A message to Civcuck "Nationalists"

which way, America?

This is genuine cuckservative-tier thinking. Culture and civilisation are racial constructs. Races and civilisations are not cultural constructs. If your race dies out, so does your civilisation and every bit of living history and identity it once had. Humans are not interchangeable blank slates that can be painted different colours depending on what society they live in. An African will always be an African and an Asian will always be an Asian no matter whether his/her family has lived in a white society for three generations or more. Nations are the product of the race that created and defined them, not the other way around. In order to preserve the historic and ethnic identity of your nation, you have to preserve your race. There is no other way around it.

What reason does any non-white have to preserve our culture and civilisation if they don』t have any connection to the history and race of the people that created it? Absolutely none. A nation, whose identity is so thoroughly defined by the ethnicity that produced it (something that should be the case for any healthy society), cannot possibly incorporate foreign racial groups into itself without diminishing, diluting, and ultimately destroying its innate racial identity. A nation made for multiple ethnicities is made for none at all, so how do you propose youll foster a sense of fraternity and identity between vastly different racial groups that share no bond through history or blood? Its simply impossible and unnatural, and will only result in ruin.

Everything about America - the real America - is European to the core. The institutions, history, identity, ethnicity - everything white European. Americas first immigration policy was even designed to only allow whites to immigrate. Being "American" was synonymous with being "European」 since the two were inseparable pieces of a greater whole. In an attempt to incorporate foreign races and cultures into the definition of "American", the innate European identity of our nation has been destroyed and replaced with this modern, soulless cosmopolitanism. Each and every non-white that immigrates or is born here and supposedly "integrates" only does so on the most superficial level, and shares absolutely no deeper connection to the European race and culture that has defined our nation since the beginning, and thus will forever remain an outsider and foreigner living in another peoples land. This simple fact will always remain true no matter how much supposed 「integration」 these non-whites undergo. The only way any non-European can ever truly "become" part of the nation - not superficially but innately - is to redefine the very European nature of our society at its core, as to destroy what it originally stood for and represented. It』s simply impossible to maintain a European civilisation based around European values and maintain a European identity, if the European race is replaced with some other foreign race. If Somalis or Chinese replaced the British people, Britain would be dead, since the nation itself is so deeply defined by the British ethnicity and race. Our nations are not propositional. They aren』t just a set of loose ideas that can change on a whim. Without Europeans, America would no longer be America, just as Canada would no longer be Canada, and Germany would no longer be Germany. This idea that we can just import foreigners and "integrate」 them is a dangerous.

Circle of Equity

Even the Africans who have existed in America since the beginning are still a completely distinct ethnic and cultural group that never has and never will share a racial bond or identity with the white Europeans who built America. What interest, or even capacity, does a Pakistani, an African, or a Chinese have in maintaining the European identity of our nation? Absolutely none. Since they are a product of non-white immigration, they have a vested interest in continuing this system. Why would any Hispanic Immigrant be opposed to further Hispanic immigration? That would be hypocritical of them since they themselves are a product of this system to begin with, and owe their very existence to it. Like Ive already mentioned, even a "successful」 integration would only ever be superficial. These races will always remain foreigners living in another peoples nation unless the very core identity of the nation is usurped and destroyed in order to incorporate them.

We already know for a fact that races are tribal, so importing any amount of a foreign race will naturally result in ethnocentric preferences and behaviour within these groups, a breakdown of trust, and a dilution of national identity. These in-group preferences happen naturally and oftentimes subconsciously regardless of how much conditioning you try to force upon these non-whites. The reality of Human racial tribalism and in-group preference is not debatable. It is a fact that has been proven by multiple studies observing diversity in communities and observations of historical trends. Ethnocentrism is naturally how human communities have formed and how nations have always defined themselves. Only in recent decades have the disastrous and destructive policies of multiracialism/multiculturalism been implemented and institutionalised, and the devastating effects on national identity and cohesion it』s had are plainly obvious.

It is simply ludicrous to believe that one can preserve ones European national Identity and the integrity of the white race and civilization, while at the same time importing foreigners who naturally, both consciously and subconsciously, work against this in the many ways Ive already mentioned. Multiracialism and multiculturalism are destructive fallacies that are resulting in the mass-replacement of white Europeans in our own nations, the destruction of our national identities, and the endangerment of our civilisation』s long-term survival.

原文:/polcur/ - Politics & Current Events


103-Andrew Zimmern:一名旅行者眼中的多元文化

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