Wish Everyone Live Longer and Love Longer even from Afar :: 水調歌頭·明月幾時有




明月幾時有?把酒問青天。不知天上宮闕,今夕是何年。我欲乘風歸去,又恐瓊樓玉宇,高處不勝寒。起舞弄清影,何似在人間?(何似 一作:何時;又恐 一作:惟 / 唯恐)

轉朱閣,低綺戶,照無眠。不應有恨,何事長向別時圓?人有悲歡離合,月有陰晴圓缺,此事古難全。但願人長久,千里共嬋娟。(長向 一作:偏向)

When did the moon come into being: A Poem to the Tune of Shui-Diao-Ge-Tou

By Su Shi

Translated by Wen Xin Jiao (文心交, Writings in Tune with Heart)

[Note: At the Mid-Autumn Festival in the lunar year of Bing Chen (1076), I drink wine happily till the next dawn, get drunk, and make this lyric poem, partly to miss my

younger Brother Su Zhe.]

When did the moon come into being? I raise a cup of wine to ask the heaven. I am wondering, at the palace in the heaven, what year it is now. I wish I could ride the wind to go there, but only to fear that the jade mansions are too high and too cold for me. I cannot but dance to the clear moonlight, feeling like I am away from the Earth.

The moon turns around the dark red pavilion, shining through the perforated low window onto the sleepless me. It should not envy us, but why it is full only upon people』s parting? We human beings cry, smile, go away, and come together; the moon gets dark, bright, full, and hollow — Hardly is anything perfect ever since old days. Here is only to wish everyone live longer and love longer despite being thousand miles apart.






【1】 丙辰:指公元1076年(宋神宗熙寧九年)。此時蘇軾在密州(今山東省諸城市)任太守。子由:蘇軾的弟弟蘇轍的字。

【2】 天上宮闕(què):指月中宮殿。闕,古代城牆後的石台。瓊(qióng)樓玉宇:美玉砌成的樓宇,指想像中的仙宮。清影:晴朗的光影,指代月光。朱閣:朱紅的華麗樓閣。綺戶:雕飾華麗的門窗。嬋娟:指月亮。

【3】 對"人有悲歡離合,月有陰晴圓缺"一句的翻譯,我採用了具體描寫的翻譯法;如果用一些更文學化、更抽象的辭彙翻譯,則可以如此:We human beings grieve, rejoice, separate, and

reunite; the moon dims, shines, waxes, and wanes.

在翻譯的正文中,如果把「人」翻譯成 men,可能更簡潔並與和moon相合;但是使用men這個詞,起碼會漏掉一半的人。

【4】 「此事古難全」大概可以轉譯為:This is beyond anyone』s control ever since old days。

【5】 對」但願人長久,千里共嬋娟」的直譯:Wish everyone live longer and enjoy the

same moonlight despite being thousand miles apart.

-------------------The End------------


[第225次聽寫]would用於soften the tone
This is us第九集打卡10

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