






There are three easy ways to find a supervisor who might be interested in your particular research project.

Use Universitys Directory of Expertise to search directly for academics working in your field. Search by generic keywords or subject areas and browse academic profiles to find the likeliest candidate to be interested in your idea.


Another way of searching for a supervisor is to get a feel for who is working in your field by browsing department pages for the subject you are interested in, information on research groups and centres, and staff biographies. Alternatively, email the director of research in the relevant department and ask them to recommend a potential supervisor - make the most of their knowledge of the expertise available in their department.


Many prospective research students, particularly in the sciences and engineering, will look for a predesigned project. These are advertised by the academic in charge of the project, who will usually have secured funding from a research body for a studentship. Search for your Universitys studentships on research scholarships page.

對於科學和工程領域 ,通常是有資助項目的,大家可以尋找已經發布出來的資助項目。關於如何找到資助項目,大家可以聯繫曼博士。

Some PhD students will prefer to undertake research with an academic from their previous study who they know and like. This is fine, but remember that the most important factor in choosing a supervisor is that their interests are closely related to your own.


關於研究方向契合性的解讀,請見曼博士往期文章:官方乾貨| 你真正系統地了解過研究計劃么?(上篇)

Spending some time looking at their list of publications. Are their research interests similar to yours? How well established are they? Is this even important to you?

Do you think you will be compatible? PhD study is largely self-directed and self-driven, but some supervisors will want to be more involved with your research than others. Ask them what their expectations will be in terms of regular contact – tell them your expectations. Obviously this will differ from subject to subject – in some science and engineering subjects you may be working with academics in a laboratory on a day-to-day basis, while in arts and humanities supervisors might have little more to do than point you in the right direction.


Meet them for an informal chat before you commit to anything. You will be working with this person for the next three to four years!

Ultimately, a supervisor』s role is to assist and support you throughout your research. Your supervisor will:



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