
[美劇] 惡魔島/Alcatraz 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 惡魔島/Alcatraz 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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定存在「時間旅行」之類的元素。有意思的是,去年十二月份Fox秘密招募Johny Coyne和Jason Butler

Harner分別飾演阿爾卡特拉斯監獄的獄長和副獄長。Jason Butler





  Sarah Jones扮演女主角Rebecca Madsen,新生代「J女郎」。《電視導刊》稱這個角色聰明睿智,但有點過分執著.

  來自《迷失》的Jorge Garcia扮演Diego Soto博士,嬉皮士,著名的阿爾卡特拉斯專家,Rebecca


Cabrera扮演Rebecca Madsen的未婚夫,一名警察。最近幾年很活躍的Sam Neill扮演一個秘密政府機構的官員Emerson

Hauser。Jonny Coyne扮演阿爾卡特拉斯監獄的獄長Edwin James。Jason Butler

Harner扮演阿爾卡特拉斯監獄的副獄長E.B. Tiller。可能是反派角色。(——天涯小築)


On march 21, 1963, Alcatraz officially closed due to rising costs and decrepit facilities.


All the prisoners were transferred off the island Only, thats not what happened.

=> 所有的囚犯都被轉移到了島上,但事實並非如此。

Not at all.

=> 一點也不。

What the hell? What is it? Ready your weapon.

=> 我勒個去?它是什麼?準備好你的武器。

Whats happening? Two guards Always meet the transfer.

=> 發生了什麼?兩名看守總是遇到轉移。

Maybe they forgot.

=> 也許他們忘了。

This is Alcatraz.

=> 這是惡魔島。

No one forgets.

=> 沒有人忘記。

Is anyone here? Follow me.

=> 有人在嗎?跟著我。

Radio the station.

=> 收音機電台。

Tell them to send everyone.

=> 告訴他們發送每個人。

disappeared that night.

=> 那天晚上消失了。

They were never seen or heard from again Until now.

=> 直到現在,他們從來沒有見過或聽到過。

They stayed in their cells 24 hours a day.

=> 他們一天24小時呆在牢房裡。

Susie? Where the hell is she? Hey, buddy, you cant sleep in here.

=> 蘇茜?她到底在哪裡?嗨,夥計,你不能在這裡睡覺。

You got two minutes to get the hell outta here.

=> 你有兩分鐘的時間讓這裡失控

As I was saying, on March 21, 1963, Alcatraz officially closed due to rising costs Ticket, sir? Hope you had a nice time on the rock.

=> 正如我剛才所說,1963年3月21日,惡魔島正式因成本上漲而關閉,先生?希望你在岩石上過得愉快。

Inside "B" and "C" head count.

=> 裡面的「B」和「C」頭數。

- 14, inside "C".

=> - 14,在「C」裡面。

- First tier.

=> - 一線。

15, inside "C" second tier.

=> 15,在「C」第二層。

14, inside "B" first tier.

=> 14,在「B」的第一層。

Rack em! Toes on the line.

=> 架子!腳趾就行了。


=> 25。

Move, move, move, move! Lets go! Not so fast, 2024.

=> 移動,移動,移動!我們走吧!沒有那麼快,2024年。

Shake it down.

=> 把它搖下來。

Its clean, Mr.

=> 這很乾凈,先生


=> 分櫱。

Clean, my ass.

=> 乾淨,我的屁股。

Thats not mine.

=> 那不是我的。

Take him away.

=> 把他帶走。

Todays visiting day.

=> 今天的訪問日。

Not for you.

=> 不適合你。


=> 分櫱。

Alcatraz Ep 1 - Pilot No! Madsen! Come on! Take my hand! Come on! Okay, all right.

=> 惡魔島劇集1 - 飛行員不!馬德森!來吧!抓住我的手!來吧!好的,好的。

Aah! Madsen.

=> 啊哈!馬德森。


=> 馬德森。

Detective Madsen.

=> 偵探Madsen。

You hear a word Ive been saying? Lieutenant, I respect you too much to say yes.

=> 你聽到一個我一直在說的話嗎?中尉,我太尊敬你了。

Youve been flying solo for three months.

=> 你已經獨自飛行了三個月。

Its time to get you partnered up again.

=> 現在是時候讓你再次合作。

Um, I just remembered that I have Sit.

=> 呃,我只記得我有坐。

Yes, sir.

=> 是的先生。

Lets start with rivers.

=> 我們從河流開始。

Just coming off a stint in vice.

=> 只是在惡習中脫穎而出。

You know, I dont think rivers knows Im a detective here.

=> 你知道,我不認為河流知道我是一個偵探。

Hes always asking me to make him coffee.

=> 他總是要我給他煮咖啡。

How about Hollier? Too slow.

=> 霍利爾呢?太慢了。

- Fiveash.

=> - Fiveash。

- Too fast.

=> - 太快。

- Kheel.

=> - 謝爾。

- Too blond.

=> - 太金髮。

Wed look like the Hardy boys.

=> 我們看起來像哈代男孩。

LookWe all took a loss that day.

=> 那天我們都虧本了。

But you gotta stop blaming yourself.

=> 但是你不應該責怪自己。

I dont.

=> 我不。

I blame the guy that pushed him off the roof.

=> 我責備那個把他推下屋頂的傢伙。

Weve been through the mug shots.

=> 我們已經通過大杯鏡頭。

We followed every lead.

=> 我們跟隨每一個領先。

Its time to move on.

=> 現在是繼續前進的時候了。

Madsen, we got a homicide.

=> Madsen,我們遇到了一個兇殺案。

Youre up.

=> 你起來了

Um Youre right.

=> 你說得對。

Those are great choices.

=> 那些是很好的選擇。

Um I just Yeah, I know.

=> 嗯,我只是,我知道。

Give me the day, and Ill pick someone.

=> 給我一天,我會挑選一個人。

I promise.

=> 我承諾。

Thank you, lieutenant.

=> 謝謝你,中尉。

Who murders a guy whos already got one hip in the grave? Victims Elijah Bailey Tiller.

=> 誰殺了一個在墳墓里已經有一個臀部的人?受害者的以利亞貝利分櫱。

Folks called him E.

=> 人們叫他E.




=> 78。

Neighbor says the door was open.

=> 鄰居說門是開著的。

Rebecca, the Vic he was a fed.

=> 麗貝卡,維克他是美聯儲。

All right, lets get all we can before we get tossed.

=> 好的,讓我們把我們所有的東西都拿走吧。

Youre done here.

=> 你在這裡完成。

Excuse me? The victim was a federal agent.

=> 打擾一下?受害者是聯邦特工。

- Were taking over.

=> - 我們正在接管。

- Says who? Says me.

=> - 誰說的?說我。

And you are? Emerson Hauser.

=> 你呢?愛默生豪瑟

Now, get out.

=> 現在,出去。

I dont leave a crime scene unless my immediate superior orders me to.

=> 除非我的上級命令我,否則我不會離開犯罪現場。

Okay, run along and play now.

=> 好,現在就跑吧

Thanks for being a dick about it.

=> 感謝您成為一個雞巴。

Jimmy, do me a favor? Run Emerson Hauser through the database.

=> 吉米,幫我一個忙嗎?通過資料庫運行Emerson Hauser。

I wanna know where he came from.

=> 我想知道他從哪裡來。

What are you gonna do? Jack Sylvane.

=> 你要去做什麼?傑克Sylvane。

Damn it.

=> 該死的。


=> 惡魔島。

Vics name was E.

=> Vic的名字是E.




=> 分櫱。

Deputy warden? Hmm.

=> 副監督?嗯。

Diego Soto.

=> 迭戈·索托。

Whats your story? Come on, come on, thats not fair.

=> 你的故事是什麼?來吧,來吧,這不公平。

Doc, you really wanna do that? Shh, shh, shh! Come on, come on, come on.

=> 醫生,你真的想這樣做?噓,噓,噓!來吧,來吧,來吧。

- There ya go.

=> - 你去了。

- Shut up.

=> - 閉嘴。

Oh! Youre too worried about the double-ups, doc.

=> 哦!你太擔心雙打,文件。

You just gotta shoot.

=> 你只是開槍。

You have to double up.

=> 你必須加倍。

Double-ups are key.

=> 加倍是關鍵。

Yeah, the high scores a pipe dream without the double-up.

=> 是的,高分是沒有雙重的管道夢想。

Of course, Im more partial to Pac-man, but maybe thats cause I like to eat.

=> 當然,我更偏向吃豆人,但也許這是因為我喜歡吃。

Diego Soto.

=> 迭戈·索托。

Will you marry me? Dr.

=> 你願意嫁給我嗎?博士

Diego Soto? Im way smarter than I look.

=> 迭戈·索托?我比我看起來更聰明。

Phds in criminal justice and civil war history.

=> Phds在刑事司法和內戰史上。

Four books on Alcatraz? Id say youre way smarter than we all look.

=> 四本關於惡魔島的書?我會說你比我們都看起來更聰明。

Im detective Rebecca Madsen.

=> 我是偵探麗貝卡·馬德森。

I was hoping to borrow you for a case.

=> 我希望借你一個案子。

These two look familiar? Yeah.

=> 這兩個看起來很熟悉?是啊。

Warden James and his deputy Tiller? James is long dead, but Tiller, hes still alive.

=> 詹姆斯和他的副手蒂勒?詹姆斯已經死了很久了,但是蒂勒,他還活著。

You ever do any research on an inmate named Jack Sylvane? Sylvane? That was one unlucky cat.

=> 你曾經對一個名叫Jack Sylvane的犯人做過任何研究嗎? Sylvane?那是一隻不幸的貓。

The guy was a World War II vet.

=> 這個人是二戰的獸醫。

Got sent to the rock for robbing a grocery store.

=> 因為搶劫一家雜貨店而被派往磐石。

Hows that a federal crime? Thats the unlucky part.

=> 那聯邦犯罪怎麼樣?這是不吉利的部分。

The store sold stamps.

=> 這家商店賣了郵票。

Which makes it a post office.

=> 這使得它成為一個郵局。

And feeding your family becomes a federal offense.

=> 餵養你的家庭成為聯邦罪行。

Sent him to leavenworth.

=> 把他送到leavenworth。

Another prisoner got frisky in the shower.

=> 另一名囚犯在洗澡時感到活潑。

Jack murders him.

=> 傑克謀殺了他。

Next stop, the rock.

=> 下一站,搖滾。

SoWhy all the interest in Jack Sylvane? E.

=> 為什麼Jack Sylvane的所有興趣? E.



Tiller was killed last night.

=> 蒂勒昨晚被殺害。

Sylvanes prints showed up at the scene.

=> Sylvane的版畫出現在現場。

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

Thats just not possible.

=> 這是不可能的。

Why not? Cause Jack Sylvane died over 30 years ago.

=> 為什麼不?因為Jack Sylvane在30多年前去世了。

Okay, 2024, on your feet.

=> 好吧,2024年,你的腳。

Lets go.

=> 我們走吧。


=> Attaboy。

Thats it.

=> 而已。

What did you say to my wife? Oh, would you look at that? I must have made a mistake.

=> 你對我的妻子說什麼了?哦,你會看看嗎?我一定是犯了一個錯誤。

Its red getting sprung today.

=> 今天是紅色的。

Not you.

=> 不是你。

You should really eat something.

=> 你應該真的吃點東西

Remember, this is Alcatraz.

=> 請記住,這是惡魔島。

Things can always get worse.

=> 事情總是會變得更糟。

I need to use the locker room.

=> 我需要使用更衣室。

Its 8 bucks to enjoy the facilities as a guest.

=> 作為一個客人享受設施是8塊錢。

Hey, you got some change comin.

=> 嘿,你有一些改變科曼。


=> 嘿。

Becky! Uncle Ray.


Hiya, sweetie.

=> 嗨,親愛的

Get ya something? Jack on the rocks.

=> 得到你的東西?傑克在岩石上。

Jack on the rocks, huh? I need your help with a homicide.

=> 傑克在岩石上,是吧?我需要你的幫助,以殺人。

Goes back to Alcatraz.

=> 回到惡魔島。

DBs Elijah Bailey Tiller.

=> DB的Elijah Bailey Tiller。

SoSomebody finally nailed E.

=> SoSomebody最終釘E.



I knew youd know him.

=> 我知道你會認識他的。

Any insights? Ball breaker, this guy.

=> 任何見解?破球者,這個傢伙。

Of the worst variety.

=> 最糟糕的品種。

Worked the rock for about ten years.

=> 工作了十年左右的時間。

Deputy warden when I was a guard.

=> 我當守衛的時候擔任副監獄長。

Got out before she shut down.

=> 在她關閉之前得到了。

Ray Archer? Dr.

=> 射手阿切爾?博士


=> 索托。

This is my Uncle Ray.

=> 這是我的叔叔雷。

Its an honor, sir.

=> 先生,這是一種榮幸。

You know me? Know you? I studied you.

=> 你了解我?知道你?我研究過你

I even named a character after you in my comic.

=> 我甚至在漫畫後面給了你一個角色。

Ray Archers your Uncle? Sort of.

=> 雷射手是你的叔叔?有點。

He raised me after my parents died.

=> 父母去世後,他撫養了我。

My grandfather was a guard too.

=> 我的祖父也是一名警衛。

Tommy Madsen.

=> 湯米馬德森。

He and Ray were best friends.

=> 他和雷是最好的朋友。

Its where they met.

=> 這是他們見面的地方。

You write about him? Sure.

=> 你寫他呢?當然。

Get you a drink, son? Club soda would be great.

=> 給你喝一杯,兒子?蘇打水會很棒。

Well, I found him back at my place.

=> 那麼,我發現他回到我的位置。

Jack Sylvanes transfer order to San Quentin, dated the day the Rock was closed in 63, -and look who signed it.

=> 傑克·西爾維恩(Jack Sylvane)向「聖昆廷」(San Quentin)發出的轉移命令,是在63年岩石被關閉的那一天,看看誰簽了名。

-Robert Kennedy.

=> 羅伯特·肯尼迪。

And heres Jacks death certificate.

=> 這是傑克的死亡證明。


=> 好的。

So hows a dead man dropping fingerprints - at a murder scene? - You think these are phonies? Memory servesTiller joined up with the feds.

=> 那麼怎麼是一個死人放棄指紋 - 在一個謀殺現場? - 你認為這些是密碼? Memory Tiller加入了聯合會。

Federal officer gets a federal investigation.

=> 聯邦官員獲得聯邦調查。

This isnt your case, is it, Becky? -No, but - No, but nothing.

=> 這不是你的情況嗎,貝基? - 不,但是 - 不,但沒有。

If its not your case, stay out of it.

=> 如果不是你的情況,請不要離開。

This is about Alcatraz.

=> 這是關於惡魔島。

You worked Damn it, Rebecca.

=> 你做了該死的麗貝卡

Let it go.

=> 隨它吧。

For once in your life, justwalk away.

=> 在你的生命中一次,走開。

My folks Are really, really smart.

=> 我的傢伙真的很聰明

They teach at Stanford.

=> 他們在斯坦福大學教書。

And theyre always telling me what to do.

=> 他們總是告訴我該怎麼做。

But Smart doesnt always make you happy.

=> 但聰明並不總是讓你快樂。

So mostly, I just hear what they have to say And then I do the opposite.

=> 所以大多數情況下,我只是聽到他們要說的話,然後我做相反的事情。

Youre the expert.

=> 你是專家

What do you think happened? I dont know.

=> 你覺得怎麼樣?我不知道。

But last time on the island, I stumbled across a room that was full of files and boxes and all sorts of stuff I wasnt supposed to see.

=> 但是最後一次在島上,我偶然發現了一個房間里充滿了文件和箱子,以及我不應該看到的各種東西。

Pier 33, first boat out? Ill bring the coffee.

=> 碼頭33號,第一艘船出?我會帶上咖啡。

So I spoke to the warden at San Quentin.

=> 於是我跟聖昆汀的監獄長說話。

He confirms Sylvanes transfer and death in 76.

=> 他在76年證實了Sylvane的轉移和死亡。

But you think hes alive and that he killed Tiller.

=> 但是你認為他還活著,他殺了Tiller。

I dont know.

=> 我不知道。

It just doesnt make sense.

=> 這只是沒有意義。

Sylvane was a thief, not a killer.

=> Sylvane是一個小偷,而不是一個殺手。

So if Jacks been around all this time, whyd he wait so long to kill Tiller? Where the hells he been? Where are we now? The barracks.

=> 所以如果傑克一直在這個時候,他為什麼要等這麼久殺死Tiller呢?他到底在哪裡?我們現在在哪?營房。

The guards lived here with their families.

=> 警衛們和家人一起住在這裡。

I cant imagine children living here.

=> 我無法想像住在這裡的孩子們。

They took the boat to school every day.

=> 他們每天都乘船上學。

Way cooler than the bus.

=> 比公共汽車更冷。

Heres the room.

=> 這是房間。

Still locked.

=> 仍然鎖定。

Any ideas? Department issue.

=> 有任何想法嗎?部門問題。


=> 手電筒。

Arent you kind of young to be a detective? Yeah.

=> 你不是一個年輕的偵探?是啊。

I get that a lot.

=> 我得到了很多。

Bet you have a pretty cool origin story.

=> 打賭你有一個非常酷的起源故事。

I was raised by a cop.

=> 我是由警察撫養的。

Hed bring his cases home, Id read them before bed, put post-its where I thought he should look.

=> 他會把他的箱子帶回家,在睡覺前讀他們的東西,把它放在我認為他應該看的地方。

I actually helped him solve a few cases.

=> 我其實幫他解決了一些情況。


=> 尼斯。

How come the inmate files werent transferred with the inmates? Holy crap! You gotta come see this.

=> 犯人的檔案怎麼不跟犯人轉移?哇靠!你得來看看這個。

- This is - Everything! Its all their stuff.

=> - 這是 - 一切!這是他們所有的東西。

SFPD! Im armed.

=> SFPD!我是武裝的

What the hell is that? This is a mistake.

=> 這他媽到底是什麼?這是個錯誤。

She found us, and she wont stop until she finds him.

=> 她找到了我們,直到找到他才停下來。

You need her, Emerson.

=> 你需要她,愛默生


=> 好。

Youre awake.

=> 你醒了。

Detective Madsen Welcome to Alcatraz.

=> 偵探馬德森歡迎來到惡魔島。

Mm My head.

=> 嗯我的頭。

Where are we? Alcatraz.

=> 我們在哪?惡魔島。

- Looks good.

=> - 看起來不錯。

- Yep.

=> - 是的

Theyve done some redecorating.

=> 他們做了一些重新裝修。


=> 博士

Soto, Im Hauser.

=> 索托,我是豪瑟。

I read your books.

=> 我讀了你的書。

Um, did yougas us? We have strict protocols for intruders here.

=> 呃,我們嗎?我們在這裡有嚴格的入侵者協議。

Im Lucy Banerjee.

=> 我是Lucy Banerjee。

Youre quite resourceful, detective Madsen.

=> 你是個足智多謀的偵探馬德森。

Lifting the photo from the crime scene was not only bold but effective.

=> 從犯罪現場揭發照片不僅大膽而且有效。

Ill need that back.

=> 我會回來的

Emerson Hauser, you wanna tell me why theres no record of you working for the FBI? I run a special division in charge of criminals who hold a particular allure for our government.

=> 愛默生·豪瑟,你想告訴我為什麼沒有你為聯邦調查局工作的記錄?我辦了一個專門負責對我們的政府有特別吸引力的罪犯的師。

You know I dont believe a word of that, right? So You built the bat cave Underneath Alcatraz.

=> 你知道我不相信這個話,對吧?所以你建立了惡魔島下的蝙蝠洞。

But why would you do that? Whos the old guy? That is a computer-generated simulation of what Jack Sylvane should look like today.

=> 但是,你為什麼要這樣做?誰是老傢伙?這是Jack Sylvane今天看起來應該是什麼樣子的電腦模擬。

Should? Lucy, run the green street surveillance.

=> 應該?露西,跑綠色街道監視。

Traffic cam caught this last night.

=> 交通凸輪昨晚抓住了這個。

The older gentleman is our victim E.

=> 老先生是我們的受害者E.



Tiller, and meet Jack Sylvane.

=> 分櫱,並會見傑克Sylvane。

What? Thats him? Dr.

=> 什麼?那是他?博士

Soto? Its him.

=> 索托?是他。

Jack Sylvane disappeared from Alcatraz in 1963.

=> Jack Sylvane於1963年從Alcatraz消失。

What does that mean, he escaped? No one ever escaped Alcatraz.

=> 那是什麼意思,他逃脫了?沒有人逃脫惡魔島。

Not to mention, the guy looks exactly the same, which, if youre keeping score at home, isnt possible.

=> 更何況,這個人看起來完全一樣,如果你在家裡保持得分,這是不可能的。

So the San Quentin transfer was bogus.

=> 所以聖昆廷轉移是假的。

As was the death certificate.

=> 死亡證明也是如此。

That still doesnt explain why he hasnt aged.

=> 這仍然不能解釋為什麼他沒有老化。

No, it doesnt.

=> 不,不。

Yes? Whats going on? Local PD found a uniform at a crime scene.

=> 是?這是怎麼回事?當地警局在犯罪現場發現一件制服。

Alcatraz issue.

=> 惡魔島的問題。

Tell you what Ill give you your prints back if you let me come with you.

=> 告訴你,如果你讓我跟你一起,我會給你你的印花。

Why? Because you gassed me, and now you owe me one.

=> 為什麼?因為你把我氣死了,現在你欠我一個。

Dont forget your lunchbox.

=> 別忘了你的飯盒


=> 是啊。

Lets go, doc.

=> 去吧,doc。

Coming! Keep at it.

=> 未來!堅持下去。

Youll owe me a transfusion.

=> 你會欠我一個輸血。

Youd think a month in the hole would teach you not to run your mouth.

=> 你會認為在洞里一個月會教你不要跑你的嘴。

Oh, I didnt know there was another doctor among us.


Fetch me a stethoscope for Dr.

=> 給我拿聽診器給博士

Sylvane here.

=> Sylvane在這裡。

Do me a favor, Jack.

=> 幫我個忙,傑克

Keep your opinions, medical or otherwise, to your godforsaken self.

=> 保持你的意見,醫療或其他,對你的godforsaken自我。

So how many they take from you? Scuse me? Vials of warm red blood? What the hell do you care? This place is nothing compared to downstairs.

=> 那麼他們從你那裡拿走了多少? 「打擾我?小瓶溫暖的紅色血液?你到底在乎什麼?這個地方跟樓下沒什麼兩樣。

Sent me out on visiting day.

=> 在參觀的一天送我出去。

Im not talking about the hole.

=> 我不是在談論這個洞。

Im talking about below the hole.

=> 我在洞下面談論。

I missed seeing my wife.

=> 我錯過了見到我的妻子。

Trust me, youre better off.

=> 相信我,你過得更好。

Who the hell are you? The same as you.

=> 你到底是誰?和你一樣。

A number.

=> 一個號碼。

Yeah, well And I aint better off.

=> 是的,那麼我沒有更好。

You listen to me.

=> 你聽我說。

Something terribles gonna happen here.

=> 可怕的事情會發生在這裡。

Thats Jacks number.

=> 傑克的電話號碼

Is this the man who attacked you? Yeah.

=> 這是攻擊你的人嗎?是啊。

Thats the son of a bitch.

=> 這是一個婊子的兒子。

Did you give him a locker key? No.

=> 你給他一個儲物櫃鑰匙嗎?沒有。

He never asked.

=> 他從不問。

And is the video camera in the lobby working? You kidding me? Nothings worked here since like 1975.

=> 大廳里的攝像機在工作嗎?你在開玩笑?自1975年以來沒有任何工作。


=> 這裡。

- You got a plate number.

=> - 你有一個盤子號碼。

- Its the cab he took off in.

=> - 這是他起飛的駕駛室。

Ill have SFPD run it.

=> 我將有SFPD運行它。

Turn around slow! Do it now! Show me your hands.

=> 轉身慢點!現在做!讓我看看你的手

I said show me your hands! Are you Barclay Flynn? Im here for you.

=> 我說讓我看看你的手!你是巴克萊弗林嗎?我在這裡為你。

- Aah! - Open the safe.

=> - 啊! - 打開保險箱。


=> 好的。

See? Here.

=> 看到?這裡。

You can have anything you want.

=> 你可以有任何你想要的。

Gimme the bag.

=> 給我的包。

What bag? The soft black bag.

=> 什麼包?軟黑色的包。

Here, take it.

=> 在這裡,拿它。

Take it.

=> 拿去。

Thats it? Thats what you came for? Oh, my God.

=> 而已?那是你來的?哦,我的上帝。

- I got a pulse.

=> - 我有一個脈搏。

- This ones gone.

=> - 這個走了

Officer down.

=> 警官受傷倒地。

I repeat office down.

=> 我重複辦公室。

We need backup and a bus.

=> 我們需要備份和巴士。

Stay with him.

=> 和他在一起

I lost him.

=> 我失去了他。

His name is Barclay Flynn.

=> 他的名字叫巴克利·弗林(Barclay Flynn)。

So whats this guys connection to Sylvane? Why assume there has to be one? Silly me, looking for motive.

=> 那麼這個人和Sylvane有什麼關係呢?為什麼要假設必須有一個?愚蠢的我,尋找動機。

Even if Jack Sylvane didnt know Flynn, it doesnt mean there werent people who wanted him dead.

=> 即使Jack Sylvane不知道Flynn,也不意味著沒有人要他死。

Soyoure implying that Sylvanes being used by someone, that he was told to do this.

=> Soyoure暗示Sylvane被某人使用,他被告知這樣做。

I dont think I was implying it.

=> 我不認為我暗示它。

I thought I was saying it.

=> 我以為我是在說這個。

What have you got? Listen, Jacks wife remarried.

=> 你有什麼?聽著,傑克的妻子再婚。

Only get this Wasnt just some guy.

=> 只有得到這個不只是一些人。

She married Jacks brother.

=> 她嫁給了傑克的兄弟。

Shes still alive? Jack could go looking for her.

=> 她還活著?傑克可以去找她。

Shes dead.

=> 她死了。

But his brother, hes still alive.

=> 但他的兄弟,他還活著。

And if Jack knows that - Right.

=> 如果傑克知道 - 對。

He could be next.

=> 他可能是下一個。

- Whoa.

=> - 哇。

What about Eliot Ness? Wont he be pissed if we leave without him? I wanna find Jack.

=> 艾略特·尼斯呢?如果我們離開他,他不會生氣嗎?我想找傑克。

I wanna know what happened.

=> 我想知道發生了什麼事。

And hes never gonna tell us.

=> 他永遠不會告訴我們

Soare you with me? All the way.

=> 你和我在一起嗎?一路。


=> 你好。

Can I help you? Im Jack.

=> 我能幫你嗎?我是傑克。

Uh Im looking for Alan Sylvane? Im Alan junior.

=> 呃我在找Alan Sylvane?我是艾倫小輩。

Im his son.

=> 我是他的兒子

Uhour dads were friends.

=> 妳的爸爸是朋友。

Come on in.

=> 進來。

Ill get dad.

=> 我會去找爸爸

How are your flowers? Um The roses, they grow, but The tulips are dying.

=> 你的花好嗎?嗯玫瑰,他們長大,但鬱金香快死了。

Im sorry to hear that.

=> 我很抱歉聽到這個消息。

Last month I come and They say you are ill? Im good now.

=> 上個月我來了,他們說你生病了?我現在好。

Im worried.

=> 我很擔心。

Andthere is no one I can ask.

=> 沒有人可以問我。

Im sorry about that.

=> 我很抱歉。

Your brother, uh, Alan, says hello.

=> 你的兄弟,阿蘭,你好。

He looking out for you? I must, um Ask you for something.

=> 他在找你嗎?我必須,呃問你一些事情。

- Yeah, anything.

=> - 是的,什麼

- Anything you need.

=> - 任何你需要的。

Oh, no.

=> 不好了。

Oh, please, you must let me go.

=> 哦,拜託,你一定要讓我走。

Please dont do this, Sonya.

=> 索尼婭,請不要這樣做。

- I have to.

=> - 我不得不。

- Please dont do this.

=> - 請不要這樣做。

Pleaseyou must let me go.

=> 請你讓我走吧。

- Dont do this.

=> - 不要這樣做。

- Give me a divorce.

=> - 給我離婚


=> 沒有。


=> 沒有。


=> 沒有。


=> 沒有。

Jackie, I cant do this.

=> 傑基,我不能這樣做。

-Jackie - No! Ah! Thats it, Jack.

=> - 傑克 - 不!啊!就是這樣,傑克。

Youre done.

=> 你完成了。

Back to your cell, Jack! Thats my mom.

=> 回到你的牢房,傑克!那是我的媽媽

She died four years ago.

=> 她四年前去世了

You have her eyes.

=> 你有她的眼睛。

Hello, Alan.

=> 你好,艾倫。

How? You look the same.

=> 怎麼樣?你看起來一樣。

You got old.

=> 你變老了

They told me you died.

=> 他們告訴我你死了

I threw dirt on your coffin.

=> 我把骯髒的東西扔在你的棺材上。

Did she suffer? She got cancer.

=> 她受苦了嗎?她得了癌症

She suffered.

=> 她遭受了。

What happened to you, Jackie? What happened was My brother married my wife.

=> 傑基,你怎麼了?發生了什麼事我的兄弟娶了我的妻子。

And nothing that came after that Matters worth a damn.

=> 沒有什麼事情發生後,事情值得一個該死的。

Police! - He took my dad.

=> 警察! - 他帶走了我的父親。

- Who did? He said his name was Jack.

=> - 誰幹的?他說他的名字是傑克。

He say where he was going? Said he wanted to find his wife.

=> 他說他要去哪裡?說他想找到他的妻子。

Its okay, Sonya.

=> 沒關係,索尼婭。

What you did.

=> 你做了什麼。

In my heart Theres only love for you.

=> 在我心中只有你的愛。

Turn around, Jack.

=> 轉身,傑克。

Do I know you? No, you dont.

=> 我認識你嗎?不,你不知道。

Now, give me your gun, and I wont blow your brains out.

=> 現在,給我你的槍,我不會把你的腦袋吹出來。

Gimme the gun, Jack.

=> 給我槍,傑克。

You dont want to hurt anyone else.

=> 你不想傷害任何人。

I hurt people.

=> 我傷害了人。

I killed Tiller out of hate.

=> 我因仇恨而殺死了Tiller。

And the other guy Flynn? Whyd you kill him? I only did what they told me.

=> 還有另一個Flynn?為什麼你殺了他?我只做了他們告訴我的。

What who told you? Jack.

=> 什麼誰告訴你的?插口。

What who to you? Where have you been? What happened to you, Jack? Shoot me.

=> 你是誰?你去哪兒了?傑克,你怎麼了?拍我


=> 沒有。

Jack, put down the gun! Do it! Get on your knees! This is where I belong! Hey! Ho! Stop! Tell me what happened to you, Jack.

=> 傑克,放下槍!做吧!跪下!這是我所屬的地方!嘿!嗬!停止!告訴我你怎麼了,傑克。

Huh? What happened? Ill take it from here.

=> 咦?發生了什麼?我會從這裡拿走。

Youve done enough on your own.

=> 你自己做得夠多了。

You should have killed me.

=> 你應該殺了我

One fingerprint, as promised.

=> 一個指紋,如承諾。

So what happened to Jack? Hes in prison.

=> 那麼Jack發生了什麼事?他在監獄裡

A spanking new identity and a nice long life sentence.

=> 一個嶄新的身份和一個很好的長壽命句子。

What about his brother? Oh, he wont be a problem.

=> 那他哥哥呢?哦,他不會是一個問題。

"He wont be a problem"? I looked into this Flynn.

=> 「他不會是一個問題」?我看著這個弗林。

No ties to Jack Sylvane or Alcatraz.

=> 沒有關係傑克Sylvane或惡魔島。

Forget about Barclay Flynn.

=> 忘掉巴克萊弗林。

We need to worry about our next victim.

=> 我們需要擔心我們的下一個受害者。

"Our next victim"? Jack Sylvane was just the beginning.

=> 「我們的下一個受害者」?傑克Sylvane只是開始。

You knew this was gonna happen.

=> 你知道這會發生。

Thats why youre here.

=> 這就是你來這裡的原因。

Youve been waiting for this.

=> 你一直在等待這個。

A very, very long time.

=> 很長很長的時間。

Come with me.

=> 跟我來。

Meet the 63s.

=> 符合63s。

46 guards on the left.


On March 21, 1963, Alcatraz officially closed due to rising costs and decrepit facilities.

=> 1963年3月21日,惡魔島由於成本上漲和設施老化而正式關閉。

All the prisoners were transferred off the island.

=> 所有的囚犯都離開了島嶼。

Only, thats not what happened.

=> 只是,這不是發生了什麼事。

Not at all.

=> 一點也不。

Radio the station.

=> 收音機電台。

Tell them to send everyone.

=> 告訴他們發送每個人。


=> 兒童。

I dont know where these men went or what happened to them, but we need to do our job.

=> 我不知道這些人到底去了哪裡,發生了什麼事,但是我們需要做好我們的工作。

You understand me? Whats your name? Hauser.

=> 你懂我的?你叫什麼名字?豪瑟。

Emerson Hauser.

=> 愛默生豪瑟

The worst criminals this country has ever known are coming back.

=> 這個國家有史以來最嚴重的罪犯回來了。

Theyre coming back to our streets, and no ones gonna be able to find them because they dont exist.

=> 他們回到我們的街道,沒有人能找到他們,因為他們不存在。


=> 2002年。

My grandfather wasnt a guard.

=> 我的祖父不是一個後衛。

He was an inmate.

=> 他是一名犯人。

No! Thats him.

=> 沒有!那是他。

He killed my partner.

=> 他殺了我的夥伴

You knew this.

=> 你知道這一點。

You wanted me in on this all along.

=> 你一直希望我這樣做。

Oh, no.

=> 不好了。

Youve got that wrong.

=> 你錯了。

Youre too young.

=> 你太年輕了。

Youre too impetuous.

=> 你太浮躁

If you want to stay and find him, youll have to prove to me every day that you deserve to be here.

=> 如果你想留下來找到他,你必須每天向我證明你應該在這裡。

Is anyone elses head exploding right now? I want in.

=> 別人的腦袋正在爆炸嗎?我想要進來

Your transfer orders.

=> 您的轉移訂單。

Itll be difficult for you.

=> 這對你來說會很困難

No one can know.

=> 沒有人能知道。

Not Ray Archer, not your friends.

=> 不是雷射手,不是你的朋友。

No one.

=> 沒有人。

If they found out, it would be very, very dangerous.

=> 如果他們發現,這將是非常非常危險的。

Im gonna need a partner.

=> 我將需要一個合作夥伴。

What, him? Me? Partner? Yes! Of course yes! Good.

=> 他呢?我?夥伴?是!當然可以!好。


=> 好。

Wouldnt want to have to kill you.

=> 不想要殺了你。

So we have to find these 63s.

=> 所以我們必須找到這些63。

More than that We need to find who took them.

=> 不僅如此,我們需要找到誰拿走了他們。

I know you.

=> 我認識你。

Well, if thats true, its news to me.

=> 那麼,如果這是真的,這對我來說是新聞。

Welcome home, Jack.

=> 傑克,歡迎回家。

Youre not gonna give me a hard time, are you? E.

=> 你不會讓我難過,是嗎? E.



Tiller was my friend.

=> 蒂勒是我的朋友。

Take him to his cell.

=> 帶他去他的牢房。

Not to worry, Jack.

=> 傑克,別擔心。

You wont be lonesome long.

=> 你不會寂寞太久


[美劇] 瘋狂的士/Taxi Brooklyn 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
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