
[美劇] 抗爭之城/Defiance 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 抗爭之城/Defiance 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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當沃坦星毀滅之後,由七個種族組成的沃坦人來到地球尋求幫助,希望能在這裡安家。地球政府與沃坦人展開了大約六年的談判,最終拒絕了他們的要求。沃坦人不願離去,戰爭隨即爆發。戰爭持續了九年,交戰的雙方都無法消滅對方,只好坐下來談判。地球已經變成了一顆與當初完全不同的行星,只有擱置爭議、共同開發才能讓雙方都生存下去。外星人重新構建了地球的表面,人類和外星人不得不和平共存。Jeb(格蘭特·鮑爾 Grant B[展開全文]

當沃坦星毀滅之後,由七個種族組成的沃坦人來到地球尋求幫助,希望能在這裡安家。地球政府與沃坦人展開了大約六年的談判,最終拒絕了他們的要求。沃坦人不願離去,戰爭隨即爆發。戰爭持續了九年,交戰的雙方都無法消滅對方,只好坐下來談判。地球已經變成了一顆與當初完全不同的行星,只有擱置爭議、共同開發才能讓雙方都生存下去。外星人重新構建了地球的表面,人類和外星人不得不和平共存。Jeb(格蘭特·鮑爾 Grant Bowler 飾)是新興都市的執法官,戰爭讓他失去了妻子和孩子,導致他性格孤僻。收養了人類與外星種族伊拉西恩特人混血Irisa(斯蒂芬妮·列尼達斯 Stephanie Leonidas 飾)將她培養成自己的得力助手。市長(朱莉·本茨 Julie Benz 飾)是個典型的理想主義者,希望用政治手段來維持社會的和平與穩定。然而,一部分勢力試圖在這裡建立新的社會秩序......@豆瓣


I have no memories of how it started.


I was born into the world that came after.

=> 我出生在後來的世界。

After the arc falls began.

=> 電弧開始後。

After the Terraformers changed the world forever.

=> 在Terraformers永遠改變了世界之後。

When the destruction finally ran its course, it wasnt exactly Earth anymore.

=> 當毀滅終於結束了,那不再是地球了。

Something new had been created.

=> 新東西已經創建。

Hi, Im Grant Bowler.

=> 嗨,我是Grant Bowler。

Over the next half hour, youll go behind the scenes of the biggest entertainment event of 2013 with the people who are bringing it to life.

=> 在接下來的半個小時內,你將會和正在使用它的人一起走到2013年最大的娛樂活動的幕後。

Watch the show, play the game.

=> 觀看節目,玩遊戲。

This is the making of Defiance.

=> 這是Defiance的製作。

In present day, arcs appear in orbit around planet Earth.

=> 目前,弧形出現在地球周圍的軌道上。

Weve come not to attack it, but to find a new home.

=> 我們來不是要攻擊它,而是要找到一個新的家園。

Things go terribly wrong and war ensues.

=> 事情大錯特錯,戰爭隨之而來。

And then there is this cataclysmic event.

=> 然後就是這個災難性的事件。

The alien arc ships explode.

=> 外星弧艦爆炸。

When those pieces of arc plummet to Earth, they resurface the planet in this massive geological event.

=> 當這些弧線墜向地球時,它們在這個大規模的地質事件中重現了這個星球。

Whats left of the human race and whats left of the alien visitors find themselves on a planet thats neither Earth nor alien.

=> 人類還剩下什麼,外星人留下的東西是什麼,他們發現自己在一個既不是地球又不是外星人的星球上。

Aliens and humans are learning to coexist together on a really strange new planet.

=> 外星人和人類正在共同學習一個真正陌生的新星球。

Welcome to Defiance.

=> 歡迎來到Defiance。

Drop the net, were coming in.

=> 放下網,我們進來。

That arch! Is this St.

=> 那個拱門!這是聖

Louis? Once.

=> 路易?一旦。

Now we call it Defiance.

=> 現在我們稱之為Defiance。


=> 聖

Louis has been buried under hundreds of feet of earth and debris.

=> 路易斯被埋在數百英尺的泥土和碎片下。

This new town has been created on top of the old town.

=> 這個新城鎮已經在老城區的頂端建立起來了。

But the one familiar element is the famous St.

=> 但是一個熟悉的元素是著名的聖

Louis Gateway Arch is still standing.

=> 路易斯拱門仍然站立。

Its a really eye-popping, jaw-dropping environment.

=> 這是一個令人eye目的,令人ja目結舌的環境。

Its a hybrid between alien culture and human culture.

=> 這是外來文化與人類文化的混合體。

This is quite the party town youve got here.

=> 這是你在這裡的派對之城。

The show is essentially a show about hope.

=> 這個節目本質上是一個關於希望的節目。

We live in a great place.

=> 我們住在一個很好的地方。

Its a place where the eight races live together as equals.

=> 這是八個民族平等相處的地方。

There is that post-apocalyptic Western and Sci-Fi element to it.

=> 這是後世界末日的西方和科學元素。

Youre new in town.

=> 你是新來的。

How can you tell? The characters and the dynamics are so rich and the story is so kind of It sounds weird, anything with aliens in it, but human.

=> 你怎麼知道?人物和動態是如此豐富,故事是這樣的這種聽起來很奇怪,任何與外星人在裡面,但人類。

Every time we get ahead you blow it for us.

=> 每當我們走到前面,你都會為我們吹。

This is different.

=> 這是不同的。

People in this town are aspiring to rebuild and not just survive, but to really live in this world.

=> 這個城鎮的人有志於重建,而不是生存,而是真正生活在這個世界上。

I do this So Alak can aspire to a better life than was available to me.

=> 我這樣做,所以阿拉克可以嚮往更好的生活比我可用。

If this event really happened and we were making the show 35 years in the future, when we just point a bunch of cameras at the drama that is unfolding, this is the idea of how the show is going to feel.

=> 如果這個事件真的發生了,而且我們在未來35年進行這個展覽,那麼當我們在正在展開的戲劇中指出一堆相機時,這就是這個展覽將會如何感受的想法。

Im starting to like this place.

=> 我開始喜歡這個地方。

What would the survivors try to make this world into? In any successful science-fiction show, you need to create an environment that transports the audience.

=> 倖存者會試圖把這個世界變成什麼?在任何成功的科幻節目中,你需要創造一個傳送觀眾的環境。

The key to the show visually is the juxtaposition of the utterly strange and bizarre, different with the familiar and earthbound.

=> 視覺上的關鍵在於把陌生與怪異並列,與熟悉的和地面的不同。

You all know what to do! One of the unique elements is that were introducing a lot of alien flora and fauna.

=> 你們都知道該怎麼做!其中一個獨特的元素是我們引入了很多外來的動植物。

Even though theres been a devastating war, that environment is very rich.

=> 即使發生了毀滅性的戰爭,這個環境也非常豐富。

Its filled with life.

=> 它充滿了生命。

The world of Defiance does come to life when you walk on set.

=> 當你走上舞台時,反抗的世界就會復活。

We actually have a back lot the size of a football field.

=> 我們其實有一個足球場的大小。

The colours that we chose are brighter, blues, some spice colours, to define the hope that is in this town.

=> 我們選擇的顏色是明亮的,藍色的,一些香料的顏色,來定義在這個城市的希望。

When I came here and I saw this huge set with such detail, it was amazing.

=> 當我來到這裡的時候,我看到了這樣一個巨大的細節,這真是太神奇了。

Ive worked on films that arent as ambitious as this.

=> 我從事的電影不像這樣雄心勃勃。

What you see at the end of the day should be cohesive and believable and real.

=> 你在一天結束時看到的應該是凝聚力,可信和真實的。

Fire! What people are going to see when they tune in to Defiance is epic world, this extraordinary landscape thats both familiar and unfamiliar and unusual alien characters, big action and intimate character drama.

=> 火!當他們收聽Defiance時,人們將會看到的是史詩般的世界,這個既熟悉又陌生又不同尋常的外星人物,大動作和親密的人物戲劇的非凡風景。

Theres a big sweep to it.

=> 有一個大掃除。

There is a real heart to this piece and theres real drama to these characters.

=> 這件作品有一個真實的心,這些角色真的有戲。

No one has ever tried to do anything this complex in a television series before.

=> 以前從來沒有人在電視連續劇中嘗試過這麼複雜的事情。

The possibilities are absolutely limitless.

=> 可能性絕對是無限的。

The population of Defiance is really a melting pot.

=> Defiance的人口真的是一個大熔爐。

Castithans are sort of the supermodels of the Votan races.

=> Castithans是Votan種族的超級名模。

You have the Irathients, who are a feral race, they tend to be wild.

=> 你有一個野性的種族,他們往往是狂野的。

You also have Indogenes, who are the technical geniuses and the intellectuals, your Sensoths, who look like Wookies, the Liberata who are kind of a serving-class race.

=> 你們也有技術天才和知識分子的Indogenes,你們的Sensoths,看起來像Wookies,Liberata,他們是一個服務階級的種族。

And then of course you have your humans.

=> 當然,你有你的人類。

Our story begins focusing on two characters, Nolan and Irisa.

=> 我們的故事開始關注兩個角色,諾蘭和伊里沙。

He found her as a child.

=> 他發現她是一個孩子。

Hes basically adopted her and taken her under his wing.

=> 他基本上是收養了她,並把她帶到了他的身邊。

Projected impact at 20 clicks.

=> 預計20次點擊的影響。

Nolans an outsider and not particularly good with people.

=> 諾蘭是一個外人,對人不是特別好。

Hes not a joiner, hes not a follower, hes not the cutest and cuddliest of creatures.

=> 他不是一個木匠,他不是一個追隨者,他不是最可愛,最可愛的動物。

You only see his soft side, really, when it comes to Irisa.

=> 談到Irisa時,你只能看到他那柔軟的一面。

They have a really close bond.

=> 他們有一個非常密切的聯繫。

Theyre fiercely loyal towards each other.

=> 他們對彼此非常忠誠。

We live and we die together.

=> 我們生存,我們一起死亡。

Irisa is a complicated character.

=> Irisa是一個複雜的角色。

Shes an alien, but she has many human qualities.

=> 她是一個外星人,但她有許多人的素質。

Shes great with a knife.

=> 她用刀很棒。

I dont know how good she is with her feelings.

=> 我不知道她的感受有多好。

She carries many weapons all over her body.


Shes ready for anything.

=> 她已經準備好了。

Shes a fiery one, watch out.

=> 她是一個火熱的人,小心。

Two other characters that are central to the drama of Defiance are the sisters Amanda and Kenya.

=> 另外兩個對Defiance戲劇非常重要的人物是Amanda和肯亞的姐妹。

They have a deep love for each other.

=> 他們彼此深愛著。

Amanda protected Kenya from a very young age.

=> 阿曼達從小就保護肯亞。

She and her sister fought their way through the Pale Wars.

=> 她和她的妹妹在「蒼白戰爭」中穿梭。

They lost their mother, and Amanda basically became the primary caregiver.

=> 他們失去了母親,阿曼達基本上成了主要照顧者。

Now Amanda is the mayor of the town.

=> 現在阿曼達是鎮長。

Shes an idealist.

=> 她是個理想主義者。

She really believes that humans and aliens can live together peacefully as one, and she fights for what she believes in to a fault sometimes.

=> 她真的相信,人類和外星人可以和平相處,一起為和平而戰。

Im going to stand up to whats coming, and I hope that each and every one of you stands with me.

=> 我要挺身而出,希望你們每個人都和我站在一起。

With Kenya, what you see is never what you get.

=> 肯亞,你看到的是從來沒有得到。

Shes somebody who has a lot of secrets.

=> 她是一個有很多秘密的人

Kenya is running the NeedWant, anything you need, anything you want, which is sort of a bar hangout, gambling establishment.

=> 肯亞正在運行著這項偉大的任務,任何你需要的東西,任何你想要的東西,這就像是一個酒吧聚會,賭博場所。

Its a place where anything you want, you can get, sexually, spiritually, socially, and Kenya is at the epicentre of all of this.

=> 這是一個你想要的東西,你可以從性,精神上,社會上獲得任何東西,而肯亞則是所有這一切的中心。

Oh, God.

=> 天啊。

We have two families that represent the two poles of power in the town.

=> 我們有兩個代表城鎮權力兩極的家庭。

Theres the Tarr family and the McCawley family.

=> Tarr家族和McCawley家族。

Rafe McCawley is the richest man in town, and he runs the mines that are sort of the lifeblood of Defiance.

=> Rafe McCawley是鎮上最富有的人,他經營著那些反抗的生命之泉。

Rafe is a tough guy, hes grown up tough, hes learned how to be tough.

=> Rafe是一個硬漢,他成長艱難,他學會了如何變得艱難。

Drop the blade, or I drop you! Datak is essentially the towns mobster.

=> 放下刀片,或者我放下你! Datak本質上是鎮的流氓。

Datak Tarr is the kind of individual that, if somebodys in his way, they had better get out of his way.

=> Datak Tarr就是這樣一個人,如果有人在路上,他們最好走出困境。

The Tarrs are the most powerful alien couple in Defiance.

=> 塔爾是在Defiance最強大的外星人夫婦。

Stahma appears to be the dutiful wife.

=> 斯塔馬似乎是孝順的妻子。

Behind closed doors, things are much different.

=> 閉門造車,事情大不相同。

She wields her power in more of a gentle and submissive way, whereas his forcefulness is much more reckless and needs to be controlled, and Stahma does control it.

=> 她更以溫柔順從的方式運用自己的力量,而自己的力量則更為魯莽,需要加以控制,而斯塔馬卻控制了它。

Bathe with me.

=> 和我一起洗澡

Rafe McCawley and Datak essentially hate each others guts.

=> Rafe McCawley和Datak本質上憎恨對方的膽量。

Rafe doesnt like what Datak does for a living, he doesnt like the fact that hes a Castithan and he certainly does not like the fact that Dataks kid, Alak, is hooking up with Rafes daughter, Christie.

=> Rafe並不喜歡Datak的生活,他不喜歡他是Castithan的事實,他並不喜歡Datak的孩子Alak與Rafe的女兒Christie掛鉤。

I think when Alak looks at Christie, he sees everything that his parents would hate.

=> 我想,當Alak看著佳士得時,他看到了他父母會討厭的一切。

I cant believe that my boy is having anything to do with these horrid, ugly looking humans.

=> 我不能相信我的男孩與這些可怕的,醜陋的人類有任何關係。

My relationship with Alak is that possibility, that little gleam of light at the end of the tunnel that, yes, there is hope that Votans and humans can live peacefully together.

=> 我和阿拉克的關係就是這種可能性,隧道盡頭的一線光明,是的,希望沃塔人和人類能和平地生活在一起。

The show is really about the survival of the human spirit.

=> 這個節目真的是關於人類精神的生存。

I think what makes Defiance unique is hope, maybe its possible to have hope and maybe its possible to rebuild something in the world.

=> 我認為使Defiance獨一無二的是希望,也許有可能有希望,也許有可能重建世界上的某些東西。

When I first read the script, I just got enormously excited about what the challenge of building that world would be like.

=> 當我第一次讀劇本的時候,我對構建這個世界的挑戰感到非常興奮。

Ive never done a show thats had this degree of complexity and nuance.

=> 我從來沒有做過這樣的複雜和細微的表演。

Its really exciting because you feel that there is a real world.

=> 這真的很令人興奮,因為你覺得有一個真實的世界。

Imagine an alien civilization showing up on your doorstep one morning seeking a new beginning.

=> 想像一下,一個早晨在你家門口出現一個外星人文明尋求新的開始。

This opens up so many worlds for us to tell so many interesting stories that I think audiences are really going to be riveted.

=> 這讓我們有了這麼多的世界來講這麼多有趣的故事,我認為觀眾真的會被鉚接起來。

How were bringing Defiance to life is an enormous, enormous team effort.

=> 我們如何將Defiance帶入生活是一項巨大而龐大的團隊努力。

The alien cultures have their own religion, songs, traditions.

=> 外來文化有自己的宗教,歌曲,傳統。

Its really what it would be like if it happened.

=> 如果真的發生了,那將是怎樣的情況。

And action! We have a lot of smart, funny people sitting around a table kind of just throwing ideas around.

=> 和行動!我們有很多聰明而有趣的人圍坐在桌子旁邊,只是把想法拋在腦後。

Some days it feels like youre cooking with gas when youre breaking an episode, other days it feels like youre struggling a little bit.

=> 有些時候,感覺就像是你在用爆氣做飯時,其他的日子感覺你正在掙扎一點點。

Kevin has a great philosophy in the writers room, which is that you check your title at the door.

=> 凱文在作家的房間里有一個偉大的哲學,就是你在門口檢查你的頭銜。

Anyone can say whatever they think about any episode.

=> 任何人都可以說任何他們想到的任何事情。

Youre always free to express your opinion, youre always free at any point in a story break to say Im not sure this works And maybe this version would work better.

=> 你總是可以自由地表達你的意見,你總是在故事中的任何一點自由,說我不知道這個作品,也許這個版本會更好。

Nothing personal.

=> 與個人無關。

Defiance has really had me use all my skills on one show.

=> Defiance真的讓我在一場演出中使用我所有的技能。

Theres so many varied looks, from the humans to the different alien races.

=> 從人類到不同的外星人種族有很多不同的外觀。

If I could put it this way, its like walking into the bar in Star Wars.

=> 如果我能這樣說,就好像走進「星球大戰」的酒吧。

Their eyes are different, the bridge of their face and the bone structure almost changes and its really like looking at a completely different not a person a completely different being.

=> 他們的眼睛是不一樣的,他們的臉龐和骨骼結構幾乎改變了,真的就像看完全不同的人,而不是一個完全不同的人。

When an actor sits in the chair for the first time with the prosthetic makeup, its really fun to see the character appear in front of your eyes.

=> 當演員第一次坐在椅子上的假肢化妝,看到角色出現在你眼前,真的很有趣。

My process starts fairly early.

=> 我的過程相當早就開始了。

It takes just under two hours, and I start off by going into hair, then I got into prosthetic and then back into makeup and then the very last thing to go in is the huge contact lenses, which kind of bring it all together.

=> 這需要不到兩個小時的時間,然後我開始梳理頭髮,然後進入修復,然後化妝,最後進入的就是巨大的隱形眼鏡。

Its quite a process, and I dont feel like Im Irisa untilevery part of that process is done.

=> 這是一個相當的過程,我不覺得我是Irisa,那個過程中的不完整的部分已經完成了。

Hes really taken the idea of an eclectic immigrant drama and hes really run with it from a musical standpoint.


We say okay, we have this Castithan ritual scene, we have to write that.

=> 我們說好吧,我們有這個卡斯坦山的儀式場面,我們必須寫出來。

So we write a prayer, its translated into Castithan, thats sent to Bear McCreary, who writes a melody for it, its sent back to us and the actors and we learn it and we actually perform it on the set.

=> 所以我們寫一個祈禱,它被翻譯成Castithan,發送給Bear McCreary,為它寫一首旋律,它被發回給我們和演員,我們學習它,並且我們實際上在演出中執行它。

And the beauty of that is that hes going to be weaving the melodies from the alien songs that hes created into the score and so the whole thing will have a complete melodic tapestry.

=> 而美妙的是,他將把他創作的外星人歌曲的旋律編織成樂譜,整個事情將會有一個完整的旋律掛毯。

The languages are amazing.

=> 語言是驚人的。

We worked with David Peterson who did all the language for Game Of Thrones.

=> 我們和大衛·彼得森(David Peterson)一起工作,他為「權力的遊戲

For Defiance, I created two full languages, one for the Irathients and one for the Castithans.

=> 對於Defiance而言,我創造了兩種完整的語言,一種是伊拉克人,另一種是卡斯坦森。

They write out the words and then they spell it out phonetically how to pronounce them and then got sent mp3 files and we record ourselves saying the word and then we send it back to them and they say, "No, that sounded horrible, say it more like this.

=> 他們把這些單詞寫出來,然後拼出來,如何發音,然後發送mp3文件,然後我們把自己的單詞記錄下來,然後發回給他們,他們說:「不,聽起來很可怕,說出來更像這樣。

" Oh, shtako.



=> Shtako。


=> Shtako。

You people smell like shtako.

=> 你們聞起來像shtako。

Tony Curran, who plays Datak, hes got it down.

=> 扮演達達克的托尼·柯蘭(Tony Curran),他已經明白了。

(Speaking Castithan) Which is Castithan for, "Thats all, folks.

=> (說Castithan)這就是Castithan,「這就是全部,夥計。

" Its the first time someone has taken a network television show and a gaming platform and combined them into one shared universe.


I am so excited about the video game.

=> 我對電子遊戲感到非常興奮。

Its a ground-breaking entertainment experience.

=> 這是一個開創性的娛樂體驗。

Whats unique about this show is that it is the only show on television that has a crossover video game.

=> 這個節目的獨特之處在於它是唯一一個在電視上播放交叉視頻遊戲的節目。

Weve designed the show and the game so that you can watch the TV show and not play the game, or vice versa, but its a much deeper, more immersive experience if you choose to do both.

=> 我們設計了這個節目和遊戲,以便您可以觀看電視節目而不是玩遊戲,反之亦然,但是如果您選擇這兩種遊戲,則會更深入,更具有身臨其境的體驗。

MMO gaming stands for massively multi-player online.

=> MMO遊戲代表大規模的多人在線。

What that means is, youre playing on the same game space with thousands of other players.

=> 這意味著,你和其他成千上萬的玩家在同一個遊戲空間里玩。

The game of Defiance takes place in San Francisco.

=> Defiance的比賽在舊金山舉行。

Youll have vehicle combat but also online persistence, you can level up.

=> 你會有車輛戰鬥,但也有在線持久性,你可以升級。

The story never ends.

=> 故事永遠不會結束。

It is one of the most exciting online games ever created.

=> 這是有史以來最令人興奮的在線遊戲之一。

This is the first time its ever been done, where you have two portals into the same world.

=> 這是有史以來第一次,你有兩個門戶進入同一個世界。

You can inhabit the world as a player thats actively moving through the world of Defiance, and you can turn on the TV and sit back and watch great drama unfold.

=> 你可以作為一個積極穿越Defiance世界的玩家居住在世界上,你可以打開電視,坐下來觀看偉大的戲劇。

Seeing ourselves jump from the game to the series is going to be astonishing.

=> 看到我們從遊戲中跳到這個系列將會是驚人的。

Nolan starts in the game.

=> 諾蘭開始了比賽。

My character and Irisa ride into frame, so the game will launch and in the time it takes us to drive from San Francisco to St.

=> 我的角色和Irisa坐在框架,所以遊戲將啟動,並在我們需要從舊金山開車到聖的時間

Louis, the show will launch, and Ive never actually seen anything like that happen before.

=> 路易斯,展會將啟動,我從來沒有見過這樣的事情發生之前。

This shows really a lot of fun, and were having a lot of fun making it, and hopefully a lot of that fun will show up on the screen.

=> 這個節目真的很有趣,我們有很多的樂趣,並希望有很多的樂趣會出現在屏幕上。

The concept behind it, of this sort of frontier town, trying to work together, live together, I just thought the idea was amazing.

=> 在這個邊境小鎮背後的理念,試圖一起工作,共同生活,我只是覺得這個想法太棒了。

Its science-fiction meets Shakespearean meets adventure meets romance.

=> 這是科幻小說遇見莎士比亞遇見冒險符合浪漫。

Theres no other show out there that really has all those components into one new world.

=> 在那裡沒有其他的展示,真正把所有這些組件融入一個新的世界。

No one has ever tried to do anything this complex before.

=> 之前從來沒有人嘗試過這麼複雜的事情。

The possibilities are absolutely limitless.

=> 可能性絕對是無限的。


[美劇] 傲骨賢妻/The Good Wife 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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