
[美劇] 毒梟/Narcos 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 毒梟/Narcos 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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故事聚焦於哥倫比亞毒梟Pablo Escoba,該角色由Wagner Moura出演。

  在《權力的遊戲》 中 飾演「紅毒蛇」奧柏倫馬泰爾的Pedro Pascal將出演一位墨西哥禁毒署探員。

  Wagner Moura在劇中扮演主要角色Pablo Escobar。他在白道是國會議員,在黑道則是以麥德林黑幫販毒集團的領袖,一個臭名昭著的恐怖分子。他表面上是個很顧家的[展開全文]


故事聚焦於哥倫比亞毒梟Pablo Escoba,該角色由Wagner Moura出演。

  在《權力的遊戲》 中 飾演「紅毒蛇」奧柏倫馬泰爾的Pedro Pascal將出演一位墨西哥禁毒署探員。

  Wagner Moura在劇中扮演主要角色Pablo Escobar。他在白道是國會議員,在黑道則是以麥德林黑幫販毒集團的領袖,一個臭名昭著的恐怖分子。他表面上是個很顧家的男人,而且經常做出一些劫富濟貧的事情來提高自己的形象,因此被窮人尊為「新時代的俠盜羅賓漢」。

  Boyd Holbrook扮演西弗吉尼亞禁毒署探員Steve Murphy

  Pedro Pascal扮演墨西哥禁毒署探員Javier Pena,他們奉美國政府的秘密命令一起前往哥倫比亞俘獲並殺死大毒梟Escobar。Steve Murphy和Javier Pena這兩個角色是虛構的,但Pablo Escobar的故事卻是真實的(時間大約在上世紀80年代末,90年代初)。

  Manolo Cardona扮演全國總監獄長Eduardo Mendoza,他長著一張娃娃臉,沒有什麼經驗,心腸很好,充滿理想主義,像個長不大的孩子。


1 Nowadays, the US government can listen to anything you say.


They know where you are, they know who youre talking to, and trust me, they know who youre fucking.

=> 他們知道你在哪裡,他們知道你在跟誰說話,相信我,他們知道你是誰。

You turn on a cell phone or a computer, and youre doomed.

=> 你打開手機或電腦,你註定。

But in Colombia in 1989, it wasnt that easy.

=> 但在1989年的哥倫比亞,並不那麼容易。

First off, there was no Internet.

=> 首先,沒有互聯網。

No cells.

=> 沒有細胞。

The best they had were satellite phones, and in order to capture a satellite phone, you had to fly directly over it.

=> 他們最好的是衛星電話,為了捕捉衛星電話,你必須直接飛過它。

On top of that, the only people who had sat phones were the filthy rich the landowners, the politicians And lucky for us, the narcos were richer than them all.

=> 最重要的是,唯一一個坐在電話里的人是地主和政客的骯髒富裕,對我們來說,幸運的是,他們都比其他人更富有。

Whats up, Lizard? Were going out tonight.

=> 怎麼了,蜥蜴?我們今晚要出去

And once you got a signal, you didnt know who you were listening to.

=> 一旦你得到一個信號,你不知道你在聽誰。

Thats why back then, the US government developed software that could identify the voices of our targets.

=> 這就是為什麼在那個時候,美國政府開發的軟體可以識別我們目標的聲音。

I got Poison at 400 to 1700 megahertz, gentlemen.

=> 先生們,我在400到1700兆赫茲的時候得到毒藥。

No GPS either.

=> 沒有GPS。

Hammer, prepare to engage.

=> 鎚子,準備參與。

Once we got a target, we still had to locate it.

=> 一旦我們得到了目標,我們仍然必須找到它。

So we had to triangulate their signals using assets on the ground.

=> 所以我們必須使用地面上的資產三角化他們的信號。

OK, hes in Modelia.

=> 好的,他在Modelia。

Hes on the west side.

=> 他在西邊。

Hawkeye, how do you copy that? Can you be more specific? Police units are standing by.

=> 鷹眼,你怎麼模仿的?你可以說得更詳細點嗎?警察部隊正在等待。

La Dispensaria.

=> La Dispensaria。

Ive got a table ready.

=> 我準備好了一張桌子。

Show up around midnight.

=> 在午夜左右出現。

- Its gonna be raining women.

=> - 這會是下雨的女人。

- Poison didnt know it, but hed just made himself a date.

=> 毒藥不知道,但他只是約會了一個約會。

Negative on Hammer.

=> 負面的鎚子。

This fuckwad just told us where hes going.

=> 他媽的只是告訴我們他要去哪裡。

Hammer, disengage.

=> 鎚子,脫開。

So who do we give this to? DEA? - Yeah.

=> 那麼我們給誰呢?數據包絡分析? - 是的。

Lets give it to Javier Pe?±a.

=> 讓我們把它交給JavierPe?a。

- Pe?±as an asshole.

=> - Pe?a是個混蛋。

- Im gonna give it to the other guy.

=> - 我要把它交給另一個人。

- Sure.

=> - 當然。

By "the other guy," he meant me.

=> 「另一個人」,他指的是我。

Im Steve Murphy, Drug Enforcement Agent.

=> 我是藥物執行代理人史蒂夫·墨菲。

And as you can see, I am deeply embedded in Colombia.

=> 正如你所看到的,我深深紮根於哥倫比亞。

Hello? Poison will be partying at La Dispensaria.

=> 你好?毒藥將派對La Dispensaria。

Got it.

=> 得到它了。

Hes meeting Lizard and the rest of them at midnight tonight.

=> 他今晚在午夜會見蜥蜴和其他人。


=> 好。

I wouldve loved to go after Poison myself, but the DEA is restricted in a foreign country.

=> 我本來會喜歡自己追求毒藥,但是DEA在外國受到限制。

So I did just what you would do I called the cops.

=> 所以我只是做了你會做的我叫警察。


=> 你好。

La Dispensaria? All right.

=> La Dispensaria?好吧。

Guess who that was.

=> 猜猜是誰。

Your partner.

=> 你的搭檔。

He just gave me a great gift.

=> 他給了我一個很棒的禮物。


=> 毒。

Does he know how Im going to package it? Yeah, sure.

=> 他知道我打算怎麼打包嗎?好,當然。

Hes not a fool.

=> 他不是個傻瓜。

Gotta go.

=> 得走了。

Gonna stick me with the bill? Cheap son of a bitch.

=> 要把賬單貼在我面前?一個賤貨的廉價兒子。

In case youre wondering, this is the asshole.

=> 如果你想知道,這是混蛋。

Javier Pe?±a, my partner.

=> JavierPe?a,我的搭檔。

And this is Colonel Carrillo, the leader of the Search Bloc, the unit we helped create to capture the bad guys.

=> 這就是我們幫助捕捉壞人的搜索單位領導人卡里略上校。

Boy, did he have a lot of love for the narcos.

=> 男孩,他是否對narcos有很多的愛。

Party time in Zona Rosa.

=> 在Zona Rosa的派對時間。

Everybody goes there.

=> 每個人都去那裡。

Especially the local hitmen.

=> 特別是當地的殺手。

Colombians call them sicarios.

=> 哥倫比亞人稱他們為sicarios。

- Whats up, son? - Hey, brother.

=> - 怎麼了,兒子? - 嘿,兄弟。

Lets go inside and have a good time.

=> 讓我們進去,玩得開心。

Now, Poison, he was one of the best.

=> 現在,毒藥,他是最好的之一。

Crazy motherfucker who killed dozens of people.

=> 瘋狂的混蛋殺了幾十人。

Probably hundreds.

=> 可能有幾百個

But dont get me wrong.

=> 但不要誤解我的意思

I wouldve sent Carrillo there even if Poison never killed a fly.

=> 即使毒藥沒有殺死一隻蒼蠅,我也會把卡里略送到那裡。

I dont have a lot of love for the narcos either.

=> 我也沒有太多的對narcos的愛。

Its on, boys! Were gonna stop on 14th and go around the corner.

=> 這是男孩!我們會在十四號停下來轉彎。

Riano, Trujillo, youre in the front with me.

=> 里亞諾,特魯希略,你跟我在前面。

- Galvis and Silva, you take up the rear.

=> - 加維斯和席爾瓦,你把後面。

- Yes, sir.

=> - 是的先生。

You got it, boys? Were gonna go at it with everything we got.

=> 你懂了,男孩?我們要用我們得到的一切去做。

Were gonna kill these fuckers, all right? Yes, sir! I wouldnt blame you if you held me responsible for this bloodbath.

=> 我們要殺這些黑鬼,好嗎?是的先生!如果你讓我對這場血洗負責,我不會責怪你。

Yeah, I pushed the buttons.

=> 是的,我按下按鈕。

But dont call me a bad guy just yet.

=> 但是別把我叫做壞人。

My fellow Americans Take Richard Nixon, for instance.

=> 例如,我的同胞美國人尼克松。

People forget, but 47 million Americans voted for Nixon.

=> 人們忘記了,但有四千七百萬美國人投票給尼克松。

We thought he was one of the good guys.

=> 我們認為他是好人之一。

And Nixon thought Chilean General Pinochet was a good guy because he hated the commies.

=> 而尼克松認為智利將軍皮諾切特是個好人,因為他討厭公會。

So we helped Pinochet seize power.

=> 所以我們幫皮諾切特奪權。

Then Pinochet turned around and killed thousands of people.

=> 然後皮諾切特轉身殺死了成千上萬的人。

Maybe not such a good guy after all.

=> 畢竟,也許不是一個好人。

But sometimes, bad guys do good things.

=> 但有時壞人會做好事。

Nobody knows this, but back in 73, Chile was on its way to being the worlds biggest cocaine processing and exporting center.

=> 沒有人知道這一點,但是早在73年,智利即將成為全球最大的可卡因加工和出口中心。

How many times do I have to tell you not to waste the acid? They had deserts to hide the labs and miles of unpatrolled coastline to ship the product north.

=> 我有多少次要告訴你不要浪費酸?他們有沙漠隱藏實驗室和數英里的海岸線,將產品運往北方。

To be productive, you cant waste money! Come on! Youre surrounded! - Hands up! - Everybody on your knees! But Pinochet spoiled the party.

=> 為了生產,你不能浪費金錢!來吧!你被包圍了! - 舉手! - 每個人都在你的膝蓋上!但皮諾切特寵壞了黨。

What the fuck is going on here? On the ground! He shut down 33 labs and arrested 346 drug dealers.

=> 他媽的在這裡幹什麼?在地上!他關閉了33個實驗室,逮捕了346個毒販。

And then, being Pinochet he had them all killed.

=> 然後,作為皮諾切特,他把他們都殺了。

Attention! Weapons ready! Aim! Ready ammunition! Fire! They say when a nuclear holocaust destroys the world, only the cockroaches will survive.

=> 注意!武器準備好了!目標!準備好的彈藥!火!他們說,當一場核戰爭破壞世界時,只有蟑螂才能生存。

I guess they were right.

=> 我想他們是對的。

The bullets missed Mateo Moreno, aka Cockroach, and he was smart enough to play dead.

=> 子彈錯過了Mateo Moreno,又名蟑螂,他很聰明,可以打死人。

He wasnt killed on that day.

=> 那天他沒有被打死。

Instead, he won the damn lottery.

=> 相反,他贏得了該死的彩票。

Cockroach had been stealing from his bosses for months.

=> 蟑螂已經從他的老闆那裡偷走了好幾個月。

Now he was left alone in the world with the perfect product.

=> 現在,他被完美的產品獨自留在了世界上。

A product whose offer creates its own demand.

=> 產品的報價創造了自己的需求。

Start packing.

=> 開始包裝。

We have to leave the country.

=> 我們必須離開這個國家。

- But youre not a communist.

=> - 但你不是共產主義者

- No, not a communist, something worse.

=> 不,不是共產主義者,更糟

A drug trafficker.

=> 販毒分子

- A drug trafficker? - Yes, a drug trafficker.

=> - 販毒分子? - 是的,販毒分子

Back then, we were just finding out about the effects of cocaine on the human brain.

=> 那時候,我們才發現可卡因對人腦的影響。

We didnt know much, but we knew it was some pretty powerful shit.

=> 我們知道的不多,但我們知道這是一個非常強大的狗屎。

This will give us better results, OK? Cocaine hijacks the pleasure centers in the brain.

=> 這會給我們更好的結果,好嗎?可卡因劫持了大腦中的快樂中心。

A rat will choose cocaine over food and water.

=> 老鼠會選擇可卡因而不是食物和水。

It would choose cocaine over sleep, over sex over life itself.

=> 它會選擇可卡因睡眠,超過性生活本身。

The human brain isnt quite the same as a rodents unless were talking about cocaine.

=> 除非我們談論可卡因,否則人類的大腦與嚙齒類動物的大腦並不完全一樣。

Cockroach knew he had the perfect product.

=> 蟑螂知道他有完美的產品。

He just needed to smuggle it to the right markets.

=> 他只是需要走私到正確的市場。


=> 格拉西亞斯。

And the best smugglers in the world were in Colombia.

=> 世界上最好的走私者在哥倫比亞。

WELCOME TO COLOMBIA Like Goldilocks, he had three options.

=> 歡迎來到哥倫比亞和Goldilocks一樣,他有三個選擇。

And pay attention, because all three are important to this story.

=> 注意,因為這三個都對這個故事很重要。

Jorge, thats Fabio on the horse.

=> 豪爾赫,那是馬匹上的法比奧。

A typical Colombian smuggling family.

=> 一個典型的哥倫比亞走私家庭。

- They were smart and rich - Salud! But Cockroach felt the high life had made em too soft.

=> - 他們聰明而富有 - 薩魯德!但是蟑螂覺得高尚的生活讓他們太軟了。

Another possible partner was Jos?? Rodr?-guez Gacha, nicknamed "The Mexican," for his love of tequila and sombreros.

=> 另一個可能的合作夥伴是綽號「墨西哥人」的JoséRodráguezGacha,因為他喜歡龍舌蘭酒和闊邊帽。

He dominated the emerald smuggling routes.

=> 他主宰了翡翠走私路線。

Emeralds are a pretty rough trade, even by Colombian standards.

=> 祖母綠是一個相當粗糙的交易,即使是哥倫比亞的標準。

If you make it to the top it means youve killed your enemies.

=> 如果你把它放到最頂端就意味著你已經殺死了敵人。

Hey, partner.

=> 嘿夥伴

What are you doing here? And sometimes, your partners.

=> 你在這裡做什麼?有時候,你的合作夥伴。

Cockroach worried that the emerald trade had made Gacha too hard.

=> 蟑螂擔心翡翠貿易讓嘎查太難了。

A man Cockroach knew would be just right.

=> 一個男人蟑螂知道會是正確的。

Yeah, you guessed it: Pablo Escobar.

=> 是的,你猜對了:Pablo Escobar。

The man who would change my life forever.

=> 那個會永遠改變我的生活的人。

Pablo was making a killing in the smuggling business.

=> 巴勃羅正在走私生意中殺人。

Cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, you name it.

=> 香煙,酒精,大麻,你的名字。

At the time, Pablo owned half the police in Medell?-n.

=> 當時,巴勃羅在麥德林擁有一半的警察。

But DAS was Colombias version of the FBI.

=> 但是DAS是哥倫比亞聯邦調查局的版本。

They didnt play by the same rules.

=> 他們沒有按照相同的規則玩。

Good day.

=> 美好的一天。

Pablo Escobar? Wheres Felipo? Felipos been arrested.

=> 巴勃羅·埃斯科巴? Felipo在哪裡?菲利波被捕。


=> 廢話。

Felipo works for me.

=> 菲利波為我工作。

He used to work for you.

=> 他曾經為你工作。

Now hes going to jail.

=> 現在他要進監獄了

What do you think about that? - Do you know who youre talking to? - Shut the fuck up.

=> 你怎麼看? - 你知道你在跟誰說話嗎? - 關閉他媽的了。

- I wasnt talking to you.

=> - 我不是在跟你說話。

- Relax, Gustavo, please.

=> - 請放鬆,Gustavo。

Show some respect.

=> 表現出一些尊重。

Now whats the problem, Mr.

=> 現在有什麼問題

Jose Luis? How do you know my name? Youre Colonel Jose Luis Herrera.

=> 何塞·路易斯?你怎麼知道我的名字?你是Jose Luis Herrera上校

And thats Nacho Ibarra.

=> 那就是納喬Ibarra。

Theres Garcia, Lopez - Is that Pinilla? - Yes, Pinilla.

=> 有加西亞,洛佩茲 - 那是皮尼利亞? - 是的,皮尼利亞

- Thats Pinilla.

=> - 這是Pinilla。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

Pinilla and with Phillipe is Esparanza.

=> Pinilla和Phillipe是Esparanza。

I dont give a rats ass.

=> 我不給老鼠的屁股。

Open the fucking trucks.

=> 打開他媽的卡車。

I dont have all day.

=> 我沒有一整天。

Open it.

=> 打開它。

Tell me something, Mr.

=> 告訴我一件事


=> 埃斯科瓦爾。

Who the fuck do you think you are? You dont even bother to hide your contraband.

=> 他媽的你以為你是誰?你甚至懶得隱藏你的違禁品。

Because I pay for the privilege, Colonel.

=> 因為我付了特權,上校。

Oh, yeah? You dont say.

=> 哦耶?你不說。

Where are your import papers? You need papers for these TV sets.

=> 你的進口報紙在哪裡?你需要這些電視機的文件。

Take them.

=> 拿走這些。

Sorry, Mr.

=> 對不起,先生


=> 埃斯科瓦爾。

Were not Medell?-n police making a shit salary.

=> 我們不是麥德林警察正在做一個垃圾工資。

- Look, brother, its not for you.

=> - 哥哥,這不適合你。

- Then who? Its for Carlitos.

=> - 還有誰?這是為了Carlitos。

Your son.

=> 你的兒子。

Wouldnt he like a TV in his room? Hey, Pinilla! Your daughter just got her drivers license, right? Ive got some car stereo systems in there that are really cool.

=> 他不喜歡房間里的電視嗎?嘿,皮尼拉!你女兒剛拿到駕照了吧?那裡有一些非常酷的汽車音響系統。

Real nice.

=> 真好。

That friend of yours, Lopez hes got a wife thats really beautiful.

=> 你的朋友,洛佩茲,他有一個非常漂亮的妻子。

- Right? Shes a fox.

=> - 對?她是狐狸。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

Your wife is gorgeous, brother.

=> 你的妻子很漂亮,兄弟。

Whats she doing with a guy like you? I think she deserves some jewelry, no? Why dont I have my boys drop off a few gifts? Colonel, how is your mom doing? - She just got out of the hospital, right? - Yes, shes feeling better.

=> 她和你這樣的人在做什麼?我覺得她配得上珠寶,不是嗎?為什麼我不讓我的孩子送幾件禮物呢?上校,你媽媽怎麼樣? - 她剛剛出院,對吧? - 是的,她感覺好多了

- Good.

=> - 很好。

That makes us happy, right? - Yes.

=> 這讓我們開心,對吧? - 是的。

Gentlemen Im going to tell you who I am.

=> 先生們,我要告訴你我是誰。

I am Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria.

=> 我是巴勃羅埃米利奧Escobar Gaviria。

My eyes are everywhere.

=> 我的眼睛無處不在。

That means you guys cant move a finger in all of Antioquia without me knowing about it.

=> 這意味著你們不能在我不知情的情況下在安蒂奧基亞的所有地方移動手指。

Do you understand? Not a finger.

=> 你明白嗎?不是一個手指。

One day, Im going to be President of the Republic of Colombia.

=> 有一天,我將成為哥倫比亞共和國的總統。

So look, I make deals for a living.

=> 所以看,我為了生活而交易。

Now, you can stay calm and accept my deal or accept the consequences.

=> 現在,你可以保持冷靜,接受我的交易或接受後果。

Silver or lead.

=> 銀或鉛。

You decide.

=> 你決定。

- Let em go.

=> - 讓他們走吧。

Let em go.

=> 讓他們走吧。

- All right, then.

=> - 那好吧。

Yo, Pablo! - This is Pablo.

=> 喲,巴勃羅! - 這是巴勃羅。

- Hello.

=> - 你好。

- Nice to meet you.

=> - 很高興見到你。

- Mateo Moreno.

=> - Mateo莫雷諾。

No, no, no.

=> 不不不。

"Cockroach" to my friends.

=> 「蟑螂」給我的朋友。

All right, yesterday we were talking, and I think this business can make us a lot of money.

=> 好的,昨天我們在說話,我覺得這個生意可以讓我們賺很多錢。


=> 說明。

Well I get the paste in Peru.

=> 那麼我在秘魯得到這個貼。

I will handle the chemical part of production, and all the other details in producing this exquisite white powder.

=> 我將處理生產的化學部分,以及生產這種精緻的白色粉末的所有其他細節。

What I need from you is to help me get it into Colombia.

=> 我需要的是幫助我進入哥倫比亞。

Now tell him how much it costs.

=> 現在告訴他多少錢。

In Chile, this little thing costs ten bucks a gram.

=> 在智利,這個小東西每克十塊錢。

- They sell it by grams? - Yes, its very good.

=> - 他們賣克? - 是的,非常好

Look You do a little bit, and in 20 minutes, you want to do some more.

=> 看你做了一點,在20分鐘內,你想做更多。

Also its a digestive aid.

=> 這也是一個消化援助。

It makes you want to take a shit.

=> 它使你想要一個狗屎。

Its very clean, this stuff.

=> 這東西很乾凈。

Want some? If this is really that good and we can make some money, we can find room on our trucks.

=> 想來一點?如果這真的很好,我們可以賺一些錢,我們可以在我們的卡車上找到空間。

We can sell it in Bogot??, Barranquilla, Cali, Cartagena Were going to be rich.

=> 我們可以在波哥大,巴蘭基亞,卡利,卡塔赫納銷售我們將會變得富有。

Well look, Cuca you dont have any vision, my friend.


If it costs ten dollars a gram here imagine how much it will sell for in Miami.

=> 如果花費10美元一克,這裡想像它在邁阿密會賣多少錢。

I love that song.

=> 我喜歡那首歌。

Rodrigo! One more.

=> 羅德里戈!多一個。

Back then, Miami was a paradise.

=> 當時,邁阿密是一個天堂。

I signed up for the sand, surf and women.

=> 我註冊了沙灘,衝浪和女性。

In 79, the bad guys I was chasing wore flip-flops.

=> 在1979年,我追逐的壞人穿著拖鞋。

DEA! Stop! I was a young DEA agent, partnered with my buddy, Kevin Brady.

=> 數據包絡分析!停止!我是一個年輕的DEA特工,和我的朋友凱文·布雷迪(Kevin Brady)合作。

Kevin was a little slow afoot.

=> 凱文有點慢。

Why you running, huh? What you got? What is this? Huh? What is that? That right there thats a goddamn promotion.

=> 為什麼你跑步,嗯?你有什麼?這是什麼?咦?那是什麼?在那裡,這是一個該死的晉陞。

Lets go celebrate.

=> 我們去慶祝吧

- Whoo! - Look at that.

=> - 喔! - 看那個。

Go! Go! Go! How you like me now? How much money you owe me? What happened to the money you owed me last week? Thats right, thats right.

=> 走!走!走!你現在喜歡我嗎?你欠我多少錢?你上周欠我的錢怎麼了?沒錯,沒錯。

All right.

=> 好吧。

All right, who do we pick? How bout her? No, no, no, we gotta fuck with him.

=> 好的,我們選誰?她怎麼樣?不,不,不,我們必須和他他媽的。

- Yeah, lets mess with his head.

=> - 是的,讓我們把他的頭弄亂。

- Um Oh, right there.

=> - 呃,就在那裡。

See her? At the bar? - Which one? - Blue top, blond hair.

=> 看她?在吧台? - 哪一個? - 藍頂,金色的頭髮。

Thats his type.

=> 這是他的類型。

- Oh! Strike! - Shes hot.

=> - 哦!罷工! - 她十分火辣。

- All right.

=> - 好吧。

- Whoo! Murph! Sparrow, three oclock.

=> - 喔!墨菲!麻雀,三點鐘。

Hey, while you were walking back, she was checking your ass out.

=> 嘿,當你走後,她正在檢查你的屁股。

Oh, she was checking out your ass.

=> 哦,她正在檢查你的屁股。

Get the fuck outta here.

=> 在這裡得到他媽的失控。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

Listen, she eye-fucked you the entire time you were bowling.

=> 聽著,她整個打保齡球的時候都在看你。

She was.

=> 她曾經是。

She was eye-fucking you.

=> 她是在看你。

The entire time.

=> 整個時間。

Im serious, Im serious.

=> 我很認真,我很認真。

Look at her.

=> 看著她。

- Uh-huh.

=> - 嗯。

Thats his type.

=> 這是他的類型。

- Talking about the blond one? No, the other one.

=> - 談論金髮的?不,另一個。

Of course the blond one.

=> 當然是金髮的

Shes the hottest one there.

=> 她是那裡最熱的一個。

Shes your type.

=> 她是你的類型

You dicking me around? Fuck it, Im going in.

=> 你在舔我?他媽的,我要進去了。

- Go get her.

=> 去找她

- Mm! - Yup.

=> - 嗯! - 對。

- Hey, while youre up there, get us another pitcher, will ya? - Pace yourself.

=> - 嘿,當你在那裡,讓我們另一個投手,你會? - 加快步伐

- Look at him.

=> - 看著他。

Look at his swagger.

=> 看他的招搖。

How you doing? Busy.

=> 你好嗎?忙。

I just said, "Look, if you dont wanna be there, you dont have to be.

=> 我只是說:「瞧,如果你不想去那裡,你不一定非要去。

" No ones forcing you to do anything.


" So, I dont know Yeah, those bastards got me.


But I couldnt let it end like that.

=> 但是我不能讓它像那樣結束。

Excuse me.

=> 打擾一下。

See those guys over there? Uh, theyre fucking with me.

=> 看那邊那些傢伙?呃,他們和我在一起。

Telling me you were checking out my ass, and who checks out a cops ass, right? Youre a cop? Not a cop, actually.

=> 告訴我你正在檢查我的屁股,誰檢查了一個警察的屁股,對不對?你是警察?其實不是警察。


=> 我是DEA。

Drug Enforcement? So youre the one making pot more expensive.

=> 毒品執法?所以你是製作鍋更昂貴的一個。

Come on, why dont you do me a favor? I wanna show these guys up.

=> 來吧,你為什麼不幫我一個忙?我想展示這些人。

Why dont you, uh give me your phone number? How about a fake number? Thatll work.

=> 你為什麼不給我你的電話號碼?如何假數字?這將工作。

Hey, buddy, you got a pen? - Im sorry for the trouble.

=> 嗨,哥們,你有筆嗎? - 我為這個麻煩感到抱歉

- Sure.

=> - 當然。

Have a good night.

=> 祝你晚安。

Aah Shot down! - Wheres the pitcher at? - The pitcher? Oh, I I didnt make it back with the pitcher.

=> Aah擊落! - 投手在哪裡? - 投手?哦,我沒有把投手拿回來。

I just came up with this and I couldnt read it.

=> 我只是想出了這個,我看不懂。

What does that say? - Read it and weep! - Aw Gimme that.

=> 這是什麼意思? - 讀它,哭泣! - 噢,給我吧。

How much did that cost you? - Thats your handwriting.

=> 這花了你多少錢? - 這是你的手寫。

- Its not my handwriting! I figured, what the hell.

=> - 這不是我的手寫!我想,到底是什麼。

Worst that could happen, Id wake up some grandmother in Boca.

=> 可能發生的最壞的情況是,我會在Boca喚醒一些祖母。

Hello? So it wasnt a fake.

=> 你好?所以這不是假的。

I thought you might figure it out.

=> 我以為你可能會想出來。

After all, youre DEA.

=> 畢竟,你是DEA。

And just like that she had me.

=> 就像她擁有我一樣。

The minute Pablo laid his eyes on the paste-processing labs in Peru, cocaine had him.

=> 那個時候,巴勃羅把目光投向秘魯的糊狀加工實驗室,可卡因已經擁有了他。

Its been a while.

=> 有一陣子了。

These are my friends, Pablo and Gustavo.

=> 這些是我的朋友,巴勃羅和古斯塔沃。

Would you like a little coffee? Yeah, a coffee? Yes, a coffee.

=> 你想要一杯咖啡嗎?是的,咖啡?是的,一杯咖啡。

- How about you, Pablo? - No.

=> - 你呢,巴勃羅? - 沒有

You sure? My factory is small, but highly productive.

=> 你確定?我的工廠很小,但生產力很高。


=> 看。

For crushing the leaves, I like to use children because of their tiny feet.

=> 為了粉碎葉子,我喜歡用小孩的腳,因為他們的小腳。

Little magic leaves.

=> 小小的魔法葉子。

The kerosene separates the drug from the leaf.

=> 煤油將藥物與葉分開。

Over here, the sulfuric acid distills and distills it.

=> 在這裡,硫酸蒸餾和蒸餾它。

Then you cut it, and mix it with gasoline.

=> 然後你把它切開,然後和汽油混合。

Then, basically, you pull the merchandise out of the liquid.

=> 那麼,基本上,你把商品從液體中抽出來。

Let it dry, dry, dry.

=> 讓它乾燥,乾燥,乾燥。

You use ammonia to get the paste.

=> 你用氨水來得到糊狀物。

And here it is.

=> 在這裡。

Its pasty but pure.

=> 這是餡餅,但純粹。

Here is the prize.

=> 這是獎品。

Its like the kitchen in your house.

=> 就像你家的廚房

Like baking a cake.

=> 就像烘烤蛋糕一樣。

Only a much better cake than youve ever had.

=> 只有比你有過的更好的蛋糕。

Look, an old press, an antique.

=> 看,舊報紙,古董。

Now we put it in the oven.

=> 現在我們把它放在烤箱里。

Heres one.

=> 這是一個。

The other will follow.

=> 另一個會跟著。

All natural, organic and healthy.

=> 所有自然,有機和健康。

Very good.

=> 很好。

Well - well take a kilo.

=> 那麼 - 我們會拿一公斤。

- A whole kilo.

=> - 一整公斤


=> 完善。

- No.

=> - 沒有

- You said a kilo.

=> - 你說了一公斤

Well take five.

=> 我們將拿五個。

How do we get five across the border? Thats Gustavos department.

=> 我們如何獲得五個邊界?那是古斯塔沃的部門

This one has got a good engine.

=> 這個有一個很好的引擎。

I was taking a look at it, and the best place to hide the merchandise would be under the rear wheel well.

=> 我正在看看它,最好的地方隱藏商品將在後輪好。

Its 22 and one half horsepower.

=> 這是22和半馬力。

Is this easy to take off? Dont worry about that shit.

=> 這容易起飛嗎?別擔心那個狗屎

Ill stick five kilos in there easy.

=> 我會在那裡輕鬆地放五公斤。

All right, all right.

=> 好的,好的。

Ill take three cars, please.

=> 我要帶三輛車。

- Sure, when do you need them? - Now, brother.

=> - 當然,你什麼時候需要他們? - 兄弟。

All right, well take the cars and head back to the lab.

=> 好的,我們將把車帶回實驗室。

Why the fuck are we going back to the lab? Because there are four wheel wells per car and thats 20 kilos.

=> 為什麼他媽的是我們回到實驗室?因為每輛車有四個輪子,那就是20公斤。

For three cars, thats 60 kilos.

=> 三輛車,60公斤。

So if its nine dollars profit per gram, what? $9,000 per kilo.

=> 那麼如果每克九美元的利潤,是什麼?每公斤9000美元。

$9,000 times 60 The profit is $540,000.

=> $ 9000次60利潤為$ 540,000。

Thats it! - Do you know how to drive, Cockroach? - Yeah.

=> 而已! - 你知道如何開車,蟑螂嗎? - 是的。

OK, Pablo and I drive fast.

=> 好的,巴勃羅和我開得很快。

Easiest money he ever made.


Back in Medell?-n, Pablo didnt waste any time.

=> 回到麥德林,巴勃羅沒有浪費任何時間。

He bought a house in his old neighborhood and opened his first lab to turn Peruvian paste into cocaine powder.

=> 他在老鄰居買了一間房子,並開了第一個實驗室,把秘魯的糊狀物變成可卡因粉末。

How are you feeling, Gustavo? All this smells like shit to me.

=> 你感覺如何,古斯塔沃?所有這些聞起來都像是對我來說。

What an ignorant bastard.

=> 多麼無知的混蛋

Its like French cheese.

=> 這就像法國乳酪。

The stinkier, the better.

=> 臭味越好越好

All right.

=> 好吧。

What about all these lights? Is that to tip off the cops, or what? Just worry about transporting the stuff and selling it.

=> 這些燈怎麼樣?那是要警惕警察,還是什麼?只是擔心運輸和銷售。

Im the artist here, clear? Clear.

=> 我是這裡的藝術家,清楚嗎?明確。

- Right? - Yeah.

=> - 對? - 是的。


=> MM-毫米。

It was a mom-and-pop operation, so small they called it The Kitchen.

=> 這是一個媽媽和流行的手術,他們把它稱為廚房。

But make no mistake, it would change Medell?-n forever.

=> 但是不要錯,它會永遠改變麥德林。

You know the thing that has me worried, Pablo? Dont you think the workers will choke with all that smoke? Lets build them a chimney.

=> 帕布羅,你知道我擔心的事嗎?你不覺得工人會窒息嗎?讓我們建造一個煙囪。

There you go.

=> 你走了

Gentlemen, the first three? If this business makes so much money, why are you sending me coach? We just started up.

=> 先生們,前三名?如果這個生意賺了這麼多錢,你為什麼要派我教練?我們剛開始

We have to be careful with money.

=> 我們必須小心謹慎。

- Dont be a dick.

=> - 不要成為傢伙

- No, no, dont give me that dumb shit.

=> 不,不,不要給我這個笨蛋。

- Come on.

=> - 來吧。

- How much can a first class ticket cost? I dont know.

=> - 頭等艙票多少錢?我不知道。

Why dont you buy it yourself? Like her son, Pablos mother Hermilda was very resourceful.

=> 你為什麼不自己買呢?像她的兒子一樣,巴勃羅的母親赫米爾達非常機智。

Hey, Mom, how much do you think we can fit in there? - Around five kilos, honey.

=> 嘿,媽媽,你覺得我們可以在那裡適應多少? - 五公斤左右,親愛的

- That much? Trust me, Pablito.

=> - 那麼多?相信我,Pablito。

I love it.

=> 我喜歡它。

Lets do it.

=> 我們開始做吧。

- Pablo.

=> - 巴勃羅

- Thank you, my love.

=> - 謝謝你,我的愛人

Its Gustavo.

=> 這是古斯塔沃。

Five kilos, right? Pablo loved his young bride Tata, and she loved him.

=> 五公斤吧?巴勃羅愛他年輕的新娘塔塔,她愛他。

He was a family man till the end.

=> 他是一個家庭的男人,直到最後。

The guy they got to wear the jacket was the Lion.

=> 他們穿夾克的那個人是獅子。

- Meet my friend.

=> - 見我的朋友。

- Hello, how are you doing? Hey, Pablo, this is Lion.

=> - 嗨,你好嗎?嘿,巴勃羅,這是獅子。

He was a friend of Gustavos whod spent his childhood in the United States.

=> 他是在美國度過童年的古斯塔沃的朋友。

Says he wants to fly first class.

=> 他說要飛一流。

Its not like were rich, right? Pablo Escobar Gaviria.

=> 這不像我們很富有,對吧?巴勃羅·埃斯科瓦爾·加維里亞。

How are you? - Lion.

=> 你好嗎? - 獅子。

- Pleased to meet you, Lion.

=> - 很高興見到你,獅子。

Heres three.

=> 這裡有三個。

Were going to need two more, right, Mom? - Thats right.

=> 我們還需要兩個,對,媽媽? - 那就對了。

- Pablito make sure it is not you who wears it, OK? Look, my love it wont fit me.

=> - Pablito確保你不是穿著它,好嗎?看,我的愛不適合我。

Try it on.

=> 試試。

Come here.

=> 過來。

Thats it.

=> 而已。

Good, right? One - two - Wow, it holds a lot! Three.

=> 好,對吧?一個 - 哇,它擁有很多!三。

- Two more.

=> - 另外兩個。

- Got it.

=> - 得到它了。

Ill be right back.

=> 我馬上回來。

He looks really handsome, doesnt he? Listen, Lion, that jacket fits you very nicely.

=> 他長得真帥,不是嗎?聽著,獅子,那件夾克很適合你。


=> 是啊。

Excuse me, maam, can you adjust the jacket a little bit here in the back? - Aah! - Listen to this guy.

=> 對不起,夫人,你可以在背後調整一下外套嗎? - 啊! - 聽這傢伙。

He looks very handsome, son.

=> 他長得很帥,兒子。

Like a fag model, isnt that right? The Lion was one of the first guys to ever bring coke into Miami.

=> 就像一個fag模型,是不是正確?獅子是第一個把焦炭帶進邁阿密的傢伙之一。

Welcome to the United States.

=> 歡迎來到美國。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Have a great day.

=> 祝你有美好的一天。

Next, please.

=> 下一個。

His contact was a crazy nut job named Carlos Lehder, half Colombian, half German, and 100 percent playboy.

=> 他的聯繫是一個瘋狂的堅果工作,名叫卡洛斯·萊德(Carlos Lehder),一半是哥倫比亞人,一半是德國人,還有100%的花花公子

Big fan of John Lennon and Adolf Hitler.

=> 約翰列儂和阿道夫·希特勒的粉絲。

Go figure.

=> 去搞清楚。

Back in 79, this piece of work was flying bales of grass up from Colombia on a fleet of small planes.

=> 早在1979年,這項工作就是從哥倫比亞起草一批小型飛機。

- Whats up? - Whats up, son? - Welcome.

=> - 這是怎麼回事? - 怎麼了,兒子? - 歡迎

- Thanks a lot.

=> - 非常感謝。

How are ya? - Everything good? - Everythings good.

=> 你好嗎? - 一切安好? - 一切都很好。

Whoo! Its so hot.

=> 喔!好熱哦。

What the hell are you doing with a jacket on? You like my jacket, brother? I got it in Colombia and look, it has a little gift.

=> 你到底在幹什麼?你喜歡我的外套,兄弟?我在哥倫比亞得到它,看,它有一個小禮物。

I was in jail for a while, remember? I saw this shit there.

=> 我有一段時間在監獄裡,記得嗎?我在那看到這個狗屎

Its pure poison.

=> 純粹的毒藥

What you got there is the perfect product.

=> 你到那裡是完美的產品。

Pablo says the gringos will fall in love with this shit.

=> 巴勃羅說,外交人士會愛上這個狗屎。

Its gonna fuck up their brains, thats for sure.

=> 這會干擾他們的大腦,這是肯定的。

Yes, sir.

=> 是的先生。

Here you go.

=> 幹得好。

Go on.

=> 繼續。

There are five kilos.

=> 有五公斤

Where are you going? Im gonna get another jacket, brother.

=> 你要去哪裡?兄弟,我要拿一件夾克衫

Well meet at the same time tomorrow, all right? The Lion made more than 20 flights between Medell?-n and Miami.

=> 我們明天同時見面,好嗎?獅子在麥德林和邁阿密之間飛行了20多次。

Drugs in, cash out.

=> 毒品,現金出來。

And the rich and famous in Miami snorted every single gram of it.

=> 而邁阿密的有錢人和知名人士則哼了一聲。

And in no time, Pablo had to replace his cars with trucks.

=> 很快,巴勃羅不得不用卡車取代他的汽車。

Gustavo had the trucks filled to the brim with potatoes, the major item Colombia imported from Peru.

=> 古斯塔沃把卡車裝滿了土豆,哥倫比亞從秘魯進口的主要產品。

He didnt even have to bribe the cops.

=> 他甚至不用賄賂警察。

The coke paste was hidden in the spare tires.

=> 可樂糊藏在備用輪胎中。

Each tire could fit about 20 kilos.

=> 每個輪胎可以裝20公斤左右。

Ten trucks, 20 kilos each, going back and forth every day You do the math.

=> 十輛卡車,每輛20公斤,每天來回走你做數學。

No way the Lion could transport it all.

=> 獅子沒辦法運輸這一切。

Pretty soon, the Lion had to come up with new ways to smuggle the drug to Miami.

=> 不久之後,獅子不得不想出新的方法將藥物走私到邁阿密。

The briefcase doesnt have a false bottom? You guys are pilots, so you can get this stuff by without a problem.

=> 公文包沒有假底?你們是飛行員,所以你可以毫無問題地得到這些東西。

Look, its $150,000 per kilo, so whatever you want.

=> 看,這是每公斤15萬美元,所以無論你想要什麼。

Well take four.

=> 我們將拿四個。

All right, much better.

=> 好,好多了。

Take these two and tell Jairo to give you two more.

=> 把這兩個告訴Jairo再給你兩個。

All right? - All right.

=> 好吧? - 好吧。

- Perfect.

=> - 完美。

Thank you very much.

=> 非常感謝你。

- See you later.

=> - 回頭見。

- Later.

=> - 稍後。

Come in, please.

=> 請進來吧。

Look, here are the packets.

=> 看,這裡是數據包。

You take a packet you dip it in the oil and swallow it.

=> 你拿一個小包,把它浸在油里,吞下去。

Easy, right? You swallow 50, and I pay you $10,000.

=> 很簡單,對吧?你吞下50,我付給你$ 10,000。

All right? But with you two, we have a problem.

=> 好吧?但是你們兩個,我們有一個問題。

You girls are pregnant, right? Thats good, because US Customs wont search pregnant women.

=> 你們女孩都懷孕了吧?這很好,因為美國海關不會搜查孕婦。

You two can easily swallow 70 instead of 50.

=> 你們倆可以輕鬆吞下70而不是50。

And Ill pay you $15,000 to help you with the kids.

=> 而且我會支付你$ 15,000來幫助你的孩子。

All right? All right.

=> 好吧?好吧。

During the early 80s, most flights out of Bogot?? had several mules on them.


They didnt even know about each other.

=> 他們甚至不知道彼此。

And you know what? Getting in was easy, because nobody worried about cocaine in America.

=> 你知道嗎?入境很容易,因為沒有人擔心美國的可卡因。

All we cared about was grass.

=> 我們所關心的只是草。

Pretty soon, cocaine was hidden in almost every legitimate Colombian export.

=> 不久之後,幾乎每一個合法的哥倫比亞出口都藏有可卡因。

Fish, coffee, flowers, rubber hoses anything.

=> 魚,咖啡,鮮花,橡膠軟管任何東西。

But even that didnt do it.

=> 但即使這樣做也沒有。

The real game changer was filling Lehders planes with coke instead of weed.

=> 真正的遊戲改變者是用可樂而不是雜草填充萊德的飛機。

Do you trust this guy? I dont know.

=> 你相信這個人嗎?我不知道。

He was in prison in the United States.

=> 他在美國監獄。

- So is he gay or what? - Oh, for sure hes gay.

=> - 他是同性戀還是什麼?哦,他確定他是同性戀。

But hes got good routes.

=> 但是他的路線很好。

- Amigos! - Hello, Carlos.

=> - 朋友! - 你好,卡洛斯

Gustavo Gaviria, nice to meet you.

=> Gustavo Gaviria,很高興認識你。

- Nice to meet you.

=> - 很高興見到你。

- My cousin.

=> - 我的表弟。

Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria.

=> 巴勃羅·埃米利奧·埃斯科瓦爾·加維里亞。

Nice to meet you.

=> 很高興見到你。

- Cousin? Nice to meet you.

=> - 表哥?很高興見到你。

- How was your flight? Smooth.

=> - 你航班怎麼樣?光滑。

Lets get down to business.

=> 我們開始談正事吧。

The Lion tells us youve been transporting a lot of marijuana in your plane.

=> 獅子告訴我們你已經在飛機上運輸了大量的大麻。

- Thats true.

=> - 確實如此。

- About how much per flight? - How far? - Miami.

=> - 每個航班多少錢? - 多遠? - 邁阿密

- Somewhere around 1000 kilos.

=> - 約1000公斤左右

- 1000 kilos? Counting the gasoline.

=> - 1000公斤?計數汽油。

Carlos Yes? What if we take out the seats, the carpet and all the other crap and only leave space for the pilot? Can you fit more? Well leave the engine, right? How much more? About 300 more.

=> 卡洛斯是嗎?如果我們拿出座位,地毯和所有其他垃圾,只給駕駛員留下空間呢?你能適應更多?我們會離開引擎,對吧?還有多少?約300多。

All right then, Mr.

=> 好的,先生


=> 卡洛斯。

Lets take a walk.

=> 我們去溜達一下。

Within months after meeting Cockroach, Pablo was establishing the first dedicated narco routes from Colombia to America.

=> 幾個月後會見蟑螂,巴勃羅正在建立從哥倫比亞到美國的第一個專門的毒品路線。

It was a real milestone in the story of narcotics, folks.

=> 這是麻醉品故事中真正的里程碑。

Then Pablo closed The Kitchen and started opening cocaine labs in the middle of the jungle.

=> 然後巴勃羅關閉了廚房,並開始在叢林中央開放可卡因實驗室。

Under the canopy cover of the Colombian rainforest, he could expand his production capability indefinitely without anybody noticing it.

=> 在哥倫比亞熱帶雨林的樹冠下,他可以無限期地擴大自己的生產能力,卻沒有人注意到它。

We brought you a little present.

=> 我們帶了一個禮物。


=> 巴西人。

Best asses in the world, believe me.

=> 相信我,世界上最好的驢子。

No, Im not feeling well.

=> 不,我感覺不舒服。

- Whats up, Cuca? - Hello.

=> - 怎麼了,Cuca? - 你好。

Hey, Gustavo.

=> 嘿,古斯塔沃

What the fuck is up with you guys? Youre flying around in planes - while Im rotting here in this jungle? - Look, Cuca Look, let us explain what we have to Wait.

=> 他媽的是什麼與你們?你在飛機上飛 - 當我在這叢林里腐爛? - 看,庫卡看,讓我們解釋一下我們要等的。

From now on, in all of my labs Ill build a large house with air-conditioning, with a pool - And whores from Brazil.

=> 從現在開始,在我的所有實驗室里,我將建造一個帶空調的大房子,還有一個游泳池 - 還有來自巴西的妓女。

- And whores from Brazil.

=> - 還有來自巴西的妓女。

- Just for you.

=> - 只為你。

- One problem.

=> - 一個問題。

These are my labs.

=> 這些是我的實驗室。

Mm? Relax.

=> 嗯?放鬆。

No ones arguing with you.

=> 沒有人和你爭論。

Come show me the production and well talk later.

=> 來給我看看製作,我們稍後再談。

Pablo couldnt hide his success from his friends.

=> 巴勃羅無法掩飾自己朋友的成功。

They were violent, crazy and filthy rich.

=> 他們是暴力,瘋狂和骯髒的富人。

Guys used to getting what they want, one way or another.

=> 夥計們曾經以某種方式得到他們想要的東西。

How something like this can make so much money! Now I ask myself if I should get involved with this.

=> 這樣的事情能賺多少錢!現在我問自己是否應該參與這個。

What do you think, Pablo? I heard the "potato" business is like the "egg" business.

=> 你怎麼看,巴勃羅?我聽說「馬鈴薯」業務就像「蛋」業務。

I wouldnt get involved.

=> 我不會介入。

Look, man, I took a good look at the market.

=> 瞧,夥計,我仔細看了看市場。

Importing potatoes from Peru is easy.

=> 從秘魯進口土豆很容易。

- Of course.

=> - 當然。

Same old contraband routes.

=> 同樣的舊的違禁品路線。

- Mm.

=> - 嗯

Be careful, guys.

=> 小心點,夥計們。

If we all start buying potatoes at the same time, the Peruvians will raise the price.

=> 如果我們都開始同時購買土豆,秘魯人將提高價格。

They also grow potatoes in Bolivia.

=> 他們還在玻利維亞種植土豆。

We can reduce the cost of the refining process if we buy together.

=> 如果我們一起購買,我們可以降低精鍊過程的成本。

Well, guys, the hard part is getting the merchandise to Miami.

=> 好吧,夥計們,最難的是把商品送到邁阿密。

You need a lot of creativity for that.

=> 你需要很多的創造力。

How much would you charge us to be "creative"? You deliver the product to me, labeled.

=> 你要多少錢,我們是「創意」?你把產品交給我,貼上標籤。

I will take it to Miami and deliver it to your contact there.

=> 我會把它帶到邁阿密,然後送到你那裡去。

Better yet, Lehder will do it.

=> 更好的是,萊德會做到這一點。

Ill charge 35 percent of the sales value, but Ill insure the safety of your load up to 50 percent of the value.

=> 我會收取銷售價值的35%,但是我將確保您的負載安全高達50%的價值。

The potato business is ours.

=> 馬鈴薯生意是我們的。

We dont need Deal? Deal.

=> 我們不需要交易?應對。

Sounds good to me.

=> 聽起來不錯。

All right, I will create my own routes and stop using your services as soon as possible.

=> 好的,我會儘快創建自己的路線並停止使用你的服務。

OK? We expect nothing less, Gonzalo.

=> 好?我們期待Gonzalo。

Partners? We know your policy toward partners.

=> 夥伴?我們了解您對合作夥伴的政策。

Lets just call us "friendly associates.

=> 讓我們來給我們打電話「友好的同事。

" To Miami.


To Miami! When I started, a one-kilo grass bust was cause for celebration.

=> 去邁阿密!當我開始的時候,一公斤草地的胸圍是值得慶祝的。

And before long, we were seizing 60 kilos of coke a day.

=> 不久之後,我們每天要抓60公斤可樂。

We thought we were making a huge difference.

=> 我們認為我們正在發揮巨大的作用。

Truth is, we werent even making a dent.

=> 事實是,我們甚至沒有凹痕。

They let us have 60 so they could bring in 600.

=> 他們讓我們有60,所以他們可以帶600。

Pablos coke flooded in.

=> 巴勃羅的焦炭淹沒了。

It didnt take long for Miami to get addicted.

=> 邁阿密沒有多久就上癮了。

And I mean that.

=> 我的意思是

It was like the whole city was running around trying to get this shit.

=> 就好像整個城市都跑來跑去試圖弄到這個狗屎一樣。

And with the money came the violence.

=> 隨著錢來了暴力。

The hippies had been replaced by Colombians, and these guys didnt wear flip-flops.

=> 嬉皮士已經被哥倫比亞人取代,而這些人不穿拖鞋。

The Miami coroner said Colombians were like Dixie cups.

=> 邁阿密的驗屍官說,哥倫比亞人就像迪克西杯。

Use em once, then throw em away.

=> 使用一次,然後扔掉它們。

The Dade County morgue couldnt fit all the bodies from the drug war.

=> 達德縣太平間不能適應毒品戰爭的所有屍體。

They had to rent a refrigerated truck from a local company to hold all the extra corpses.

=> 他們不得不從當地的一家公司租一輛冷藏車來拿走所有額外的屍體。

That was the first person I ever shot.

=> 那是我第一個射擊的人。

A teenager not old enough to buy a six-pack.

=> 一個十幾歲的年紀還不夠買六包裝。

Hey it was self-defense.

=> 嘿,這是自衛。

- Kevin called you? - Hes worried about you.

=> 凱文打電話給你? - 他很擔心你

Did he forget to tell you the kid was 17? He sells drugs, right? - Yeah.

=> 他忘了告訴你這孩子是十七歲嗎?他賣毒品,對吧? - 是的。

- Yeah, then fuck him.

=> - 是的,然後他媽的。

Stay with me.


I have an unconscious pregnant female.

=> 我有一個無意識的懷孕女性。

Paramedics said she collapsed after she got off her flight.

=> 醫務人員說,她下了飛機後癱瘓了。

By the time she got to us, she was barely breathing.

=> 當她到達我們的時候,她幾乎沒有呼吸。

- Pressure 60 over 40.

=> - 超過40的壓力60

- Dilated pupils, rapid pulse.

=> - 瞳孔放大,脈搏快。

I knew shed overdosed on cocaine but she had no residue on her nostrils, no injection marks.

=> 我知道她過量使用可卡因,但她的鼻孔沒有殘留物,沒有注射痕迹。

We did everything we could.

=> 我們盡我們所能

She died in the ER.

=> 她死於內分泌。

We tried to save the baby The baby died in my hands.

=> 我們試圖拯救嬰兒寶寶死在我的手中。

Im so sorry.

=> 我很抱歉。

She was body-packing 11 ounces of cocaine.

=> 她正在裝11盎司的可卡因。

Two of the pellets split open.

=> 兩顆顆粒分開。

Twelve grams in her bloodstream.

=> 她的血液中有十二克。

No one survives that.

=> 沒有人能幸免於難。

Why wont Pablo ever see me? I spent all this time waiting around for him.

=> 為什麼巴勃羅不會見我?我花了這麼多時間在他身邊等著。

Tell me something, Cockroach.

=> 告訴我一些事情,蟑螂。

Did you ever think you were going to have this much money? Fuck the money.

=> 你有沒有想過你會有這麼多錢?他媽的錢。

Im talking renegotiation.

=> 我正在談論重新談判。

If it wasnt for me, you two would still be smuggling cigarettes.

=> 如果不是我,你們倆還是走私香煙。

Let me give you a piece of advice.

=> 讓我給你一個建議。

Never say that to Pablo.

=> 永遠不要對巴勃羅說。

Hes not as forgiving as I am.

=> 他不像我一樣寬容

Pablo was fucking Cockroach over.

=> 巴勃羅是他媽的蟑螂了。

But Cockroach shouldve listened to Gustavo.

=> 但蟑螂應該聽取古斯塔沃。

Instead, he found another way to get his fair share.

=> 相反,他找到了另一個獲得公平份額的途徑。

Stop! What do you have in the spare tires? 390 kilos, Pablo.

=> 停止!你有什麼備用輪胎? 390公斤,巴勃羅。

We lost it.

=> 我們失去了它。

Gustavo, what do you mean "we lost it"? Just what I said, we lost it.

=> 古斯塔沃,你是什麼意思「我們輸了」?正是我所說的,我們失去了它。

We lost it? It just disappeared? Into thin air or what? Dont mess with me, Pablo.

=> 我們失去了它?它剛剛消失了?變成稀薄的空氣還是什麼?別惹我,巴勃羅。

We lost it.

=> 我們失去了它。

It looks like the cops must have stopped the guys when they were leaving Ipsalia.

=> 看起來警察在離開伊帕西亞時一定會阻止他們。

Look weve paid every cop from here to Ipsalia.

=> 看看我們已經把每一個警察從這裡交給了伊帕西亞。

So how did we lose a load, brother? It looks like Colonel Herrera suddenly turned honest.

=> 那麼兄弟,我們是怎麼輸掉的呢?看起來埃雷拉上校突然變得誠實。

Know what I mean? And how much is he asking? Too much.

=> 明白我的意思了嗎?他問了多少?太多了。

What are you going to do? Come back, Pablo.

=> 你會怎樣做?回來吧,巴勃羅。

Dont go and risk it for this asshole.

=> 不要為這個混蛋冒險。

Come back.

=> 回來。

Where are you going, Pablo? Pablo? Whats going on, brother? Mr.

=> 你要去哪裡,巴勃羅?巴勃羅?怎麼了,兄弟?先生。

Escobar - we need to renegotiate.

=> Escobar - 我們需要重新談判。

- Eat shit.

=> - 吃屎。


=> 吃。


=> 拉屎。

What if I shot you in the head? Are you sure about this, Colonel? He hasnt stopped laughing since we arrested him.

=> 如果我把你的腦袋打了,怎麼辦?你確定嗎,上校?自從我們逮捕他以來,他一直沒有停止過笑。

Were DAS, Ibarra.

=> 我們是DAS,Ibarra。

Whats that faggot gonna do? There we are.

=> 那什麼呢?我們在那裡

No, lower, lower.

=> 不,更低,更低。

No that low.

=> 沒那麼低。


=> 準備。

Another one, another one.

=> 另一個,另一個。

Im ready.

=> 我準備好了。

Pablo didnt know it then but this mug shot was gonna cause him a lot of grief down the line.

=> 巴勃羅當時並不知道,但是這個大杯子的射擊會讓他很傷心。

Remove the handcuffs.

=> 取下手銬。

You can go now, officer.

=> 你現在可以走了,軍官

Sit down, Mr.

=> 先生,請坐


=> 巴勃羅。

We counted more than 300 kilos in those trucks.

=> 我們在這些卡車上計算了300多公斤。

Thats a street value of over four million dollars, Mr.

=> 先生,這是一個超過四百萬美元的街道價值。


=> 埃斯科瓦爾。

And you only gave us $150,000.

=> 而你只給了我們15萬美元。

Well, thats what we agreed upon.

=> 那麼,這就是我們所同意的。

You know something? I make deals for a living.

=> 你知道一些事情?我為了生活而交易。

Now you can either accept my deal or accept the consequences.

=> 現在你可以接受我的交易,也可以接受後果。

You decide.

=> 你決定。

Or we can renegotiate, come to an agreement, and everyone goes home happy.

=> 或者我們可以重新談判,達成協議,每個人都快樂地回家。

Deal? Ill give you one million dollars under one condition.

=> 交易嗎?在一種情況下,我會給你100萬美元。

What is it? Someone in my organization gave you the street value of my cocaine.

=> 它是什麼?我組織里有人給了我可卡因的街頭價值。

Otherwise, how would you know? Give me a name and you wont have to split the cash with him.

=> 否則,你會怎麼知道?給我一個名字,你將不必與他分開現金。

Turns out Cockroach was a real cockroach.

=> 原來蟑螂是真正的蟑螂。

Not only did he sell Pablo to the authorities, he was stealing from him all along and selling his coke in Miami, too.

=> 他不但把巴勃羅賣給了當局,而且一直在偷他在邁阿密的焦炭。

Cockroachs dealer was Germ??n Zapata, a Colombian with a plumbing business that served as a front for his cocaine operation.

=> 蟑螂的經銷商是GermànZapata,哥倫比亞一家管道業務部門,擔任可卡因行動的前線。

He had 1200 keys in the van and guess who was buying the load? The plan was to trade vehicles, and Zapata would be arrested once he left the port.

=> 他在麵包車上裝了1200把鑰匙,猜猜誰在買車?計劃是交易車輛,薩帕塔一旦離開港口就會被捕。

1200 kilos.

=> 1200公斤。

That would get us on the cover of the Miami Herald.

=> 這將讓我們在邁阿密先驅報的封面。

OK, gringos.

=> 好的,格力斯。

Hows the plumbing business? Fine.

=> 管道業務怎麼樣?精細。

- Hows it look? - Plumbing business is very good.

=> - 看起來好嗎? - 水暖生意很好。

Come on, amigo.

=> 來吧,夥計。

Ill show you.

=> 我會給你看。

Everything was going perfect.

=> 一切都很完美。

Like I said, amigo 100 percent pure.

=> 就像我說的,阿米戈100%純。

Except that Pablo was onto Cockroach.

=> 除了巴勃羅是蟑螂。

Got a full load here, Murph Dont move! Dont move.

=> 在這裡得到滿載,Murph不要動!不要動。

Dont move! Dont move.

=> 不要動!不要動。

Get down! Hands! Down! Dont look at me.

=> 下來!手!下!別看我。

Fucking In the case of the State of Florida v.

=> 他媽的在佛羅里達州v。

Juan Diego D?-az, after taking into account all due considerations, bail has been set at two million dollars, or a bond of $200,000.

=> 胡安·迭戈·迪亞斯在考慮了所有適當的考慮之後,已經設定了200萬美元的保釋金,或者20萬美元的保證金。

I got to the courthouse early the day of La Quicas trial.

=> La Quica審判的那天早上我到了法院。

My testimony was gonna put that bastard on death row.

=> 我的見證會把那個混蛋放在死囚牢房裡。

The US District Attorney said La Quica met his bail of two million dollars, paid by a wire transfer from, well why dont you take a guess? La Quica boarded and was back in Medell?-n by midnight.

=> 美國地區檢察官表示,拉奎婭通過電匯支付了200萬美元的保釋金,那你為什麼不去猜測呢? La Quica登上午夜,回到了麥德林。

From 79 to 84, there were 3,245 murders in Miami.

=> 從79年到84年,邁阿密發生了3245起謀殺案。

And outside the Tourist Bureau and the cops, no one much cared about that.

=> 而在旅遊局和警察之外,誰也不在乎。

What got the US government to take notice was the money.

=> 美國政府注意到的是錢。

Billions of dollars a year, all flowing from the US to Colombia.

=> 一年中有數十億美元,全部從美國流向哥倫比亞。

And that America couldnt take.

=> 而美國不能拿。

A group of powerful businessmen went and met with President Reagan.

=> 一群有實力的商人前往里根總統會面。

They were terrified the narco economy would sink the real economy of Miami.

=> 他們害怕麻醉劑經濟會淹沒邁阿密的實體經濟。

Or maybe they were pissed off that they werent getting a cut.

=> 或者,也許他們生氣,他們沒有得到一個切割。

Whatever it was, the businessmen came at just the right time.

=> 無論如何,商人來到了正確的時間。

Drugs are menacing our society.


Theyre threatening our values and undercutting our institutions.

=> 他們正在威脅我們的價值觀並削弱我們的機構。

Theyre killing our children.

=> 他們在殺害我們的孩子

It was classic Reagan.

=> 這是經典的里根。

Folksy, direct and tough.

=> 親切,直接和強硬。

He vowed to go after drugs at the source.

=> 他發誓要從源頭追蹤毒品。

But it was Nancy who stole the show.

=> 但是,南希誰偷了表演。

So to my young friends out there, life can be great.

=> 所以對我那些年輕的朋友來說,生活可以很好。

But not when you cant see it.

=> 但是,當你不能看到它。

So open your eyes to life, to see it in the vivid colors that God gave us as a precious gift to His children.

=> 所以睜開你的眼睛去看生活,用上帝賜給我們的鮮艷的色彩來看待它,作為給他的孩子的寶貴禮物。

Say yes to your life.

=> 對你的生活說「是」。

And when it comes to drugs and alcohol just say no.

=> 而當涉及到毒品和酒精只是說不。

No, no, no! No, Pablo, no, no! No, no! They say when a nuclear holocaust destroys the world, only the cockroaches will survive.

=> 不不不!不,巴勃羅,不,不!不,不!他們說,當一場核戰爭破壞世界時,只有蟑螂才能生存。

Leave that piece of shit there.

=> 在那裡留下那個狗屎。

I guess they were wrong.

=> 我猜他們錯了。

During his career, Pablo would kill over a thousand cops.

=> 在他的職業生涯中,巴勃羅會殺死一千多名警察。

But I wouldnt learn that till later.

=> 但是直到後來我才知道。

My dad volunteered to fight in World War II because of Pearl Harbor.

=> 由於珍珠港,我的爸爸志願參加第二次世界大戰。

But you think he knew anybody in Hawaii? No way.

=> 但是你認為他在夏威夷知道誰?沒門。

He was a West Virginia farm boy, but these fuckers stepped on our soil.

=> 他是一個西弗吉尼亞農場的孩子,但是這些蠢貨踩在我們的土地上。

So he laced up his army boots and went to fight.

=> 於是他穿上了軍靴,去戰鬥。

It was his duty.

=> 這是他的責任。

Cocaine in Miami? Kilos from Colombia? This was my war.

=> 可卡因在邁阿密?來自哥倫比亞的公斤?這是我的戰爭。

This was my duty.

=> 這是我的責任。

And I was ready to fight it.

=> 而且我準備好去戰鬥了。

And my wife was ready to fight it with me, too.

=> 而我的妻子也準備和我一起去戰鬥。

Your ticket, please.

=> 請出示你的票。


=> 好。

We had no idea what we were in for.

=> 我們不知道我們在做什麼。

One year later all that patriotic bullshit was right out the window.

=> 一年後,所有愛國的廢話都在窗外。

OK, man, what do we got? - We got Poison - Excellent.

=> 好的,夥計,我們有什麼? - 我們得到毒藥 - 優秀。

Who else? We got Lizard.

=> 還有誰?我們得到了蜥蜴。

Uh We got, we got - Big Badmouth.

=> 呃我們得到了,我們得到了 - Big Badmouth。

- That motherfucker.

=> 那個混蛋

- Thank you for the gift, agent.

=> - 謝謝你的禮物,經紀人。

- No problem.

=> - 沒問題。

If theres one thing Ive learned in the narco world, its that life is more complicated than you think.

=> 如果說在吸毒世界裡我學到了一件事,那就是生活比你想像的要複雜。

Good and bad theyre relative concepts.

=> 好的和壞的他們是相對的概念。

In the world of drug dealers, you do what you think is right and hope for the best.

=> 在毒販的世界裡,你做你認為正確,希望最好的事情。

Look at what happened, boss.

=> 看看發生了什麼,老闆。

They killed Poison at La Dispensaria.

=> 他們在La Dispensaria殺死了毒藥。

- Who did it? - I think it was Carrillo.

=> - 誰幹的? - 我認為這是卡里略。

And there was a gringo DEA agent taking pictures.

=> 還有一位外籍的DEA代理拍照。

- Raise the bounty.

=> - 提高賞金。

- On Carrillo, sir? Ill pay half a million for the head of a DEA agent.

=> - 在卡里洛,先生?我將支付50萬美元作為DEA特工的負責人。

Half a million? Do it.

=> 五十萬?這樣做。

As you wish, sir.

=> 如你所願,先生。

Fucking gringos.

=> 他媽的gringos。


[美劇] 廢柴聯盟/Community 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
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