
[美劇] 神煩警探/Brooklyn Nine Nine 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 神煩警探/Brooklyn Nine Nine 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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Andre Braugher扮演警隊隊長Holt,當了三十年警察才等到升職的這一天。儘管他負責的這個警察分局是全紐約條件最艱苦的,但他歷來辦事認真,絕不允許任何人在他的團隊中和他唱反調——特別是喜歡搗蛋的首席[展開全文]


Andre Braugher扮演警隊隊長Holt,當了三十年警察才等到升職的這一天。儘管他負責的這個警察分局是全紐約條件最艱苦的,但他歷來辦事認真,絕不允許任何人在他的團隊中和他唱反調——特別是喜歡搗蛋的首席偵探Jake。

Andy Samberg扮演首席偵探Jake,複雜指揮日常行動。他同時將擔任該劇的製片人。

Terry Crews扮演探長Terry Jeffords。

Melissa Fumero扮演迷人、聰明的女偵探Amy,在紐約市郊區長大。成為警察之前,Amy一直在中學裡教書——與那些搗蛋的六年級學生比起來,罪犯要好對付得多。Amy堅持「不與警察約會」的原則——雖然警隊中許多人都想追求她。

Stephanie Beatriz扮演性感、強悍、固執己見的女警官Rosa,她的性格讓其他警察感到害怕——他們甚至認為她和街上的罪犯一樣可怕!

Joe Lo Truglio扮演最近剛剛離婚的資深偵探Charles,在晚輩Jake面前從不擺架子。


This job is eating me alive.


I cant breathe anymore.

=> 我無法呼吸了。

I spent all these years trying to be the good guy, the man in the white hat.

=> 我花了這麼多年,試圖成為那個戴著白帽子的好人。

Im not becoming like them.

=> 我不像他們。

I am them.

=> 我是他們。

Hey! What are you doing, weirdo? Im doing the best speech from Donnie Brasco.

=> 嘿!你在做什麼,怪人?我正在從Donnie Brasco做最好的演講。

Or actually, ten of me are doing the best speech from Donnie Brasco.

=> 或者實際上,我有十個人正在從Donnie Brasco做最好的演講。

Whats up? Get it together, man.

=> 這是怎麼回事?把它放在一起,男人。

Okay? So the store was hit about two hours ago.

=> 好的?所以這家商店在兩個小時前被打了。

They took mostly tablets, laptops, and cameras.

=> 他們主要採取平板電腦,筆記本電腦和相機。


=> 抱歉。

Id like a list of all your employees, whoever had access to the store.

=> 我想要一個所有員工名單,誰可以進入商店。

Id also like to apologize for my partner.

=> 我也想為我的搭檔道歉。

His parents didnt give him enough attention.

=> 他的父母沒有給他足夠的關注。

Uh, Detective I already solved the case.

=> 呃,偵探我已經解決了這個案子。

Were looking for three white males, one of whom has sleeve tats on both arms.

=> 我們正在尋找三個白色的男性,其中一個雙臂上有袖子。

And how do you know that? I had an informant on the inside.

=> 你怎麼知道的?我在裡面有一個告密者。

Hes been here for years.

=> 他在這裡已經好幾年了。

Watching, learning.

=> 看著,學習。


=> 等候。

His code name? Fuzzy Cuddle bear.

=> 他的代號是?模糊擁抱熊。

Hes a nanny cam.

=> 他是一個保姆攝像頭。

You got lucky.

=> 你好幸運啊。

No, I got here five minutes before you and figured that in this gigantic electronics store, there had to be at least one working camera.

=> 不,我在五分鐘前來到這裡,想到在這個巨大的電子商店裡,至少有一台工作相機。

Oh! Hi, bad guys! You did it, fuzzy.

=> 哦!嗨,壞人!你做到了,模糊。

You busted em.

=> 你搗毀了他們

Its time to come home.

=> 是時候回家了。

Im not sure if I can.

=> 我不確定我是否可以。

Ive been undercover so long, Ive forgotten who I am.

=> 我已經卧底了很久了,我已經忘記了我是誰了。

I have seen terrible things.

=> 我看到了可怕的事情。

I havent known the touch of a woman in many moons.

=> 我在許多衛星上都不知道一個女人的感覺。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Detective Santiago! Dont walk away from me! Yes, I did crack the case.

=> 偵探聖地亞哥!不要離開我!是的,我確實破解了這個案子。

So, Santiago, would you do the honors? Ohhh! I hate this! Ah, yeah.

=> 那麼,聖地亞哥,你會做榮譽嗎?噢噢噢!我討厭這個!啊,是的。

I hate this.

=> 我討厭這個。

And youre just gonna add one.

=> 而你只是要添加一個。

Im winning.

=> 我贏了

Its a good feeling.

=> 這是一個很好的感覺。

Its a good feeling.

=> 這是一個很好的感覺。


=> 是啊。

Enjoy it while it lasts.

=> 享受它,當它持續。

I will! JP, update on the Morgenthau murder? Yeah! Good news for all you murder fans.

=> 我會! JP,Morgenthau謀殺案更新?是啊!所有你殺死粉絲的好消息。

Earlier this morning Someone decided to shoot and kill luxury food importer Henry Morgenthau.

=> 今天早些時候有人決定拍攝並殺死豪華食品進口商亨利·摩根索(Henry Morgenthau)。

Body was found by the cleaning lady, during her interview, I deduced, using expert Detective work, that she had something super gross on her chin.

=> 身體被清潔女工發現,在採訪中,我用專家偵探的工作推斷,她的下巴上有一些超級粗糙的東西。

I think it was flan.

=> 我認為這是餡餅。

Charles thinks it was flan.

=> 查爾斯認為這是懦夫。

I think it was butterscotch pudding.

=> 我認為這是奶油布丁。

Maybe it was just old person gunk.

=> 也許這只是老人的垃圾。

You know how old people always have that gunk on them.

=> 你知道幾歲的人總是在他們身上發脾氣。

Oldie gunk.

=> 老人gunk。

Could be, yeah.

=> 可以,是的。

Anyone else? How about we focus on the murder and not the old person gunk? Crime techs are at the scene now.

=> 還有誰?我們如何專註於謀殺而不是老人gunk?犯罪科技現在正在現場。

Were heading back when theyre done.

=> 當他們完成時,我們正在回頭。

Okay, I want you on this.

=> 好的,我想要你。

Its gonna be priority one for the new C.

=> 這將是新C的優先事項之一。



Wait, tell us about the new Captain.

=> 等一下,介紹一下新上尉。

Captain Holt will be here soon.

=> 霍爾特船長馬上就要到了。

Hell wanna introduce himself.

=> 他會想自我介紹


=> 駁回。

Hey, Gina.

=> 嘿,吉娜

You know any scalpers? I wanna ask Rosa to go to the Rihanna concert with me, but its sold out.

=> 你認識黃牛嗎?我想問羅莎和我一起去蕾哈娜演唱會,但是它已經賣完了。

Okay, two points to make here.

=> 好的,在這裡做兩點。

First, Rihanna You And then Rihanna.

=> 首先,蕾哈娜你然後蕾哈娜。


=> 是啊。

Whats your second point? Shes got a type.

=> 你的第二點是什麼?她有一個類型。

Which is really anyone but you.

=> 除了你,哪個是真的。

Yeah, that was my ex-wifes type too.

=> 是的,那也是我的前妻。

Look, a Rihanna concerts a pretty big swing, man.

=> 看,蕾哈娜演唱會是一個非常大的搖擺,男人。

- I dont know.

=> - 我不知道。

- Shes into watching old movies.

=> - 她正在看老電影。


=> 涼。

Where would I find a place that shows old movies? Oh, yeah, just go on the Internet and search for the phrase "I want to buy two movie tickets for a girl who doesnt like me.

=> 我在哪裡可以找到一個顯示舊電影的地方?哦,是的,只要上網搜索一下「我想為一個不喜歡我的女孩買兩張電影票。

" - Great.

=>「 - 太好了。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

- Good.

=> - 很好。

Hey, you heard anything about the new Captain? Uh, no, and I dont care.

=> 嘿,你聽說過新上尉的事嗎?呃,不,我不在乎。

I just wish Captain McGintley never left, he was the best.

=> 我只希望麥金特利上尉永不離開,他是最好的。

He was terrible.

=> 他太可怕了。

You just liked him cause he let you do anything you wanted.

=> 你只是喜歡他,因為他讓你做任何你想做的事情。

On your marks, get set Go.

=> 在你的標記上,設置Go。

What the hells going on around here? Fire extinguisher roller chair derby? Okay.

=> 這到底是怎麼回事?滅火器輪椅德比?好的。

And go! Yeah! Whats your point? If Im ever gonna make Captain, I need a good mentor.

=> 去!是啊!你想說什麼?如果我要做上尉,我需要一個好導師。

I need my rabbi.

=> 我需要我的拉比。

Sorry, dude But this new guys gonna be another washed-up pencil pusher whos only concerned with Following every rule in the patrol guide.

=> 對不起,老兄但是這個新人會成為另一個只有在巡視指導中遵守每一條規則的洗筆的推鉛筆者。

Meep morp zeep.

=> 湄公河morp zeep。

Robot Captain Engage.

=> 機器人隊長參與。

- Is that what you think? - He-hey! New Captain alert.

=> - 你在想什麼? - 他 - 嘿!新上尉警覺。

You must be the new C.

=> 你一定是新的C.



Im Detective Jake Peralta.

=> 我是傑克·佩拉爾塔偵探。

Great to meet you.

=> 很高興見到你。

Now dont let me interrupt.

=> 現在不要讓我打斷。

You were describing what kind of person Im gonna be.

=> 你正在描述我將成為什麼樣的人。

Id like you to finish.

=> 我想讓你完成。

Thats not necessary.

=> 這沒有必要。

Or I could recap very quickly, sure.

=> 或者我可以很快回顧,當然。

Um, lets see.

=> 嗯,讓我們看看。

I think I said some joke about being a washed-up pencil pusher.

=> 我想我曾經說過一個關於被推倒的鉛筆的笑話。

- Now do the robot voice.

=> - 現在做機器人的聲音。

- Which The robot voice you were doing when you implied Im a rule-following robot.

=> - 當你暗示我是一個規則跟隨機器人時,你正在做的機器人聲音。

I wanna hear it again.

=> 我想再聽一遍。

Meep morp zarp.

=> 莫普morp zarp。


=> 機器人。

- Thats a terrible robot voice.

=> - 這是一個可怕的機器人聲音。

- Yep.

=> - 是的

The next time I see you, Id like you to be wearing a necktie.

=> 我下次見到你的時候,我希望你穿著領帶。

Oh, actually, the last Captain didnt care if we wore ties.

=> 哦,實際上,如果我們穿上領帶,最後一個上尉不在乎。

Well, your new Captain does.

=> 那麼,你的新上尉呢。

And more importantly, he cares that you follow his direct orders.

=> 更重要的是,他關心你遵循他的直接命令。

Everyone, Im your new commanding officer, - Captain Ray Holt.

=> 大家好,我是你的新任指揮官,上尉雷·霍爾特。

- Speech! - That was my speech.

=> - 發言!那是我的演講

- Short and sweet.

=> - 短而甜。

- Sergeant Jeffords, a word.

=> - 傑弗遜警官,一個字。

- Yes, sir.

=> - 是的先生。

I love that guy.

=> 我愛那個人。

Same! Hes so suave.

=> 相同!他很和藹。

Does anyone get a little bit of a gay vibe? No? Okay.

=> 有沒有人得到一點同性戀的氛圍?沒有?好的。

Sergeant, you were in the 1-8 with me Though you were significantly Fatter, sir.

=> 警官,你和我一起在1-8歲雖然你很胖,先生。

They called me "Terry Titties.

=> 他們叫我「特里Titties。

" Because I had large, uh Titties, yes.


I remember.

=> 我記得。

Though to be fair, it was accurate.


Whats this I hear about you being on administrative leave? A year ago, my wife and I had twin baby girls.

=> 我聽說你正在行政假?一年前,我和我的妻子有雙胞胎女嬰。

Cagney and Lacey.

=> 卡格尼和萊西。

They have adorable chubby cheeks.

=> 他們有可愛的胖乎乎的臉頰。

Ever since, I kinda got scared of getting hurt.

=> 從那以後,我有點害怕受到傷害。

Lost my edge.

=> 失去了我的優勢。

There was an incident in a department store.

=> 百貨公司發生了一起事件。

Hey, man, you okay? You look a little jumpy.

=> 嘿,夥計,你沒事吧?你看起來有點跳動

Im fine.

=> 我很好。

Im fine.

=> 我很好。

Ahhh! I think hes dead.

=> 唉唉!我想他已經死了

And Im still not right.

=> 而且我還是不對。

Tell me about your Detective squad.

=> 告訴我你的偵探小隊

Um Well, Scully, Hitchcock, and Daniels.

=> 恩,Scully,Hitchcock和Daniels。

Theyre pretty much worthless, but they make good coffee.

=> 他們幾乎沒有什麼價值,但他們喝咖啡。

Copy that.

=> 收到。

Now the good ones.

=> 現在好的。

Rosa Diaz.

=> 羅莎·迪亞茲。

Tough, smart, hard to read, and really scary.

=> 堅韌,聰明,難以閱讀,真的很可怕。

Tell me who has me for secret santa.

=> 告訴我誰是我的秘密聖誕老人。

No! That takes all the fun out of it.

=> 沒有!這需要所有的樂趣。

Its Scully.

=> 這是Scully。

He got you a scarf.

=> 他給你一條圍巾。

- Ill make him return it.

=> - 我會讓他回來的

- Yes, you will.

=> - 是的你將會。

Charles Boyle.

=> 查爾斯·博伊爾。

Hes a grinder.

=> 他是一個磨床。

Not the most brilliant Detective, but he works harder than anyone else.

=> 不是最出色的偵探,但他比任何人都努力工作。

Hes not physically gifted.

=> 他沒有天賦。

Oh, man! My muffin.

=> 天啊!我的鬆餅

Ahh! Oh, my head! My muffin, my head! And I stepped on the On my muffin! And my head and my muffin.

=> 啊!哦,我的頭!我的鬆餅,我的頭!我踩在我的鬆餅上!而我的頭和我的鬆餅。

Amy Santiago.

=> 艾米·聖地亞哥。

Shes got seven brothers, so shes always trying to prove shes tough.

=> 她有七個兄弟,所以她總是試圖證明她很艱難。


=> 小心。

That stuffs pretty hot.

=> 那東西很熱。

Oh, is it? Hmm? She and Peralta have some big bet over who gets more arrests this year.

=> 哦,是嗎?嗯?她和Peralta今年有更多的人被捕。

Ever since the bet, their numbers have gone way up.

=> 自從下注後,他們的數字已經上升。

Tell me about Peralta.

=> 告訴我關於Peralta。

Jacob Peralta is my best Detective.

=> 雅各布·佩拉爾塔是我最好的偵探。

He likes putting away bad guys and he loves solving puzzles.

=> 他喜歡放棄壞人,他喜歡解決難題。

The only puzzle he hasnt solved is how to grow up.

=> 他沒有解決的唯一難題是如何長大。

That was very well put.

=> 這是非常好的。

Ive talked a lot about Jake in my departmentally mandated therapy sessions.

=> 我在我的部門授權的治療會議上談了很多關於傑克的事情。

Look, you know my history.

=> 看,你知道我的歷史。

You know how important this is to me.

=> 你知道這對我有多重要

This precinct is doing fine, but I wanna make it the best one in Brooklyn.

=> 這個地區做得很好,但是我想讓它成為布魯克林最好的一個。

And I need your help.

=> 我需要你的幫助。

Absolutely, sir.

=> 絕對,先生。

Where do we start? What is happening? We start with him.

=> 我們從哪裡開始?發生什麼事?我們從他開始。

Okay, so the perp came in through the window, left the muddy red footprint, and apparently had sex with the dish rack.

=> 好吧,所以從窗戶進來,留下了泥濘的紅色足跡,顯然與碗碟架發生性關係。

Shell casing found here.

=> 在這裡找到殼牌套管。

Two shots.

=> 兩槍。

Bang, bang.

=> 嘭嘭。

Great work, Detective.

=> 偉大的工作,偵探。

You get a tie.

=> 你得到一個領帶。

Hey, thats mine.

=> 嘿,那是我的。

You took it from my desk.

=> 你從我的桌子上拿走了。

Thats right, Charles.

=> 是的,查爾斯。

Good solve.

=> 很好的解決。

- Tie for you.

=> - 為你打結。

- Thanks! Now everyone be sure to put those on because its impossible to solve crimes - unless youre wearing a tie.

=> - 謝謝!現在大家一定要把這些打上,因為解決犯罪是不可能的 - 除非你戴上領帶。

- Lay off the Captain.

=> - 解僱船長。

That man is gonna be my rabbi.

=> 那個男人就是我的拉比

Okay, first of all, when you use the word "rabbi," you know that turns me on and thats unfair in the work environment.

=> 好的,首先當你使用「拉比」這個詞的時候,你知道這讓我感到不舒服,這在工作環境中是不公平的。

Secondly, your rabbi is a pain in my ass.

=> 其次,你的拉比是我的屁股疼痛。

Yeah, hes a little too serious.

=> 是的,他有點太嚴肅了。

- What do you think, Rosa? - He seems cool.

=> - 你怎麼看,羅莎? - 他似乎很酷。

Yeah, he seems cool.

=> 是的,他看起來很酷。

I agree.

=> 我同意。

Looks like the perp stole a computer, a watch, and a Jamon Iberico ham, valued at what! $6,000.

=> 看起來好像perp偷了一台電腦,一隻手錶,還有一隻Jamon Iberico火腿,它的價值在於什麼! $ 6,000。

$6,000 for a ham? Jamon Iberico is an amazing cured ham from Spain.

=> 6,000美元的火腿? Jamon Iberico是來自西班牙的美味火腿。

They had it at my uncles funeral.

=> 他們在我叔叔的葬禮上。

I gorged myself at that funeral.

=> 我在那次葬禮上大吃大喝。

I mean, I was constipated for three days.

=> 我的意思是,我便秘了三天。

Wow, thats a great story, Charles, thank you.

=> 哇,這真是個好故事,查爾斯,謝謝。

All right, listen up, everybody.

=> 好,聽著,每個人。

Better contact Captain Holt, let him know we got a ten-tie situation.

=> 更好地聯繫霍爾特船長,讓他知道我們有一個十領帶的情況。

Speaking of ties, wheres yours, meep morp? This is fantastic.

=> 說到聯繫,你的地方呢,莫非莫非?這是太棒了。

Captain! Hey! Welcome to the murder.

=> 隊長!嘿!歡迎來到謀殺。

What are you doing here? I like to know what my detectives are up to.

=> 你在這裡做什麼?我想知道我的偵探正在做什麼。

- That okay by you? - Yep.

=> - 那你還好嗎? - 是的

Take Santiago and knock on doors.

=> 以聖地亞哥和敲門。

See if the neighbors heard anything.

=> 看看鄰居是否聽到什麼

Door duty? Its a waste of time.

=> 門的責任?這是浪費時間。

Diaz and Boyle.

=> 迪亞茲和波義耳。

Check in the coroner.

=> 檢入驗屍官。

Report back to me in an hour.

=> 在一小時內回復給我。

- That went well.

=> - 那很好。

- No, it didnt.

=> - 不,沒有。

Hes got like super hearing.

=> 他有超級聽力。

Hey, Rosa! Rosa.

=> 嘿,羅莎!羅莎。

Rosa! Um, I just happened to notice that theres an old movie festival playing at the film forum this week.

=> 羅莎!呃,我剛剛注意到這周在電影論壇上有一個老電影節。

Wanna go? Sure.

=> 想去?當然。

Cool! Awesome.

=> 涼!真棒。

Theres a bunch of movie options.

=> 有一堆電影選項。

Ill probably just go with something classic like Citizen Kane.

=> 我可能會選擇像「公民凱恩」(Citizen Kane)這樣的經典。

Citizen Kane is terrible.

=> 公民凱恩是可怕的。

Pick a good movie.

=> 選一部好電影

Good call.

=> 好決定。


=> 聰明。

Ill do it.

=> 我會做的。

Ill pick a better movie than Citizen Kane.

=> 我會選擇比公民凱恩更好的電影。

So Gina Civilian administrators like yourself often have their ear to the ground.

=> 所以像你這樣的吉納平民管理者經常耳畔叩響。

What do Santiago and Peralta have riding on this bet of theirs? I will tell you on six conditions.

=> 聖地亞哥和佩拉爾塔對他們的賭注有什麼用?我會告訴你六個條件。

Number one, you let me use your office to practice my dance moves.

=> 第一,你讓我用你的辦公室來練習我的舞蹈動作。

Second How about this? - If you tell me - Mm-hmm.

=> 第二個這個怎麼樣? - 如果你告訴我 - 嗯 - 嗯。

I wont have you suspended Without pay.

=> 我不會讓你停職無薪。

Oh, that sounds great.

=> 哦,那聽起來不錯。

Okay, the deal is if Amy gets more arrests, Jake has to give her his car.

=> 好吧,這個交易是如果艾米得到更多的逮捕,傑克必須給她他的車。

Its an old Mustang, and its pretty sweet.

=> 這是一個古老的野馬,它非常甜蜜。

If he gets more arrests, she has to go on a date with him.

=> 如果他受到更多的逮捕,她必須和他約會。

He guarantees it will end in sex.

=> 他保證會以性行為結束。

I bet on at least some over-the-clothes action.

=> 我敢打賭,至少有一些穿衣服的行為。

At the very least, some touching - No, thats enough, Gina.

=> 至少,有些感人 - 不,這就夠了,吉娜。

- Caresses.

=> - 愛撫

I could see him showing up in a silk robe.

=> 我可以看到他穿著絲質長袍出現。

- Thats enough, Gina.

=> - 吉娜,這就夠了。

- All right.

=> - 好吧。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Let the wasting of time begin.

=> 讓浪費時間開始。

Hello, sir.

=> 你好先生。

Can we ask you a few questions? Definitely.

=> 我們可以問你幾個問題嗎?當然。


=> 是啊。

Im actually Im super glad you guys are here right now.

=> 其實我真的很高興你們現在在這裡

Are you smelling that weed smell? Yeah.

=> 你聞到雜草味嗎?是啊。

Cause a dude broke in, smoked weed, and bolted.

=> 因為一個夥計打破了,抽了雜草,狂奔。

Police! - Hello.

=>警察! - 你好。

- Hello.

=> - 你好。

Whats your name? - My name? - Mm-hmm.

=> 你叫什麼名字? - 我的名字? - 嗯。

- Mlepnos.

=> - Mlepnos。

- Can you spell that, please? M-l-e-p Clay.

=> - 你能拼一下嗎? M-1-e-P粘土。

Did you say "Clay"? Yes, the "Clay" is silent.

=> 你說「粘土」嗎?是的,「粘土」是沉默的。

All right, got it.

=> 好的,明白了。

Have you seen this man before? He was shot last night.

=> 你以前見過這個人嗎?他昨晚被槍殺。


=> 哦。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

No, sir, thats ours.

=> 不,先生,那是我們的。

We need that.

=> 我們需要這個。

- We - And he kept it.

=> - 我們 - 他保留了它。

Wall Street journal on the doormat Top floor apartment.

=> 華爾街日報在門墊頂層公寓。

like a hot, eligible bachelor.

=> 像一個熱門,合格的單身漢。

Ill take that action.

=> 我會採取這一行動。

Police! Open up! Hello.

=> 警察!打開!你好。

Oh! Hello, sir! How are you today? I am Detective Right-All-The-Time, and this is my partner Detective Terrible Detective.

=> 哦!你好先生!你今天好嗎?我是全職偵探,這是我的偵探「可怕的偵探」。

No surprises from the coroner.

=> 驗屍官沒有驚喜。

A few gunshots, shoulder and chest.

=> 幾聲槍響,肩膀和胸膛。

None of the neighbors heard or saw anything.

=> 沒有一個鄰居聽到或看到任何東西。

And whats worse, Santiago struck out with a 92-year-old.

=> 而更糟糕的是,聖地亞哥還是一個92歲的老人。

That is not accurate, sir.

=> 先生,這不準確。

Wait, you hooked up with him? Ugh! All right, hit the pawn shops and canvass the neighborhood.

=> 等等,你和他聯繫了?啊!好吧,撞上當鋪,拉攏鄰里。

And while youre out, you can buy yourself a tie.

=> 而當你外出時,你可以給自己買一條領帶。

Oh, actually, sir Im wearing a tie right now.

=> 哦,其實,先生,我現在正在打領帶。

Check it out.

=> 一探究竟。

Secret tie.

=> 秘密領帶。

First of all, I think youre kind of overdoing it with the manscaping.

=> 首先,我認為你在做麻煩的事情時有點過分。

But more importantly, Detective, why do you refuse to take my orders seriously? Does anyone here know why its so important to me that you all dress appropriately? Hmm.

=> 但更重要的是,偵探,你為什麼拒絕認真對待我的命令?這裡有人知道為什麼這對我來說如此重要,以至於你們穿著得體呢?嗯。

Four highly trained detectives and not one of you can solve this simple mystery.

=> 四名訓練有素的偵探,而不是你們中的一個能夠解決這個簡單的謎團。

I wanna be briefed on any new developments.

=> 我想聽聽任何新的事態發展。

Any questions? I was gonna ask you if you thought I was doing too much manscaping, but we solved that one.

=> 任何問題?我會問你,如果你認為我做了太多的麻煩,但是我們解決了那個問題。

So Im good.

=> 所以我很好。

Hey, Boyle.

=> 嘿,博伊爾

- Yep.

=> - 是的

- What about this fancy ham stuff? - Jamon Iberico.

=> - 這個奇特的火腿呢? - Jamon Iberico。

- Yes.

=> - 是的。

The perp left a really expensive TV but then stole ham? It doesnt make sense.

=> perp離開了一個非常昂貴的電視,但後來偷火腿?這沒有意義。

Is there a place nearby the crime scene that sells it? - Beneficios might.

=> 犯罪現場附近有賣地嗎? - Beneficio的可能。

- Lets go.

=> - 我們走吧。

You gotta brief the C.

=> 你得簡單介紹一下C.




=> 第一。

Well brief him after we catch the guy.

=> 我們趕上那個人之後會通知他的。

My name is Ratko.

=> 我的名字是拉特科。

I dont know anything.

=> 我什麼都不知道

Oh, okay.

=> 哦好的。

You recognize this guy? - Henry Morgenthau? - No.

=> 你認識這個人?亨利·摩根索? - 沒有

Maybe actually look at the picture.

=> 也許實際上看圖片。

I dont know him.

=> 我不認識他。

I dont know what happened.

=> 我不知道發生了什麼事。

No more questions.

=> 別再問問題了。

Well, why dont I run a scenario past you, Ratko, and you tell me what you think? You do know Morgenthau.

=> 那麼,為什麼我不跑過你的情景,拉特科,你告訴我你的想法?你知道摩根索。

He came in here and tried to sell you some hams.

=> 他來到這裡試圖向你推銷一些火腿。

You knew they were worth a lotta money, so you tried to steal them from him when he wasnt home.

=> 你知道他們值多少錢,所以你不在家的時候試圖把他們偷走。

Only he was home, so you shot him.

=> 只有他在家,所以你開槍了。

Does that sound familiar? Uh, maybe some role play will jog your memory? - Great idea.

=> 這聽起來很熟悉嗎?呃,也許一些角色扮演會慢慢地記住你的記憶? - 好想法。

- Okay, yeah.

=> - 好的,是的。


=> 好的。

- So Im Im Ratko.

=> - 所以我是Ratko。

- No, no, Im Ratko.

=> 不,不,我是拉特科。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

Im always the victim.

=> 我總是受害者。

Look, Im doing this with you right here.

=> 看,我在這裡和你一起做這個。

Fine, fine.

=> 很好,很好。

Oh! Im Henry Morgenthau, owner of delicious and expensive hams.

=> 哦!我是美味昂貴的火腿老闆亨利·摩根索(Henry Morgenthau)。

Dont I know you from the grocery store? Kill! And scene.

=> 我不知道你從雜貨店?殺!和場景。

NYPD! Everyone down! Maam, if you could just get down, or ignore me and continue shopping.

=> NYPD!大家下來!女士,如果你可以趴下,或者不理我,繼續購物。

- Boyle, get the door! - On it! Ratko! Oh! Ow! Ha ha ha! Ow, Ratko, ow! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Ratko! Im getting mad! Thats a waste of manchego! Charles! - How are you still here? - Jake! Little help! Ratko! Hes not going anywhere, Jake! Ratko! I got him! I got him! Dont worry! So no, I did not brief you.

=> - 博伊爾,上門! - 在上面!拉特科·!哦!噢!哈哈哈!噢,拉特科,哇!哇,哇,哇,哇,拉特科!我生氣了這是對男人的浪費!查爾斯! - 你還好嗎? - 傑克!一點幫助!拉特科·!傑克,他不會去的拉特科·!我找到他了!我找到他了!別擔心!所以不,我沒有向你介紹。

And yes, he did get away.

=> 是的,他確實離開了。

But some bonus good news I got you hazelnut.

=> 但一些好消息,我得到你榛子。

And A little spoon there for you.

=> 還有一個小勺子給你。

Is he seriously assigning me to the records room? I mean, why do we even have a records room? Computers been invented, right? I didnt dream it? Youre lucky, man.

=> 他是否認真地把我分配到記錄室?我的意思是,為什麼我們甚至有一個記錄室?電腦被發明了,對吧?我沒有夢想嗎?你很幸運,男人。

I wish I could get assigned here full-time.

=> 我希望我能在這裡全職分配。

You could not be farther from the action.

=> 你不能離開這個行動。

Sergeant, you know me.

=> 警長,你認識我。

I have more arrests than anyone.

=> 我逮捕的人數比任何人都多。

Will you please tell the Captain how dumb it is to lock his best Detective in a file cabinet? - Second best.

=> 你能告訴上尉把他最好的偵探鎖在文件櫃里有多愚蠢嗎? - 次好的。

- Youre wrong about Holt.

=> - 你對霍爾特錯了。

That man has forgotten more about being a cop than you will ever know.

=> 那個男人已經忘記了更多關於做警察的事情,而不是你所知道的。

In 1981, he caught the disco strangler.

=> 1981年,他遇到了迪斯科扼殺者。

Its over, disco man! Put down the yo-yo and back away from the girl.

=> 結束了,迪斯科男人!放下悠悠球,背對著女孩。


=> 哇。

The man is the real deal.

=> 這個人是真正的交易。

You need to listen to him.

=> 你需要聽他的。

Gonna be hard to win our bet when youre on the bench, Peralta.

=> 當你在板凳上的時候,Peralta會很難贏得我們的賭注。

Although I did start a new category.

=> 雖然我確實開始了一個新的類別。

"Murderers we let go.

=> 「我們放手殺人。

" And look at that.


Youre winning.

=> 你贏了

Have fun with your files.

=> 玩你的文件。

Yeah, you know what, I will have fun with my files.

=> 是的,你知道什麼,我將與我的文件樂趣。

Have fun with your face! Slam! That was a slam.

=> 玩得開心!大滿貫!這是一個滿貫。

So what movie did you get us tickets to? Oh, well, just to be safe, I bought tickets to all of them.

=> 那麼你有什麼電影給我們票?哦,為了安全起見,我買了所有的門票。

Just to be safe? What does that mean? I dont know, I didnt wanna mess up.

=> 為了安全起見那是什麼意思?我不知道,我不想搞亂。

Because youre sort of Opinionated.

=> 因為你有點意見。

You think Im opinionated? Okay, heres an opinion for you.

=> 你以為我自以為是?好的,這是給你的意見。

Youre a bad judge of character and your shirt looks like vomit.

=> 你是一個壞人,你的襯衫看起來像嘔吐物。

So we can go see North by Northwest.

=> 所以我們可以去西北看北。

Were not seeing a movie together.

=> 我們沒有一起看電影。

Good call.

=> 好決定。


=> 聰明。

Keep it profesh.

=> 保持專業。

- Hey, Captain.

=> - 嘿,船長。

- So you found something? Hey, I like the tie.

=> - 所以你找到了什麼?嘿,我喜歡這條領帶。

If you cant beat em, join em.

=> 如果你不能打敗他們,加入他們。

Anyway, I think I got something good here.

=> 無論如何,我覺得我在這裡得到了不錯的東西。

Turns out the name "Ratko" is made up.

=> 原來的名字是「Ratko」組成的。

Thats fine work, Detective.


Thank you very much, sir.

=> 先生非常感謝您。

Testament to what can be achieved when you dress appropriately.

=> 當你適當穿著時,可以達到什麼樣的約定。

Lets pound it out.

=> 讓我們來看看吧。

You know what, such fine police work, lets share it with the whole team.

=> 你知道嗎,這麼好的警察工作,讓我們與整個團隊分享吧。

Santiago! Boyle! Diaz! Get in here! Bring everyone! And a camera! Thats not necessary.

=> 聖地亞哥!博伊爾!迪亞茲!來這邊!帶給大家!和相機!這沒有必要。

Oh, theyre here! Of the fine master Detective, Jake Peralta.

=> 哦,他們在這裡!傑出的名偵探傑克·佩拉爾塔。

Yeah, lets have a hand, everyone.

=> 是的,我們有一隻手,每個人。

- Give him a hand.

=> - 幫助他。

- Yeah, nice! Looking good! Yeah.

=> - 好的,好的!看起來不錯!是啊。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

No record of Ratko on the ledger.

=> 在賬本上沒有Ratko的記錄。

Mustve used cash.

=> 必須使用現金。

Well, I, for one, am just pumped to be on a stakeout with you, Captain.

=> 呃,其中一個,我只是被抽到跟你一起上校,船長。

You know what my favorite thing about stakeouts is? Patrol guide says "no dress code.

=> 你知道我最喜歡的放樣是什麼嗎?巡邏指南說:「沒有著裝要求。

" So Im just the zip-up hoodie and my two best friends.


Does he always talk this much? I just tune it out.

=> 他總是這麼說嗎?我只是調出來。

Its like a white noise machine.

=> 這就像一個白色的噪音機器。

Okay, first of all, thats racist.

=> 好的,首先,這是種族主義。

Secondly, Captain, Terry told me you caught the disco strangler.

=> 其次,特里上尉告訴我你抓住了迪斯科扼殺者。

Thats incredible.

=> 這是令人難以置信的。

Ive read that case.

=> 我讀過這個案子。

With all due respect, sir, whyd it take you so long to get your first command? Because Im gay.

=> 先生,為什麼需要你這麼長時間才能得到你的第一個指揮?因為我是同性戀


=> 啊。

Seriously? Im surprised you didnt know.

=> 真的嗎?我很驚訝,你不知道。

I dont try to hide it.

=> 我不試圖隱藏它。

Did anyone else get a little bit of a gay vibe? Manscaping.

=> 有沒有其他人得到一點同性戀的氛圍? Manscaping。

Damn! I am not a good Detective.

=> 該死的!我不是一個好偵探。


=> 這裡。

I feel bad that you spent all that money on the movie tickets.

=> 我不好意思把這些錢花在電影票上。

Why dont you just go to the movies with me? Nope.

=> 你為什麼不跟我一起去看電影?不。


=> 好的。

Well, this is awkward.

=> 嗯,這是尷尬。

Its not awkward.

=> 這不是尷尬。

I like your company.

=> 我喜歡你的公司。

Youre sweet.

=> 你很可愛。

When did you come out? About 25 years ago.

=> 你什麼時候出來的?大約25年前。

The NYPD was not ready for an openly gay Detective.

=> 紐約警察局還沒有準備好公開同性戀偵探。

But then the old guard died out.

=> 但是那個老守衛卻死了

Suddenly, they couldnt wait to show off the fact that they had a highly ranking gay officer.

=> 突然之間,他們迫不及待地炫耀自己有一位高度評價的同性戀官員。

I made Captain.

=> 我做了隊長

But they put me in a public affairs unit.

=> 但他們把我放在公共事務部門。

I was a good soldier.

=> 我是一個好戰士。

I helped recruitment.

=> 我幫助招聘

But all I ever really wanted was my own command.

=> 但我真正想要的只是我自己的命令。

And now I finally got it.

=> 現在我終於明白了

And Im not gonna screw it up.

=> 我不會把它搞砸的

Captain, Im sorry.

=> 船長,我很抱歉。

I I feel like a jackass.

=> 我覺得自己像個蠢貨

But on the flip side, theres Ratko.

=> 但是另一方面,有拉特科。

Humility over.

=> 謙卑過來。

Im amazing! Fantastic.

=> 我真棒!太棒了。

Looks like we all got door duty.

=> 看起來我們都有門的責任。

Ah, yeah.

=> 啊,是的。

From before.

=> 從以前。

Good one.

=> 好的。

You look great.

=> 你看起來很棒。


=> 明確。


=> 明確。


=> 好的。

Unbelievable! Un-believable! Ah.

=> 難以置信的!難以置信的!啊。

Ratko, great to see you.

=> 拉特科,很高興見到你。

You cant stop me.

=> 你不能阻止我。

Im going.

=> 我要去。

Actually, youre not going anywhere.

=> 事實上,你不會去任何地方。

Cause if you take a look to your left, youll see Detectives Boyle and Diaz.

=> 因為如果你看看你的左邊,你會看到偵探的波義耳和迪亞茲。

Right there is Detective Santiago.

=> 那裡有聖地亞哥偵探。

And behind you is Captain Holt.

=> 你身後是霍爾特船長。

Point is My team has you surrounded.

=> 點是我的團隊,你包圍。

Oh, my God, I just got the tie thing! Captain, I just figured it out.

=> 哦,我的天啊,我剛剛拿到領帶!船長,我只是想出來了。

Maybe nows not the best time, Detective.

=> 也許現在不是最好的時間,偵探。

Its a uniform! Were a team, and the tie is a part of that teams uniform, right? You ask Ratko what team? No, Ratko, shut up.

=> 這是一個制服!我們是一支球隊,而且領帶是球隊制服的一部分,對嗎?你問拉特科什麼隊?不,拉特科,閉嘴

Its important to you because you were kept off the team for so long.

=> 對你來說這很重要,因為你被關在球隊那麼久了。

And now youre the coach, and you want us to all wear that same uniform.

=> 現在你是教練,你希望我們都穿同樣的制服。

Boom! Nailed it! Yes, you did.

=> 繁榮!搞定了!是的,你做到了。

Now just arrest Ratko.

=> 現在只要逮捕拉特科。

All right, Ratko, down.

=> 好的,拉特科,下來。

Drop the weapon.

=> 放下武器。

Hands on your head.

=> 手在你的頭上。

Here we go.

=> 開始了。

- Hey! - Hes running! Oh! Got him! Hands behind your back! Hands behind your back! Stay down.

=> - 嘿! - 他在跑哦!得到了他!背後的手!背後的手!停下來

Thats how we do it in the nine-nine, sir.

=> 先生,我們就是這樣做的。

Catch bad guys and look good doing it.

=> 抓住壞人,看起來不錯。

Whats wrong with you? Never took off the speedo.

=> 你這人怎麼回事?從來沒有脫下速度。

Big mistake.

=> 大錯。

It is inside me.

=> 它在我內心。

Great work, team!

=> 偉大的工作,團隊!


[美劇] 尼基塔/Nikita 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 滿足/Satisfaction (US) 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 女王/Reign 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 驚魂序曲/Bates Motel 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
《劇本就TM應該這樣寫》| 編故事的技巧之故事設計

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