
Released in 2004 in a French music movie "Fang niuban spring" (French "Les Choristes") and by Christophe Barratier directed. Gerard Juno, Shang - Bati Morille, Francis Baerwald, who starred.

  The film tells the story of the world famous conductor Pierre morhange return to old haunt France to attend his mother"s funeral, his oldfriend pepino (P E Pinot adulte, Dadiya Feramon act the role ofing) gave him an old diary, watching this year illuminative music teacher Clement Matthew left a diary, Pierre slowly savour a when the teacher"s mood, scenes of childhood memories also surfaced in his own memory pool.

  The film was officially released in France in March 17, 2004 and 8 million 500 thousand people to get the French annual box office champion. In 2005 the film nominated the 77th Academy Awards for best foreign language film and best original song two nominations and the 62nd session of American film and television Golden Globe Award nomination for Best Foreign Language Film Awards.


《放牛班的春天》(法語《Les Choristes》)是2004年上映的一部法國音樂電影,由克里斯托夫·巴拉蒂執導。傑拉爾·朱諾、尚-巴堤·莫里耶、弗朗西斯·貝爾蘭德等人主演。

  該片講述了世界著名指揮家皮埃爾·莫安琦重回法國故地出席母親的葬禮,他的舊友佩皮諾(Pépinot adulte,戴迪亞·費拉蒙飾)送給他一本陳舊的日記,看著這本當年音樂啟蒙老師克萊門特 馬修遺下的日記,皮埃爾慢慢細味著老師當年的心境,一幕幕童年的回憶也浮出自己記憶的深潭。




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