
[美劇] 極速前進/The Amazing Race 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 極速前進/The Amazing Race 全集第1季第1集完整版劇本

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《極速前進》(英文原名:The Amazing Race)是美國CBS電視台從2001年開始按季播出的真人秀節目,記錄多對選手在一個月中進行的環球競賽。

該節目的出品人為埃利斯·多哥聶瑞(Elise Doganieri)和貝塔曼·范·蒙斯特(Bert van Munster),他們和喬納森·利特曼(Jonathan Littman)均為製片人,主持人是來自紐西蘭的菲爾·基歐漢(Phil [展開全文]

  《極速前進》(英文原名:The Amazing Race)是美國CBS電視台從2001年開始按季播出的真人秀節目,記錄多對選手在一個月中進行的環球競賽。

該節目的出品人為埃利斯·多哥聶瑞(Elise Doganieri)和貝塔曼·范·蒙斯特(Bert van Munster),他們和喬納森·利特曼(Jonathan Littman)均為製片人,主持人是來自紐西蘭的菲爾·基歐漢(Phil Keoghan)。該節目由Earthview Inc.(Doganieri和van Munster執掌),Bruckheimer Television for CBS Paramount Television以及ABC Studios(迪士尼公司下屬)負責製作。


《極速前進》從2003年到2009年,連續拿到7屆艾美獎黃金時間最佳競賽類實境節目的殊榮(Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Reality-Competition Program),擊敗了《倖存者》及《美國偶像》等極具影響力的真人秀節目。



1 JON: Previously, on The Amazing Race Canada IVANA: China! PAUL/SAM: Ya! ANDREA: [SCREAMING] JON: Seven teams headed to Beijing, China SAM: This is amazing! EBONIE/ANDREA: Ahh! JON: where the language barrier drove some teams up the wall.

=>1 JON:以前,在加拿大驚人賽IVANA:中國! PAUL / SAM:雅!安德列:吉恩:七支隊伍前往北京,中國SAM:太棒了! EBONIE / ANDREA:啊! JON:語言障礙將一些隊伍推上了牆。

ADAM: Hen jow.

=> ADAM:Hen jow。

SHABBIR: Chen dao.

=> SHABBIR:陳道。

CROWD: Boo! JON: And reduced others to a crawl.

=> CROWD:噓! JON:減少其他人爬行。

IVANA: Hes going five kilometres an hour on a highway.

=> IVANA:他在高速公路上每小時行駛五公里。

Oh my god! JON: A detour had teams bending over backwards all to get ahead in the race.

=> 哦,我的上帝! JON:繞道而行的隊伍全部倒退,在比賽中取得領先。

ZED: Woo! JON: While for others, it was a complete flop.

=> ZED:嗚! JON:對於其他人來說,這是完全失敗的。

EBONIE: I cant.

=> 埃博尼:我不能。


=> 沒有。

PAUL: Oh, yes! Theres my doctor! JON: And while a victory for Sam and Paul was just what the doctor ordered JON: Youre the first team to arrive! SAM/PAUL: Yes! JON: an injury left Korey and Ivana bent out of shape.

=> PAUL:哦,是的!有我的醫生! JON:Sam和Paul的勝利正是醫生的命令JON:你是第一支到達的隊伍! SAM / PAUL:是的! JON:一個受傷的Korey和Ivana受傷了。

IVANA: My backs killing me.

=> IVANA:我的背傷害了我。

JON: And once again ADAM: Check, please.

=> JON:又一次ADAM:請檢查一下。

JON: racing to avoid elimination IVANA: Yes! Yes, yes! KOREY: Lets get out of here.

=> JON:爭取避免淘汰IVANA:是的!是的是的!韓國:我們離開這裡吧。

IVANA: Taxi, taxi, taxi.

=> IVANA:計程車,計程車,計程車。

JON: leaving Ebonie and Andrea JON: You are the last team to arrive.

=> JON:離開Ebonie和Andrea JON:你是最後一個到達的隊伍。

JON: to be shocked by the outcome.

=> JON:對結果感到震驚。

JON: This leg is not over.

=> JON:這條腿還沒有結束。

ANDREA: Oh my god, were still racing now? JON: Right now! ANDREA: Woo! JON: Just like every team before them.

=> 安德烈:哦,我的天啊,我們現在還在比賽呢? JON:現在!安德烈:嗚! JON:就像他們面前的每一個球隊一樣。

PAUL: Oh my god! JON: Now, all seven teams are still racing to win the next generation 2018 Chevrolet Equinox True North Edition, a once-in-a-lifetime trip for two around the world, a quarter of a million dollars cash, and The Amazing Race Canada.

=> PAUL:哦,我的天! JON:現在,七支球隊還在爭奪新一代的2018年雪佛蘭Equinox True North Edition,這是一個在世界各地一次難得的旅程,25萬美元的現金,以及The Amazing Race Canada 。

JON: Sam and Paul PAUL: Yeah? JON: This leg is not over.

=> JON:Sam和Paul PAUL:是嗎? JON:這條腿還沒有結束。

SAM: Oh my god! JON: Boys, youre still racing! PAUL: Take a high-speed train to Shanghai, China.

=> SAM:噢,我的上帝! JON:男孩,你還在比賽! PAUL:乘坐高速列車到中國上海。

SAM: Oh my god! JON: Teams must now travel by high-speed train over 1,000 kilometres from Beijing to Shanghai.

=> SAM:噢,我的上帝! JON:現在團隊必須乘坐1000多公里的高速列車,從北京到上海。

Located at the mouth of the Yangtze River, this booming cosmopolitan metropolis is known as the "Pearl of the Orient.

=> 這座蓬勃發展的大都會位於長江口,被譽為「東方明珠」。

" Before heading to Shanghai, teams will search for their next clue at the Beijing Train Station.


Sam and Paul, before you boys take off, Sinorama Holidays would like to give you a little good luck token on your next leg.

=> 山姆和保羅,在你們男孩起飛之前,光華假期想在你的下一段時間給你一點運氣。

PAUL: Love it.

=> PAUL:喜歡它。

BOTH: Thanks, Sinorama.

=> 兩位:謝謝,光華。

JON: Boys, get lost! PAUL: Lets go.

=> JON:男孩,迷路了! PAUL:走吧。

Still racing.

=> 還在賽車。

SAM: Taxi! SAM: Were exhausted.

=> SAM:計程車! SAM:我們已經筋疲力盡了。

Its been 30 hours straight of racing, but you know what, lets just keep going.

=> 已經連續30個小時比賽了,但是你知道嗎,讓我們繼續前進。

Well win another one.

=> 我們會贏得另一個。

No rest for the wicked.

=> 惡人不得安息。

This guy cant even keep his eyes open! [LAUGHTER] JON: The race is still on.

=> 這傢伙甚至不能睜開眼睛! JON:比賽還在繼續。

SHABBIR: What?! JON: Heres your next clue.

=> SHABBIR:什麼?! JON:這是你的下一個線索。

ZED: Shanghai, China.

=> ZED:中國上海。

You have 4,500 Chinese yuan on your BMO CashBack MasterCard for this leg of the race.

=> 您的BMO CashBack萬事達卡上有4500元人民幣的比賽。

SHABBIR: Were still racing.

=> SHABBIR:我們還在比賽。

Now were going to Shanghai.

=> 現在我們要去上海了。

This is crazy! ANDREA: No, we thought we were going to bed.

=> 這太瘋狂了!安德列亞:不,我們以為我們要睡覺了。

We were wrong! KENNETH: Lets catch a train to Shanghai.

=> 我們錯了!肯尼:我們坐火車去上海吧。

RYAN: Yup, legs not done yet! BERT: Lets go! KAREN: Yeah, lets keep racing.

=> RYAN:呃,腿還沒做完! BERT:走吧!凱倫:是的,讓我們繼續比賽。

Were going to the BERT: Ni hao.

=> 我們要去BERT:倪濠。

KAREN: Ni hao! Beijing South Railway Station.

=> 凱倫:你好!北京南站。

PAUL: The flags over there.

=> PAUL:那邊是國旗。

SAM: Lets go.

=> 薩姆:走吧。

PAUL: Sam, Sam, Sam! SAM: Yup? PAUL: Right here.

=> PAUL:山姆,山姆,山姆! SAM:是嗎? PAUL:就在這裡。

PAUL: Ni hao.

=> PAUL:倪浩。


=> 你好。

Thank you so much.

=> 非常感謝。

PAUL: You are travelling on train G5 departing from Beijing South Railway Station at 7 am.

=> 保羅:你正在乘坐G5火車,於上午7點從北京南站出發。

PAUL: We got our train ticket going to Shanghai in our itinerary.

=> PAUL:我們的火車票在我們的行程中去了上海。

PAUL: Lets go.

=> PAUL:走吧。

SAM: Do you have the most recent clue? PAUL: Yeah.

=> SAM:你有最近的線索嗎? PAUL:是的。

KOREY: Off to Shanghai.

=> 韓國:去上海。

IVANA: If my back wasnt seizing up, Id be so much happier.

=> IVANA:如果我的背部沒有被抓住,我會更加快樂。

Im terrified of whats to come.

=> 我很害怕會發生什麼

IVANA: Im dying of back pain.

=> IVANA:我快要背痛了。

I cant stop thinking about if this is going to affect us for the next leg of the race, which is now continuing.

=> 我不能停止想這是否會影響我們下一站的比賽,現在還在繼續。

My strength has become my weakness.

=> 我的力量已經成為我的弱點。

SAM: You said, "Where are our tickets?" and you grabbed them from me.

=> SAM:你說:「我們的票在哪裡?」你從我身上抓起來

PAUL: I dont remember ever grabbing them from you.

=> PAUL:我不記得從你那裡抓過他們。

SAM: You did, babe.

=> SAM:你做了,寶貝。

PAUL: We were just given train tickets and we lost them.

=> PAUL:我們剛剛收到火車票,我們丟了。

If we lose our train tickets, we might not be able to make it to Shanghai.

=> 如果我們失去了火車票,我們可能無法前往上海。

SAM: Were going back the way we came.

=> SAM:我們正在回到我們前進的方向。

PAUL: Were searching for our train tickets in a city of 21 million people in the dark.

=> PAUL:我們正在黑暗中擁有二千一百萬人口的城市尋找火車票。

Its not looking good.

=> 這看起來不太好。

ANDREA: Whoa! Take a high-speed train to Shanghai, China! JON: See you guys at the next stop.

=> 安德烈亞:哇!乘坐高速列車前往中國上海! JON:在下一站見你們。

ANDREA: Thank you.

=> 安德列亞:謝謝。

EBONIE: Oh my god! BOTH: We are still racing! EBONIE: Its not over until Jon says its over! This is awesome! SAM: So were looking for a little brown envelope, right? PAUL: Yeah.

=> EBONIE:天啊!兩者:我們還在比賽! EBONIE:直到Jon說完了才結束!這太棒了! SAM:我們正在尋找一個棕色的小信封,對吧? PAUL:是的。

SAM: There! PAUL: Its ours? SAM: Yeah.

=> SAM:那裡! PAUL:這是我們的? SAM:是的。

Yeah! [SIGHS] We got our train tickets! Ha-ha! BOTH: [KISSING SOUND] SAM: Okay, lets get out of here.

=> 是啊! [SIGHS]我們拿到了我們的火車票!哈哈!兩人:[吻聲] SAM:好吧,我們離開這裡吧。

Were lucky.

=> 我們很幸運

PAUL: So, we cant locate our clue from last night.

=> PAUL:所以,我們不能從昨天晚上找到我們的線索。

It has our directions for what we need in Shanghai.

=> 它有我們在上海需要的方向。

Its stupid.

=> 這很傻。

PAUL: Its not that big of a deal.

=> PAUL:這不是什麼大問題。

Its dumb but, like, we didnt lose our train tickets.

=> 這是愚蠢的,但是,我們沒有失去我們的火車票。

SAM: Yeah.

=> SAM:是的。

JON: All teams are now boarding the same high-speed train to Shanghai.

=> JON:現在所有車隊都要搭乘同樣的高速列車前往上海。

JON: Once here, they must correctly recite the Mandarin phrase they learned at the Great Wall of China.


ANDREA: Xiexie ni.

=> 安德烈:謝謝你。

JON: to receive their next clue from this Sinorama Holidays tour guide.

=> JON:接受這個光華假期導遊的下一個線索。

SAM: We lost our clue copy so we need another team to help us out or we wont be able to know where were going.

=> SAM:我們失去了我們的線索,所以我們需要另一個團隊來幫助我們,否則我們將無法知道我們要去的地方。

PAUL: So, in our midst of excitement last night, we lost our clue.

=> 保羅:所以,昨晚在我們興奮中,我們失去了線索。


=> 安德烈:是的。

PAUL: Yeah, so were jut wondering if we can write down the location of the deli were going to? ANDREA: For where were going now? SAM: Well try and help you guys out somehow in this leg.

=> PAUL:是的,所以我們不知道我們是否可以寫下我們要去的熟食店的位置?安德列亞:我們現在要去哪裡? SAM:我們會儘力幫助你們,

ADAM: Yeah.

=> 亞當:是的。

ADAM: I think this is a good opportunity for us to get something in return.

=> 亞當:我認為這是我們獲得回報的好機會。

Nothing in life is free.

=> 生活中沒有什麼是免費的。

SAM: Thanks, guys.

=> SAM:謝謝,夥計們。

Youre the best.

=> 你是最好的。

ANDREA: Youre welcome.

=> 安德列亞:不客氣。

PAUL: Well get you back.

=> PAUL:我們會讓你回來的。

SAM: Thanks, guys.

=> SAM:謝謝,夥計們。

BERT: Lets go! ADAM: Youve got some pep in your step today, Andrea! ANDREA: Ya! I had some noodles.

=> BERT:走吧!亞當:安德烈,你今天已經有一些了。安德烈:雅!我有一些麵條。

ADAM: Woo! KENNETH: Were going to Tocks Montreal-style Deli.

=> 亞當:嗚!肯尼:我們要去托克的蒙特利爾式熟食店。

BERT: Taxi! KAREN: Lets go! Lets go, lets go! RYAN: Bert and Karen? Oh dude, they went over there.

=> BERT:計程車!凱倫:走吧!走吧,走吧! RYAN:Bert和Karen?哦,夥計,他們去那裡。

BERT: [RAPPING] Okay, okay.

=> BERT:[RAPPING]好的,好的。

Rolling in first place with our taxi driver moving so, so fast.

=> 我們的計程車司機如此快速地移動,

So high up in the sky, nothing in the cab but this guy! Hes so much fun! Our cab driver is fun! This is what first place feels like! KAREN: Woo! BERT: Way-way! [HORN HONKING] KAREN: Right here.

=> 如此高的天空,除了這個傢伙,還沒有計程車!他非常有趣!我們的計程車司機很有趣!這是第一個地方的感覺!凱倫:嗚! BERT:順便! [HORN HONKING] KAREN:在這裡。

BERT: Oh, there, Tocks! Tocks Montreal Deli.

=> BERT:哦,那裡,Tock的!托克的蒙特利爾熟食店。

KAREN: Here, here.

=> 凱倫:在這裡。

Xiexie ni.

=> 謝謝你。

BERT: Xiexie ni.

=> BERT:謝謝你。

KAREN: Thank you! Fly to Bangkok, Thailand! Wow! JON: The tour of Asia continues as teams will travel nearly 3,000 kilometres southwest to Bangkok, Thailands chaotic capitol.

=> 凱倫:謝謝!飛往泰國曼谷!哇! JON:亞洲巡迴賽繼續進行,球隊將在西南方向行駛近3000公里,到達泰國曼谷的混亂國會大廈。

Known for its many temples and canals, Thailands capitol city is teeming with culture, markets, and unforgettable night life.

=> 以眾多的廟宇和運河聞名,泰國的首府城市充滿了文化,市場和令人難忘的夜生活。

BERT: Okay, lets get out of here.

=> BERT:好的,我們離開這裡吧。

KAREN: To the airport.

=> 凱倫:去機場。

Ya! Niltao! IVANA: Sinorama representative, xiexie ni.

=> 雅! Niltao! IVANA:光華代表xiexie ni。

KOREY: Xiexie ni.

=> 韓國:謝謝你。

IVANA: [SCREAMING] KENNETH: Here we go! Were going to Bangkok! Wassup!? Were in and out of Shanghai.

=> IVANA:[尖叫] KENNETH:我們走吧!我們要去曼穀日wassup!?我們進出上海。

IVANA: This is insane! ANDREA: Oh! ADAM: Bangkok, Thailand! ANDREA: Hes been dying to go! ADAM: Six years ago, I went on a really big backpacking trip.

=> IVANA:這是瘋了!安德烈:哦!亞當:泰國曼谷!安德烈亞:他一直渴望去!亞當:六年前,我進行了一次非常大的背包旅行。

I was supposed to do Bangkok but I ran out of money.

=> 我本來應該去曼谷,但是我用盡了錢。

Its been lingering in me.

=> 它一直在我身上揮之不去。

I just wanted to go back to Bangkok.

=> 我只是想回到曼谷。

It was like unfinished business.

=> 這就像未完成的事情。

ANDREA: [CHUCKLES] JON: All teams are now flying from Shanghai, China, to Bangkok, Thailand.

=> 安德列:[笑]約恩:所有隊伍現在從中國上海飛到泰國曼谷。

When they arrive, theyll search for the Caturday Cat Cafe.

=> 當他們到達時,他們會尋找Caturday Cat Cafe。

[CATS MEOWING] JON: The purrfect place to find their next clue! ZED: Woo! SHABBIR: Here we go again! ANDREA: Lets go, lets go ADAM: 43.

=> JON:找到他們下一個線索的地方! ZED:嗚! SHABBIR:我們再來一次!安德列:走吧,走吧亞當:43。

Lets go, 43.

=> 走吧,43。

ANDREA: Caturday Cafe KAREN: Caturday Cafe.

=> 安德烈:Caturday Cafe KAREN:Caturday Cafe。

IVANA: Fast! We gotta go fast! KOREY: We gotta go fast.

=> IVANA:快!我們得走快點!韓國:我們得走快點。

ADAM/ANDREA: Bangkok! ADAM: The last 24 hours we have been to three massive cities.

=> ADAM / ANDREA:曼谷!亞當:過去24小時我們去過三個大城市。

KENNETH/RYAN: Beijing, Shanghai, Bangkok, GU! SHABBIR: Where is it? Right across? Zed, theyre coming.

=> KENNETH / RYAN:北京,上海,曼谷,GU! SHABBIR:它在哪裡?對面? Zed,他們來了。

So lets go! PAUL: What do you want to do? SAM: Keep looking! KENNETH: We saw all the other teams walking down this way.

=> 那我們走吧! PAUL:你想做什麼? SAM:繼續尋找!肯尼:我們看到所有其他的隊伍都這樣走下去了。

ANDREA: Caturday Cafe.

=> 安德烈:Caturday咖啡廳。

RYAN: This is it.

=> RYAN:就是這樣。


=> Caturday。

KOREY: Opens at 8.

=> KOREY:8點開放。

It opens at 8.

=> 它在8點開放。

KENNETH: Oh, man! I love this! RYAN: Oh, dude! SHABBIR: And they say its a real cat and mouse chase! ZED: Just gotta find somewhere to shack up for the night and come here first thing in the morning.

=> 肯尼:哦,夥計!我喜歡這個! RYAN:老兄! SHABBIR:他們說這是一個真正的貓捉老鼠! ZED:找個地方坐下來過夜,第一天早上來這裡。

RYAN: [Inaudible], baby! Bangkok never sleeps, I think! [HORNS HONKING] [CATS MEOWING] EBONIE: Oh my god! Aah! ANDREA: This cafe is full of cats.

=> RYAN:[聽不清],寶貝!曼谷不睡覺,我想! [HORNS HONKING] [喵喵] EBONIE:天啊!啊哈!安德烈:這個咖啡館裡充滿了貓。

The most weird thing Ive ever seen.

=> 我見過的最奇怪的東西

ANDREA: Lets not step on the cats.

=> 安德烈:我們不要踩在貓身上。

IVANA: Clue, clue, clue! Got it, Korey.

=> IVANA:線索,線索,線索!明白了,Korey。

ADAM: Hey, buddy, thank you.

=> 亞當:嗨,夥計,謝謝。


=> 再見。

KAREN: Oh my god, I wanna stay and play with the cats! SHABBIR: Thank you! Bye! ANDREA: [GASPS] ADAM/ANDREA: Fast forward.

=> 凱倫:噢,我的上帝,我想留下來和貓玩耍! SHABBIR:謝謝!再見!安德列:[GASPS] ADAM / ANDREA:快進。

IVANA: Fast forward! RYAN: We have a route info and a fast forward.

=> IVANA:快進! RYAN:我們有一個路線信息和一個快速前進。

KENNETH: Fast forward! The fast forward gives one team the chance to skip all the tasks and go directly to the pit stop.

=> 肯尼:快進!快進使一隊有機會跳過所有的任務,直接進入進站。

In this fast forward, that team will have to master the fiercely competitive sport of hoop takraw.

=> 在這個快速的前進中,這支球隊將不得不掌握籃球運動的激烈競爭。

JON: Using only their feet, chest, and head, team members must receive a pass from their partner and kick the ball into a hoop high above the court.

=> JON:只用他們的腳,胸和頭,隊員必須得到對方的傳球,並將球踢到球場上方。

The first team to score one goal will win the fast forward and can go directly to the pit stop.

=> 第一個進球的球隊將贏得快攻,並可以直接進入進站。

The remaining teams must make their way to Pier 2 at the Yodpiman River Walk, and travel by boat across the Chao Phraya River, through the canals to locate the pier at the Artists House where theyll find their next clue.

=> 其餘的隊伍必須前往Yodpiman河畔步行2號碼頭,乘船穿過湄南河,通過運河找到碼頭在藝術家的房子,他們會發現他們的下一個線索。

ANDREA: All teams can attempt this fast forward at the same time.

=> 安德雷亞:所有的球隊都可以在同一時間嘗試快速前進。

Im not sure if we should risk it.

=> 我不確定是否應該冒這個風險。

EBONIE: No? ANDREA: No, lets do that.

=> 埃博尼:不?安德列亞:不,我們這樣做。


=> EBONIE:好的。

KAREN: So, weve decided were going to go ahead with the route info and skip the fast forward.

=> KAREN:所以我們已經決定了,我們會繼續處理路線信息,並跳過快進。

PAUL: Taxi! Hi, sir.


Can we go to Yodpiman River Walk? Thank you.

=> 我們可以去Yodpiman River Walk嗎?謝謝。

Lets go.

=> 我們走吧。

PAUL: We decided were going to go to the route info.

=> PAUL:我們決定打算去路線信息。

SAM: I think everyone is gonna go to the fast forward, and I dont know if that would be smart for us.

=> 薩姆:我認為每個人都會快速前進,我不知道這對我們是否聰明。

PAUL: Argh! ANDREA: Yodpiman River.

=> PAUL:啊!安德拉:約迪曼河。

[HORNS HONKING] RYAN: Aah Lets make a decision quick.

=> [HORNS HONKING] RYAN:Aah讓我們快速做出決定。

RYAN: If we do this fast forward, we have a good chance of going straight to Jon.

=> RYAN:如果我們這樣做快,我們有一個很好的機會直接去Jon。

KENNETH: Should we go? RYAN: If youre down, Kenneth.

=> 肯尼:我們該走了嗎?瑞恩:如果你失望了,肯尼斯。

KENNETH: Lets go.

=> 肯尼:我們走吧。

RYAN: Taxi! RYAN: The risk of the fast forward is that only one team gets it.

=> RYAN:計程車! RYAN:快進的風險是只有一個球隊得到它。

ADAM: Yeah, were doing the fast forward.

=> 亞當:是的,我們正在快進。

ADAM: Were tired of third place.

=> 亞當:我們厭倦了第三名。

Time to make a move in this race.

=> 在這場比賽中有所作為的時候了。


=> 安德烈:是的。

IVANA: I think its worth it if we can get it.

=> IVANA:我認為如果我們能夠得到它,這是值得的。

KOREY: Okay, well, lets go then.

=> 韓國:好吧,那我們走吧。

Were on our way now.

=> 我們現在正在路上。

IVANA: We are 100% going for the fast forward.

=> IVANA:我們是100%的快速前進。

This can save my back.

=> 這可以挽救我的後背。

This can give us the edge of getting to the pit stop without doing any of the challenges.

=> 這可以給我們在沒有任何挑戰的情況下進站的優勢。

KOREY: 154 Rama.

=> KOREY:154拉瑪。

This is it? KOREY: Thank you.

=> 就是這個?韓國代表:謝謝。

IVANA: Okay.

=> IVANA:好的。

IVANA: Were going to the stadium to try to figure out this game.

=> IVANA:我們要去體育場試圖找出這個遊戲。

KOREY: Yeah, were gonna go figure out this takraw place.

=> KOREY:是的,我們要去找出這個takraw的地方。

Where is everybody? IVANA: This is not the stadium.

=> 大家都去哪了? IVANA:這不是體育場。

KOREY: Oh, man! This is bad! IVANA: We were taken to the wrong place by our taxi.

=> KOREY:哦,夥計!這不好! IVANA:我們的計程車被帶到了錯誤的地方。

Were going to the National Stadium of Thailand.

=> 我們要去泰國國家體育場。

KOREY: It is hot.

=> 韓國:很熱。

IVANA: And weve got to make our way there ASAP if we want to get this fast forward.

=> IVANA:如果我們想快速推進,我們必須儘快完成。

Every minute counts right now.

=> 現在每分鐘都在計數。

ADAM: Oh, theres the flag.

=> 亞當:哦,那是國旗。

Theres the marker.

=> 有標記。

ANDREA: Thank you, thank you, thank you.

=> 安德烈:謝謝,謝謝,謝謝。

Ready? ADAM: Sick, look at you go! Lets go! Were the first team here.

=> 準備?亞當:生病,看著你走!我們走吧!我們是這裡的第一隊。

ADAM: No one is there.

=> 亞當:沒有人在。

Amazing! ANDREA: No forearm and no hands.

=> 驚人!安德列:沒有前臂,沒有手。

ADAM: Right, exactly.

=> 亞當:對,正好。

ANDREA: And it cant hit the floor.

=> 安德列亞:它不能擊中地板。

ADAM: Exactly Oh! Youve got to hit it twice and get it in there.

=> ADAM:確實哦!你必須打兩次,並在那裡。


=> 安德列:好的。

ANDREA: We played soccer when we were kids, throughout high school.

=> 安德列亞:我們小時候在高中玩足球。

This is right up our alley.

=> 這是我們的衚衕。

ADAM: Come on.

=> 亞當:來吧。

ANDREA: Sorry, sorry! ADAM: Cmon, cmon! Easy Easy.

=> 安德烈:對不起,對不起!亞當:來吧,來吧!慢慢來。

ANDREA: The risk of doing the fast forward is that if you dont get it done, you can fall behind and then well be at the end of the pack.

=> 安德列亞:快進的風險是,如果你沒有完成,你可能會落後,然後我們將在最後。

ADAM: Lob it.

=> 亞當:放下吧。

ANDREA: Fudge! ADAM: Okay, yeah.

=> 安德烈:忽悠!亞當:好的,是的。

This isnt too easy! Oh, man! RYAN: Just one second, sir.

=> 這不太容易!天啊! RYAN:先生,只有一秒鐘。

Now, reading that, dude, Im not comfortable with my feet hitting-- like, hitting targets.

=> 現在,閱讀,夥計,我不舒服,我的腳打,就像擊中目標。


=> 肯尼:好的。

Instead of doing the fast forward, were heading to the waterways.

=> 我們不是快速前進,而是走向水道。

Lets do it.

=> 我們開始做吧。

RYAN: Here instead.

=> RYAN:相反。

Sorry to mix you up.

=> 對不起,混淆你了。

KAREN: Okay, perfect.

=> 凱倫:好的,完美的。

There it is, there it is.

=> 在那裡,它就在那裡。

BERT: Yodpiman River.

=> BERT:Yodpiman河。

KAREN: Pier entrance.

=> 凱倫:碼頭入口。

And I dont see any other teams.

=> 我沒有看到其他的球隊。

Okay, lets ride! BERT: Ya! KAREN: Woo! BERT: Woo! This is really exciting! We got the best driver! KAREN: Ya.

=> 好的,讓我們騎! BERT:雅!凱倫:嗚! BERT:喔!這真的很刺激!我們得到了最好的車手!凱倫:雅。

BERT: Ya! ZED: Yodpiman 2 Pier.

=> BERT:雅! ZED:Yodpiman 2碼頭。

SHABBIR: Perfect.

=> SHABBIR:完美。

Nice, muggy day here in Bangkok.

=> 在曼谷這個悶熱的日子。

ZED: Woo! SHABBIR: Yee-haw! Ride em, ride em, ride em! SAM: Were in beautiful Bangkok.

=> ZED:嗚! SHABBIR:Yee-haw!騎他們,騎他們,騎他們!薩姆:我們在美麗的曼谷。

Hi! This is unreal! Absolutely amazing.

=> 嗨!這是不真實的!非常精彩。

PAUL: Sam is definitely a role model for me.

=> PAUL:Sam絕對是我的榜樣。

When we first started dating, I wasnt open about my sexuality so that was very tough on both of us, the fact that I was hiding so much of an important part of my life to my family, and friends, and loved ones.

=> 當我們剛開始約會的時候,我並沒有對自己的性行為開放,所以對我們倆來說都是非常艱難的事實,那就是我把我這一生中很重要的一部分隱藏在了我的家人,朋友和親人身上。

Im so lucky that I had Sam to talk me through it and say that this is so important for yourself, and for your life, and youll be at such a better place once you do it.

=> 我很幸運,因為我讓山姆和我說話,並且說這對你自己和你的生活都非常重要,一旦你做到了,你就會處在一個更好的地方。

What an experience, eh? ADAM: Weve got to give it more of an angle, okay? So Ive got to stand more over here.

=> 什麼經驗,呃?亞當:我們必須給它更多的一個角度,好嗎?所以我得站在這裡

Okay? [SIGHS] Pickup.

=> 好的? [SIGHS]皮卡。

ANDREA: Okay, keep at it, keep at it, keep at it.

=> 安德烈:好的,繼續保持下去,繼續下去。

IVANA: Main entrance could be anywhere.

=> IVANA:正門可以在任何地方。

Lets check the street signs.

=> 我們來看看路牌。

KOREY: I think weve got to go this way.

=> KOREY:我想我們必須這樣做。

IVANA: Okay.

=> IVANA:好的。

ADAM: Just tap it, right on my feet.

=> 亞當:只需點擊它,就在我的腳下。

Okay, pick it up, pick it up! Pick it up! Pick it up, Andrea! ANDREA: Okay, okay, okay.

=> 好,拿起來拿起來!撿起來!拿起來,安德烈!安德列:好的,好的,好的。

ADAM: You understand why youre not gonna get that? I dont wanna play fetch! ANDREA: Regardless, youre gonna play fetch, cause its gonna go out of the circle.

=> 亞當:你明白為什麼你不能得到那個?我不想玩玩取!安德列:不管怎麼樣,你要去玩,因為它會離開這個圈子。

ADAM: So, then, you start playing fetch! ANDREA: No problem.

=> 亞當:那麼,你開始玩取!安德列:沒問題。

ADAM: Lets go, cmon.

=> 亞當:走吧,來吧。

ANDREA: [SCREAMING] Ya! [WILD LAUGHTER] ADAM: Ya! ANDREA: [SCREAMING] ADAM: Thank you! Thank you! JON: Adam and Andrea will now fast forward through all the tasks and proceed directly to the pit stop, at the War Thewarat Kunchorn Worawiharn Temple.

=> 安德烈:[尖叫]雅! [WILD BLUGHTER]亞當:雅!安德烈:[大笑]亞當:謝謝!謝謝! JON:亞當和安德烈現在將快速完成所有的任務,並直接進入戰爭Thewarat Kunchorn Worawiharn寺的進站。

Here in the courtyard of this peaceful community temple, teams will find a moment of serenity and the pit stop for the fifth leg of the race.

=> 在這個和平的社區廟宇的庭院里,隊伍會為比賽的第五站找到一個平靜的時刻和進站點。

The last team to check in here may be eliminated.

=> 最後一個在這裡簽到的隊伍可能會被淘汰。

ANDREA: Were going to see Jon! ADAM: That was like scoring an overtime goal in game seven right there! ANDREA: Theres a flag.

=> 安德烈:我們要去看喬恩!亞當:這就像在第七場比賽中加時賽的進球!安德烈:有一面旗幟。

ADAM: Yup.

=> 亞當:是的。

IVANA: Andrea and Adam are high-fiving and theyre cheering on the street, so they got it.

=> IVANA:安德烈和亞當是高興的,他們在街上歡呼,所以他們得到了它。

I dont believe it.

=> 我不相信。


=> 安德烈:[笑聲]令人驚嘆。

KOREY: Oh gosh.

=> KOREY:哦,天哪。

ADAM: It was awesome to share that moment with her because weve never played on a team together growing up.


A big goal like that with your little sister, it was really cool.

=> 像你妹妹那樣的大目標,真的很酷。


=> 安德烈:是的。

ANDREA: [LAUGHS] Lets just go Ew, thats your sweat, man! KOREY: Im not losing like this.

=> 安德烈:[大笑]我們走吧,那是你的汗,男人!韓國:我不是這樣失敗的。

IVANA: Just get in.

=> IVANA:進來吧。

We cant let that get us down.

=> 我們不能讓我們失望。

We just want to make sure we run our race and dont come in last, basically.

=> 我們只是想確保我們跑我們的比賽,基本上不要進來。

KAREN: So this must be the Artists House right here.

=> 凱倫:所以這裡一定是藝術家之家。

Ya, ya! Wat Khua Sawan Pier.

=> 雅,你! Wat Khua Sawan碼頭。

Its show time.

=> 好戲開場了。

JON: Once at the Artists House, teams will need to perform a traditional Thai puppet show, using the handcrafted puppet of Hanuman, the mythological monkey god.

=> JON:在藝術家之家,團隊需要用神話中的猴神Hanuman手工製作的木偶進行傳統的泰國木偶戲。

Teams will learn the detailed puppet routine, which includes choreographed movements and audience interactions, all done shh in complete silence.

=> 團隊將學習詳細的傀儡程序,包括編排動作和觀眾互動,所有這些都完成了沉默。

Once teams perform the silent show in front of the audience, the puppet master will give them their next clue.

=> 一旦隊伍在觀眾面前進行無聲表演,木偶大師就會給他們提供下一個線索。

KAREN: Lets go.

=> 凱倫:走吧。

BERT: Lets go, babe.

=> BERT:走吧,寶貝。

KAREN: Right here.

=> 凱倫:在這裡。

BERT: Your hand goes up.

=> BERT:你的手上升了。

KAREN: [LAUGHS] Were friends.

=> 凱倫:[笑聲]我們是朋友。


=> 尷尬。

This feels very awkward.

=> 這感覺非常尷尬。

BERT: Weve got to coordinate together to make the puppet move together in synch.

=> BERT:我們必須一起協調,讓傀儡一起同步。

KAREN: Its hard to tell a story without using any words.

=> KAREN:很難講一個故事,不用說任何話。

KAREN: No, wrong foot.

=> 凱倫:不,腳不對。

BERT: We cant talk.

=> BERT:我們不能說話。

This is gonna be hard.

=> 這將是艱難的。

SHABBIR: Artists House.

=> SHABBIR:藝術家之家。

Thats the Artists House.

=> 那是藝術家的房子

ZED: Put on a puppet show and receive your next clue.

=> ZED:放一個木偶戲,接收你的下一個線索。

BERT: Hey, guys.

=> BERT:嗨,夥計們。


=> SHABBIR:好的。


=> 木偶大師:1,2,3。

ZED: Why dont I do the hand, Dad? SHABBIR: No, no.

=> ZED:爸爸,我為什麼不做手呢? SHABBIR:不,不。

ZED: So you only have to worry about that then.

=> ZED:那麼你只需要擔心這個。

SHABBIR: Im fine, Zed.

=> SHABBIR:我很好,Zed。


=> 精細。

ZED: Just let me do two.

=> ZED:讓我做兩個。

Let me do two, and you do one.

=> 讓我做兩個,你做一個。

SHABBIR: I am fine.

=> SHABBIR:我很好。


=> ROHAN:來吧,Kenny。

Were looking for the river walk, the boat launch! RYAN: Theres another team-- Ebonie and Andrea.

=> 我們正在尋找河漫步,發射船! RYAN:還有另外一支隊伍 - Ebonie和Andrea。

Ola! You guys find it? ANDREA: Its up that way, guys.

=> 奧拉!你們找到了嗎?安德列亞:就這樣,夥計們。

RYAN: Should we stay close to them? We could help each other find it.

=> RYAN:我們應該靠近他們嗎?我們可以幫助對方找到它。

ANDREA: We just have to find the Yodpiman thing.

=> 安德烈:我們只需要找到約迪曼的東西。

RYAN: We have to find Pier 2, right? KOREY: Yo, the Yodpiman Pier.

=> 瑞恩:我們必須找到碼頭2,對嗎? KOREY:喲,Yodpiman碼頭。

IVANA: Thats it.

=> IVANA:就是這樣。

Yeah, thank you.

=> 是的,謝謝。

As soon as we get to a challenge, we have no problems.

=> 只要我們遇到挑戰,我們就沒有問題。

Its getting there.

=> 到達那裡。


=> KOREY:嗨。

IVANA: Awesome! Yay, were on a boat! KENNETH: There we go! RYAN: This is it, guys, come on! ANDREA: Yodpiman River, here we come! KENNETH: Lets go for a little boat cruise.

=> IVANA:太棒了!耶,我們在船上!肯尼:我們走吧! RYAN:就是這樣,夥計們,來吧!安德拉:約迪曼河,我們來了!肯尼:我們去遊船。

PAUL: There we go, Artists House.

=> PAUL:我們去,Artists House。

SAM: Thank you.

=> SAM:謝謝。

PAUL: Its show time.

=> PAUL:這是放映時間。

Do we have to interact with the audience? SAM: Oh yeah, how do we interact with the audience? SAM: Apart from the actual puppet show, there are four audience interactions we have to do.

=> 我們是否必須與觀眾互動? SAM:噢,我們如何與觀眾互動? SAM:除了實際的木偶戲之外,還有四個觀眾互動我們必須做。

The first one is to take a sip of someones water, take a selfie with an audience member and the puppet.

=> 第一個是喝一口水,跟觀眾和傀儡自拍。

The third is for the puppet to give someone a kiss on the cheek.

=> 第三是傀儡在臉頰上給人一個吻。

And the fourth is for the puppet to hit a wall on his way out, and then get mad at the wall.

=> 第四是傀儡在出去的路上撞牆,然後在牆上生氣。

PUPPET MASTER: Yeah, good.

=> 木偶大師:是的,很好。

IVANA: Oh! Oh, oh, oh! This is the Artists House! KENNETH: Over there, right there, Artists House! RYAN: Nice! KOREY: Whats up, players? The good news is, were not last.

=> IVANA:哦!哦哦哦!這是藝術家的房子! KENNETH:在那邊,就在這裡,藝術家的房子! RYAN:好的!韓國隊:怎麼了,球員?好消息是,我們不是最後的。

IVANA: Were like, "Yes, we have caught up!" IVANA: Touch wrists on 3.

=> IVANA:我們就像「是的,我們已經趕上了!」 IVANA:接觸手腕3。

KOREY: Yes! Yes! IVANA: I like when he laughs.

=> KOREY:是的!是! IVANA:我喜歡他笑的時候。

Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! RYAN: Ive never done anything like this in my life.

=> 呵呵,哈哈!呵呵,哈哈! RYAN:我這輩子從沒做過這樣的事情。

I feel like Im back in drama class.

=> 我覺得我回到了戲劇課。

ANDREA: I think everyone is here.

=> 安德烈:我想每個人都在這裡。

SHABBIR: Okay, I got it, Zed.

=> SHABBIR:好的,我明白了,Zed。

Dont worry.

=> 別擔心

PAUL: So water, selfie, kiss, blame it on the wall.

=> PAUL:那麼水,自拍,親吻,怪在牆上。

SAM: Okay, were gonna go try.

=> SAM:好的,我們要去試試。

And we cant talk.

=> 我們不能說話。

[LAUGHTER] [LAUGHTER] [LAUGHTER] [APPLAUSE] Congratulations! PAUL: Thank you, thank you.

=> [笑聲] [笑聲] [笑聲] [掌聲]恭喜! PAUL:謝謝,謝謝。

SAM: Thank you.

=> SAM:謝謝。

IVANA: They just received their clue, it looks like.

=> IVANA:他們剛剛收到他們的線索,看起來像。

PAUL: Detour, detour Bling it or Shred it.

=> 保羅:繞道而行,繞道而行或者把它切碎。

A city of extremes, Bangkok is an amazing assault on the senses, with countless adventures and experiences to explore.

=> 一個極端的城市,曼谷是一個驚人的感官攻擊,無數的冒險和經驗探索。

And in this detour, teams will have a choice between two of these amazing adventures.

=> 在這個彎路中,車隊將在這兩個驚人的冒險之間做出選擇。

Its their call Bling it or Shred it.

=> 這是他們的叫Bling或粉碎它。

JON: In Bling it, teams must make their way to this temple at the Amulet Market, and choose a tuk-tuk to decorate.

=> JON:在Bling中,隊伍必須在護身符市場前往這座寺廟,選擇一個嘟嘟車裝飾。

Once chosen, theyll compare these two blinged-out tuk-tuks to determine which decorations are identical on both.

=> 一旦選擇,他們會比較這兩個蒙蔽的嘟嘟車,以確定哪兩個裝飾是相同的。

When teams feel confident theyve identified all the identical items, theyll search two nearby markets to buy these decorations to trick out their own tuk-tuk.

=> 當團隊確信自己已經識別出所有相同的物品時,他們會搜索附近的兩個市場來購買這些裝飾品,以欺騙他們自己的嘟嘟車。

Once theyve matched all the bling, theyll receive their next clue.

=> 一旦他們匹配所有的金光閃閃,他們會收到他們的下一個線索。

JON: In Shred it, teams will have to hang 10 on 30,000 gallons of flowing water, right in the middle of downtown Bangkok.

=> JON:在撕碎它的時候,隊伍將不得不在10萬加侖的流水上,就在曼谷市中心。

Both team members must ride the rushing waves to grab one of these dangling flags.

=> 兩名隊員必須乘風破浪才能抓住這些懸掛的旗幟之一。

Once they each snag a flag, this surf instructor will give them their next clue.

=> 一旦他們各自掛斷了一面旗幟,這位衝浪教練就會給他們提供下一個線索。

MAN: Ya! SAM: Shred it.

=> 男:雅! SAM:切碎。

SAM: I think all the teams are at that challenge.

=> 薩姆:我認為所有的球隊都面臨這樣的挑戰。

PAUL: Oh, right.


BOTH: Were going to see Jon! ADAM: Thats definitely it.

=> 兩者:我們要去看喬恩!亞當:這絕對是。

Were there.

=> 在那裡。

Oh, man Cmon, keep up, keep up.

=> 哦,男人來吧,跟上,跟上。

ANDREA: Slow down, then.

=> 安德烈:那就慢下來吧。

ADAM: Yes! ANDREA: Wait for me! [SHRIEKS] ADAM: Hi.

=> 亞當:是的!安德烈:等我! [SHRIEKS] ADAM:嗨。

ANDREA: Hi! ANDREA: Oh, so pretty! WOMAN: [SPEAKING THAI] Welcome to Bangkok, Thailand.

=> 安德烈:嗨!安德烈:哦,真漂亮!女人:[泰語]歡迎來到泰國曼谷。

BOTH: Thank you.

=> 兩個:謝謝。

JON: Adam and Andrea Youre team number one.

=> JON:Adam和Andrea你是第一。

[LAUGHING] JON: You fast forwarded yourselves right through Bangkok, here to the finish line.

=> JON:你快速地通過曼谷,在這裡到達終點。

ANDREA: Oh my god! JON: As the winners of this leg of the race, youre coming back to Bangkok! BOTH: Yes! JON: Sinorama Holidays has a 14-day extensive holiday plan for you guys beginning here in Bangkok, taking you to Chang Mai, the Golden Triangle, Yangtze and Shanghai, China.

=> 安德烈:哦,我的天! JON:作為這場比賽的勝利者,你要回到曼谷!兩個:是的! JON:「光華假期」為您在曼谷開始的14天長假計劃帶您到中國的金三角,長江和上海的昌邁。

ANDREA: Ya! ANDREA: I know hes been believing it but I told him today; Im like, "I think we could actually win this thing.

=> 安德烈:雅!安德列亞:我知道他一直在相信,但是我今天告訴他了。我喜歡,「我想我們可以贏得這個東西。

" Im ready.

=>「 我準備好了。

Im so ready to win this race.

=> 我準備好贏得這場比賽。

ANDREA: Oh my god ZED: Dad, can I just do the middle, please? SHABBIR: No.

=> 安德烈:噢,我的老天爺:爸爸,我可以幫你中間嗎? SHABBIR:沒有。

ZED: Why are you so stubborn? SHABBIR: I think were gonna get it on the first try.

=> ZED:你為什麼這麼固執? SHABBIR:我想我們會在第一次嘗試中得到它。

[SPEAKING THAI] SHABBIR: Ha-ha-ha-ha! Wha-ha-ha-ha! ZED: Bump on the way out.

=> [說泰語] SHABBIR:哈哈哈哈!什 - 哈,哈,哈! ZED:在出路上碰撞。


=> SHABBIR:是的。


=> 沒有。

SHABBIR: Okay What did we do wrong? RYAN: Its just hard because we cant talk.

=> SHABBIR:好的我們做錯了什麼? RYAN:這很難,因為我們不能說話。

SHABBIR: And as long as we talk out loud what the steps are, I think well be fine.

=> SHABBIR:只要我們大聲說出步驟,我想我們會沒事的。

ZED: Okay, you ready to try again? You ready to try again, Dad? SHABBIR: Yeah, okay.

=> ZED:好的,你準備好再試一次?爸爸,你準備好再試一次嗎? SHABBIR:是的,好吧。

This is, I think, our fourth or fifth attempt.

=> 我認為這是我們的第四次或第五次嘗試。

ZED: And laugh.

=> ZED:笑了。

SHABBIR: Ha-ha-ha-ha! No.

=> SHABBIR:哈哈哈哈!沒有。

SHABBIR: Im not sure what were not getting.

=> SHABBIR:我不確定我們沒有得到什麼。

ZED: I dont know.

=> ZED:我不知道。

SHABBIR: I thought that was perfect.

=> SHABBIR:我認為那是完美的。

IVANA: Happy, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Sorry.

=> IVANA:快樂,哈哈哈哈!抱歉。


=> IVANA:不。

Okay, lets try again.

=> 好的,我們再試一次。

KAREN: Like, be theatrical.

=> 凱倫:就像戲劇一樣。

BERT: But we cant talk.

=> BERT:但是我們不能說話。

KAREN: No talking.

=> 凱倫:沒說話。

[LAUGHTER] KAREN: Bert and I do community theatre in Edmonton.

=> [笑聲]凱倫:伯特和我在埃德蒙頓做社區劇場。

Were entertainers.

=> 我們是藝人

BERT: Yeah, we love play-acting.

=> BERT:是的,我們喜歡玩遊戲。

[APPLAUSE] KAREN: Yes! BERT: Youve been a great audience! KAREN: Bye-bye! Detour.

=> 凱倫:是的! BERT:你一直是個好聽眾!凱倫:再見!車輛改道。

Bling it.

=> 閃閃發光

I can decorate.

=> 我可以裝飾。

We can both decorate.

=> 我們都可以裝飾。

BERT: Alright, Bling it.

=> BERT:好吧,把它炸死。

KAREN: Yeah, Bling it.

=> KAREN:是的,Bling。

We choose Bling it.

=> 我們選擇Bling它。

SAM: Were going to the surfing challenge, and neither of us has ever surfed before.

=> SAM:我們要去衝浪挑戰,而我們以前都沒有衝浪過。

Why not today, right? Why not in Thailand? PAUL: Flow House, Flow House.

=> 為什麼不今天呢?為什麼不在泰國? PAUL:Flow House,Flow House。

SAM: Thank you! PAUL: Watch the car, Sam.

=> SAM:謝謝! PAUL:看車,Sam。

SAM: Yup.

=> SAM:是的。

Surfs up.

=> 衝浪起來了

SAM: Ya, lets go! [CHEERING] SAM: So, for this detour, we each need to start at the bottom of the wave, get near the top, and grab a flag.

=> SAM:雅,我們走吧! SAM:所以,為了這個彎路,我們每個人都需要從波浪的底部開始,靠近頂端,拿起一面旗幟。

PAUL: Ya! [LAUGHTER, BOOS] PAUL: You have to put so much force in your back leg, just let it all go on the back.

=> PAUL:雅! [大笑,保羅]保羅:你必須在後腿上施加如此強大的力量,讓它們全部靠背。

SAM: Gnarly! [LAUGHTER] GIRL: Whoa! PAUL: I feel it on this one! SAM: Steady, Paul! Way to go, babe! [CHEERING] PAUL: Woo! SAM: Paul just got his flag.

=> SAM:粗糙! [笑聲]女孩:哇! PAUL:我覺得這一點!薩姆:穩重,保羅!去的路,寶貝! [保持] PAUL:嗚!薩姆:保羅剛剛拿到他的旗幟。

I just have to go now, and then were out of here! Woo! [LAUGHTER] SAM: That was gnarly! [LAUGHTER] [APPLAUSE] PUPPET MASTER: Congratulations! ANDREA/EBONIE: [SQUEALING] ANDREA: Oh my god! SHABBIR: Weve gotta get it this time.

=> 我只是現在就走,然後我們離開這裡!嗚! [嘲笑]薩姆:真是太棒了! [笑聲] [掌聲]木偶大師:恭喜! ANDREA / EBONIE:[SQUEALING] ANDREA:天啊! SHABBIR:這次我們必須得到它。

One more time, please.

=> 再來一次。

We have to go.

=> 我們必須去。

[LAUGHTER] RYAN: We loved being a puppet.

=> [笑聲] RYAN:我們喜歡成為一個傀儡。

[LAUGHTER] [APPLAUSE] RYAN: Ya! Woo! EBONIE: Were gonna do Shred it.

=> [笑聲] [掌聲] RYAN:雅!嗚! EBONIE:我們要去粉碎它。

RYAN: Shred it, dude.

=> RYAN:磨碎了,夥計。

KENNETH: Lets go ride a wave.

=> 肯尼:我們去兜風吧。

RYAN: Lets go get pitted! IVANA: Shabbir and Zed, and Korey and I are the last two teams here.

=> RYAN:我們去找點兒吧! IVANA:Shabbir和Zed,Korey和我是這裡的最後兩支球隊。

We gotta get this.

=> 我們得拿這個

SHABBIR: 1 2 ZED: This is the most frustrating thing of my life.

=> SHABBIR:1 2 ZED:這是我一生中最令人沮喪的事情。

KAREN: Were now on our way to Amulet Market so that we can do the Bling it challenge.

=> KAREN:我們現在正在去Amulet市場的路上,這樣我們就可以對Bling挑戰了。

We know bling.

=> 我們知道金光閃閃。

BERT: I think this is it.

=> BERT:我認為是這樣。

[SHAKER MAKING NOISE] KAREN: Bling, bling! Were gonna choose a tuk-tuk.

=> 金光閃閃的卡倫:金光閃閃,金光閃閃!我們要選擇一個嘟嘟車。

BERT: What? Why not go with the first one? KAREN: Yeah, number one.

=> BERT:什麼?為什麼不去第一個呢?凱倫:是的,第一名。

Please head inside to where the example tuk-tuks are.

=> 請向裡面的例子tuk-tuks的地方。

BERT: Theres the examples.

=> BERT:有一些例子。

KAREN: Find the exact same decorations that are on both tuk-tuk examples.

=> 凱倫:找到兩個嘟嘟車的例子完全相同的裝飾。

Then purchase those decorations and secure them to your tuk-tuk.

=> 然後購買這些裝飾品,並確保他們到你的嘟嘟車。

So, how do we do that? BERT: We dont need to do all the decorations, only the ones that are exactly the same on both tuk-tuks.

=> 那麼,我們該怎麼做呢? BERT:我們不需要做所有的裝飾,只有在兩個嘟嘟車上完全一樣的裝飾。

KAREN: So lets look at whats the same, then.

=> 凱倫:那麼讓我們來看看還是一樣的。

BERT: Does yours have white lights with bulbs? KAREN: Yup.

=> BERT:你的燈泡是白色的嗎?凱倫:是的。


=> 鷹。

BERT: Do you have a hanging bumblebee? Oh yeah, but yours is-- KAREN: I do, but mines gold.

=> BERT:你有一隻懸掛的大黃蜂嗎?哦,是的,但你的是 - 卡琳:我是的,但是我的金子。

Yours is silver.

=> 你的銀子。

So, some of them might be exactly the same, but at different locations? BERT: Yeah, it looks like it.

=> 所以,其中一些可能是完全一樣的,但在不同的地點? BERT:是的,它看起來像。

KAREN: Oh, this is tricky.

=> KAREN:哦,這很棘手。

ANDREA: Flow House.

=> 安德烈:流動之家。

EBONIE: Thank you! Gracias! Merci! ANDREA: Lets rock this! PAUL: Andrea and Ebonie just walked in.

=> EBONIE:謝謝!格拉西亞斯!留言Merci!安德烈:讓我們搖滾吧! PAUL:Andrea和Ebonie剛走進來。

SURFER: You have done before? EBONIE: Yes.

=> SURFER:你以前做過? EBONIE:是的。

EBONIE: Ive worked at an indoor surfing pool.

=> 埃博尼:我在一個室內衝浪池工作。

I practiced there all the time.

=> 我一直在那裡練習。

I feel like this challenge was made for me.

=> 我覺得這個挑戰是為我而做的。

EBONIE: Lets try it! EBONIE: Woo! Like a champion! [CHEERING] Youre so close, Sam! SAM: Okay.

=> EBONIE:我們試試吧! EBONIE:嗚!像個冠軍! [親愛的]你太親近了,山姆! SAM:好的。

GIRL: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! PAUL: Ya! Woo! [CHEERING] PAUL: Good job.

=> 女孩:哦,哦,哦,哦! PAUL:雅!嗚!保羅:幹得不錯。

SAM: Maybe Adam and Andrea didnt go for the fast forward.


PAUL: Who knows? SAM: That would be wild.

=> PAUL:誰知道?薩姆:那將是瘋狂的。



Just focus.

=> 只是專註。

SHABBIR: High five.

=> SHABBIR:高五。


=> 沒有。

SHABBIR: Oh, no! ZED: [SIGHS] IVANA: Theyre coming back.

=> SHABBIR:哦,不! ZED:[IVHS] IVANA:他們回來了。

This is our chance.

=> 這是我們的機會。

Lets get ahead right now.

=> 我們現在就開始吧。

KOREY: Okay, no talking at all.

=> KOREY:好的,根本不講話。

Ive got this.

=> 我有這個。

SHABBIR: 1, 2, 3.

=> SHABBIR:1,2,3。


=> [笑聲] [掌聲] KOREY / IVANA:雅!嗚! IVANA:[笑]是的!謝謝!車輛改道。

Were gonna do Bling it, because Im nervous about my back.

=> 我們會做Bling的,因為我對我的背部很緊張。

SHABBIR: Okay, it looks like were in last at this point.

=> SHABBIR:好的,看起來我們現在已經在最後一刻了。

Give me the clue.

=> 給我一些線索

ZED: Holy smokes.

=> ZED:聖煙。

SHABBIR: We just found out that were not allowed to speak anything so this is supposed to be a very silent puppet show.

=> SHABBIR:我們剛剛發現我們不允許說什麼,所以這應該是一個非常沉默的木偶戲。

ZED: We honestly did not read the clue.

=> ZED:我們誠實地沒有讀到線索。



SHABBIR: [Inaudible], please.

=> SHABBIR:[音頻不清晰]。

This is the first time were in last place.

=> 這是我們第一次在最後一個地方。

ZED: Its a long leg to go.

=> ZED:這是一個很長的路要走。

Lets do this.

=> 我們開工吧。

Hey, head up.

=> 嘿,抬頭。

[CHEERING] RYAN: Ya, get busy! KENNETH: Get busy! Wassup?! KENNETH: Ya, girls! RYAN: Gettin pitted! Focus, relax, breathe! EBONIE: Thats it Thats it.

=> RYAN:雅,忙吧!肯尼:太忙了!日wassup? KENNETH:丫,女孩! RYAN:Gettin進站!專註,放鬆,呼吸! EBONIE:就是這樣就是這樣。

ANDREA: Whoa! ANDREA: Search for Jon at your next pit stop.

=> 安德烈亞:哇!安德列亞:在你下一個進站時搜索喬恩。

EBONIE: Oh my god! Lets get out of here! Thank you! EBONIE: Thailands been good to us.

=> EBONIE:天啊!我們離開這裡!謝謝! EBONIE:泰國對我們很好。

ANDREA: Yes, Thailand has been good to us.

=> 安德列亞:是的,泰國對我們很好。

EBONIE: We love Thailand.

=> EBONIE:我們愛泰國。

KAREN: Okay, so, do you have bell with tassels? BERT: I have it down here.

=> 凱倫:好吧,你有流蘇的鈴鐺嗎? BERT:我在這裡。

KAREN: Ready to start looking? BERT: Do you think we have everything? KAREN: We are already at one market.

=> 凱倫:準備開始尋找? BERT:你認為我們擁有一切嗎?凱倫:我們已經在一個市場。

This is the Amulet Market, so we can start looking here.

=> 這是護身符市場,所以我們可以開始在這裡看。


=> BERT:這是瘋狂的。

KAREN: [LAUGHS] Look at this little doggie.

=> 凱倫:[笑]看看這個小狗。

[DOG YELPING] KAREN: Here, here.

=> 凱倫:在這裡。

BERT: Yeah, that looks right to me.

=> BERT:是的,這對我來說很合適。


=> 那裡。

This is exactly it.

=> 這正是它。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

KAREN: Were missing three items.

=> 凱倫:我們錯過了三個項目。

Weve got to go to the other market, then.

=> 那麼我們必須去另一個市場。

BERT: Lets go! KAREN: Tuk-tuk-tuk-tuk-tuk.

=> BERT:走吧! KAREN:篤篤篤篤篤

So, were going to the Klongthom Center.

=> 所以,我們要去Klongthom中心。

Im good at shopping.

=> 我很擅長購物。

Bling, bling.

=> 亮閃閃。

EBONIE: Were close.

=> EBONIE:我們很親密。

Were close.

=> 我們很近

ANDREA: Were gonna find Jon.

=> 安德烈:我們要找喬恩。

This is crazy! EBONIE: This is crazy.

=> 這太瘋狂了! EBONIE:這太瘋狂了。

ANDREA: What? [Inaudible] SAM: Theres the girls, Andrea and Ebonie.

=> 安德烈亞:什麼? [音頻不清晰] SAM:那裡有女孩,Andrea和Ebonie。

ANDREA: This is it.

=> 安德烈:就是這樣。

EBONIE: This is it? SAM: Okay, stop, stop, stop! PAUL: Sir, were getting out! ANDREA: Were definitely at the right place.

=> EBONIE:這是嗎? SAM:好的,停下來,停下來,停下來! PAUL:先生,我們出去了!安德列亞:我們絕對是在正確的地方。

PAUL: Lets go, lets go, lets go! ANDREA: Guys, where is it? Oh, careful! Careful, careful! ANDREA: Guys, where is it? Oh, careful! Careful, careful! Are you okay? SAM: Yeah, lets go.

=> PAUL:走吧,走吧,走吧!安德烈:夥計,在哪裡?哦,小心!小心,小心!安德烈:夥計,在哪裡?哦,小心!小心,小心!你還好嗎? SAM:是的,我們走吧。

ANDREA: Are you okay? PAUL: Come on! Its this way! PAUL: Sam, Sam, Sam! ANDREA: Ebonie! Eb! EBONIE: Oh my god! ANDREA: Eb! EBONIE: Oh! JON: Andrea and Ebonie, Sam and Paul, you guys are teams number two and three.

=> 安德列亞:你沒事吧? PAUL:來吧!就是這樣! PAUL:山姆,山姆,山姆!安德烈:Ebonie! EB! EBONIE:天啊!安德烈:Eb! EBONIE:哦! JON:Andrea和Ebonie,Sam和Paul,你們是二號和三號。

PAUL: Ya! EBONIE: Oh my god! EBONIE: Oh god! [SCREAMING AND LAUGHING] EBONIE: From last to second.

=> PAUL:雅! EBONIE:天啊! EBONIE:天啊! [笑笑] EBONIE:從上次到第二次。

We want number one.

=> 我們想要第一名。

RYAN: Come on, Kenneth! Youve got er, buddy! Ya! [CHEERING] RYAN: Reach it! Ya! RYAN: Search for Jon at your next pit stop! Okay, we gotta go.

=> RYAN:來吧,Kenneth!你有呃,夥計!雅! RYAN:到達!雅! RYAN:在你的下一站進站搜索Jon!好的,我們得走了。

KENNETH: We gotta go! Aloha! Aloha! RYAN: Woo! KAREN: So were going to the Klongthom Center.

=> 肯尼:我們得走了!阿羅哈!阿羅哈! RYAN:嗚! KAREN:所以我們要去Klongthom中心。

BERT: Wow, this is a very lit-up market.

=> BERT:哇,這是一個非常亮的市場。

KAREN: Alright, lets go.

=> 凱倫:好的,我們走吧。

This is the lights.

=> 這是燈。

Hi, hi.

=> 嗨,你好

BERT: Looking for a string of lights.

=> BERT:尋找一串燈。


=> 好極了。

KAREN: Thank you.

=> 凱倫:謝謝。

BERT: Thank you.

=> BERT:謝謝。

BERT: Lets move on and find everything else.

=> BERT:讓我們繼續前進,找到其他的東西。

KAREN: Hello.

=> 凱倫:你好。

BERT: These are lights again.

=> BERT:這些燈又亮了。

KAREN: They are lights again.

=> 凱倫:他們又是燈。

More lights.

=> 更多的燈光。

BERT: Lets go back to the other market.

=> BERT:讓我們回到另一個市場。

We know this is just lights.

=> 我們知道這只是燈光。

Thats weird that wed go so far for just BOTH: One item.

=> 這很奇怪,我們到目前為止只是兩個:一個項目。

BERT: Yeah.

=> BERT:是的。

SHABBIR: It is so hot.

=> SHABBIR:太熱了。

ZED: There are no other teams here.

=> ZED:這裡沒有其他的球隊。

I have good balance, so I can grab the flag quick.

=> 我有很好的平衡,所以我可以快速地抓住國旗。

We need to make up ground.

=> 我們需要彌補。

[CHEERING] I got the flag.

=> [歡迎]我得到了國旗。

Dads gotta get the flag.

=> 爸爸得拿旗子

AUDIENCE: Whoa! I think we still picked the right detour.

=> 觀眾:哇!我想我們還是選擇了正確的彎路。

Theres still lots of time.

=> 還有很多時間

Lets go, Dad! AUDIENCE: Whoa! KOREY: Where is it? This thing.

=> 爸,我們走吧觀眾:哇! KOREY:它在哪裡?這東西。

IVANA: Good eye, Korey, good eye.

=> IVANA:好眼睛,Korey,好眼睛。

Thats clutch.

=> 這是離合器。

Its this black light.

=> 這是黑光。

Write that down.

=> 寫下來。

IVANA: Got it, got it.

=> IVANA:明白了,明白了。

BERT: So, Korey and Ivana are here.

=> BERT:所以,Korey和Ivana在這裡。

KOREY: [SIGHS] We gotta move.

=> KOREY:[SIGHS]我們必須搬家。

KAREN: Good luck, guys.

=> 凱倫:祝你好運,夥計們。

KAREN: It was very good to see another team here because that means that theyre trying to do this challenge too, and we know its obviously time-consuming.

=> KAREN:在這裡看到另外一支隊伍是非常好的,因為這意味著他們也在試圖做這個挑戰,而且我們知道這顯然是非常耗時的。

IVANA: Lets go buy these things.

=> IVANA:我們去買這些東西。

We are heading to our first market.

=> 我們正在走向我們的第一個市場。

ZED: Okay Now slowly lean back.

=> ZED:好吧,現在慢慢向後靠。

My dads having a bit of a struggle right now, but I think I found an easier way to do it.

=> 我爸爸現在有點掙扎了,但是我想我找到了一個更簡單的方法來做到這一點。

ZED: When you hold the ends of the board and crouch down, its much easier to get into the wave, and then towards the flag, you can just leap up and grab it.

=> ZED:當你抓住棋盤的兩端並蹲下時,進入波浪更容易,然後朝著國旗,你可以跳起來抓住它。

Im gonna try Zeds way of kneeling down.

=> 我要試試Zed跪下的方式。

ZED: Lets go, Dad! AUDIENCE: [CHEERING] It seems to be working a bit better for me.

=> ZED:走吧,爸爸!觀眾:[睡覺]對我來說,這似乎有點好轉。

RYAN: Were coming, Jonny, were coming! [SIGHS] KENNETH: [SIGHS] Lovely.

=> RYAN:我們來了,Jonny,我們來了! KENNETH:[SIGHS]可愛。

KENNETH: Woo! RYAN: Sweet! JON: It has been an epic leg of the race, gentleman, from Nelson to Beijing to Shanghai to Bangkok.

=>肯尼:嗚! RYAN:甜! JON:從納爾遜到北京,再到上海到曼谷,這是一場史詩級的紳士。

Boys, well see you guys at the next stop.

=> 男孩們,我們會在下一站見到你們。


=> 肯尼:是的。

Thank you, Jon! KOREY: I think were here, yup.

=> 謝謝,喬恩! KOREY:我想我們在這裡,是的。

IVANA: Im confident that were going to find the items here.

=> IVANA:我相信我們會在這裡找到物品。

Here, here, here, here, here.

=> 在這裡,在這裡,在這裡,在這裡。

KOREY: Boom, black and white, black and white.

=> 韓國:繁榮,黑色和白色,黑色和白色。

IVANA: We need these lights right now.

=> IVANA:我們現在需要這些燈。


=> 韓國:現在。

IVANA: Thank you, thank you.

=> IVANA:謝謝,謝謝。

KOREY: Thanks.

=> KOREY:謝謝。

KOREY: See anything else that we need? IVANA: I see nothing.

=> KOREY:看到我們需要的東西? IVANA:我什麼都看不到。

I see lights.

=> 我看到燈。

BERT: Excuse me.

=> BERT:對不起。

Excuse me, excuse me Can I buy this? I wanna buy this, this one right here.

=> 對不起,請問我可以買這個嗎?我想買這個,這個就在這裡。

Just one.

=> 只有一個。

KAREN: So this is it, right? BERT: Yeah, lets get back.

=> 凱倫:這就是這樣,對吧? BERT:是的,我們回去吧。

KAREN: Now is supposed to be the fun part decoration.

=> 凱倫:現在應該是有趣的部分裝飾。

It has to be beautiful.

=> 它必須是美麗的。

BERT: Youre beautiful.

=> BERT:你很漂亮。


=> 凱倫:[笑聲]好的。

BERT: Check, please.

=> BERT:請檢查。

MAN: No.

=> 男子:不

BERT: No? MAN: [LAUGHING] KAREN: Dont laugh! KAREN: We have to go back to the example tuk-tuks and try and figure out, what are we missing? BERT: Could it be beading, like Buddha monk beads? KAREN: There are so many different tiny little details.

=> BERT:不?男:[大笑] KAREN:別笑!凱倫:我們必須回到示例性的嘟嘟聲,試圖弄清楚,我們錯過了什麼? BERT:它可以像珠佛僧一樣成珠狀嗎?凱倫:有很多不同的細節。

Oh my god.

=> 哦,我的上帝。

[SIGHS] KOREY: Okay, lets look around this aisle.

=> 韓國:好的,我們來看看這個過道吧。

Lets just look in these aisles now.

=> 現在我們來看看這些通道。

IVANA: Ive been looking everywhere we turn.

=> IVANA:我到處都在找我們轉。

I honestly dont see decorations.

=> 我真的沒有看到裝飾品。

All I see is lights and lights and lights.

=> 我看到的只有燈光和燈光。

KOREY: Holy crap, man! Weve been here for 45 minutes and all we have is one item.

=> KOREY:神聖的廢話,男人!我們已經在這裡呆了45分鐘,我們只有一個項目。

KOREY: [SIGHS] Were just gonna go back and hope that the rest of our stuff is at the Amulet Market.

=> KOREY:[SIGHS]我們要回去,希望我們剩下的東西在護身符市場。

Why do you need so many lights? ZED: You got this, Dad! SHABBIR: Ive taken so many falls, my bodys aching.

=> 你為什麼需要這麼多的燈? ZED:你有這個,爸爸! SHABBIR:我跌了那麼多,身體酸痛。

Can I give it a few more tries? ZED: Sure.

=> 我可以再嘗試幾次嗎? ZED:當然。

I can do about four or five more.

=> 我可以做大約四五個。

ZED: When my dad sets his mind to something, he needs to get it done.

=> ZED:當我父親決定做某件事的時候,他需要把事情做好。

ZED: Dad! SHABBIR: Ah! SHABBIR: Im in pain, Im exhausted, and its time to switch.

=> ZED:爸爸! SHABBIR:啊! SHABBIR:我很痛苦,精疲力竭,現在是時候改變了。

ZED: Were going to switch detours here.

=> ZED:我們將在這裡改變彎路。

SHABBIR: Thank you.

=> SHABBIR:謝謝。

SHABBIR: I wasnt planning to switch, but after that fall, I knew it was the right thing to do.

=> SHABBIR:我不打算改變,但在那之後,我知道這是正確的做法。

KAREN: Were missing one item.

=> 凱倫:我們錯過了一個項目。

[SIGHS] BERT: How about your tassels? Maybe a colour of tassels are wrong.

=> BERT:你的流蘇呢?也許流蘇的顏色是錯的。

Here, this garland.

=> 在這裡,這個花環。

KAREN: Thats it, thats it.

=> 凱倫:就是這樣,就是這樣。

Lets go, lets go, lets go.

=> 走吧,走吧,走吧。

BERT: Excuse me, excuse me Sorry, excuse me Got it, I found it! Oh my goodness.

=> BERT:對不起,對不起,對不起,我找到了!哦,我的天啊。

We know this market so well.

=> 我們很了解這個市場。

150? KAREN: Yay! BERT: Check, please.

=> 150?凱倫:是的! BERT:請檢查。

KAREN: Yes, good! MAN: Good job.

=> 凱倫:是的,很好!男子:幹得好。

Search for Jon at your next pit stop! Oh, thank god! One day in Thailand! BERT: can drive you crazy.

=> 在下一個進站搜索Jon!哦,謝天謝地!有一天在泰國! BERT:可以讓你瘋狂。

IVANA: Here, here, here! KOREY: Yes! IVANA: Rooster! Rooster, rooster, rooster! This is it, this is it.

=> IVANA:在這裡,在這裡! KOREY:是的! IVANA:雞!公雞,公雞,公雞!就是這樣,就是這樣。

KOREY: Yes, girl! Youre on fire, baby! IVANA: On fire, on fire, on fire.

=> KOREY:是的,女孩!你著火了,寶貝! IVANA:著火,著火,著火。

KOREY: Can we get one of these, please? IVANA: Lets move it.

=> KOREY:我們可以得到其中的一個嗎? IVANA:讓我們移動它。

We have to decorate our tuk-tuk.

=> 我們必須裝飾我們的嘟嘟車。

This is ugly.

=> 這是醜陋的。

I dont want it here.

=> 我不想在這裡。

There we go, panda.

=> 我們去,熊貓。

Lets try it, lets try it.

=> 讓我們試試吧,讓我們試試吧。

Can we get a check, please? MAN: No.

=> 我們可以拿一張支票嗎?男子:不

IVANA: Okay, lets try.

=> IVANA:好的,我們試試吧。

Lets check-- lets check our list, its okay.

=> 讓我們來看一下我們檢查我們的清單,沒關係

IVANA: I dont know what it is.

=> IVANA:我不知道是什麼。

KOREY: Its gotta be something here, man.

=> KOREY:這裡有東西,男人。

IVANA: Are we blind? Korey, are we blind? What is it? KOREY: Its okay, its okay.

=> IVANA:我們是盲人嗎? Korey,我們是盲人嗎?它是什麼? KOREY:沒關係,沒關係。

We cant get frazzled right now.

=> 我們現在不能被弄糊塗了。

[SIGHS] IVANA: Do you have a red flag? Do you have a red flag? Do you have a red flag? Do you have a red flag? KOREY: Yes! Thats what it is.

=> IVANA:你有紅旗嗎?你有紅旗嗎?你有紅旗嗎?你有紅旗嗎? KOREY:是的!就是這樣。

IVANA: Yes, lets go! Lets go find it! KOREY: Its here somewhere.

=> IVANA:是的,我們走吧!我們去找吧!韓國:這是在某個地方。

Its here somewhere.

=> 它在這裡某處

I saw some tuk-tuks on the other side.

=> 我在另一邊看到了一些嘟嘟聲。

Okay, lets go.

=> 好的,我們走吧。

Hopefully, we can get this on our first time trying.

=> 希望我們可以在第一次嘗試時得到這個。

The panda is the same.

=> 熊貓是一樣的。

Ive got the golden fish.

=> 我有金色的魚。

Red, small green, white.

=> 紅色,小綠色,白色。

Perfect, thank you.

=> 完美,謝謝。

Thank you very much.

=> 非常感謝你。

My god, its so hot.

=> 我的天啊,真熱

KAREN: Come, come, come.

=> 凱倫:來,來,來。

JON: Karen and Bert, you guys are team number five.

=> JON:Karen和Bert,你們是五號球隊。

Its been a very long leg-- long two legs, so JON: The longest in the history of The Amazing Race Canada .

=> 這是一條很長的腿 - 長的兩條腿,所以JON:「加拿大驚險賽」歷史上最長的。

KAREN: I believe that.

=> 凱倫:我相信。

It feels like the longest! KAREN: We have ran this leg through pure exhaustion.

=> 感覺最長!凱倫:我們已經完全用盡了這條腿。

This is like the work that you put into marriage.

=> 這就像你投入婚姻的工作。

KAREN: [SIGHS] BERT: [CHUCKLES] ZED: We just need the fish, though.



=> 這裡。

SHABBIR: Are we good? ZED: I believe we have everything.

=> SHABBIR:我們好嗎? ZED:我相信我們擁有一切。

We are decorating our tuk-tuk.

=> 我們正在裝修我們的嘟嘟車。

Okay, well get a check, please.

=> 好的,我們會收到一張支票。


=> SHABBIR:沒有。

ZED: No? ZED: Look for beads or something.

=> ZED:不是? ZED:找珠子什麼的。

SHABBIR: Oh, lights.

=> SHABBIR:哦,燈。

Zed, what about the lights? Thats what were missing, the lights.

=> 澤德,燈怎麼樣?這就是我們所缺少的燈光。

ZED: Yeah.

=> ZED:是的。

SHABBIR: Okay, we have to go to the other market.

=> SHABBIR:好的,我們必須去其他市場。

What a day.

=> 真是一天

What a day! This day couldnt have gone any worse for us.

=> 真是一天!這一天對我們來說不能再糟糕了。

KOREY: Red banner, red banner? IVANA: Okay, yeah, I know, I know, I know, I know.

=> KOREY:紅色橫幅,紅色橫幅? IVANA:好的,我知道,我知道,我知道。

Red banner, red banner, red banner.

=> 紅色橫幅,紅色橫幅,紅色橫幅。

Keep your eyes open for it.

=> 睜大你的眼睛。

Right there! KOREY: Thats the one! IVANA: Keep the change, keep the change! Lets go, lets go.

=> 在那裡! KOREY:就是那個! IVANA:保持變化,保持變化!走吧,走吧

We added our banner.

=> 我們加了我們的旗幟。

Now were gonna check.

=> 現在我們要檢查。

KOREY: [SIGHS] IVANA: Thank you! KOREY: Read it.


KOREY: Lets go! KOREY: Taxi, taxi! IVANA: Taxi! KOREY: Some of the taxis are available, but theyre not even stopping.

=>韓國:走吧! KOREY:計程車,計程車! IVANA:計程車! KOREY:有些計程車可用,但他們甚至沒有停車。

[HORNS HONKING] IVANA: Will you stop? KOREY: Why? Why does this keep happening? SHABBIR: The lights.

=> [HORNS HONKING] IVANA:你會停下來嗎? KOREY:為什麼?為什麼這種情況繼續發生? SHABBIR:燈。

Yeah, those are the ones.

=> 是的,那些是那些。

Okay, lets get out of here.

=> 好,我們離開這裡

I just hope its a non-elimination round.

=> 我只是希望這是一個非淘汰賽。

I just feel that there might be a glimmer of hope.

=> 我只是覺得可能會有一絲希望。

IVANA: Yes, please stop! KOREY: Thank god.

=> IVANA:是的,請停止! KOREY:感謝上帝。

Lets get out of here.

=> 我們離開這裡

Do you this-- do you know this address, 90 [inaudible]? You have to go fast, though.

=> 你是否知道這個地址,90 [聽不清]?儘管如此,你必須走得快。

Yeah? DRIVER: Go to there? KOREY: Yes.

=> 是嗎?司機:去那裡? KOREY:是的。

We have no idea where the other teams are, and KOREY: No idea what place were in.

=> 我們不知道其他球隊在哪裡,韓國隊:不知道我們在什麼地方。

IVANA: No idea what place were in but we think were last.

=> IVANA:不知道我們在什麼地方,但我們認為我們是最後一個。

ZED: Were just wrapping on the final piece.

=> ZED:我們只是包裝在最後一塊。

You good, Dad? SHABBIR: Yeah.

=> 你好,爸爸? SHABBIR:是的。

Check, please.

=> 請檢查。

MAN: Okay.

=> 男:好的。

SHABBIR: Yeah? Wonderful.

=> SHABBIR:是嗎?精彩。

ZED: Search for Jon at your next pit stop.

=> ZED:在下一個進站時搜索Jon。

Warning, the last team to check in may be eliminated.

=> 警告,最後一個登記隊伍可能會被淘汰。

IVANA: Sir, you know where were going, right? 90 [inaudible].

=> IVANA:先生,你知道我們要去哪裡,對嗎? 90 [聽不清]。


=> 駕駛者:是的。

IVANA: You sure you know? KOREY: He sounds pretty confident to me, man.

=> IVANA:你確定你知道嗎? KOREY:他聽起來對我很有信心,男人。

DRIVER: [Inaudible] IVANA: He has no idea where were going.

=> DRIVER:[音頻不清晰] IVANA:他不知道我們要去哪裡。


=> 是啊。

[Inaudible] Hes making me translate.

=> [音頻不清晰]他讓我翻譯。

DRIVER: Oh, okay, okay.

=> 司機:哦,好吧,好的。

IVANA: How many minutes? KOREY: How long? One hour, great.

=> IVANA:多少分鐘? KOREY:多久?一個小時,太棒了。

IVANA: One hour? We were going the wrong direction the whole time.

=> IVANA:一個小時?我們一直在走錯方向。

KOREY: Were literally at the other end of the city.

=> 韓國:我們真的是在城市的另一端。

IVANA: I think we left Bangkok.

=> IVANA:我想我們離開了曼谷。

Our taxi driver was driving the completely opposite way.

=> 我們的計程車司機開著一條完全相反的路。

Such a sad feeling, especially going to Jon for the pit stop.

=> 這樣一種悲傷的感覺,特別是去Jon進站的時候。

Its the worst feeling.

=> 這是最糟糕的感覺。

[HORN HONKING] SHABBIR: Im just hoping on a prayer.

=> [HORN HONKING] SHABBIR:我只是希望做一個禱告。

DRIVER: [Inaudible] Okay, stop, stop, stop.

=> 司機:[聽不清]好的,停下來,停下來,停下來。

[THUNDER RUMBLING] IVANA: The thunder is very appropriate right now.


KOREY: Yeah.

=> KOREY:是的。

ZED: Go down there? SHABBIR: Straight.

=> ZED:去那裡? SHABBIR:直。

IVANA: Lets go, go, go, Korey.

=> IVANA:走吧,走吧,Korey。

SHABBIR: Where are we going? Is he in there? IVANA: Oh! KOREY: [SIGHS] Perfect.

=> SHABBIR:我們要去哪裡?他在那裡嗎? IVANA:哦! KOREY:[SIGHS]完美。

Korey and Ivana You guys are team number six.

=> Korey和Ivana你們是六號球隊。

KOREY: Oh my god! Oh my god IVANA: Six! KOREY: Boom! IVANA: Yay! With a broken back! Major detour with our cab.

=> KOREY:天啊!哦,我的上帝IVANA:六! KOREY:轟! IVANA:耶!隨著折斷!與我們的駕駛室繞道而行。

We are safe.

=> 我們很安全。

What a day.

=> 真是一天

KOREY: Woo! Zed and Shabbir you are the last team to arrive.

=> KOREY:喔! Zed和Shabbir你是最後到達的隊伍。

I am sorry to tell you this, but youve been eliminated from the race.

=> 我很遺憾地告訴你,但你已經被淘汰出局。

I didnt want this journey to end.

=> 我不希望這個旅程結束。

Its an amazing ride, and I didnt want to get off the ride.

=> 這是一個驚人的旅程,我不想下車。

I didnt pull through in the challenges, and I let him down.

=> 我在挑戰中沒有完成,我讓他失望了。

ZED: You didnt let me down.

=> ZED:你沒有讓我失望。

Seeing you de with people half your age was inspiring.

=> 與你的一半年齡的人看到你是鼓舞人心的。

JON: Cancer survivor, 57 years young, you have done amazing, Shabbir.

=> JON:癌症倖存者,57歲,你做了驚人的Shabbir。

Thank you very much, Jon.

=> Jon,非常感謝。

ZED: Its crazy to think that that was six years ago that it was a struggle to just get up from bed and move around a little bit.

=> ZED:想到六年前那種從床上起床走動的鬥爭真是瘋狂。

And to do the things that hes done, hes my mentor, hes my idol, and Im very proud of him.

=> 做他所做的事情,他是我的導師,他是我的偶像,我為他感到驕傲。

SHABBIR: I found out that Zed is a lot, lot smarter than I ever gave him credit for.

=> SHABBIR:我發現Zed比我曾經給過他的那些東西要聰明得多。

[LAUGHTER] So Im proud of him.

=> [大笑]我為他感到驕傲。

I really am very proud of you.

=> 我真的為你感到驕傲。

Oh, hug.

=> 哦,擁抱。

SHABBIR: I had an opportunity to do something amazing with my son.

=> SHABBIR:我有機會和我的兒子做一些驚人的事情。

Im so happy for that opportunity, so happy.

=> 我為那個機會感到高興,太高興了。

SHABBIR: Were done.

=> SHABBIR:我們完成了。

ZED: I know.

=> ZED:我知道。

I cant believe it.

=> 我無法相信。

JON: Next time on The Amazing Race Canada EBONIE: Go to Ottawa, Ontario! ADAM/ANDREA: O Canada! JON: Teams head home to our nations capital, Ottawa.

=> JON:下一次加拿大驚人賽EBONIE:去安大略省的渥太華! ADAM / ANDREA:O加拿大! JON:隊伍回到我們國家首都渥太華。

JON: At the roadblock, teams discover they cant look a gift horse in the [HORSE WHINNYING] Oh, I think it farted! JON: A test of true patriotism has teams struggling to make the grade.

=> JON:在路障上,隊員們發現他們在[HORSE WHINNYING]中看不到禮物馬哦,我認為它放屁! JON:對真正的愛國主義的考驗讓團隊努力爭取成績。

RYAN: Who made the Canadian National Anthem? Celine Dion? KENNETH: No, dude.

=> RYAN:誰製作了加拿大國歌?席琳·迪翁?肯尼:不,夥計。

SAM: There, Paul.

=> SAM:在那裡,保羅。

JON: And its a race to nip the detour in the bud KAREN: Flowers, flowers everywhere! JON: in a fight for first to the double U-turn board.

=> JON:這是一場遏制bud de的賽跑KAREN:鮮花,無處不在的花朵! JON:在第一次向雙重掉頭棋盤的爭奪中。

SAM: Lets go! KAREN: There, there, there! JON: For more on the racers and to join race play, head to ctv.

=> SAM:走吧!卡倫:在那裡,在那裡! JON:對於更多的賽車手和參加比賽,請前往ctv。


=>CA / theamazingracecanada。


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