheets.
=> 不要騙女人洗你的床單。
And in case youve forgotten, I got pregnant with you when I was a teenager.
=> 如果你忘記了,我十幾歲的時候就懷上了你。
And please dont take this the wrong way: - It ruined my life.
=> 請不要採取這種錯誤的方式: - 它毀了我的生活。
- I love you, too, Mom? And I cant tell you not to drink and smoke pot, because my senior yearbook quote was: "Lets drink and smoke pot"" - Can this please be over? - You dont know how lucky you are.
=> - 我也愛你,媽媽?我不能告訴你不要喝酒和抽煙,因為我的資深年鑒報價是:「讓我們一起喝酒,抽煙鍋吧」「 - 這可以請你結束嗎? - 你不知道你有多幸運。
My mother never bothered to talk to me about this stuff.
=> 我的母親從來沒有想過要跟我談這件事。
- Yeah, this is over.
=> - 是的,這一切都結束了。
- Honey, I just dont want you to wake up one day and feel bad cause youre not a psychologist! Okay, good talk! Lets get you back in your own bed.
=> - 親愛的,我只是不想讓你有一天醒來感覺不好,因為你不是心理學家!好的,好的談話!讓我們回到你自己的床上。
- Hi, Mom.
=> - 嗨,媽媽
- Hi, sweetie.
=> - 嗨,親愛的
- I waited up for you.
=> - 我等你了
- Thank you.
=> - 謝謝。
- Violets boyfriend was over.
=> - 紫羅蘭的男朋友結束了。
- I know.
=> - 我知道。
They were kissing.
=> 他們正在接吻。
Im sure they were.
=> 我確定他們是。
They took a shower together.
=> 他們一起洗澡。
=> 了不起。
Are you coming to my talent show tomorrow? Tomorrow? What time? Oh, honey, I have to work the lunch shift.
=> 你明天來我的才藝表演嗎?明天?幾點了?哦,親愛的,我得去上班。
Its okay.
=> 沒關係。
Im not good anyway.
=> 反正我不好。
Listen, maybe I can get someone to cover my shift.
=> 聽著,也許我可以找個人來替我轉班。
Dont worry about it.
=> 別擔心。
No, I-I want you to be able to look out into the audience and see me, because that way youll know how much I Shh! Mommy, Im sleeping.
=> 不,我希望你能夠看到觀眾並看到我,因為那樣你就會知道我有多噓!媽媽,我在睡覺。
Good talk.
=> 好說話。
=> 你好。
You feeling better? Oh, yeah.
=> 你感覺好點了?哦耶。
My home is a real oasis.
=> 我的家是一個真正的綠洲。
- So, am I in trouble with Chef Rudy? - Hell be fine.
=> - 那我和魯迪廚師有什麼關係嗎?他會沒事的
He bought an eight ball and took home the pastry chef.
=> 他買了一個八球,把糕點師帶回家。
Sleeping with your boss.
=> 和老闆睡覺
Who does that? Mom? - Yeah, honey? - I had a bad dream.
=> 誰做的?媽媽? - 好的寶貝?我做了一個糟糕的夢
Oh, no, well, um why dont you go back to bed and Ill come lay down with you in a second? Im so sorry.
=> 哦,不,呃,為什麼你不回去睡覺,我會在第二時間和你一起躺下呢?我很抱歉。
I owe you one.
=> 我欠你一個人情。
Dont lay there too long.
=> 不要躺在那裡太久了。
The sprinklers come on in ten minutes.
=> 洒水噴頭在十分鐘內出現。
- What the hell? - Can I help you? - What time is the talent show? - What talent show? - Theres no talent show today? - I dont think so.
=> - 我勒個去? - 我能幫你嗎? - 什麼時候才藝秀? - 什麼才藝秀? - 今天沒有天才秀嗎? - 我不這麼認為。
Are you freaking kidding me?! - I lost a days pay for no reason? - Maybe we were destined to meet.
=> 你在開玩笑嗎?! - 我沒有理由失去了一天的工資?也許我們註定要見面
It would definitely be the high point of my day.
=> 這絕對是我一天的最高點。
Psst! Roscoe! Hi, Mom.
=> 噓!羅斯科!嗨,媽媽
What are you doing here? - The talent show? - Thats not today.
=> 你在這裡做什麼? - 才藝表演? - 那不是今天。
- But you said it was! - Guess I was wrong.
=> - 但你說是的! - 猜猜我錯了。
Dont you kids tease him about this.
Son of a bitch! Oh, God, I need a drink.
=> 王八蛋!哦,上帝,我需要一杯飲料。
Hi, Im Christy and Im an alcoholic.
=> 嗨,我是克里斯蒂,我是酗酒者。
Hi, Christy.
=> 嗨,克里斯蒂
Ive been sober 118 days.
=> 我已經清醒118天了。
Oh, dont applaud for that.
=> 哦,不要為此鼓掌。
Theyve been the worst Um The only reason Im here is because, uh, I didnt want to turn into my mother.
=> 他們是最糟糕的呃我在這裡的唯一原因是因為呃我不想變成我的母親。
And I did anyway.
=> 無論如何,我做到了。
Yeah, I drank like her.
=> 是的,我喝了她。
I went through men like her.
=> 我經歷了像她這樣的男人。
Um, I was selfish to my kids just like she was.
=> 呃,就像她一樣,我對我的孩子很自私。
And I didnt know how to live any other way because she was my only role model.
=> 我不知道如何以其他方式生活,因為她是我唯一的榜樣。
I mean, some mothers teach their daughters how to bake.
=> 我的意思是,有些母親教女兒如何烤。
Mine taught me how to beat a cavity search and still feel like a lady.
=> 我教了我如何擊敗一個洞穴的搜索,仍然感覺像一個女人。
Anyway, thanks for letting me share.
=> 無論如何,謝謝你讓我分享。
And I cannot tell you how comforting it is to be in a room with people who are just as screwed up as I am, so Oh, stop it.
=> 我不能告訴你,在一個和我一樣瘋狂的人的房間里感到安慰,所以噢,停下來。
Hi, Im Jim and Im an alcoholic.
=> 嗨,我是吉姆,我是酒鬼。
Hi, Jim.
=> 嗨,吉姆。
Arent you a little old to be blaming all your problems on your mother? Hi, Mom.
=> 把你所有的問題歸咎於你的母親,你不是有點老嗎?嗨,媽媽
Hi, Im Greg.
=> 嗨,我是格雷格。
May I take your order? Hi, Greg.
=> 我能為您點餐嗎?嗨,格雷格。
Im Bonnie and this is my daughter, Christy.
=> 我是邦妮,這是我的女兒克里斯蒂。
- Hi.
=> - 嗨。
- She and I havent spoken in a couple of years, so this is kind of a big moment for us.
=> - 她和我兩年沒有說話,所以這對我們來說是一個重要的時刻。
Oh, for Gods sake.
=> 哦,看在上帝的份上。
What can you recommend for a mother and daughter who are reconnecting after a long, angry silence? Um pie? - Mom, please, just order.
=> 你可以推薦一個母親和女兒,在沉默了很長一段時間後重新連接嗎?呃派? - 媽媽,請點菜。
- Um, is the mint tea decaffeinated? - Yes.
=> - 嗯,薄荷茶不含咖啡因? - 是的。
- Do you promise? If I have caffeine after - I promise.
=> - 你答應?如果我有咖啡因 - 我保證。
- Okay, Greg, but if I wake up in the middle of the night, Im calling you.
=> 好吧,格雷格,但是如果我半夜起床,我就打電話給你。
Well, Ill-Ill give you my number.
=> 那麼,我會給你我的電話號碼。
Um, and for you? We have a lovely selection of local wines.
=> 嗯,為你呢?我們有一個可愛的選擇當地的葡萄酒。
Ill have a bottle of each and a funnel.
=> 我將有一瓶和一個漏斗。
Shes kidding.
=> 她在開玩笑。
Were both in Alcoholics Anonymous.
=> 我們都在匿名戒酒。
Mom, its Alcoholics Anonymous, not Alcoholics Tell Your Waiter.
=> 媽媽,這是匿名酒鬼,不是酒鬼告訴你的服務員。
Water is fine.
=> 水很好。
Here, take this knife away from me.
=> 在這裡,拿走這把刀遠離我。
So, when were you going to tell me you quit drinking? Well, I was afraid if I called you, Id just start again.
=> 那麼,你什麼時候告訴我你戒酒了?那麼,如果我打電話給你,我會害怕,我只是重新開始。
Not that you care, but I have two years clean and sober myself.
=> 不是你在乎,而是我有兩年乾淨,清醒自己。
Youre right; I dont care.
=> 你是對的;我不在乎。
Well, regardless, it has really changed my life.
=> 那麼,無論如何,這真的改變了我的生活。
I have a steady job.
=> 我有一份穩定的工作。
I exercise.
=> 我運動。
Im in a book club! I have become the kind of woman Ive always hated.
=> 我正在讀書俱樂部!我已經成為我一直討厭的那種女人了。
It is nice to see you wearing underwear.
=> 很高興看到你穿著內衣。
And not on your head.
=> 而不是在你的頭上。
Here we go.
=> 開始了。
Oh, Greg, honey, can I trouble you for some water without ice? Ice isnt good for my digestive system.
=> 哦,格雷格,親愛的,我可以麻煩你一些沒有冰的水嗎?冰對我的消化系統不好。
- Yeah, of course.
=> - 嗯,當然咯。
- Really? Ice? I think your digestive system has seen worse than ice.
=> - 真的嗎?冰?我認為你的消化系統比冰更糟。
Excuse me? Mom, Ive watched you lick cocaine crumbs out of a shag carpet.
=> 打擾一下?媽媽,我看著你從粗毛地毯上舔可卡因麵包屑。
Its not a sin to be thrifty, dear.
=> 親愛的,節儉不是一種罪過。
Okay, here we go.
=> 好的,我們走吧。
Now, I hope that youre being nice to your mother.
=> 現在,我希望你對你的母親很好。
- Go away, Greg! - Right.
=> - 走開,格雷格! - 對。
Whoa, whoa.
=> 哇,哇。
You know, just because youre sober doesnt mean you cant take a Xanax.
=> 你知道,僅僅因為你清醒並不意味著你不能拿Xanax。
Actually, Mom, it sort of does.
=> 其實,媽媽,這有點。
Really? Maybe I dont have two years.
=> 真?也許我沒有兩年。
And I dont need a Xanax; Im doing great.
=> 我不需要一個Xanax;我很好。
Well, thats funny, cause your daughter says youre hanging on by your fingernails and sleeping with your boss.
=> 好吧,這很有趣,因為你的女兒說你掛在你的指甲上,和你的老闆睡覺。
Wait, when do you talk to Violet? We talk all the time, and were Facebook friends.
=> 等等,你什麼時候跟Violet說話?我們一直在說,而我們是Facebook的朋友。
I dont want her talking to you.
=> 我不想讓她跟你說話。
Well, she has to talk to somebody.
=> 那麼,她必須和某人交談。
Shes sexually active, drinking, smoking grass.
=> 她性活躍,飲酒,吸煙。
Sound familiar? Youre making this about me? No, its okay.
=> 聽起來有點熟?你在為我著想嗎?不,沒關係。
I have come to understand that you were the best daughter you could be.
=> 我已經明白,你是你最好的女兒。
My job is to forgive you, which I do.
=> 我的工作就是原諒你,我是這麼做的。
Oh, my God! - You forgive me? - Ive come a long way.
=> 哦,我的上帝! - 你原諒我? - 我走了很長的路
Excuse me, but if anybody needs to be forgiven, its you, and I dont, and I never will.
=> 對不起,如果有人需要原諒,那就是你,我不這樣做,我永遠不會。
Theres hardly a day I can remember that I didnt come home to an empty house.
=> 我幾乎沒有一天能記得我沒有回家空房子。
Oh, dont be so dramatic.
=> 哦,別那麼戲劇化。
While other mothers were cooking dinner, you were cooking meth.
=> 當其他媽媽正在做飯的時候,你正在做飯。
Otherwise known as "working.
=> 否則被稱為「工作。
" I dont want you in my life.
And while youre at it, stay away from my daughter! She may need a better role model than me, but its certainly not you.
=> 而當你在這裡,遠離我的女兒!她可能需要比我更好的榜樣,但是肯定不是你。
- Is, uh, everything okay? - My daughter doesnt get me.
=> - 呃,一切都好嗎? - 我的女兒沒有得到我
=> 哦。
Im sorry.
=> 對不起。
What time do you get off work? I could use a lap to cry on.
=> 你什麼時候下班?我可以用一圈來哭泣。
=> 哦。
Stop crying.
=> 別哭了。
It wasnt an important finger.
=> 這不是一個重要的手指。
This doesnt concern you.
=> 這不關你的事
Oh, good, youre still here.
=> 哦,好,你還在這裡。
Hey, hi.
=> 哎嗨。
This is a surprise.
=> 這是一個驚喜。
Yeah, I just really needed to talk to you.
=> 是的,我真的需要和你談談。
I am having the worst day.
=> 我有最糟糕的一天。
- Hey, you ready to go? - Yes, dear.
=> - 嘿,你準備好了嗎? - 是的,親愛的
Um, Christy, you know my, uh, wife.
=> 恩,克里斯蒂,你知道我的,呃,老婆。
Yeah, hi, Claudia.
=> 嗯,克勞迪婭
Nice to see you again.
=> 很高興再次見到你。
Its "Clowdia"" FYI, the ladies room needs some attention.
=> 這是「Clowdia」「FYI,女士的房間需要一些關注。
I dont know if thats you, Christy.
=> 克里斯蒂,我不知道這是不是你。
Its not, and its "Christ-y.
=> 這不是,而是「基督。
" Okay, dear, lets go.
- Bye.
=> - 再見
- Yeah.
=> - 是的。
Dont serve the soup.
=> 不要服務湯。
- Hey, Mom.
=> - 嗨,媽媽。
Dads here! - Yo, yo, baby mama.
=> 爸爸在這裡 - 喲,寶貝媽媽
What do you want, Baxter? A father cant visit his son? Not when hes six months behind on child support, but youre welcome to wave at him through the window.
=> 巴克斯特,你想要什麼?父親不能拜訪他的兒子?不是當他在孩子的支持下落後六個月的時候,但是歡迎您通過窗口向他揮手。
Be right back, Roscoe.
=> 馬上回來,Roscoe。
Dont be afraid to hit the hookers with a bat.
=> 不要害怕用蝙蝠打妓女。
I think I may have found a way to pay you your child support.
=> 我想我可能找到了一種方法來支付你的撫養費。
Trust me, Baxter, you cant sell that much semen.
=> 相信我,巴克斯特,你不能賣那麼多的精液。
I know.
=> 我知道。
I tried.
=> 我試過了。
So, heres the deal: I know a guy who can hook me up with a couple of kilos of premium Sonoma Kush.
=> 所以,這是一筆交易:我知道一個可以用兩公斤的優質索諾瑪庫什來吸引我的人。
Just so Im clear: You want to pay child support by borrowing money from me so you can buy pot? No.
So I can sell pot.
=> 所以我可以賣鍋。
Theres no money in buying pot.
=> 買鍋沒有錢。
I know.
=> 我知道。
I tried.
=> 我試過了。
=> 哦。
=> 嘿。
=> 你好。
- What are you doing here? - Um studying? You let Violet have boys over while youre gone? No, I do not, and dont worry about her, shes not your kid.
=> - 你在這裡做什麼? - 學習?你走了以後紫羅蘭有男孩嗎?不,我不知道,不要擔心她,她不是你的孩子。
I know, but this sets a bad example for Roscoe.
=> 我知道,但這給羅斯科樹立了一個壞榜樣。
Oh, youre worried about setting a bad example? You had Roscoe pee into a sippy cup so you could pass a drug test.
=> 哦,你擔心設置一個壞榜樣?你把羅斯科小便塞進了一個吸杯,所以你可以通過藥物測試。
And it worked.
=> 它的工作。
I like bananas.
=> 我喜歡香蕉。
They have their own carrying case.
=> 他們有自己的便攜箱。
You know I cant divorce Claudia.
=> 你知道我不能和克勞迪婭離婚
Her father owns the restaurant; Im pretty sure hed fire me, and then what? I was an English major.
=> 她的父親擁有餐廳;我很確定他會開火,然後呢?我是英語專業。
I cant believe youre sleeping with that loser.
=> 我不能相信你和那個失敗者在睡覺。
I cant believe youre sleeping with this loser! Hey, we were mostly studying.
=> 我不敢相信你和這位失敗者在睡覺嘿,我們大多在學習。
Shut up, Luke.
=> 閉嘴,盧克。
I love him.
=> 我愛他。
- Please, I used to love him! - She did.
=> - 拜託,我曾經愛他! - 她做過。
Mom, Luke and I have been together for, like, a year.
=> 媽媽,盧克和我一起在一起,就像一年。
You only started noticing when you stopped drinking.
=> 當你停止喝酒時,你才開始注意到。
Youre right.
=> 你是對的。
I-I havent been a very good mother, - and Im sorry, but - But what? You want me to forgive you? Oh, God, would you? Thatd be awesome! Why should I forgive you when you cant even forgive your own mother? - Thats different.
=> 我 - 我不是一個很好的媽媽, - 我很抱歉,但 - 什麼?你想我原諒你嗎?哦,上帝,你會嗎?那太棒了!當你甚至不能原諒自己的母親,我為什麼要原諒你呢? - 那不一樣。
- How? Okay.
=> - 怎麼樣?好的。
Okay Hello, Mom, its Christy.
=> 好的,媽媽,這是克里斯蒂。
Yeah, yeah, today was a blast.
=> 是啊,今天真是爆炸。
Listen I just want you to know that I forgive you for everything you did when I was growing up.
=> 聽著我只是想讓你知道,當我長大的時候,我原諒了你所做的一切。
I get, now, that you did the best you could just like Im doing.
=> 現在,我得到了你所做的最好的事情,就像我正在做的一樣。
And I hope that you and I can wipe the slate clean and start over.
=> 而且我希望你們和我擦乾淨的石板,重新開始。
No, I did not take a Xanax from your purse! Listen, I gotta go.
=> 不,我沒有從你的錢包里拿走Xanax!聽著,我得走了。
Yeah, talk soon.
=> 是的,很快就會說話。
=> 那裡。
Ive forgiven my mother.
=> 我原諒了我的母親。
- Are we good? - Its not that easy.
=> - 我們好嗎? - 它不是那麼容易。
Oh, come on! Like me! Hey, Dad! If you hit the hookers enough times, they give you your money back! Smart kid.
=> 哦,來吧!像我這樣的!嘿老爸!如果你挨了妓女足夠的時間,他們把錢還給你!聰明的孩子。
Thats my semen at work.
=> 這是我的精液在工作。
- You still living in that red van? - Yep.
=> - 你還住在那輛紅色的麵包車裡? - 是的
Looks like your house is being towed.
=> 看起來你的房子正在被拖走。
Oh, no, my cleaning ladys in there.
=> 哦,不,我的清潔工在那裡。
What a day, huh? Hello? - Oh, hi, Mom.
=> 今天真是太棒了你好? - 哦,嗨,媽媽
- Hello, sweetie.
=> - 嗨,甜心。
What are you doing here? I just thought Id help out while you were at work.
=> 你在這裡做什麼?我只是想在你工作的時候幫忙。
You know, clean slate.
=> 你知道,乾淨的石板。
- You didnt have to do that.
=> - 你不必這樣做。
- Yeah, she did.
=> - 是的,她做到了。
Bonnie made Roscoe and me hot dinner.
=> 邦妮做羅斯科和我熱晚餐。
- Yeah, but I - It was hot, Mom! Like on TV.
=> - 是的,但我 - 很熱,媽媽!就像在電視上。
Night, Bonnie.
=> 晚安,邦妮。
- She calls you Bonnie? - Were like sisters.
=> - 她叫你邦妮? - 我們就像姐妹一樣
You hungry? No, thanks.
=> 你餓了?不用了,謝謝。
I ate at the restaurant.
=> 我在餐廳吃飯。
How about some tea? Okay.
=> 喝茶怎麼樣?好的。
Im so glad you and I have a chance to start over.
=> 我很高興你和我有機會重新開始。
Forgive me, but Im not quite there yet.
=> 原諒我,但我還沒有到那裡。
Of course I forgive you.
=> 我當然原諒你
You know I apologized for beeing a crappy daughter.
=> 你知道我為一個蹩腳的女兒而道歉。
- So, anything you wanna say to me - I love you with all my heart.
=> - 所以,任何你想對我說的話 - 我全心全意地愛你。
And? And from now on, Im going to be the kind of mother you deserve.
=> 和?從現在開始,我將成為你應得的那種母親。
This is the start of a new chapter.
=> 這是新一章的開始。
Oh, its my date! New chapter, same book.
=> 哦,這是我的約會!新章,同一本書。
- Ready to go? - Let me just get my bag.
=> - 準備好出發? - 讓我拿我的包。
You remember our waiter Greg? Hi, new dad! Please stop.
=> 你記得我們的服務生格雷格?嗨,新的爸爸!請住手。
Hes way to young for me.
=> 他是我的年輕人。
And hes married.
=> 他結婚了
Married? What a whore.
=> 已婚?真是個妓女
Oh, I almost forgot.
=> 哦,我差點忘了。
Your daughter think she might be pregnant.
=> 你女兒認為她可能懷孕了
Call me, if you need me.
=> 打電話給我,如果你需要我的話。
※[美劇] 美國眾神/American Gods 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
※[美劇] 極速前進/The Amazing Race 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
※[美劇] 國務卿女士/Madam Secretary 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版