
[美劇] 黑白無間道/Gang Related 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 黑白無間道/Gang Related 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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在這部動作罪案劇中,Ryan Lopez偵探(Ramon Rodriguez)是洛杉磯警署精英團隊「黑幫案件組」中的明日之星。沒有人知道Ryan成為警察之前的黑暗生活——那時他是一名黑幫成員,曾向多個幫派宣誓效忠,其中包括強大的拉丁幫「Los Angelicos」。

當Ryan最好的朋友兼搭檔被一個惡貫滿盈的黑幫成員殺害後,Ryan與黑幫案件組的資深偵探Cassius Green(RZA)合[展開全文]

在這部動作罪案劇中,Ryan Lopez偵探(Ramon Rodriguez)是洛杉磯警署精英團隊「黑幫案件組」中的明日之星。沒有人知道Ryan成為警察之前的黑暗生活——那時他是一名黑幫成員,曾向多個幫派宣誓效忠,其中包括強大的拉丁幫「Los Angelicos」。

當Ryan最好的朋友兼搭檔被一個惡貫滿盈的黑幫成員殺害後,Ryan與黑幫案件組的資深偵探Cassius Green(RZA)合作調查該案。多年來Cassius一直堅持與這座城市的有組織犯罪作戰,就像洛杉磯警署的一張「反黑名片」。

在警察與黑幫的戰爭中,觀眾將看到每一個壞蛋都有一個「崇高的目標」,而每一個英雄都有黑暗的一面。儘管Ryan早已成為警察,但他仍然受制於「Los Angelicos」的領袖Javier Acosta(Cliff Curtis)。對Ryan而言,Javier就像是他的父親,他一生都在努力讓他感到驕傲。Ryan脫離黑幫加入警隊是Javier一手策劃的「超級秘密」——Ryan已經將這個秘密保守了10年。除了他們兩人之外,這個世界上只有Javier的兩個兒子知道這件事:冷血無情的幫派二把手Carlos(Rey Gallegos)和Ryan童年時代最好的朋友、拘謹古板的投資銀行家Daniel(Jay Hernandez)。

Ryan對於警察工作也是很認真的。他尊重自己的隊友——包括Tae Kim(Sung Kang)、Vanessa 「Vee」 Harel(Inbar Lavi)和「黑幫案件組」領隊Sam Chapel(Terry O』Quinn)。Sam就像Ryan的另一個父親,待他一直很好。Sam的女兒Jessica Shaw(Shantel VanSanten)是洛杉磯市的助理檢察官,但父女倆的關係一直很疏遠。



Aint nothing but a gangster party, party Aint nothing but a gangster party, party Aint nothing but a gangster party, party There you are.


Ive been looking for you, Ryan.

=> 瑞安,我一直在找你。

Where you been? Being awesome.

=> 你去了哪裡啊?太棒了

- You think we should? - Hell, yeah.

=> - 你認為我們應該? - 地獄,是的。

And quickly, before anybody finds out.

=> 很快,在有人發現之前。

Give me that! Get up! What are you doing here, little orphan? Huh? Peacock Hill is for Angelicos only.

=> 給我!起床!你在這兒做什麼,小孤兒?咦?孔雀山是只為Angelicos。

Not outsiders.

=> 不是外人。

I invited him.

=> 我邀請他

Hes my friend! Its all right, Daniel.

=> 他是我的朋友!沒關係,丹尼爾。

Ill go.

=> 我會去。

Hey thats a nice watch, homie.

=> 嘿,這是一個很好的手錶,親愛的。

- Give it to me.

=> - 把它給我。

- No.

=> - 沒有

Carlos! You disrespecting me, huh? Say no to me again.

=> 卡洛斯!你不尊重我吧?不要再對我說。

Come on, Carlos! His father gave it to him! His fathers dead.

=> 來吧,卡洛斯!他的父親給了他!他父親死了

I dont think his dad gives a damn who owns that watch.

=> 我不認為他的父親給了一個該死的手錶。

And our dad owns this neighborhood.

=> 而我們爸爸擁有這個鄰里。

Do you know what that means? Anything this little cholo owns is mine.

=> 你知道那是什麼意思嗎?這個小cholo擁有的任何東西都是我的。

Give me the watch! Little punk.

=> 給我看!小朋克。

Give me my watch back! No! No! Come on! Go! Break his arm! Carlos! No! Yo, Carlos! Cholito.

=> 把手錶給我沒有!沒有!來吧!走!打破他的手臂!卡洛斯!沒有!呦,卡洛斯! Cholito。

We dont do this, son.

=> 兒子,我們不這樣做。

These are our people, okay? You dont prey on them.

=> 這些是我們的人,好嗎?你不要捕食它們。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

Its okay, Daniel.

=> 沒關係,丹尼爾。

Go find your mother.

=> 去找你的母親。

Hey, its over.

=> 嘿,一切都結束了

Do you know who I am? Javier Acosta.

=> 你知道我是誰嗎?哈維爾阿科斯塔。

Everyone knows who you are.

=> 每個人都知道你是誰。

May I? ??Por favor? Hey I knew your father.

=> 我可以? P有利於?嘿,我認識你的父親。

He was a good man.

=> 他是一個好人。

And you, you got his strength.

=> 而你,你有他的力量。

I could use people like you.

=> 我可以使用像你這樣的人。

- Watch it! - I got it! Dont lose him! You wanna take the wheel? Nah, I prefer to backseat drive.

=> - 看它! - 我知道了!不要失去他!你想搭車嗎?不,我寧願退後一步駕駛。

All units, officers are in pursuit of armed 2-11 suspects.

=> 各單位,軍官都在追查武裝2-11嫌犯。

Robbery in progress of an armored truck.

=> 搶劫正在進行的一輛裝甲卡車。

Eastbound on Wilshire Boom! There it is! - Right on time.

=> 在Wilshire繁榮東行!在那裡! - 準時。

- You doubted me? On a daily basis.

=> 你懷疑我了嗎?以一天為周期。

All units be advised, officers are driving a black truck, due eastbound, passing the Harbor Freeway.

=> 所有單位都被告知,官員駕駛一輛黑色卡車,由於東行,經過港灣高速公路。

Look out! We need to get him off the main roads.

=> 小心!我們需要把他從主路上趕下來。

LAPD! Pull onto that side street now! Whats that, a landmine? Im not waiting to find out.

=> LAPD!現在就拉上那條小街吧!那是什麼地雷?我不是在等待發現。

Go, go, go! LAPD! Show me your hands! Let me see your hands! Dude, that was awesome! Was it good for you? Bro, dont make it weird.

=> 沖啊! LAPD!讓我看看你的手!讓我看看你的手!夥計,真棒!對你有好處嗎?兄弟,別這麼奇怪

Ow! Whoo! Aw! My adoring fans.

=> 噢!喔!噢!我崇拜的粉絲。

All right, lets chalk another one up for the LAPDs finest.

=> 好吧,讓我們為LAPD最好的粉筆另一個。

People, were leading the whole team here.

=> 人們,我們在這裡領導整個團隊。

FBI aint done zip.

=> 聯邦調查局沒有完成郵編。

Thats you, Tae.

=> 那是你,泰。

Dont even get me started on ICE.

=> 甚至不要讓我開始ICE。

That was my lead that got you that bust.

=> 那是我的領導,讓你失敗了。

Oh, okay.

=> 哦好的。


=> 精細。

Ill give you half a mark.

=> 我會給你一個標記。

There you go.

=> 你走了

Ryan, Tanner.

=> Ryan,Tanner。

Good work out there today.

=> 今天有很好的工作。

Thanks to these two jokers, we took eight more Chino-skins off the chessboard today.

=> 感謝這兩個笑話,今天我們從棋盤上取下了八塊奇諾皮。

But dont worry, plenty of work left for the rest of you.

=> 但別擔心,剩下的工作還有很多。


=> 卡修斯。

DEA got wind of a new type of cocaine coming up from Mexico.

=> DEA得到了來自墨西哥的新型可卡因風。

Its called "fishscale.

=> 這就是所謂的「魚鱗」。

" Its pharma grade and potent as hell.


We believe this shipment is headed this way to the Long Beach Lords.

=> 我們相信這批貨是通往長灘領主的。

Walk with me.

=> 與我同行。

Up to this point, Los Angelicos has attempted to corner the market on fishscale.

=> 到目前為止,洛杉磯Angelicos已經試圖在魚鱗上轉向市場。

And their leader, Javier Acosta, will do whatever it takes to prevent the the Lords from establishing a pipeline in L.

=> 而他們的領導人哈維爾·阿科斯塔(Javier Acosta)將盡一切努力防止上議院在L省建立管道。



If this trade goes through with the Lords, were looking at a full-scale gang war.

=> 如果這次交易與上議院通過,我們正在看全面的幫派戰爭。

And we have to avoid that at all costs.

=> 我們必須不惜一切代價避免這種情況。

So float the word, work your sources.

=> 所以把這個詞浮起來,工作你的來源。

Kill this deal.

=> 殺死這筆交易。

For the last six months, this task force has done good work, but this one, it could make a real dent.

=> 在過去的六個月里,這個工作組做了很好的工作,但是這個工作組可以做一個真正的凹痕。

All right? Lopez, in my office.

=> 好吧?洛佩茲,在我的辦公室。

Whats this? Health insurance.

=> 這是什麼?健康保險。

Its a Kimber 1911 pistol.

=> 這是一個金伯1911年手槍。

Action tuned, five-pound trigger pull.

=> 行動調整,五磅觸發拉。

That is the best service piece ever made.

=> 這是有史以來最好的服務。

Only worthy of the best cops.

=> 只值得最好的警察。

I dont know what to say, Cap.

=> 我不知道該說什麼,

Well, dont say anything.

=> 那麼不要說什麼

Just live up to it.

=> 只要做到這一點。

We did good today, partner.

=> 我們今天做得很好,夥伴。

We do good every day, brother.

=> 我們每天都做好事,兄弟。

Thats right.

=> 那就對了。

Hey, dude, what are you covering up? What are you talking about? Theres a tattoo under that one.

=> 嘿,夥計,你在掩飾什麼?你在說什麼?那邊有一個紋身。

I can tell by the ink.

=> 我可以通過墨跡來判斷。


=> 毫米。

What was it, a dolphin or a unicorn? It said "Silvia.

=> 什麼是海豚或獨角獸?它說:「西爾維婭。

" Thats a messed-up name for a unicorn.


She was my girl.

=> 她是我的女孩。

Did my two tours with the Army.

=> 我的兩次巡視了陸軍。

And, uh, you know, while youre there things changed, things happened.

=> 而且,呃,你知道,當你在那裡事情改變了,事情就發生了。

She changed, I changed Usual story.

=> 她改變了,我改變了平常的故事。

She met a guy.

=> 她遇到了一個男人。

Oh ouch.

=> 哦,哎呀。

To the women we love and the ones weve lost.

=> 給我們愛的女人和我們失去的女人


=> 每期。


=> 每期。

You calling a cab, right? Nah, I got my whip right here.

=> 你叫計程車吧?不,我在這裡得到了鞭子。

Nah, hand em over.

=> 不,現在就結束了。

What? Im fine.

=> 什麼?我很好。

What are you gonna do, Officer, huh? You gonna give me a field sobriety test? Yeah, Im calling you a cab, right now.

=> 你要做什麼,主任,是吧?你會給我一個領域清醒測試?是的,我現在叫你計程車。

Really? Yup, mm-hmm, that was good.

=> 真?是的,嗯,那很好。

Hey, tagger.

=> 嘿,標籤。

Wait, wait, wait, what are you doing? - Come on.

=> 等等,等等,你在幹什麼? - 來吧。

Lets scare the hell out of him! - Its late.

=> 讓我們嚇一跳吧! - 晚了。

Youre hammered.

=> 你被打了

Well call it in.

=> 我們會打電話來的

- What, you gonna call it in? - Exactly.

=> - 什麼,你會打電話嗎? - 確實如此。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

Lets go take this little skunkhead down.

=> 我們去拿這個小骷髏頭。

Come on, Tanner.

=> 來吧,坦納。

Oh, boy, here we go.

=> 哦,男孩,我們走吧。

Hey, what are you doing? Tanner, come on! Yo, come here, you little punk! I got this.

=> 嘿,你在做什麼?坦納,來吧!喲,來這裡,你小朋克!我懂了。

You can run, but you cant hide.

=> 你可以跑,但你不能隱藏。

You got me chasing a tagger right now? Come on Tanner Tanner? This is Henry 35.

=> 你讓我現在追著一個標籤?來Tanner Tanner?這是亨利35。

Officers need help.

=> 官員需要幫助。

Tanner! Tanner Tanner Im here, buddy.

=> 皮匠!坦納坦納我在這裡,哥們。

Im here.

=> 我在這。

Oh, good.

=> 哦,好。

Where is he, Tanner? Talk to me! Hes over there.

=> 他在哪裡,坦納?跟我說話!他在那邊。

Easy, fool.


Whatd you do, Carlos? Easy.

=> 你做了什麼,卡洛斯?簡單。

You shot a cop! - Hes my partner! - So what? Youre part of the family, no? I got you, brother.

=> 你開槍了! - 他是我的夥伴! - 所以呢?你是家庭的一員,不是嗎?我有你,兄弟。

Hey, I just need you to hang in there, all right? Do something, Carlos! Hes dying, man! Just hang in there.

=> 嘿,我只需要你掛在那裡,好嗎?做一些事,卡洛斯!他快死了,老兄!掛在那裡

The cavalrys coming, bud.

=> 騎兵來了,蓓蕾。

Tanner! Look at me, bro! Look at me! Tanner, please just stay with me Oh, no Dont move! You gotta be kidding me.

=> 皮匠!看著我,兄弟!看著我!坦納,請跟我留下哦,不,不要動!你得開玩笑吧

Dont move! You better get your damn head on straight.

=> 不要動!你最好把你的該死的頭伸直。

Remember whose side youre really on, fool.

=> 記住你真的在哪邊,傻瓜。

??Y que? You really gonna act out against my father after all hes done for you? You didnt have to kill him, Carlos.

=> 你好嗎?畢竟他已經為你做了,你真的會反對我的父親嗎?你不必殺了他,卡洛斯。

But he saw my face.

=> 但他看到了我的臉。

You didnt, did you, Ryan? All things considered, he got lucky.

=> 你沒有,你呢,瑞安?所有的事情都考慮到了,他很幸運。

Shot went straight through, shallow level, missed the artery, muscles intact.

=> 射門直奔,淺水平,錯過了動脈,肌肉完好無損。

- When can I get back to work? - Thats up to you.

=> - 我什麼時候可以回去工作? - 這取決於你。

Ill see about getting you discharged.

=> 我會看到讓你出院。


=> 謝謝。

You got it.

=> 你說對了。

What are you do ? Hey, where are you going? I cant just sit here, Cap.

=> 你做什麼?嘿,你要去哪裡?我不能坐在這裡。

- Where are my clothes? - Look at me.

=> - 我的衣服在哪裡? - 看著我。

Ryan, look at me! This was not your fault.

=> 瑞恩,看著我!這不是你的錯。

There was nothing you couldve done.

=> 沒有什麼可以做的。

I dont know about that, Cap.

=> 我不知道,Cap。

Well, I do know about that.

=> 那麼,我知道這一點。

You know how I know? Because I know you.

=> 你知道我怎麼知道?因為我認識你。

I brought you onto this task force because youre a great cop.

=> 因為你是個好警察,所以我把你帶到了這個工作組。

And we need you.

=> 我們需要你。

I know what youre going through.

=> 我知道你正在經歷什麼。

Ive been there.

=> 我去過那兒。

But youre not alone.

=> 但是你並不孤單。

Now today, go home, rest.

=> 今天,回家休息吧。

Tomorrow were gonna find the son of a bitch that did this.

=> 明天我們會找到這個婊子的兒子。

But were gonna do it together.

=> 但我們要一起做。


=> 你好。

ADA Chapel looking for Officer Lopezs room.

=> ADA教堂尋找洛佩斯軍官的房間。

You can find him over there.

=> 你可以在那邊找到他


=> 謝謝。

What are you doing here? Its the third officer-related shooting since you formed your new gang task force.

=> 你在這裡做什麼?這是你成立了新的幫派特遣隊以來的第三軍官槍。

My boss has a few questions for Lopez.

=> 我的老闆對洛佩茲有幾個問題。

Well, not now, he doesnt.

=> 那麼,不是現在,他沒有。

Yes, now! That kid just lost his partner.

=> 是現在!那個孩子剛剛失去了他的伴侶。

He doesnt need to be answering a lot of cock and bull questions from the DAs Office and you can tell Jim I said that.

=> 他不需要回答DA辦公室的很多公雞和公牛問題,你可以告訴我,我說過。

You need to let me do my job.

=> 你需要讓我做我的工作。

I will let you do your job.

=> 我會讓你做你的工作。

Just not today, Jess, please.

=> 謝謝,謝謝,謝謝。

You know, sometimes you can be a real prick, Dad.

=> 爸爸,你知道,有時候你會成為一個真正的刺頭。

I love you, too, honey.

=> 親愛的我也愛你

It says we wont take more than the FDAs insured limit of, uh, $250,000 for the first three years.

=> 它說,我們不會超過FDA的頭三年25萬美元的保險上限。

Good, Daniel.

=> 好,丹尼爾。

Thats what they taught you in business school.

=> 這是他們在商學院教你的。

To turn money away.

=> 把錢轉走。

This bank isnt for the one percent.

=> 這家銀行不是百分之一。

Its for the community; people who need security.

=> 這是為了社區;需要安全的人

Okay? This minimizes risk, and allows them to trust us.

=> 好的?這最大限度地降低了風險,並讓他們信任我們。

Sounds like a frickin waste to me.

=> 聽起來像一個frickin浪費給我。

What good is a bank if were not gonna be laundering our money with it? Look, everything doesnt revolve around you, Carlos, okay? Yes, it does.

=> 如果我們不會用銀行洗錢,銀行有什麼好處呢?看,一切都不是圍繞著你,卡洛斯,好嗎?是的,它確實。

Be careful how you talk to me.

=> 小心你跟我說話。

I think that pretty-ass tie is choking off the blood to your brain.

=> 我覺得那個漂亮的屁股會把你的大腦血液ch住。

You said you always wanted to do something good for the people, right? This is how we do it.

=> 你說過你一直想為人民做點好事,對吧?這是我們的做法。

And we have to be clean.

=> 我們必須保持清潔。

I give you my word.

=> 我給你我的話。

No dirty money will come through your doors.

=> 沒有骯髒的錢會通過你的門。

Im proud of you, son.

=> 兒子,我為你感到驕傲。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。


=> 是啊。


=> 瑞安。

Whats wrong? Hey, orphan.

=> 怎麼了?嘿,孤兒

Fun times the other night, huh? Ryan! Ryan! Get out Vayanse! Get out of here! Im sorry, mijo.

=> 那天晚上有趣的時候,是吧?瑞恩!瑞恩!出去Vayanse!離開這裡!對不起,米婭。

Im sorry what happened to your partner.

=> 我很抱歉你的伴侶發生了什麼事。

And I know it was a tragedy.

=> 而且我知道這是一個悲劇。

But it was an accident.

=> 但這是一個意外。

No! It was no accident.

=> 沒有!這不是偶然的。

I was there.

=> 我在那裡。

I watched him! He enjoyed every second of it.

=> 我看著他!他喜歡每一秒。

Carlos is still my son.

=> 卡洛斯還是我的兒子。

Ive done everything youve asked me to military, LAPD.

=> 我已經完成了你要求我參加軍事演習的一切。

No questions asked.

=> 無話可問。

But last night was wrong.

=> 但昨晚是錯的。

I didnt sign up to kill innocent people.

=> 我沒有報名殺害無辜的人。

I know, I know.

=> 我知道我知道。

Last night was a mistake.

=> 昨晚是個錯誤。

Carlos came across a huge shipment of fishscale.

=> 卡洛斯遇到了大量的魚鱗。

He didnt have time to warn you.

=> 他沒有時間警告你。

He messed up.

=> 他搞砸了。

"Messed up"? My job is to protect the family.

=> 「弄亂」?我的工作是保護家庭。

I know that.

=> 我知道。

To provide information to you.

=> 向你提供信息。

But if I dont know whats going on, whats the point? Between Daniels bank and my property investments, we can get out of this life of crime.

=> 但是,如果我不知道發生了什麼,那有什麼意義呢?在丹尼爾的銀行和我的房地產投資之間,我們可以擺脫這種犯罪的生活。

And go clean.

=> 去乾淨。

Now, you know I cant do that without you.

=> 現在,如果沒有你,我知道我不能這樣做。

I just need a little more time.

=> 我只需要多一點時間。

Its a dangerous tightrope Im walking here, Javier.

=> 哈維爾,我走在這裡是一條危險的走鋼絲。

Ryan I will never let anything happen to you.

=> 瑞恩我絕不會讓任何事情發生在你身上。

Okay? Everything we hope for is gonna be ours.

=> 好的?我們希望的一切都將是我們的。

All Ive been thinking about for the last 24 hours is how not to let this happen again.

=> 我過去24小時一直在想的是如何不讓這種情況再次發生。

For years, weve been targeting the gangs by going after their leaders.

=> 多年來,我們一直在追逐領導人的目標。

Well, were gonna try something new.

=> 那麼,我們會嘗試新的東西。

Were gonna make sure they feel it from now on.

=> 我們要確保他們從現在開始感覺到。

Were gonna squeeze their soldiers harder than ever.

=> 我們要比以往更努力地擠壓他們的士兵。

But also were gonna go after the things they cant replace.

=> 但是我們也要去追求他們無法替代的東西。


=> 妻子。


=> 友。


=> 兒童。

Anyone who profits from their illegal enterprises.

=> 任何人從他們的非法企業中獲利。

Were gonna go for the jugular.

=> 我們要去頸椎。

Were gonna make it cost more for them to fight than it does to lay down.

=> 我們要讓它們花費更多,而不是放下。

How do we do that? By building cases that put the people they care about behind bars and keeps the people we care about above the ground.

=> 我們怎麼做?通過建立案件,把他們關心的人關在酒吧,並保持我們關心的人在地面上。

Yeah, but if we put pressure on civilians, theres gonna be blowback on us.

=> 是的,但如果我們向平民施加壓力,我們就會受到打擊。

Its my op, I will take the heat.

=> 這是我的操作,我會採取熱。

You just get results.

=> 你只是得到結果。

That means stopping this fishscale deal and finding out who killed Tanner.

=> 這意味著停止這個魚鱗交易,並找出誰殺了坦納。

This is how we break their backs, people.

=> 這是我們如何打破他們的背後,人民。

All right? Lets go to work.



=> 嘿。

Thanks for meeting me, bro.

=> 謝謝你和我見面

You made sure nobody followed you, right? Yeah, no one followed me.

=> 你確定沒有人跟著你,對吧?是的,沒有人跟著我。

I used to love sitting here, man.

=> 我曾經喜歡坐在這裡,男人。

Just stare at the view.

=> 只是盯著視圖。

I thought it was so beautiful.

=> 我以為這是如此美麗。

Now all I see is a battle map.

=> 現在我所看到的只是一張戰鬥地圖。

Norte?±os, Sure?±os.

=> Norte?os,Sure?os。

Mission side, 19th Street.

=> 使命方,第十九街。


=> K-鎮。

You know, I overheard Carlos talking to one of his boys.

=> 你知道,我無意中聽到Carlos和他的一個男孩說話。

I know what he did, Ryan.

=> 我知道他做了什麼,瑞安。

Im sorry about your partner.

=> 我對你的伴侶感到抱歉。

He was a good man.

=> 他是一個好人。

My friend.

=> 我的朋友。

And I watched Carlos kill him.

=> 我看著Carlos殺了他。

And I just let him go.

=> 我只是讓他走了。

What does that make me? I-I know this must be hard for you, Ryan.

=> 這是什麼讓我?我 - 我知道這一定對你來說很難,瑞恩。

But with my bank opening up, my dads real estate investments, soon youre gonna be able to leave this double life behind you, and come work with me.

=> 但是,隨著我的銀行開放,我爸爸的房地產投資,很快你將能夠離開你的雙重生活,並與我一起工作。

I aint a banker, bro.

=> 我不是銀行家,兄弟。

You aint no cop, either.

=> 你也不是警察。

Not deep down inside.

=> 內心深處。

What if Im starting to think I am? You know what you are? Youre my friend.

=> 如果我開始認為我是什麼?你知道你是什麼?你是我的朋友。

And a good person.

=> 還有一個好人

And what happened to Tanner doesnt change anything.

=> 而坦納發生的事情並沒有改變任何東西。

Listen, Daniel after what Carlos did, my task force is on an operational shift new tactics.

=> 聽著,丹尼爾在卡洛斯做了什麼之後,我的特遣部隊正在經營轉移新戰術。

Theyre no longer just headhunting your dad.

=> 他們不再只是在惹你爸爸

Theyre going after everyone in the family.

=> 他們追求家庭中的每個人。

Including you.

=> 包括你。

Nah Im-Im clean, man.

=> 那我 - 我很乾凈,夥計。

They cant touch me.

=> 他們不能碰我。

Doesnt matter.

=> 沒關係。

Theyre gonna try to find a way to leverage you against your dad.

=> 他們會試圖找到一種方法來對付你的父親。

CSU found four bindles of fishscale on the bodies down at the warehouse.

=> 科羅拉多州立大學在倉庫的屍體上發現了四條魚鱗。

That means the shipment was never there.

=> 這意味著貨物從來沒有在那裡。

How do you know that? Bindles are used for sample sets.

=> 你怎麼知道?樣品台使用標樣。

They were just there to agree to terms.

=> 他們只是在那裡同意條款。

Thats interesting.

=> 那很有意思。

A week ago, my boys down at DEA spotted a heavy narco shipment sitting south of the border.

=> 一個星期前,我在DEA的男孩們發現了一個坐在邊界以南的沉重的毒品。

They think maybe it slipped through.

=> 他們認為可能會滑落。

Thatll be our fishscale.

=> 那將是我們的魚鱗。

Which means we have a ticking clock.

=> 這意味著我們有一個滴答滴答的時鐘。

We need to shake some trees.

=> 我們需要撼動一些樹木。

Figure out when its coming and where.

=> 找出什麼時候到來,在哪裡。

I got an OG CI in Lords turf - named J-Dub.

=> 我在領主草地上得到了一個OG配對 - 名叫J-Dub。

- We should pay him a visit.

=> - 我們應該拜訪他。

Tae, Vee, you talk to your contacts.

=> 泰,韋,你跟你的聯繫人說話。

We find the shooter, we find the shipment lets go! Oh Lets stay Together Loving you whether Whether Times are good or bad Or happy or sad Aw, man, yo.

=> 我們找到射手,我們發現貨物走吧!哦,讓我們一起愛你無論是否好時光好或壞或高興或悲傷哦,男人,喲。

Why dont they make music like that anymore, man? I dont know, man, but I thought all black people could sing.

=> 為什麼他們不再像這樣做音樂,男人?我不知道,男人,但我認為所有的黑人都可以唱歌。

Let me tell you something, man.

=> 讓我告訴你一些事,男人。

I only got two rules in this car: Dont pass gas.

=> 我在這輛車上只有兩條規則:不要通過天然氣。

And two: Dont talk about my singing, man.

=> 二:不要談論我的歌聲,男人。

All right, your ride, your rules.

=> 好,你的搭檔,你的規矩

Look at this.

=> 看這個。

Reminds me of where I grew up at, man.

=> 讓我想起我在哪裡長大的,男人。

Same crap, different toilet.

=> 同樣的垃圾,不同的廁所。

Oh, yeah, where was that? Harlem.

=> 哦,是的,那是哪裡?哈林。

See that soul spot over there? They had a joint just like that in my hood called The Rib Shack.

=> 看那邊的那個靈魂點嗎?他們在我的兜帽里有一個叫做The Rib Shack的聯合。

On the afternoons, I would go to that spot, you know? Just to see this girl there, named Alisha.

=> 在下午,我會去那個地方,你知道嗎?就在那裡看到這個女孩,名叫阿里沙。

Alisha, Alisha, Alisha.

=> 阿里沙,阿里沙,阿里沙。

Mwah! Now she had one incredible booty, man.

=> Mwah!現在,她有一個不可思議的戰利品,男人。

- And, uh - Okay, I like her already.

=> - 呃 - 好吧,我已經喜歡她了。

See? Yeah, you would love her.

=> 看到?是的,你會愛上她的。

But I used to go there every afternoon.

=> 但是我每天下午都去那裡。

Id order a potato salad, black-eyed peas, macaroni and cheese just to, you know, see that booty.

=> 我要點土豆沙拉,黑眼豆子,通心粉和乳酪,你知道,看到那個戰利品。

Mmm, I get it.

=> 嗯,我明白了。

I had it bad for this chick, man, really bad, yo.

=> 我對這個小妞不好,男人,真壞,喲。

I was only 15, but You guys ever hook up? Nah, we never hooked up.

=> 我只有15歲,但你們連接起來了嗎?不,我們從來沒有迷上過。

Man, I was whipping up the courage to talk to her, but, uh, one night some fools broke into the spot robbed the place and shot her in the face.

=> 男人,我鼓起勇氣跟她說話,但是,有一天晚上,有些傻瓜闖入了現場,搶劫了這個地方,把她開槍打死了。

Left her for dead.

=> 離開她去死。

For a couple of hundred bucks.

=> 幾百塊錢。

Its a waste, kid, a waste.

=> 這是一種浪費,孩子,浪費。

Rest in peace, Alisha, man.

=> 安息,阿里沙,男人。

Yeah, you know what? Dont rest in peace, Alisha.

=> 是的,你知道嗎?不要安息,阿里沙。

I hope you up in Heaven shaking that fine booty, baby! All right! Hey! Showtime.

=> 我希望你在天堂里搖動那個好戰利品,寶貝!好吧!嘿!開演時間。

Now, come on, J-Dub.

=> 現在,來吧,J-Dub。

Dont make me harpoon your fat ass.

=> 不要讓我魚叉你的屁股。

You know you cant make it a block without catching a heart attack, boy.

=> 你知道,如果不引起心臟病發作,你就無法阻止他。

I can run, cuz.

=> 我可以跑,因為。

Yeah, right, and do what? Set all the car alarms off in the neighborhood? Look at you, man! Youre out of shape! Even your clothes got stretch marks.

=> 是的,對,做什麼?將所有汽車警報關閉在附近?看著你,夥計!你變形了!即使你的衣服也有妊娠紋。

Aw, come on, why you gotta be so mean, man? Why you gotta be so fat, man? Im on probation, Cassius.

=> 哦,來吧,為什麼你要這麼卑鄙,男人?為什麼你要這麼胖,男人?我正在緩刑,卡修斯。


=> P.



even see me out here with these guys, Im going back to County.

=> 甚至在這裡看到我和這些人在一起,我要回縣。


=> 嘿。

Nobody saw you, all right? We gotta talk.

=> 沒有人看到你,好嗎?我們得談談。

-Hey, I understand, man.

=> - 嘿,我知道,男人。

- Look at you.

=> - 看著你。

Youre like a bunch of chewed-up bubble gum, man.

=> 你就像一堆嚼泡泡糖,男人

I told you, dawg.

=> 我告訴過你了,

I dont know nothing, man.

=> 我什麼都不知道,男人。

Yo, man, thats an invasion of privacy, man! Yo, an illegal search.

=> 喲,男人,這是侵犯隱私,男人!呦,非法搜索。

I know my rights, dude! You talkin to me, right? Were having a conversation here.

=> 我知道我的權利,老兄!你跟我說話吧?我們在這裡交談。

What, Im boring you? What is he doing, man? For real.

=> 什麼,我無聊嗎?他在做什麼,男人?真的。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

Its a new toy, courtesy of our friends in national security.

=> 這是一個新的玩具,禮貌我們的朋友在國家安全。

Its called the cloud cracker.

=> 這就是所謂的雲破解。

Thats right.

=> 那就對了。

Lets us see everything anyone does on their computer.

=> 讓我們看到任何人在他們的電腦上做的事情。

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa what?! Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey! Hey, thats an invasion of privacy, man Oh, wow Really? Rub a dub dub.

=> 哇,哇,哇,哇?哇,哇,哇,嘿!嘿,那是侵犯隱私的人啊,真的嗎?擦配音配音。

Are you into this kind of role-playing stuff, man? - I know you aint the cub, right? - Is that butter? Hey, yall cant arrest me for that.

=> 你是做這種角色扮演的東西嗎? - 我知道你不是幼崽,對吧? - 那是黃油?嘿,你們都不能為此逮捕我。

That aint even mine.

=> 那甚至不是我的。

Arrest you? Nah.

=> 逮捕你?羅。

We on a different game now.

=> 我們現在在一個不同的遊戲。

But what your boys gonna think when they see that? Kind of throws off your OG status, doesnt it? If anybody sees that, Im a dead man.

=> 但是,當你看到這些時,你的男孩會想什麼?有種拋棄你的OG身份,不是嗎?如果有人看到,我是一個死人。

I know you, Cassius; you dont roll like that.


Two days ago, youre right.

=> 前兩天,你是對的。

But since one of our boys went down Im on a whole nother speed.

=> 但是,由於我們的一個男孩倒下了,我的速度是一個整體。

Yo, what yall want, man? Dont waste our time! We told you already.

=> 呦,你想要什麼,男人?不要浪費我們的時間!我們已經告訴過你了

The Fish deal.

=> 魚的交易。

Look, all I know is it slipped through the port and its headed to Palmdale right now.

=> 看,我所知道的是它通過港口溜走了,現在它正在前往Palmdale。

Where? The deals going down in 24 hours.

=> 哪裡?這筆交易在24小時內下降。

I dont know where, okay? Look, Id leave it alone, Cassius.

=> 我不知道在哪裡,好嗎?看,我會放棄它,卡修斯。

Im telling you right now.

=> 我現在正在告訴你

We looking for whoever killed our homies in K-town.

=> 我們正在尋找誰殺死我們在K鎮的家人。

They out for blood, homie.

=> 他們出血,親愛的。

Happy hunting, Boo-Boo.

=> 快樂的狩獵,噓噓。

Those Lords were killed in Koreatown.

=> 那些領主在韓國城被殺害

If anyones gonna know anything, itll be here.

=> 如果任何人知道什麼,它會在這裡。

Ya! Ya! Who the hell are you? We want to talk to you about that police officer that got killed the other night.

=> 雅!雅!你到底是誰?我們想和你談談那天晚上被殺的那個警察。

I dont think you know where you are.

=> 我不認為你知道你在哪裡。

I know exactly where I am.

=> 我確切地知道我在哪裡。

Its a Dokkaebi initiation.

=> 這是一個Dokkaebi啟動。

Six-sided brand represents the six founders of the gang.

=> 六方品牌代表了六幫的創始人。

You brand yourself to show your commitment.

=> 你用自己的品牌來表現你的承諾。

The longer you hold it, the more honor you have.

=> 你持有的時間越長,你就越有榮譽。

Learn that from your little police manual? Look, cop, youre nothing to me.

=> 從你的小警察手冊了解這一點?看,警察,你對我來說沒什麼。

I dont know you.

=> 我不認識你

Youre right.

=> 你是對的。

You dont know me.

=> 你不認識我

Where Im from, what Ive been through and what Im capable of.

=> 我來自哪裡,我經歷了什麼,我能幹什麼。


=> 足夠。

Lets talk.

=> 我們來聊聊吧

I dont drink.

=> 我不喝酒

Its for your burn.

=> 這是你的刻錄。

They say only demons arent hurt by fire.

=> 他們說只有惡魔不會被火傷害。

Well, that hurt like hell.

=> 那麼,那個傷害就像地獄一樣。

The trick is not to show it.

=> 訣竅是不顯示它。


=> 好的。


=> 嗯。

So youve got my attention.

=> 所以你已經注意到了

How can I help you? A cop was killed, Su-Jin.

=> 我怎麼幫你?蘇金死了一個警察

I dont know anything about it.

=> 我對此一無所知。

Come on, we both know Im not gonna leave here empty-handed.

=> 來吧,我們都知道我不會空手而去。

I would never give up one of my own.

=> 我永遠不會放棄自己的一個。

Fortunately for you, the man who witnessed the shooting isnt part of my crew.

=> 對你來說幸運的是,目睹槍擊案的人不屬於我的船員。

Hes a punk tagger named Yong.

=> 他是一個名叫Yong的朋克玩家。

Where can I find him? Hostess bar.

=> 我在哪裡可以找到他?女主人吧。

Sixth and Lacey.

=> 第六和萊西。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Hey, Demon.

=> 嘿,惡魔

Next time youve got a question, just ask for the boss.

=> 下次你有問題的時候,可以問問老闆。

Drinkin like Im from Texas I got this one.

=> 喝得像我來自得克薩斯州,我得到了這個。

You sure? And if you dont know I go by Titty 2 Necklace Damn right I got it You tell me.

=> 你確定?如果你不知道我走了蒂蒂2項鏈該死的權利我知道了你告訴我。

Damn right Im bout it Clique full of killers Please dont get us excited Yeah, Im smokin loud So lame be quiet And if you with us We gonna start a X.

=> 該死的權利我是布特它充滿殺手的集團請不要讓我們興奮是的,我大聲吸煙所以跛腳要安靜如果你與我們我們要開始X.

Take whatever you want.

=> 拿你想要的。

Aah Aah! A cop was shot three days ago.

=> 啊啊!一名警察三天前被槍殺。

I heard you recognized the shooter and ran off, so now youre gonna give me his name.

=> 我聽說你認出那個射手跑了,所以現在你要給我他的名字。

Or what? Or we go "gangnam style.

=> 或者是什麼?或者我們去「江南風格」。

" You cant touch me, cop.


No? Let me ask you something: if a tree falls in the woods and no ones around to hear it scream like a little bitch, does it still make a sound? What? Okay W wait, Im gonna talk.

=> 沒有?讓我問你一件事:如果一棵樹落在樹林里,沒有人聽到它像一個小婊子尖叫,它仍然發出一個聲音?什麼?好的,等一下,我會說話。

Thats sweet, but I aint ready to listen.

=> 這很好,但我還沒有準備好聽。

Hes gonna need a few minutes.

=> 他會需要幾分鐘的時間。

Anything on the shooter? Got the son of a bitchs name.

=> 射手上的任何東西?得到了一個婊子的名字的兒子。

Carlos Acosta.

=> 卡洛斯阿科斯塔。

I dont know, Tio Gordos Tamales.

=> 我不知道,蒂奧戈多的玉米粽子。

Brunos got six stores, all over L.

=> 布魯諾有六家店鋪,全是L



, man.

=>, 人。

He says its the next big thing.

=> 他說這是下一件大事。

All-natural, 100% authentic Mexican food.

=> 全天然,100%正宗的墨西哥食物。

Yeah? I can see the label now: "Made with loving care by the guy who shanked four peckerwoods in Chino.

=> 是嗎?現在我可以看到這個標籤:「在奇諾(Chino)的四個啄木鳥(peckerwoods)的傢伙的愛心下做出的。

" Mijo.


How you doing, mijo? Better now, man.

=> 你怎麼樣,米婭?現在好了,夥計。

Look what I made: Your favorite tamales.

=> 看看我做了什麼:你最喜歡的玉米粽子。

Oh man, Ive missed these.

=> 哦,我錯過了這些。

Mmm! - Thats right.

=> 嗯! - 那就對了。

- Come on, man.

=> - 來吧,夥計。

Its the best.

=> 這是最好的。

Do you believe this kid? He says hes gonna make an honest man out of me.

=> 你相信這個孩子嗎?他說他會從我身上做一個誠實的人。

No, no, no, no, no, I said I was gonna make you money.

=> 不,不,不,不,不,不,我說我要讓你賺錢。

I didnt say I was a miracle worker.

=> 我沒有說我是個奇蹟工人。

Thats totally different.

=> 這完全不同。

Im gonna get you for that, cabron.

=> cabron,我會幫你的。


=> 瑞安。


=> 西爾維婭。

Good to see you.

=> 很高興見到你。

Im so glad you came.

=> 我很高興你來。

Its been so long.

=> 這麼久了。

I know.

=> 我知道。

Been, uh busy.

=> 一直很忙。


=> 工作。

Listen, Ryan Silvia S?-.

=> 聽著,瑞安西爾維婭S?

Give me a kiss.

=> 給我一個吻。


=> 福美來。

This this is what youre protecting.

=> 這就是你所保護的。

This family.

=> 這個家庭。

Your family.

=> 你的家人。

I got news.

=> 我得到消息。

On the shipment.

=> 在發貨。

Theyre trading the fishscale in Palmdale.

=> 他們正在交易Palmdale的魚鱗。

It slipped through the port.

=> 它滑過港口。

Theyre trying to figure out exactly where.

=> 他們試圖弄清楚究竟在哪裡。

Youll need to put out a feeler.

=> 你需要放出一個觸角。


=> 大。

I can use this.

=> 我可以使用這個。

Im gonna be right back.

=> 我會馬上回來的。

You gonna hang around? I better get back to work.

=> 你會在附近?我最好回去工作。


=> 好的。

I apologize for the interruption.

=> 我很抱歉中斷。

My associates say youve been reluctant to talk to them, so I thought, "Ill come down here myself.

=> 我的同事說你不願意跟他們說話,所以我想,「我會自己下來的。

" Show you some respect.


I want you to look into my eyes and tell me, man to man, where is the fishscale headed? I already told them! Inglewood.

=> 我想讓你看著我的眼睛,告訴我,男人對男人,魚鱗頭在哪裡?我已經告訴他們了!英格爾伍德。

Gordo, por favor.

=> Gordo,por。

See, now I know youre lying to me.

=> 看,現在我知道你在騙我。

Youre lying to me, cause I know that its going to Palmdale.

=> 你在騙我,因為我知道它要去Palmdale。

Go to hell! Por favor.

=> 去死吧! Por青睞。

You Mexican cockroach.

=> 你墨西哥的蟑螂。

Whoa Right.

=> 哇,對了。

Some people say my people resemble roaches.

=> 有人說我的人像蟑螂。

How we reproduce, our resilience But what is true is if you step on us, break our backs, we keep crawling.

=> 我們如何複製,我們的韌性但是,如果你踩在我們身後,背棄我們,我們繼續爬行。

But you kill us another comes to take his place.

=> 但是你殺了我們另一個來取代他的位置。

Quiero que sepas, ese.

=> Quiero que sepas,等等。

So look around you, amigo.

=> 所以,看看你,阿米戈。

Brown is the new black.

=> 布朗是新的黑人。

Where you been? I called you ten times.

=> 你去了哪裡啊?我給你打了十次電話

I was out talking to some contacts, trying to get a lead on the shooter.

=> 我正在和一些聯繫人交談,試圖在射手身上取得領先。

Whats going on? Thisll brighten your day.

=> 這是怎麼回事?這會讓你的一天變得更加美好。

Got the dudes name.

=> 得到了這個傢伙的名字

Carlos Acosta.

=> 卡洛斯阿科斯塔。

All right, listen up.

=> 好,聽著。

Our suspect is Javier Acostas son.

=> 我們的嫌疑人是哈維爾阿科斯塔的兒子。

Hes a two-striker who is aching for a third.

=> 他是一名正在痛苦三分之一的兩名前鋒。

Whatever gets this animal off the street.


Lets go.

=> 我們走吧。

Warrant LAPD! Freeze, Carlos! I got the back! Carlos! Carlos, stop! What the hell you doing, fool? You gotta let me go, man! Its too late.

=> 認股證LAPD!凍結,卡洛斯!我得到了回來!卡洛斯!卡洛斯,停下來!你到底在做什麼,傻子?你得讓我走,男人!太晚了。

What are we gonna find in the apartment? The gun.

=> 我們要在公寓里找到什麼?槍。

Where is it? Its in the Bible.

=> 它在哪裡?這是在聖經。

Got nothing in the living room.

=> 客廳里什麼也沒有。

The weapons gotta be here somewhere, man.

=> 這個武器要在這裡,男人。

Anybody got anything? Zero.

=> 任何人有什麼?零。

Ese too stupid to dump it.

=> 太愚蠢了,把它倒掉。

Lopez, you got anything? Nothing.

=> 洛佩茲,你有什麼?沒有。

Maybe somebody warned him.

=> 也許有人警告過他。

No, we jammed the lines in and out.

=> 不,我們堵塞了線路。

You said we were gonna do things differently, right? Look what I found.

=> 你說我們會做不同的事情,對吧?看我發現了什麼。

May not be a murder charge, but third strikes a bitch.

=> 可能不是謀殺指控,但第三次罷工是一個婊子。

Carlos wants to cut a deal.

=> 卡洛斯想要達成協議。

He says hell give up something big to drop the drug charges.

=> 他說他會放棄一些大的東西來降低毒品的收費。

Oh, yeah? Whats he offering? He didnt tell us yet.

=> 哦耶?他提供什麼?他還沒有告訴我們。

But he says its a game-changer.

=> 但他說這是一個改變遊戲規則的遊戲。

His lawyers are on the way.

=> 他的律師正在路上。

I guess well find out then.

=> 我想我們會發現。

Got a visitor, huh? Look who it is.

=> 有一個訪客,是吧?看看是誰。

What are you planning to give them? Whatever it takes to cut a deal, homes.

=> 你打算給他們什麼?無論如何,削減交易,家庭。

I aint going back to the joint.

=> 我不回到聯合。

You killed a cop, Carlos.

=> 你殺了一個警察,卡洛斯。

You mean, even if I give them the name of a bad pig? A cop whos working for Javier Acosta? You gonna give me up? After all Ive done for your family? Maybe.

=> 你是說,即使我給他們一個壞豬的名字?一個為哈維爾阿科斯塔工作的警察?你會放棄我嗎?畢竟我為你的家人做了什麼?也許。

But you still got a job to do.

=> 但你還有工作要做。

So do it.

=> 這樣做。

My job isnt to protect cold - blooded murderers like you.

=> 我的工作不是要保護像你這樣的冷血兇手。

Im done protecting you, Carlos.

=> 我已經保護你了,Carlos。

Youre gonna do as youre told.

=> 你會按照你所說的去做。

We both know you wont do this.

=> 我們都知道你不會這樣做。

No? No.

=> 沒有?沒有。

Im too valuable to your father.

=> 我對你父親太有價值了

What, you think youre the only one my dads got under? Hey, Im Greg.

=> 什麼,你以為你是我父親唯一的一個呢?嘿,我是格雷格。

Were from Malcolm Getz office.

=> 我們來自Malcolm Getz的辦公室。

Acostas attorneys.

=> 阿科斯塔的律師。

Captain Chapel.

=> 查珀爾上尉

Follow me.

=> 跟著我。

You know why youre right, Carlos? My job is to protect the family.

=> 你知道你為什麼對嗎,卡洛斯?我的工作是保護家庭。

And right now, the greatest threat to the family is you.

=> 而現在,對家庭的最大威脅就是你。

But we can fix this.

=> 但我們可以解決這個問題。

What if I give you something else to give to the cops? Acosta! Lopez! He gave us the fishscale deal.

=> 如果我給你別的東西給警察呢?阿科斯塔!洛佩茲!他給了我們魚鱗交易。

Everybody, suit up.

=> 每個人都適合。

So, what, were gonna let this cop killer just walk? We dont have the damn gun! Without the murder weapon, were gonna lose this guy either way.

=> 那麼,我們要讓這個警察殺手走路?我們沒有該死的槍!沒有謀殺武器,我們會失去這個人的方式。

Better to get something than nothing.

=> 最好不要一無所獲。

No, thats not right! Come on! He killed our partner; he shot Ryan Tanner deserves better than this.

=> 不,那是不對的!來吧!他殺了我們的夥伴他射擊Ryan Tanner值得比這更好。

Hey, nobody wants this guy more than me.

=> 嘿,沒有人比我更想要這個人。

Its the right move.

=> 這是正確的舉動。

Well get this guy.

=> 我們會得到這個人。

You have my word.

=> 你有我的話

Suit up! Well need extra bricks for these walkies.

=> 適合!我們需要為這些步行者額外的磚塊。


=> 疑難雜症。

Okay, in position, clear view.

=> 好的,位置清晰。

Theyre making the trade.

=> 他們正在交易。

We dont have much time.

=> 我們沒有太多時間。

The Lords and the Metas each have three vehicles.

=> 上議院和Metas分別有三輛車。

About a dozen men total.

=> 總共十幾個男人。

Heavily armed, full automatic weapons.

=> 重武裝,全自動武器。

Theyve just exited the vehicles.

=> 他們剛剛退出車輛。

Copy that.

=> 收到。

All right, I want two stinger squads, six men apiece.

=> 好吧,我要兩個刺刀隊,每個六個人。

Simultaneous breach.

=> 同時違反。

I will lead Alpha through the main tunnel.

=> 我會帶領阿爾法穿過主隧道。

Not the front.

=> 不是前面。

The Lords have been sending some of their guys through the military.

=> 上議院派遣他們的一些人通過軍隊。

They know to heavy-stack their soft entry points.

=> 他們知道沉重的軟體入口點。

You could be walking into a hailstorm.

=> 你可能正在走進一場冰雹。

All right, Alpha will breach through the side.

=> 好吧,阿爾法將通過一邊突破。

Move out.

=> 搬出去。

Vee, we got eyes on the boss? Copy.

=> Vee,我們看到老闆?複製。

Got him.

=> 得到了他。

Brown suede jacket, blue jeans.

=> 棕色麂皮夾克,藍色牛仔褲。

On my mark.

=> 在我的標記。


=> 走。

LAPD! Put down your weapons! Drop your weapon.

=> LAPD!放下你的武器!放下你的武器。

I thought you should see this.

=> 我以為你應該看到這個。

This tripwire was found by our boys at the entrance.

=> 這絆線是我們的男孩在入口處發現的。

I dont know how you knew, vato, but we damn sure glad you did.

=> 我不知道你是怎麼知道的,但是我們真的很高興你能做到。

Its a blessing having you on the team.

=> 有你在隊伍中的祝福。

ADA Chapel? Yes.

=> ADA教堂?是。

Im Agent Paul Carter, Internal Affairs.

=> 我是內政部的Paul Carter特工。

How can I help you? I was down at the crime scene where Detective Tanner was gunned down.

=> 我怎麼幫你?坦納偵探被槍殺的犯罪現場我倒下了。

I was told you spoke to Detective Lopez.

=> 有人告訴我你和洛佩茲偵探談過了。

I havent had the opportunity yet.

=> 我還沒有機會。

Why? Did you see something down there? No.

=> 為什麼?你有沒有在那裡看到什麼?沒有。

Thats the problem.

=> 那就是問題所在。

Ive been to dozens of officer-involved shootings.

=> 我去過數十名軍官參與的槍殺。

I-I remember going to crime scenes seeing brass casings everywhere.

=> 我 - 我記得去犯罪現場看到黃銅腸衣到處。

Its shocking when you see so many.

=> 當你看到這麼多的時候,這是令人震驚的。

Sometimes a hundred for a single incident.

=> 有時一百個單一的事件。

And yet, Detective Lopez, he didnt even return one.

=> 然而,洛佩茲偵探,他甚至沒有回來。

Someday youre gonna realize You been sleepwalking through it all You been sleepwalking Get back home Someday youre gonna realize You been sleepwalking through it all You been sleepwalking through it all Get back home Sleepwalking through it all Sleepwalking through it all You have one new voice message.

=> 有一天你會意識到你已經夢遊了所有你一直在夢遊回家有一天你會意識到你一直在夢遊,通過它所有你一直在夢遊,通過這一切回家在這一切夢遊通過它所有你有一個新的語音消息。

Ryan, I know these last two days have been hard on you.

=> 瑞安,我知道這兩天對你來說很難受。

That youre feeling lost and unsure why youre doing all of this.

=> 你感到迷茫,不確定你為什麼這樣做。

But dont lose sight of what matters here: The family; us.

=> 但是不要忽略這裡重要的一點:家庭;我們。

You did well today, mijo.

=> 你今天表現得很好,米婭。

Im proud of you.

=> 我以你為榮。

Sleepwalking through it all Sleepwalking through it all Someday youre gonna realize

=> 夢遊全部通過它夢遊全部有一天你會意識到


[美劇] 犯罪心理/Criminal Minds 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 尼基塔/Nikita 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
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