NUKE基礎知識05 NUKE Fundamentals - 使用曲線編輯器 Using The Curve Editor

曲線編輯器簡介 Introduction to the Curve Editor:


Curve Editor is a better source of visual feedback about our animation. Parameter Tree contains animated value and a Curve representing the animation of those values.

查看動畫曲線 Viewing an Animation Curve:

查看全部 View All:

  • 曲線編輯器中 On Curve Editor >
  • 滑鼠右鍵單擊 Mouse Right Click >
  • 視圖 View > > 框視全部 Frame All(熱鍵:A。要記住,此視圖只會顯示曲線從第一個關鍵幀到最後一個關鍵幀。 (Hot Key: A . Keep in mind that this view will only give you a view of your curve from its first keyframe to its last keyframe.)

平移 Pan Around:

  • 曲線編輯器中 On Curve Editor >
  • Alt +滑鼠左鍵拖動/滑鼠中鍵拖拽 Alt + Left Mouse Drag / Middle Mouse Drag >

編輯曲線 Editing the Curve:

添加一個關鍵幀 Add a Keyframe:

  • Alt + Ctrl +沿曲線單擊 Alt + Ctrl + click along the Curve>

程序性地添加一系列關鍵幀 Procedurally Add a Series of Keyframes:

  • 曲線編輯器中 On Curve Editor >
  • 滑鼠右鍵單擊 Mouse Right Click >
  • 編輯 Edit > > 生成關鍵幀 Generate keys >
  • 遞增 Increment [ ] > (在開始值結束值範圍內放置關鍵幀的頻率。)(how often you wish to lay down a keyframe within the range of Start value and the End value.)

編輯關鍵幀 Edit a Keyframe:

  • 在關鍵幀已選之上 On Keyframe Selected >
  • 滑鼠左鍵拖動 Left Mouse Drag > (默認情況下,此關鍵幀的移動被鎖定到拖動滑鼠的初始向量中。)(By default, the movement of this keyframe is locked into your initial vector that you were dragging the mouse along.)

關鍵幀自由範圍控制 Free-range Control Over Keyframe:

  • 在關鍵幀已選之上 On Keyframe Slected >
  • Ctrl +滑鼠左鍵拖曳 Ctrl + Left Mouse Drag >

關鍵幀精細控制 Fine Detailed Control Over Keyframes:

  • On Keyframe Selected >
  • 滑鼠右鍵單擊 Mouse Right Click >
  • 編輯 Edit >
  • [x] 幀捕捉 Frame Snap >

自定義曲線 Custom a Curve:

  • 曲線編輯器中 On Curve Editor >
  • 按住Alt + Ctrl + Shift +滑鼠左鍵拖動(繪製曲線)Hold Down Alt + Ctrl + Shift + Left Mouse Drag (Draw) >

修改部分曲線 Modifying Parts of a Curve:

修改和編輯之間的差異 Differences Between Modifying & Editing

  • 調整曲線的斜率 Adjusting the Slope of a Curve 單擊並拖動關鍵幀兩側的紅色切線手柄。Click and drag the red tangent handle on both side of the key.
  • 曲線差值調整 Interpolating the Curve > 平滑 Smooth, 常量(保持和跳躍)Constant (hold & jump), 線性(尖銳)Linear (sharp), Catmull-Rom(平滑的平滑)等。Catmull-Rom (smoother smooth), etc. 插值是指計算機在給定的關鍵幀間,確定曲線如何改變方向的具體方法或演算法。Interpolation refers to the specific method or algorithm the computer』s using to determine how the curve is going to change direction on the keyframe that you』ve given it.

重複或倒轉曲線的部分 Repeating or Reversing Parts of a Curve:

重複 Repeating:

  • 曲線編輯器中 On Curve Editor >
  • 滑鼠右鍵單擊 Mouse Right Click >
  • 預定義 Predefined > 循環 Loop >

反轉 Reversing:

  • 曲線編輯器中 On Curve Editor >
  • 滑鼠右鍵單擊 Mouse Right Click >
  • 預定義 Predefined > 反轉 Reverse >
  • 將滑鼠懸停在十字準線上直到出現< - >圖標 Hover over the crosshair until you get a 『<—>『 icon >
  • 拖到第0幀 Drag to frame 0 > (這將使得這些值保持鎖定。)(This will make sure the values stay locked.)

鏡像 Mirroring:

  • 曲線編輯器中 On Curve Editor >
  • 滑鼠右鍵單擊 Mouse Right Click >
  • 預定義 Predefined > 抵消 Negate >

使用表達式修改曲線 Using Expression to Modify a Curve:

輸入表達式的兩種方式 Two Ways to Enter the Expression:

  • 通過右鍵單擊在移動節點中的表達框來編輯表達式 Expression Box by right-clicking in the Transform Node and going to Edit Expression
  • 選中曲線時屏幕底部的表達框 Expression Box at the bottom of screen on Curve selected

表達式 Expression:

  • 取值範圍在0和1之間(默認)Value Range between 0 and 1 (By Default)
  • 同樣基於像素計數(具體值)Also Based on Pixel Counts (Specific Value)


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