
[美劇] 美國眾神/American Gods 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 美國眾神/American Gods 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

劇本 台詞 字幕 筆記 中英文對照 純英文 學英語 文本 PDF 文檔 電子版 紙質版

根據Neil Gaiman同名小說改編,本片從2011年開始作者宣布HBO有意開發本劇,之後便幾經波折,2014年HBO宣布放棄開發,之後Starz電視台接手。並將由Bryan Fuller(英雄、靈指神探、漢尼拔)執筆劇本。Ricky Whittle飾演男主 Shadow Moon(影子)。第一季預計8集。


根據Neil Gaiman同名小說改編,本片從2011年開始作者宣布HBO有意開發本劇,之後便幾經波折,2014年HBO宣布放棄開發,之後Starz電視台接手。並將由Bryan Fuller(英雄、靈指神探、漢尼拔)執筆劇本。Ricky Whittle飾演男主 Shadow Moon(影子)。第一季預計8集。



本劇是基於尼爾-蓋曼(Neil Gaiman)的奇幻小說 《美國眾神》(American gods)改編而成電視劇。

Shadow Moon(影子),這位因意外傷害他人剛出監獄的年輕人,遇到了一位神秘的老人Mr. Wednesday(星期三)並提供給了他一份工作,在結束妻子Laura Moon的葬禮後,和星期三展開了一場穿越美國的旅行,影子在這過程中逐漸成長並最終覺醒,最終阻止了一場諸神大戰.


1 (THUNDER RUMBLING) (PEN SCRATCHING) (CHURCH BELLS TOLLING) (WAVES CRASHING) NARRATOR: They were hungry, of course, having made their way through their stores of dried meat and salt fish days ago, even though carefully, professionally rationed.


(ROPES CREAKING) To a man they were expert seamen, yet no expertise can surmount a sea that does not wish you to reach shore.

=> (ROPES CREAKING)對於一個男人來說,他們是專家的海員,但沒有專業知識可以超越一個不希望你到達岸邊的大海。

Come on! Heave ho hum Until finally Heave ho hum Heave ho heave Heave ho hum Celebration was cut short.

=> 來吧! He ho Until Until finally finally finally He He He He He He He Celebration Celebration Celebration Celebration Celebration Celebration Celebration Celebration Celebration Celebration

The land reached was barren, rocky.

=> 到達的土地是貧瘠的,多岩石的。

No food, no shelter.

=> 沒有食物,沒有住所。

Only biting insects and snakes.

=> 只咬昆蟲和蛇。

When they set off, they dreamt of the riches they would accumulate, the fat-breasted women they would send for.

=> 當他們出發時,他們夢見他們將積累的財富,他們將派遣的胖女人。

Their dreams changed to bread, roasted meats.

=> 他們的夢想變成了麵包,烤肉。

Even a salad would do.

=> 即使沙拉也可以。

(SHOUTING) Haah! Aah! (GRUNT) Regin! NARRATOR: Gods.

=> (SHOUTING)哈!啊哈! (GRUNT)Regin!旁白:神。

They did not yet have a word in their language for "miserable.

=> 他們的語言中還沒有一句話是「悲慘的」。

" They would have to invent one.


It was time to leave this accursed land, but their sails hung flabby as Grandmothers teat.

=> 是時候離開這個被詛咒的地方,但是他們的帆像奶奶的奶嘴一樣垂掛著。

The wind did not wish them to leave.

=> 風不希望他們離開。

They were becalmed astride hell.

=> 他們跨越了地獄。

Lucky they knew wind can be reasoned with.

=> 幸運的是,他們知道風可以推理。

The All-Father could intercede with the wind on their behalf, but they feared he would not know to look this far from home.

=> 全能父親可以替他們代風,但他們擔心他不會遠離家鄉。

They would have to make him look.

=> 他們必須讓他看起來。

(GRUNT) Aah! (GROWLING) Yaah! Yes.

=> (GRUNT)啊! (成長)呀!是。

Aah! (GROANING) Aah! (GROANING) But still no wind.

=> 啊哈! (GROANING)啊! (GROANING)但還是沒風。

Heave ho Heave ho hum Heave (MAN SCREAMING) Heave ho hum Heave Heave Heave ho hum It was obvious now what was required.

=> Heave ho heave ho hum Heave(MAN SCREAMING)Heave ho hum Heave Heave ho ho嗡嗡聲現在明顯的是需要什麼了。

After all, their god was a war god.

=> 畢竟,他們的上帝是戰爭之神。

(SHOUTING) Haah! (WIND BLOWING) They left in a hurry, not bothering to sew their wounds or burn the dead.

=> (SHOUTING)哈! (吹風)他們匆匆離去,不費心去縫傷傷員或燒死人。

And when they reached their home shores, not one of them ever set foot in a boat or spoke of that new world ever again.

=> 當他們到達他們的家時,他們中沒有一個曾經踏過船,也沒有再次談到這個新的世界。

Heave ho hum Over 100 years later, when Leif the Fortunate, son of Erik the Red, would rediscover that land, he found his god waiting along with his war.

=> 一百多年後,當紅色埃里克之子幸運兒萊夫(Leif)重新發現那片土地時,他發現他的上帝在等待他的戰爭。

Heave ho hum (BUZZER) MAN: Best thing, only good thing about being in prison, is the relief.

=> 哼哼(BUZZER)MAN:最好的事情,只有在監獄裡的好處,才是解脫。

You dont worry if theyre going to get you when they already got you.

=> 如果他們已經擁有了你,他們會幫你的。

Tomorrow cant do anything today hasnt already managed.

=> 明天不能做任何事情,今天還沒有管理。

(GRUNT) Even better with a death sentence.

=> (GRUNT)死刑判決更好。


=> 砰。

Worst has already happened.

=> 最壞的情況已經發生了。

You get a few days to let it sink in, and then youre riding the cart on the way to do your dance on nothing.

=> 你有幾天的時間讓它沉入水中,然後你在路上騎著車去做你的舞蹈。

This country went to hell when they stopped hanging folks.

=> 當這個國家停止掛人時,他們就下地獄了。

No gallows dirt, no gallows deals.

=> 沒有絞刑架的污垢,沒有絞刑架的交易。

(GRUNT) No gallows humor.

=> (GRUNT)沒有絞刑架幽默。


=> 是啊。

Funniest fucking shit in the world.

=> 最有趣的他媽的狗屎在世界上。

Ha ha! You know, Im not superstitious.

=> 哈哈!你知道,我不迷信。

I believe in plenty when theres reason and evidence to believe.

=> 當有理由和證據相信時,我相信很多。

I dont believe in anything I cant see.

=> 我不相信任何我看不到的東西。

I feel like theres a fucking axe hanging over my head.

=> 我感覺自己的頭上掛著一把他媽的斧頭。

You know, I cant see it, but I believe it.

=> 你知道,我看不到它,但我相信它。

I can see it fine.

=> 我可以看到它很好。

Prison has a way of trying to keep you in prison.

=> 監獄有辦法讓你入獄。

Theyll do anything they can to keep you inside with them.

=> 他們會盡一切可能讓你和他們在一起。

I smell snow.

=> 我聞到了雪。

(PHONE RINGING) (RINGS) WOMAN: Hello? I love you.

=> (PHONE RINGING)(RINGS)女人:你好?我愛你。

Something feels weird.

=> 有些東西感覺很奇怪。

I love you, too.

=> 我也愛你。

What feels weird? I dont know.

=> 什麼感覺奇怪?我不知道。

Um the weather.

=> 天氣。

The air feels constipated, like if itd just push out a storm, itd be okay.

=> 空氣感到便秘,就好像它只是推出了一場風暴,沒關係。

Its nice here.

=> 這裡很好。

The trees are budding.

=> 樹木正在萌芽。

Therell be leaves on them when you get back.

=> 當你回來的時候,他們會有葉子。

Five days.

=> 五天。

120 hours till youre home.

=> 120個小時,直到你回家。

Everythings okay there, right? Waiting for the sky to fall is going to cause more bother than the sky actually falling, which it isnt.

=> 一切都還好,對不對?等待天空倒塌會比天空倒塌造成更多的麻煩,但事實並非如此。


=> 是啊。

So nothings wrong.

=> 所以沒有錯。

Everythings fine.

=> 一切安好。

Robbies coming by.

=> 羅比來了。

Were planning your surprise party welcome home.

=> 我們正在計劃你的歡迎派對歡迎回家。

A surprise party? Which you know nothing about.

=> 一個驚喜派對?你一無所知。

(LAUGHING) Not a thing.

=> (笑)不是一回事。

I love you, puppy.

=> 我愛你,小狗。

I love you, too.

=> 我也愛你。

(THUNDER CRASHING) I love you, puppy.

=> (雷陣雨)我愛你,小狗。

I love you, too, baby.

=> 我也愛你寶貝。


=> (雷霆萬鈞)(BUZZER)MAN:暗影月亮。

This way.

=> 這條路。


=> (鑰匙分類)(門打開)(蜂鳴器)哦。

Thank you for coming.

=> 謝謝你的到來。

Sit down.

=> 坐下。


=> 請。

(SIGHS) Says here you were sentenced to six years for aggravated assault and battery.

=> (SIGHS)說你在這裡因為嚴重的毆打和毆打被判處六年徒刑。

- Yes, sir.

=> - 是的先生。

- Served three and were due to be released on Friday.

=> - 送達三名,並將於周五釋放。

Shadow, were going to be releasing you later this afternoon.

=> 陰影,我們今天下午晚些時候將會釋放你。

Youll be getting out a couple of days early.

=> 你會提早幾天出門

(SIGH) Theres no good way to say this, so Ill put it plain.

=> (SIGH)沒有好的方法來說這個,所以我會說清楚。

This came in from Johnson City Hospital in Eagle Point.

=> 這個來自鷹點的約翰遜城醫院。

Your wife she died in the early hours of this morning.

=> 你的妻子在今天凌晨的時候死了。

Was a an automobile accident.

=> 是一場車禍。

Its like one of them good-news, bad-news jokes, isnt it? Good news, were letting you out early.

=> 就好像其中一個好消息,壞消息的笑話,不是嗎?好消息,我們讓你早點出去。

Bad news, your wifes dead.

=> 壞消息,你妻子死了

WOMAN: Im sorry.

=> 女士:對不起。

Its our policy.

=> 這是我們的政策。

I cant change your ticket from two days from now till today.

=> 從現在到今天,我不能把票改兩天。

If you have to change your departure date from Friday to today, its a $200 change fee plus the difference in fare.

=> 如果您必須將出發日期從周五更改為今天,則需支付200美元的更換費加上票價的差異。

- $200.

=> - $ 200。

- Plus the difference in fare.

=> - 加上票價的差異。

Do you have to travel today? I have to get to Eagle Point, yeah.

=> 你今天要去旅行嗎?我必須去鷹點,是的。

Its for a funeral.

=> 這是為了一個葬禮。

Do not piss off those bitches in airports.


Take a lesson from Johnnie Larch.

=> 從Johnnie Larch那裡吸取教訓。

I dont know Johnnie Larch.

=> 我不認識Johnnie Larch。

Johnnie Larch got out after five years.

=> Johnnie Larch五年後走了出來。

He gets to the airport, hands his ticket to the woman at the counter, who asks for his drivers license.

=> 他到了機場,把櫃檯遞給櫃檯的女子,要求他的駕駛執照。

He gives it to her.

=> 他把它給了她。

She says, "Its expired.

=> 她說:「已經過期了。

" He says, "It might not be a valid drivers license, "but it is a damn fine identification.


"Theres my picture, my weight, and my height.

=> 「有我的照片,我的體重和身高。

Who the fuck do you think it is?" She says, "Ill thank you for not using that sort of language with me, sir.

=> 你認為他媽的是誰?「她說,」我會感謝你不要用我那種語言,先生。

" He says, "Give me my fucking boarding pass right fucking now.


" Now, he has the right to take that tone.


She was disrespecting him.

=> 她不尊重他。

You dont let people disrespect you in prison.

=> 你不要讓人在監獄裡不尊重你。

Why the fuck would he let her disrespect him as a free man? Mm-mm.

=> 為什麼他媽的會讓她不尊重他是一個自由人? MM-毫米。

She hit a button.

=> 她打了一個按鈕。

(IMITATING ALARM BUZZER) Security shows up.

=> (模擬報警蜂鳴器)安全顯示。

Hes back in prison.

=> 他回到監獄了

You understand what Im saying right now? One of those "behaviors that work "inside a specialized environment such as a prison but can fail to work when outside such an environment" - sort of situations.

=> 你明白我在說什麼?其中一種「在監獄這樣的專業環境中工作的行為,但在這樣的環境之外卻無法工作」 - 各種情況。

- No, dummy.

=> - 不,假人

Im saying do not piss off those bitches in airports.

=> 我是說不要在機場把這些賤貨弄掉。


=> P.



: This is the final boarding call for flight 226, Orlando.


Final boarding call, flight 226 How much for a flight tomorrow? Hey, Robbie.

=> 最後一次登機,226航班明天的航班多少錢?嘿,羅比。

Uh They tell me Lauras dead.

=> 呃他們告訴我勞拉已經死了

Let me out early.

=> 讓我早點出來

Coming home.

=> 回家。

MAN: I bought it.

=> 男:我買了。

I d I did! I did.

=> 我做了!我做了。

I-Ive got to get to my sons christening.

=> 我 - 我必須得到我兒子的洗禮儀式。

Hmm? I I bought a first class ticket.

=> 嗯?我買了一張頭票。

Sir, this isnt a first class ticket.

=> 主席先生,這不是頭等艙票。

I I sent a check.

=> 我發了一張支票。

Look, th-theres th-theres my name.

=> 看,那是我的名字。

I got to get back.

=> 我必須回來。

He was only born two days ago.

=> 他只是兩天前出生的。

We We named him We We named him Sir, are you sure youre supposed to be traveling alone? Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

=> 我們給他起名叫我們,我們叫他先生,你確定你應該一個人旅行嗎?哦,不,不,不,不,不。

My son always travels with me.

=> 我的兒子總是和我一起旅行。

He takes care of everything, all the bills.

=> 他負責處理所有的賬單。

Ive just got to get back for his christening, and everything will be all right.

=> 我只能回去洗禮,一切都會好起來的。

You know what? He Hell take care of me.

=> 你知道嗎?他會照顧我的

Were gonna get you in First.

=> 我們要讓你在第一。

Get Just get him in First.

=> 先拿到他吧

First class? Thank you.

=> 頭等艙?謝謝。

Yeah, youre gonna go right in first class.

=> 是的,你會一流的。

Okay? - Thank you.

=> 好的? - 謝謝。

- Dont worry anymore.

=> - 別擔心了

- Thank you.

=> - 謝謝。

- And mind your bag.

=> - 介意你的包包。

- Watch your step.

=> - 小心台階。

- Thank you.

=> - 謝謝。


=> MM-嗯。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。


=> 下一個。

So sorry.

=> 非常抱歉。

Can you take your seat? This lady is sitting in it.

=> 你可以坐下嗎?這位女士坐在裡面。

5D times two.

=> 5D二次。

Now do you see the problem? I need you to take another seat.

=> 現在你看到這個問題了嗎?我需要你再坐一個位子

Just point to one, and Ill take it.

=> 只要指出一個,我就會接受。

Really? (INDISTINCT ANNOUNCEMENT ON PA) I guess this must be your lucky day, huh? Cashews.

=> 真? (PA的INDISTINCT公告)我想這一定是你的幸運日吧?腰果。

Love em.

=> 愛他們。

Native to Brazil but grow like motherfuckers in Florida.

=> 巴西本地人,但像佛羅里達州的混蛋一樣成長。


=> MM-嗯。

Im supposed to take your drink, sir.

=> 先生,我應該喝你的飲料。

Yeah, but youre not going to, are you? Because you would have said "I need to take your drink, sir" or "Im gonna have to take that drink, sir," neither of which happened.

=> 是的,但你不打算,是嗎?因為你會說「我需要喝你的酒,先生」或者「我得喝這個酒,先生」,這兩者都沒有發生。

So dont worry about it.

=> 所以不要擔心。

Ill hold her very tight while you pour my friend here a Jack and Coke and get me another one, hmm? - Flight attendants - Thank you.

=> 當我把你的朋友倒在傑克和可樂身上時,我會抱緊她,給我另一個,嗯? - 乘務員 - 謝謝。

prepare the cabin for departure.

=> 準備出發的客艙。

Are you nervous? Uh, never flown before.

=> 你緊張嗎?呃,從來沒有飛過。

Nothing to it.

=> 沒有什麼。

Just sit back and be a bird and drink up.

=> 坐下來,成為一隻鳥,喝了起來。

I offer you the worm from my beak, and you look at me like I fucked your mom? Sorry.

=> 我從嘴裡給你提供蟲子,你看著我就像我媽媽你媽的?抱歉。


=> 沒有。

Its Youre just the first person Ive talked to who wasnt an asshole.

=> 這是你剛剛和我談過的第一個人,誰不是混蛋。

Give me time.

=> 給我時間。


=> 喔。

Nice work on the upgrade.

=> 不錯的升級工作。

Straight-up sympathy play, huh? Its risky.

=> 直接的同情玩,是吧?這是危險的。

Airlines are the ultimate clip joint.

=> 航空公司是最終的剪輯聯合。

They deserve that and worse.

=> 他們應得的,更糟糕的。

What would you have done, my boy? Uh, good Samaritan.

=> 你做了什麼,我的孩子?呃好撒瑪利亞人

You know, gentlemans curve, if I was a traveling man.

=> 你知道嗎,如果我是一個旅行的男人,那就是紳士的曲線。

- Oh, which you are not.

=> - 哦,你不是。

- Mm-mm.

=> - 毫米。

No, sir, not me.

=> 不,先生,不是我

Seems like a firm decision made for good reasons.

=> 看起來像是有充分理由作出的堅決決定。

I can respect that.

=> 我可以尊重這一點。

A man gets out of prison, he should concentrate above all on not going back.

=> 一個男人走出監獄,他應該集中精神,不要回頭。

Oh, dont worry about me.

=> 哦,別擔心我。

I got an eye for these things.

=> 我注意到了這些事情。

Just the one, but I can see that youre not used to the fresh air, but I dont see the joy of being out.

=> 只是一個,但我可以看到你不習慣新鮮的空氣,但我沒有看到出去的喜悅。

Also, you lost something vital in there, not just time.

=> 而且,你失去了一些重要的東西,而不僅僅是時間。

What should I call you if I were so inclined? Shadow Moon.

=> 如果我這麼傾向,我該怎麼稱呼你?影月。

Oh, my boy, that is one outstandingly improbable name.

=> 哦,我的孩子,那是一個非常不可思議的名字。

Shadow Moon.

=> 影月。

Moon Shadow.

=> 月影。

Goddamn hippie parents.

=> 該死的嬉皮士父母。

Hippie parent.

=> 嬉皮家長。

Mama had a big afro, huh? "Dancing Queen," hmm? Yeah.

=> 媽媽有個黑人,是吧? 「舞女王」,嗯?是啊。

She had the whole kit.

=> 她有整套工具。

And if I was inclined, what might I call you? Whats today? Wednesday.

=> 如果我傾向於,我可以稱呼你?今天是什麼?星期三。


=> 嗯。

Todays my day.

=> 今天是我的一天

Lets go with that, huh? Thank you so much, darling.

=> 我們一起去吧,是吧?親愛的,非常感謝。


=> P.



: Ladies and gentleman please remain - Ah.

=>:女士們,先生們請保持 - 啊。

- Thanks.

=> - 謝謝。


=> 嗯。

Always good to meet a fellow traveler, Shadow Oh.

=> 總是很高興認識一個同行的旅客,影子哦。

Excuse me.

=> 打擾一下。

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

But when you were, what was your downfall? Uh, casinos.

=> 但是,當你是什麼時候,你的倒台是什麼?呃,賭場。

Oh, bang-bang.

=> 哦,砰 - 砰。

Big time, huh? Yeah, and some small time.

=> 大的時間吧?是的,還有一些小的時間。

All right.

=> 好吧。

- Hmm? - Ah! (BOTH LAUGH) Yeah.

=> - 嗯? - 啊! (兩個笑)是的。

Better at the small than big.

=> 比小的更好。

Ah, you got more talent than me.

=> 啊,你比我更有天賦。

I got two.

=> 我有兩個。

One is I can sleep anywhere, any time.

=> 一個是我可以隨時隨地睡覺。

Its all about getting people to believe in you.


Its not their cash, its their faith.

=> 這不是他們的現金,這是他們的信仰。

(RATTLING) Well, take this plane, for example.

=> (RATTLING)那麼,以這架飛機為例。

This 80-ton chub of metal, seat cushions, and Bloody Mary mix has no right to be soaring through the sky, but along comes Newton explaining something about the air flow over the wing creating an uplift or some such shit, none of which makes a lick of sense, but you got 82 passengers back there who believe it so fiercely, the plane continues its journey safely.

=> 這個80噸的金屬,座墊和血腥瑪麗組合沒有權利在天空飛翔,但是牛頓解釋了一些關於機翼上空氣流動的事情,造成了隆起或者是一些這樣的事情,一個感覺舔,但你有82乘客回到那裡誰相信如此激烈,飛機繼續安全的旅程。

Now, whats keeping us aloft? Faith or Newton? Mm.

=> 現在,什麼讓我們高興?信仰還是牛頓?毫米。

They give you a free little shit kit in first class.

=> 他們給你一個免費的小屎套件在頭等艙。

You might not have known that.

=> 你可能不知道。

How are you fixed for work? Who needs work when youre rich, huh? Well, I just happens to be in a hiring position.

=> 你如何固定工作?當你有錢的時候誰需要工作,是吧?那麼,我恰好在招聘崗位上。

And I could be Mr.

=> 我可以是先生

Wednesday with a shake of the hand.

=> 星期三,握手。

I mean, perfectly legal work, for the most part.

=> 我的意思是,絕大多數的法律工作是完全合法的。

Good money, open roads, no aggravation well, a little bit by and by, but, uh, you know, I would have no hesitation hiring an ex-con.

=> 好錢,開路,不好,一點點都不好,但是,呃,你知道,我會毫不猶豫地僱用一個前任的。

Dont rush into this.

=> 不要急於這樣做。

Take your time, hmm? No, thank you, but I already have a job waiting for me - at my buddys gym.

=> 慢慢來,呃?不,謝謝,但我已經有一個工作在等著我 - 在我的哥們的健身房裡。

- No you dont.

=> - 不,你沒有。

I could use a fellow like you.

=> 我可以用像你這樣的人。

Theres always work for a big guy whos smart enough to know hes better off letting people think hes dumb.

=> 對於一個聰明的大個子來說總是有工作的,他知道自己最好讓自己覺得自己是愚蠢的。

Oh, and by the way, did I mention the bonuses? Outstanding benefits.

=> 哦,順便說一下,我提到了獎金?傑出的好處。

Ill even throw in a pension if youd like, and I can tell you what the fuck a pension is.

=> 如果你願意,我甚至會投入養老金,而且我可以告訴你養老金是什麼。

Hell, by the end of your tenure, you could be the next king of America.

=> 地獄,到你任期結束時,你可能成為美國的下一任國王。

And I told you, I got a job.

=> 我告訴過你,我找到了一份工作。

Ah, of course, of course.

=> 啊,當然,當然。

Anyway, as a wise man once said, a man gets out of prison, he should be focused above all on not going back.

=> 無論如何,正如一位智者曾經說過的,一個人離開監獄,他應該首先集中注意力不要回頭。


=> 啊。

Dont rush into it.

=> 不要急於進入。


=> 啊。


=> (雷擊)(SIGHS)(雷電續)(重型腳趾)相信。

Sir? Sir? Oh, great.

=> 先生?先生?哦,太好了。

I slept through first class.

=> 我睡了一等。

Sorry we had to make an emergency landing.

=> 對不起,我們不得不緊急著陸。

Cant blame us for the weather.

=> 不能怪我們天氣。

I can get you on a flight tomorrow thatll get you into Eagle Point by 6.

=> 我可以讓你搭上明天的航班,讓你6點前往鷹點。

How many miles is it from here? Torture Torture Baby, youre torturing me So if you love me, let me know But if you dont, please let me go Torture Torture Baby, youre torturing me You know that Im crazy about you Yet you make me do without you (SCREAMING) Youre torturing me Torturing me Ive only been on three other dates from the computer.

=> 這裡有多少英里?酷刑酷刑寶貝,你在折磨我所以,如果你愛我,讓我知道但是,如果你不這樣做,請讓我走酷刑酷刑寶貝,你在折磨我你知道我為你瘋狂然而,你讓我沒有你(笑)你在折磨我折磨我,我只有在計算機上的其他三個日期。

I-I dont think I have the talent for it.

=> 我 - 我不認為我有這個天賦。

But meeting you Im glad my kids forced me into getting on that stupid thing.

=> 但是見到你,我很高興我的孩子們迫使我去做那件愚蠢的事情。

You like me? Are you sure? I want to see you again.

=> 你喜歡我?你確定?我想再見到你。

I know.

=> 我知道。

I mean, w-we can wait and do it then.

=> 我的意思是,我們可以等待,然後做。

We will.

=> 我們會。

Light that for me, would you? Im not what I once was.

=> 光對我來說,你會嗎?我不是我曾經的。

Youre perfect.

=> 你很完美。

You dont think Im spent? Youre the sexiest goddamn thing Ive ever gotten to touch for free.

=> 你不覺得我花了嗎?你是我碰到過的最性感的那個該死的東西。

Im so I dont know what Im doing.

=> 我是這樣,我不知道我在做什麼。

What man does? Let me (MOANING) Dont let go.

=> 什麼人做的?讓我(MOANING)不要放手。

Not yet.

=> 還沒。

Do something for me.

=> 為我做點事情

Worship me.

=> 崇拜我。

Stay here with your words with your body.

=> 留在這裡用你的身體與你的話。

Worship me.

=> 崇拜我。

Pray to me like Im your god.

=> 向我祈禱,就像我是你的神。

Your goddess.

=> 你的女神

Dont know how.

=> 不知道如何。

Uh, you feel so good.

=> 呃,你感覺很好。

(PANTING) I could keep fucking you forever.

=> (翻唱)我可以永遠不要管他媽的。

Worship me.

=> 崇拜我。

Say my name.

=> 說我的名字。


=> Bilquis。

- Again! - Bilquis.

=> - 再次! - Bilquis。


=> Bilquisss。


=> 心愛。

I worship your breasts and your eyes and your cunt, and I worship your thighs and your eyes and your cherry-red lips.

=> 我崇拜你的胸部,你的眼睛和你的陰部,我崇拜你的大腿,你的眼睛和櫻紅的嘴唇。

Ohh, Daughter of the South.

=> 哦,南方的女兒。

Stone queen on a throne of honey.

=> 親愛的王位的石頭女王/王后。

Secret owner of all gold.

=> 所有黃金的秘密所有者。

I am yours, my beloved Bilquis.

=> 我是你的,我親愛的Bilquis。

Queens and concubines and maidens hide their faces in shame before you because you are the mother of all beauty.

=> 女王和妃嬪和女僕在你面前羞愧地掩面,因為你是所有美女的母親。

Trees bow, and warriors fall.

=> 樹鞠躬,戰士倒下。

Give me your blessing.

=> 給我你的祝福

Ohh! I bow my head before you and worship you.

=> 喔!我在你面前低頭,敬拜你。

Oh, my God, thats incredible.

=> 哦,我的天啊,真不可思議

What are you doing? Dont stop, honey.

=> 你在做什麼?別動,親愛的


=> 喔。

I offer you everything my money, my blood, my life! Please, I pray that you give me your gift, your one pure gift that I might always be so, so Go on! Let go! Give me everything.

=> 我向你們提供我所有的錢,我的血,我的生命!請求,我祈求你給我你的禮物,你的一個純潔的禮物,我可能永遠如此,所以繼續!鬆手!把所有東西都給我。

All that I have! Everything! Gift me your body.

=> 我所有的!一切!給我你的身體。

(GASPING) I love you.

=> (天籟)我愛你。

Hello, kitty.

=> 凱蒂貓。

What can I get you? Uh, what can I get for next to nothing? Uh, Buffalo Burgers great.

=> 我能得到你什麼?呃,我能得到什麼?呃布法羅漢堡很棒

Chilis better.

=> 辣椒更好

Both together will make a happy man.

=> 兩人在一起會成為一個快樂的人。


=> 是啊。

My wife makes a great chili.

=> 我的妻子做了一個偉大的辣椒。

Well you aint ever had chili like this, kitty.

=> 好吧,你從來沒有像這樣的辣椒,小貓。

I got the best chili in the state.

=> 我在州里得到了最好的辣椒。

I cant afford both and gas money.

=> 我買不起這兩樣東西,還有氣錢。

Oh, sure you can.

=> 哦,當然可以。

Just dont make a mess, and stiff me on the tip.

=> 只是不要弄得亂七八糟,在尖端強硬的我。

Permission granted.

=> 許可授予。

WEDNESDAY: Not that rushing into things cant be a good thing.

=> 星期三:不是沖入事物不是好事。

(FLUSH) Sex rushed into tends to work out best for all involved.

=> (FLUSH)性沖入趨於對所有參與者最好的工作。

Marriages oh, I grant, they merit an extra moments consideration.

=> 哦,我承認,他們值得額外的時刻的考慮。

Oh, apologies, amigo.

=> 哦,道歉,好極了。

Insensitive of me to talk about marriage.

=> 對我談論婚姻不敏感。

I am truly, deeply sorry about your wife.

=> 我對你的妻子深表歉意。

Nice obituary, though, I thought.

=> 不錯的訃告,我想。

Hmm? Okay, I said fuck off politely as many ways as Im gonna.

=> 嗯?好吧,我說我會儘可能多的方式客氣。

Now Im fixing to be direct.

=> 現在我正在修理是直接的。

Ask me about the job.


I thought youd want to reconsider on account of your friend Robbies condition and on account of you being broke.

=> 我以為你想重新考慮你的朋友羅比的狀況,並考慮到你被打破了。

(THUMP) What about his condition? The fuck do you know about Robbie? More than you, it seems.

=> (THUMP)他的病情呢?他媽的你知道羅比嗎?看起來比你更多。

Robbie Burton is dead.

=> 羅比·伯頓已經死了

Page 7.

=> 第7頁。

(DOOR CLOSES) My grandma and your grandma were sitting by the fire My grandma told your grandma "Im gonna set your flag on fire" - Talkin bout hey now - Hey now - Hey now - Hey now Iko iko an dey Youre right.

=> (門關)我的奶奶和你的奶奶坐在火邊我奶奶告訴你的奶奶「我要把你的國旗放火」 - 對話現在嘿嘿 - 嘿現在 - 嘿,現在 - 嘿現在Iko iko一個dey你是對的。

Im broke.

=> 我破產了。

I dont have a job.

=> 我沒有工作。

But you know, Im not gonna work for anyone whos got worse luck than me, so call.

=> 但是你知道,我不會為任何比我更糟糕的人工作,所以打電話。

If I win, you work for me? Yeah.

=> 如果我贏了,你為我工作?是啊。


=> 元首。


=> 尾巴。

I rigged the toss.

=> 我操縱了折騰。

Rigged games are the easiest to beat.

=> Rigged遊戲是最容易被擊敗的。

It is always going to be tails because I dont want to work for you.

=> 它總是會變成尾巴,因為我不想為你工作。

Youre a little creepy, and youre forward and familiar, and I dont like it.

=> 你有點令人毛骨悚然,而且你向前,熟悉,我不喜歡它。

I dont like you.

=> 我不喜歡你。

Its not always going to be tails.

=> 這並不總是成為尾巴。

See that guy all dressed in green? Iko iko an dey Hes not a man Well negotiate the terms of your employment over a drink.

=> 看到那個穿綠色衣服的傢伙? Iko iko an dey他不是男人我們將通過飲料談判你的工作條款。

- Hey now - Hey now Iko iko an dey Jockamo feeno ah na ney Jockamo feena ney (SCOFF) Tails.

=> - 嘿,現在 - 嘿現在Iko iko一個dey Jockamo feeno ah na ney Jockamo feena ney(SCOFF)尾巴。

Every fucking time.

=> 每一個他媽的時間。

Coin tricks, is it? Youre working for our man, then.

=> 硬幣的技巧,是嗎?那麼你正在為我們的男人工作。

Who are you? Im a leprechaun.

=> 你是誰?我是一個妖精。

Okay, youre a little tall for a leprechaun.

=> 好的,你對妖精有點高。

Thats a stereotype and represents a very narrow view of the world.

=> 這是一個刻板印象,是一個非常狹窄的世界觀。

So what, youre from Ireland? I told you Im a leprechaun.

=> 那麼,你來自愛爾蘭?我告訴過你我是妖精

We dont come from Moscow, Russia.

=> 我們不來自俄羅斯的莫斯科。

Or Moscow, Idaho, for that matter.

=> 或者愛達荷州的莫斯科。

How much has our man told you? No details.

=> 我們的男人告訴了你多少?沒有細節。

Devils in the details.

=> 魔鬼的細節。

Do you know who he is? Who he really is? Well, I never.

=> 你知道他是誰嗎?他到底是誰?嗯,我從來沒有。

Mad Sweeney as I live and breathe.

=> 瘋狂的斯威尼,因為我生活和呼吸。

What a surprise.

=> 真是一個驚喜。

Southern Comfort and Coke for you.

=> 南方的舒適和可樂為你。

Jack Daniels for me.

=> 傑克丹尼對我來說。

And these are for you, Shadow Moon.

=> 這些都是給你的,影月。

What is it? Ohh.

=> 它是什麼?喔。

Tastes like prison hooch, brewed in a garbage bag with rotten fruit.

=> 味道像監獄的妓女,用腐爛的水果在垃圾袋裡釀造。

But sweeter, smoother, stranger.

=> 但更甜,更順暢,陌生。

Its mead honey wine.

=> 這是蜂蜜酒。

Drink of heroes, drink of the gods.

=> 喝英雄,喝上帝之神。

Tastes like a drunken diabetics piss.

=> 味道像醉酒的糖尿病小便。

Its a tradition.

=> 這是一個傳統。

It seals our bargain.

=> 它密封我們的討價還價。

We dont have a bargain.

=> 我們沒有討價還價。

Of course we do.

=> 當然,我們做。

I won the toss.

=> 我贏了折騰。

You work for me now.

=> 你現在為我工作。

Youre my aide-de-camp.

=> 你是我的助手。

My castellan.

=> 我的castellan。

Protect and serve.

=> 保護和服務。

You drive where needs driving to.

=> 你開車去哪裡需要駕駛。

You take care of things generally on my behalf.

=> 你代表我一般照顧事物。

And in an emergency, and in an emergency only, you kick the asses of those whose asses require kicking.

=> 而在緊急情況下,只有在緊急情況下,才能踢出屁股需要踢的人的屁股。

And in the unlikely event of my death, you will hold my vigil.

=> 而且,如果我不幸死亡,你將會守住我的守夜。

Hes hustling you.

=> 他正在搶你。

Hes a hustler.

=> 他是一個騙子。

Damn right Im a hustler, swindler, cheater, and liar.

=> 該死的我是一個騙子,騙子,騙子,騙子。

Thats why I need assistance.

=> 這就是為什麼我需要幫助。


=> 精細。

Youve told me what you want, but you want to know what I want? Of course I do.

=> 你已經告訴我你想要什麼,但你想知道我想要什麼?我當然是了。

Name your price.

=> 說出你的價格。

I just want to go to my wifes funeral.

=> 我只想去我妻子的葬禮。

Okay? I just want to say goodbye.

=> 好的?我只想說再見。

Now after that, yeah, fine, Ill work for you for $2,000 a week.

=> 那麼現在呢,好吧,我會為你一周工作2000美元。

You want me to hurt people? Well, Ill hurt people if they try and hurt you.

=> 你想要我傷害人嗎?那麼,如果他們試圖傷害你,我會傷害他人的。

Im not gonna hurt anyone for fun or profit.

=> 我不會為了樂趣或利益而傷害任何人。

Ill work for you up to which point you start to piss me off, and then Im gone.

=> 我會為你工作,到哪個時候你開始惹我生氣,然後我走了。


=> 好。

We have a compact.

=> 我們有一個緊湊的。

The second seals the deal, the third is the charm, and were done.

=> 第二個密封交易,第三個是魅力,我們完成了。


=> 嗯。

(CLINK) There.

=> (CLINK)在那裡。

Youre my man now.

=> 你現在是我的男人


=> (咔嚓)啊。

Itll be heads.

=> 這將是頭。

Well, if its coin tricks were doing watch this.

=> 那麼,如果這是硬幣的技巧,我們正在看這個。

Now thats a coin trick for you.

=> 現在,這是你的一個硬幣技巧。

Howd you do it? With panache.

=> 你怎麼做的?隨著panache。

So what, you loaded coins up your sleeves? Sounds like a lot of work to me.

=> 那麼,你把錢放在袖子上了嗎?聽起來像很多工作給我。

Its easier just to pluck them out of the air.

=> 只是把他們從空氣中抽出來比較容易。

Simplest trick in the world.

=> 世界上最簡單的把戲。

Howd you do it? Tell you what.

=> 你怎麼做的?告訴你什麼。

Ill fight you for it.

=> 我會爭取你的。

- Yeah? - Yeah.

=> - 是嗎? - 是的。


=> 啊。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

Im not fighting you.

=> 我不是在和你戰鬥

Real gold, if youre wondering.

=> 真正的黃金,如果你想知道。

Win or lose, and youre gonna lose.

=> 輸或贏,你會輸。

Its yours if you fight me.

=> 如果你打我,那是你的。

He said he doesnt want to fight you.

=> 他說他不想和你吵架。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

Big fella like you.

=> 像你這樣的大傢伙。

Whod have thought youd be a fucking coward? (SNIFFING) Whiff of death on the page.

=> 誰曾以為你會是一個他媽的懦夫? (SNIFFING)頁面上的死亡聲。


=> (曲調,短暫)Laura Moon。


=> 哦。

Is Is this your old ladys obituary? She was a fine piece of Hey, everybody! Theres gonna be a lesson learned! Watch this.

=> 這是你的老太太的訃告嗎?她是個好人,嘿,大家好!有一個教訓!看這個。

(GRUNT) (PANTING) Atta boy.

=> (GRUNT)(PANTING)Atta男孩。

Now youre fighting for the joy of it, for the sheer unholy fucking delight of it! Raah! (SHOUTING) Raah! Ha ha ha ha ha! Can you feel the joy rising in your veins like the sap in the springtime? Were done.

=> 現在,你正在為它的快樂而戰,因為它的純粹的不聖潔的喜悅! Raah! (SHOUTING)啊!哈哈哈哈哈!你能感覺到像春天的樹液一樣在你的血管里升起的快樂嗎?我們完成了。

It aint over till I say it is.

=> 直到我說出來才結束。

Raah! You may have drank a lot.

=> Raah!你可能喝了很多。

Let it come back to you.

=> 讓它回到你身邊。

So what do you know, huh? I know Im in pain.

=> 那麼你知道什麼?我知道我很痛苦


=> 哦。

And I know I recently said yes to something stupid.

=> 而且我知道我最近說的是愚蠢的東西。

That may be true.

=> 這可能是事實。

Did he teach me that trick? You know, I believe he did.

=> 他教過我這招嗎?你知道,我相信他做到了。

Dont suppose you heard him.

=> 不要以為你聽見了他的聲音。

No such luck.

=> 沒有這樣的運氣。

Wheres my car? Oh, I dumped it.

=> 我的車在哪裡?哦,我甩了它。

Reds not your color, and dont get used to this.

=> 紅色不是你的顏色,也不習慣這個。

Youre going to be driving Betty here from now on.

=> 從現在開始,你將會在這裡駕駛貝蒂。

I just thought you could use some sleep.

=> 我只是覺得你可以睡一會兒

Its not every day a man gets to bury his wife.

=> 不是每天都有男人埋葬他的妻子。

Now Ill tell you this once and once only ever.


Take all the time you need.

=> 把你需要的所有時間都拿走。

Nearer my God to thee Hello, Shadow.

=> 我的上帝向你靠近你好,影子。

Its nice to see you.

=> 見到你很高興。

Did you escape, or did they, uh, they let you out? Audrey.

=> 你逃脫了嗎?還是他們讓你出去?奧黛麗。

Well, not the reunion you were hoping for.

=> 那麼,不是你希望的重聚。

Well, she looks pretty.

=> 那麼,她看起來很漂亮。

They did a hell of a job reconstructing her face and neck.

=> 他們做了一個重建她的臉和脖子的工作。

I think that and the coffin just killed your savings.

=> 我認為,棺材剛剛殺了你的儲蓄。

All so you could have that nice open casket, get one last look at her pretty face.

=> 所有這些你都可以擁有那個漂亮的開放式棺材,最後再看看她漂亮的臉蛋。

Im sorry about Robbie, okay? He was a really good friend, and I know he loved you like crazy.

=> 我很抱歉Robbie,好嗎?他是一個非常好的朋友,我知道他很愛你。

So did Laura.

=> 勞拉也是。

Oh shit, Shadow.

=> 哦,狗屎,陰影。

No one told you? She died with my husbands cock in her mouth.

=> 沒有人告訴你?她死於我丈夫的陰莖。

My girl, my girl Dont lie to me Tell me where did you sleep last night? In the pines, in the pines Where the sun never shines Well shiver the whole night through My daddy was a railroad man Killed a mile and a half from here His head was found In a drivers wheel His body has never been found What did you do, Laura? And what was it? Was it a one-time thing the night before I got back? Ah, thats thats a "Were in this together" thing.

=> 我的女孩,我的女孩不要騙我告訴我你昨晚在哪裡睡覺?在松樹,在松濤當太陽永遠照耀我們將顫慄了整整一夜,通過我的爸爸是一個鐵路人殺一英里,從這裡他的頭半被發現在駕駛輪他的身體從來沒有發現什麼了你呢,勞拉?那是什麼?我回來之前的那個晚上是否是一次性的事情?啊,這就是「我們在一起」的事情。

W-Was it love? Because if you were going to leave, you could have just told me, okay? I couldve taken it.

=> W--是愛嗎?因為如果你要離開,你可以告訴我,好嗎?我本可以拿走它。

You know, I had a surprise for you.

=> 你知道,我對你感到驚訝。

I read when I was in.

=> 我在讀的時候讀過

Mainly history.

=> 主要是歷史。

Six books a week for three years.

=> 每周六本書,三年。

813 books.

=> 813本書。

8 and 13 Fibonacci numbers.

=> 8和13斐波納契數字。

And I know that why? Because four of them were about math.

=> 我知道這是為什麼?因為其中四個是關於數學的。

I like math.

=> 我喜歡數學。

Who knew? I just wanted to come back better than when I went in for you.

=> 誰知道?我只是想回來的時候比當我為你而去。

I wanted to be a part of your history.

=> 我想成為你的歷史的一部分。

God damn it, Laura.

=> 上帝該死的,勞拉。

(SLURRED SPEECH THROUGHOUT) Two funerals in a day husband and best friend.


You skipped Robbies.

=> 你跳過羅比的

Thats fair.

=> 這還算公平。

- Audrey - I was yelling at mine, too.

=> - 奧黛麗 - 我也在吼我。

It doesnt do any good.

=> 這沒有任何好處。

Its just anger makes you feel like you can change the outcome.

=> 這只是憤怒,讓你覺得你可以改變結果。

But theres no arguing with dead, no debate, because dead wins ten out of ten.

=> 但是,沒有爭論與死亡,沒有辯論,因為死亡贏得十分之十。

So I pissed on him.

=> 所以我生氣了。

How long were they Not sure.

=> 他們有多久還不確定。

Long time, now that I put things together.

=> 很長一段時間,現在我把東西放在一起。

Late nights, daytime showers.

=> 深夜,白天淋浴。

Dickless piece of shit.

=> Dickless一塊狗屎。

Thats not an epithet.

=> 這不是一個綽號。

That is a literal description.

=> 這是一個字面的描述。

Severed at the root in the crash.

=> 在崩潰的根部斷絕。

Coroner had the nerve to ask me what I wanted him to do with it.

=> 驗屍官有膽量問我想讓他做什麼。

I told him leave it where he found it.

=> 我告訴他把它留在他發現的地方。


=> 放鬆。

They didnt bury Laura with it still in her mouth.

=> 他們沒有把勞拉埋在口中。

I had them put it somewhere special.

=> 我讓他們把它放在特別的地方。

Dont listen to me, Shadow.

=> 不要聽我說,影子。

I lost count on the Ativan.

=> 我迷上了Ativan。

Im interrupting.

=> 我打斷了。

You were saying your piece.

=> 你在說你的作品。

No, Im not.

=> 不,我不是。

People did enough talking today.

=> 今天人們說得夠多了。

I think someone mightve actually said shes in a better place.

=> 我想有人可能會說她在一個更好的地方。

Shes in Parkview Cemetery.

=> 她在Parkview公墓。

Target would be more interesting than here.

=> 目標會比這裡更有趣。

If there isnt some kind of life after death, Im going to be so pissed.

=> 如果死後沒有某種生活,我會非常生氣。

Kicked fucking puppy.

=> 踢他媽的小狗。

I hated you guys as a couple because of this, the way that you looked at her.

=> 我討厭你們,因為這樣,你看著她的方式。

Robbie did his best to avoid looking at me.

=> 羅比儘力避免看著我。

Get used to the boot, puppy.

=> 習慣開機,小狗。

There is no closure from the dead.

=> 死者沒有關閉。

Maybe, you know, three years from now, some therapist will tell you, uh, to write her a letter saying everything you wish you could say to her and drop it in the ocean.

=> 也許你知道,三年後,一些治療師會告訴你,呃給她寫一封信,說你希望你可以對她說的一切,然後把它放在海里。

And maybe itll help.

=> 也許會有幫助。

It wont help.

=> 這不會幫助。

Im sorry for your loss, Shadow.

=> 我很抱歉你的損失,影子。

I really am.

=> 我真的是。

(SOB) Anyone tell you that yet? Im not sure.

=> (SOB)有人告訴你呢?我不確定。

Anyone even hug you? Shit.

=> 任何人甚至擁抱你?拉屎。

Well, you just got out of prison.

=> 那麼你剛剛出獄。

You havent been hugged in how long? I read thats a thing with ex-cons, forgetting what its like just to feel someone.

=> 你沒有被擁抱多久?我讀到這是一個有缺點的東西,忘記了感覺到某個人的感覺。

Oh, shit.

=> 媽的。

You You worked out in prison.

=> 你在監獄裡工作

(CHUCKLE) I have a proposal for closure for us both.

=> (CHUCKLE)我有一個關閉我們兩個的建議。

- Audrey - No, no.

=> - 奧黛麗 - 不,不。

Hear me out.

=> 聽我說。

This is a good one.

=> 這個不錯。

Lex talionis.

=> Lex talionis。

An eye for an eye, blow job for a blow job, right here where they can see us.

=> 以眼還眼,吹口哨,就在這裡他們可以看到我們。

I appreciate the offer, but My husband and your wife my best friend I want them to see it.

=> 我很欣賞這個提議,但是我的丈夫和你的妻子是我最好的朋友,我希望他們能看到它。

I want Robbie to watch while I take this gorgeous mans cock in my mouth.

=> 我要羅比看我把這個華麗的男人的公雞在我的嘴裡。

Pissing on him wasnt enough.

=> 在他身上撒尿是不夠的。

I want you to come in my mouth, Im going to spit it on his grave.

=> 我想讓你進入我的嘴巴,我要把它吐在他的墳墓上。

Jesus, who knew I could be so angry? No, no, no, no.

=> 耶穌,誰知道我可以很生氣?不不不不。


=> 停止。

Stop, stop, stop, stop.

=> 停止,停止,停止,停止。

Youre right.

=> 你是對的。

Fuck me already.

=> 他媽的我已經。


=> 哦。

Dont, Audrey.

=> 不要,奧黛麗

Audrey, dont.

=> 奧黛麗,不要。

I cant do this.

=> 我不能這樣做。

I am trying to get my dignity back here! Look, hold on.

=> 我正試圖讓我的尊嚴回到這裡!看,等一下


=> 等待。


=> 奧黛麗! (SOBBING)(飛翔的翅膀)(FLUTTERING STOPS)你好,影子。

Dont fuck with me.

=> 別跟我操。


=> 好的。

I wont.

=> 我不會。

Uh, but if you could just drop me off - at the Motel America - Hit him.

=> 呃,但如果你能把我放下 - 在美國汽車旅館 - 打他。

See, I said dont fuck with me.

=> 看,我說別跟我操。

Now that, that was fucking with me.

=> 現在,那是他媽的跟我在一起。

Keep your answers short and to the point, or I will fucking kill you, or maybe I wont.

=> 保持你的答案簡短和重點,否則我會他媽的殺了你,或者我不會。

Maybe Ill just have The Children here break every bone in your fucking body.

=> 也許我會讓這裡的孩子們打破他媽的身體里的每一塊骨頭。

So dont fuck with me.

=> 所以不要跟我操。

Got it.

=> 得到它了。

Youre working for Wednesday.

=> 你在星期三工作。


=> 是啊。

- Smoke? - No, thank you.

=> - 煙? - 不,謝謝。

(COUGHING) Well, its not tobacco, and it aint weed.

=> (嗆)那不是煙草,也不是雜草。

Smells like an appliance fire.

=> 聞起來像一場電器火災。

Synthetic toad skins.

=> 合成蟾蜍皮。


=> 嗯。

Whats the game plan, man? I started working for Mr.


Wednesday this morning.

=> 今天上午星期三

How auspicious.

=> 多吉祥。

You must be special.

=> 你一定是特別的。

No, Im just an errand boy.

=> 不,我只是一個差事的男孩。

Is that all? (COUGHING) Wednesday is history.

=> 這就是全部? (嗆)星期三是歷史。

Forgotten and old.

=> 被遺忘和老。

He should just let it happen.

=> 他應該讓它發生。

We are the future, and we dont give a fuck about him or anyone else like him anymore.

=> 我們是未來,而且我們也不會再對他或其他任何像他這樣的人做任何事情。

They are consigned to the dumpster.

=> 他們被委託給垃圾箱。

Now we have reprogrammed reality.

=> 現在我們已經重新編程了現實。

Language is a virus.

=> 語言是一種病毒。

Religion, an operating system, and prayers are just so much fucking spam.

=> 宗教,操作系統和祈禱都是他媽的垃圾郵件。

Okay, w-well, y-youre saying all this like Im supposed to know what the fuck youre talking about.

=> 好吧,你好,你說這些就像我應該知道你在說什麼他媽的。

The dominant fucking paradigm, Shadow.

=> 主要的他媽的範例,影子。

That is the only important thing.

=> 這是唯一重要的事情。

Oh, by the way, I was sorry to hear about your wife.

=> 哦,順便說一句,我很遺憾聽到你的妻子。

Tough break.

=> 艱難的休息。


=> 謝謝。

So I will ask again.

=> 所以我會再問一次。

What is it Wednesday is up to? We barely exchanged a dozen words.

=> 星期三到底是什麼?我們勉強交換了十幾個字。

But you can let me out here and then Ill walk the rest of the way.

=> 但是你可以讓我出去,然後我就走剩下的路。

Youre saying that you dont know? Telling you I dont know.

=> 你是說你不知道?告訴你我不知道。

Would you tell me even if you did? Probably not.

=> 即使你做了,你能告訴我嗎?可能不會。

As you say, I work for Mr.

=> 正如你所說,我為先生工作


=> 星期三。

Well, then why the fuck am I wasting my time sitting here talking to you? You know, I was curious myself how long you would go on sucking your own dick.

=> 那麼,為什麼我他媽的浪費我坐在這裡和你說話的時間?你知道,我很好奇自己多久你會吸自己的雞巴。

Kill him.

=> 殺了他。

Were not just going to kill you, Shadow.

=> 我們不只是要殺你,影子。

Were going to delete you.

=> 我們要刪除你

One click, and you are overwritten.

=> 點擊一下,你就被覆蓋了。

Undelete that is not an option.

=> 取消刪除不是一個選項。


=> 啊哈! (CROW CAWS)


[美劇] 靈書妙探/Castle 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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