
[美劇] 少男奶爸/Baby Daddy 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 少男奶爸/Baby Daddy 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

劇本 台詞 字幕 筆記 中英文對照 純英文 學英語 文本 PDF 文檔 電子版 紙質版

二十多的小夥子Ben是個酒保,突然在有一天發現前女友把他們激情後的結晶,一位女嬰,留在了他租住的房門外。一位各方面都不成熟的小年輕突然要承擔起為人之父的職責。經過一番思想鬥爭,他決定與他的朋友、哥哥以及母親一起撫養起這個孩子。ABC Family頻道2012年新情景喜劇Baby Daddy的故事就此展開。[展開全文]

二十多的小夥子Ben是個酒保,突然在有一天發現前女友把他們激情後的結晶,一位女嬰,留在了他租住的房門外。一位各方面都不成熟的小年輕突然要承擔起為人之父的職責。經過一番思想鬥爭,他決定與他的朋友、哥哥以及母親一起撫養起這個孩子。ABC Family頻道2012年新情景喜劇Baby Daddy的故事就此展開。


Huh? Amazing, right? - Yeah.

=>咦?令人驚嘆的,對吧? - 是的。

- Bathroom.

=> - 浴室


=> 卧室。


=> 尼斯。

Views of other bedrooms and bathrooms.

=> 其他卧室和浴室的意見。

I really appreciate you letting me crash here, bud.

=> 我真的很感激你讓我在這裡崩潰,萌芽。

Are you kidding? Youre doing us a favor.

=> 你在開玩笑嗎?你在幫我們忙。

No flush Tony just moved out last week.

=> 托尼上周剛剛搬家沒有。

Youre sure this isnt a problem? Seriously, the best day of my life was when I heard you got traded to the rangers.

=> 你確定這不是問題?說真的,當我聽說你被交易到護林員那裡時,我生命中最美好的一天是。

Youre family.

=> 你是家人

My place is your place, man.

=> 我的地方是你的地方,男人。

Technically, its my place.

=> 從技術上講,這是我的地方。

Okay, and next time I say, "Hey, let me help you with that," lets try "No thanks, I got it.

=> 好的,下一次我說:「嘿,讓我來幫你,讓我們試試吧」不,謝了,我知道了。

" You look like an eater.


So, just so were clear, the left side of the fridge is mine.

=> 所以,我們清楚,冰箱的左邊是我的。

I got it.

=> 我知道了。

Tucker, come on.

=> 塔克,來吧。

My brother and my best friend-- Its never gonna get any better than this.

=> 我的兄弟和我最好的朋友 - 這永遠不會比這更好。

The three of us together, theres nothing thats gonna stop us.

=> 我們三個在一起,沒有什麼能阻止我們。

Except for maybe that.

=> 除了那個。

Theres a baby on my doormat.

=> 我的門墊上有一個嬰兒。

its amazing how the unexpected can take your life and change directions.

=> 意想不到的事情可以帶走你的生活和改變方向。

where did it come from? I dont know.

=> 它從哪裡來的?我不知道。

But whoever left it, they couldnt have gotten far.

=> 但是,誰離開了,誰也走不了多遠。

Stay there, baby.

=> 待在那裡,寶貝。

Make sure she stays there! Im just saying, for a woman who just had a baby, she moves remarkably fast.

=> 確保她呆在那裡!我只是說,對於一個剛生完孩子的女人,她的動作非常快。

How could she just leave her here? Ben, you gotta calm down, okay? Im sure shes not even your baby.

=> 她怎麼能把她留在這裡?本,你得冷靜下來,好嗎?我敢肯定,她甚至不是你的寶貝。

Exactly, it could just as easily be your baby, right? Not so much, no.

=> 確切地說,它可能就像你的寶寶一樣容易,對嗎?不是很多,不。

And Ive only been in town an hour.

=> 而我只有一個小時在城裡。

I mean, Im fast, but Im not that fast.

=> 我的意思是,我很快,但我並沒有那麼快。

This is not my baby.

=> 這不是我的寶貝。

Wait, wait, wait! Guys, we got a note.

=> 等等,等等,等等!夥計們,我們有一個筆記。

Her names Emma.

=> 她的名字是艾瑪。

I dont know any Emmas.

=> 我不知道艾瑪。

The babys name is Emma.

=> 寶寶的名字是艾瑪。

Hi, Emma.

=> 嗨,艾瑪

Hey, Ben.

=> 嘿,本。

Did I ever tell you about that hot waitress I went out with named Emma? Danny, focus! The mother.

=> 我有沒有告訴過你那個熱心的女服務員,我和艾瑪一起出去了?丹尼,重點!媽媽

- Oh, yeah.

=> - 哦耶。

- Whos the mother? Sorry, um, Angela.

=> - 誰是母親?對不起,安吉拉。

Angela! - Of course.

=> 安吉拉! - 當然。

- Thats right.

=> - 那就對了。

Who is Angela? She was nice.

=> 誰是安吉拉?她很好。


=> 演員。

That girl was crazy.

=> 那個女孩瘋了。

Does it say anything else? Uh, shes sorry.

=> 它是否說別的嗎?呃,對不起。

She didnt know what else to do.

=> 她不知道還有什麼要做。

And she just needs a little time.

=> 而她只需要一點時間。

Time? How much time?! And that would be the perfect amount of time.

=> 時間?多少時間?!這將是完美的時間。


=> 哦。

Thats Riley.

=> 這是萊利。

I gave her a call while you were outside.

=> 當你在外面的時候,我給了她一個電話。

Riley? Fatpants Perrin? Whats she doing here? You have a friend named Fatpants? Oh, Im definitely marking my food.

=> 萊利? Fatpants Perrin?她在這裡幹什麼?你有一個叫Fatpants的朋友?哦,我肯定是在標記我的食物。


=> 沒有。

Rileys in law school now.

=> 萊利現在在法學院。

It took her a while.

=> 這花了她一段時間。

I guess the LSATs kind of tricky, but trust me, she will know what to do.

=> 我猜LSAT有點棘手,但相信我,她會知道該怎麼做。

Ri-Gantor? Ben-wetter! Look at you.

=> RI-Gantor?本多雨!看著你。

You look amazing.

=> 你看起來好美。

How did that happen? I may have lost a pound or two.

=> 那是怎麼發生的?我可能已經失去了一兩磅。


=> 百。

You sat on my head and gave me a concussion, remember? Tuck, Riley.

=> 你坐在我的頭上,給我一個腦震蕩,記得嗎? Tuck,Riley。

Riley, Tucker.

=> 萊利,塔克。


=> 你好。

Riley grew up across the street from us and used to kick the crap out of Ben every day of his life.

=> 萊利和我們在街對面長大,過去每天都把本該從這個笨蛋里踢出去。

Oh, and congrats on the law school thing.

=> 哦,並祝賀法學院的事情。

- Thanks.

=> - 謝謝。

- Dont worry--I know a bunch of people that had a hard time getting in.

=> - 別擔心 - 我知道很多人很難進入。

- Ow, ow, ow, ow! - Why did you tell him that? I didnt do anything.

=> - 哦,流,流,流! - 你為什麼告訴他?我沒有做任何事情。


=> 哦。


=> 嘿。

Hey, its okay, princess.

=> 嘿,沒關係,公主。

Arent you gonna pick her up? Me? What, you guys see breasts and instantly think mommy? Okay, fine.

=> 你不想接她嗎?我?什麼,你們看到乳房,馬上想媽媽?好的。


=> 你好。


=> 好的。

Come here, angel.

=> 來到這裡,天使。


=> 哦。


=> 你好。

Believe me, I know how scary it is to wake up in a strange place.

=> 相信我,我知道在一個陌生的地方醒來有多嚇人。

Im just making conversation.

=> 我只是在交談。

Are you hungry? I bet youre hungry, huh? Lets see what you got-- Is this all you brought with you? Oh, well, thats okay.

=> 你餓了嗎?我敢打賭你餓了吧?讓我們看看你有什麼 - 這是你帶來的一切嗎?哦,沒關係。

Well just send one of these boys out for provisions and-- Oh I think somebody needs her diaper changed.

=> 我們只是把這些男孩中的一個送出去 - 哦,我覺得有人需要換尿布了。

Ill go to the store.

=> 我會去商店。

Yeah, Im going, too.

=> 是的,我也去。


=> 沒有。

Boys are so stupid, arent they? Yes, they are.

=> 男孩是如此的愚蠢,不是嗎?對,他們是。

Theyre so stupid.

=> 他們太蠢了

Yes, they are.

=> 對,他們是。

All right, so then you just stick the tabs down, and voila, shes good to go.

=> 好吧,那麼你只要把標籤粘貼下來,瞧,她很好走。


=> 哦。

Hold her while I get her bottle ready, - would you? - Uh, me? Im not really a baby person.

=> 準備好瓶子的時候抓住她 - 你會嗎? - 呃,我?我不是一個真正的嬰兒。

Hold her.

=> 抱著她。

Whee! Isnt this fun? There you go.

=> Whee!這不是很有趣嗎?你走了

All right.

=> 好吧。

Want to maybe, uh, take a step over here? Is she okay? Uh-huh.

=> 想也許,呃,在這裡一步?她還好嗎?嗯。

Have a seat.

=> 坐下


=> 哦。

Nice and easy.

=> 好,易於。


=> 啊。

Is she having fun? Yeah.

=> 她玩得開心嗎?是啊。

You guys look comfy.

=> 你們看起來很舒服

I cant believe this is happening.

=> 我不敢相信這一切正在發生。

Im not ready to be a dad.

=> 我還沒有準備好成為一個爸爸。

What if Angela never comes back? Oh, my God, taste this.

=> 如果安吉拉從不回來呢?哦,我的天啊,嘗嘗這個。


=> 呦。

Chicken, carrots, and pasta.

=> 雞肉,胡蘿蔔和義大利面。

Okay? All in this little jar.

=> 好的?都在這個小罐子里

Its like, gross, yet oddly delicious.

=> 這就像是非常糟糕,但卻很奇怪。

Come on, man.

=> 來吧,夥計。

Its gonna be okay.

=> 沒關係的

How do you know? I dont, but its all I got.

=> 你怎麼知道的?我沒有,但這是我得到的。

Excuse me, how old is your baby? Oh, um Thats a good question.

=> 對不起,寶寶多大了?哦,這是一個很好的問題。

I met Angela at that party in the village - Mm.

=> 我在村裡那個聚會上遇到了安吉拉 - 嗯。

- And we dated for maybe six weeks before we were Intimate.

=> - 我們約會了六個星期之前,我們是親密的。

And she broke up with me pretty much right after that.

=> 在那之後,她幾乎和我分手了。

Im sure there was no correlation.

=> 我相信沒有關係。

So, were into August now, and they take, like, nine months once theyre up and running.

=> 所以,我們現在已經進入八月了,一旦他們起來跑步,他們就要花上九個月的時間。

I think so.

=> 我想是這樣。

So Three months.

=> 那麼三個月。

Three months! My babys three months old.

=> 三個月!我的寶寶三個月大


=> MM-毫米。

- Put this back.

=> - 把這個放回去。

- What? She aint got no teeth.

=> - 什麼?她不是沒有牙齒。

Put it back.

=> 把它放回去。

So, the first thing Ben has to do is take a paternity test.

=> 所以,Ben要做的第一件事就是進行親子鑒定。

I mean, though its pretty obvious shes his.

=> 我的意思是,雖然很明顯她是他的。

Same smile, same ears, same little sparkly fleck of yellow in the iris.

=> 同樣的微笑,相同的耳朵,同樣一絲黃色的鳶尾花。

What? Do I have something in my nose? I know you guys think thats funny, but its not.

=> 什麼?我的鼻子里有東西嗎?我知道你們認為這很有趣,但事實並非如此。

You like Ben.

=> 你喜歡本。

What? No, thats insane.

=> 什麼?不,這是瘋了。

Holy crap! You really do like Ben.


Were back.

=> 我們回來了。


=> 嘿。

Ben, youre not gonna believe what Riley was just-- - Aah! - Howd it go? You guys left and I realized I should have given you a list.

=> 本,你不會相信萊利只是 - - 啊! - 怎麼樣?你們走了,我意識到我應該給你一個清單。

Why? I mean, everyone knows youre not supposed to give a baby solid food until its at least four months old and sitting up on its own.

=> 為什麼?我的意思是,每個人都知道,在至少四個月大的時候,你不應該給嬰兒餵食固體食物。

That woman was mean.

=> 那女人很卑鄙

I think were all done here.

=> 我想我們都在這裡完成。

Oh, all right.

=> 哦那好吧。

Just one good belch and shes done.

=> 只是一個好的嗝,她完成了。

I think you can handle this part.

=> 我想你可以處理這個部分。

What, me? Right now? Are you sure? Hey, Tucker? Oh, okay.

=> 什麼,我?馬上?你確定?嘿,塔克?哦好的。

- Great.

=> 太好了

Danny? - Yeah? - Youre in charge.

=> 丹尼? - 是嗎? - 你負責

- Wait.

=> 等一下

Youre not leaving, are you? - Yes.

=> 你不走,是嗎? - 是的。

- No, Ill be good.

=> - 不,我會很好的。

I promise.

=> 我承諾。

I showed you how to do everything.

=> 我告訴你如何做一切。

Yeah, but I wasnt paying attention.

=> 是的,但我沒有注意。

You cant go.

=> 你不能去。

Ben, tell Riley she cant go.

=> 本,告訴萊利,她不能去。

- You cant go.

=> 你不能走

- Bye.

=> - 再見

Ooh, wow, Ben.

=> 哦,哇,本。

I never noticed how sparkly your eyes are.

=> 我從來沒有注意到你的眼睛閃閃發光。

Please, Riley.

=> 拜託,賴利。

Well never make it through the night without you.

=> 沒有你,我們永遠不會過夜。


=> 精細。

Ill stay.

=> 我會留下來。

See? Thats what Im talking about.

=> 看到?我就是這個意思。

Right? Hey, she didnt spit up on my shirt though, did she? - No, looks good.

=> 對?嘿,她沒有吐在我的襯衫上,是嗎? - 不,看起來不錯。

- No, no, youre great.

=> - 不,不,你太棒了。

Brand new, bud.

=> 全新,萌芽。


=> 好。

All right.

=> 好吧。

I should be back by five.

=> 我應該回來五點。


=> 等待。

Where are you going? Uh, work.

=> 你要去哪裡?呃,工作。

I got a shift.

=> 我有一個轉變。

Wait, you couldnt get anyone to cover for you? Oh, see, that would have been a good idea.

=> 等等,你不能讓任何人為你掩護?哦,看,那會是一個好主意。

Too late now.

=> 現在太遲了。

No, wait, bro.

=> 不,等等,兄弟。

Tuck and I are not watching your kid.

=> 塔克和我沒有看你的孩子。


=> 是啊。

The big guys right.

=> 大傢伙是對的

I mean, there is no-- Hey! Thanks, man.

=> 我的意思是,沒有 - 嘿!謝啦。

See you! How does this keep happening to me? Whoa.

=> 再見!這是怎麼發生在我身上?哇。


=> 哦。


=> 哇。

Very impressive.

=> 非常令人印象深刻。

And who said you had no discernable skills? I think that was you.

=> 誰說你沒有可識別的技能?我想那是你。

Riley, what am I supposed to do? Well, theres not really that much we can do until Angela comes back.

=> 萊利,我該怎麼辦?那麼,直到安吉拉回來,我們才能做到這一點。

But I think we should probably talk about the elephant in the room.

=> 但我想我們應該在房間里談論大象。

Which for once isnt me.

=> 這一次不是我。

How much do you want to be involved? I dont know what I want.

=> 你想參與多少?我不知道我想要什麼

Last year, I was doing construction.

=> 去年,我在做建設。

Before that, I was waiting tables.

=> 在此之前,我正在等待桌子。

Now Im flipping bottles.

=> 現在我正在翻瓶。

I havent figured my life out yet.

=> 我還沒有想到我的生活。

Im not you.

=> 我不是你。

What does that mean? Oh! Come on.

=> 那是什麼意思?哦!來吧。

College, law school, this Transformation.

=> 學院,法學院,這個轉型。

You see what you want and you go for it.

=> 你看到你想要什麼,你去為它。


=> 是啊。

Not always.

=> 不總是。

Oh! Ice down my bra.

=> 哦!冰下我的胸罩。


=> 嘿。

Im really sorry I sat on your head all those times.

=> 我真的很抱歉,我一直坐在你的頭上。

Angelas back.

=> 安吉拉回來了

Im on break, man.

=> 我正在休息,男人。

Im sorry I sat on your head.

=> 對不起,我坐在你的頭上。

Smooth move, Fatpants.

=> 順利移動,Fatpants。


=> 是。

Where is she? Wheres Angela? First of all, she woke up the baby.

=> 她在哪? Angela在哪?首先,她醒了孩子。

Second, she wanted me to give you that envelope.

=> 其次,她要我給你那個信封。

You let her leave? Whats the matter with you? Oh, Im sorry.

=> 你讓她離開?你怎麼了?哦,對不起。

My bad, but I was a little preoccupied raising your child.

=> 我不好,但我有點專註於撫養你的孩子。

Read it.

=> 閱讀。

I think youll be happy.

=> 我想你會很開心。

Theyre adoption papers.

=> 他們是收養文件。

Shes putting Emma up for adoption and she needs me to relinquish my rights.

=> 她把艾瑪收養,她需要我放棄我的權利。

If I sign this, Im not a father anymore.

=> 如果我簽字,我不再是父親了。

Amazing, right? Well, see, Im not the only one whos excited.

=> 令人驚嘆的,對吧?好吧,看,我不是唯一興奮的人。

Yay! Whoo! So, I sign this and Emma has a new daddy? Pretty much.

=> 好極了!喔!所以,我簽署了這個,艾瑪有一個新的爸爸?很多。

The letter says they already have a family lined up.

=> 信中說,他們已經有一個家庭排隊了。

If I do this, if I let her go, I dont want to hear about it.

=> 如果我這樣做,如果我讓她走,我不想聽到它。

I never want to talk about it again, okay? - Okay.

=> 我再也不想談論了,好嗎? - 好的。

- Okay.

=> - 好的。

Where is my precious little grandbaby? Mom, what are you doing here? Im a grandma! - Hey, ma.

=> 我珍貴的小祖母在哪裡?媽媽,你在這裡幹什麼?我是奶奶 - 嘿,馬。

- Aah! What is she doing here? Did you tell her? I didnt even tell her I was here.

=> - 啊!她在這裡幹什麼?你有沒有告訴她?我甚至沒有告訴她我在這裡。

Oh, Ill get to you.

=> 哦,我會找你的。


=> 哦。


=> 你好。

Oh, she is just a big ol pile of love.

=> 哦,她只是一大堆愛。

Yeah, I really dont think thats love that youre smelling.

=> 是的,我真的不認為這是你聞到的愛。

Okay, who wants to explain to me why I had to hear that I was a grandma while I was getting my nails done? That Jennifer Perrin couldnt wait to let me have it.

=> 好的,誰想告訴我為什麼我在做指甲的時候聽說我是奶奶呢?那個珍妮佛·佩蘭迫不及待地讓我擁有它。

Ever since that Fatpants daughter of hers got into law school shes just-- Hi, Riley.

=> 自從那個Fatpants女兒進入法學院後,她就是 - 嗨,賴利。

I didnt see you there.

=> 我沒有在那裡見到你。

Youre so thin now, you should wear a bell.

=> 你現在很瘦,你應該戴鍾。


=> 哦。

Is this duct tape? We were having a closure issue.

=> 這是膠帶嗎?我們有一個關閉問題。

Oh, what, you couldnt find a stapler? Honestly.

=> 哦,什麼,你找不到訂書機?老實說。

I cant sign those papers now.

=> 我現在不能簽署這些文件。

Its not gonna happen.

=> 這不會發生。

Hey, dont worry about mom.

=> 嘿,別擔心媽媽。

You gotta do what you think is right.

=> 你必須做你認為正確的事情。

Ill totally back you up.

=> 我會完全支持你。

What papers? Youre on your own, bro.

=> 什麼文件?你自己,兄弟。

Mom I have some news.

=> 媽媽我有一些消息。


=> 是啊。

You knocked up some girl because you couldnt figure out the basics of birth control.

=> 你打倒了一個女孩,因為你無法弄清楚節育的基本知識。

Were past that, honey, okay? Mrs.

=> 我們已經過去了,親愛的,好嗎?太太。

Wheeler? Bonnie.

=> 惠勒?邦妮。

- Really? - Mrs.

=> - 真的嗎? - 太太。


=> 惠勒。

Emmas mom wants to put Emma up for adoption and for Ben to sign away his rights.

=> 艾瑪的媽媽想把艾瑪收養起來,讓本來放棄他的權利。

Really? So youre-- youre thinking about giving up this little girl? Yeah, I was thinking about it.

=> 真?所以你 - 你在考慮放棄這個小女孩?是的,我正在考慮這個問題。

Oh, good.

=> 哦,好。

Good-- what do you mean, good? Oh, Ben, honey.

=> 好 - 你是什麼意思,好?哦,本,親愛的。

You cant begin to understand the kind of sacrifice it takes to be a parent.

=> 你不能開始了解作為父母的那種犧牲。

When I married your father, and I had you two, I had to put my dreams on hold.

=> 當我娶了你的父親,而且我擁有你們兩個的時候,我不得不把我的夢想擱置。

- What dreams? - Being single and childless.

=> - 什麼夢想? - 單身和無子女

Ben Honey, I love you, but you cant raise this little girl.

=> 本·貝恩,我愛你,但你不能養這個小女孩。

You havent even finished raising yourself.

=> 你甚至還沒有完成自己。

You cant cook, youre barely paying your bills Honey, I still buy your pants.

=> 你不能做飯,你幾乎不支付你的賬單親愛的,我還是買你的褲子。

This baby needs a grown-up.

=> 這個寶寶需要一個成年人。

You gotta sign those papers.

=> 你必須簽署這些文件。

Shell be ready.

=> 她會準備好的


=> 完成。

Somebody from the adoption agency will be here first thing in the morning.

=> 收養機構的人會在早上第一件事。

Mom was right.


I couldnt raise this baby even if I wanted to.

=> 即使我想要,我也無法撫養這個嬰兒。

Bro, its going to be okay.

=> 兄弟,它會沒事的。

It happened, you dealt with it, and now, like you said, were never talking about this again.

=> 發生了,你處理了,現在,就像你說的,我們再也不談這個了。

I could have been a model.

=> 我本來可以成為一名模特。

But youve seen your uncle Danny.

=> 但你見過你的叔叔丹尼。


=> 是啊。

No body could recover from that.

=> 沒有任何機構可以從中恢復。

He was so big, I had to have a "c," "d," and "e" section.

=> 他這麼大,我必須有一個「c」,「d」和「e」部分。

No, dont.

=> 不,不要。

I swear to God.

=> 我向上帝發誓。

- Okay.

=> - 好的。


=> 好的。

- No, I will hurt you.

=> 不,我會傷害你的


=> 好的。

So Did you always like Ben? Oh, my God, youre obsessed.

=> 所以你一直喜歡本?哦,我的天啊,你是痴迷的

I dont know.

=> 我不知道。

Kind of.

=> 有點。

Guess I always thought maybe someday, but back then I just figured I was too fat, or too-- loud, or too hairy, or-- Okay, were not making a list.

=> 猜猜我總想也許有一天,但是當時我覺得我太胖了,或者太 - 大聲,或者太毛茸茸,或者 - 好的,我們沒有列出清單。

Well, youve grown to be a beautiful and successful woman-- I think you can safely move on from Ben Wheeler.

=> 那麼,你已經成長為一個美麗而成功的女人 - 我認為你可以安全地從本·惠勒繼續前進。

Why would I want to do that? Uh, did you miss the part in the story about the baby? The baby he doesnt want to give up? If thats true, then why did he make that call? Because his entire family is telling him he cant do it.

=> 我為什麼要這樣做?呃,你錯過了關於寶寶的故事嗎?他不想放棄的寶貝?如果那是真的,那他為什麼要打這個電話呢?因為他的全家都在告訴他他不能這樣做。

If nobody believes in him, how can he believe in himself? He cant do it alone.

=> 如果沒有人相信他,他怎麼能相信自己呢?他不能一個人做。

You dont know that.

=> 你不知道。

Oh, its Ben.

=> 哦,是本。

Your moms about to leave him alone with the baby.

=> 你媽媽要把他一個人留給孩子

Youre going? "Alone" is in all caps.

=> 你要去? 「單獨」是全部大寫。

Ow! Ow! What was that for? For making me talk about my feelings.

=> 噢!噢!那是幹什麼用的?讓我談談我的感受。

You know I hate that.

=> 你知道我討厭這個

And go easy on your brother, okay? He looks up to you.

=> 去你的兄弟,好嗎?他抬頭看著你。

In his eyes, you have everything.

=> 在他眼中,你擁有一切。

Not everything.

=> 不是一切。

Wait, wait, wait! - Wait.

=> 等等,等等,等等!等一下

- Oh, my God.

=> - 哦,我的上帝。

You-- you gotta give me a minute.

=> 你 - 你得給我一分鐘。

Maybe now I know why I was traded.

=> 也許現在我知道我為什麼被交易了。

You were right.

=> 你是對的。

I didnt believe in him.

=> 我不相信他。

I didnt think he could do it.

=> 我不認為他能做到。

So why are you telling me? Because If you go in there and help him, hell never believe in himself, either.

=> 那你為什麼要告訴我?因為如果你進去幫助他,他也永遠不會相信自己。

Riley, Riley, Riley, Riley, please? Shes hungry, or thirsty, or tired.

=> 請問萊利,萊利,萊利,萊利?她餓了,或口渴,或疲倦。

I dont know, I dont speak baby.

=> 我不知道,我不會說寶貝。


=> 塔克。

What is going on? Vanessa and I were at the movies when Ben called and said Emmas having some kind of meltdown.

=> 到底是怎麼回事?本·凡妮莎和我在看電影時說愛瑪正在崩潰。

I dont think Emmas the problem.

=> 我不認為艾瑪是這個問題。

Tucker, I swear if youre not home in two seconds Im gonna eat all your food.

=> 塔克,我發誓,如果你在兩秒鐘之內不在家,我會吃你所有的食物。

Tucker?! Okay! Turn it off! Okay.

=> 塔克?好的!把它關掉!好的。

So, it looks like its just gonna be you and me, huh? Guess were really gonna do this thing.

=> 所以,看起來這只是你和我,是吧?猜猜我們真的會做這個事情。


=> 好的。

Okay, Emma, hi.

=> 好,艾瑪,嗨

Hi, baby.

=> 嗨寶貝。

Come on, its okay.

=> 來吧,沒關係。

Please dont break, please dont break, please dont break.

=> 請不要中斷,請不要中斷,請不要中斷。


=> 好的。


=> 好的。

Its okay.

=> 沒關係。

Its okay.

=> 沒關係。

Its okay.

=> 沒關係。

Its okay, Emma.

=> 沒關係,艾瑪。

Daddys here.

=> 爸爸在這裡

Its okay.

=> 沒關係。


=> AAH。

Its okay.

=> 沒關係。

Im telling you, there is no way.

=> 我告訴你,沒有辦法。

Bodily functions make him queasy.

=> 身體功能使他感到不安。

He can do it.

=> 他可以做到。

Wheres your faith, man.

=> 你的信仰在哪裡?

See? Here you go.

=> 看到?幹得好。


=> 那裡。


=> 好的。


=> 你好。


=> 你好。


=> 你好。

Emma? Please eat.

=> 艾瑪?請吃。

Come on, Emma.

=> 來吧,艾瑪。

Look, look, Emma, its good.

=> 看,艾瑪,這很好。

Its good.

=> 這很好。


=> 嗯。

Oh, total lie.

=> 哦,完全的謊言。

Its actually quite disgusting.

=> 這實際上很噁心。

No wonder you dont want to eat.

=> 難怪你不想吃東西。

Please eat.

=> 請吃。

Come on, Emma.

=> 來吧,艾瑪。

Just a sip, okay? Come on.

=> 只是一口,好嗎?來吧。

Okay, come on.

=> 好吧,來吧。

Come on, you have to eat.

=> 來吧,你必須吃。

Im begging you.

=> 我求你。

Come-- What? You like that? Look what daddy can do.

=> 來 - 什麼?你喜歡?看看爸爸可以做什麼

Huh? I do this at work every day.

=> 咦?我每天都在工作。

Huh? You want some now? You want some? Here it comes.

=> 咦?你現在想要一些嗎?你想要一些嗎?它來了。

Here it comes, baby.

=> 來吧,寶貝。

Oh, my God, youre eating.

=> 哦,我的天啊,你在吃東西。

Thank you so much.

=> 非常感謝。

Holy crap, now Im crying.

=> 神聖的廢話,現在我哭了。


=> 廢話。

Dont say crap.

=> 不要說廢話。

Dont use swear words.

=> 不要使用發誓的話。

Oh, I cant believe youre eating.

=> 哦,我不能相信你在吃東西。

Youre so cute.

=> 你真可愛。

Hey, wake up.

=> 嗨起床啦。

Dude, youre drooling on me.

=> 老兄,你流口水了。


=> 哦。

Ahh Boo! Ooh.

=> 啊噓!哦。


=> 嘿。


=> 嘿。

You okay? Yeah.

=> 你好嗎?是啊。

I think I want to do this.

=> 我想我想這樣做。

I cant let her go.

=> 我不能讓她走。

I love her.

=> 我愛她。

Did you guys hear me? Yeah.

=> 你們聽到我了嗎?是啊。

Yeah, we heard you.

=> 是的,我們聽到你的聲音。

You should probably call the agency.

=> 你應該打電話給該機構。

Its almost 7:00.

=> 快7點了。

Come on, mi amor.

=> 來吧,米奧。

Here we go.

=> 開始了。

Ooh, somebody could use a bath.

=> 哦,有人可以洗澡。


=> 哦。

You both could.

=> 你們都可以。

Im gonna go get a bottle ready.

=> 我要去準備一瓶。

But I want to give it to her, okay? Were really gonna have to get on some kind of schedule though.

=> 但我想把它給她,好嗎?不過,我們真的要得到一些時間表。

- For real.

=> - 真的。

- What do you mean? Well, we have a baby now so I mean, we kind of have to be adults.

=> - 你什麼意思?那麼現在我們有一個孩子,所以我的意思是,我們必須是成年人。


=> 好的。

Ill do the shopping.

=> 我會去購物。

Okay, but lets talk about

=> 好的,但讓我們來談談



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