Eyes on Moon, Heart on Her ---「海上生明月, 天涯共此時」




海上生明月, 天涯共此時。

情人怨遙夜, 竟夕起相思。

滅燭憐光滿, 披衣覺露滋。

不堪盈手贈, 還寢夢佳期。

Eyes Here onto Moon, Heart off onto Her

By Zhang Jiuling

Translated by Wen XinJiao (文心交)

Over the sea the bright moon is rising,

Near and far this same moment is going.

Feeling bitter about the long night sadly,

Lovers are longing for each other badly.

Off the candle, into the adorable full moonlight,

I got my robe wet by dew in the night

Failing to give you two handfuls of moonbeams,

I returned to bed to see you in my dreams.


注1:第二句: Near and Far 指的是 everywhere。還記得泰坦尼克號電影主題曲 Celine Dion 的My Heart Will Go On 中的一句: Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on。


注3:第六句: I wet my clothes by night dew I wet my clothes by dew in the night 為了跟 moonlight 的尾音押韻,把 night dew 改寫成 dew in the night 將集體名詞 clothes (衣服) 具體化而改成robe (袍子)。

注4:第五句: 光滿: 盈滿的月光;一說:滿屋子的月光。

注5:第七句:其它譯法: Failing to give you two handfuls of the moonlight Frustrated for not getting you two handfuls of the moonlight

-------捨棄未用的翻譯--- Out of/Above the sea the bright moon is rising, Wherever you are, this moment is the same. Near and far this moment is the same. Near and far we are at the same moment. Near and far it is the same moment. Lovers are annoyed by (feeling bitter about) the long night

Off the candle and going fond of the full moonlight, I wet my robe by dew in the night I went back to bed to see you in my dreams.


Moon up, heart down??

Eye on the moon, heart in the far

Eyes upon moon, heart onto her

Eyes upon moon, heart off upon her

Eyes on moon, heart on her

Eyes up on moon, heart off with her

Eyes up, heart off/away

Eyes on moon, heart on/with her

Eyes on moon, heart carried away

away (or off or out etc.) with




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