
[美劇] 錯位青春/Switched At Birth 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 錯位青春/Switched At Birth 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

劇本 台詞 字幕 筆記 中英文對照 純英文 學英語 文本 PDF 文檔 電子版 紙質版

講述兩名少女在醫院出生時不小心被調包,Bay Kennish在富裕家庭長大,父母雙全,還有個兄弟,而Daphne



講述兩名少女在醫院出生時不小心被調包,Bay Kennish在富裕家庭長大,父母雙全,還有個兄弟,而Daphne





Excellent tongue control, liam.


Itssoosto knowwfofooufor.

=> 這是知道的。

- Watch it, bay.

=> - 看,海灣。

- Yeah, bay, watch it.

=> - 是啊,海灣,看著它。

Teacher: Okay, lets begin our blood type test.

=> 老師:好的,讓我們開始我們的血型測試。

Use the needle to prick a drop of blood Onto the four fields on your test cards.

=> 使用針刺一滴血在您的測試卡上的四個領域。

Aah! Bay: Apparently its extremely rare.

=> 啊哈!灣:顯然這是非常罕見的。

Only 1% of the population is a-b.

=> 只有1%的人口是a-b。

I have lacrosse practice tomorrow, so I cant drive bay.

=> 我明天有長曲棍球練習,所以我不能開灣。

Honey, you cant be a-b because your mother and I are both a, Which means you have to be either a or o.

=> 親愛的,你不能成為a-b,因為你和我的母親都是a,這意味著你必須是a或o。

Well, it said a-b, and blood dont lie.

=> 那麼,它說a-b,血不撒謊。

Im taking the mercedes tomorrow, okay? Im telling you its genetically impossible.

=> 我明天帶著梅賽德斯,好嗎?我告訴你這在基因上是不可能的

Well, maybe Im some super-human mutant freak from another planet.

=> 好吧,也許我是來自另一個星球的超人變異怪胎。

- Or a vampire.

=> - 或者一個吸血鬼

- Oh, how awesome would that be? Toby, you may have a point there.

=> - 哦,那真棒嗎?托比,你可能有一個點。

Your mother once had a deep fascination With a mail carrier with snaggly teeth.

=> 你的母親曾經對一個牙齒不好的郵遞員深深的著迷。

I do not have snaggly teeth.

=> 我沒有煩瑣的牙齒。

- You do have that one.

=> - 你有這個。

- Ha.

=> - 哈。

Toby was barely two when I got pregnant with bay.

=> 當我懷上海灣時,托比只有兩歲。

I was far too exhausted to have an affair.

=> 我太精疲力竭了,沒有外遇。

And besides, my grandmother was italian.

=> 而且,我的祖母是義大利人。

- Thats where bay gets her beautiful coloring from.

=> - 這是海灣從她得到她美麗的色彩。

- Beautiful.

=> - 漂亮

It has to be a mistake, sweetie.

=> 親愛的,一定是個錯誤。

* I should be feelin more * * I should be writing words * - Look, another one.

=> *我應該感覺到更多* *我應該寫詞* - 看,另一個。

* I should be crying tears * Bay: I wish I knew who was doing it.

=> *我應該哭眼淚*灣:我希望我知道誰在做這件事。

- I know you think thats art.

=> - 我知道你認為這是藝術。

- It is art.

=> - 這是藝術。

Its graffiti.

=> 這是塗鴉。

What if we all ran around with spray cans? - But obviously that doesnt happen.

=> 如果我們都用噴霧罐跑來跑去呢? - 但顯然這不會發生。

- Good thing.

=> - 好東西

( laughs ) Why do you think we see things differently all the time? Well, youre a teenager.

=> (笑)你為什麼認為我們總是看到不同的東西?那麼,你是一個十幾歲的孩子。

Its your job to disagree with me.

=> 這是你的工作,不同意我。

But weve always been different, really different.

=> 但是,我們一直是不同的,真的不同。

I dont think thats true, baby.

=> 寶貝,我不認為這是真的。

Mom, we look nothing alike.

=> 媽媽,我們什麼都沒有

Look at our hair.

=> 看看我們的頭髮。

Look at our hands.

=> 看看我們的手。

Look at our bodies.

=> 看看我們的身體。

- Was I adopted or something? - You were not adopted.

=> - 我通過了什麼? - 你沒有被採納

People ask me that-- a lot of people.

=> 人們問我 - 很多人。

Who? Ill show them my stretch marks.

=> 誰?我會告訴他們我的妊娠紋。

If I wanted you to do something, Even if you thought it was crazy Would you? * how could I love you? * Weve done extensive on all three of you.

=> 如果我想讓你做點什麼,即使你認為這太瘋狂了嗎?我怎麼能愛你? *我們已經在你們三個人身上做了大量的工作。

It is 99.

=> 這是99。

9% certain That bay is not related to you.


- I knew it.

=> - 我就知道。

- The hospital believes there was a mix-up.

=> - 醫院認為有混亂。

Did they actually use that word-- mix-up? Someone wasnt careful matching the I.

=> 他們真的使用這個詞 - 混合?有人不小心匹配我。




=> 腳鏈。

Its extremely rare, but it happens.

=> 這是非常罕見的,但它發生。

You took home someone elses baby And another family took home yours.

=> 你把別人的寶貝帶回家另外一個家庭把你的寶貝帶回家。

- Its a lot to take in, I know.

=> - 我知道這很重要

- Yes, it is a lot to take in.

=> - 是的,這是非常重要的。

Would you just tell us what the procedure is going forward? You find your real daughter, I find my real parents.

=> 你能告訴我們這個程序是怎麼進行的嗎?你找到你真正的女兒,我找到了我真正的父母。

We say "biological," not "real.

=> 我們說「生物」,而不是「真實的」。

" Who could these people be? - And what would they expect from us? - Bay: Yeah, who are they? - Where do I come from? - Dad: Just hold on one second.

=>「這些人是誰? - 他們對我們有什麼期望? - 貝:是的,他們是誰? - 我從哪裡來? - 爸爸:等一下。

Does anybody know where this other child might be? ( kettle whistling ) ( phone ringing ) ( whistling continues ) ( ringing continues ) Hello? Woman: John and kathryn kennish, regina vasquez.

=> 有人知道這個孩子可能在哪兒嗎? (水壺吹口哨)(電話鈴聲)(吹口哨繼續)(振鈴繼續)你好?女:約翰和凱瑟琳·肯尼斯,里賈納·瓦斯奎茲。

- Hello.

=> - 你好。

- John kennish.

=> - 約翰肯尼

Nice to meet you.

=> 很高興見到你。

Nice to meet you.

=> 很高興見到你。


=> 你好。

Daphne, this is bay.

=> 達芙妮,這是海灣。

Bay, daphne.

=> 灣,達芙妮。

Its nice to meet you.

=> 很高興見到你。

What was he again? A pitcher? First baseman? Third base for the royals.

=> 他又是什麼?投手?一壘手?皇室的第三基地。

Now he owns like seven car washes.

=> 現在他擁有七輛洗車。

Regina: Rough life.

=> 里賈納:粗暴的生活。

Put your name on a sign And sit around and collect dough.

=> 把你的名字放在一個標誌上,坐下來收集麵糰。

Im so glad you found it.

=> 我很高興你找到了。

( shouting ) daphne, this is toby.

=> (吶喊)達芙妮,這是toby。

- Hey.

=> - 嘿。

- Nice to meet you.

=> - 很高興見到你。

You two sure look alike.

=> 你們兩個看起來一樣。

Now matter how loud you yell, she still cant hear you.

=> 現在不管你大叫多大聲,她仍然聽不到你。

Right, of course.

=> 對,當然。

Just face her and talk normally-- Not too fast, not too slow.

=> 只要面對她,說話正常 - 不要太快,不要太慢。

Its okay.

=> 沒關係。

Everyone does it.

=> 每個人都這樣做。

I gotta go.

=> 我要走了。

Hey, sorry.

=> 嘿,對不起。


=> 你好。

Were opening up two new car washes and its just been crazy.

=> 我們打開了兩個新的洗車,這只是瘋了。

I cant believe you own kennish car wash.

=> 我不能相信你們擁有的是清潔的洗車。

- We used to go there.

=> - 我們曾經去過那裡

- John: Oh.

=> 約翰:哦。

- I cant understand her.

=> 我無法理解她

- Daphne: My friend emmett is dying to meet you.

=> 達芙妮:我的朋友埃米特急著要見你。

- Hes a huge royals fan.

=> - 他是一個巨大的皇室球迷。

- Well, lets go to a game.

=> - 好吧,讓我們去玩一個遊戲吧。

- So, shall we go have lunch? - Yes, lets-- lets go in.

=> - 那我們去吃午飯吧? - 是的,讓我們進去

Be nice.

=> 對人好點。

I made chicken enchiladas, so save room, okay? Oh, actually Im a vegetarian.

=> 我做雞肉辣醬玉米餅餡,所以節省空間,好嗎?哦,其實我是一個素食主義者。

But its okay.

=> 不過沒關係。

I always find something.

=> 我總是找到一些東西。

Oh, Im sorry.

=> 哦,對不起。

I didnt know.

=> 我不知道

When daphne was 11, I dated a guy Who managed a chicken plant And the stories we heard were ( growling ) ( imitates machinery ) - ( choking ) - ( parents laughing ) Well, I think eating vegetarian is great.

=> 當達芙妮11歲的時候,我約會了一個管家雞的傢伙。我們聽到的故事是(咆哮)(模仿機器) - (窒息) - (家長們笑)我認為吃素食是好事。

You hunt.

=> 你打獵

Well, there was that one time with the guys from the team.

=> 那麼,有一次與球隊的球員。

Right, that one time.

=> 對,那一次。

So, daphne, are you allergic to anything? - Toby and I both break out into hives whenever we eat-- - kiwi.

=> 所以,達芙妮,你對任何東西都過敏嗎? - 當我們吃東西的時候,托比和我都會蕁麻疹 - 獼猴桃。

Yes! Isnt that amazing? Bay isnt allergic to anything, but picky.

=> 是!這不是很棒嗎?海灣對任何東西都不過敏,但挑剔。

As a baby she went nothing but carrots-- - Orange poo.

=> 作為一個嬰兒,她什麼都不吃,只有胡蘿蔔 - 橙色的便便。

- Thanks, mom.

=> - 謝謝媽媽。

Thats classy.

=> 這很好。

She was such a cute baby.

=> 她真是個可愛的寶貝。

I bet you were a cute baby too.

=> 我敢打賭你也是一個可愛的寶貝。

So, um, you all live in east riverside? Yes.

=> 那麼,你們都住在東邊的河邊嗎?是。

Its near a lake and a park And its very diverse, which I think is important.

=> 這是一個湖泊和一個公園附近這是非常多樣的,我認為是重要的。

- Definitely definitely.

=> - 絕對肯定。

- Yes, of course.

=> - 當然是。

Are you mexican? Puerto rican On my mothers side.

=> 你是墨西哥人嗎?波多黎各在我母親身邊。

She named her, actually.

=> 實際上,她命名她。

Daphne paloma, after my father daniel.

=> 達芙妮·帕洛瑪,我的父親丹尼爾之後。

I think bay is a beautiful name.


- Of course you do.

=> - 當然,你呢。

- We thought so too.

=> - 我們也是這麼想的

- Can I use the restroom? Make yourself at home.

=> - 我可以使用洗手間嗎?請隨便一點,就像在自己家一樣。

If you need anything, pretend its your house.

=> 如果你需要什麼,假裝它是你的房子。

Because technically it is.

=> 因為技術上是這樣。

- Sweetie, what are you doing? - Taking the chicken out.

=> - 親愛的,你在做什麼? - 把雞肉拿出來

You cant take chicken out of chicken enchiladas.

=> 你不能從雞肉辣醬玉米餅餡中取出雞肉。

Thats our daughter out there.

=> 那是我們的女兒

- I know.

=> - 我知道。

- That girl.

=> 那個女孩

I know.

=> 我知道。

Its crazy.

=> 這很瘋狂。

Some nurse spaces out and suddenly our lives Are just tossed up in the air.

=> 有些護士把我們的生活突然間空空如也,

They shuffled them.

=> 他們洗了他們。

Kind of mistake?Hat - Were gonna fix that.

=> 這種錯誤?帽子 - 我們要解決這個問題。

- Yeah? Well, how? You think that womans just gonna hand her over? And what about our bay? What if she tries to get her back from us? - Shes not gonna try - can I help?Ack from-- - Uh, no.

=> - 是嗎?那麼,怎麼樣?你以為那個女人會把她交給她?我們的海灣呢?如果她試圖讓她離開我們呢? - 她不會去嘗試 - 我可以幫忙嗎? - 從 - 呃,不。

- No.

=> - 沒有

Were just taking the chicken out-- Hi.

=> 我們只是把雞排出來 - 嗨。

I-- I just-- Mom, Im out of here.

=> 我 - 我只是 - 媽媽,我離開這裡。

Would you show daphne around? See if she needs anything? I dont need anything.

=> 你會在周圍展示達芙妮嗎?看看她是否需要什麼?我什麼都不需要

She doesnt need anything.

=> 她不需要任何東西。

I think it would be nice.

=> 我認為這將是很好的。

Okay then.

=> 好吧。

Lets take a tour.

=> 我們來參觀吧

Tennis courts, gazebo, Concrete dogs-- every house needs them.

=> 網球場,涼亭,混凝土狗 - 每個房子都需要它們。

Guest house, basketball court, Garage bay uses for her "art.

=> 賓館,籃球場,車庫灣使用她的「藝術。

" - One on one? - Okay.

=>「 - 一對一 - 好吧。

You can talk as much trash as you want-- I cant see your lips, I cant hear you.

=> 你可以隨心所欲地談論垃圾 - 我看不到你的嘴唇,我聽不到你的聲音。

Whoo! Magic.

=> 喔!魔法。

So, um, how did-- how did daphne go - Its okay.

=> 那麼,恩,怎麼了 - 達芙妮怎麼樣?沒關係。

Deaf? Its not a bad word.

=> 聾?這不是一個壞詞。

She got meningitis when she was three.

=> 三歲時她得了腦膜炎。

- And the hearing aid? - She can hear some ambient noise.

=> - 還有助聽器? - 她可以聽到一些環境噪音。

It helps her know whats going on around her, but it cant make her hear.

=> 它幫助她知道周圍發生了什麼事情,但卻無法讓她聽到。

She needs to see your lips to know what youre saying.

=> 她需要看你的嘴唇才能知道你在說什麼。

And how did she get the meningitis? Its a bacteria.

=> 她是怎麼感染腦膜炎的?這是一種細菌。

She caught it.

=> 她抓住了。

- And she goes to school and everything? - Yes.

=> - 她去上學和一切? - 是的。

Its just her ears that dont work, not her brain.

=> 這只是她的耳朵不工作,而不是她的大腦。

- Right.

=> - 對。

- Bay goes to buckner hall.

=> - 灣去倒扣大廳。

Its a wonderful school.

=> 這是一個很棒的學校。

Not that school is bays thing.

=> 不是學校是灣的東西。

Yeah, well-- but she loves photography and art.

=> 是的,但是她喜歡攝影和藝術。

- ( hard rock music playing ) - music-- she loves music.

=> - (硬搖滾音樂演奏) - 音樂 - 她喜歡音樂。

Yeah, excuse me.

=> 是的,對不起。

Um, ahem.

=> 嗯,啊哈。

Bay, bay, turn it down! Thank you! Ever since she found out, its just been hard on her.

=> 灣,灣,把它關掉!謝謝!自從她發現以來,就一直困擾著她。

Look, we-- you know, we just want to get to know daphne.

=> 看,我們 - 你知道,我們只是想了解達芙妮。

Im sure you want to get to know bay, so I dont know-- we could have weekly lunches Or, if you want, go through the courts-- whatever.

=> 我確定你想知道海灣,所以我不知道 - 我們可以每周吃午餐,或者如果你想的話,通過法院 - 無論如何。

I really think we should have a plan-- I think the girls have had enough change for one week.

=> 我真的認為我們應該有一個計劃 - 我認為女孩已經有了一個星期的變化。

I say we give everyone a minute to take it in, huh? Weve lost so much time already.

=> 我說我們給大家一分鐘的時間來接受,呵呵?我們已經損失了很多時間

Exactly how long do you want us to wait? And it looks like theyre having fun out there.

=> 你想要我們等多久?看起來他們在那裡玩得很開心。

So if you have to go, Im happy to give her a ride home.

=> 所以如果你不得不去,我很樂意讓她回家。


=> 完善。

Im going.

=> 我要去。

Theyll drive you, okay? ( mouthing words ) ( sighs ) Oh, thank you! All right.

=> 他們會開車,好嗎? (嘴巴的話)(嘆氣)哦,謝謝!好吧。

Oh, I was just gonna go check and see what you were up to, honey.

=> 哦,我要去檢查一下,看看你在幹什麼,親愛的。

( basketball bouncing ) Bay, its fine.

=> (籃球彈跳)灣,沒事的。

Theyre just having fun.

=> 他們只是玩得開心。

- Hes not trying to displace you.

=> 他不是想取代你

- No.

=> - 沒有

I dont feel displaced.

=> 我不覺得流離失所。

I have plans with liam.

=> 我有利亞姆的計劃。

Bay, I know you know this, But youre still our daughter.

=> 灣,我知道你知道這一點,但你仍然是我們的女兒。

We love you as much as we did before any of this happened.

=> 我們愛你,就像之前發生的那樣。

Nothings changed.

=> 沒有什麼改變。


=> 沒有。

- Nothing has changed? - Thats right.

=> - 什麼也沒有變? - 那就對了。

I just found out my middle names paloma.

=> 我剛剛找到了我的中間名的帕洛瑪。

Id probably be a vegetarian And I am supposed to have grown up in east riverside, The daughter of a half-puerto rican single mother hairdresser.

=> 我可能是一個素食主義者,我應該在東部的河邊長大,一個半波多黎各單身母親理髮師的女兒。

But aside from that, nothings changed.

=> 但是除此之外,什麼都沒有改變。

( hard rock music playing ) - Im totally doing it.

=> (硬搖滾音樂演奏) - 我完全是這樣做的。

- I think u gotta be 18.

=> 我想你應該是18歲

Lucky for me Im 21.

=> 幸運的是我21歲。

Bay, if you come home with a hunk of metal sticking out of your face, Your mom is going to disown you.

=> 灣,如果你帶著一大塊金屬粘在你的臉上回家,你的媽媽將要離開你。

So let her.

=> 所以讓她。

- Why are you so hard on people? - What? Youve been lashing out at me for weeks and I know youre mad at your parents.

=> - 你為什麼對人很難? - 什麼?你已經鞭打我好幾個星期了,我知道你對你的父母生氣了。

- So whats going on? - Nothings going on.

=> - 發生什麼了? - 什麼都沒有

What do you mean "nothings going on"? People keep asking, "whats up with your girlfriend?" Im like, "I have no idea.

=> 你是什麼意思「什麼都沒有發生」?人們總是問:「你女朋友怎麼了?」我喜歡,「我不知道。

" - Like I care what some stupid prep school kids think.

=>「 - 就像我關心一些愚蠢的預科學校孩子們想的那樣。

- And what are you, bay? - Some gangster girl whos had it rough? - I think we need a break.

=> - 你呢,海灣? - 一些流氓黑社會的女孩? - 我想我們需要休息一下。

You know what? Fine, no problem.

=> 你知道嗎?好,沒問題

( police siren blaring ) - john: I tell you, I have not been in this neighborhood for years.

=> (警察警笛聲) - 約翰:我告訴你,我在這附近沒有多年。

There hasnt been a murder here in like three weeks.

=> 在三個星期里,這裡沒有一起謀殺案。

Im kidding.

=> 我在開玩笑。

, thats very funny.

=> ,這很有趣。

( chuckles ) ( alarm chirps ) - Hi.

=> (笑)(鬧鈴) - 嗨。

- Hi.

=> - 嗨。

John, this is my mom adriana.

=> 約翰,這是我的媽媽阿德里安娜。

- Mom, this is john kennish.

=> - 媽媽,這是約翰。

- Adriana, very pleased to meet you.

=> - 阿德里安娜,很高興見到你。

Suddenly a lot of things are making sense.

=> 突然之間有很多事情是有道理的。

I guess were all wondering how the hell we didnt know, right? - Nice to see you again.

=> 我想我們都想知道我們怎麼不知道,對吧? - 很高興再次見到你。

- Nice to see you.

=> - 很高興見到你。

- Nice to meet you.

=> - 很高興見到你。

- Nice to meet you.

=> - 很高興見到你。

Thank you so much.

=> 非常感謝。

That was really fun.

=> 這真的很有趣。


=> 好。

You come back any time you want.

=> 你隨時都可以回來。


=> 再見。

Oh, hey, daphne, your sweater.

=> 哦,嘿,達芙妮,你的毛衣。

Hey, sweetie, your sweater.

=> 嘿,親愛的,你的毛衣。

Daphne, your-- ( ice cream truck chiming ) ( helicopter whirring ) ( dog barking, train horn blaring ) Bars on the windows, bail bonds on every corner-- - I was nervous.

=> 達芙妮,你的 - (冰淇淋卡車鳴叫)(直升機呼呼)(狗吠聲,火車喇叭嗡嗡聲)窗戶上的酒吧,保釋金在每個角落 - 我很緊張。

- We have to get her out of there.

=> - 我們必須把她趕出去。


=> 是啊。

We will.

=> 我們會。

- ( door closes ) - bay? - Is that you, honey? - Yeah, mom, its me Whoever that is.

=> - (關門) - 海灣? - 親愛的,是你嗎? - 是的,媽媽,這是我。

- What are you drinking? - Coffee.

=>- 你在喝什麼? - 咖啡。

You want some? - What is in your nose? - Its a stud.

=> 你想要一些嗎? - 你的鼻子是什麼? - 這是一個螺柱。

Isnt it cute? - You pierced your nose without asking me? - Yep.

=> 不是很可愛嗎? - 你沒有問我? - 是的

Bay-- what are you doing? Just living the life I was supposed to live.

=> 灣 - 你在做什麼?只是過著我應該生活的生活。

Get that out of your mouth and go get your bag! Were late.

=> 把它從你的嘴裡拿出來,去拿你的包!我們來晚了。

( knocking ) Hey, sorry to barge in.

=> (敲)嘿,抱歉插入。

I just--an I chat with you about something? - Okay.

=> 我只是 - 一個我和你聊天的東西? - 好的。

- Thank you.

=> - 謝謝。

Thank you so much.

=> 非常感謝。

I just heard about this thing that they implant in the brain That lets deaf people hear.

=> 我剛剛聽到他們植入大腦的這個東西讓聾人聽到。

- The cochlear implant.

=> - 人工耳蝸。

- Yeah, that thing.

=> - 是的,那個東西。

Thats amazing, right? So anyway, listen.

=> 太棒了,對吧?所以無論如何,聽。

I know that the surgery is very expensive, but I just-- About 100 grand with speech therapy and follow-up.

=> 我知道這個手術非常昂貴,但是我只是 - 大約有100個有言語治療和隨訪的盛大。

Yeah, I know, and maybe it wasnt something That you were able to offer daphne, which I completely understand, But I just want you to know that kathryn-- If I had wanted it, I would have found a way to get it for her.

=> 是的,我知道,也許這不是你能夠提供達芙妮的東西,我完全理解,但我只是想讓你知道凱瑟琳 - 如果我想要它,我會找到一種方法來獲得這對她來說。

Why wouldnt you want it for her? You think she needs to be fixed, right? Daphne is comfortable being deaf.

=> 你為什麼不想要她?你認為她需要修理,對嗎?達芙妮是舒適的聾人。

- She likes it.

=> - 她喜歡。

- Oh, come on.

=> - 哦,來吧。

No one likes being deaf.

=> 沒有人喜歡聾啞人。

The cochlear rewires the brain to hear electronically.

=> 人工耳蝸重新讓大腦聽到電子。

- It is not a cure.

=> - 這不是治癒。

- It sounds like a miracle to me.

=> - 這聽起來像是一個奇蹟。

Even with the cochlear, listening would always require work.

=> 即使使用人工耳蝸,傾聽也總是需要工作的。

- It would always be effort.

=> - 這將永遠是努力。

- Okay, so its work.

=> - 好吧,這是工作。

Isnt it worth it? The world can hear and now she can join it.

=> 這不值得嗎?世界可以聽到,現在她可以加入。

You just found out you have this kid And you want her to be just like you.

=> 你剛剛發現你有這個孩子,你希望她像你一樣。

I get it.

=> 我知道了。

But daphne will never be like you.

=> 但達芙妮永遠不會像你一樣。

The sooner you accept that, the sooner-- Wait, hold on.

=> 越早接受,越早 - 等等,等等。

No no.

=> 不,不。

I-- I have watched daphne struggle.

=> 我 - 我曾看過達芙妮的鬥爭。

I have watched her struggle to follow a conversation.

=> 我看著她努力跟隨一個對話。

And I know that if she has this procedure, She wont have to read lips anymore or rely on you or me Or anybody else to translate for her.

=> 而且我知道,如果她有這個程序,她就不必再讀嘴唇,或者依靠你或我或其他任何人為她翻譯。

- Interpret.

=> - 解釋。

- Is that it? Keeping her deaf keeps her dependent on you? I want whats best for her.

=> - 是嗎?保持她的耳聾讓她依賴於你?我想要什麼對她最好。

Shes my daughter.

=> 她是我的女兒

Yeah, well, shes my daughter too.

=> 是啊,她也是我的女兒。

( mouthing words ) ( mouthing words ) * the city seems to be calling out my name * * Ive only seen the pictures, but I * Hey, move along.

=> (說話的話)(說話的話)*這個城市似乎在叫我的名字* *我只看過那些照片,但我*嘿,跟著走。

Get out of here.

=> 離開這裡。

Excuse me, this is a free country.

=> 對不起,這是一個自由的國家。

I can park wherever I want.

=> 我可以停放在任何我想要的地方。

Yeah well, its my neighborhood and I dont like seeing Rich white girls slumming it, looking for dime bags.

=> 是的,這是我的鄰居,我不喜歡看到富有的白人女孩貧民窟,尋找角錢袋。

Im not looking for pot and Im not a rich white girl.

=> 我不是在找鍋,我也不是一個富有的白人女孩。

- Really? - Really.

=> - 真的嗎? - 真的

Oh, you-- you know daphne and regina? - Should I tell them you stopped by? - Very funny.

=> 哦,你 - 你知道達芙妮和雷吉娜? - 我應該告訴他們你停了嗎? - 非常有趣。

You sure look like a rich white girl to me.

=> 你確定像我這樣一個富有的白人女孩。

- "ceci nest pas une pipe.

=> - 「不用管了。

" - say-- say what? "this is not a pipe.

=>「 - 說 - 什麼?」這不是一個管道。

" Its a painting by magritte.


It means your eyes betray you.

=> 這意味著你的眼睛背叛了你。

You think youre looking at a pipe-- You grow up your entire life thinking that its a pipe Because thats what everyone said that it was.

=> 你以為你在看管子 - 你一生都在長大,認為這是一根管子因為這就是大家都說的那樣。

And then one day you find out That its actually a frickin eggplant.

=> 然後有一天你發現它實際上是一個frickin茄子。

You are a frickin eggplant in a pipe world.

=> 你是一個管道世界裡的一個frickin茄子。

I dont know what that means.

=> 我不知道這是什麼意思。

It means Im clearly losing it.

=> 這意味著我明顯失去了它。

I should go.

=> 我應該走了。

Um But I was never here, okay? What am I gonna say? I saw an eggplant in a beemer casing the place? Thank you.

=> 但是我從來沒有來過,好嗎?我要說什麼?我在一個蜜蜂套上看到一個茄子的地方?謝謝。

* cause I can see, but I cant see * * I can hear, but I cant hear * Hey, that was amazing.

=> *因為我能看見,但我看不見* *我能聽見,但我聽不見*嘿,那真是太神奇了。

- What are you doing here? - I came to talk to you.

=> - 你在這裡做什麼?我來找你了

Can we sit down? - Sure.

=> 我們可以坐下嗎? - 當然。

- Great.

=> 太好了

So you know bay goes to buckner hall.

=> 所以你知道海灣去的大廳。

Youve heard of that school, right? Its a really really good school.

=> 你聽說過那所學校吧?這是一個非常好的學校。

And I know with your grades and activities you could definitely get in.

=> 而且我知道你的成績和活動你一定能夠進入。

You want me to go to buckner hall? Well, I dont think isolating yourself In a deaf bubble is a good idea.

=> 你想讓我去凱恩斯大廳?那麼,我不認為孤立自己在聾啞泡沫是一個好主意。

Like lets say you wanted to be a surgeon, okay? Would your entire team have to learn sign To get instructions from you every single time? Because that would be really-- Im sorry.

=> 比方說,你想成為一名外科醫生,好嗎?你的整個團隊是否必須學習標誌每一次都要得到你的指示?因為那真的是 - 我很抱歉。

Im talking too fast.

=> 我說得太快了

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

I think you should go to a regular school With regular kids.

=> 我想你應該和普通的孩子一起去普通學校。

I really appreciate this, But I like my friends, my teachers.

=> 我很欣賞這個,但是我喜歡我的朋友,我的老師。

I understand.

=> 我明白。

We just want you to have the best education out there So that you have every opportunity open to you.

=> 我們只是希望你有最好的教育在那裡你有一切機會向你開放。

And, uh-- and then theres bay, you know.

=> 而且,呃 - 然後有海灣,你知道。

I think you two should get to know each other better.

=> 我想你們兩個應該更好地認識對方。

I dont think bay really wants to get to know me.

=> 我不認為海灣真的想要認識我。

She just takes some time.

=> 她只是需要一些時間。

- Can I think about it? - Sure.

=> - 我能想一想嗎? - 當然。


=> 當然。

Ill just set up a tour and well go from there.

=> 我會剛剛設定一個巡視,我們會從那裡開始。


=> 好的。

I should get back to practice.

=> 我應該回去練習。


=> 好的。

Oh, just-- just one thing.

=> 哦,只是 - 只有一件事。

I think while were working this out, It would be best not to tell regina For now.

=> 我想我們正在努力,現在最好不要告訴regina。

The best of the best.

=> 最好的最好的。

And daphne, an interpreter Would be with you in all of your classes.

=> 而達芙妮,翻譯將在你所有的班級與你同在。

( muted conversation ) Hey.

=> (無言的交談)嘿。

Whos that girl with your parents? Just some scholarship kid theyre sponsoring.

=> 那個女孩和你父母是誰?只是一些獎學金的孩子,他們贊助。

Is it okay if I just walk around on my own for a minute? - By all means.

=> 如果我自己走一會兒,好嗎? - 一切手段。

- Yeah, absolutely.

=> - 是的,絕對。

You dont go here, do you? Just taking a tour.

=> 你不去這裡,是嗎?只是參觀一下。

Its a lot different than my school.

=> 和我的學校很不一樣

- Oh, wheres that? - Its called carlton.

=> - 哦,那是哪裡? - 這叫卡爾頓。

Its for deaf kids.

=> 這是聾啞的孩子

Im deaf.

=> 我是聾人。

- Whats your name? - Liam.

=> - 你叫什麼名字? - 利亞姆。

Oh wait.

=> 等一下。

We learned the alphabet in the first grade.

=> 我們在一年級學到了字母表。

- Mines a sign for "happy" with a d.

=> - 我的一個標誌為「開心」與d。

I should have a name sign.

=> 我應該有一個名字標誌。

Whats the sign for exceedingly handsome? - ( both laugh ) - you cant name yourself.

=> 什麼是非常英俊的標誌? - (都笑) - 你不能說出你自己的名字。

Its like a rule.

=> 這就像一個規則。

A deaf person has to do it.

=> 一個聾人必須這樣做。

A rule? Like I can get into trouble? - Theres a deaf police? - Yes.

=> 規則?就像我可以陷入麻煩? - 有聾人警察? - 是的。

- ( both laugh ) - ( bell rings ) Well, bye, daphne with a d.

=> - (都笑) - (鈴聲響)好吧,再見daphne和d。

Bye, liam.

=> 再見,利亞姆

When were you planning on telling me? Whats in your nose? Whats in her nose? I wanted her to tell you herself, okay? - What is that? She pierced her nose? - Yes.

=> 你打算什麼時候告訴我?你鼻子里有什麼她的鼻子里有什麼?我想讓她自己告訴你,好嗎? - 那是什麼?她刺破了她的鼻子? - 是的。

You guys arent even my real parents.

=> 你們甚至不是我真正的父母。

- I can do whatever I want.

=> - 我可以做任何我想做的事情。

- You can knock that off.

=> - 你可以把它關閉。

- And I want that thing out of your nose.

=> - 我想從鼻子里拿出那東西。

- No.

=> - 沒有

- Right now! - Honey, look, Im sorry.

=> - 馬上! - 親愛的,看,我很抱歉。

We should have told you about the tour.

=> 我們應該告訴你這次旅行。

That is not the point, mom! Okay, well, I think its a good idea for you to get to know her.

=> 媽媽,這不是重點。好吧,我認為你認識她是個好主意。

And besides, we have to find a way to integrate daphne into our lives.

=> 此外,我們必須找到一種方法將芫花融入我們的生活。

- Why? Because shes so perfect? - No, of course not.

=> - 為什麼?因為她太完美了? - 不,當然不。

You cant just throw her in my face.

=> 你不能把她扔在我的臉上。

Two seconds after meeting her and shes going to my school? I know its all very fast, but-- Bay, you have to be reasonable here.

=> 見到她兩秒鐘後,她要去我的學校?我知道這一切都非常快,但是 - 灣,你必須在這裡合理。

She has not had the same opportunities as you.

=> 她沒有和你一樣的機會。

And your mother and I are just trying to make this thing right.

=> 而你和我的母親只是想把這件事做對。

- Right for who? - Right for all of us.

=> - 誰適合? - 適合我們所有人

Okay well, whats right for me is not having her here.

=> 好吧,對我來說最合適的就是不要在這裡

And if you two care about me at all, you wont do this.

=> 如果你們兩個都在乎我,你們不會這樣做的。


=> 灣。

Hey, what are you doing here? Your dad set up a tour for me.

=> 嘿,你在這裡幹什麼?你爸爸為我設定了一個旅程。

- Are you gonna go here? - I dont know.

=> - 你要去這裡嗎? - 我不知道。

Well see.

=> 我們拭目以待。

Emmett, this is toby.

=> 埃米特,這是托比。

- Toby, this is emmett.

=> - 托比,這是埃米特。

- Hey.

=> - 嘿。

He was just asking who you are.

=> 他只是問你是誰。

- He doesnt talk? - Not orally.

=> - 他不說話? - 不是口頭的。

Why not? I mean, why do and others dont?Talk It just kind of depends on the person-- If they feel comfortable, if they had speech therapy growing up, If they want to speak.

=> 為什麼不?我的意思是,為什麼其他人不這樣做呢?說話只取決於人 - 如果他們覺得舒服,如果他們有言語治療的成長,如果他們想說話。

- But he reads lips? - Yes.

=> - 但他讀嘴唇? - 是的。

You can just ask him directly.

=> 你可以直接問他。

- But he wont answer.

=> - 但他不會回答。

- It just-- Its not really considered polite To talk about deaf people in the third person.

=> - 只是 - 這真的不被認為是有禮貌的談論第三人的聾人。

Plus, I can interpret.

=> 另外,我可以解釋。

Well, what does he do when youre not around? He actually isnt around people who dont sign that often.

=> 那麼,當你不在身邊時他做了什麼?他實際上不在那些經常不簽字的人身邊。

All his friends are deaf and his whole family is deaf.

=> 他所有的朋友都是聾子,全家都是聾子。

What about like stores, restaurants, busses? - What does he do in, like, real life? - He gets by.

=> 怎麼樣像商店,餐館,公共汽車? - 他在現實生活中做了什麼? - 他經過。

Trust me, emmett gets by.

=> 相信我,emmett過得去。

Well, what did he say? He really likes your shoes.

=> 那麼,他說了什麼?他真的很喜歡你的鞋子。


=> 涼。

Well, see you around.

=> 那麼,看看你在附近。

Shes really mad at us.

=> 她真的生我們的氣

( motor rumbling ) John.

=> (汽車轟隆隆)約翰。

Daph-- * Im too worried about what youre doing * * youre not worried about what Im doing too * * what youre doing to me * * wanna be free * * Im too worried about what youre doing doing * * nope, youre not worried about what Im doing too * * what youre doing to me, yeah * * why cant you see * * that I cant change you? * * nor was that my intention * * please explain, your earnest words * * are just shucking and jiving * * you like to see your thumb on me * * youre just checkin in, make it begin again * * gain gain gain and again, gain gain and again * * gain gain gain and again, gain gain and again * * oh oh oh oh oh * * oh oh oh oh oh oh * * oh oh oh oh oh * * oh oh oh oh oh oh * - * oh oh oh oh oh * - what are you, a tagger? What-- what are you doing here? I live right there.

=> Daph--我太擔心你在做什麼*你不擔心我在做什麼* *你在做什麼* *想成為自由* *我太擔心了關於你在做什麼* *不,你不擔心我在做什麼* *你在做什麼,是啊* *為什麼你不能看到* *我不能改變您? * *也不是我的意圖* *請解釋,你真誠的話* *只是拆卸和jiving * *你喜歡看你的拇指在我* *你只是簽入,使其重新開始* *獲得「獲得」收益,再一次「獲得」收益,再次獲得「獲得」收益,再獲得「獲得」收益,再次獲得收益。* *哦哦哦哦哦哦* *哦哦哦哦哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,你是什麼,一個標籤?什麼 - 你在這裡做什麼?我住在那裡。

The better question is what are you doing here? Im not here.

=> 更好的問題是你在這裡做什麼?我不在這兒。

You never saw me.

=> 你從來沒有見過我

Pretty sure the fine for graffiti Is $10,000, - But hey, its your party.

=> 很確定塗鴉的罰款是$ 10,000, - 但是,嘿,這是你的派對。

- Thanks for looking out for me, really.

=> - 謝謝你,真的。

You know, Ive seen these around.

=> 你知道,我已經看到了這些。

- This is really cool.

=> - 這真的很酷。

- Yeah? Well, just dont tell anyone.

=> - 是嗎?那麼就別告訴任何人

I actually do prefer staying out of jail, okay? Looks like Im keeping a lot of your secrets.

=> 我其實更喜歡待在監獄外面,好嗎?看起來我保存了很多你的秘密。

Yeah, looks like it.

=> 是的,看起來像。

I admit it, I went crazy when I saw her on that motorcycle.

=> 我承認,當我在摩托車上看到她時,我發瘋了。

I thought, "what kind of mother lets her teenage daughter--" Kathryn, what did you do? I ran a security check To see who this woman really is.

=> 我想,「什麼樣的媽媽讓她十幾歲的女兒 - 」凱瑟琳,你做了什麼?我跑了安全檢查看看這個女人真的是誰。

- And? - She has two d.

=> - 而且? - 她有兩個







I think we should have bay over.

=> 我想我們應該過去了。

Well have dinner, watch a movie.

=> 我們會吃晚飯,看電影。


=> 請。

Ma, you should see their house.

=> 媽你應該看看他們的房子

- She does not want to come here.

=> - 她不想過來

- Regina, youre her mother.

=> - 里賈納,你是她的母親。

She doesnt care how big your house is.

=> 她不在乎你的房子有多大。

( gasps ) What-- Damn it! They took my cell phone charger and $2 in change.

=> (喘氣)什麼 - 該死的!他們把我的手機充電器和2美元的變化。

You know what this is gonna cost me For a cell phone charger and $2 in change? - We have to move out of here.

=> 你知道這是要花費我一個手機充電器和2美元的變化? - 我們必須離開這裡

- ( cell phone ringing ) Hello? What? No, there must be some mistake.

=> - (手機鈴聲)你好?什麼?不,一定有一些錯誤。

- Daphnes been arrested.

=> 達芙妮被捕

- What? What for? She needs an interpreter.

=> - 什麼?做什麼的?她需要一名翻譯。

By law you have to get her an interpreter.

=> 法律規定你必須得到她的翻譯。

( police radio chatter ) - Were you trying to get arrested? - Everyone has one, mom.

=> (警察廣播喋喋不休) - 你想逮捕嗎?媽媽,每個人都有。

Oh, that chick is such a weasel for busting me.

=> 哦,那個小妞是這樣一個狡猾的人來打我。

"everyone has one"-- thats your excuse? First you get that thing in your nose and now this? Bay: Its micscopic.

=> 「每個人都有一個」 - 這是你的借口?首先你把這東西放在你的鼻子里,現在呢?灣:這是可以理解的。

Get over it.

=> 克服它。

Youre gonna have it for the rest of your life and you didnt even ask me.

=> 你會一輩子擁有它,你甚至不問我。

What is the big deal? Its her body.

=> 有什麼大不了的?這是她的身體。

- Excuse me? - She is right.

=> - 打擾一下? - 她是對的。

Its my body.

=> 這是我的身體。

Okay, were done here.

=> 好的,我們在這裡完成。

Court dates on the 26th.

=> 法院的日期是二十六號。

- What was that? - We know about your d.

=>- 那是什麼? - 我們知道你的d。







- This is not the time or place.

=> - 這不是時間或地點。

Why not? That was 12 years ago.

=> 為什麼不?那是12年前。

How do you even know about-- - Were you drunk when daphne got sick? - Kathryn, stop it, please.

=> 你怎麼知道 - 當達芙妮生病了,你喝醉了嗎?凱瑟琳,請停下來。

No, I wanna know.

=> 不,我想知道。

Did you wait too long to take her to the hospital? Is that why her fever got so high? Is that why she is deaf? Because being deaf is the worst possible thing You could imagine for your daughter, right? That is not what shes trying to say.

=> 你等了太久才送她去醫院嗎?這就是為什麼她的發燒如此之高?這就是為什麼她是聾啞人?因為失聰是你可以為你女兒想像的最糟糕的事情,對嗎?這不是她想說的。

You dont know a thing about her or me.

=> 你不了解她或我的事情。

We know that youre not responsible.

=> 我們知道你不負責。

Will you all just stop fighting, please? May I remind you that were in the police station Because of the daughter that you raised? Do you even hear yourselves? We intend to get an attorney and take daphne back.

=> 你們都停止戰鬥吧?我可以提醒你,我們在派出所嗎?因為你提出的女兒?你甚至聽說過嗎?我們打算找一個律師,帶回達芙妮。

- Dont even think about that.

=> - 別想這個。

- We will think about it.

=> - 我們會考慮的

Bay, hold on one second.

=> 灣,堅持一秒鐘。

Both of you just calm down.

=> 你們兩個冷靜下來。

- No, I cant believe youre taking her s-- - bay? Bay? I think we should keep looking for her.

=> - 不,我不相信你正在走她的海灣?灣?我想我們應該繼續找她。

Honey, shes got her phone.

=> 親愛的,她有她的電話。

Shell call a friend.

=> 她會打電話給一個朋友。

Shell be fine.

=> 她會沒事的。

How could I not have known? Because you had been in labor for 17 hours.

=> 我怎麼可能不知道?因為你已經工作了17個小時。

Because all newborns look alike.

=> 因為所有的新生兒看起來都很相似。

Because someone from that hospital Came to us and said, "hey, heres your baby.

=> 因為那個醫院的人來找我們說:「嗨,這是你的寶貝。

" And we had no reason not to believe them.


I keep asking myself the same thing.

=> 我一直在問自己同樣的事情。

But its different for me.

=> 但是對我來說不一樣

I carried her.

=> 我帶著她。

She was inside of me.

=> 她在我的裡面。

She was my baby.

=> 她是我的寶貝。

Okay, this is not helping.

=> 好的,這沒有幫助。

That woman got her.

=> 那個女人找到了她

If we had figured this out at the hospital, We would never have gotten bay.

=> 如果我們在醫院看到這一點,我們永遠不會得到海灣。

I know.

=> 我知道。

Thats the crazy part.

=> 這是瘋狂的一部分。

I cant even be angry because I am so grateful.

=> 我甚至不能生氣,因為我很感激。

( both laugh ) I know, its-- I know.

=> (都笑)我知道,這是 - 我知道。

Daphne: Its a really good school.

=> 達芙妮:這是一所很好的學校。

It just-- it seems so important to them.

=> 它只是 - 對他們來說似乎非常重要。

But mom would freak out if I told her I wanted to go.

=> 但是如果我告訴她我想走,媽媽會嚇壞的。

But if I say no, its like Im rejecting them.

=> 但如果我拒絕,就像我拒絕他們。


=> 啊。

Just tell me what to do.

=> 告訴我該怎麼做。

Well, its up to you.

=> 那麼,這取決於你。

You find her? They think shes at a friends house And shell call when shes ready.

=> 你找到她了?他們認為她在朋友家,她準備好後會打電話給她。

( sighs ) Okay, Im going to bed.

=> (嘆氣)好吧,我要去睡覺了。

Good night.

=> 晚安。

I need to talk to you.

=> 我要跟你說話。

I need you to stop lashing out at the kennishes.

=> 我需要你停止在肯尼斯抨擊。

As uneducated as they are about deaf culture, they mean well.

=> 由於他們對聾人文化沒有教養,他們的意思是好的。

- Those people-- - let me finish.

=> - 那些人 - 讓我說完。

You are my mom.

=> 你是我的媽媽

You will always be my mom.

=> 你永遠是我的媽媽。

But I need to get to know them too.

=> 但是我也需要了解他們。

I took a tour of that hearing school where bay goes.

=> 我去了那個海灣的聽力學校。

They really want me to go and I think Im gonna say yes.

=> 他們真的希望我去,我想我會說是的。

So I need you to support my decision, okay? Absolutely not.

=> 所以我需要你支持我的決定,好嗎?絕對不。

What? You want to be that weird deaf girl With the interpreter following her around? You know what happens to deaf kids At hearing schools.

=> 什麼?你想成為那個怪異的聾啞女孩跟著她的翻譯?你知道聾童在聽力學校發生了什麼事。

Theyre outsiders.

=> 他們是外人

Daphne, you can do anything you want with your life.

=> 達芙妮,你可以做任何你想要的生活。

I have always told you that.

=> 我一直告訴你。

Youre 1,000 times smarter than any of those hearing kids Who used to tease you and make you feel stupid.

=> 你比那些曾經挑逗你,讓你感到蠢的聽力孩子聰明一千倍。

Its not gonna be like that.

=> 這不會是這樣的。

Im not five years old anymore.

=> 我不再五歲了。

I dont need you to protect me.

=> 我不需要你來保護我

Yes, you do.

=> 是的你是。

Now I have to protect you from yourself.

=> 現在我必須保護你自己。

You know whats right, But youre letting these people pressure you Because youre so desperate for their acceptance.

=> 你知道什麼是對的,但是你讓這些人給你施加壓力因為你對他們的接受感到絕望。

Let them love you for who you are, Not who they think you should be.

=> 讓他們愛你,因為你是誰,不是他們認為你應該成為的人。

( sighs ) Female vocalist: ** in this turning world * * * this world, it turns me upside down * * do do do do do do do * * do do do do do do * * onboard theres a plank set aside * * nailed down and ready to be walked * Youre welcome.

=> (嘆息)女歌手:**在這個轉折的世界* * *這個世界,它把我變得顛倒* *做的確做的確做了做的* *做的確做的確做的* *板載有擱置的木板*釘下來,準備好走了*不客氣。

* these splinters in my hands * Youre such a brat.

=> *這些碎片在我手中*你是這樣一個小子。

Why? Because Im not reacting well to finding out That Im a plot device in a mark twain novel? Excuse me for not handling this better.

=> 為什麼?因為我沒有很好地發現,我是一個馬克吐溫小說中的情節裝置?對不起,我不好好處理。

You know, youre the one who started this.

=> 你知道,你是開始這個的人。

You could have left it alone, but, no, You had to go dragging mom and dad to that genetic counselor.

=> 你可以把它留下,但是,不,你必須拖父母給那個基因顧問。

Well, excuse me for being such a selfish person.

=> 那麼請原諒我這樣一個自私的人。

I want to find out who I am and who my parents are.

=> 我想知道我是誰,我的父母是誰。

And dont you think theres a part of me That wishes that I didnt start any of this either.

=> 你不覺得我有一部分希望我也沒有開始任何一個。

I wasnt expecting the answer to be yes.

=> 我不期待答案是肯定的。

I know I said I did, but deep down, I was hoping thered be some other explanation.

=> 我知道我說過,但內心深處,我希望能有其他的解釋。

Forget it.

=> 算了吧。

I know you cant understand.

=> 我知道你不明白。

No one can.

=> 沒人能。

You know whats funny? In school theyre always saying, "hey, kids, its cool.

=> 你知道有趣嗎?在學校里,他們總是說:「嗨,孩子們,這很酷。

You know, dont worry If you feel like you dont belong.

=> 你知道,別擔心,如果你覺得你不屬於。

" But you, You really dont belong.


At all.

=> 完全一樣。

( both chuckle softly ) Thank you.

=> (兩個輕聲輕聲)謝謝。

So much.

=> 非常。

That was incredibly helpful.

=> 這非常有幫助。

And by the way, genius, there is one other person that would understand.

=> 順便說一下,天才,還有一個人會理解。

Oh, yeah.

=> 哦耶。


=> 她的。

* it turns me upside down * * do do do do * * do do do do do do * * do do do do * * do do do do * * mmm * No! Dont do that! I cant read your lips in the dark.

=> *它使我倒過來* *做的事情做的事情* *做的事做的事做的事做的事*做的事做的事做的* *做的事做* * mmm *不!不要這樣做!我在黑暗中看不到你的嘴唇。

Besides, this is my room.

=> 另外,這是我的房間。

Its actually my room, technically.

=> 這在技術上實際上就是我的房間

Very funny.

=> 非常有趣。

( sighs ) Ah.

=> (嘆氣)啊。


=> 嗯。

( cd cases clatter ) May I? Papa roach.

=> (CD盒噠)我可以嗎?爸爸蟑螂

Pitbull featuring t-pain.

=> Pitbull以t痛苦為特色。

Damn, some of this stuff is too hard for me.

=> 該死的,這些東西對我來說太難了。

Behind this sweet smile, axe murderer.

=> 在這個甜美的笑容背後,斧頭兇手。

( chuckles softly ) wait a minute.

=> (輕聲輕笑)等一下。

I can hear the beat if the music is loud-- Very loud.

=> 如果音樂很響,我可以聽到節拍 - 非常大聲。

I like it that way too.

=> 我也喜歡這樣

I wish.


My mom did them.

=> 我的媽媽做了他們。

I dont mean to interrupt all this, but What are you doing here? Oh, just You know.

=> 我不打算打斷這一切,但你在這裡幹什麼?哦,只是你知道。

Can I ask you something? Did you know? I mean, growing up, did you ever feel Different? Well, yeah.

=> 我能問你一件事嗎?你知道嗎?我的意思是,長大後,你感覺有什麼不同嗎?那麼,是的。

Im deaf.

=> 我是聾人。


=> 毫米。

And, frankly I have been through a hell of a lot worse than this.

=> 坦率地說,我經歷了比這更糟糕的地獄。

Hey, uh, look, if you want to go to my school, Its fine.

=> 嘿,呃,看,如果你想去我的學校,那很好。


=> 好的。


=> 謝謝。

So what happens now? I cant switch families or anything like that.

=> 那麼現在會發生什麼?我不能改變家庭或類似的東西。

Plus, Im sure you dont want to move to toledo.

=> 另外,我相信你不想轉移到托萊多。

Whos moving to toledo? We have an uncle there.

=> 誰來托萊多?我們在那裡有一個叔叔。

He said we could move in.

=> 他說我們可以入住

My moms two months behind on rent.

=> 我的媽媽比租金落後了兩個月。

She keeps losing clients.

=> 她一直在失去客戶。

I think we might actually have to go this time.

=> 我想我們可能真的要走了。

Yeah, dad, I know.

=> 是的,爸爸,我知道。

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

I love you too.

=> 我也愛你。

See you in the morning.

=> 早上見。

Well, nobody invited me to the party, but ( gasps ) grandma, this is bay.

=> 好吧,沒有人邀請我參加派對,但(喘氣)奶奶,這是海灣。

Bay, this is Your grandma, I guess.

=> 灣,這是你的奶奶,我猜。

Iay, qué linda! Oh! Youre gorgeous! I cant believe Im part puerto rican.

=> 伊艾,林達!哦!你太美了!我不能相信我是波多黎各人的一部分。

Ive been taking french for nine years.

=> 我已經法語九年了。

( chuckles softly ) Youre here.

=> (輕聲輕笑)你在這裡。

Thank god.

=> 感謝上帝。

But you are in high school.

=> 但是你在高中。

What on earth are you doing ordering beer Under any circumstances? You deserve to get arrested.

=> 你在什麼地方訂購啤酒在任何情況下?你應該被捕。

You got arrested? Eh, what can I say? No one tells me anything.

=> 你被捕了?呃,我能說什麼?沒有人告訴我任何事情。

And running away by yourself? Do you know how freaked out we were? Yes.

=> 然後自己跑開你知道我們是怎麼嚇壞了嗎?是。

Ella es exactamente como t?o eras a su edad.

=> Ella es exactamente comot?sa su edad。

Es por eso que estoy preocupada.

=> Es por eso que estoy preocupada。

Between the spanish and the signing, Im lost.

=> 西班牙人和簽名之間,我迷路了。

She said you are just like I was At your age.

=> 她說你就像我在你這個年紀。

Are you really moving to toledo? I dont know.

=> 你真的移動到托萊多?我不知道。

Well see.

=> 我們拭目以待。

How are we gonna get to know each other If you live Well just have to make it work.

=> 我們怎麼去了解對方如果你活著我們只需要讓它工作。

But we will make it work.

=> 但是我們會讓它工作。

You are stuck with two mothers, Whether you like it or not.

=> 你被兩個媽媽困住了,不管你喜不喜歡。

( door closes ) ( gasps ) Regina did it.

=> (關門)(喘氣)里賈納做到了。


=> 哦。

Well, its very Temporary.

=> 那麼,這是非常臨時的。

Theyre clips.

=> 他們是剪輯。

( laughing ) thank god.

=> (笑)感謝上帝。

What happened to that thing on your nose? Uh, it was a sticker.

=> 你鼻子上發生了什麼事?呃,這是一個貼紙。

Honey, I love you.

=> 親愛的,我愛你。

But youre still in trouble for that fake I.

=> 但是你還在麻煩那個假的



I know! Mom? Mm-hm? You know that guest house that we hardly ever use? All this space.

=> 我知道!媽媽?嗯?你知道我們幾乎沒用過的賓館嗎?所有這些空間。

My boyfriend will finally have somewhere To rehearse his garage band.

=> 我的男朋友終於有地方排練他的車庫樂隊。


=> 哈。

We said no rules.

=> 我們沒有規定。

She doesnt even have a boyfriend.

=> 她甚至沒有男朋友。

( laughs softly ) Hi! Its fantastic up here.

=> (輕輕地笑)嗨!這裡真是太棒了。

Who is that? Absolutely lovely.

=> 那是誰?絕對可愛。

I am so excited.

=> 我很激動。

No, really.

=> 不完全是。

Who is that? Excuse me! What are you doing here? Not a rich white girl, huh? Its a long story.

=> 那是誰?打擾一下!你在這裡做什麼?不是一個富有的白人女孩,是吧?說來話長。

By the way, that dude magritte, hes pretty trippy.

=> 順便說一句,這個傢伙馬格利特,他很漂亮。

Whats with all the faceless guys? The hat.

=> 那些沒有面子的傢伙呢?帽子。


=> 蘋果。

Whats that all about? You looked it up.

=> 那是什麼意思?你查了一下

Listen, hot girls quote french to me all the time in back alleys.

=> 聽著,熱辣的女孩總是在後面的小巷裡向我引述法語。


=> 哦。

Did you guys meet? Bay, this is ty.

=> 你們見面了嗎?灣,這是ty。

Hesike my big brother.

=> 他喜歡我的大哥哥。

Not by blood, right? No.

=> 不是靠血的,對吧?沒有。


=> 好的。


=> 好。


=> 涼。

Nice to meet you, bay.

=> 很高興見到你,海灣。

See you around, ty.

=> 四處見

( laughs ) What? Regina, um Anything in the house is yours.

=> (笑)什麼?里賈納,這個房子里的任何東西都是你的。

The pantry and the refrigerator, and we have a full bar Im sober, kathryn.

=> 廚房和冰箱,我們有一個完整的酒吧,我清醒,凱瑟琳。

Ive been sober for 11 1/2 years.

=> 我已經清醒了11年半了。


=> 哦。

I-I didnt know.

=> 我 - 我不知道。

Of course you didnt.

=> 當然你沒有。

We dont know anything about each other, Except that we raised each others daughters.

=> 我們彼此不知道什麼,除了我們互相提起對方的女兒。

Yeah, but I-I was just saying-- look.

=> 是的,但我 - 我只是說 - 看。

We agreed to this arrangement so I could get to know bay And you could get to know daphne.

=> 我們同意這個安排,所以我可以知道灣,你可以了解達芙妮。

And, frankly, I could use the free rent.

=> 坦率地說,我可以使用免費的租金。

*** *** ****? ***

=> *** *** ****? ***


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