


In 「Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses,」 Louis Althusser writes about Repressive State Apparatuses (RSAs). Although RSAs involve ideology, ideological interpellation takes place primarily through Ideological State Apparatuses (ISAs), according to Althusser. What is interpellation and how does it relate to Ideological State Apparatuses?





Since 「the existence of ideology and the hailing or interpellation of individuals as subjects are one and the same thing」, based on the material existence of ideology, Althusser argues that 「ideology interpellates individuals as subjects」 (118, 115).

「Interpellation」 originally means 「being called by the policemen for questioning」 in French.



To define the concept of interpellation in terms of ideology and subjects, Althusser first points out the most concrete scenario in life: a knock on the door. Someone knocks on the door and you asks 「Who』s there」 to which your friend answers 「It』s me」 (117).

Because of your acquaintance, you recognize each other as friends and both people are constituted as subjects of the reciprocal presence.


There is also an ideological presence of friendship, an idea promoted by ISAs, without which the recognition would not take place. )




Basically speaking, interpellation occurs when individual reacts to a representation: 「Yes it is me」. Althusser borrows this term to illustrate the mechanism through which Ideological State Apparatuses (ISAs) interact with individuals.

Whereas RSAs function primarily through violence and coercion, ISAs function primarily through ideology, a non-violent control. ISAs include families, educational institutions, mass media, advertisements, etc.

These ISA give people a sense of identities which leads them to see themselves as originate individuals, but in fact their ideas are shaped by ISAs.


For example, a housewife does the housework for the whole family for decades, receiving no monetary rewards in return. Only because the housewife believes she loves her family and takes the social ideological notion of 「love」 as a law of 「obviousness」 does she insist on contributing to the family without a word of complaint.








由此,家庭婦女接受自己女人、妻子或母親的身份,和因為愛而照顧家庭的責任。但是殘酷的事實是,她把沒有回報的重複性勞動認為是理所當然的,而這只是披著社會意識形態中「愛」的外衣的(一 種 剝 削)。

In a Christian society, repeating such a quote or the like from the Bible 「love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things[; love] never ends」 could interpellate the housewife into a subject who recognizes herself as a woman, a wife or a mother who should care for the family out of love (Corinthians 13:4-8).

But it is a brutal fact that she takes it for granted the unwaged reproductive labor under the guise of social ideological notion of 「love」.




In this sense, Althusser challenges the idea that people are agents who create meanings on the base of their acts. Rituals give ideology its power: by repeating the practices, people come to perform ideology.

In the example of the housewife, the Bible creates an imaginary relationship of the housewife to her real conditions of existence. Ideology acts and functions in a way 「recruits」: embedded in the social world, people are constantly being recruited and transformed.





In addition to the scheme of capitalist exploitation which Marxists are obsessed with, interpellation applies to ISAs in other situations as well. Imagine you are driving on the highway right at the speed limit when you suddenly see a police car. Your heart skips a beat as the question flashed through your mind: am I overspeed?

In this case, even if you are innocent, you are already accepting the fact that guilty or innocent is a condition that a person can be. The police as a form of ISA is interpellated into the ideology and provokes your impulsive reaction of nervousness. You recognize yourself as a citizen and driver who conforms to the law: you recognize yourself as a potentially guilty person.

No matter if you are actually overspeed or if you think you are, which are just variations of the same scene, on sight of the police car, you experience a recognition (or misrecognition) of yourself and by yourself. Even if you misrecognize yourself, you already accept the terms that ideology is providing by all means.

Thus you cannot escape the fact that ideology interpellates you as a subject, which is how Ideological State Apparatuses function.

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