
[美劇] 讀心人/The Listener 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 讀心人/The Listener第1集劇本完整版 全集第1季

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25歲的急救員Toby Logan(Craig Olejnik扮演,《The Timekeeper》)有一個秘密--他擁有獨一無二的心靈感應術。多年來,Toby一直將這個秘密深埋心底,從未暴露過自己的身份。在良師益友Ray Mercer博士(Colm Feore扮演,《24: Redemption》)的悉心指導下,Toby悟透了很多道理,並從中掌握了靈活運用自己超能力的本領。


25歲的急救員Toby Logan(Craig Olejnik扮演,《The Timekeeper》)有一個秘密--他擁有獨一無二的心靈感應術。多年來,Toby一直將這個秘密深埋心底,從未暴露過自己的身份。在良師益友Ray Mercer博士(Colm Feore扮演,《24: Redemption》)的悉心指導下,Toby悟透了很多道理,並從中掌握了靈活運用自己超能力的本領。

Toby每天的工作就是開著急救車和自己的搭擋「Oz」Bey(Ennis Esmer扮演)穿梭於大街小巷,響應突發性的醫療求助。在此期間,Toby一直被自己小時候的經歷所困擾。

一天,Toby從一輛翻倒在路邊的車中救出一個婦女。通過讀取她的記憶,Toby發現她隱瞞了一些事實--比如說,她還有個兒子。Toby意識到這件事並不簡單,決定獨自展開調查。麻煩的是,他的「調查」和警方的調查有了「交集」--每到一地,他都能遇上美女警探Charlie Marks(Lisa Marcos扮演,《Diary of a Mad Black Woman》)。




(VOICES WHISPERING) TOBY: Ever wonder what people are thinking? I dont.


I know.

=> 我知道。

The secret isnt hearing peoples thoughts.

=> 秘密是不聽人們的想法。

The secret is making it stop.

=> 秘訣是讓它停止。

(WHISPERING STOPS) Ive been doing both for as long as I can remember.

=> (意想不到的)我一直在做這兩個,只要我記得。

Way before I ever heard the word "telepath.

=> 在我聽到「telepath」這個詞之前,

" Still, when God hooks you up with free cable, you got to think he expects you to do a little surfing.


WOMAN: Mmm! If he could only read my mind.

=> 女士:嗯!如果他只能讀我的思想。

MAN: I shouldve worn something else.

=> 男:我應該穿別的東西。

(INDISTINCT CHATTERING) MAN: I need another buck.

=> (INDISTINCT茶歇)男子:我需要另一個降壓。

Hey Whats this on the floor? Is this yours here? Hey.

=> 嘿,這是在地板上?這是你的嗎?嘿。


=> 嘿。

Youre late.

=> 你遲到了。

I had to eat.

=> 我不得不吃。

- So what else is new? - We got to go.

=> - 那還有什麼新東西?我們走了

- Can I get a cup of coffee? - Have mine.

=> - 我可以拿一杯咖啡嗎? - 有我的。

- So, were you with Olivia last night? - For a while, yeah.

=> - 那你昨天晚上和奧利維亞在一起嗎? - 有一段時間,是的。

- Oh! Thats why you slept in.

=> - 哦!這就是你睡覺的原因。

- No, my alarm didnt go off.

=> - 不,我的鬧鐘沒有響。

You know, they say insomnia is a common ailment for first year paramedics.

=> 你知道,他們說失眠是第一年的醫務人員常見的疾病。

I dont have insomnia.

=> 我沒有失眠。

Just girl troubles.

=> 只是女孩的煩惱。

I dont have girl troubles either.

=> 我也沒有女孩的煩惱。

Come on, you and Olivia get in another fight last night? I thought we were late.

=> 來吧,你和奧利維亞昨晚又打了一架?我以為我們遲到了。

Oh, were late.

=> 哦,我們遲到了。

Thats not bad.

=> 這並不壞。

TOBY: I dont tell many people about my gift.

=> 托比:我不會告訴很多人我的禮物。

Im not into being the freak show at the party.

=> 我不會成為派對上的怪胎秀。

- Have a good day.

=> - 祝你有美好的一天。

- Mmm-hmm.

=> - 嗯 - 嗯。

Besides, whos gonna believe me anyway? - OZ: You got any big plans tonight? - No.

=> 另外,誰還會相信我呢? OZ:你今晚有什麼大計劃? - 沒有

You? No.

=> 您?沒有。

Who are you texting over there? You got in another fight with Olivia.

=> 你在哪裡發簡訊?你和奧利維亞又打了一架。


=> 沒有。

Olivia and I, we dont fight.

=> 奧利維亞和我,我們不打架。

We just have unique points of view.

=> 我們只有獨特的觀點。

OZ: Why dont you two just give it up? We like hanging out with each other, okay? Did I say anything? - Is that cool with you? - Yeah, sure.

=> OZ:你們為什麼不放棄呢?我們喜歡一起出去玩,好嗎?我有說什麼嗎? - 你真酷嗎? - 好,當然。

Its your business, man.

=> 這是你的事,男人。

(SCREAMING) Toby, are you okay? Toby! Look at me! Hey, look at me! Is it a migraine? I dont get migraines.

=> (尖叫)托比,你沒事吧?托比!看著我!嘿,看看我!是偏頭痛嗎?我沒有偏頭痛。

But you could have been having a brain aneurysm, I dont know.

=> 但是,你可能有腦動脈瘤,我不知道。

You know, in the paper, that 22-year-old swimmer just had a brain tumour.

=> 你知道,在這篇論文中,這位22歲的游泳者只是腦瘤。

Oz, stop.

=> 奧茲,停下來


=> 請。

Im okay.

=> 我很好。

Ill be okay.

=> 我會沒事的。

- Yeah? - Yes.

=> - 是嗎? - 是的。


=> 好的。

You got to get yourself checked out.

=> 你必須讓自己簽出。

That was a little too intense for me.

=> 這對我來說太激烈了。

I know.

=> 我知道。

Whoa! What? TOBY: Is there someone in there? OZ: Yeah, I dont think shes conscious.

=> 哇!什麼?托比:那裡有人嗎? OZ:是的,我不認為她是有意識的。

Hey, get the door.

=> 嘿,走開門

Maam! Hey! Hey, can you hear me? Im going to get you out.

=> 夫人!嘿!嘿,你能聽到我嗎?我要讓你出去

Shes conscious, Oz.

=> 她是有意識的,奧茲。

How are those doors? No, theyre both locked.

=> 那些門怎麼樣?不,他們都被鎖定了。

- Toby! We got to move.

=> - 托比!我們必須移動。

- Look what I found.

=> - 看我發現了什麼。

Toby, this cars on fire.

=> 托比,這輛車著火了。

Move your head! Im going to break the window.

=> 移動你的頭!我要打破窗戶。

Move! - Toby! - Move! Careful, Toby.

=> 移動! - 托比! - 移動!小心,托比


=> 小心。

- Watch your head.

=> - 小心碰頭。

- Come on, Toby, hurry.

=> - 來吧,托比,快點。

(WOMAN GROANING) Are you okay? Hey! - You got her? - Yeah, yeah.

=> (女人嫁衣)你還好嗎?嘿! - 你有她? - 是啊。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

I thought for sure it was gonna blow.

=> 我以為肯定會受到打擊。

Its not a movie, Oz.

=> 這不是電影,奧茲。

It doesnt happen that way.

=> 這不會發生。



Relax, relax.

=> 放鬆,放鬆。

Its okay.

=> 沒關係。

These guys are going to take good care of you.

=> 這些傢伙會好好照顧你的

Maam, you were alone in the car, is that right? Mommy! Mommy! (SCREAMING) Thanks.

=> 女士,你一個人在車裡,對嗎?媽媽!媽媽! (SCREAMING)謝謝。

Wed better get to work, eh? - Hows your head? - Its fine, thank you.

=> 我們最好去工作,呃? - 你的頭怎麼樣? - 很好,謝謝。

- Yeah, well, just in case, Im driving today.

=> - 好吧,以防萬一,我今天開車。

- All right.

=> - 好吧。

Well, lets see what Mr Silver Dollar has to say about that.

=> 那麼,讓我們看看銀元先生有什麼要說的。

- What do you want, heads or tails? - Tails.

=> - 你想要什麼,頭或尾巴? - 尾巴。


=> 尾巴。

Ride or drive? Drive.

=> 駕駛還是駕駛?駕駛。

And Im driving till you get your headaches checked out.

=> 我開車,直到你頭痛檢查出來。

RYDER: Mr Logan? Mr Bey? Listen up.

=> 雷德先生:洛根先生?貝先生?聽好了。

Do not come to me, okay, requesting overtime.

=> 不要來找我,好吧,請求加班。

It aint gonna happen.

=> 這不會發生。

I wouldnt do that.

=> 我不會這樣做的。

I wouldnt ask for overtime, sir.

=> 先生,我不會要求加班。

Yeah, I know you wouldnt.

=> 是的,我知道你不會。

But he would.

=> 但他會的。

That little stop that you made before work? That was off the clock.

=> 你在工作之前做的那個小小的停頓?那是晝夜不停。

Thats my overtime request form.

=> 這是我的加班申請表。

Tuck in that shirt, Mr Bey.

=> 貝伊先生,穿上那件襯衫。

RYDER: God, I get grumpy when I cant watch wrestling.

=> 瑞德:上帝,當我看不到摔跤時,我會變得脾氣暴躁。

- Hey, Mr Ryder.

=> - 嗨,萊德先生。

- Yeah? I TiVo-ed that Iron ManlDoctor Z match last night.

=> - 是嗎?我TiVo - 鐵的ManlDoctor Z昨晚比賽。

- Are you serious? - Yeah! You know, dont tell me who won! Ill burn it for you.

=> - 你是認真的嗎? - 是的!你知道,不要告訴我誰贏了!我會為你燒。

Ill bring it in tomorrow.

=> 我明天帶來

Hows that sound? Thanks, man.

=> 那聲音怎麼樣?謝啦。

- Are you six years old? You forgot your fly.

=> - 你六歲了嗎?你忘了你的蒼蠅。

- What? - Hey.

=> - 什麼? - 嘿。

- Hi.

=> - 嗨。

ID says her name is Anna Sokur.

=> ID說她的名字是安娜Sokur。

Good morning, Mr Logan.

=> 洛根先生,早上好。

Good morning, Dr Fawcett.

=> 早上好,福塞特博士

- I hear youve had an interesting morning.

=> - 我聽說你有一個有趣的早晨。

- Mmm-hmm.

=> - 嗯 - 嗯。

So were you gonna tell me your secret? You pull a woman from a burning wreck, thats not worth sharing? Well, you know, just another day at work.

=> 那麼你會告訴我你的秘密嗎?你從一個燃燒的殘骸拉一個女人,這不值得分享?那麼,你知道,就在工作的另一天。

Humble and handsome.

=> 謙遜而英俊。

Killer combination.

=> 殺手組合。

Olivia! Okay, wait.

=> 奧利維亞!好的,等一下。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Hey, what does that mean? That Im having second thoughts? No.

=> 嘿,這是什麼意思?我有第二個想法?沒有。

You? Me? No.

=> 您?我?沒有。

- Good.

=> - 很好。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

Cause we obviously make better friends than we do lovers anyway, right? I Absolutely.

=> 因為無論如何,我們顯然會成為比朋友更好的朋友,對嗎?我絕對。

- So, no reflections on anything.

=> 所以,沒有任何反思。

- No, no.

=> - 不,不。

- (PAGER BEEPING) - I agree.

=> - (PAGER BEEPING) - 我同意

All right.

=> 好吧。

- Listen, I have to go.

=> - 聽著,我得走了。

- Okay, so, Liv, are we on for drinks Friday? Ill check my calendar.

=> 好吧,麗芙,我們星期五去喝酒嗎?我會檢查我的日曆。

Right, okay.

=> 對,好吧。

You know, I was gonna call you and tell you tonight about But my mind Ive been so distracted lately.

=> 你知道,我會打電話給你,告訴你今天晚上但是我的想法我最近分心了。

(CHUCKLES) Right, lately.

=> (CHUCKLES)最近。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

You used to think that was kind of charming.

=> 你曾經覺得那樣很有魅力

You really think this can work? Yeah, yeah.

=> 你真的認為這可以工作?是啊。

If you want it to.

=> 如果你想要它。

(MIMICKING EXPLOSIONS) Okay, if you want it to, I want it to.

=> (MIMICKING EXPLOSIONS)好吧,如果你想要的話,我想要它。

OFFICER: Maam, you were alone in the car, is that right? Not so easy being a hero, huh? I need to talk to you.


So, Detective Marks, youre here to investigate the accident? Yeah, I came to get a statement from the victim, Anna Sokur, but the docs have her on pain medicine, so I think shes going to be out for a while.

=> 那麼,偵探馬克,你來這裡是為了調查事故嗎?是的,我來接受受害者安娜·索考(Sokur)的一個陳述,但是醫生們有她的痛苦藥,所以我想她會出去一段時間。

She say anything to you about what happened? No, no.

=> 她對你說了些什麼?不,不。

She was really out of it when we got there.

=> 當我們到達那裡時,她真的沒有了。

- Thats it? - Yeah, yeah.

=> - 而已? - 是啊。

Shes lucky to be alive.

=> 她很幸運,活著。

- Okay, thanks.

=> - 好的謝謝。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

Actually, you know It was a bit weird.

=> 其實,你知道這有點奇怪。

What was weird? Well, we got there and she was jammed up under the passengers side, like she wasnt driving.

=> 有什麼奇怪的?那麼,我們到了那裡,她就坐在乘客的旁邊,就像她沒有開車。

So youre saying you dont think she was alone in the car? Maybe she was tossed when the car was flipped.

=> 所以你說你不覺得她一個人在車裡?也許她在翻車的時候被拋棄了。

I dont know.

=> 我不知道。

Guess thats what happens when you dont wear a seat belt, huh? Thats true.

=> 猜猜這就是當你不系安全帶時會發生什麼,呵呵?確實如此。

If you think of anything else, please give me a call.

=> 如果你想別的,請給我打個電話。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

- Thanks.

=> - 謝謝。

My pleasure.

=> 我的榮幸。

RAY: Were only beginning to scratch the surface in our understanding of the mind.

=> 雷:我們只是在理解頭腦的時候才開始刮目相看。

So you really think thoughts can be turned into zeroes and ones? Well, we know that neurons fire, that synapses communicate, that memories have their own chemical signature.

=> 所以你真的認為思想可以變成零和一些?那麼,我們知道神經元會觸發突觸傳遞,記憶有自己的化學特徵。

BOY: But youre implying that thought can be recorded, replicated and transmitted.

=> 男孩:但是你暗示思想可以被記錄,複製和傳播。

Maybe one day well understand the physics of thought the same way we do the motions of the planets.

=> 也許有一天我們會像行星運動一樣理解思維的物理。

Stop me if Im getting too lofty.

=> 如果我太高高在上,請阻止我。

Sometimes, I cant tell.

=> 有時候,我說不出來。

Excuse me a minute.

=> 打擾一下。

I see The Ray Show is up and running again.

=> 我看到光線秀再次啟動。

Standing room only.

=> 只有起居室。

Howve you been, Toby? I need to talk, Ray.

=> 你怎麼樣,托比?我需要談談,雷。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

RAY: But I still dont understand what makes this so different.

=> 雷:但我還是不明白是什麼讓這個如此不同。

TOBY: Well, I was shut down, Ray.

=> 托比:呃,我被關了,雷。

I wasnt looking for contact.

=> 我不是在找聯繫人。

The thoughts, the images, everything, just hit me hard, Ray.

=> 這些想法,形象,一切,都讓我很難受,雷。

I couldnt stop it.

=> 我無法阻止它。

And the source, this woman, she was a block away.

=> 而來源,這個女人,她離開了一個街區。

She might have been more when we first connected.

=> 當我們第一次連接時,她可能會更多。

- So, your range is increasing.

=> 所以,你的範圍正在增加。

- Thats not what this is about.

=> - 這不是這個。

No, no, no, I get it.

=> 不,不,我明白了。

It scared you.

=> 它嚇到你了

Yeah, her thoughts took over.

=> 是的,她的想法接管了。

I couldnt control it.

=> 我無法控制它。

But, from the sounds of it, you really helped this woman out.

=> 但是,從它的聲音,你真的幫助了這個女人。

You probably saved her life.

=> 你可能救了她的命。

- Thats not the point.

=> - 這不是重點。

- Maybe it is the point, Toby.

=> - 也許這是重點,托比。

The cry for help was so intense, it broke down the natural barriers between your mind and hers.

=> 求救的呼聲如此激烈,它打破了你的思想與她之間的天然屏障。

Are you saying Im a human fire alarm? A feature of the intensity of the sender and the receiver.

=> 你是說我是一個人類的火警嗎?發送者和接收者強度的一個特徵。

Do you remember how I was when they first brought me to you? You were a child.

=> 你還記得我第一次把我帶到你身邊嗎?你是一個孩子。

(VOICES WHISPERING) There was no way you could cope with that kind of assault on the senses.

=> (聲音問題)你無法應付這種對感官的攻擊。

I always thought youd reach a certain threshold.

=> 我一直以為你會達到一定的門檻。

I dont want to be one of your experiments.

=> 我不想成為你的一個實驗。

This might be a very good thing, Toby.

=> 托比,這可能是件好事。

No, it isnt! It didnt knock you on your ass! - Theres something else.

=> 不,不是!它沒有敲你的屁股! - 還有別的東西

- No.

=> - 沒有

I have to do something.

=> 我需要做一些事情。

I might be the only one who can help this woman find her child.

=> 我可能是唯一能幫助這個女人找到她的孩子的人。

Be careful, Toby.

=> 小心點,托比

No one can know about you.

=> 沒有人可以知道你。


=> (女人在PA上聊天)女士:謝謝。

- Hey.

=> - 嘿。

- Hey.

=> - 嘿。

- Hows she doing? - Shes better.

=> - 她怎麼樣? - 她更好。

Shes still a little groggy, but it looks like she should be out of here in a couple of days.

=> 她仍然有點昏昏沉沉,但是好像她應該在幾天之內離開這裡。

The police were here to take a statement, but she wouldnt talk to them.

=> 警方在這裡發表聲明,但她不會跟他們說話。

You dont mind if I try? Well, I just want to see if I can help her out.

=> 你不介意我試試?那麼我只想看看我能不能幫助她。


=> 對。

And since when do you do bedside service? Well, you see? Now, maybe Ive changed more than you thought.

=> 從什麼時候開始做床邊服務?那麼,你看?現在,也許我已經改變了比你想像的更多。


=> (敲門)嘿。

How you doing? Im Toby Logan.

=> 你好嗎?我是Toby Logan。

I was the guy that got you out of the car there.

=> 我是那個讓你從車裡出來的人。

That was pretty close, huh? How you feeling? ANNA: Should I tell him? Do you remember what happened to you before the accident? (GUN FIRING) Oh, my gosh! He shot him! Give me the keys! A man cut me off.

=> 那很近,是吧?你感覺如何?安娜:我應該告訴他嗎?你記得事故發生前發生了什麼事嗎? (槍聲)哦,我的天啊!他開槍了!給我鑰匙!一個男人把我切斷了。

I didnt see his face.

=> 我沒有看到他的臉。

Thats all.

=> 就這樣。

You dont You dont remember anything else? If you tell anyone, Ill kill the kid.

=> 你不記得別的嗎?如果你告訴任何人,我會殺死那個孩子。

(ANNA SCREAMING) NICKl: Mommy! Someone took your son from you, didnt they? You got to tell the police what happened.

=> (ANNA SCREAMING)NICKl:媽媽!有人帶走了你的兒子,不是嗎?你得告訴警方發生了什麼事

Get out! Get out! Get out! (SOBBING) I know what youre thinking.

=> 出去!出去!出去! (抱枕)我知道你在想什麼。

OZ: The car wreck.

=> OZ:汽車殘骸。

I hesitated.

=> 我猶豫了。

No, you dont, Oz.

=> 不,你不要,奧茲。

Its Now, look, to the untrained eye, it mightve seemed like I was scared.

=> 現在,看,對於未經訓練的眼睛,它可能看起來像我害怕。

You never hesitated.

=> 你從來沒有猶豫過

- What? - Yeah.

=> - 什麼? - 是的。

I saw you, man.

=> 我看見你了

You were assessing the situation.

=> 你正在評估的情況。

- You were sizing up a plan.

=> - 你正在計劃一個計劃。

- Exactly.

=> - 確實如此。

Yeah, absolutely.

=> 是的,絕對。

Now, had you not done that, maybe we wouldnt have gotten her out, maybe I wouldve been blown up, too.

=> 現在,如果你沒有這樣做,也許我們不會讓她出去,也許我也會被炸掉。

I guess you could say that I kind of saved all our lives? - I guess you could kind of say that, yeah.

=> 我想你可以說我有一種拯救我們的生活? - 我想你可以這樣說,是的。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。


=> 好的。

Well, you know, Toby, I just want you to know that Im watching your back.

=> 那麼,你知道,托比,我只是想讓你知道我在看你的背影。

I know you got my back, man.

=> 我知道你有我的背,男人。

- Hey, Toby.

=> - 嗨,托比

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

- Watch your back.

=> - 小心身後。

- All right.

=> - 好吧。

Toby! What exactly did you say to her? - Who? - Anna Sokur? That accident victim you brought in yesterday? Nothing.

=> 托比!你到底是什麼意思? - 誰? - 安娜Sokur?你昨天帶來的意外受害者?沒有。

I just Why? What is this about? Shes gone.

=> 我只是為什麼?這是關於什麼的?她走了。

And she disappeared sometime after you spoke to her.

=> 在你跟她說話之後,她消失了。

No, youre Liv, I didnt say anything to her.

=> 不,你是麗芙,我沒有對她說什麼。

She is in bad shape.

=> 她身體不好。

I tried to put in a phone call to the cops to check up on her, but they pretty much blew me off.


All right, so you want me to go out there and find her? Yeah.

=> 好,所以你要我出去找她?是啊。

She obviously doesnt realise how bad her condition is.

=> 她顯然沒有意識到自己的狀況有多糟糕。

Heres her address.

=> 這是她的地址。

Find her before she walks in front of a truck, okay? OZ: This it? TOBY: Yeah.

=> 找到她之前,她走在卡車前,好嗎? OZ:這個呢?托比:是的。

All right.

=> 好吧。

So, Ill be five minutes.

=> 所以,我會五分鐘。

Is that cool? If shes there.

=> 這很酷嗎?如果她在那裡

Well, you got a better place to look? Im taking a cup of coffee.

=> 那麼,你有一個更好的地方看看?我正在喝一杯咖啡。

- Can I get a double-double, please? - Shot of vanilla? How do you do that? Its like, I dont know, you read my mind.

=> - 我能得到一雙雙人嗎? - 香草的鏡頭?你是怎樣做的?就像我不知道,你讀了我的想法。

- Its a gift.

=> - 這是一個禮物。

- Pretty amazing, really.

=> - 非常神奇,真的。

TOBY: Anna? Hello! Hello? Anna.

=> 托比:安娜?你好!你好?安娜。

Oh, hey.

=> 噢!嗨。

How you doing? Do you know the girl in this apartment? Anna Sokur.

=> 你好嗎?你知道這間公寓里的女孩嗎?安娜Sokur。

- Of course.

=> - 當然。

- Okay.

=> - 好的。

She been by today? No.

=> 她今天呢?沒有。

Dont tell anybody youve seen me, okay? I know she probably told you not to tell anyone.

=> 不要告訴任何人你見過我,好嗎?我知道她可能告訴過你不要告訴任何人。

Does Anna Sokur live here? I havent seen her.

=> Anna Sokur住在這裡嗎?我沒有見過她

(SIGHS) Anna? Its Toby Logan from the hospital.

=> (SIGHS)安娜?這是來自醫院的Toby Logan。

- Logan? - Oh! What are you doing here? Dr Fawcett told me that Anna took off from the hospital and she wanted me to see if she was here.

=> - 洛根? - 哦!你在這裡做什麼?福塞特博士告訴我,安娜從醫院裡出來,想讓我看看她是否在這裡。

- So howd you get in? - The door was open.

=> - 那你怎麼進去的? - 門是開著的。

- Can I see your keys? - Hmm? Your keys.

=> - 我可以看你的鑰匙嗎? - 嗯?你的鑰匙。

Can I have a look at them? Yeah.

=> 我可以看看他們嗎?是啊。

There you go.

=> 你走了

Well, look at this.

=> 那麼,看看這個。

Yeah, those are the keys to my bike lock.

=> 是的,這些是我的自行車鎖的鑰匙。

Actually, its a bump key.

=> 其實,這是一個碰撞鍵。

The only thing thatll get you through a tumbler lock faster is a swift kick.

=> 唯一能夠讓你更快地通過滾揉機鎖的東西是一個快速的啟動。

- Oh! - So is this how you do it? You drive them to the hospital and you come back with a shopping list? No.

=> - 哦! - 那你是怎麼做到的?你把他們送到醫院,你回來一張購物清單?沒有。

Thats not how I do it.

=> 那不是我怎麼做的。

See, we get a call from a widow whos gone into cardiac arrest.

=> 看,我們接到一個進入心臟驟停的寡婦的電話。

We show up and the doors locked, and we have to wait for you guys to show up, to bust the door down.

=> 我們出現了,門被鎖住了,我們必須等你們出現,才能把門關上。

And while were waiting, the patient dies.

=> 當我們在等待,病人死亡。

Excuse me.

=> 打擾一下。

Oh, um I just have a question for you.

=> 哦,我只是有一個問題給你。

Whos taking care of Annas son? What son? Well, while I was in there stealing Kraft Dinner and paper plates, I noticed a picture of her and a young boy.

=> 誰在照顧安娜的兒子?什麼兒子?那麼當我在那裡偷吃牛皮紙晚餐和紙碟時,我注意到了她和一個小男孩的照片。

And you assumed it was her son? Oh, yeah, thats right.

=> 你以為是她的兒子?哦,是的,沒錯。

She said she didnt have a family.

=> 她說她沒有一個家庭。

Why would she lie? Well, maybe she was afraid social services would come and take him.

=> 她為什麼要說謊?那麼,也許她擔心社會服務會來接他。

Might explain why she left the hospital in such a hurry.

=> 可以解釋為什麼她如此著急離開醫院。

So, shes out there with a head injury.

=> 所以,她頭部受傷了。

Whos taking care of her kid? (GASPS) No! Oh, God! Look, Anna.

=> 誰在照顧她的孩子? (GASPS)不!天啊!看,安娜

Thats your name, isnt it? I told you to use the phone I left you.

=> 那是你的名字,不是嗎?我告訴過你用我留給你的電話

Dont play games with me.

=> 不要和我一起玩遊戲。

Call! Nicki? Hey, kid! Nicki! What are you doing down there? - I was scared.

=> 呼叫!尼基?嘿,孩子!尼基!你在那裡做什麼? - 我被嚇到了。

- Scared of what? The people you said who would come and get me.

=> - 害怕什麼?你說過的人誰來接我。

Okay, listen, I told you youre safe here, right? Nobody can find you.

=> 好的,聽著,我告訴過你你在這裡很安全,對嗎?沒有人能找到你。

Get out of there.

=> 離開那裡。

Im sorry, mister.

=> 對不起,先生。

Come here.

=> 過來。

Listen to me, okay? I told you to sit in there and watch TV.

=> 聽我說,好嗎?我告訴你坐在那裡看電視

- Whens my mommy coming? - I dont know.

=> - 我媽媽什麼時候來? - 我不知道。

Its gonna be over real soon, okay? Were going to figure this out.

=> 這會很快結束,好嗎?我們要弄清楚這一點。

Were going to figure this out and I just got to get in touch with your mother, okay? Lets call her.

=> 我們要弄清楚這一點,我只需要和你的母親取得聯繫,好嗎?我們給她打電話吧


=> (PHONE RINGING)(回答機器)Anna。

Im getting really disappointed that I keep hearing this machine.

=> 我非常失望,我一直聽到這台機器。

Nicki and I really need to see you.

=> Nicki和我真的需要見你。

Hes scared.

=> 他很害怕

Next time I call, I hope youre there.

=> 我下次打電話,我希望你在那裡。

Just stay by the phone! (NICKI GASPS) Would you like to talk to your mother? Hi, Mommy.

=> 只要留在電話里! (NICKI GASPS)你想和你媽媽談談嗎?嗨,媽媽

I miss you.

=> 我想你。

And I wish you could get here.

=> 我希望你能來到這裡。

I love you, Mommy.

=> 媽媽我愛你。

(SOBBING) Oh, God! Mommy! If you tell anyone, Ill kill the kid.

=> (SOBBING)哦,天啊!媽媽!如果你告訴任何人,我會殺死那個孩子。

Get out! - Your name is Toby.

=> 出去! - 你的名字是托比。

Say it.

=> 說出來

- Toby.

=> - 托比。

- Toby Logan.

=> - 托比洛根

Say it again.

=> 再說一遍。

- Toby Logan.

=> - 托比洛根

Thats the only name youve ever had.

=> 這是你有史以來唯一的名字。

Okay? (KNOCKING ON DOOR) Toby? - Ray? - I knocked.

=> 好的? (敲門)托比? - 射線? - 我敲了。

Door was open.

=> 門打開了。

Havent heard from you.

=> 沒有收到你的消息。

Left you a couple of messages.

=> 給你留下了幾條信息。

I know.

=> 我知道。

Ive just been a little You dont have to read my mind to know Im worried about you.

=> 我只是一點點你不必讀我的腦海,知道我擔心你。

And Im sure theres a lot more going on than you want out there.

=> 我相信還有更多的事情要比你想要的更多。

I know, Ray.

=> 我知道,雷。

Its just this change, somehow its making me remember my past.

=> 這只是這個變化,不知何故它讓我想起了過去。

How far back? I cant piece it together.

=> 回來多久?我不能把它拼在一起。

Its all fragmented, and Im not even sure its things I want to remember.

=> 這一切都是分散的,我甚至不確定這是我想記住的事情。

What are you afraid of, Toby? From what little I know about my mother, she had a gift, too.

=> 你害怕什麼,托比?從我對母親所知甚少,她也有一份禮物。

She was possessed by the voices.

=> 她被聲音佔據。

It drove her out of her mind.

=> 它把她驅逐出了她的腦海。

You afraid thats whats going to happen to you? - Yeah.

=> 你害怕這會發生在你身上? - 是的。

Wouldnt you be? - Well get through this.

=> 你不是嗎? - 我們會通過這個。

(INDISTINCT CHATTERING) That looked serious.

=> (INDISTINCT喋喋不休)那看起來很嚴肅。

Everything okay? No, its all right.

=> 一切都好?不,沒關係。

Its Jake King.

=> 這是傑克國王。

Hes an undercover with the three-five.

=> 他是三五的卧底。

He hasnt checked in with his CO for a couple days, so they want us to just keep an eye out, thats all.

=> 他還沒有和他的CO簽到幾天,所以他們希望我們留意一下,就是這樣。

- Hows your case coming? - A lot of dead ends.

=> - 你的情況怎麼樣? - 很多死路一條

(SIGHS) What you got? Anna Sokur, 28, single mom, works at a local diner.

=> (SIGHS)你有什麼? 28歲的安娜·索考(Anna Sokur),單身媽媽,在一家當地餐館工作。

They havent seen her in two days.

=> 他們兩天沒有見到她。

- Father? - Not in the picture.

=> - 父親? - 不在圖片中。

- Check out her place? - Yeah.

=> - 看看她的地方? - 是的。

Super says she pays her rent on time and keeps out of trouble.

=> 超級說,她支付她的租金準時,並保持了麻煩。

- What about the kid? - What about him? - How old is he? - From the picture I got, maybe five.

=> - 那孩子呢? - 那麼他呢? - 他多大了? - 從我得到的圖片,也許五。

I went to his day care, they havent seen her.

=> 我去了他的託兒所,他們沒有見過她。

I have a parent list.

=> 我有一個父母名單。

All right.


Let me know what you find.

=> 讓我知道你發現了什麼。

WOMAN: Its odd.

=> 女人:很奇怪。

I saw her car pull up, but they never came in.

=> 我看到她的車拉起來,但是他們從來沒有進來。

Sorry I cant be more help.

=> 對不起,我不能再幫忙了。

- Im sure its nothing.

=> - 我確定沒什麼

- Im sure.

=> - 我確定。

- All right.

=> - 好吧。

- Okay, well, good luck with that.

=> - 好吧,祝你好運。

- Thank you.

=> - 謝謝。

- Bye.

=> - 再見

(GUN FIRING) Oh, my gosh! He shot him! So, youre so worried about this boy that you came all the way to the day care to see if anyone knew anything? Yeah, yeah.

=> (槍聲)哦,我的天啊!他開槍了!所以,你對這個男孩如此擔心,以至於你一路走到一天,看看有沒有人知道呢?是啊。

And you were right.

=> 而你是對的。

No one knew anything.

=> 沒有人知道任何事情。

- Howd you know about the car? - Well, these little kids, as I was walking out, came up to me and said I should check out this car.

=> - 你怎麼知道這輛車? - 當我走出去的時候,這些小孩走到我面前說我應該看看這輛車。

Its been here for a few days.

=> 在這裡已經有幾天了。

And these kids just conveniently disappear, and you, out of idle curiosity, pop the trunk? Yeah, idle curiosity.

=> 而這些孩子只是方便地消失了,而你,由於閑散的好奇心,彈出軀幹?是的,閑散的好奇心


=> 是啊。

Then you decide to pick up the phone and call me.

=> 然後你決定拿起電話給我打電話。

Why me? Because youre the only detective I know.

=> 為什麼是我?因為你是我知道的唯一的偵探。

What is with this big turnout? Was this guy important or something? - He was a cop.

=> 這個大投票是什麼?這傢伙很重要嗎?他是個警察

- Youre kidding? Entire force is gonna be all over this, especially his partner.

=> - 你在開玩笑?整個的力量都會超過這個,尤其是他的搭檔。

You the guy that found the body? Yeah, thats right.

=> 你發現身體的那個人?是啊,沒錯。

Every cop in this city was out looking for my partner and some off-duty paramedic finds him? How does that happen? Mike, we can handle this.

=> 這個城市的每個警察都在外尋找我的伴侶,一些值班的護理人員找到了他?這是怎麼發生的?邁克,我們可以處理這個。

- Becker, somebody killed my partner.

=> - 貝克,有人殺了我的搭檔。

- I know, Mike.

=> - 我知道,邁克。

You better believe Im gonna be all over this.

=> 你最好相信我會完成這一切。

You have no idea who did this? No! Who is this guy? Im just saying I have a partner.

=> 你不知道是誰做的?沒有!他是誰?我只是說我有一個合伙人。

I know where he is all the time.

=> 我知道他一直在哪裡

You got to have some idea why this happened.

=> 你必須知道為什麼會發生這種情況。

- What are you trying to say to me? - BECKER: Mike! What are you trying to say to me? - Im not turning myself in! - Be cool.

=> - 你想對我說什麼?貝克:麥克!你想對我說什麼 - 我沒有把自己翻身- 冷靜點。

- Put the gun down.

=> - 放下槍。

- Im not turning (GUN FIRING) - What are you trying to say to me? - BECKER: Mike! Let it go! What are you trying to say to me? - Let it go! - Hey, hey, hey! BECKER: Well handle this.

=> - 我沒有轉身(GUN FIRING) - 你想對我說什麼?貝克:麥克!隨它吧!你想對我說什麼- 隨它吧! - 嘿嘿嘿!貝克:我們會處理這個。

- What the hell was that about? - I dont know! I dont know.

=> - 這到底是怎麼回事? - 我不知道!我不知道。

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

Well, youre still gonna have to come to the station and give an official statement.

=> 那麼,你還是要到車站去發表官方聲明。

Lets go.

=> 我們走吧。

Lets go! WOMAN ON RADIO: Earlier today, the body of a police officer from 35 division was found in the trunk of a car parked outside the Early Rainbow Room Day Care in downtown Toronto.

=> 我們走吧!無線電女子:今天早些時候,在多倫多市中心的早期彩虹室日間護理之外的一輛汽車的後備箱內發現了一個來自35師的警察的屍體。

You Anna? Gerry from the pawn shop told me to give you this.

=> 你安娜?當鋪的Gerry告訴我要給你這個。

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

=> 耶耶耶。

Okay, fine.

=> 好的。

We dont need any formal introductions.

=> 我們不需要任何正式的介紹。

You got 200 bucks? Yeah.

=> 你有200塊錢?是啊。


=> 好的。

Well, you got choices.

=> 那麼,你有選擇。

- I just want a gun.

=> - 我只想要一把槍。

- Okay.

=> - 好的。

Automatic, semi-auto, revolver? I dont care.

=> 自動,半自動,左輪手槍?我不在乎。


=> 是啊。


=> 好的。

This is a.

=> 這是一個。

38 calibre.


Its lightweight.

=> 這是輕量級的。

Dependable at short range.

=> 在短距離內可靠。

You going to get in close? I dont know.

=> 你要接近嗎?我不知道。

I Okay, look.

=> 好吧,看。

Serial numbers gone.

=> 序列號消失了

Its untraceable.

=> 這是無法追查的。

You do know how to hold one of these, right? No.

=> 你知道如何保持其中之一,對嗎?沒有。

Its like youre shaking his hand.

=> 就像你在握手。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Here you go.

=> 幹得好。

(RATTLES) First-time bonus on me.

=> (RATTLES)我的第一次獎金。

So, how much do you know about this dead guys partner? CHARLIE: Henderson? Hes a guys guy.

=> 那麼,你知道這個死者的夥伴多少?查理:亨德森?他是一個男人的傢伙。

Probably came at you cause you stepped over the line.

=> 可能是因為你跨過了界限而來到你身邊的。

What if he had something to do with it? With what? His partners dead.

=> 如果他有什麼關係呢?什麼?他的伴侶死了

You think he killed his partner? A woman and her kid go missing for two days.

=> 你以為他殺了他的伴侶?一個女人和她的孩子失蹤了兩天。

A cop goes missing.

=> 警察失蹤了

The cop is found dead in the trunk of a car near the kids day care.

=> 警察被發現死在靠近孩子的日托的汽車後備箱里。

Day care workers say the woman was there the morning of the accident.

=> 日間護理人員說,事故發生的那天早上,那名女子在那裡。

What if she witnessed the murder? Wrong place at the wrong time? BECKER: You need anything, call.

=> 如果她目睹謀殺呢?錯誤的地方在錯誤的時間?貝克:你需要什麼,打電話。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Sorry, Mike.

=> 對不起,邁克。

HENDERSON: Who is this guy? But we still dont know where the woman or her kid are.

=> 亨德森:這傢伙是誰?但是我們仍然不知道這個女人或她的孩子在哪裡。

Unless, of course, you can enlighten me.

=> 當然,除非你能開導我。

I dont know where she is.

=> 我不知道她在哪裡

She said she was scared of something and that she couldnt go to the cops.

=> 她說她害怕什麼,不能去找警察。

And you just remember this now? Why didnt you say anything? Well, you told me to stay out of your business.

=> 你現在只記得這個嗎?你為什麼不說什麼?那麼,你告訴我不要做你的事。


=> 分數。

Ill be right back.

=> 我馬上回來。

Nicki? Nicki! Nicki! Mommy! Okay, okay.

=> 尼基?尼基!尼基!媽媽!好吧好吧。

You got to open the door, okay? Just turn the lock.

=> 你必須開門,好嗎?只要打開鎖。

Just turn the lock.

=> 只要打開鎖。

(GASPS) I was expecting a call, but Im glad you dropped by.

=> (GASPS)我正在等待一個電話,但我很高興你放棄了。

(SOBBING) You got a reason for going through that stuff? Hey, how you doing? - Im doing fine.

=> (SOBBING)你有理由通過這些東西?嗨,最近好嗎? - 我很好。

- Good.

=> - 很好。

- Howd you get in here? - Mike left the door open for me.

=> - 你怎麼進來的?邁克離開了我的門。

He said hes going to be by in a few minutes.

=> 他說他會在幾分鐘之內。

NEIGHBOUR: He left for his cabin a half hour ago.

=> 鄰居:半小時前他離開了他的小屋。

He hasnt left for the cabin already, has he? Mike and I are pretty close, being neighbours and all.

=> 他已經沒有去機艙了,是嗎?邁克和我很親密,是鄰居和所有人。

I dont think Ive seen you around before.

=> 我不認為我以前見過你。

So wheres this place? Mikes cabin? NEIGHBOUR: Pull Heart Lake out of your ass, pal.

=> 那這個地方在哪?邁克的小屋?鄰居:從你的屁股,朋友拉心湖。

Oh! Heart Lake.

=> 哦!心湖。

You know, maybe Ill just drive up there myself.

=> 你知道,也許我會自己開車。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

Sounds like a good idea.

=> 聽起來是一個好主意。

- Thank you.

=> - 謝謝。

(ON ANSWERING MACHINE) This is Charlie Marks.

=> (在答題機上)這是Charlie Marks。

Leave a message.

=> 留言。

Detective Marks, listen, its Toby Logan.

=> 偵探馬克,聽著,是托比·洛根。

Henderson has Anna Sokur.

=> 亨德森有安娜Sokur。

His neighbour told me hes taking them up to his lodge on Heart Lake, north on Highway 47.

=> 他的鄰居告訴我,他把他們帶到47號公路以北的Heart Lake的旅館。

Ive played poker up there.

=> 我在那玩過撲克。

Its about an hour north of here.

=> 大約在這裡一個小時。

Lets just hope we have an hour.

=> 我們只希望我們有一個小時。

Logan, its Detective Marks.

=> 洛根,這是偵探標記。

Give me a call me back now! Okay.

=> 現在給我打個電話給我!好的。

I wont say anything.

=> 我什麼都不會說

Please, please, just let us go.

=> 請,請讓我們走吧。

Dont worry, Mommy.

=> 媽媽別擔心

Hell protect us.


Thats right, Nicki.

=> 沒錯,尼基。

Thats all I want, is to protect you and your mom, and everybody from all the bad people.

=> 這就是我想要的,就是保護你和你的媽媽,以及所有壞人的每一個人。

I want you to sit here, Nicki.

=> 尼基,我想讓你坐在這裡。

- I want to sit with my mommy.

=> - 我想和媽媽坐在一起

- I want you to sit here.

=> - 我想讓你坐在這裡

HENDERSON: You have to do something now.

=> 亨德森:你現在必須做點什麼。

You have to take them into the woods.

=> 你必須把它們帶入樹林。


=> 請。

Just let us go.

=> 讓我們走吧

I wont say anything.

=> 我什麼都不會說

I cant do that.

=> 我不能這樣做。

- I didnt see anything.

=> - 我什麼也沒看見

- Dont lie to me.

=> - 別騙我。

You saw us that morning.

=> 你那天早上看到了我們。

- Were going to go for a walk.

=> - 我們要去散步。

- No! HENDERSON: This has to end now.

=> - 不!亨德森:現在已經結束了。

Look, just do whatever you want to me.

=> 看,只要做你想做的事。

Just let my baby go.

=> 讓我的寶貝走吧

Were going for a walk.

=> 我們要去散步。

Come on! Run, Nicki! Oh, no! (PANTING) Its okay.

=> 來吧!跑,尼基!不好了! (PANTING)沒關係。

Its okay.

=> 沒關係。

Theres nowhere to run now.

=> 現在沒地方跑了

Henderson! Henderson! You dont have to do this.

=> 亨德森!亨德森!你不必這樣做。

HENDERSON: How the hell do you know? They had nothing to do with this.

=> 亨德森:你怎麼知道?他們沒有任何關係。

Theyre innocent.

=> 他們是無辜的。

Your partners death I know it was an accident.

=> 你的伴侶的死我知道這是一個意外。

- I know you didnt mean to.

=> - 我知道你不是故意的

- You dont know anything.

=> - 你什麼都不知道

I know you were a good cop.

=> 我知道你是個好警察

You can stop it right now.

=> 你現在可以停下來

Henderson! Let them go, man.

=> 亨德森!讓他們走吧,夥計。

HENDERSON: I have to finish this.

=> 亨德森:我必須完成這個。

ANNA: (SCREAMING) No! (HENDERSON SCREAMING) Hey! Hey! Grab my hand! Hey, come here, grab my hand.

=> 安娜:(吱吱)不! (亨德森尖叫)嘿!嘿!抓住我的手!嘿,過來,抓住我的手。

- Grab his hand.

=> - 抓住他的手

- Grab my hand.

=> - 抓住我的手

- Come on! - Nicki, look at me.

=> - 來吧!尼基,看著我。

You can trust me.

=> 你可以相信我。

Take my hand.

=> 抓住我的手。

Good boy.

=> 好孩子。

Good man.

=> 好人。

(NICKI GRUNTING) (SIRENS WAILING) - So, what is it with you? - What do you mean? Howd you know Henderson was bad? And dont say it was a hunch.

=> (NICKI GRUNTING)(SIRENS WAILING) - 那麼,你呢? - 你什麼意思?你怎麼知道亨德森不好?不要說這是一個預感。


=> 好的。

I have a gift.

=> 我有一個禮物。

You have a gift.

=> 你有禮物。

(LAUGHS) Dont we all? Nice to meet you, Toby.

=> (LAUGHS)難道我們都不?很高興見到你,托比。

You too, Detective.

=> 你也是偵探

So, I hear youve had a rough couple of days.

=> 所以,我聽說你已經過了幾天了。


=> 是啊。

Its been interesting.

=> 這很有趣。

OLIVIA: Youre not going to tell me about it, are you? Maybe you want to grab a drink? I could tell you all about it.

=> 奧利維亞:你不會告訴我的,是嗎?也許你想要喝一杯?我可以告訴你一切。

Im off in an hour.

=> 我一個小時就關了

Sounds good.

=> 聽起來不錯。


=> 大。

(VOICES WHISPERING) TOBY: All my life, I told myself, "Turn it off, shut it down, make it go away.

=> (聲音)托比:我的一生,我告訴自己,「把它關掉,把它關掉,讓它消失。

" Today I broke the rule.

=> 「今天我打破了規則。

I stopped looking the other way, and I saw the truth.

=> 我停下來看了一眼,看到了真相。

This isnt a curse.

=> 這不是一個詛咒。

Its a gift.

=> 這是一個禮物。


[美劇] 警察世家/Blue Bloods 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 驚世/The Event 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 尼基塔/Nikita 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 罪案第六感/Perception 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 犯罪心理/Criminal Minds 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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