
[美劇] 德古拉/Dracula 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 德古拉/Dracula 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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1 - (THUDDING) - (METAL HITTING STONE) (GROANING) (GRUNTS) SHADOW MAN: After all these long years How famished you must be.

=>1 - (打瞌睡) - (打金屬石)(草莓)(草藥)陰影人:經過這麼多年,你一定是多麼的飢餓。

DUTCHMAN: Oh, sweet Jezebel.

=> 杜奇曼:哦,耶洗別。

Look! Were rich! (LAUGHING) (GROANING) The blood is the life.

=> 看!我們很有錢! (笑)(GROANING)血就是生命。

(GASPING) (SCREAMING) All the guests have arrived.

=> (天)(尖叫)所有的客人都到了。

Photographed upon entry? As arranged.

=> 入境時拍照?作為安排。

And the prototype, is it ready for the demonstration as scheduled? It is, sir, as scheduled.

=> 而原型,是否已經準備好按計划進行演示了?先生,如期。

From this day forward, you are an American industrialist.

=> 從今天起,你是美國的實業家。

As American as God, guns and bourbon, as scheduled.

=> 像上帝一樣美國,槍支和波旁,如期。

Very good, sir.

=> 很好,先生。

Good evening, I am Alexander Grayson.

=> 晚上好,我是亞歷山大·格雷森。

(BAND PLAYING LIVELY TUNE) Its breathtaking.

=> (樂隊演奏生動)這是驚人的。

(GASPS) Well, isnt this exciting? Im liking this Grayson already.

=> (GASPS)那麼,這不是令人興奮的嗎?我已經喜歡這個格雷森了。

This glass is worth more than I earn in a week.

=> 這個玻璃杯比我在一個星期內賺得更多。

Dont be gauche, Jonathan.

=> 喬納森,別這樣。

Besides, its worth more than youd make in a month.

=> 此外,它比一個月內的價值還要多。

- Lucy! - Im only having a bit of fun! Youre not cross with me, are you? Id be simply devastated! Of course not.

=> - 露西! - 我只有一點樂趣!你不和我交叉,是嗎?我會被摧毀!當然不是。

Youre far too charming.

=> 你太迷人了。

I am, arent I? Im off.

=> 我是,不是嗎?我走了

Now youll remember your promise, wont you? Im your guest tonight, not a journalist.

=> 現在你會記住你的諾言,不是嗎?今晚我是你的客人,不是記者。

Hes such a darling, isnt he? Alastair! You beast! Where have you been hiding? Lucy, darling.

=> 他真是個寶貝,不是嗎?阿拉斯泰爾!你的野獸!你在哪裡躲藏?露西,親愛的。

Its quite an eclectic group.

=> 這是一個相當不拘一格的團體。

New money, old money, no money left.

=> 新的錢,舊的錢,沒有錢了。

Which do you suppose is Alexander Grayson? Im sure hell announce himself to great fanfare.

=> 你認為哪一個是亞歷山大·格雷森?我相信他會宣布自己大聲疾呼。

They always do at these things.

=> 他們總是在做這些事情。

How I ever let you talk me into this Seriously.

=> 我怎麼讓你認真地談論我呢?

Somebody had to pry you out of that laboratory.

=> 有人不得不把你從這個實驗室里撬出來。

- (CHUCKLES) - The truth.

=> - (CHUCKLES) - 事實。

Who would you rather spend your evening with, me or a pickled toad? Erm The toad, because at least theres a chance my kiss might turn him into a prince.

=> 你想和誰一起度過你的晚上,我還是一個腌的to蛤蟆?呃蛤蟆,因為至少有一個機會我的吻可能會變成他的王子。

Well, hasnt he tried hard.

=> 那麼,他不是很努力。

Might as well have papered the walls with pound notes.

=> 還可能用磅鈔貼著牆壁。

How distressingly American.

=> 美國人真令人痛心。

Frankly, Im amazed so many of us turned up at all.

=> 坦率地說,我很驚訝,我們很多人都出現了。

How can we properly mock him if we havent set eyes on the man? Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce the master of Carfax Manor, your host, Mr Alexander Grayson.

=> 如果我們沒有注意到那個人,我們怎麼能好好的嘲笑他呢?女士們,先生們,我很榮幸向您介紹您的主人,亞歷山大·格雷森先生的Carfax Manor大師。

(ALL APPLAUDING) Welcome to my house.

=> (全部應用)歡迎來到我家。

May you come freely, go safely, and, please, leave some of the happiness you bring.

=> 願你自由自在,安全行走,請你帶走一些快樂。

- Is everything all right? - Yes.

=> - 一切都順利嗎? - 是的。

- Are you sure? - Yes.

=> - 你確定? - 是的。

Someone walked over my grave, I suppose.

=> 有人走過我的墳墓,我想。

That woman.

=> 那個女人。

Blue satin, cr?¨e chiffon.

=> 藍色緞面,縐綢雪紡。

I want to know everything about her.

=> 我想知道關於她的一切。

And the man shes with.

=> 和她在一起的那個男人

Of course, sir.

=> 當然,先生。

Ah, the mysterious Mr Grayson.

=> 啊,神秘的格雷森先生。

Finally we meet.

=> 最後我們見面。

And you would be I would be in a nice warm bath, but I simply had to see what all the fuss was about.

=> 你會是我會在一個很好的溫暖的浴,但我只是看看什麼大驚小怪。

(LAUGHS) - Jayne Wetherby.

=> (LAUGHS) - Jayne Wetherby。

- Huh.

=> - 呃。

- Lord Wetherby - Oh, good God, no! This is my, erm, companion for the night, my very dear friend, Herr Kruger.

=> - 韋瑟比勛爵 - 哦,上帝啊,不!這是我的夜晚同伴,我親愛的朋友克魯格先生。




=> 呵呵。

Ah, Sir Clive Dawson.

=> 啊,克萊夫道森爵士

Alexander Grayson.

=> 亞歷山大·格雷森。

Permit me to introduce my wife, Lady Hope.

=> 請允許我介紹我的妻子霍普夫人。

What an impressive ballroom, Mr Grayson.

=> 多麼令人印象深刻的宴會廳,格雷森先生。

May I present Lord Davenport and Lady Laurent? And Lord Laurent.

=> 我可以提出達文波特勛爵和勞倫特夫人嗎?洛朗勛爵。

Lord Laurent! Splendid! Now, if Im not mistaken, you and Sir Clive co-chair the board of British Imperial Coolant Company.

=> 洛朗勛爵!燦爛!現在,如果我沒有弄錯,你和克萊夫爵士共同主持了英國帝國冷卻劑公司的董事會。

We sit on a number of boards, Mr Grayson.

=> 我們坐在一些董事會,格雷森先生。

Indeed you do.

=> 事實上,你呢。

British Imperial holds patents, patents to high-efficiency coolants which would be most useful in advancing one of my technological projects.

=> 英國帝國擁有專利,高效冷卻劑專利,這對推進我的一個技術項目是最有用的。

I would very much like to acquire those patents.

=> 我非常想獲得這些專利。

Mr Grayson, the British Imperial Company is in the business of selling our products to British industry, not our underlying patents to interloping colonials.

=> 英國帝國公司的格雷森先生把我們的產品賣給了英國的工業,而不是把我們的專利用於和殖民者交涉。


=> 寵兒。

Perhaps next time youll sway Sir Clive through his bookmakers.

=> 也許下一次你會通過他的莊家克萊夫爵士。

Hes an inveterate gambler, and not a terribly good one from what I gather.

=> 他是一個冒險的賭徒,從我收集的來看,這不是一個非常好的賭徒。

Jonathan! Where did you Alexander Grayson.

=> 喬納森!你在哪裡,亞歷山大·格雷森。

Jonathan Harker.

=> 喬納森·哈克

And this is my most lovely friend, Ms Mina Murray.

=> 這是我最可愛的朋友米娜·穆雷女士。

Of course.

=> 當然。


=> 米娜。

Im sorry, its just - Id swear - Weve met, yes.

=> 對不起,只是 - 我發誓 - 我們見過,是的。

I was thinking the same thing.

=> 我在想同樣的事。

Pardon me, sir.

=> 對不起,先生。

Its time.

=> 是時候了。

Ah, yes.

=> 是啊。

Excuse me.

=> 打擾一下。

Tell me, Renfield, who is this Jonathan Harker? Hes a reporter for The Inquisitor.

=> 告訴我,倫菲爾德,這個喬納森·哈克是誰?他是調查官的記者。

Resourceful, tenacious, and very, very ambitious.

=> 足智多謀,頑強,非常非常有雄心。

- And the woman? - Mina Murray.

=> - 那個女人? - Mina Murray。

Medical student.

=> 醫學專業的學生。

Father, Dr William Murray, director of Bethlem Royal Hospital.

=> 伯利恆皇家醫院院長William Murray博士。

Ladies and gentlemen, please gather in the centre of the ballroom! Mr Harker.

=> 女士們,先生們,請聚在舞廳的中央!哈克先生


=> R.




=> 的Renfield。

You are aware that the invitation explicitly forbade the press.

=> 你知道,邀請明確禁止新聞界。

I can assure you, Im purely here on a social basis.

=> 我可以向你保證,我純粹是在這個社會基礎上。

What a shame.

=> 多可惜。

Mr Grayson will be disappointed that you wont be writing at least a word or two.

=> 格雷森先生會感到失望的是,你不會寫一兩句話。

If youre interested, hed like you to come by tomorrow for an interview.

=> 如果你有興趣,他希望你明天來接受採訪。

An interview Of course Id be interested.

=> 採訪當然,我會感興趣。

4:30, then.

=> 4點30分。

(CYMBAL CLANGING) And now Mr Grayson would like to share a demonstration of his latest technical marvel.

=> (CYMBAL CLANGING)現在格雷森先生想分享一下他最新的技術奇蹟。

Honoured guests, when I was a boy, my father told me stories of the Dark Ages, a time when culture and learning were eclipsed by barbaric ritual and war.

=> 尊敬的嘉賓,當我還是一個男孩的時候,我的父親告訴我黑暗時代的故事,這個時代的文化和學習被野蠻的儀式和戰爭所掩蓋。

Tonight, it is my sublime pleasure to demonstrate a way out.


Out of the darkness.

=> 走出黑暗。

What Thomas Edison dismissed as mere fantasy, what Nikola Tesla failed to bring to fruition, I give to you tonight.

=> 托馬斯·愛迪生(Thomas Edison)把這種幻想拋諸腦後,尼古拉·特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)未能實現的東西,我今晚就給你們了。

Power drawn from the magnetosphere, the same invisible source that compels the needle on this compass to point north! Harnessed and amplified by my scientists and technicians, I give to you free, safe, wireless power! Now.

=> 從磁層吸取的能量,同樣的不可見的來源,迫使這個指南針上的指針指向北方!由我的科學家和技術人員利用和放大,我給你免費,安全,無線電力!現在。

Stage one.

=> 第一階段。

Stand by.

=> 支持。

Stage one! (GROANING) Is such a thing possible? In theory, I suppose.

=> 第一階段! (GROANING)這樣的事情可能嗎?我想是理論上的。

But if it were brought to market, what effect would it have on our petroleum interests? - Shattering, of course.

=> 但是,如果它被推向市場,它會對我們的石油利益有什麼影響? - 當然是粉碎

- Its nothing we need worry about.

=> - 這是我們所不需要擔心的。

More power! Stage two! Mark! (GASPS) Lucy! Lucy, look! - (LAUGHS) - Its some sort of trick.

=> 更多的權力!第二階段!標記! (GASPS)露西!露西,看! - (笑) - 這是一種騙術。

There must be a wire.

=> 必須有一根電線。


=> (吸氣和深呼吸)(燃氣)(笑)(全部燃氣)(所有叮噹聲)(印地安人)經歷一些技術上的困難,先生。

Just a few more seconds (SCREAMING) WORKER: Im burning, Im burning.

=> 再過幾秒(尖叫)工人:我在燃燒,我在燃燒。

The coolant has evaporated! Im shutting down.

=> 冷卻液已蒸發!我正在關機。

(ALL MURMURING) Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you for your patience.

=> (全部咀嚼)女士們,先生們,我感謝您的耐心。

I trust our little demonstration was illuminating.

=> 我相信我們的小演示很有啟發性。

(ALL LAUGHING) Lucy Westenra.

=> (全部大笑)露西Westenra。

Ms Westenra.

=> Westenra女士。


=> 令人陶醉。

Ms Murray, you look a little shaken.

=> 默里女士,你看起來有點動搖。

Im not sure what I just witnessed.

=> 我不確定我剛剛目睹了什麼。

The future, Ms Murray.

=> 未來,穆雷女士。

The beginning of a new era.

=> 新時代的開始。

Mr Harker.

=> 哈克先生

Tomorrow, then? Yes.

=> 那麼明天呢?是。

Yes, of course.

=> 當然是。

He seems quite taken with you.

=> 他似乎很相信你。


=> 哦。

The green-eyed monster rears its ugly head.

=> 那個綠眼睛的怪物長著醜陋的頭。

Dont be silly.

=> 別傻了。

Mr Grayson was just being polite.

=> 格雷森先生只是彬彬有禮。

More than polite, Id say.

=> 有禮貌,我會說。

Ooh! Cordials! That was extraordinary.

=> 哦!甜酒!那非同尋常。

Lady Jayne.

=> 傑恩夫人

I didnt hear you approaching.

=> 我沒有聽到你接近。

You say that as if its an accomplishment, Mr Grayson.

=> 格雷森先生,你說這就像是一個成就。

Alexander, please.

=> 亞歷山大,請。

You know, theres a touch of the impresario about you, Alexander.

=> 你知道嗎,亞歷山大有一點關於你的秘密。

Your performance this evening was no less than operatic.

=> 你今天晚上的表演不亞於歌劇。

As Im an ardent patron of the opera, Ill take that as a compliment, although Im certain it was meant as quite the opposite.

=> 因為我是歌劇的熱心贊助人,所以我會把它作為讚美,儘管我確信它的意思恰恰相反。

(LAUGHING) You are? So you love the opera.

=> (笑)你是?所以你喜歡歌劇。

Well, may I be the first to invite you to the opening of the season? Tell me, Alexander.

=> 那麼,我可能是第一個邀請你參加本賽季開幕的嗎?告訴我,亞歷山大。

Will you join me? Ive reserved my own box.

=> 你會和我一起么?我已經預訂了我自己的盒子。


=> 可憐。

I feel youd enjoy the performance so much more in mine.

=> 我覺得你會喜歡我的表演。

No doubt.

=> 毫無疑問。


=> 嗯。

Thank you for coming.

=> 謝謝你的到來。


=> 太太。

- Mr Grayson.

=> - 格雷森先生

- Ah.

=> - 啊。

If you think you fooled anyone with that absurd stunt tonight, youre sadly mistaken.

=> 如果你認為你今天晚上用這個荒唐的特技欺騙了任何人,你是錯誤的。

Am I? You are a fraud, sir.

=> 我是嗎?先生,你是個騙子

And I will see to it that you never do business here.

=> 我會看到你從來沒有在這裡做生意。

(TYPEWRITER CLICKING) Shes not going to wait forever.


If you dont ask her to marry you soon, someone else is bound to.

=> 如果你不要求她很快與你結婚,其他人就必然要結婚了。

Who? MINA: Grayson? Dont be absurd! You mustve noticed the way he leered at you.

=> 誰?米娜:格雷森?不要荒唐!你一定注意到了他對你的方式。

- He did not! - At least hes not boring.

=> - 他沒有! - 至少他不是無聊的

As much as I enjoy having you spend the night at my house, could we please, for once, talk about something other than how tedious you find Jonathan? Besides, hes not boring.

=> 儘管我喜歡你在家裡過夜,我們可否請你談一談,除了你發現喬納森有多乏味之外呢?另外,他並不無聊。

What I am saying is that she could do better.

=> 我所說的是她可以做得更好。

(WHOOSHING) (DOG BARKING) Do you see anything? - No.

=> (WHOOSHING)(DOG BARKING)你看到什麼了嗎? - 沒有

- What do you suppose it is? - Night, Sir Clive.

=> - 你認為是什麼? - 晚上,克萊夫爵士。

- Good night.

=> - 晚安。

Go on, good boy.

=> 去吧,好孩子

(CLIVE SCREAMING) GRAYSON: The man was a pig.

=> (CLIVE SCREAMING)格雷森:那人是豬。

He insulted me under my own roof.

=> 他在我的屋檐下侮辱了我。

RENFIELD: So you tear the man to pieces.

=> 倫菲爾德:那麼你把那個人撕成碎片。

Perhaps we should mount a warning sign over the front door.

=> 也許我們應該在前門上掛上一個警告標誌。

I told you, their corruption and their hubris is unbridled.

=> 我告訴過你,他們的腐敗和狂妄自大。

Thats always been the way with the Order of the Dragon.

=> 這一直是龍的命令的方式。

Still, its one thing to hear it, quite another to see it with ones own eyes.

=> 不過,聽到這件事是一回事,親眼看到它是另一回事。

Readily identified by their overtly grotesque sense of entitlement.

=> 通過他們公然的怪誕的權利感來識別。

Like this one.

=> 像這個。

Lord Laurent.

=> 洛朗勛爵。

Preening little peacock.

=> 自誇小孔雀。

And that other one, Lord whats-his-name - Davenport.

=> 還有另外一個,叫什麼名字 - 達文波特。

- Davenport.

=> - 達文波特

These two stink of High Council.

=> 這兩個高級議會的臭味。

Put them on the short list.

=> 把它們放在短名單上。

Who do you suppose is the leader? Could be any one of these.

=> 你認為誰是領導者?可能是其中的任何一個。

Or none.

=> 或者沒有。

How very innocuous.

=> 如何非常無害。

But you cross them Renfield and they will strike you down like vipers in a pit.

=> 但你穿過他們的Renfield,他們會像毒蛇一樣在一個坑裡打倒你。

Murder, torture, rape, wholesale slaughter.

=> 謀殺,酷刑,強姦,批發屠殺。

That is the stock-in-trade of the Order of the Dragon.

=> 這是龍的訂單交易。

And has been for over 500 years.

=> 已經有500多年了。

In my past, they asserted their will more directly.

=> 在過去,他們更直接地堅持自己的意志。

Via the cross and the sword.

=> 通過十字架和劍。

Slaughtering entire villages, branding men and women heretics.

=> 屠殺整個村莊,品牌男女異教徒。

Burning them alive.

=> 焚燒他們活著。

And watching them burn.

=> 看著他們燃燒。

Screaming for a God who never came.

=> 尖叫著一位從來沒有來過的神。

Now they do their dirty work via private clubs and boardrooms.

=> 現在他們通過私人俱樂部和會議室進行骯髒的工作。

They employ business, politics and oil.

=> 他們僱用商業,政治和石油。

And that last thing, Renfield, will be their undoing.

=> 而最後一件事,倫菲爾德,將是他們的失敗。

They believe itll fuel the next century.

=> 他們相信這將推動下個世紀。

And if they control it, they control the future.

=> 而如果他們控制了它,他們控制著未來。

But from the moment we demonstrate the viability of geomagnetic technology Poof.

=> 但從我們展現地磁技術Poof的可行性的那一刻起。

No more money.

=> 沒有更多的錢。

No more power.

=> 沒有更多的權力。

No more Order of the Dragon.

=> 沒有更多的龍的順序。

(SIGHS) (DOOR UNLOCKING) He performed a full examination? As instructed.

=> (SIGHS)(DOOR UNLOCKING)他進行了全面檢查?按照指示。

Any signs of vampiric feeding? Too much damage to the neck to make a positive determination.

=> 吸血鬼的任何跡象?對脖子造成太多的傷害,做出積極的決心。

Well, it had to be done.


You know why.

=> 你知道為什麼。

How long has it been since a vampire stalked the streets of this city? Seven years? Eight years.

=> 吸血鬼在這個城市的街道上行走了多久了? 7年? 8年。


=> 是。

The Whitechapel killings.

=> 白教堂的殺戮。

God, when I think of the trouble we went to Mutilating the victims to hide the signs, those absurd letters we wrote to the press Oh.

=> 上帝,當我想到我們去麻煩的時候,傷害了那些被害者隱藏的痕迹,那些我們寫給記者的荒唐的信件哦。

Jack the Ripper indeed.

=> 傑克開膛手的確如此。

What do you suggest? Well, unless proven otherwise, I think we must assume that Clive was targeted by our enemies.

=> 你有什麼建議?那麼,除非另有證明,否則我認為我們必須假定克萊夫是我們的敵人的目標。

Whether natural or not.

=> 無論自然與否。

Ill put Kruger on patrol.

=> 我會把克魯格巡邏。

Have him keep an eye on the High Council members houses.

=> 請他留意高議員的房子。

Indefinitely? No, just until time or events proves us overcautious.

=> 無限期?不,直到時間或事件證明我們過於謹慎。

- You wont even know hes there.

=> - 你甚至不知道他在那裡。

- See to it we dont.

=> - 看到它我們不知道。

This is strictly between you and me for now.

=> 現在,這是你和我之間的嚴格關係。

We dont want to make the others any more nervous than they already are.

=> 我們不想讓別人比以前更加緊張。


=> 嗯。

Oh, and if anyone asks He was killed by a dog.

=> 哦,如果有人問他被一條狗殺死了。

Good girl.

=> 好女孩

And take that bloody thing with you.

=> 和你一起拿那個血腥的東西。

(BELL TOLLING) The structure of the neuron is absolutely distinct from all other cells in the human body.

=> (BELL TOLLING)神經元的結構與人體內的其他細胞完全不同。

Mr Campbell Sorry, sir.

=> 坎貝爾先生對不起,先生。

We - We werent, um - Professor Van Helsing? Yes, Miss Murray? Mr Campbell was only pointing out to his colleagues how analogous certain aspects of the front page article regarding the generation of electrical impulses are to the subject of your lecture today.

=> 我們 - 我們不是 - 呃海辛教授?是的,穆雷小姐?坎貝爾先生只是向他的同事們指出,頭版文章關於電動衝動的產生的某些方面與今天講座的主題有何相似之處。

Mr Campbell? Quite right, Mr Campbell.

=> 坎貝爾先生?坎貝爾先生。

Mr Graysons new technology is germane to the subject at hand.

=> 格雷森先生的新技術與這個主題密切相關。

However, I would suggest that you discuss such observations outside of class.

=> 但是,我建議你在課外討論這樣的觀察。

RENFIELD: Mr Grayson will be right with you.

=> 倫菲爾德先生:格雷森先生將與你合適。


=> (DOOR CLOSING)Harker先生。

How good of you to come.

=> 你有多好。

Please, have a seat.

=> 請坐,請坐。

Would you like some wine? Its a bit early for me, thank you.

=> 你想要一些酒嗎?對我來說有點早,謝謝。

I prefer whisky.

=> 我更喜歡威士忌。

You should know my editor believes youre after some sort of puffery.

=> 你應該知道我的編輯認為你經歷過某種吹毛求疵之後。

- Puffery? - Yes.

=> - 蓬鬆? - 是的。

And why would he think that? I dont field many interview requests from those in your position.

=> 為什麼他會這樣想?我沒有接到你所在職位的許多面試要求。

- You mean the wealthy.

=> - 你的意思是富有的

- No, I mean the privileged.

=> 不,我的意思是特權。

Usually, they run the other way.

=> 通常,他們以另一種方式運行。

Thats because you stand against the same vested interests that would prefer I return to America.

=> 那是因為你們反對那些我更願意回到美國的既得利益集團。

I didnt think anyone had noticed.

=> 我沒有想到有人注意到。

I did.

=> 我做了。

Thats precisely why I invited you for this interview.

=> 這正是我邀請你參加面試的原因。

Shall we begin? Very well.

=> 讓我們開始?很好。

Why England? This is the country of my great-grandparents birth.

=> 為什麼英國?這是我的曾祖父母的誕生的國家。

In that regard, its a homecoming.

=> 在這方面,這是回家。

And it has nothing to do with Edison running you out of the States? Hmm.

=> 而這與愛迪生在美國境外的運作無關?嗯。

(GRAYSON CHUCKLES) Europe speaks to me in a way no other place does.

=> (GRAYSON CHUCKLES)歐洲以某種方式對我說話,沒有其他地方。

You know, we call it the Old World for a reason, and yet her people seek the new wherever they can.

=> 你知道,我們稱之為舊世界的原因,然而她的人民卻在任何地方尋找新的東西。

I understand this struggle.

=> 我明白這個鬥爭。

I myself am descended from a very old family.

=> 我自己是一個很老的家庭的後代。

But my mind Always fixed on the future.

=> 但我的頭腦總是固定在未來。

I surround myself with things that speak to both, the ancient and the new.

=> 我把自己圍繞在對古代和新的兩個方面的事情上。

Youre full of contradictions, arent you? So is the world.

=> 你充滿了矛盾,不是嗎?世界也是如此。

- Mmm-hmm.

=> - 嗯 - 嗯。

- That is precisely why I wanted to talk to you.

=> - 這正是我想和你談談的原因。

You see were on the precipice of great change.

=> 你看,我們正處於巨大變化的懸崖邊上。

We have it within ourselves to redefine our species.

=> 我們有內在的重新定義我們的物種。

(STAMMERING) You say species as though people are animals.

=> (STAMMERING)你說物種好像人是動物一樣。

What do you mean by that? Is that not what Mr Darwin taught us? That man evolves? That is what I have come here to accomplish.

=> 你是什麼意思?這不是達爾文先生教我們的嗎?那個人演變?那是我來這裡完成的。

To facilitate in that evolution.

=> 促進這一進化。

Give nature a helping hand so to speak.

=> 大自然可以這麼說。

- Ms Murray.

=> Murray女士

- Professor.

=> - 教授。

Come in! Have a seat! - What is it? - Well, erm We will soon be undergoing our final examination.

=> 進來!坐下! - 它是什麼? - 恩,我們很快會接受我們的期末考試。

- Yes.

=> - 是的。

- And as you know, the student who scores the highest will be given the opportunity to serve as your research assistant.

=> - 如你所知,得分最高的學生將有機會擔任你的研究助理。

I see.

=> 我懂了。

You have consistently scored the highest marks in class for every written and oral exam.

=> 每次書面和口頭考試,你都一直在課堂上得分最高。

- However - My surgical technique Leaves much to be desired, yes.

=> - 然而 - 我的手術技術還有很多需要的,是的。

Professor, I cant tell you how often I practice, but the moment the scalpel pierces the epidermis, well My hands begin to tremble.

=> 教授,我不能告訴你我多久練習一次,但手術刀刺破表皮的那一刻,我的手開始顫抖。

And no matter what I do, they Mina, I have always found that the secret to a steady hand is a steady heart.

=> 而不管我做什麼,米娜,我一直發現,穩手的秘訣是一顆穩重的心。

I dont understand.

=> 我不明白。

You must believe in yourself, in your abilities to heal others.

=> 你必須相信自己,以自己的能力來醫治別人。

It is that simple.

=> 這很簡單。

But I do.

=> 但是我願意。

If so, then you will succeed.

=> 如果是這樣,那麼你將成功。

Until then, know this, the heart never lies.

=> 在此之前,知道這一點,心永遠不會謊言。

MINA: Thank you.

=> MINA:謝謝。

MALE COLLEAGUE: Yes, well, I agree.

=> 男同事:是的,我同意。

Good night.

=> 晚安。

- MINA: Good night.

=> MINA:晚安。

- Good night.

=> - 晚安。


=> 男同事:晚安。

Good night.

=> 晚安。


=> (INDISTINCT打擾)你好。

FRIEND: Sorry to have kept you.

=> 朋友:很抱歉讓你失望。

FRIEND: (LAUGHS) I just bumped into the most charming man.

=> 朋友:(笑)我剛碰上最迷人的人。

(MOANING) (SCREAMING) It was very generous of Mr Grayson to give you his box tonight.

=> (笑)格雷森先生今晚給了他一個禮物,非常慷慨。

(LAUGHS) Well, he obviously wants me to write nice things about him, doesnt he? - Oh, really? - Mmm-hmm.

=> (笑)他顯然希望我寫關於他的好東西,不是嗎? - 真的嗎? - 嗯 - 嗯。

A man such as Grayson is so desperate to court favour with you.

=> 一個像格雷森這樣的人非常渴望與你交往。

Youd think hed be satisfied with his beautiful home, all those brilliant paintings and the thrilling technology, not to mention his good looks and charisma.

=> 你會認為他會對他美麗的家園,所有那些精彩的畫作和驚險的技術感到滿意,更不用說他的美貌和魅力了。


=> - (鈴聲丁寧) - 嗯。

Yes, its very impressive.

=> 是的,這是非常令人印象深刻。

Whats that? Me.


(TENSE OPERATIC MUSIC PLAYING) (SINGING IN GERMAN) The views much better from back here.

=> (TENSE OPERATIC MUSIC PLAYING)(在德國歌唱)從這裡來看,視角好多了。

Is it? I cant imagine thats possible.

=> 是嗎?我無法想像這是可能的。

Why dont you join me and see? (EXHALES) Why, yes, it is It is astonishing.

=> 你為什麼不加入我的行列? (EXHALES)為什麼,是的,這是令人驚訝的。

I trust you were unobserved? Your invitation did request my "discreet company.

=> 我相信你是不可見的?你的邀請確實要求我的「謹慎的公司。

" Yes, it did.

=>「 是的,它確實。

Though I was concerned as an American you might not understand the meaning of the word "discreet.

=> 雖然我擔心美國人,但是你可能不明白「謹慎」的意思。

" I had to look it up.


Tell me.

=> 告訴我。

What other words did you have to look up? Insatiable.

=> 還有什麼其他的字眼呢?永不滿足。

(MOANS) Incorrigible.

=> (MOANS)不合格。



Sir Clive not a day in the ground, and Grayson descends on his widow like a bird of prey.

=> 克萊夫先生沒有一天在地上,格雷森像一隻猛禽一樣落在他的寡婦身上。

Locked up Clives entire block of Imperial Coolant.

=> 鎖定了克萊夫的整個帝國冷卻液塊。

Why on Earth would she sell out to him? He purchased the paper on Clives gambling debts and threatened to sue his estate.

=> 她為什麼要賣給他呢?他購買了關於克萊夫賭債的文件,威脅起訴他的遺產。

- Good God! - So you see, she had no choice but to trade the stock in order to avert a scandal.

=> - 好神!所以你看,她別無選擇,只能交易股票,以避免醜聞。

Absolutely loathsome, the whole damned business.

=> 絕對令人討厭,整個該死的生意。


=> 嗯。

But you must admit, well played.

=> 但是你必須承認,打得好。

Thats easy for you to say.

=> 這很容易讓你說。

Hes not your business partner.

=> 他不是你的生意夥伴

Hes hardly that, old man.

=> 他幾乎不是那個老人

Its just a seat on the board.

=> 這只是一個董事會的席位。

Its not as if he has a controlling interest.

=> 這不像他有控股權益。

(GROANING) Kruger! - Burn in hell! - (SCREAMING) (GURGLING) "Thou died fair and well, brother huntsman killd, "impaled the hearts of many beasts before thine own was stilld.

=> (GROANING)克魯格! - 燒死在地獄! - (尖叫)(咕嚕咕嚕)「你死得很公平,兄弟獵人殺了人,」在你還沒有死之前,刺穿了許多動物的心。

" Before you die, take heart.


You will soon be joined in hell by scores of your brethren.

=> 你們很快就會被幾十個弟兄加入到地獄裡來。

I will destroy your Order and everything it stands for.

=> 我會摧毀你的訂單及其所代表的一切。

You are Dracula.

=> 你是德古拉

(NECK SNAPPING) FEMALE VAMPIRE: Practice all you want.

=> (NECK SNAPPING)女性吸血鬼:練習一切你想要的。

It wont save you.

=> 它不會救你。

It speaks.

=> 它說話。

Save me from what? The one who drew you to London? No one drew me.

=> 救我什麼?把你拉到倫敦的那個人?沒有人拉我。

Youre nothing.

=> 你什麼也沒有

An errant fly attracted by the stench of rot.

=> 腐爛的蒼蠅吸引了一隻錯誤的蒼蠅。

Tell me your sires name! You know, there are fates for your kind a lot worse than death, and I know them all.

=> 告訴我你的父親的名字!你知道,你們的命運比死亡還要糟糕,而且我都知道。

How long do you think its going to take for this to rust at the bottom of a lake? Years? Decades? Do what you will to me.

=> 你認為這會在湖底生鏽多久?年份?幾十年?做你想做的事。

There will be another who follows, - and another and another and soon - Soon? We will be legion.

=> 會有另一個跟隨著,另一個又一個 - 很快?我們將是軍團。

I was wondering when youd make your entrance.

=> 我想知道你什麼時候進入。

The plan was to leverage Sir Clives gambling debts against his interests, not his widows.

=> 該計劃是利用克萊夫爵士的賭債來違背他的利益,而不是他的遺s。

I saw an opportunity and I seized it.

=> 我看到了一個機會,我抓住了它。

It was impetuous and careless.

=> 這是浮躁和粗心。

It got the job done.

=> 它完成了工作。

How many times must I explain the difference between a vendetta and vengeance? This cannot become a war of attrition.

=> 我必須多少次解釋仇恨與復仇之間的區別?這不能成為消耗戰。

The Order, Dracul, is like the hydra.

=> 訂單,Dracul,就像九頭蛇。

Cut off a head, they grow two to replace it.

=> 砍掉一個頭,他們長出兩個來代替它。

Funny, thats not what happened to Sir Clives head.

=> 有趣的是,這不是克萊夫爵士頭上發生的事情。

Dont be a fool.

=> 別傻了。

You know the only way to crush them is to wipe out the very source of their power, their vast wealth.

=> 你知道消滅他們的唯一方法就是消滅他們的力量的源泉,他們的巨大財富。

For over a decade, we have schemed and built this empire of lies.

=> 十多年來,我們策劃並建立了這個謊言帝國。

I will not have our work undone by your lack of discipline.

=> 由於缺乏紀律,我的工作將不復存在。

(SCREAMS) Give me one good reason I shouldnt peel you like a grape.

=> (尖叫)給我一個很好的理由,我不應該像葡萄一樣剝皮。

(GROANING) Because without me, youd still be rotting in that iron box! (BREATHES DEEPLY) Do you think I am not immune to rage? The Order of the Dragon slaughtered my entire family.

=> (GROANING)因為沒有我,你仍然在那個鐵盒子里腐爛! (深呼吸)你認為我不能免疫憤怒?龍的命令屠殺了我的整個家庭。

We must not give in to our base instincts.

=> 我們絕不能屈服於我們的基本本能。

We must practice control.

=> 我們必須實行控制。

We must follow the plan.

=> 我們必須遵循這個計劃。


=> 真正。

Our hatred was born in the same crucible.

=> 我們的仇恨出生在同一個坩堝里。

You give it form.

=> 你給它的形式。

But I give it strength.

=> 但我給它力量。

We are not bound by what we have lost, but by who took it.

=> 我們不受我們所失去的約束,而是受到誰的約束。

(SCREAMING) No! - They killed my wife, my love.

=> (尖叫)不! - 他們殺了我的妻子,我的愛人。

- (SCREAMING) And for those crimes I will have my vengeance.

=> - (尖叫)為了這些罪行,我會報仇。


=> (尖叫)(GASPS)


[美劇] 南方公園/South Park 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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