
[美劇] 未來青年/The Tomorrow People 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 未來青年/The Tomorrow People 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

劇本 台詞 字幕 筆記 中英文對照 純英文 學英語 文本 PDF 文檔 電子版 紙質版








Stephen Jameson站在一個十字路口上,一邊是他熟悉的舊世界,而另一邊是充滿不確定性的新世界。直到一年之前,Stephen還只是個普通少年——但是在16歲生日過後,他開始在睡夢中聽到奇怪的聲音,甚至能夠瞬移(teleporting)……他害怕閉上眼睛,因為他不知道自己會在何處醒來!Stephen意識到自己的問題已經遠遠超出了「少年煩惱症」的範疇,他不禁開始質疑自己的心智是否健全。

在絕望之中,Stephen決定集中精力傾聽腦海中的一個聲音,並因此遇到了「未來青年」——John、Cara和Russell。他們和Stephen一樣是一群基因進化的「超級人類」,擁有諸如心靈致動(telekinesis)、遠距傳動(teleportation)、心靈感應(telepathic communication)這樣的超級能力。他們正遭受一個由科學家組成的准軍事化組織的獵捕。沒人知道這個組織的底細,只知道他們的名字叫「奧卓」(Ultra)。由Jedikiah Price博士領導的「奧卓」組織堅信未來青年是一個全新的種族,是對當今人類的巨大威脅,迫使未來青年躲進一個廢棄的地鐵站。但是……在人類的腳底下生活就一定安全嗎?



Robbie Amell(《綠箭俠》男主角Stephen Amell的堂弟,兄弟姐妹同時在一家電視網上主演不同的電視劇非常罕見,過去十年只有Fox出現過這種事情——Deschanel姐妹分別主演《識骨尋蹤》和《男與女》)扮演Stephen,Luke Mitchell扮演John,Peyton List扮演Cara,Aaron Yoo扮演Russell,Mark Pellegrino扮演Jedikiah Price博士,Madeleine Mantock扮演Astrid。

成功為CW開發了《吸血鬼日記》和《綠箭俠》的製片人組合Greg Berlanti和Julie Plec將為CW翻拍上世紀70年代英國著名科幻劇《未來青年》。該劇和《X戰警》、《超能英雄》有些類似,故事描述一群來自世界各地的青年成為人類進化史上的「先驅者」——他們都產生了某種超能力(心靈相通,意念傳物,等等),並利用這些超能力來與邪惡勢力戰鬥。1973年,ITV為了與BBC的熱門科幻劇《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)一較高下,開發出在當時來看比較前衛的《未來青年》。該劇一共播了8季,雖然沒有像《神秘博士》那樣大紅大紫,但也吸引了不少忠實劇迷——製片人Greg Berlanti和Julie Plec就是其中的兩個。Greg Berlanti和Julie Plec十多年來一直在尋求該劇的改編權,直到去年才如願以償。1992年該劇被ITV改編過一次,當時一共播了三季。


My name is Stephen Jameson.


This is me.

=> 這就是我。

This is my breakfast.

=> 這是我的早餐。

These are my friends.

=> 這些是我的朋友。

At least they used to be.

=> 至少他們曾經是。

This is where I live.

=> 這是我住的地方。

This is my mom.

=> 這是我的媽媽。

And this is the worst part of my day.

=> 而這是我一天中最糟糕的一段。

You see, lately, strange things have been happening to me, and theyre only about to get stranger.

=> 最近你們看到,奇怪的事情已經發生在我身上,他們只會變得陌生。

Admin nurse to 401, admin nurse to 401.

=> 管理員護士到401,管理員護士到401。

Okay, John.

=> 好的,約翰。

That card gets you into the psych center on the 12th floor.

=> 那張牌讓你進入12樓的心理中心。

Thats where the file is.

=> 這是文件的位置。

Code on 12.

=> 12號碼

Stand by.

=> 支持。

Ill check it out.

=> 我會檢查出來的。


=> 大。

You just tripped an alarm.

=> 你剛剛絆倒了一個警報。

The kid youve been talking to was here in this building today.

=> 你一直在跟你說話的那個孩子今天在這裡。

So which way to the psych center? Hold on, John.

=> 那麼心理中心到哪個方向?等一下,約翰。

That guard, hes headed your way.

=> 那個警衛,他正在朝你的方向走。

You gotta get out of there.

=> 你必須離開那裡。

Theres an exit directly behind you.

=> 你身後有一個出口。

Straight it is.

=> 它是直的。

Someone just accessed Suite 112 with the missing key card.

=> 有人剛剛訪問了套房112,遺失了鑰匙卡。

Copy that.

=> 收到。

Im outside the door.

=> 我在門外。

All right, I got his file.

=> 好的,我收到了他的檔案。

Were on his tail.

=> 我們在他的尾巴上。

What were you thinking? We dont use our powers out in the open.

=> 你在想什麼?我們不公開使用我們的權力。

I didnt have a choice.

=> 我沒有選擇。

They were Ultra agents.

=> 他們是超級代理。

Must have been following me.

=> 一定是一直跟著我。

Are you sure you lost them? Yeah, Cara, Im pretty sure.

=> 你確定你失去了他們?是的,卡拉,我很確定。

I just hope your mystery patient was worth it.

=> 我只是希望你的神秘病人是值得的。

What do you think? - Stephen Jameson.

=> 你怎麼看? - 斯蒂芬·詹姆森

- It cant be.

=> - 不可能

Stephen? Wake up.

=> 斯蒂芬?醒來。

Stephen Jameson? Its nice to finally know your name.

=> 斯蒂芬·詹姆森?很高興終於知道你的名字。

Oh, my God! What the Okay, okay, okay, I can explain, just Okay.

=> 哦,我的上帝!好的,好的,好的,我可以解釋一下。

You dont want to listen.

=> 你不想聽。

What? What happened? Guess where I found your creep son this time.

=> 什麼?發生了什麼?猜猜這次我找到了你的徐徐兒子。

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

Look, you know he has a sleeping disorder.

=> 看,你知道他有睡眠障礙。

Well, how does the kid get through two deadbolts then lock the door behind him while sleepwalking? Look.

=> 那麼,孩子在夢遊的時候怎麼會通過兩個死鎖,然後把門鎖上?看。

I catch him anywhere near my place again, Im calling the cops.

=> 我再次接近我的地方,我正在給警察打電話。

You wont have to.

=> 你不需要。

Thank you for bringing him back.

=> 謝謝你把他帶回來

- You slept with Mrs.

=> - 你和夫人睡過了

DAmico? - It was an accident! - Dude, she is totally hot.

=> 達米科? - 這是一個意外! - 夥計,她很熱。

- Hey, Luca, upstairs! Get ready for school.

=> - 嘿,盧卡,樓上!準備上學。

Hey, hey, hey! I dont even remember getting out of bed.

=> 嘿嘿嘿!我甚至不記得起床。

Okay? It wont happen again.

=> 好的?它不會再發生。

Yeah, I know I said that last time, but this is different.

=> 是的,我知道我上次說過,但這是不同的。

How? Hows it going to be different? I dont know, okay? But Ill talk to Dr.

=> 怎麼樣?怎麼會有所不同?我不知道,好嗎?但我會和博士談談


=> 盛開。

Maybe theres something we havent tried yet.

=> 也許有一些我們還沒有嘗試過。

Weve been to half the specialists in the city.

=> 我們去過一半的城市專家。

The other half wont even take our insurance and now Dr.

=> 另一半甚至不會拿我們的保險,現在博士

Blooms telling me that It doesnt matter.

=> 布盧姆告訴我,這沒關係。

Im sorry, I shouldnt have Is that why youre taking the extra shifts? To pay for my shrink? Honey, I can handle the extra shifts.

=> 對不起,我不應該這是你為什麼要額外的班次?為了支付我的收縮?親愛的,我可以處理額外的班次。

- But this? This is driving me - Crazy? Yeah.

=> - 但是這個?這真讓我抓狂?是啊。

Runs in the family.

=> 在家庭中運行。

Quit jerking it, were going to be late.

=> 放棄它,我們會遲到的。

Coming! See you after school.

=> 未來!放學後見。

Hey, just keep your head down.

=> 嘿,保持低調。

Dont make eyes at anybody unless you want to get shivved.

=> 除非你想得到回報,否則不要讓任何人注意。

By the way, thank you for ignoring all of my texts last night.

=> 順便說一句,謝謝你昨天晚上無視我所有的文本。

- Sorry, I wasnt home.

=> - 對不起,我不在家。

- No? I woke up at my neighbors place again.

=> - 沒有?我再次在我鄰居的地方醒來。

Its getting worse.

=> 情況越來越糟糕。

Not just the sleepwalking.

=> 不只是夢遊。

What, shes back? The mysterious hottie in your head.

=> 什麼,她回來了?你頭上神秘的辣妹。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

- Well, are you taking your meds? Yes! Astrid, Im taking my meds, but maybe I need something a little stronger like an ice pick lobotomy, or maybe I should just save everyone the trouble - and check myself into the loony bin.

=> - 那你吃藥嗎?是!阿斯特麗德,我正在服用藥物,但也許我需要一些像冰塊切割術一樣強壯的東西,或者我應該把所有的麻煩都保存起來 - 然後把自己放進那個瘋子里。

- Okay.

=> - 好的。

Let me see your pills.

=> 讓我看看你的藥片。

Why? I just want to check to see if being a raging dick - is a side effect? - Okay, good one.

=> 為什麼?我只是想檢查看是否是一個洶湧的傢伙 - 是一個副作用? - 好的,好的

Come on.

=> 來吧。

For a dominant gene to be expressed, the progeny, which we call the F1 generation, need only inherit the allele from Steven? I know you can hear me.

=> 對於要表達的顯性基因,我們稱為F1代的後代只需要繼承Steven的等位基因?我知道你可以聽到我的聲音。

No, no, no, youre a hallucination, youre not real, youre only in my head.

=> 不,不,不是,你是幻覺,你不是真實的,你只是在我的頭上。

Just because Im only in your head doesnt mean Im not real.

=> 只因為我只在你的腦海里,並不意味著我不是真實的。

Stop shutting me out.

=> 別把我關了

You have to believe me, youre in danger Shut up! Excuse me, Mr.

=> 你必須相信我,你有危險閉嘴!對不起,先生

Jameson? Nothing.

=> 詹姆森?沒有。

Im sorry, I wasnt talking to you.

=> 對不起,我沒有跟你說話。

- Who were you talking to? - Youre not crazy.

=> - 你在和誰說話? - 你不瘋了。

Ive been trying to tell you that for a month.

=> 我一直想告訴你一個月

You know, uh, sorry, Im not feeling well, gonna have to go to the nurse.

=> 你知道,呃,對不起,我感覺不舒服,必須去看護士。

Whats up, Stevie? Remember those pills you gave me last week? Oh, the ones you stole? Yeah, they were pretty sweet on top of a few Adderall.

=> 怎麼了,史蒂夫?還記得上周你給我的那些葯嗎?哦,你偷的?是的,他們在Adderall上面非常甜。

That particular medication is an anti-psychotic.

=> 那種特殊的藥物是一種抗精神病藥物。

No wonder youre fond of them.

=> 難怪你喜歡他們。

Good luck with the crazy! Good luck with the diarrhea.

=> 祝你瘋了!祝你好運,腹瀉。

You made it disappear! Dont believe everything you see.

=> 你讓它消失了!不要相信你所看到的一切。

Wake up, Stephen.

=> 醒醒,史蒂芬。

I can prove youre not crazy.

=> 我可以證明你並不瘋狂。

I can prove Im real.

=> 我可以證明我是真實的。

How? Meet me at the Broad Street subway station in 10 minutes.

=> 怎麼樣?在Broad Street地鐵站,在10分鐘內與我見面。

Get on the train.

=> 上車。

You gotta be kidding me.

=> 你得開玩笑吧

Youre almost there, Stephen.

=> 你幾乎在那裡,斯蒂芬。

Almost where? What the hell? Im John, and I believe you and Cara have already met.

=> 幾乎在哪裡?我勒個去?我是約翰,我相信你和卡拉已經見面了。

Hello, Stephen.

=> 斯蒂芬,你好。

Follow me.

=> 跟著我。

I told you youre not crazy.

=> 我告訴過你你不是瘋了


=> 好。

Wait wait, wait.

=> 等等,等等。

Where are we? How Who are you? Youre in an abandoned subway station You teleported here.

=> 我們在哪?你是誰?你在一個被遺棄的地鐵站你在這裡傳送。

Actually, I teleported you.

=> 其實我把你傳了出去

Were called Tomorrow People, and we didnt choose the name, I swear.

=> 我們被稱為明天人,我們沒有選擇名字,我發誓。

This isnt happening.

=> 這沒有發生。

Its just another one of my crazy dreams.

=> 這只是我瘋狂的夢想中的另一個。

Its not a dream, Stephen.

=> 斯蒂芬,這不是一個夢。

- How did you do that? - Youve heard of telepathy? Its another one of our powers.

=> - 你是怎麼做到的? - 你聽說過心靈感應?這是我們的另一個權力。

The three Ts.

=> 三個T的。

He doesnt believe us.


Its funny, the teleporting usually sells it.

=> 這很有趣,傳送通常賣它。

No offense, but any second, Im going to wake up someplace awful.

=> 沒有冒犯,但任何時候,我都會在某個可怕的地方醒來。

Maybe another three-way at my neighbors place.

=> 也許在我鄰居的地方另一個三路。

You dont understand, Stephen.

=> 斯蒂芬,你不明白。

Youre one of us.

=> 你是我們中的一員。

Youre breaking out.

=> 你正在爆發。

Youre waking up in weird places, Stephen? Youre not sleepwalking.

=> 你在奇怪的地方醒來,斯蒂芬?你不是在夢遊。

Youre teleporting.

=> 你正在傳送。

You hear Caras voice in your head, thats telepathy.

=> 你聽到卡拉的聲音,這是心靈感應。

Your latent powers are starting to appear.

=> 你的潛力開始出現。

Soon, youll be able to do this.

=> 很快,你就可以做到這一點。

Okay, okay, okay! Put me down! Put me down! You got it.

=> 好的,好的,好的!放我下來!放我下來!你說對了。

No, no, Im having a psychotic break.

=> 不,不,我正在精神病休息。

- My meds are off or something.

=> - 我的葯是關閉的

- No, no, no more pills.

=> - 不,不,沒有更多的藥丸。

Theyre obviously addling your brain.

=> 他們顯然是在增加你的大腦。

What he means, is the drugs are just going to get in your way.

=> 他的意思是,毒品只會阻礙你。

Get in my way? You have no idea what my year has been like.

=> 得到我的方式?你不知道我的一年是怎樣的。

Stephen, I know exactly what its been like.

=> 史蒂芬,我知道這到底是怎麼回事。

I know how alone youve felt, how scared.

=> 我知道你有多孤獨,多麼害怕。

You feel like youre turning into a different person, like your mind isnt your own.

=> 你覺得你正在變成一個不同的人,就像你的頭腦不是你自己的。

All those hours on your therapists couch? I was there with you, Stephen.

=> 在治療師的沙發上所有這些小時?我和你在一起,斯蒂芬。

When were connected, I feel what its like to be you.

=> 當我們連接時,我感覺到成為你的感覺。

That sounds, uh, awful.

=> 聽起來,呃,太可怕了。

You think youre a freak.

=> 你以為你是一個怪胎。

Youre not.

=> 你不是。

Stephen, youre on the brink of becoming somebody truly extraordinary.

=> 斯蒂芬,你正在成為一個真正非凡的人。

Dont let it go to your head.

=> 不要讓它走到你的頭上。

Uh, how many of you are there? Here, youre number 15.

=> 呃,你們有多少人?在這裡,你是15號。

Out there, could be hundreds, thousands.

=> 在那裡,可能是成百上千。

Its a genetic mutation that lies dormant through adolescence.

=> 這是一種在青春期休眠的基因突變。

Sometimes it never breaks out.

=> 有時它從不發生。

Until then, people like you think theyre just regular saps.

=> 在此之前,像你這樣的人認為他們只是普通的空話。

Homo sapiens.

=> 智人。

As in, human.

=> 就像人一樣。

Uh, if Im not human, what the hell am I? You, my friend, are a Homo superior.

=> 呃,如果我不是人類,我到底是什麼?你,我的朋友,是一個非常優秀的人。

We didnt pick that name either.

=> 我們也沒有選那個名字。

Im Russell, and youre the one that Cara cant stop talking about? Shut up, Russell.

=> 我是羅素,你是卡拉不能停止談論的人?閉嘴,羅素

Where did you guys get all this stuff? You heard of the five finger discount? We get the no finger discount.

=> 你們在哪裡得到這些東西?你聽說過五指的折扣?我們得到無手指折扣。

Hey, you want to learn how to be a telekinetic klepto, or do you want to learn how to stay alive? These are two of our newest breakouts.

=> 嘿,你想學習如何成為一個telekinetic klepto,或者你想學習如何保持活力?這是我們最新的兩個突破。

When they arrived, they were just like you, unable to control their powers.

=> 當他們到達時,他們就像你一樣,無法控制自己的權力。

Teleporting in your sleep is just the beginning.

=> 在睡覺中傳送只是一個開始。

Its kind of like a paranormal dream.

=> 這有點像一個超自然的夢想。

By the time were done with your training, Ultra wont be able to lay a hand on you.

=> 在我們完成訓練的時候,Ultra將無法向你伸出援手。

Show off.

=> 炫耀。

Whos Ultra? The ones hunting us.

=> 誰是超?那些狩獵我們的人。

There is a war going on out there, Stephen.

=> 斯蒂芬,正在發生一場戰爭。

You wont read about it or see it on the news.

=> 你不會閱讀或在新聞中看到它。

A shadow war between our species.

=> 我們物種之間的陰影戰爭。

The governments known about us for years.

=> 政府了解我們多年。

They want us neutralized.

=> 他們希望我們中和。

Thats why they started a containment program.

=> 這就是為什麼他們開始遏制計劃。


=> 超。

Their agents are like us.

=> 他們的代理人和我們一樣。

Captured, then forced to use their powers to hunt the rest of us down.

=> 被抓住,然後被迫用他們的力量來追捕我們其他人。

Have a seat.

=> 坐下

I can explain.

=> 我可以解釋。

I said sit.

=> 我說坐。

You had John, you lost John, end of story.

=> 你有約翰,你失去了約翰,結束了故事。

Thats not why youre here.

=> 那不是你來這裡的原因

These two guys were fighting.

=> 這兩個人正在戰鬥。

But it was like they were trying to make themselves jump all over the place.

=> 但就像他們試圖讓自己跳躍到那個地方一樣。

This one guy just disappeared.

=> 這一個人剛剛消失。

Poof! Hmm.

=> 噗!嗯。

As you know, our program requires complete discretion.

=> 如您所知,我們的程序需要完全的自由裁量權。

Ill take care of it.

=> 我會照顧它的。

Its already taken care of.

=> 它已經被照顧了。

You know, your species is superior to ours in almost every way.

=> 你知道,你的物種幾乎在任何方面都優於我們的物種。

I must seem primitive to you.

=> 我對你來說似乎很原始。

Instead of using my mind, I have to do things the old-fashioned way.

=> 我不是用我的腦袋,而是用老式的方式來做事情。

You trying to read my mind? You know your powers dont work here.

=> 你試圖讀懂我的想法?你知道你的權力不在這裡工作。

And you dont have to be telepathic to know what Im going to do.

=> 而且你不需要心靈感應知道我要做什麼。


=> 好。


=> 好的。


=> 好。

Good, good, good.

=> 好,好,好。

Now pull the trigger.

=> 現在拉動扳機。

Its simple Darwinism.

=> 這是簡單的達爾文主義。

Survival of the fittest.

=> 適者生存。

Youre the superior species, now prove it.

=> 你是最優秀的品種,現在證明了這一點。

Im a threat to you, so kill me.

=> 我是對你的威脅,所以殺了我。

Do it.

=> 這樣做。

Before I kill you.

=> 我殺了你之前

You know I will.

=> 你知道我會的。


=> 卓越。

Absolutely remarkable.

=> 絕對卓越。

Your kinds inability to kill.

=> 你的種類無法殺人。

Like all adaptations, Mother Natures way of improving us, randomly mutating until the gene proves useful.

=> 像所有的改編一樣,大自然的方式來改善我們,隨機突變,直到基因證明有用。

Im sure someday this particular gene will aid in the survival of your species.

=> 我相信有一天這個特定的基因會幫助你的物種生存。

But for you personally, not so much.

=> 但是對於你個人而言,不是那麼多。

Hey, what do you mean they want us neutralized? Like, killed? The ones Ultra has captured.

=> 嘿,你是什麼意思,他們要我們中和?就像死了一樣Ultra已經被捕獲了。

We cant feel them, track them, communicate with them.

=> 我們感覺不到他們,跟蹤他們,與他們溝通。

Its why we need your help.

=> 這就是為什麼我們需要你的幫助。

To find someone.

=> 找人。

I guess you could call him our leader.

=> 我想你可以稱他為我們的領袖。

He went looking for a place where we wont have to hide, a place that only we can reach.

=> 他去找了一個我們不用藏身的地方,只有我們可以到達的地方。

He never came back.

=> 他從來沒有回來。

Okay, so Ultra got him.

=> 好,那麼超了他。

Its impossible.

=> 不可能。

He was the strongest of us all.

=> 他是我們所有人中最強的。

Listen to me, Stephen.

=> 聽我說,斯蒂芬。

If you have inherited just a fraction of those powers Inherited? Wait, are you telling me that my lunatic, deadbeat dad was like you? He was more than that.

=> 如果你繼承了這些冪的一小部分繼承?等一下,你是不是告訴我,我這個瘋狂的,不守規矩的爸爸跟你一樣?他不止於此。

He was a hero.

=> 他是一個英雄。

And we need you to help us find him.

=> 我們需要你幫助我們找到他。

We believe that you and your father might share a connection like you and I do.

=> 我們相信你和你父親可能會像你我一樣分享你的聯繫。

I havent even seen the man since I was eight years old.

=> 我從八歲起就沒有見過這個男人。

Youre his son.

=> 你是他的兒子

If anyone can contact him, its gonna be you.

=> 如果任何人都可以聯繫他,那就是你。

What if I dont want to find him? He bailed on us, okay? The same way he bailed on you.

=> 如果我不想找到他呢?他保釋我們,好嗎?他也一樣保釋你。

He left my mom and two little kids and a stack of bills from some psych hospital.

=> 他離開了我的媽媽和兩個小孩,還有一些精神病院的一堆鈔票。

Stephen, he left so that you could have a life.

=> 斯蒂芬,他離開了,讓你有生命。

If it werent for him, youd be in a cage right now, getting your brain picked apart like a lab rat.


I dont believe you.

=> 我不相信你

Maybe youll believe this.

=> 也許你會相信這一點。

Pull up his last message, Tim.

=> 提起他最後的消息,蒂姆。

Who are you talking to? Who the hell is Tim? I am a computer.

=> 你在跟誰說話?誰是蒂姆?我是一台電腦。


=> 一個。




=> 程序。

Hes kind of like our HAL.

=> 他有點像我們的HAL。

Just not evil.

=> 只是不要邪惡。

Hello, Stephen.

=> 斯蒂芬,你好。

If things turn out the way that I hope, youll never see this.

=> 如果事情變成我希望的樣子,你永遠不會看到這個。

If you are seeing it, let me start by saying Im sorry.

=> 如果你看到了,讓我先說對不起。

Turn it off.

=> 把它關掉。

I said turn it off! I dont need an apology from him.

=> 我說把它關掉!我不需要他的道歉。

Okay? Its a little late.

=> 好的?有點晚了

I am nothing like my father.

=> 我不像我的父親。

Im sorry, but you got the wrong guy.

=> 我很抱歉,但你得到了錯誤的人。

So, uh I have to get out of here.

=> 所以,我必須離開這裡。

I have to get out of here, so Please.

=> 我必須離開這裡,所以請。

Get me out of here.

=> 帶我離開這裡。

Take my hand, Stephen.

=> 握住我的手,斯蒂芬。

Uh what are you doing? Nothing, what? Brushing my teeth.

=> 你在做什麼?沒什麼,什麼?刷牙。


=> 好的。

Hey, hey.

=> 嘿,嘿。

Hey, lurker.

=> 嘿,潛伏者

I need to tell you something, okay.

=> 我需要告訴你一些事情,好吧。

Something really big.

=> 真的很大

So just promise, youll be cool.

=> 所以,只要承諾,你會很酷。

I know it sounds crazy.

=> 我知道這聽起來很瘋狂。

What? That youre some kind of superhero with powers? Not crazy at all.

=> 什麼?你是某種權力的超級英雄?根本不瘋狂。

It makes sense, they said its some genetic mutation that I inherited from my dad.

=> 這是有道理的,他們說這是我父親遺傳的一些基因突變。

Youre off your meds, arent you? No Astrid! I dont need drugs! Okay? Theyre the reason Im so screwed up.

=> 你不吃藥了,不是嗎?沒有阿斯特麗德!我不需要藥物!好的?他們是我這麼搞砸的原因。

Theyre keeping me from who I really am.

=> 他們阻止我真正的自我。


=> 精細。

You dont believe me? Watch this, okay? I can make the basketball fly with my mind.

=> 你不相信我?看這個,好嗎?我可以讓我的腦海里飛翔。

Aw, come on.

=> 哦,來吧。

Come on! Okay.

=> 來吧!好的。

Okay, um Stephen Stephen, listen to me.

=> 好吧,斯蒂芬·斯蒂芬,聽我說。

You need to talk to your shrink.

=> 你需要談談你的縮小。

First the voices, now the paranoia.

=> 首先是聲音,現在是偏執狂。

Wasnt your dad a schizophrenic? - You think Im crazy.

=> 你爸不是精神分裂症嗎? - 你以為我是瘋子。

- I didnt say that.

=> - 我沒有這樣說

No, no.

=> 不,不。

Im telling you, theres a reason for everything that Ive been through, okay? Every unexplained symptom, every misdiagnosis, - and youre taking their side? - No, Im not.

=> 我告訴你,我經歷過的每件事都有一個理由,好嗎?每一個原因不明的癥狀,每一次誤診,你都站在一邊? - 不,我不是。

You want me to be crazy, is that it? Listen, I stuck by you, and your whole year of crazy, because I care about you.

=> 你要我瘋了,是嗎?聽著,我被你困住了,整整一年都瘋了,因為我在乎你。

And just so you know, everybody didnt leave.

=> 只是你知道,每個人都沒有離開。

You pushed them away.

=> 你把他們推開

Which is exactly what youre doing to me.

=> 這正是你對我所做的。

What kind of pills you give me? Some kind of colon blow? - Oh, you think this is funny? - No.

=> 你給我什麼葯?某種結腸打擊? - 哦,你覺得這很有趣? - 沒有

Well Okay, okay.

=> 那好吧,好吧。

Okay, okay.

=> 好吧好吧。

- Just - Shut your mouth, you little bitch! How did you We have some leads on the file John stole.

=> - 只要 - 閉上你的嘴,你小婊子!你是怎麼得到約翰偷來的文件的一些線索?

There are over 300 names.

=> 有300多個名字。

But when we focus on patients who suffer from both auditory hallucinations and somnambulism, only seven.

=> 但是,當我們關注患有幻聽和夢遊症的患者時,只有七個。

Thats him.

=> 那是他。

- How do you know? - I recognize the face.

=> - 你怎麼知道的? - 我認出了那張臉。

What did the principal say? Am I suspended? Well be lucky if they dont press charges.

=> 校長說什麼?我暫停了嗎?如果他們不收費,我們會很幸運。

For what? Fighting? He started it.

=> 為了什麼?戰鬥?他開始了。

For selling prescription drugs.

=> 用於銷售處方葯。

How long have you been off your medication? Im not selling them, he stole them.

=> 你用藥了多久了?我不賣他們,他偷了他們。

Ask Dylan.

=> 問迪倫。

I cant ask Dylan.

=> 我不能問迪倫。

Dylans in the ER.

=> 迪倫的ER。

The teacher who found him said he was ranting about how you How I what? Doesnt matter.

=> 發現他的老師說他在咆哮你怎麼樣?沒關係。

Clearly hes out of his mind because hes on your pills.

=> 顯然,他已經不在腦海了,因為他正在吃藥。

I cant believe Im going through this again, everything I went through with your dad.

=> 我不能相信我會再次經歷這一切,我和爸爸一起經歷的一切。

I thought if I got the right doctors and drugs, I could spare you what he went through.

=> 我想如果我找到了合適的醫生和藥物,我可以把你經歷的事情都放在你身上。

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

I gotta get back to work.

=> 我得回去工作。

I can walk home.

=> 我可以回家。

Its five blocks.

=> 這是五塊。

Im sure I can stay out of trouble.

=> 我相信我可以避免麻煩。


=> 好的。

Cara, can you hear me? Where are you? John and Pearl Street, someones following me.

=> 卡拉,你能聽見我嗎?你在哪?約翰和珍珠街,有人在跟蹤我。


=> 哇。

Hello, Stephen.

=> 斯蒂芬,你好。

Who are you? You look just like him, you know? - Your father.

=> 你是誰?你看起來就像他一樣,你知道嗎? - 你的父親。

- What? No, help! Help! Help! John, they got him.

=> - 什麼?不,幫忙!幫幫我!幫幫我!約翰,他們得到了他。

I have the car until Grand and Essex, but the traffic cams were down south of Canal.

=> 我有車,直到Grand和Essex,但是交通三叉戟在運河南部。

Fine, pull all the sat images you can find of the lower island.

=> 好的,把所有可以找到的下面的島嶼的圖像都拉出來。

Already started.

=> 已經開始。

They might take a minute to composite.

=> 他們可能需要一分鐘來複合。

We dont have a minute.

=> 我們沒有一分鐘。

There is nothing we can do for him now.

=> 現在我們無能為力了。

- We lost him, Cara.

=> - 我們失去了他,卡拉。

- No, I lost him.

=> 不,我失去了他

We never should have let him leave.

=> 我們永遠不該讓他離開。

But I can get him back.

=> 但我可以讓他回來。

Thats not how it works.

=> 這不是它的工作原理。

Going after him, it was a bad idea from the start.

=> 跟著他,從一開始就是個壞主意。

You know the rules.

=> 你知道規則。

We dont expose ourselves to Ultra, not for anyone.

=> 我們不把自己暴露在超,而不是任何人。

He is not just anyone.

=> 他不只是任何人。

What is it with him? Maybe you spent a little bit too much time in his head.

=> 他怎麼了?也許你在他頭上花了太多時間。

Let yourself get a little bit too close.

=> 讓自己稍微接近一點。

You said it yourself.

=> 你自己說的

Stephens the key to finding his father, which means hes our best shot for survival.

=> 斯蒂芬是找到他父親的關鍵,這意味著他是我們生存的最佳選擇。

Shes right.

=> 她是對的。

I know you dig the whole leader of the rag-tag rebels thing but living down here, like a bunch of rats, it gets real old, real fast.

=> 我知道你們挖掘了那個破布叛軍的領袖,但是像一群老鼠一樣住在這裡,真的很快,真的很快。

I found the car.

=> 我找到了這輛車

Would you like to know where he is? - No.

=> 你想知道他在哪裡嗎? - 沒有

- Yes.

=> - 是的。


=> 是。

If you two wanna march straight into Jedikiahs compound, go ahead.

=> 如果你們兩個想直接進入耶迪克亞的大院,那麼繼續吧。

But I have spent half my life dodging that sadistic son of a bitch.

=> 但我已經花了一半的時間來躲避那個虐待狂的兒子。

I am not getting caught by him again.

=> 我不再被他抓住了。

Im sorry about that.

=> 我很抱歉。

Security precautions.

=> 安全預防措施。

Aw, speaking of which.

=> 呃,說到哪個。

You see the walls? Dont bother trying to teleport out of here.

=> 你看到牆壁?不要打擾試圖傳送出這裡。

My names Dr.

=> 我的名字是博士


=> 價錢。

Youre one of them Ultra.

=> 你是其中之一。

I can only imagine what John has said.

=> 我只能想像約翰所說的話。

That Im some boogeyman.

=> 我是個笨蛋

Systematically rounding up your kind and wiping you out.

=> 系統地收拾你的種子,把你抹掉。

Did he say why I was doing this or is it just because Im evil? Yeah, because youre scared of us.

=> 他有沒有說我為什麼這麼做,還是因為我是邪惡?是的,因為你害怕我們

Well, Im an evolutionary biologist.

=> 那麼,我是一個進化生物學家。

No what scares me is what the rest of the world will think if they knew a paranormal species was living secretly in their midst.


A species that could annihilate them.

=> 一種可以摧毀它們的物種。

They dont want to be found.

=> 他們不想被發現。

Okay? They just want to be left alone.

=> 好的?他們只是想孤獨。

You have no idea what this world would look like if I didnt find people like you and stop people like you.

=> 如果我沒有找到像你這樣的人,阻止像你這樣的人,你不知道這個世界會是什麼樣子。

Look at this.

=> 看這個。

We just found a 17-year-old who stole $70 million from the Federal Reserve.

=> 我們剛剛發現一個17歲的人從美聯儲偷走了7000萬美元。

You got a 16-year-old who was caught trying to tag the Oval Office.

=> 你有一個16歲的孩子被逮住,試圖在橢圓形辦公室上貼標籤。

An 18-year-old who was caught tweeting nuclear launch codes.

=> 一名18歲的男子被發現了核發射碼。

And so many breakouts, Stephen.

=> 史蒂芬很多突破。

Its all over the world.

=> 它遍布世界各地。

Unpredictable uncontrollable Im not the bad guy here, Stephen.

=> 不可預測的無法控制的我在這裡不是壞人,斯蒂芬。

Not by a long shot.

=> 不是由一個長鏡頭。

Can I help you? Im gonna need to see some Freeze! Aah! I got him.

=> 我能幫你嗎?我將需要看到一些凍結!啊哈!我找到他了。

No one is going to hurt you.

=> 沒有人會傷害你。

Actually, this might hurt just a little bit.

=> 其實這可能會傷害一點點

What is it? Well, I could give you a boring lecture about recombinant DNA therapy, but the short story is, this will fix you.

=> 它是什麼?那麼,我可以給你一個關於重組DNA療法的無聊的講座,但是短小的故事是,這會解決你的問題。

Return you to the way you used to be.

=> 讓你回到過去的樣子。

Theres nothing wrong with me! Shh.

=> 我沒有錯!噓。

Youre so much like your father.

=> 你很像你的父親。

So much promise.

=> 這麼多諾言。

But you dont want to end up like him, do you? I dont know what myths John has spun about who your father is, - but theyre not true.

=> 但是你不想像他那樣結束,是嗎?我不知道約翰對你父親是誰的神話 - 但他們不是真的。

- Yeah? And Im supposed to believe you? Well, you can believe whatever you want.

=> - 是嗎?我應該相信你?那麼,你可以相信你想要的。

But your fathers not coming back to save you or the Tomorrow People.

=> 但是你父親不會回來救你或明天的人。

Because hes dead.

=> 因為他死了

What? Come on.

=> 什麼?來吧。

No! No! Sir! Theres been a breach.

=> 沒有!沒有!先生!有一個違反。

Well, your friends are coming to rescue you.

=> 那麼,你的朋友正在來拯救你。

- Thats one way to get them out of hiding.

=> - 這是讓他們擺脫隱藏的一種方法。

- No.

=> - 沒有


=> 沒有。


=> 沒有。


=> 沒有。

Our powers dont work here.

=> 我們的權力在這裡不起作用。

Neither do theirs.

=> 他們也不是。

Cara, get out of here.

=> 卡拉,離開這裡。


=> 請。

I was wondering when you were going to show up.

=> 我想知道你什麼時候出現。

No, you werent.

=> 不,你不是。

Dont worry about me, guys.

=> 別擔心我,夥計們

Im good.

=> 我很好。


=> 哇。

This way.

=> 這條路。

- Wait, how did you - I teleported.

=> 等等,你是怎麼傳過來的

Thats impossible.

=> 這不可能。


=> 約翰。

So youve decided to come home.

=> 所以你決定回家了。

Did you think he was gonna help you find your promised land? Is that it? It doesnt exist.

=> 你以為他會幫你找到應許的土地?是嗎?它不存在。

And even if it did, youre sure as hell never gonna see it.

=> 即使這樣做,你一定會永遠不會看到它。

No! Stephen, how are you doing that? I dont know.

=> 沒有!史蒂芬,你怎麼樣?我不知道。

Get us out.

=> 把我們趕出去

Now! Those are some serious next-level skills you broke out.

=> 現在!這些是你爆發的一些嚴重的下一級技能。

And here we thought there were just three Ts.

=> 在這裡,我們以為只有三個T。

Howd you do it, man? And, more importantly, what are we calling it? No idea.

=> 你怎麼做的,男人?而且更重要的是,我們叫什麼呢?不知道。

It just happened.

=> 就這樣發生了。

And that is why your training begins now.

=> 這就是為什麼你的訓練現在開始。

I mean, what else can you do besides stop time.

=> 我的意思是,除了停下來之外,還有什麼可以做的?

Uh, just give me one minute.

=> 呃,給我一分鐘。

Okay? Theres something I gotta do.

=> 好的?有什麼我該做的。

Just You were right.

=> 只是你是對的。

He is special.

=> 他很特別。

But can he find his father? John, you saw what he did.

=> 但是他能找到他的父親嗎?約翰,你看到他做了什麼。

When none of us could use any of our powers.

=> 當我們沒有人可以使用我們的任何權力。

What if Stephen could lead us there himself? All right, I get it.

=> 如果斯蒂芬可以親自帶領我們呢?好的,我明白了。

Hes Moses.

=> 他是摩西。

Youre giving me a complex.

=> 你給我一個複雜的。

- Dont be jealous.

=> - 別嫉妒。

- Im not jealous.

=> - 我沒嫉妒。

Should I be? Thank you.

=> 我可以做?謝謝。

For coming to help us.

=> 來幫助我們

I didnt mean what I said, I was being a dick.

=> 我不是那個意思,我是一個傢伙。

- I know.

=> - 我知道。

- Id never let you get hurt.

=> 我永遠不會讓你受傷

I know.

=> 我知道。

Excuse me, um, whatever your name is.

=> 對不起,不管你叫什麼名字。

Hello, Stephen.

=> 斯蒂芬,你好。

Uh, I was hoping I could ask a favor.

=> 呃,我希望能請個幫忙。

Youd like to see the rest of your fathers message.

=> 你想看看你父親留言的其餘部分。


=> 是啊。

Howd you know? People are predicable.

=> 你怎麼知道的?人們是可預測的。

Even ones like you.

=> 即使是像你這樣的人

I thought maybe youd get lucky.

=> 我想也許你會幸運的

Take after your mom.

=> 照顧你的媽媽

But if youre watching this, well, things didnt turn out the way that I hoped.

=> 但是,如果你正在看這個,那麼事情並不是我所希望的。

And I know I have no right to offer you advice.

=> 而且我知道我無權向你提供建議。

Not after what Im about to do.

=> 不是在我要做的事情之後。

But, if you turned out like me, then your life just got very complicated.

=> 但是,如果你像我一樣出面,那麼你的生活變得非常複雜。

And very dangerous.

=> 而且非常危險。

Dont believe everything you see.

=> 不要相信你所看到的一切。

The truth is, theres only one thing you can trust.

=> 事實是,你只能信任一件事情。


=> 您。

Trust your heart, son.

=> 相信你的心,兒子。

I love you, Stephen.

=> 我愛你,斯蒂芬。

I love you.

=> 我愛你。

What do you think, supercomputer? What do you think? Is he alive? I wish I knew the answer to that, Stephen.

=> 你覺得呢,超級計算機?你怎麼看?他還活著嗎?斯蒂芬,我希望我知道答案。

You want me to stick around? Or When I come home from being gone all night? Trust me, you dont want any part of this.

=> 你想讓我堅持下去嗎?還是當我整晚走了回家?相信我,你不想要這個的任何一部分。

For the record, I havent forgotten about how you saved my life.

=> 為了記錄,我沒有忘記你是如何救了我的命。

Youre welcome.

=> 別客氣。

The thing is, Stephen one day you might be the one who saves all of us.

=> 事情是,史蒂芬有一天你可能會成為拯救我們所有人的人。

Im sorry I didnt call, okay? I know this looks really bad.

=> 對不起,我沒有打電話,好嗎?我知道這看起來很糟糕。

It doesnt matter.

=> 沒關係。

Look, we have a visitor.

=> 看,我們有一個訪客。

Your father has a brother.

=> 你的父親有一個兄弟


=> Jedikiah。

This is your uncle.

=> 這是你的叔叔。

- What? - Hi, Stephen.

=> - 什麼? - 嗨,斯蒂芬。

Call me Jed.

=> 叫我傑德。

Its weird, I know, but we did meet once.

=> 我知道,這很奇怪,但是我們遇到了一次。

You were in diapers.

=> 你在尿布里

Uncle Jed and your father had a falling out.

=> 傑德叔叔和你的父親鬧翻了。

Right before Luca was born.

=> 就在盧卡出生之前。

And as I was saying, its been really hard tracking the three of you down.

=> 正如我剛才所說的那樣,真的很難跟蹤你們三個人。

It was like you guys just up and vanished.

=> 這就像你們剛剛消失。

Yeah, well we needed a fresh start.

=> 是的,我們需要一個新的開始。

Mom, do you think you could give us a minute? - Just to get to know one another? - Sure.

=> 媽媽,你認為你能給我們一分鐘嗎? - 只是想了解對方? - 當然。

Ill be upstairs.

=> 我會在樓上。

Nice to see you.

=> 很高興見到你。

- What the hell are you doing here? - Reuniting my family.

=> - 你到底在這幹什麼? - 重新團聚我的家人

Youre not my family.

=> 你不是我的家人。

Thats your dad and I.

=> 那是你和我的爸爸

Only I was born human and he was born like you.

=> 只有我出生的人,他是像你一樣出生的。

The whole reason I became a geneticist was to understand him and perhaps one day help him.

=> 我成為遺傳學家的全部理由是了解他,也許有一天會幫助他。

Work for me, Stephen.

=> 為我工作,斯蒂芬。

Clearly, I underestimated you.

=> 顯然,我低估了你。

Weve only just glimpsed what youre capable of.

=> 我們只是瞥見了你的能力。

Why would I want to help them? For them.


Your family.

=> 你的家人。

- Are you threatening them? - No, youre threatening them if you dont help me contain the spread of your species.

=> - 你在威脅他們嗎? - 不,如果你不幫助我遏制你的物種的擴散,你是在威脅他們。

Cant you see Im offering you an opportunity to protect the people you love? - Yeah, and to be a traitor.

=> 你難道沒有看到我給你提供一個保護你所愛的人的機會嗎? - 是的,成為一個叛徒。

- To whom? Some rebel runaways you met two days ago? Or to your mother? Your brother.

=> - 給誰?你前兩天遇到的一些叛亂分子?還是給你媽媽?你的兄弟。

Your friend.

=> 你的朋友。

Astrid, is it? Therapy records.

=> 阿斯特麗德,是嗎?治療記錄。

Very illuminating.

=> 非常照亮。

Sooner or later, Stephen, you are going to have to pick a side.

=> 斯蒂芬,遲早你不得不選擇一邊。

Your new friends want you to believe that your fathers a hero.

=> 你的新朋友要你相信你父親是英雄。

That hes still alive.

=> 他還活著

They lied to you.

=> 他們騙了你。

Thats your dad.

=> 那是你的爸爸

After he broke into my office and sabotaged my research.

=> 他闖進我的辦公室,破壞了我的研究。

You dont want that to happen to you.

=> 你不希望這發生在你身上。

Work with me, Stephen.

=> 和我一起工作,史蒂芬。

Come be an agent at Ultra.

=> 來做Ultra的代理吧。

So, we have an uncle Jedikiah? - Thats a little random.

=> 那麼,我們有一個Jedikiah叔叔? - 這是一個小隨機。

- You must be Luca.

=> - 你一定是盧卡

I hear you inherited your fathers athletic genes.

=> 我聽說你繼承了你父親的運動基因。

Hope thats all I got.

=> 希望這就是我所得到的。


=> 是。

Lets hope.

=> 讓我們希望。

Why didnt you tell me Jedikiah was my uncle? You and John you played me from the start.

=> 你為什麼不告訴我Jedikiah是我的叔叔?你和約翰從一開始就扮演我。

Technically, youre related, but you are not like him, you are one of us.

=> 從技術上講,你是相關的,但你不像他,你是我們中的一員。

- He asked me to come work for him.

=> - 他讓我來為他工作。

- Hes using you.

=> 他在用你

Whats the worst thatll happen if we all turn ourselves in, give up our powers, and live like human beings? You want us to admit that were mistakes? Nature doesnt make mistakes.

=> 如果我們全身心投入,放棄自己的力量,像人一樣生活,那麼最糟糕的情況是什麼?你想讓我們承認我們是錯誤的?大自然不會犯錯誤。

Jedikiah would drive us extinct.

=> Jedikiah會驅使我們絕跡。

Just for the sake of the human race.

=> 只是為了人類的緣故。

Which, Im sorry, I still consider myself a part of.

=> 對不起,我還是認為自己是其中的一員。

Of course you do.

=> 當然,你呢。

But to them, youre not.

=> 但對他們來說,你不是。

I know you have a life here.

=> 我知道你在這裡有生活。

A family.

=> 一個家庭。

But the people who are like us? The ones we found? The ones we will find? They are my family.

=> 但是像我們這樣的人呢?我們找到的那些?那些我們會發現?他們是我的家人。

Im not gonna let anything happen to them.

=> 我不會讓任何事情發生在他們身上。

And I wont let anything happen to you.

=> 我不會讓任何事情發生在你身上。

Now, please, Stephen.

=> 請,斯蒂芬。

Just come with me.

=> 跟我來

You know, when you first started talking to me the mysterious voice in my head.

=> 你知道,當你第一次和我說話的時候,我腦海中的神秘聲音。

Even when I thought I was crazy I trusted you.

=> 即使當我以為我瘋了,我信任你。

I have to find out what happened to my dad, okay? Whether or not hes a hero, if hes alive, I have to know.

=> 我必須知道我父親發生了什麼事,好嗎?不管他是不是英雄,如果他還活著,我必須知道。

But theres only one way I can find him without losing everyone else.

=> 但只有一種方法,我可以找到他,而不會失去其他人。

Now, I know youre gonna think Im crazy for doing this Stephen, you have no idea what youre getting yourself into.

=> 現在,我知道你會認為我為斯蒂芬而瘋狂,你不知道你在做什麼。


=> 卡拉。

Its your turn to trust me.

=> 輪到你相信我了。

My name is Stephen Jameson.

=> 我叫斯蒂芬·詹姆森。

This is where I go to school.

=> 這是我上學的地方。

These are my friends.

=> 這些是我的朋友。

What happened? Stephen made his decision.

=> 發生了什麼?斯蒂芬做出了決定。

This is where I work.

=> 這是我工作的地方。

And this is my new boss.

=> 這是我的新老闆。

Im in.

=> 算我一個。

Welcome aboard, Stephen.

=> 歡迎,斯蒂芬。

- I hope you know what youre doing.

=> - 我希望你知道你在做什麼。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

Me too.

=> 我也是。


[美劇] 我愛上的人是奇葩/Youre the worst 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
This is us第九集打卡15(第九集倒數第二期)
[美劇] 廣告狂人/Mad Men 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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