[美劇] 生死狙擊/Shooter 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 生死狙擊/Shooter 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
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Ryan Phillippe(《秘密與謊言 Secrets and Lies》)飾演前海軍陸戰隊狙擊手Bob Lee Swagger,他被召參與秘密任務,但途中卻被誤會是刺殺總統的兇手。
Cynthia Addai-Robinson飾演女主演FBI探員Nadine Memphis,是個充滿野心﹑有強大直覺的年輕FBI探員,[展開全文]
Ryan Phillippe(《秘密與謊言 Secrets and Lies》)飾演前海軍陸戰隊狙擊手Bob Lee Swagger,他被召參與秘密任務,但途中卻被誤會是刺殺總統的兇手。
Cynthia Addai-Robinson飾演女主演FBI探員Nadine Memphis,是個充滿野心﹑有強大直覺的年輕FBI探員,在局中是個新星,不過她的性格也在過去惹上麻煩。原本調查主角的案件是她升職的高速通道,但 她發現背後實際有被隱藏的陰謀,而因為和主角試圖拆破該陰謀,她因而被追殺並逼不得已下與主角組成同盟。該角色原本由Emily Rios飾演。
Omar Epps飾演Isaac Johnson,是前海軍陸戰隊,亦是Bob Lee Swagger的前指揮官。現在是個美國特勤局特工,他徵召主角參與秘密任務,卻引致主角被追殺。
David Marciano將飾演高級聯邦調查局特工John Renlow,Nadine Memphis(Rios飾)的搭檔,經過了一生仕途,他特別希望退休。早前演出《閃電俠 The Flash》的Shantel VanSanten飾演主角的妻子Julie Swagger,是個堅強的女子,在丈夫出征時,為女兒提供穩定生活。當辛苦工作的她等到主角回家後,卻發現美好的夢想被立即打破。
在《阿獃與阿瓜2 Dumb and Dumber To》演出的Tembi Locke,飾演循環角色FBI探員Claire Hopkins。Tom Sizemore飾演循環角色高級CIA特工Hugh Meachum,願意為自己國家保持國際地位而干任何事。
1 [wind blowing] [gunshot] BOB LEE: A bullet will kill you three ways.
=>1 [吹來的風] [槍聲] BOB LEE:子彈會殺死你三種方式。
The first way: extremities.
=> 第一種方法:四肢。
Miss a major artery and you got 10 to 20 minutes - before you bleed out.
=> 錯過一個大動脈,你有10到20分鐘 - 在流血之前。
- [gunshot] The second way: anywhere in the tens, center chest.
=> - [槍聲]第二種方式:任何地方在十幾個中心胸部。
The bullet will tumble, lots of bone to splinter, the heart or the arteries get hit, blood pressure drops to zero.
=> 子彈會翻滾,骨頭碎裂,心臟或動脈受到撞擊,血壓降至零。
[gunshot] The final way is the kill shot.
=> [槍聲]最後的方法是殺人槍殺。
Middle of the skull, any angle.
=> 頭骨的中間,任何角度。
Like a marionette with the strings cut, youre dead before your brain can process what happened.
=> 就像一根木偶切斷的琴弦,在你的大腦可以處理髮生的事情之前,你已經死了。
Guns change everything, and a bullet is forever.
=> 槍改變一切,子彈永遠。
[soft dramatic music] [water flowing] [birds and insects chirping] [heart beating slowly] [safety clicks] [heart beating slowly] [inhales slowly] - [gunshot] - [metal clangs] [distant indistinct chatter and laughter] [wolf snarls and growls] [wolf whines] Easy, easy.
=> [柔和的戲劇音樂] [水流] [鳥鳴聲] [心跳慢慢] [安全咔嗒] [心跳慢慢] [慢慢吸氣] - [槍聲] - [金屬鏗鏘聲] [遙遠的ind and聲和笑聲]狼咆哮和咆哮] [狼鞭子]簡單,容易。
Im not here to hurt you.
=> 我不是來傷害你的
[quietly] Yeah, there you go.
=> [安靜]是的,你去了。
Just a little something in case you get an infection.
=> 只是一點點,以防萬一你感染。
Be good to go in a day.
=> 一天去做好吧。
[approaching laughter] Hey, that wolf is ours.
=> [逼近的笑聲]嘿,那隻狼是我們的。
She might have a different opinion.
=> 她可能會有不同的意見。
What did you do to it? Tranquilizer, so I could get that trap off.
=> 你對它做了什麼?寧靜,所以我可以得到這個陷阱。
What you got there? What the hell are you doing? Let me guess, dentist? Orthodontist.
=> 你到了那裡?你到底在做什麼?讓我猜,牙醫?牙齒矯正。
What does that have to do with anything? .
=> 這與什麼有什麼關係? 。
223 Remington.
55 grain? You guys have no idea what Im talking about, do you? The kid at Walmart who sold you this crap shouldve told you.
=> 55粒?你們不知道我在說什麼,是嗎?沃爾瑪賣給你這個廢話的小孩應該告訴過你。
This bullet isnt powerful enough to take down anything bigger than a squirrel.
=> 這顆子彈不足以取下比松鼠更大的東西。
How bout this one? You think it has enough stopping power for you? Washington State doesnt allow trap hunting of wolves.
=> 這個怎麼樣?你覺得它有足夠的制止權力嗎?華盛頓州不允許陷阱狩獵狼。
But, even if it was legal, its a bullshit way to kill an animal like that.
=> 但是,即使是合法的,殺死這樣的動物也是一種廢話。
If youre gonna hunt, at least give the animal a chance.
=> 如果你要打獵,至少給動物一個機會。
Well, we aint giving out chances today, asshole.
=> 那麼今天呢,我們今天不放棄了。
[grunts] [both grunting] [dart gun fires] See how you like being hunted when you cant move.
=> [咕嚕聲] [既哼哼] [鏢槍火]看看你不能移動時喜歡被獵殺。
[grunts] [dramatic music] Im crawling up the walls and Im Im getting hit by squalls And the thing about you squaws is that, uh Daddy! Mama, Daddys home! - JULIE: Hes home? - MARY: Yeah.
=> [咕嚕聲] [戲劇性的音樂]我爬上了牆壁,我正在遭受暴風雨的襲擊而你們的事情是這樣的:爸爸!媽媽,爸爸的家! JULIE:他在家嗎?瑪麗:是的。
Yeah? [music ends] [car door opens and closes] BOB LEE: You save me any dinner, kitten-mouse? Mom said you were supposed to be bringing dinner.
=> 是嗎? [音樂結束] [車門打開和關閉] BOB LEE:你救了我吃晚餐,小貓鼠?媽媽說你應該帶晚餐
- Mom, Dad didnt get dinner.
=> 爸爸沒吃晚飯
- What? Do you think maybe hes pulling your leg? MARY: I dont know.
=> - 什麼?你覺得他是在拉你的腿嗎?瑪麗:我不知道。
Maybe? - Yeah, lets hope so.
=> 也許? - 是的,我們希望如此。
- [both chuckle] I found it.
=> - [兩個笑聲]我找到了。
Come on down and get it for your mom.
=> 來吧,給你的媽媽。
Go grab it.
=> 去抓住它。
I gotta put my tools away.
=> 我得把我的工具。
JULIE: Okay, honey.
=> 朱莉:好的,親愛的。
I got it all, right? Your orange chicken, egg rolls, and an extra sweet and sour sauce.
=> 我知道了,對吧?你的橙雞,蛋卷,和一個額外的糖醋醬。
=> 是啊。
I did see that.
=> 我確實看到了。
Im surprised though.
=> 我很驚訝。
You know, you went hunting all day, and all you shot me was Chinese takeout, huh? I had something, but I missed.
=> 你知道,你整天都在打獵,而你們所有的槍殺我都是中國人吃的,對吧?我有東西,但我錯過了。
=> 廢話。
You dont miss, Bob Lee.
=> 鮑勃李,你別錯過了。
- Missed you.
=> - 想你。
- Mm.
=> - 嗯
Bless us, oh, Lord, for these thy gifts, which were about to receive, from thy bounty through Christ our Lord.
=> 主啊,求你為我們將要接受的這些恩賜,借著你的恩賜,借著我們的主基督,祝福我們。
- BOTH: Amen.
=> - 兩個:阿門。
- Good job, honey.
=> - 好,親愛的
I think that was your best grace yet.
=> 我想那是你最好的恩典呢。
- You say that every night.
=> - 你每天晚上都說
- [laughs softly] He does, doesnt he? Cause you keep getting better.
=> - [輕輕地笑]他呢,不是嗎?因為你越來越好
- There you go.
=> - 你走了
- Dont you get bored all alone up there? Bored? How could I get bored in all that beautiful nature and animals and plants? And theres a million things to do out there.
=> - 你不覺得無聊嗎?無聊?我怎麼會厭倦所有美麗的大自然和動植物?那裡有一百萬件事情要做。
But theres no Internet.
=> 但是沒有互聯網。
- [laughs softly] - Exactly.
=> - [輕聲笑] - 確實如此。
Thats the whole point.
=> 這就是整個問題。
Thats why its Daddys happy place.
=> 這就是為什麼這是爸爸的快樂的地方。
[laughs] BOB LEE: Up the wooden hill.
=> BOB LEE:在木山上。
It is time for bed.
=> 現在是睡覺的時候了。
No, Daddy.
=> 不,爸爸
Yes, Mary.
=> 是的,瑪麗。
Ready? [grunts] Boom.
=> 準備? [咕嚕聲]轟隆。
Here, get under.
=> 在這裡,得到。
Story first.
=> 故事第一。
Oh, Im you know what? Your mommy really wants me to spend some time with her.
=> 哦,你知道嗎?你媽媽真的希望我能陪她一段時間。
Can we do story tomorrow? Please, please, please, Daddy.
=> 我們明天能做故事嗎?請,請,爸爸。
=> 好的。
- What do you wanna hear? - Kandahar! Oh, honey, Kandahar takes too long.
=> - 你想聽聽什麼? - 坎大哈!哦,親愛的,坎大哈需要很長的時間。
Tikrit? Fine, Basrah.
=> 提克里特?好吧,巴斯拉。
[quietly] Basrah.
=> [靜靜]巴斯拉。
Youve heard this one, like, six times.
=> 你曾經聽過這個,六次。
Then this will make seven.
=> 那麼這將使七。
All right.
=> 好吧。
So were going after Basan Al Amini.
=> 所以我們要追隨Basan Al Amini。
We got a small squad.
=> 我們有一個小隊
Donny and I were on recon.
=> Donny和我正在調查。
Night vision? We dont need night vision.
=> 夜間視力?我們不需要夜視。
Were Marines.
=> 我們是海軍陸戰隊員
Semper fi.
=> Semper fi。
Semper fi.
=> Semper fi。
Why dont you just use your Kung Fu to break it? Its not called Kung Fu, Mouse.
=> 你為什麼不用功夫來打破它呢?這不是所謂的功夫,老鼠。
Its not for cutting wood.
=> 這不是砍木頭。
[car approaches and stops] Whos that, Daddy? Can you go get Daddy an OJ? Please? - Go on.
=> [汽車接近和停靠]爸爸是誰?你能讓爸爸成為OJ嗎?請? - 繼續。
- [car door closes] Youve been parked up at the turnout for about an hour.
=> - [關門]您已經停在路邊約一個小時。
- Trying to make me nervous? - [chuckles] I thought snipers didnt get nervous? I said trying.
=> - 試圖讓我緊張? - [笑]我以為狙擊手不緊張?我說試試。
[chuckles softly] - Its good to see you, Gunny.
=> [輕聲輕笑] - 很高興見到你,Gunny。
- You too, Captain Johnson.
=> - 你也是,約翰遜船長。
Even though you were hard to track down.
=> 即使你很難追查。
Couldnt find any place more remote? I dont mind people.
=> 找不到更遠的地方?我不介意人。
I just like to see em coming.
=> 我只是想看到他們來。
[chuckles] You look good, Bob Lee.
=> [笑]你看起來不錯,鮑勃李。
Hows the hip? Dont think Ill be in Cirque Du Soleil anytime soon, but getting by.
=> 髖關節怎麼樣?不要以為我馬上就要去太陽馬戲團,但是過來。
Thats color of the day, right? [chuckles] Damn, you really dont miss a thing, do you? Turns out a guy who ran snipers for the Corps actually has some value.
=>那是當天的顏色吧? [笑]媽的,你真的不會錯過任何事情嗎?結果發現一個為軍團跑狙擊手的傢伙實際上有一定的價值。
Im on the Presidents advance team.
=> 我在總統的先遣隊。
All right.
=> 好吧。
You got a place we could talk, privately? Yeah, its down here.
=> 你有一個我們可以私下交談的地方?是的,它在這裡。
[chuckles] I see you are still a bleeding heart liberal.
=> [笑]我看你還是一個流血的心。
You never know when shits gonna get weird.
=> 你永遠不知道什麼時候該變得怪異。
[chuckles] What can I do for you, Captain? This is gonna be one of those conversations we never had.
=> [輕笑]船長,我能為你做些什麼?這將是我們從未有過的談話之一。
[zipper rasps] Ten days ago, a CIA agent was killed in Seneca State Forest, Virginia.
=> [拉鏈銼]十天前,一名中情局特工在弗吉尼亞州塞內卡州立森林中遇難。
He was shot by a sniper.
=> 他被一名狙擊手槍殺
We found the hide 1,400 yards away.
=> 我們發現了1400碼的皮。
- Damn.
=> - 該死的。
- No evidence of multiple shots.
=> - 沒有多個鏡頭的證據。
Damn, 1,400 yards.
=> 該死的,1400碼。
One shot, so he couldnt afford to miss.
=> 一桿,所以他不能錯過。
Lots of trees.
=> 很多樹木。
Three steps and the target would be behind the canopy, right? [dramatic music] That doesnt look like a .
=> 三個步驟和目標將在樹冠後面,對吧? [戲劇音樂]那看起來不像一個。
50 cal.
=> 。
338 based on the slug.
All right, so 3/4-mile shot through the woods.
=> 好吧,這樣3/4英里的路程就在樹林里。
You got humidity, vegetation, hell, even the rotation of the Earth could be a factor.
=> 你得到濕度,植被,地獄,甚至地球的旋轉可能是一個因素。
Boys a shooter.
=> 男孩是一個射手。
[gunshot] Oh, yeah, hes a shooter all right.
=> [槍聲]哦,是的,他是個射手。
This was written to the President.
=> 這是寫給總統的。
It states that in 21 days hell be executed at the Seattle Science and Robotic Center.
=> 它表示在21天內他將在西雅圖科學與機器人中心被處決。
The letter says, and I quote, "I am the angel of death.
=> 信中說,我引用「我是死亡的天使」。
No one can stop me.
=> 沒有人能阻止我。
" We believe this is from T.
=> Solotov。
Solotov? Are you fucking kidding me? No.
=> Solotov?你他媽在開玩笑嗎沒有。
What the hell is a Chechen sniper doing in Virginia? I dont know and right now I dont care.
=> 在弗吉尼亞州的車臣狙擊手究竟是什麼?我不知道,現在我不在乎。
My job is to protect the President.
=> 我的工作是保護總統。
Thats why Im here.
=> 這就是我來這裡的原因。
I gotta check on my daughter.
=> 我得檢查我的女兒。
Theres only a handful of shooters in the world who would take a shot from 3/4 of a mile away, much less a headshot, and make it, and youre one of em.
=> 世界上只有少數射手會從3/4英里的地方射中,更別說爆頭了,而且你是他們中的一員。
Thats why I need your help to stop him.
=> 這就是為什麼我需要你的幫助來阻止他。
You got plenty of smart guys around you.
=> 你周圍有很多聰明的人。
You gotta understand.
=> 你必須明白。
We get hundreds of threats a day against the President.
=> 我們每天都會對總統收到數百個威脅。
I dont have the resources to scout a shot taken 500 yards outside of our tier-three perimeter.
=> 我沒有足夠的資源去偵察我們在三級邊線以外500碼的射門。
Yeah, I got a handful of guys, but no one like you.
=> 是的,我有幾個人,但沒有人喜歡你。
Daddy, we gotta finish the porch before Mommy gets home.
=> 爸爸,媽媽回家之前我們要走完門廊。
Yeah, Ill be right there, honey.
=> 是的,我會在那裡,親愛的。
As you can see, Im kind of busy.
=> 正如你所看到的,我很忙。
What happened to you, Gunny? Im asking for your help.
=> Gunny,你怎麼了?我在尋求你的幫助
The President is asking.
=> 總統問。
Look, man nobody blames you for Donny getting shot, but you gotta put that shit behind you and move on.
=> 你看,沒有人責怪Donny被槍殺,但是你必須把那個狗屎放在你身後,繼續前進。
Ive moved on, Captain.
=> 我已經走了,船長。
Your country needs you, Bob Lee.
=> 鮑勃李,你的國家需要你。
MARY: What did he want? Ah, nothing, baby.
=> 瑪麗:他想要什麼?啊,沒什麼,寶貝。
[electronic music] [speaking Russian] [moaning] [dramatic music] Go get him.
=> [電子音樂] [講俄語] [呻吟] [戲劇音樂]去找他。
=> 悄悄。
All right, gentlemen, thats a green light.
=> 好的,先生們,這是一個綠燈。
MAN: Copy that.
=> 男:複製一下。
Come on, Mikey, how much longer? MIKEY: This is not as easy as it looks.
=> 來吧,Mikey,多久了? MIKEY:這不像看起來那麼簡單。
NADINE: I need it to be.
=> NADINE:我需要它。
- [tumbler clicks] - MIKEY: Got it.
=> - [翻轉者點擊] - MIKEY:明白了。
- [cell phone vibrates] - [suspenseful music] [man speaking Russian] FBI! Everybody down! [indistinct chatter] What the hell are you guys doing here? Dimitri? [Nadine speaking Russian] Hey, Dimitri! Dimitri! [both grunt] - How you doing? - FBI! Homeland, we got here first.
=> - [手機振動] - [懸念音樂] [男子講俄語] FBI!大家下來! [模糊的喋喋不休]你們在這裡幹什麼?迪米特里? [納丁說俄語]嘿,迪米特里!迪米特里! [咕嚕聲] - 你好嗎? - FBI!家鄉,我們先到這裡。
Could you point that thing somewhere else? [grunting and breathing heavy] [speaking Russian] Shut up.
=> 你能把這個東西指向別的地方嗎? [呼嚕呼吸沉重] [講俄語]閉嘴。
What? Oh, come on, thats six months of work youre loading into that van.
=> 什麼?哦,來吧,那是你裝上那輛車的六個月的工作。
Whats your name, Agent? Oh, my God, you Homeland guys are unbelievable.
=> 你叫什麼名字?哦,我的天啊,你們祖國的人真是難以置信。
I mean, at least let me talk to him first.
=> 我的意思是,至少讓我先和他談談。
I assume you called the Washington State Fusion Center got your ops plan on the war-board? So that no other federal agency would step on your toes? Isaac Johnson, Secret Service.
=> 我想你叫華盛頓州融合中心得到你的操作板在戰爭板的計劃?所以沒有其他的聯邦機構會踩你的腳趾?秘密服務艾薩克·約翰遜。
Let me get the admin on call.
=> 讓我打電話給管理員。
Im having a jurisdictional issue.
=> 我有一個管轄權問題。
Wait, wait, I didnt have time to get it on the war-board.
=> 等等,等等,我沒有時間把它放在戰爭板上。
Regardless, hes my asset.
=> 無論如何,他是我的資產。
At least tell me why you took him.
=> 至少告訴我為什麼你帶他。
Why do you want him? He told me he had time-sensitive intel.
=> 你為什麼要他?他告訴我,他有時間敏感的英特爾。
Intel on what? Voydian runs an illegal import business.
=> 英特爾什麼? Voydian經營非法進口業務。
You know what? I got a novel idea.
=> 你知道嗎?我有一個新的想法。
I mean, why dont we work together, you know? FBI, Secret Service, Homeland, were all on the same side, right? No.
=> 我的意思是,為什麼我們不一起工作,你知道嗎?聯邦調查局,特勤局,家園,我們都在同一方面,對嗎?沒有。
Let me see your shield.
=> 讓我看看你的盾牌。
Agent Memphis.
=> 代理孟菲斯。
So you cowboy into a known Russian mob establishment over illegal imports? Oh, you thought it was something bigger? Yeah, well, guess I was right since you just snatched him up.
=> 那麼你把牛仔變成了一個知名的俄羅斯暴民團體,非法進口?哦,你認為這是更大的東西?是的,呃,猜猜我剛剛把你抓起來是對的。
You gonna tell me why? No.
=> 你會告訴我為什麼?沒有。
Nice to meet you.
=> 很高興見到你。
[exhales] She went down like a rock.
=> 她吐了下來,像一塊石頭。
- Well, we worked hard today.
=> - 我們今天辛苦了
- Yeah.
=> - 是的。
Deck looks good.
=> 甲板看起來不錯。
Hey, I was gonna tell you.
=> 嘿,我要告訴你。
About? About Captain Johnson coming by.
=> 關於?關於約翰遜隊長來。
She just beat me to it.
=> 她只是打敗了我。
She said he offered you a job.
=> 她說他給了你一份工作。
Yeah, he said, uh, some sniper made a crazy threat against the President.
=> 是的,他說,呃,一個狙擊手對總統構成了瘋狂的威脅。
Wanted me to help him clear it.
=> 想要我幫他清除它。
Sniper who? Solotov? Jesus.
=> 狙擊手是誰? Solotov?耶穌。
[exhales] Listen, I know that you dont like to talk about this stuff, but what happened to Donny, I know that it still hurts you.
=> [呼氣]聽著,我知道你不喜歡談論這件事,但唐尼發生了什麼事,我知道它仍然傷害你。
Just let me in.
=> 讓我進來
Were ready to get after it.
Status change on the Chechen sniper? He could be everywhere or nowhere.
=> 車臣狙擊手的狀態變化?他可能無處不在。
Either way, were good to go.
=> 無論哪種方式,我們都很好。
You know they brought that asshole here to nail you, right? If hes keeping me from getting behind my rifle, he already has.
=> 你知道他們把這個混蛋釘在這裡釘了你,對吧?如果他阻止我從我的步槍後面,他已經有了。
Im not doing anybody any favors PT-ing all day.
=> 我一整天都沒有做任何好事。
Youre not doing any favors if you get yourself kild eith.
=> 如果你得到自己的愛,你就沒有什麼好處。
Yes, sir.
=> 是的先生。
You and Donny ready for the green light? 100%, sir.
=> 你和Donny準備好了綠燈?先生,100%
Consider it lit.
=> 考慮點燃。
Hey, stay dangerous.
=> 嘿,保持危險。
Yes, sir! Time to hunt, Pork.
=> 是的先生!時間去打獵,豬肉。
Damn, finally.
=> 該死的,終於。
Whats the plan? Overwatch for Delta.
=> 計劃是什麼?三角洲的守望者。
We got a four klick hump to our number one.
=> 我們得到了第一名。
Four, thats all? Thought this was gonna be hard.
=> 四,就是這樣?以為這會很難。
At this rate, Ima die of old age.
=> 以這樣的速度,我已經老死了。
Thats the best way to die.
=> 這是最好的死亡方式。
All right, get your shit in one bag and lets go.
=> 好,把你的狗屎放在一個袋子里,讓我們走吧。
All right, all right.
=> 好的,好的。
Its about damn time, gentlemen.
=> 這是該死的時間,先生們。
MAN: Pork gonna get some.
=> 男人:豬肉會得到一些。
BOB LEE: Donny had a saying.
=> 鮑勃李:唐尼有一個說法。
"A bullet is forever.
=> 「子彈是永遠的。
" And one day Im like, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" And he just smiles and says, "Youll see.
" So were in this shitty pile of rocks outside of Kandahar.
[gravel crunching] BOB LEE: Slow down, Donny.
=> 鮑勃李:慢下來,唐尼。
We heard Solotov was nearby, but wed been camped out for, like, a week and nothing.
=> 我們聽到索洛托夫在附近,但是我們一直在露營,就像一個星期沒有任何東西。
DONNY: Could have exited from either side of the compass.
=> 多尼:本來可以從指南針的兩邊退出。
Besides, theres been nothing on the infrared for week.
=> 此外,一周的紅外線沒有任何東西。
No man lays still for that long.
=> 沒有人為此擱下這麼久。
Yeah, you wanna bet your life on that? Im a Marine.
=> 是的,你想打賭你的生活?我是海軍陸戰隊員
Im already betting my life.
=> 我已經在賭我的生活了。
Donny wanted to go south.
=> 唐尼想要南下。
It was faster.
=> 速度更快
My gut said we go north.
=> 我的直覺說我們去北方。
BOB LEE: All right, go north.
=> 鮑勃李:好的,往北走。
DONNY: Youre The Nailer.
=> DONNY:你是The Nailer。
I told you not to call me that.
=> 我告訴過你不要給我打電話
Id love it if somebody would call me something cool.
=> 如果有人會叫我很酷,我會喜歡它。
You dont like Pork? Porks cool.
=> 你不喜歡豬肉?豬肉很酷。
Youve had three spotters.
=> 你有三個觀眾
You called all of them Pork.
=> 你叫他們所有的豬肉。
Its easy to remember.
=> 這很容易記住。
I dont even like bacon.
=> 我甚至不喜歡培根。
- All right, Im going first.
=> - 好的,我先走了。
- No, no, no.
=> - 不不不。
BOB LEE: Im not making that call to your mama.
=> BOB LEE:我沒有打給你媽媽。
After me, Pork.
=> 在我之後,豬肉。
[ominous music] I heard it before I felt it.
=> [不祥的音樂]在我感覺到之前我聽到了。
[gunshot] Ah! [grunts] Solotov misjudged the wind, but he recalculated for a second shot.
=> [槍聲]啊! [咕嚕聲]索羅托夫誤判風,但他重新計算了第二槍。
[voice echoing] Donny, no! [gunshot] He was dead before he fell.
=> [語氣迴響]唐尼,不! [槍聲]他在摔倒前死了。
Donny! Donny was right.
=> 唐尼!唐尼是對的。
[exhales deeply] A bullet is forever.
=> [深呼出]子彈是永遠的。
He died because I trusted my gut.
=> 他死了,因為我信任我的直覺。
No, he didnt.
=> 不,他沒有。
He died because Solotov shot him.
=> 他死了,因為索洛托夫開槍。
That wasnt your fault.
=> 那不是你的錯。
Look I love you, and I would never tell you how to live your life, but maybe the best way to put this behind you is pay back the favor.
=> 看我愛你,我永遠不會告訴你如何過你的生活,但也許最好的辦法把你的背後,是回報的青睞。
Punch Solotovs ticket.
=> 打索羅托夫的票。
And what if my instincts are wrong? Then you adjust your dope and you fire again.
=> 如果我的直覺是錯誤的呢?然後你調整你的塗料,你再次開火。
I love it when you talk sexy.
=> 當你說話性感時我喜歡它。
Prove it.
=> 證明給我看。
ISAAC: Jack Payne, Bob Lee Swagger.
=> ISAAC:Jack Payne,Bob Lee Swagger。
Paynes Counter-terrorism.
=> 佩恩的反恐。
Hes our Solotov expert.
=> 他是我們的索洛托夫專家。
Your paperwork is still moving, but I dont wanna lose a day.
=> 你的文書工作仍在進行,但我不想失去一天。
We consider this a real threat.
=> 我們認為這是一個真正的威脅。
Motorcade stops there.
=> 車隊停在那裡。
Dignitaries and special visitors at the rope line.
=> 繩索線上的貴賓和特殊訪客。
Hell shake a few hands? Yeah, but we got that covered.
=> 他會動手幾下?是的,但我們得到了覆蓋。
Agents around him and in the crowd.
=> 在他周圍的代理人和人群中。
Consider it 15 seconds from the Beast to the podium.
=> 考慮從野獸到講台15秒。
How are you protecting his six? Triple thick bulletproof backdrop behind him.
=> 你怎麼保護他的六個?身後有三層厚厚的防彈背景。
Itll stop anything.
=> 它會阻止任何事情。
He presents with the Ukrainian president, then they take a tour inside.
=> 他向烏克蘭總統呈現,然後他們在裡面參觀。
Since Solotov warned you, why not cancel? [chuckles] If we cancelled every credible threat we got, hed never leave the White House.
=> 自索羅托夫警告你以後,為什麼不取消? [輕笑]如果我們取消了每一個可信的威脅,他都不會離開白宮。
They schedule him, I secure him.
=> 他們安排他,我保證他。
Thats the drill.
=> 這是演習。
Even if we could move it, we want Solotov, so if hes gonna be here, lets figure out where.
=> 即使我們可以移動它,我們也要索羅托夫,所以如果他要來這裡,我們來弄清楚在哪裡。
Now, Flashlights route wont be made public till the day before, so He doesnt need to know the route.
=> 現在,手電筒的路線將不會公布到前一天,所以他不需要知道路線。
He knows where it ends.
=> 他知道它在哪裡結束。
Hes not gonna take a shot at the Presidents limo.
=> 他不會對總統的豪華轎車開一槍。
It might as well be a tank.
=> 這可能是一個坦克。
Solotovs not gonna take any chances.
=> 索洛托夫不會拿任何機會。
If hes hunting, hes gonna wait for his shot and itll be perfect.
=> 如果他打獵,他會等待他的投籃,這將是完美的。
And thats exactly why I need you, Bob Lee.
=> 這就是為什麼我需要你,鮑勃李。
Youre the only one who can neutralize him.
=> 你是唯一能夠抵消他的人。
I need a complete workup.
=> 我需要一個完整的檢查。
Distances, location possibilities, everything.
=> 距離,位置可能性,一切。
Weve got some nice range tech, too.
=> 我們也有一些很好的射程技術。
I can set you up.
=> 我可以安排你
Without firing his rifle, most of itll be educated guessing.
=> 沒有射擊他的步槍,大部分將被教育猜測。
[scoffs] Shit, Bob Lee, your educated guess is better than most.
=> [嘲笑]狗屎,鮑勃李,你的教育猜測比大多數人都好。
JACK: We got these 12 hours ago.
=> JACK:我們在12小時前拿到了這些。
[soft dramatic music] Say hello to T.
=> [柔和的戲劇音樂]向T問好
=> Solotov。
Thats the only known photo of him, taken from a drone over the Sudan.
=> 這是他從蘇丹的一架無人駕駛飛機上拍攝的唯一的照片。
Drone wasnt even supposed to be there.
=> 無人機甚至不應該在那裡。
The pilot was taking the scenic route home, caught it by accident.
=> 飛行員正在風景秀麗的路上回家,發生意外。
[chuckles] Modified Saber-Forsst.
=> [笑]修改Sabre-Forsst。
- Damn.
=> - 該死的。
- We rebuilt it from the photo.
=> - 我們從照片重建了它。
Right down to his custom optics.
=> 直到他的定製光學。
Well ship it to you.
=> 我們將它運送給你。
All right, Ill get the ammo and start shooting right away.
=> 好的,我會得到彈藥,馬上開始射擊。
Ill check in in a couple days.
=> 我會在幾天內登記入住。
Sooner the better.
=> 越快越好。
[exhales] So thats the great "Bob The Nailer", huh? He dont seem like much.
=> [呼氣]所以這是偉大的「鮑勃釘槍」,是吧?他似乎不太多。
There was this, uh, girls school in Afghanistan, three miles south of Jupar.
=> 阿富汗女王學校有這個呃Jupar以南三英里的地方。
You know what the Taliban does to young girls in Afghanistan trying to get an education.
Bob Lee and his spotter could have simply moved on.
=> 鮑勃·李(Bob Lee)和他的觀察者可以簡單地繼續前進。
No one would have ever known they were there.
=> 沒有人會知道他們在那裡。
Instead, he took on 200 Taliban over 46 hours.
=> 相反,他在46個小時內接了200名塔利班。
Moving and shooting.
=> 移動和拍攝。
Didnt sleep, didnt eat, just hunted.
=> 沒有睡覺,沒有吃,只是追捕。
51 kills, all command level.
=> 所有命令級別殺死51個。
And that girls school? Its still there to this day.
=> 那女孩的學校?它仍然在那裡直到今天。
[chuckles] Taliban wont go near it.
=> [輕笑]塔利班不會走近它。
They say its cursed.
=> 他們說這是詛咒。
Underestimate Bob Lee Swagger at your own peril.
=> 低估Bob Lee Swagger自己的危險。
Hes the real deal.
=> 他是真正的交易。
Loneliness is an awful thing Im losing my place Take me to where the caviar sing And Im leavin without a trace And I will keep, keep, keep Keep movin, movin, movin on my own Yeah Memories dry my tears Even if Im a jerk And I will keep, keep, keep Keep movin, movin, movin on my own Keep, keep, keep, keep Nadine, can I see you a minute? On my own, yeah I had a nice chat with a friend at the Secret Service.
=> 寂寞是一件可怕的事情我失去了我的地方帶我到魚子醬唱歌的地方而我離開沒有一絲痕迹我會保持,保持,保持繼續向前,往前,向我自己是回憶干記憶干我的眼淚即使我是一個混蛋我會保持,保持,保持繼續保持向前,向前,向我自己保持,保持,保持,保持納丁,我能看到你一分鐘嗎?就我個人而言,是的,我和秘密處的一位朋友聊了起來。
Sir, those Homeland guys are always yelling national security whenever theyre snaking a bust.
=> 主席先生,這些祖國的人總是在國家安全的時候大肆吹噓。
I worked Dimitri Voydian for six months.
=> 我曾經在Dimitri Voydian工作了六個月。
Did you know he was Russian FSB? Sent over this morning, courtesy of Homeland.
=> 你知道他是俄羅斯FSB嗎?今天早上送到國土的禮節。
Russia said he was disavowed right around the time you two met.
=> 俄羅斯說,他們在你們兩人見面的時候就被拒絕了。
He was handling security for a small sect of the Bratva feeding us intel on rival gangs.
=> 他正在處理布拉特瓦的一個小派系的安全問題,我們在競爭對手的幫派中給我們提供了英特爾。
Nadine, if it got out that the FBI was helping a Russian spy Homeland did us a favor.
=> 納丁,如果說聯邦調查局幫助俄羅斯間諜國土幫了我們一個忙。
Look, Voydian called me, said he had information that was gonna get him killed.
=> 看,Voydian打電話給我說,他有消息說要殺了他。
He said he would only give it to me.
=> 他說只會交給我
He was desperate.
=> 他絕望了。
Like I dont have enough trouble with this mess? And now you want to open a new investigation because you got egg on your face? Sit down.
=> 就像我沒有足夠的麻煩,這個爛攤子?現在你想打開一個新的調查,因為你的臉上有雞蛋?坐下。
Do me a favor.
=> 幫我個忙。
Do something you dont normally do.
=> 做一些你通常不會做的事情。
Listen to me and do not get involved in this Voydian mess.
=> 聽我說,不要捲入這個Voydian混亂。
Thats an order.
=> 這是一個命令。
Youre right.
=> 你是對的。
Youve given me multiple chances.
=> 你給了我很多機會。
You deserve better.
=> 你理應獲得更好的。
Im sorry.
=> 對不起。
Stop, youre not any good at that.
=> 停下來,你不是那麼擅長。
- At what? - Kissing ass.
=> - 什麼? - 親吻屁股。
Oh, and since youre so happy to work with the Secret Service, they sent this.
=> 哦,既然你很高興能夠與秘密處合作,他們發送了這個。
Presidents visit means they prioritize potential threats into three groups.
=> 總統的訪問意味著他們將潛在威脅分為三組。
Those are the Charlies.
=> 那些是Charlies。
So the least threatening.
=> 所以最沒有威脅。
Mainly, any wacko with an email account.
=> 主要是,任何與電子郵件帳戶的怪人。
If someone seems off, send it to me and Ill pass it along.
=> 如果有人出現,請將它發送給我,我會傳遞給他。
Oh, and they need to be cleared.
=> 哦,他們需要清除。
Oh, and Nadine? I know youre trying.
=> 哦,納丁?我知道你在努力
I appreciate it, but you need to try harder.
=> 我很感激,但是你需要更加努力。
[indistinct chatter] [soft dramatic music] [bells jingle] HENRY: Here are the shells.
=> [模糊的喋喋不休] [柔和的戲劇性的音樂] [鐘聲叮噹]亨利:這是炮彈。
Good luck with the bird.
=> 祝你好運。
Good to see you, Bob Lee.
=> 很高興見到你,鮑勃李。
Got your regular order right here.
=> 在這裡得到你的正常訂單。
Not today, Henry.
=> 亨利,今天不是。
Im trying out a new rifle.
=> 我正在嘗試新的步槍。
You got any .
=> 你有什麼
338 Lapua Magnum? Sure we do.
Might need some powder and some .
=> 可能需要一些粉末和一些。
338 bullets too.
Well take care of that.
=> 我們會照顧的。
[Muses "Psycho"] Love It will get you nowhere You are on your own - Lost in the wild - - - So come to me now I could use someone like you Someone wholl kill on my command And asks no questions Im gonna make you, Im gonna break you Im gonna make you A fucking psycho A fucking psycho - - Ha ha, a fucking psycho Your ass belongs to me now Oh Your mind is just a program And Im the virus - - Im changing the station - - Ill improve your thresholds - Ill turn you into a super drone - - - A super drone Im gonna make you Im gonna break you - Im gonna make you - A fucking psycho [heart beating slowly] [inhales slowly] [gunshot] I know how hes gonna do it.
=> [繆斯的「心理」]愛它會讓你無處你自己 - 在野外迷失 - - - 現在來找我,我可以使用像你這樣的人有人會殺了我的命令而且沒有問我米會讓你,我要打破你我要讓你一個他媽的精神病他媽的精神病 - - 哈哈,他媽的精神病你的屁股現在屬於我哦,你的頭腦只是一個程序而我是病毒 - 我正在改變車站 - 我會提高你的門檻 - 我會把你變成一個超級無人駕駛飛機 - - 超級無人駕駛飛機我要讓你我會打破你 - 我會讓你 - 一個他媽的心理[慢慢地心跳] [慢慢地吸氣] [槍聲]我知道他要怎麼做。
[quietly] Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
=> [安靜地]雹馬利亞,充滿恩典,主與你同在。
Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
=> 你在婦女中是有福的,你的子孫耶穌是有福的。
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
=> 聖母馬利亞,上帝之母,為我們的罪人祈禱,現在和我們死亡的時刻。
=> 阿門。
[cell phone buzzes] [sighs] [soft tense music] - - [sighs] ISAAC: This better be good, Agent Memphis.
=> [手機嗡嗡聲] [嘆氣] [柔和的音樂] - [嘆氣] ISAAC:這更好,孟菲斯代理。
Weve got 100 different threats to clear by tomorrow.
=> 明天我們有100個不同的威脅要清除。
NADINE: I did some looking around, and I think Im onto something.
=> NADINE:我做了一些四處張望,我想我正在做一些事情。
What you got for me, Agent? NADINE: I know Voydian was FSB.
=> 代理商為我提供了什麼? NADINE:我知道Voydian是FSB。
I wasnt sure if it was tied to your investigion, especially with the upcoming presidential visit.
=> 我不確定這是否與你的調查相關,特別是即將舉行的總統訪問。
You could have kept this FBI, whyd you call me? Figured itd be helpful.
=> 你可以保留這個聯邦調查局,你為什麼打給我?認為這將是有益的。
And you want to get out of the Seattle Field Office.
=> 你想離開西雅圖外地辦事處。
I read your file.
=> 我讀你的文件。
You shot a hostage at the Umbauqa Bank.
=> 你在Umbauqa銀行槍擊人質
It was a good shooting, and Ive more than paid for it.
=> 這是一個很好的拍攝,我已經付出了很多。
All right, Agent Memphis.
=> 好的,孟菲斯代理。
Ill have my office reach out when I get back to DC.
=> 當我回到特區時,我會讓我的辦公室伸手。
See if we can find you some room.
=> 看看我們能否找到你的房間。
If whatever you found is worth something.
=> 如果你發現什麼是值得的。
Thank you, sir.
=> 謝謝你,先生。
[quietly speaking in Russian] NADINE: The last time Voydian and I talked, he was nervous about something.
=> [用俄語悄悄地說] NADINE:我和Voydian最後一次交談,他對某事感到緊張。
It was bigger than imports.
=> 這比進口還大。
Before you guys took him away, he left information for me.
=> 在你們把他帶走之前,他給我留下了資料。
He hid it in one of the massage rooms.
=> 他把它藏在一間按摩室里。
Theyre all written by the same journalist, Karlyna Ordenko.
=> 他們都是由同一位記者Karlyna Ordenko撰寫的。
According to her, the Russians are getting ready to stage something big.
BOB LEE: The Presidents motorcade enters the kill zone at 12:34 [siren whoops] Off 4th and then onto the turnout - before coming to a stop.
=> BOB LEE:總統的車隊在12點34分進入殺戮區[警笛]闖關,然後進站。
- [tires squeal] [cheers and applause] Hell exit the Beast, followed by the Ukrainian president, shake a few hands, then make his way to the podium where hell speak for approximately seven minutes.
=> - [尖叫聲] [歡呼聲和掌聲]他將離開野獸,隨後烏克蘭總統,動搖幾個手,然後前往講台,他將講約七分鐘。
Might as well be seven years for a sniper.
=> 對於一名狙擊手來說,可能還要七年。
Knowing exactly where the President will be standing gives Solotov an advantage thats almost unbeatable.
=> 確切地知道總統將站在哪裡給索羅托夫一個幾乎無與倫比的優勢。
Its gonna have your team doubling, tripling security, covering every angle of attack, which is why hes not gonna take the shot there.
=> 這會讓你的球隊翻倍,提高三倍的安全性,覆蓋每一個攻擊角度,這就是為什麼他不會在那裡投籃。
Hes gonna take the shot here, the moment he gets out of his limo.
=> 他從他的豪華轎車裡出來的那一刻就要開槍了。
No, Swagger, that thats not possible.
=> 不,哇,這是不可能的。
Let him continue, Payne.
=> 讓他繼續,佩恩。
[exhales] The human head is roughly 22 inches in circumference.
=> [呼氣]人體頭部周長約22英寸。
The gap from his limo to the rope line is 3 yards.
=> 從他的豪華轎車到繩索的距離是3碼。
Presidents gait makes that 2 1/2 steps.
=> 總統的步態使這2 1/2步驟。
At 1,000 yards, the shooter has almost two full seconds to make the shot.
=> 在1000碼處,射手有將近兩秒的時間來投籃。
It is the best location hands down.
=> 這是最好的位置傳下來。
[bullet whistles] Solotovs not gonna take that shot.
=> [子彈口哨]索羅托夫不會拿那個鏡頭。
Because youre moving in a giant flag as an obstruction.
=> 因為你正在用一面巨大的國旗作為障礙物。
Hanging from a crane across Denny Way.
=> 從起重機吊在丹尼路上。
That was classified.
=> 這是分類。
Howd you find out? The same way Solotov will, by doing my homework.
=> 你怎麼知道的?索洛托夫也會這樣做,做我的作業。
On top of this parking garage, at 1,400 yards, he has no obstructions to the motorcade stop, but hes gotta shoot fast.
=> 在這個停車場的頂部,在1400碼處,他沒有障礙的車隊停止,但他必須快速射擊。
He can pre-rig the mount to the exact height as long as he stops in the right spot.
=> 只要他在正確的位置停下來,他就可以預先將坐騎預先安裝到確切的高度。
No way hes getting away.
=> 沒有辦法,他走了。
Weve got air, ground.
=> 我們有空氣,地面。
He wouldnt get ten feet.
=> 他不會有十英尺
And Solotov has no history of mobile hits.
=> 索洛托夫沒有移動點擊的歷史。
Whatever you think you know about Solotov, he knows ten times about you.
=> 無論你認為你對索洛托夫有什麼了解,他都知道你十次。
Hes a master sniper.
=> 他是高手狙擊手
The guy has worked in the worst conditions mankind has ever created, under all kinds of heavy fire with one goal: to kill his target.
=> 這個傢伙曾經在人類創造的最惡劣的條件下工作,在各種各樣的大火下一個目標:殺死他的目標。
He knows the window around the event, he knows the Secret Service schedule, he knows the perimeters, and he knows the exact moment to take the shot, and hes gonna take it from here.
=> 他知道事件周圍的窗口,他知道特勤局的日程安排,他知道周界,他知道拍攝的確切時間,他會從這裡拿走。
1,580 yards, line of sight to the President for a full three seconds, wide enough so the wind wont be a surprise.
=> 1580碼,視線向主席整整三秒鐘,足夠寬,這樣的風不會是一個驚喜。
Got Solotov here shooting low, sunlight behind him so the targets well lit.
=> 索羅托夫在這裡射擊低,陽光在他身後,所以目標很好。
Hell be out the door before you hear the shot.
=> 聽到槍聲,他會走出門外。
But he wont shoot through glass.
=> 但他不會通過玻璃射擊。
Itll screw with trajectory.
=> 它會隨著軌跡而旋轉。
Small wired charges will break the window timed to the shot.
=> 小額的有線電視將打破時間到拍攝的窗口。
No onell hear the glass until its too late.
=> 沒有人會聽到玻璃,直到為時已晚。
- [quiet explosion] - [glass clatters] - [gunshot] - [bullet whistles] Thats how its gonna go down.
=> - [安靜的爆炸] - [玻璃碎片] - [槍聲] - [子彈口哨]這就是它會下降。
The President appreciates you jumping in.
=> 總統讚賞你跳進去。
If youre available, I know hed like to thank you personally.
=> 如果你有空,我知道他想親自謝謝你。
That wont be necessary, Captain.
=> 船長,這不是必要的。
- Im happy to help.
=> - 我很樂意幫忙
- Trust me.
=> - 相信我。
He wont take "no" for an answer.
=> 他不會採取「不」的答案。
Payne, get your team ready.
=> 佩恩,讓你的團隊準備好。
You guys can prep here.
=> 你們可以在這裡準備。
Im gonna get the man who shot you, Bob Lee.
=> 鮑勃·李(Bob Lee),我會得到那個開槍的人。
Yes, sir.
=> 是的先生。
Something wrong? No, I must have left the light on.
=> 有問題?不,我一定已經把燈關了。
- Here.
=> - 這裡。
- Okay.
=> - 好的。
=> 是的。
Im gonna go turn it off.
=> 我要去把它關掉。
[soft suspenseful music] [knocks on door] Hey, did you get my Charlie list? Three names.
=> [軟的懸疑音樂] [敲門]嘿,你有沒有收到我的查理名單?三個名字。
Passed em on last night.
=> 昨天晚上通過了他們。
Something wrong? Yeah, there was one guy on the list, ex-Marine, seemed off.
=> 有問題?是的,名單上有一個人,前海軍陸戰隊員,似乎沒有。
I didnt see any Marine.
=> 我沒有看到任何海軍陸戰隊。
Its just that he was it was odd that he was being considered a Charlie.
=> 他只是被認為是查理而已,實在是太古怪了。
His record was completely clean, sparkling.
=> 他的紀錄完全乾凈,閃閃發光。
=> 是啊。
Anyway, you going to this thing? No, Ive met the President.
=> 無論如何,你要去這個東西?不,我見過總統。
Um, they say they need bodies on the outer perimeter.
=> 嗯,他們說他們需要外圍的身體。
- You wanna help out? - I have a bunch of stuff Ill forward this to you, okay? You can close the door on the way out.
=> - 你想幫忙嗎? - 我有一堆東西,我會轉發給你,好嗎?您可以在出門時關上門。
[dramatic music] [siren wailing] - [indistinct voice over radio] - Flashlight is three minutes out.
=> [戲劇音樂] [警笛哀號] - [無線電模糊的聲音] - 手電筒是三分鐘。
Try to relax a little.
=> 盡量放鬆一下。
Its exciting just to be here.
=> 在這裡真是令人興奮。
Lets move back a little.
=> 讓我們稍微回顧一下。
If we do that, were gonna be sitting on our front porch watching.
=> 如果我們這樣做,我們會坐在前廊看著。
I think we can see better from over there.
=> 我想我們可以從那邊看到更好的。
Come on.
=> 來吧。
[siren sounding] Flashlight is one minute out.
=> [警笛聲]手電筒是一分鐘。
[helicopter blades whirring] [patriotic music] [cheers and applause] [United States Marine Bands "Hail to the Chief"] Is everything okay? Somethings wrong.
=> [直升機刀片呼呼] [愛國音樂] [歡呼和掌聲] [美國海軍樂隊的「向首領致敬」]一切都好嗎?有什麼不對
They shoulda had him by now.
=> 他們現在應該有他。
[cell phone rings] - Hello? - JACK: Its Payne.
=> [手機響起] - 你好?傑克:這是佩恩。
- Hes not here.
=> - 他不在這兒。
- What? Hes not here.
=> - 什麼?他不在這兒。
No Solotov, no gun, no nothing.
=> 沒有索羅托夫,沒有槍,沒有什麼。
Oh, no.
=> 不好了。
[sirens sounding] [cheers and applause] - Get out of here, now.
=> [警笛聲] [歡呼聲和掌聲] - 現在離開這裡。
- What? - Go, just go! - No, Bob Lee, where are you going? [suspenseful music] I made a mistake.
=> - 什麼? - 走吧,走吧! - 鮑勃李,你要去哪裡? [懸疑音樂]我犯了一個錯誤。
Hes gonna use charges to drop the flag.
=> 他會用收費來降旗。
Hes in location "A.
=> 他在位置「A.
" You gotta call Johnson.
- JACK: Youre breaking up.
=> 傑克:你分手了。
- Call him! [cheers and applause] [indistinct chatter over radio] [wood crashes] MAN: just arriving.
=> - 給他打電話! [歡呼聲和掌聲] [通過無線電模糊的喋喋不休] [木崩潰]男子:剛到。
We can see his car.
=> 我們可以看到他的車。
We dont know where the shot came from.
We cant see whos been hit, but the Secret Service are surrounding the convoy.
=> 我們看不到誰被擊中,但特勤局正在車隊周圍。
We are trying to get a clear picture of whats going on, but the scene is absolute chaos.
=> 我們試圖弄清楚發生了什麼,但現場是絕對的混亂。
Hey, Swagger.
=> 嘿,Sw。
MARY: What did he want? [slow-motion gunshot] [high-pitched ringing] [grunts and gasps] [groaning and coughing] - [gun cocks] - Stay on the ground, now! Hands behind your head! - Do it! - My name is Bob Lee Swagger! I did not kill the President! [breathing heavily]
=> 瑪麗:他想要什麼? [慢動作的槍聲] [高調的響聲] [咕嚕咕嚕聲] [呻吟和咳嗽] - [槍聲] - 現在停留在地上!手在你的頭後面! - 做吧! - 我叫Bob Lee Swagger!我沒有殺死總統! [沉重地呼吸]
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