
[美劇] 國務卿女士/Madam Secretary 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 國務卿女士/Madam Secretary 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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精明幹練、意志堅定、智慧超群的Elizabeth McCord(Tea Leoni)剛剛被任命為美國國務卿,她將在國際外交事務、辦公室政治和各種「徊避程序」之間尋找平衡點。在解決國家大事的同時,她還面臨很多個人煩惱——既來自白宮,也來自家中。Elizabeth過去是一位大學教授,後來又當過中情局分析師,但因為道德倫理方面的原因辭了職。前任國務卿離奇死亡,總統下令讓她重返白宮,她因此回到了公眾的視線[展開全文]

精明幹練、意志堅定、智慧超群的Elizabeth McCord(Tea Leoni)剛剛被任命為美國國務卿,她將在國際外交事務、辦公室政治和各種「徊避程序」之間尋找平衡點。在解決國家大事的同時,她還面臨很多個人煩惱——既來自白宮,也來自家中。Elizabeth過去是一位大學教授,後來又當過中情局分析師,但因為道德倫理方面的原因辭了職。前任國務卿離奇死亡,總統下令讓她重返白宮,她因此回到了公眾的視線中。總統尊重她沒有明顯政治傾向性的態度,也賞識她對中東事務的透徹認識、她能流暢說多國語言的能力及她的創造性思維。事實上……從來沒有什麼東西能約束她的思維。

McCord的團隊包括其辦公室主任、幕僚長Nadine Tolliver(艾美獎得主Bebe Neuwirth)、演講稿撰寫人Matt Mahoney(Geoffrey Arend)、媒體聯絡官Daisy Grant(Patina Miller)和長相迷人的助理Blake Moran(Erich Bergen)。Moran對Elizabeth極為忠誠,事實上在Elizabeth的團隊中,他是唯一由Elizabeth親自僱用的。

在爭論完第三世界國家的問題、巧妙地處理好與外國政要的關係後,她拖著疲憊的身體回到溫暖的家中,一直默默支持她的丈夫Henry(Tim Daly)和兩個聰明伶俐的孩子(Katherine Herzer和Evan Roe)正等著她一起吃飯。對她而言,「政治」和「危機」在家中有著完全不同的含義。Henry是一位研究中世紀宗教歷史的教授,對工作非常痴迷,他可以連續講兩個小時「托馬斯-阿奎那」的理論並且一句話都不會重複。兒子Adam正處在青春期,是一個初露頭角的無政府主義者。女兒Caroline和母親一樣美麗外向,無論在哪裡都受人歡迎。


Call the American embassy.


Call the State Department.

=> 打電話給國務院。

You cant do this.

=> 你不能這樣做。

You know, we have rights.

=> 你知道,我們有權利。

Call the American embassy.

=> 打電話給美國大使館。

I dont understand whatd he say? He said, "Dont be a fool.

=> 我不明白他說了什麼?他說:「別傻了。

Youre gonna die here.

=> 你會死在這裡

" - Dr.

=>「 - 博士


=> 麥科德。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

Hey, can I talk to you about my thesis? Uh, sure during office hours.

=> 嘿,我可以和你談論我的論文嗎?呃,當然在辦公時間。

Yeah, your office hours dont really work for me.

=> 是的,你的辦公時間不適合我。

Sorry to hear that.

=> 很抱歉聽到這個消息。

Thing is, I dont really want to write about the Cold War.

=> 事實上,我並不想寫冷戰。

Youre aware that the class is called "Postwar Politics and the Cold War.

=> 你知道這個班被稱為「戰後政治與冷戰」。

" Yeah, but I feel like its been done.


Thats why they call it history, Jake.

=> 傑克,這就是為什麼他們稱之為歷史。

Thing is, my theory is that we are living through a new cold war.

=> 事實上,我的理論是,我們正在經歷一場新的冷戰。

All right, compare and contrast to the original and convince me.

=> 好吧,比較和對比原來的說服我。


=> 大。

Also, Ill need an extension.

=> 另外,我需要一個擴展。

My parents are coming to town and theyre very needy.

=> 我的父母來到城裡,他們非常需要幫助。


=> 哦。

My husband bought tickets to the opera this weekend.

=> 我丈夫本周末買了歌劇票。

I mean, normally, I love the opera, but I got to tell you, its been a hell of a week, and the thought of sitting in a dimly lit room with a bunch of people singing at me in Italian its just gonna make me fall asleep.

=> 我的意思是,我通常喜歡歌劇,但是我必須告訴你,這是一個星期的地獄,想到坐在昏暗的房間里,有一大堆人在義大利唱著我,只是想讓我睡著。

Im so sorry.

=> 我很抱歉。

I thought we were telling each other our problems.

=> 我以為我們是在互相告訴我們的問題。

No extension.

=> 沒有擴展。

Enjoy your parents.

=> 享受你的父母。

What Aquinas was trying to say in Summa Theologica is that existence and essence are separate things, right? Thats the whole notion behind Catholic transubstantiation.

=> 阿奎那在Summa Theologica中試圖說的是,存在和本質是不同的東西,對嗎?這就是天主教變相背後的整個觀念。

Now, Luther though a Thomist by definition, departed from him - in significant ways.

=> 現在,路德雖然是定義上的一個湯姆斯主義者,但在很大程度上離開了他。

- Honey? Their eyes are glazing over.

=> - 蜜糖?他們的眼睛在上釉。

Theyre just listening to you cause youre so cute.

=> 他們只是在聽你說因為你太可愛了

No way.

=> 沒門。

I hated religion before I took his class.

=> 在我上課之前,我討厭宗教。

Now Im totally caught up.

=> 現在我完全被抓住了。

Hes brilliant.

=> 他很棒。


=> 哇。

Well, do you mind if I just steal his brilliance for a minute? Yeah, sure.

=> 那麼,如果我只是偷了一分鐘的光輝,你介意嗎?好,當然。

So, how am I supposed to develop a cult following? Oh, I think youll figure it out.

=> 那麼,我應該如何發展一個邪教?哦,我想你會弄明白的。

Hey, listen.

=> 嘿聽好了。

Did you remember you got to cook tonight? Cause Im going into DC.

=> 你記得你今晚要做飯嗎?因為我正在進入特區。

- Right, the spy reunion.

=> - 對,間諜團聚。

- Yes.

=> - 是的。

And since Im the only one who can talk about work, I get to be the center of attention.

=> 而且由於我是唯一可以談論工作的人,所以我成為關注的中心。

Youre always the center of attention with me.

=> 你一直是我關注的中心。

Really? Tell that to your cult following.

=> 真?告訴你的邪教以下。

You wouldnt recognize the CIA.

=> 你不會承認中央情報局。

George is the only one on a Middle East desk right now.

=> 喬治是現在中東地區唯一的一個。


=> 利比亞。


=> 黎巴嫩。

Im staring at screens of abandoned factories and oil wells, listening to chatter about the World Cup.

=> 我正盯著廢棄的工廠和油井的屏幕,聽世界盃的喋喋不休。

I mean, they could at least have pastured me somewhere interesting.

=> 我的意思是,他們至少可以把我放在一個有趣的地方。

- He loves that desk job.

=> 他喜歡那個桌子工作

- They didnt pasture you.

=> 他們沒有放牧你

They just didnt feel like risking your life in the field anymore.

=> 他們只是不想冒險在現場的生活了。

You bought their story? There was no evidence that my cover was blown.

=> 你買了他們的故事?沒有證據表明我的封面被吹走了。

He never looks back.

=> 他從不回頭。

And you guys should talk.

=> 你們應該談談。

They both got Africa.

=> 他們都得到了非洲。

Do you know how volatile - that place is gonna be? - Yes! That is like the disco of global hot spots.

=> 你知道多麼波動 - 那個地方會是什麼? - 是的!這就像全球熱點的迪斯科舞廳。

- Oh, yeah.

=> - 哦耶。

- Why dont you call our, uh, former boss and complain to him about your desk job? - Oh, I did.

=> - 你為什麼不打電話給我,呃,以前的老闆,抱怨你的桌面工作? - 哦,我做到了。

- George! - You called POTUS about your desk job? - I I I gave it a shot, okay? I mean, he ran the place for 12 years, I figured hes still invested in personnel, so He never called back.

=> - 喬治! - 你把POTUS叫做你的桌面工作? - 我,我給了它一槍,好嗎?我是說,他在這個地方跑了12年,我覺得他還是投入了人力,所以他從不回電話。

Imagine that.

=> 想像一下。

How is the, uh, bucolic life going? Its great.

=> 呃,田園生活怎麼樣?這很棒。

Were teachers.

=> 我們是老師

Were parents.

=> 我們是父母。

Were horse owners.

=> 我們是馬主。

- Mmm.

=> - 嗯。

- Ooh! Oh, my! And every morning we wake up, thats all we got to be.

=> - 哦!天啊!每天早上我們醒來,那就是我們應該做的。

Thats a shock.

=> 這是一個震驚。

Well, this cant be good.

=> 那麼,這不可能是好的。

The, uh, Secretary of States plane just went down over the Atlantic.

=> 嗯,國務卿的飛機剛剛在大西洋上空下了。

Hey! I thought we said no gadgets at the table.

=> 嘿!我以為我們在桌上說沒有小玩意兒。

We did.

=> 我們做到了。

And then the kids never came to the table.

=> 然後孩子們從來沒有來到桌子上。

Besides, its Saturday.

=> 而且是星期六。

Oh, yay! No Rules Saturday? Vincent Marsh, of course, began - Hey! - Dad, can you turn it off? What? My screen is competing with your screens? Repeating what we know so far the Secretary of State Vincent Marshs plane disappeared off the coast of Florida.

=> 哦,好的!沒有規則星期六?文森特·馬什當然開始了 - 嘿! - 爸爸,你能把它關掉嗎?什麼?我的屏幕與您的屏幕競爭?重複我們迄今為止所了解的情況,國務卿文森特·馬什的飛機在佛羅里達海岸消失了。

He was headed to Caracas, Venezuela.

=> 他前往委內瑞拉加拉加斯。

Mom, do you think it was terrorism? No.

=> 媽媽,你認為這是恐怖主義嗎?沒有。

I think people shouldnt fly in small planes.

=> 我認為人們不應該乘坐小飛機。

Still, why was he going to Venezuela? - Is that a resort destination? - Exactly.

=> 不過,他為什麼要去委內瑞拉呢?這是一個度假勝地嗎? - 確實如此。

When will you guys acknowledge the obvious conspiracy around us - at all times? - Seriously? You had to wind up the anarchist? Sorry.

=> 你們什麼時候會承認我們周圍的明顯陰謀 - 在任何時候? - 真的嗎?你必須結束無政府主義者?抱歉。

I thought you were gonna do something relaxing today.

=> 我以為你今天會做些放鬆的事情

Well, this relaxes me.

=> 那麼,這讓我放鬆。

Oh, uh, your phone.

=> 哦,你的電話。

It wouldnt stop ringing, so I answered it.

=> 它不會停止響起,所以我回答了。

Well, who is it? Some lady says its the presidents office.

=> 那麼,誰呢?有些女士說這是總統辦公室。

PTA? The United States.

=> PTA?美國。

Well, thats a prank.

=> 那麼,這是一個惡作劇。

Hang it up.

=> 把它掛起來。

Just take it.

=> 拿著吧。

She sounds serious.

=> 她聽起來很嚴肅。

The death of Vincent Marsh is catastrophic on many levels.

=> 文森特·馬什的死亡在很多層面上都是災難性的。

Its a bad time to be without diplomatic representation.

=> 沒有外交代表,這是一個糟糕的時刻。

Because of the peace talks with Iran and President Shirazs upcoming visit to the U.

=> 由於和伊朗和西拉總統即將訪問美國的和談。



? So you understand why I cant waste any time on this decision.


I want you to step in.

=> 我希望你介入。

Step into what? Secretary of State.

=> 步入什麼?國務卿。

Y Youre joking.

=> 你在開玩笑。

Um, I dont mean youre joking, but you cant be serious.

=> 呃,我不是說你在開玩笑,但是你不能認真。

Obviously youre serious, I just Why? I recruited you for the CIA.

=> 顯然你是認真的,我只是為什麼?我為你招募了中央情報局。

I trained you as an analyst.

=> 我把你培養成一名分析師。

I know how you think, how you work.

=> 我知道你的想法,你的工作方式。

I trust you.

=> 我信任你。



I wanted to nominate you right after I was elected.

=> 我當選後,我想提名你。

I was talked out of my choice by well-meaning advisers.

=> 我是由善意的顧問出於自己的選擇而談論的。

Vincent Marsh was always running for office.

=> 文森特·馬什總是競選辦公室。

You have no such ambition.

=> 你沒有這樣的野心。

You quit a profession you love for ethical reasons.

=> 你因道德原因而退出你所熱愛的職業。

That makes you the least political person I know.

=> 這使你成為我認識的最不具政治色彩的人。

You dont just think outside the box.

=> 你不只是在盒子外面思考。

You dont even know there is a box.

=> 你甚至不知道有一個盒子。

I believe I can effect real change in the world.

=> 我相信我能影響世界的真正變化。

I want you to help me do that.

=> 我希望你能幫我做到這一點。

I know you wont let me down.

=> 我知道你不會讓我失望的

I realize youll need some time to discuss this with your family.

=> 我知道你需要一些時間和家人討論這個問題。

Ill give you the rest of the day.

=> 我會在一天中剩下的時間給你。

But I wont take no for an answer.

=> 但我不會拒絕回答。

_ The King of Swaziland sits here.

=> _史瓦濟蘭國王坐在這裡。

Madam Secretary, youll be across from him.

=> 女士,你會跟他對面的。

Ive charted out all ten of his wives by their names and ranks.

=> 我已經把他們的十個妻子的名字和排名都列出來了。

Basically, its a seniority system.

=> 基本上,這是一個資歷系統。

You look like you have a question.

=> 你看起來像你有一個問題。

Um Yes.

=> 是的。

Why are we doing this? The chart? The dinner.

=> 我們為什麼要這樣做呢?圖表?晚餐。

Why are we entertaining the King of Swaziland? It was on Vincents agenda.

=> 為什麼我們招待史瓦濟蘭國王?這是文森特的議程。

It was important to him.

=> 這對他很重要。

The press loves stuff like this.

=> 媒體喜歡這樣的東西。

The guys flamboyant, exotic.

=> 那傢伙華麗,充滿異國情調。


=> 一夫多妻。

- Were not using that word.

=> - 我們不使用這個詞。

- Were not? What are we calling it? It falls under cultural diversity.

=> - 不是?我們叫什麼?它屬於文化多樣性。

I see.

=> 我懂了。

Well, is it important to have all the wives? You think maybe we couldve cut it off at say three? How much is this costing, Nadine? You want me to get you the figures on that? Yes.

=> 那麼,擁有所有的妻子是重要的嗎?你覺得也許我們可以在三說中把它關掉?納丁,這個花費多少錢?你想讓我把你的數字給你?是。

And also the updated information on the AIDS epidemic in that country.

=> 還有關於該國艾滋病流行的最新信息。

Madam Secretary? Its the Czech Ambassador.

=> 女士秘書?這是捷克大使。

He says its urgent.

=> 他說這是緊急的。

What could be urgent over there? Guess well find out.

=> 那邊有什麼可以緊急的?猜猜我們會發現。

Lets pick this up after lunch, okay? Hey, Blake, on a scale of one to ten, how much does Nadine hate me? Oh, I think that one goes to 11.

=> 午飯後我們來點這個,好嗎?嘿,布雷克,比例是一比十,納丁多麼恨我?哦,我認為一個去11。

They all hate me as much? No.

=> 他們都恨我?沒有。

Its a mixture.

=> 這是一個混合物。

Why dont you hate me? Because you hired me.

=> 你為什麼不恨我?因為你僱用了我

And youre awesome.

=> 而你真棒。

I might have inadvertently reversed those.

=> 我可能會無意中扭轉了這些。

Probably shouldve brought my own staff.

=> 大概應該帶來我自己的員工。


=> 大概。

But you know what, their boss had just died.

=> 但是你知道嗎,他們的老闆剛剛死了。

- I couldnt just clean house like that.

=> 我不能這樣打掃房子

- Yes, maam.

=> - 是的女士。

Meeting with the chief of staff and the secretary of defense in half an hour.

=> 在半小時內與總參謀長和國防部長見面。

Oh, thats Russell Jackson and Gordon Becker, respectively.

=> 哦,那就是羅素·傑克遜和戈登·貝克爾。

Blake? I know their names.

=> 布萊克?我知道他們的名字。


=> 是啊。


=> 是啊。

Hello, Pavel.

=> 你好,帕維爾。

Stay away from the door! What are they gonna do kill that guy?! Sit down! Dont draw attention.

=> 遠離門!他們會殺了那個人呢?坐下!不要引起注意。

Two American kids arrested and imprisoned in Syria for attempting to join Fatah ash-Sham.

=> 兩名美國兒童因企圖加入法塔赫沙姆山而在敘利亞被捕並被監禁。

Ethan and Tyler Cole, brothers from Hartford, Connecticut.

=> Ethan和Tyler Cole,康涅狄格州哈特福德的兄弟。

They have an activist Web site called "One Free Earth," the basic gist of which is "war bad, peace good.

=> 他們有一個名為「一個自由的地球」的活動網站,其基本要旨是「戰爭不好,和平不錯」。

" So they join a jihadist group to drive home this point.


Ash-Sham isnt a jihadist group.

=> Ash-Sham不是一個聖戰組織。

It has jihadist elements, but their immediate goal is to overthrow the Syrian government, which I think we can all agree, isnt a paradigm of virtue.

=> 它有聖戰分子,但他們的直接目標是推翻敘利亞政府,我認為我們都可以同意,這不是一個德行的範例。

I stand corrected.

=> 我糾正了。

These kids are peace-loving freedom fighters.

=> 這些孩子是愛好和平的自由戰士。

Theyre using Facebook and Instagram to demonstrate poverty and poor treatment of women.

=> 他們使用Facebook和Instagram來證明對婦女的貧窮和待遇不佳。

Doesnt make them geniuses, but it certainly doesnt make them jihadists.

=> 不要讓他們成為天才,但是他們當然不會讓他們成為聖戰者。

Where does this come from? From the Czech ambassador.

=> 這是從哪裡來的?來自捷克大使。

Thats how we communicate with Syria these days.

=> 這就是我們如今與敘利亞溝通的方式。

Any idea what the Syrians think theyre up to? President Nussirs completely opposed to Shirazs visit to the U.

=> 不知道敘利亞人認為他們在幹什麼?努西爾總統完全反對西拉訪問美國



He sees it as a threat to his authority.

=> 他認為這是對他權威的威脅。

The Syrians want to prove that they still have teeth.

=> 敘利亞人想證明他們還有牙齒。

So they grab two hapless kids and throw them in prison? How does that help? Theyre always detaining some Westerner who had no business being there.

=> 所以他們抓住兩個倒霉的孩子把他們扔進監獄?這有什麼幫助?他們總是拘留一些沒有生意的西方人。

Whats the urgency? Theyre gonna execute those kids in a week.

=> 什麼是緊迫性?他們會在一周內執行這些孩子。

Oh Has it hit the news cycle? No.

=> 哦,它是否觸及新聞周期?沒有。

Were just learning of it ourselves.

=> 我們只是自己學習。

What do you recommend? I know some people on the ground.

=> 你有什麼建議?我認識地面上的一些人。

Id like to proceed through back channels at this point.

=> 在這一點上,我想通過反向渠道進行。

- What do you mean, "back channels"? - Not an official op.

=> - 你是什麼意思,「返回頻道」? - 不是官方的操作。

I think its safer and faster just to work with the people I know.

=> 我認為只有和我認識的人一起工作才更安全。

Trouble is, I dont know the people you know.

=> 麻煩是,我不認識你認識的人。

No, we have to do it my way.

=> 不,我們必須這樣做。

Keep it within The Company.

=> 保存在公司內。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Ill get in touch with the parents and stress the importance of non-communication.

=> 我會和父母聯繫,強調不交流的重要性。


=> 好。

I think were done here.

=> 我想我們在這裡完成了。

We got you the name of a stylist, right? A stylist? Youre going to find it useful.

=> 我們給了你一個造型師的名字,對吧?造型師?你會發現它很有用。

Its a tough transition.

=> 這是一個艱難的過渡。

I-I really dont think its necessary.

=> 我 - 我真的不認為這是必要的。

Its coming from the top.

=> 這是從頂部來的。

Conrad? The president wants me to have a stylist? As chief of staff, when I speak, I am generally speaking for the president.

=> 康拉德?總統要我有造型師?作為參謀長,我說話的時候,總的來說就是對總統說話。

Image is a big part of the job.

=> 形象是這項工作的重要組成部分。

Dont take it personally.

=> 不要個人承擔。

You know, actually, as long as were on the subject somewhat of speaking to the president, Id like to brief him on the Syrian kidnapping.

=> 你們知道,實際上,只要我們談到總統的問題,我想向他介紹一下敘利亞綁架事件。


=> 沒有。

Its premature.

=> 現在還不成熟。

Its a volatile situation.

=> 這是一個動蕩的局面。

I dont want him being caught off guard if it hits the press.

=> 我不希望他如果碰到媒體就會被嚇倒。

Its not going to hit the press, cause Im telling you to make sure it doesnt.

=> 這不會衝擊媒體,因為我告訴你,確保它沒有。

Ill do my best.

=> 我將盡我所能。

I know you have a friendship with the president.

=> 我知道你和總統有一個友誼。

But youre in a system now.

=> 但是你現在正在一個系統中。

Trying to take advantage of that would be ill-advised.

=> 試圖利用這一點將是不明智的。

Tyler hes, uh, the ambitious one.


He has this idea hes going to change the world with his blog.

=> 他有這個想法,他將用他的博客改變世界。

He majored in Arabic studies.

=> 他主修阿拉伯語研究。

He speaks Farsi and Arabic, fluently.

=> 他說流利的波斯語和阿拉伯語。

Hes a brilliant kid.

=> 他是一個聰明的孩子。

I cant believe hes stupid enough to pull a stunt like this.

=> 我不敢相信他很愚蠢,就像這樣拉扯特技。

So I assume you tried to talk them out of making this trip? We didnt even know about it.

=> 所以我假設你試圖讓他們脫離這個旅程?我們甚至不知道這件事。

See, we were sending Ethan to Europe for graduation, he asked Tyler to go with him.

=> 看,我們派Ethan去歐洲畢業,他問Tyler跟他走。

I mean, we knew they would go as far as Turkey, but we had no idea theyd cross into Syria.

=> 我的意思是,我們知道他們會去土耳其,但是我們不知道他們會進入敘利亞。

Ethans not political at all.

=> Ethan根本不是政治的。

He wants to play music and pick up girls.

=> 他想玩音樂,撿女孩。

Tyler talked him into this.

=> 泰勒說了這個話。

It doesnt matter whose fault it is.

=> 不管那是誰的錯。

So, then, theres no reason to believe that they were somehow trying to join the Syrian opposition movement? No.

=> 那麼,那麼沒有理由相信他們想加入敘利亞的反對派運動呢?沒有。

Absolutely not.

=> 絕對不。

Neither one of them knows how to mow a lawn, let alone handle a weapon.

=> 他們兩個都不知道如何修剪草坪,更不用說處理武器了。

Theyre idealists.

=> 他們是理想主義者。

It should be easy enough to explain.

=> 應該很容易解釋。

And tensions are easing up in that part of the world, right? Not in Syria.

=> 在這個地區的緊張局勢正在緩和,對吧?不在敘利亞。

I mean, we have to go through a third party.

=> 我的意思是,我們必須經過第三方。

If the State Department is gonna take this on, its gonna have to be - completely undercover.

=> 如果國務院要採取這種做法,這將是必須的 - 完全卧底。

- If? It has to go up the chain of command.

=> - 如果?它必須上升的指揮鏈。

So far, Ive been given the green light to pursue a negotiation.

=> 到目前為止,我已經有了綠燈來進行談判。

But if anything were to get out in the press, it would greatly jeopardize our efforts.

=> 但是如果有什麼事情要出版的話,就會大大地危害我們的努力。

But youre gonna have to work with us.

=> 但是你得和我們一起工作

We need to take down their blog, their Facebook page, and we need to ask that you have no communication through social media yourselves.

=> 我們需要把他們的博客,他們的Facebook頁面拿下來,我們需要問你們沒有通過社交媒體進行溝通。

But how-how do we take their pages down? - We dont even have the passwords.

=> 但是,我們怎麼把他們的頁面放下呢? - 我們甚至沒有密碼。

- We can handle that.

=> - 我們可以處理的

- Youre asking us to go underground? - Yes.

=> - 你要我們去地下? - 是的。

And trust you with our childrens lives.

=> 相信你和我們孩子的生命。

Thats right.

=> 那就對了。

But but isnt there a power to speaking out? Mr.

=> 但是,是不是有能力說出來?先生。

Cole, free speech has landed us where we find ourselves right now.

=> 科爾,言論自由已經落到了我們現在所處的位置。

Its a constitutionally protected right, not a global one.

=> 這是受憲法保護的權利,而不是全球性權利。

As your sons are finding out the hard way.

=> 正如你的兒子正在發現困難的方式。

Oh, God I have two teenagers.

=> 哦,上帝,我有兩個十幾歲的孩子。

Theyre smart, self-confident and articulate, as weve raised them to be.

=> 他們聰明,自信,清晰,正如我們提出的那樣。

My son is a self-proclaimed anarchist.

=> 我的兒子是一個自稱的無政府主義者。

I could see him doing something like this.

=> 我可以看到他做這樣的事情。

And if it were my son where Tyler and Ethan are today? This is how I would handle it.

=> 如果這是我兒子今天泰勒和伊森?這是我如何處理它。


=> 好的。


=> 好的。

The kids are all either preppy nerds who already have their rooms at Harvard and Yale picked out or these athletes who are too dumb to breathe.

=> 孩子們都是預科生,他們已經在哈佛大學和耶魯大學的房間里找到了房間,或者這些運動員太笨了,不能呼吸。

- Thats pretty dumb.

=> - 這很愚蠢。

- Not to mention a bad situation for an athlete.

=> - 更不用說運動員的糟糕情況了。

Yeah, well, fortunately, the teachers are completely unimaginative rule-followers who are totally threatened by original thought.

=> 是的,幸運的是,老師是完全缺乏想像力的規則追隨者,他們完全受到原始思想的威脅。


=> 好的。

Lets play a game called "name one positive thing about your school.

=> 讓我們玩一個名為「對你的學校有利的事情」的遊戲。

" There are, uh, three hot girls.


Dude, thats three things.

=> 夥計,這是三件事。

I feel better already.

=> 我已經感覺好多了。

You know, I seem to remember that you hated your former school, too.

=> 你知道,我好像還記得你也恨你以前的學校。

Yeah, but for totally different reasons.

=> 是的,但是由於完全不同的原因。

Such is the lonely journey of the anarchist.

=> 這就是無政府主義者孤獨的旅程。

- Im not complaining.

=> - 我沒有抱怨。

- And yet it sounds exactly like complaining.

=> - 但這聽起來像是抱怨。

What about you? Everythings fine.

=> 你呢?一切安好。

- Come on.

=> - 來吧。

- Do you want to hear the details of me missing my boyfriend? Ooh! I vote no.

=> - 你想聽聽我的男朋友的細節嗎?哦!我投不了。

What about your classes? You remember how excited you were about that French literature class? Its fine.

=> 你的課程呢?你記得你對法國文學課感到興奮嗎?沒關係。

Can I be excused? Yes.

=> 我可以原諒嗎?是。

Did you want to hear more of that? Maybe I should go talk to her.

=> 你想聽更多嗎?也許我應該去和她談談。

Just give her some space.

=> 給她一些空間


=> 好的。

Or not.

=> 或不。

Did we do the right thing? We absolutely did the right thing.

=> 我們做對了嗎?我們絕對做對了。

What are we talking about? This.

=> 我們在說啥啊?這個。

The job.

=> 工作。

The move.

=> 此舉。


=> 是。

The kids will adjust.

=> 孩子們會調整。

Its only been two months.

=> 這只是兩個月。

And youre sure that I didnt push us into this? No.

=> 你確定我沒有把我們推到這裡?沒有。

Jason is thrilled to be living even closer to the dark halls of conspiracy.

=> 賈森很高興能更靠近黑暗的陰謀大廳。

Ali hated living on a horse farm.

=> 阿里恨住馬場。

Okay, and now she misses her boyfriend.

=> 好吧,現在她想念了她的男朋友。


=> 是啊。

If we were home, shed be dramatically upset about something else.

=> 如果我們在家,她會對其他事情感到不安。

Shes 15.

=> 她15歲

Do you hear what you just did? You just called it "home.

=> 你聽到你剛剛做了什麼?你只是把它叫做「家」。

" That place.

=>「 那個地方。

Where we used to live.

=> 我們曾經住過的地方

Honey, its gonna take some time before it stops feeling like home.

=> 親愛的,在它停止像家一樣的感覺之前需要一段時間。

And are you really happy at Georgetown? Are you kidding me? I love Georgetown.

=> 喬治敦你真的很開心嗎?你在跟我開玩笑嗎?我愛喬治敦。

Being a religion professor at a Jesuit university? Its like being a Beatle.

=> 作為耶穌會大學的宗教教授?這就像是一個披頭士。

So were fine? Were fine.

=> 所以我們很好?我們很好。

Totally fine? Totally fine.

=> 完全好?非常好。

We used to have sex more often.

=> 我們過去經常性交。

We had sex this weekend.

=> 我們這個周末發生了性行為

But we used to have weeknight sex.

=> 但我們曾經有過周末的性愛。

Stop overthinking things.

=> 停止推翻事物。

Is it my masculine energy? Ive got too much of it? Because I know some men, theyre turned off by women in positions of power.

=> 這是我的陽剛之氣嗎?我有太多了嗎?因為我認識一些男人,他們被權力位置的女人所關閉。

I totally love women in power positions.

=> 我完全熱愛掌權的女性。

Huh? Im completely attracted to your masculine energy.

=> 咦?我完全被你的陽剛之氣所吸引。

Tell me what to say.

=> 告訴我該說什麼。

What is it? Its an encoded text.

=> 它是什麼?這是一個編碼文本。

Oh, its from George.

=> 哦,來自喬治

Saying what? Hes outside.

=> 說什麼?他在外面

Come inside.

=> 請你進來。

I cant.

=> 我不能。

Your place is probably bugged.

=> 你的地方可能是竊聽。

George, they sweep it every day.

=> 喬治,他們每天都掃。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

Howd you get by my security detail? I know those guys.

=> 你是如何得到我的安全細節的?我認識那些傢伙

I gave the detail leader his first job.

=> 我給了細節領導人第一份工作。

Well, thats unsettling.

=> 那麼,這是令人不安的。

Humor me, will you? Im taking my life in my hands here, and youre the only person I can trust.

=> 幽默我,你會嗎?我在這裡把我的生命拿在手裡,而你是我唯一可以信任的人。

You look terrible.

=> 你看上去很糟糕。

Vincent Marshs plane crash was not an accident.


I have reason to believe that someone inside had it arranged.

=> 我有理由相信裡面有人安排了它。

Inside what? The Company.

=> 裡面有什麼?公司。

Marsh had some operation going in Venezuela.

=> 馬什在委內瑞拉進行了一些行動。

Money laundering, drugs, arms dealing something.

=> 洗錢,毒品,武器交易的東西。

But the guy was dirty.

=> 但那傢伙很骯髒

Whats the evidence, George? I decoded some of his personal correspondence and uncovered a bank account in Caracas.

=> 喬治,什麼證據?我解密了他的一些個人信件,並在加拉加斯找到了一個銀行賬戶。

He was on his way to meet someone.

=> 他正在去見某人的路上。

Do you know what happens when that gets out? That someone inside the White House has gone completely off the grid? You think Im nuts.

=> 你知道什麼時候出來的?白宮內的某個人已經完全脫離了電網?你覺得我瘋了

Its just a lot its a lot to process, George.

=> 喬治,這只是一個很大的過程。

Thats all.

=> 就這樣。

Hey, buddy.

=> 你好朋友。

Everything okay? Hank.

=> 一切都好?漢克。

Whered you come from? The bedroom.

=> 你從哪裡來的?卧室。

I live here.

=> 我住在這裡。


=> 哦。

Do you want to come in and have a drink? Im sorry.

=> 你想進來喝一杯嗎?對不起。

Boy, I shouldnt have come.

=> 男孩,我不應該來。

This this didnt happen.

=> 這沒有發生。

Understood? What didnt happen? Be careful, Bess.

=> 懂了嗎?什麼沒有發生?小心,貝絲。

Whos she in there with? Oh, Im not at liberty to say.

=> 她跟誰在一起?哦,我不能自由地說。

Well, I got a tip from security.

=> 那麼,我從安全方面得到了一個提示。

Its the Director of the CIA.

=> 這是中央情報局局長。

Cant confirm or deny.

=> 無法確認或否認。

Uh, just so you know? Theres a tradition of sharing information in the outer office.

=> 呃,你知道嗎?在外部辦公室共享信息是一種傳統。


=> 哦。

Well, in that case, I heard you guys tongued in the supply closet at the Christmas party, and its been a little awkward ever since because youre both with other people.

=> 那麼在這種情況下,我聽說你們在聖誕節派對上的供應室里說了句話,從那以後一直有點尷尬,因為你們倆都和別人在一起。

Look, is she going to fire us? Because I need to get my r??sum?? in order.

=> 瞧,她要開除我們嗎?因為我需要讓我的秩序。

Blake? Im Roxanne Majidi.

=> 布萊克?我是Roxanne Majidi。

I have an appointment with the secretary.

=> 我和秘書有個約會。

The secretary is busy.

=> 秘書很忙。

Hey, why dont we all take a seat and think our private thoughts.

=> 嘿,為什麼我們不能坐下來思考我們的私人想法。

The prison holding the two boys is located 20 miles outside of Damascus in a rural area.

=> 兩名男孩的監獄位於大馬士革郊外20英里外的農村地區。

Mostly abandoned warehouses and farms.

=> 大多數被遺棄的倉庫和農場。

But our team on the ground made a positive I.

=> 但是,我們在實地的團隊做出了積極的評價。



Theyre working with people inside.

=> 他們正在和裡面的人一起工作。

How big is the team? Four guys, special ops.

=> 球隊有多大?四個人,特別的操作。

The prison is low security.

=> 監獄安全性低。

One helo, in and out, under cover of darkness, clean and simple.

=> 一個黑暗,黑暗,乾淨,簡單的進出。

Barring unanticipated complications.

=> 除非意外的併發症。

Yeah, barring those.

=> 是的,除了那些。

And theres no reason to think that these kids are somehow CIA? Absolutely not.

=> 沒有理由認為這些孩子是中情局?絕對不。

We havent flagged them anywhere.

=> 我們沒有把他們標記在任何地方。

And the FBI says they havent either.

=> 聯邦調查局說他們也沒有。

All right.

=> 好吧。

The chief of staff has told me I can sign off.

=> 總參謀長告訴我,我可以簽字。

So, this is the official go-ahead.

=> 所以,這是官方的反應。

Alert me two hours out.

=> 警戒我兩個小時了。

Yes, maam.

=> 是的女士。

Hows George doing by the way with the new desk job? Hes a good analyst.

=> 喬治如何在新的工作崗位上幹得好?他是一個很好的分析師。

A little high-strung, but I think hell settle in.

=> 有點高調,但我認為他會安頓下來。


=> 好。

Hes doing good work.

=> 他工作很好。

He just needs to take a breath.

=> 他只需要喘口氣。

Hes not really a breather.

=> 他不是一個真正的喘息

That is an understatement.

=> 這是一個輕描淡寫。

Hey, listen to me.

=> 嘿,聽我說。

If there is any reason at all to pull the plug on this op, do it.

=> 如果有什麼理由把這個插頭拔下來,那就去做吧。

We cant afford a Black Hawk Down moment.

=> 我們承受不起黑鷹墜落的時刻。

- Yes, maam.

=> - 是的女士。

- Thank you.

=> - 謝謝。

- Madam Secretary? - Yeah? This is Roxanne Majidi, the newest addition to our staff.

=> - 女士秘書? - 是嗎? Roxanne Majidi是我們員工的最新成員。

I see.

=> 我懂了。

In what capacity? I was sent by the chief of staff.

=> 在什麼能力?我是由參謀長送來的。


=> 先生。

Jackson says Im to be your personal appearance specialist.

=> 傑克遜說我要成為你的個人外觀專家。

Okay, I have no idea what that means.

=> 好吧,我不知道這是什麼意思。

Your stylist.

=> 你的造型師


=> 哦。

Well, I-Im sure that youre very good at what you do.

=> 那麼,我相信你非常擅長你的工作。

But, um, I dont need a stylist.

=> 但是,呃,我不需要造型師。

Madam Secretary, I just do as Im told.

=> 女士,我只是照我說的去做。

But I was sent by the chief of staff.

=> 但是我是由參謀長送來的。

He was pretty insistent.

=> 他非常堅持。

The way he conveyed it to me, you dont have a choice in the matter.

=> 他傳達給我的方式,你沒有選擇的事情。

See, heres the problem.

=> 看,這是問題。

Ive never met a situation where I dont have a choice in the matter.

=> 我從來沒有遇到過我沒有選擇的情況。

- Well - You know, why dont we find another time for you to swing by? Its a very busy day here.

=> - 好 - 你知道嗎,我們為什麼不再找時間讓你擺脫呢?這是一個非常繁忙的一天。

Uh, why dont you grab your stuff and, uh, well be able to talk Madam Secretary? We need to review your statement about the King of Swaziland visit.

=> 呃,你為什麼不搶你的東西,呃,我們可以跟女秘書談談?我們需要審查你關於史瓦濟蘭國王訪問的聲明。

- Okay.

=> - 好的。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

I have a rough first draft.

=> 我有一個粗略的初稿。

Im still working on the adjectives.

=> 我還在研究這個形容詞。

Right now, youre "happy" and "excited.

=> 現在,你是「快樂」和「興奮。

" You need to work on the adjectives.


Well, I have to get something to the press - by tomorrow.

=> 那麼,我必須得到新聞 - 明天。

- Can I be "resigned" and "conflicted"? You can never be either of those things.

=> - 我可以被「辭職」和「衝突」嗎?你永遠不可能是這些事情之一。

You can be "eager" and "optimistic.

=> 你可以「渴望」和「樂觀」。

" No, she cant be eager.


Thats too Jimmy Carter.

=> 這也是卡特。

Can I be "cautiously optimistic"? Well, thats for more serious world events.

=> 我可以「謹慎樂觀」嗎?那麼,這是更嚴重的世界事件。

- You can be "forward-thinking.

=> - 你可以是「前瞻性思維」。

" - You know what? - Ill do the writing, thanks.

=>「 - 你知道嗎? - 我會寫的,謝謝。

- Can we maybe just throw in something of substance here? Maybe a reference to global health issues - or developing economies? - Yeah, I just dont think now is a good time for substance.

=> - 我們可以在這裡扔點什麼嗎?也許是提到全球健康問題 - 或發展中國家? - 是的,我不認為現在是實質的好時機。


=> 好的。

What if Im grateful for the opportunity to expose the world to a variety of cultural differences as we move toward a more global-thinking society? Thats really good.

=> 如果我感到有機會讓我們走向一個更具全球思想的社會,讓世界面對各種文化差異,這非常好。

Should I write it down for you? - No, Im the writer.

=> 我應該把它寫下來嗎? - 不,我是作家。

I - Just as long as our roles are clear.

=> 我 - 只要我們的角色是清楚的。

You got to stop doing that, okay? Because its my job, its not yours - Thanks - Madam Secretary? We have a problem.

=> 你必須停止這樣做,好嗎?因為這是我的工作,不是你的 - 謝謝 - 女士秘書?我們出現了問題。

It has to do with Operation Stupid Kids.

=> 這與愚蠢的孩子操作有關。

Is that really what were calling it? Thats what we were calling it.

=> 那真的是我們所說的嗎?這就是我們所說的。

Before it went bust.

=> 在破產之前。

Now were calling it Operation Never Happened.

=> 現在我們稱之為從未發生過的操作。

The Intel on the prison location was bad, and when the special forces made their way inside the structure, they found goats.

=> 英特爾在監獄位置不好,當特種部隊進入結構的時候,他們發現了山羊。

Is that code for something? No, maam.

=> 這是代碼的東西?不,女士。

It was disinformation.


The good news is that there were no casualties and no goats were harmed.

=> 好消息是沒有人員傷亡,山羊也沒有受到傷害。

Its just not helpful.

=> 這只是沒有幫助。

I was supposed to be alerted two hours out.

=> 我應該被警告兩個小時了。

What the hell just happened? Apparently they saw a window.

=> 到底發生了什麼?顯然他們看到了一扇窗戶。

They felt they had to move.

=> 他們覺得他們必須搬家。

That is not the CIA directors call.

=> 這不是中央情報局局長的電話。

Blake? Where the hell is he anyway? Mr.

=> 布萊克?他到底在哪裡?先生。

Munsey is busy cleaning up the mess on the ground.

=> Munsey正忙著清理地上的爛攤子。

Yeah, well, that is nothing compared to the mess hes gonna have to clean up with me.

=> 是的,那麼,和他要和我一起清理的那個爛攤子相比,這沒什麼。

And this just came in.

=> 這剛剛進來。

We are American spies captured and rightfully imprisoned in Damascus.

=> 我們是在大馬士革被俘的美國間諜。

Our objective was to overthrow the government.

=> 我們的目標是推翻政府。

We intend to commit acts of terrorism against the Syrian people.

=> 我們打算對敘利亞人民犯下恐怖主義行為。

When did this come in? About an hour ago.

=> 這是什麼時候進來的?大約一小時前。

It was sent as an encoded e-mail directly to our office.

=> 它是作為編碼的電子郵件直接發送到我們的辦公室。

Unfortunately, it comes on the heels of our unsuccessful attempt to liberate the prisoners.

=> 不幸的是,它是在我們解放囚犯失敗的企圖之後發生的。

How unsuccessful? Well, we were given disinformation on the location.

=> 如何不成功?那麼,我們被告知了位置的情況。

Nothing disastrous, but now they have some leverage.

=> 沒有什麼災難性的,但現在他們有一些槓桿作用。

And this is obviously their next move.

=> 這顯然是他們的下一個舉措。

What do they want? Engagement for now.

=> 他們想要什麼?現在的參與。

Ultimately, they want us to call off the peace talks.

=> 最終,他們希望我們取消和談。

What if we dont respond? Theyll release the video.

=> 如果我們不回應呢?他們會發布視頻。

This thing goes viral, its on the first hour of every morning talk show with compare-and-contrast profiles to the Boston bombers.

=> 這件事情變本加厲,每天早上脫口秀節目的第一個小時,就有波士頓轟炸機的比較和對比簡介。

Not the worst outcome I could imagine.

=> 不是我能想像的最糟糕的結果。

No, I agree.

=> 不,我同意。

Thats the best case scenario.

=> 這是最好的情況。

Worst case, nobody buys the phony confession and then the world has to stop while we negotiate their release.

=> 最壞的情況是,沒有人會買下這個虛假的懺悔,然後在我們談判釋放的時候,世界就不得不停下來。

Thats why we have to act now under the radar while we still have some latitude.

=> 這就是為什麼我們現在必須在雷達下行動,而我們仍然有一定的緯度。

Your failed attempt wasnt under the radar? Excuse me, that was your failed attempt as well.

=> 你失敗的嘗試不在雷達之下?對不起,那是你的失敗嘗試。

Nobodys placing blame.

=> 沒人責怪。

Sir, this is not how I wouldve proceeded left to my own devices.

=> 主席先生,這不是我如何繼續留在我自己的設備上。

An official op its got too many moving parts.

=> 一位官員說,它有太多的運動部件。

Theres too many things that can go wrong.

=> 有太多的事情可能會出錯。

We need to take direct action.

=> 我們需要採取直接行動。

How direct? Just me and the guy that can get it done.

=> 如何直接?只有我和那個可以完成的人。

A guy I cant really ask about.

=> 一個我真的不能問的人。

Yes, sir.

=> 是的先生。

That kind of guy.

=> 那種男人

Sir, we cant afford to get involved in this.

=> 主席先生,我們不能介入此事。

Not on the eve of Shirazs visit and the most important peace talks in recent memory.

=> 不是在設拉子訪問前夕,也不是在最近的記憶中最重要的和平談判。

Were already involved.

=> 我們已經參與了。

Keep it at bay.

=> 保持在海灣。

Let the Syrians know were gonna disavow the kids, deny the validity of the video.

=> 讓敘利亞人知道我們會拒絕孩子,否認視頻的有效性。

By the time it gets out, if it does, Shirazs visit is over, the worlds focused on peace in the Middle East, the Syrians look like fringe lunatics, the kids are troublemakers who shouldnt have been there in the first place.

=> 當它出來的時候,如果是這樣的話,設拉子的訪問結束了,世界的焦點集中在中東的和平,敘利亞人看起來像邊緣瘋子,孩子們本來就不應該在那裡的麻煩製造者。

And if the kids are executed? Same story, sadder outcome.

=> 如果孩子們被處決了同樣的故事,悲傷的結局。

Sir, let me get in front of this.

=> 先生,讓我看看這個。

I know how to handle it.

=> 我知道如何處理它。

Sorry, Bess.

=> 對不起,貝絲。

You gave it a shot.

=> 你給了它一個鏡頭。

Now I have to go with Russell.

=> 現在我得和羅素一起去。

Its my job to advise the president.

=> 這是我的工作,建議總統。

How am I supposed to do that when I can get any time alone with the president? How many e-mails did you send him? Fifteen.

=> 當我能和總統分享時,我該怎麼做?你發了多少封電子郵件?十五。

And every time I got a reply from Russell Jacksons office.

=> 每次我從羅素傑克遜的辦公室得到答覆。

What about texts? He does do texts.

=> 關於文本呢?他確實做文本。

He refers me to Russell Jackson.

=> 他把我引到羅素傑克遜。

Well, babe, youre new at the job.

=> 那麼,貝貝,你是新來的工作。

Youll figure something out.

=> 你會弄清楚什麼

I dont have time to figure something out.

=> 我沒有時間弄清楚什麼

Why? Whats going on? I cant tell you.

=> 為什麼?這是怎麼回事?我不能告訴你。


=> 好的。

Let me take the Socratic approach.

=> 讓我採取蘇格拉底式的方法。

Why did you take this job? Because who wouldnt take this job? Hey, wise guy, Ill be Socrates.

=> 你為什麼拿這份工作?因為誰不接受這份工作?嘿,聰明的人,我會成為蘇格拉底。

Answer the question.

=> 回答問題。

I think I left The Company too soon.

=> 我想我很快就離開了公司。

I had some unfinished business.

=> 我有一些未完成的事情。

And I feel like I let Conrad down.

=> 而且我覺得我讓康拉德失望了。

I dont want to do that again.

=> 我不想再這樣做。

You feel like youre letting him down now? - Yes.

=> 你覺得你現在讓他失望? - 是的。

- How? By not insisting that he do the right thing.

=> - 怎麼樣?不要堅持他做對了。

And whats the right thing? You know, theres a reason why they killed Socrates.

=> 什麼是正確的?你知道,他們殺死蘇格拉底有一個原因。

He told me that we could effect real change in the world.

=> 他告訴我,我們可以影響世界的真正變化。

Thats what I signed up for.

=> 這就是我註冊的。

Then you have to figure out a way to take action.

=> 那麼你必須找出採取行動的方法。

Thomas Aquinas said, "If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would leave it in port forever.

=> 托馬斯·阿奎那(Thomas Aquinas)說:「如果船長的最高目標是保存他的船,他將永遠把它留在港口。

" Aquinas also said, "Sorrow can be alleviated by a good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine.


" Which one of those worked? Well.


It has been a long time.

=> 有段時間了。

Thanks for coming.

=> 感謝你的到來。

What can I say? Ive missed you.

=> 我能說什麼?我很想你

Whats it been eight years? Yes.

=> 八年來呢?是。


=> 車臣。

Such a paltry little rebellion by todays standards.

=> 按照今天的標準這樣一個微小的叛亂。

Whats your title these days? Still cultural attach??.

=> 這幾天你的頭銜是什麼?仍然是文化的附件。

I need to broker a deal on the ground in Syria.

=> 我需要在敘利亞進行交易。

What kind of deal? Two American kids imprisoned for espionage.

=> 什麼樣的交易?兩名美國孩子因間諜罪被囚禁。

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

I really am a cultural attach?? now.

=> 我現在真的是文化大使。

For the last couple of years.

=> 在過去的幾年裡。

No double-dipping in the spy pool.

=> 間諜池中沒有雙重傾斜。

You must still know people.

=> 你還必須認識人。

Bess, Im telling you, Im fully legit now.

=> 貝絲,我告訴你,我現在完全合法。

State Department.

=> 國務院。

I can get you caviar and vodka.

=> 我可以給你魚子醬和伏特加。

I like it here, okay? I cant risk going back to Russia.

=> 我喜歡這裡,好嗎?我不能冒險回到俄羅斯。

Its a pigsty.

=> 這是一個豬圈。

My kids are on the fast track for Ivy Leagues.

=> 我的孩子正在常春藤聯盟的快車道上。

Let me ask you something.

=> 讓我問你一件事。

Who got your cousin and his family out of Chechnya during the revolution? You did, of course.

=> 革命時誰把你的表弟和他的家人趕出了車臣?你當然了。

Using field officers on the ground who risked their lives to do so.

=> 使用冒著生命危險的實地現場官員這樣做。

I took responsibility for that.

=> 我為此承擔了責任。

No, I havent forgotten.

=> 不,我沒有忘記。

Just as your cousin and his family were going to.


So youre cashing in your chips? No.

=> 那麼你在兌現你的籌碼?沒有。

I am appealing to your humanity.

=> 我呼籲你的人性。

And if that doesnt work, Im reminding you that the Secretary of State can have any foreign diplomat removed off of U.

=> 如果這樣做不起作用,我想提醒你,國務卿可以讓任何外交官員離開美國。



soil for any reason.

=> 土壤出於任何原因。

I am feeling very humane.

=> 我感覺非常人性化。

Lets call it a nightcap.

=> 我們稱之為睡帽吧。

That way I dont have to yell at you for breaking protocol and waking me up.

=> 這樣我就不必因為打破禮節而叫我起床了。

Yes, sir.

=> 是的先生。

In fact, texting my wife? Id call that obliterating protocol.

=> 事實上,發簡訊給我的妻子?我會打電話給這個消除協議。

Weve remained friends.

=> 我們仍然是朋友。

We talk sometimes.

=> 我們有時會談。

I know she stays up late.

=> 我知道她熬夜。


=> 精細。

You have my attention.

=> 你有我的關注。

I made an unofficial move on the situation in Syria.

=> 我對敘利亞局勢採取了非官方的舉動。

Why would you do that? To save the lives of two innocent kids who arent that much older than mine.

=> 為什麼要這麼做?為了拯救兩個不比我大的年輕人的生命。

Thats just the first reason.

=> 這只是第一個原因。

You tried before.

=> 你以前試過

Let me ask you something.

=> 讓我問你一件事。

Why did you give me this job? I told you why.

=> 你為什麼給我這份工作?我告訴過你為什麼

You said you didnt want a politician in this post.

=> 你說你不想在這個職位上有一個政客。

Well this is me not being a politician.

=> 那麼這是我不是一個政治家。

I didnt uproot my life and my family to come here and sit in endless staff meetings and plan parties for potentates.

=> 我並沒有根除我的生活和家庭,來到這裡參加無休止的工作人員會議,並為各位議員策劃派對。

I came here to do the job that you said only I could do.

=> 我來這裡是為了做你說的只有我能做的工作。

So for Gods sakes, Conrad, let me do it.

=> 所以對於上帝,康拉德,讓我來做吧。

Im waiting.

=> 我在等待。

You said I think outside the box.

=> 你說我在箱子外面想。

Well, from where I sit, you are in a dangerous box of appeasement and Im showing you the way out.

=> 那麼,從我坐下的地方,你處於一個危險的綏靖之中,我正在向你展示出路。

Step it out for me.

=> 為我演出。

We do nothing, the Syrians execute those kids just to make a point.

=> 我們什麼都不做,敘利亞人執行這些孩子只是為了說明問題。

When it hits the press that you knew about it and did nothing? Thats a genie I cant put back in the bottle.

=> 當它觸及你知道的媒體,什麼也沒做?這是一個我不能放回瓶子的精靈。

My job is to advise you on matters of foreign policy, and Im advising you.

=> 我的工作就是在外交政策方面給你提供建議,我建議你。

This is a risk you cant afford not to take.

=> 這是你不能承擔的風險。

I know the right people, we have to do it my way.

=> 我認識合適的人,我們必須按照自己的方式去做。

Trust me.

=> 相信我。

Youd better be right about this.

=> 你最好是對的。

Or yours could be the shortest term in State Department history.

=> 或者你可能是國務院歷史上最短的一個時期。

Elihu B.

=> Elihu B.

Washburne, under President Grant.

=> Washburne,總統格蘭特。

I looked it up.

=> 我查了一下。

But I take your point.

=> 但我明白你的意思。

Its going to be $2 million U.

=> 這將是200萬美元。



Its going to be half that.

=> 這將是一半。

One and a half.

=> 1個半。

Close of business.

=> 業務關閉。

I can make that work.

=> 我可以做這個工作。

First installment with confirmation that the kids are released.

=> 首先確認孩子們被釋放。

Second installment after theyve landed.

=> 他們登陸後的第二批。

It needs to be U.

=> 它需要是U.



dollars in a third-party account.

=> 美元在第三方帳戶。


=> 沒有。

Its going to be that amount in the form of medical supplies and food.

=> 這將是醫療用品和食品的形式。

Nussir gets the photo op, distributing relief among the suffering masses.

=> 努西爾獲得照片,在受苦群眾中分發救濟物資。

I dont think its enough.

=> 我不認為這是足夠的。

Okay, then tell them this: We wont sanction them into the Stone Age.

=> 好,那就告訴他們:我們不會把他們批准到石器時代。

The tide is turning, and they do not want to be isolated on the wrong side of it.

=> 潮流正在轉向,他們不希望被隔離在錯誤的一面。

No one misses Syria if it completely self-destructs.

=> 如果敘利亞完全自我毀滅,沒有人會錯過。

I think theyre taking it.

=> 我認為他們正在採取。


=> 恭喜。

You just bought yourself two stupid American kids.

=> 你只是給自己買了兩個愚蠢的美國孩子。

Ill believe it when theyre in the air.

=> 當他們在空中時我會相信的。

You stay on it, okay? Yes, maam, Madam Secretary.

=> 你留下來,好嗎?是的,女士,女士。

Its all right to address his wives by their first names.

=> 用他們的名字來對待他的妻子是可以的。

But be advised they probably wont have much to say.

=> 但是請注意,他們可能不會有太多的話要說。

Most of them dont speak English.

=> 他們大多不會說英語。

Unless you to speak Swazi.

=> 除非你說斯威士人。

French, German, Arabic, Farsi year of Spanish, high school.

=> 法語,德語,阿拉伯語,波斯語西班牙語,高中。

So youll just smile a lot.

=> 所以你會微笑很多

That was a New York Times reporter who just got off the phone with Tyler and Ethan Coles parents.

=> 那是紐約時報的記者,剛剛和泰勒和伊森·科爾的父母打了電話。

The Times got the Coles to make a statement? No.

=> 「紐約時報」得到科爾斯發表聲明?沒有。

The Times got them to give a two-hour interview.

=> 「紐約時報」讓他們做了兩小時的採訪。

- What did you say? - I said no comment.

=> - 你說什麼? - 我說沒有評論。

Now Im going to call Robert Cole and say a lot of things at an elevated level.

=> 現在我打算給羅伯特·科爾打個電話,說出很多事情。

But when are they going to run it? Tomorrow.

=> 但是他們什麼時候會跑呢?明天。


=> 哦。

Buried in the back? Depends on how big of a news day it is.

=> 埋在後面?取決於新聞日的大小。

Is that personal image consultant - still in the building? - Yeah, shes got an office on the second floor.

=> 那是個人形象顧問 - 還在建築中嗎? - 是的,她在二樓有一個辦公室。

Tell her I want to see her right away.

=> 告訴她我想馬上見她。

Madam Secretary.

=> 女秘書。


=> 你好。

Congratulations on your new position.

=> 祝賀你的新職位。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Where are you guys from? Were from Minnesota.

=> 你們來自哪裡呢?我們來自明尼蘇達州。

Ah, the land of 10,000 lakes, right? But its actually more like 15,000.

=> 啊,萬湖的土地吧?但實際上更像是15000。

Yes, maam.

=> 是的女士。

Can we get our picture taken together? Actually, thats fine.

=> 我們可以把我們的照片放在一起嗎?其實,那很好。

- Thatd be great.

=> - 那簡直太好了。

- Thank you.

=> - 謝謝。

I need you to step back.

=> 我需要你退後一步

- Good? - Good? - Okay.

=> - 好嗎? - 好嗎? - 好的。

- Thank you! Enjoy your stay.

=> - 謝謝!入住愉快。

Madam Madam Secretary! The response to Secretary McCords look has been positive, most people saying Shes showing a little bit of leg.

=> 女士女士秘書!對McCord秘書長的回應是積極的,大多數人說,她顯示出一點點小腿。

And it looked like she went and changed her hairstyle, too! I kind of like it.

=> 而且看起來她也改變了她的髮型!我有點喜歡它。

issued no statement as to why the Secretary felt the need to modernize her look.

=> 並沒有就局長為何覺得需要現代化她的外貌發表任何聲明。

Secretary of State I cant believe that with everything going on in the world, this is the news.

=> 國務卿,我不能相信世界上發生的一切事情都是新聞。

I mean, no offense, Mom, but a new outfit isnt really a global event.

=> 我的意思是,沒有冒犯,媽媽,但一個新的裝備不是一個真正的全球性事件。

Well, I-I guess it is now.

=> 那麼,我 - 我猜是現在。

This is the most youve been in the news since the confirmation hearing.

=> 這是自確認聽證會以來最新消息。


=> 是的。

_ Good morning.

=> _ 早上好。

Good morning.

=> 早上好。

I didnt realize we had an appointment.

=> 我沒有意識到我們有一個約會。

You want to tell me how those kids got released? I guess the Syrians saw the error of their ways.

=> 你想告訴我這些孩子如何獲得釋放?我想,敘利亞人看到了他們的方式的錯誤。

So that would be a "no.

=> 所以這將是一個「不。

" I got the president to sign off.


How could you do that without my knowledge? I-I dont know.

=> 你怎麼能不知道我呢?我 - 我不知道。

By blatantly circumnavigating your authority? Youd better learn how to work with me instead of around me.

=> 公然循環你的權威?你最好學習如何與我合作,而不是在我身邊。

I used your stylist, didnt I? I think youll find I make a much better ally than opponent.


Same here.

=> 同樣在這裡。

Im going to chalk this one up to rookie enthusiasm.

=> 我會把這個粉筆寫到菜鳥的熱情。

But going forward? I wont be so forgiving.

=> 但前進?我不會那麼寬容

It is an honor to visit your beautiful country.

=> 參觀你美麗的國家是一種榮幸。

And its most beautiful Secretary of State.

=> 和最美麗的國務卿。

Were very happy to have Your Highness and his royal family.

=> 我們很高興有殿下和他的王室。

And what about your family, Madam Secretary? Do you have children? I do.

=> 夫人秘書,你的家人呢?你有孩子嗎?我做。

I have a son - and two daughters.

=> 我有一個兒子 - 還有兩個女兒。

- Ah.

=> - 啊。

A nice, small family.

=> 一個不錯的小家庭

Well, I-I just have the one husband.

=> 那麼,我 - 我只有一個丈夫。


=> 是。

I am honored to have 23 children.

=> 我很榮幸有23個孩子。


=> 哇。

That sounds like a lot of work.

=> 這聽起來像很多工作。

Well, I am blessed with wonderful partners.

=> 那麼,我有幸與美妙的合作夥伴祝福。

Your Highness, if I could take a moment to discuss with you a matter of international importance? Of course.

=> 閣下,如果我能花一點時間與你討論一個具有國際重要性的問題?當然。

I know that youre aware that the AIDS epidemic has continued to grow in your country despite its decline in other developing nations.

=> 我知道你知道,儘管其他發展中國家的艾滋病流行率有所下降,但艾滋病疫情在你的國家仍然繼續增長。

Early on in your reign, you took great steps to address it, but lately it hasnt been at the forefront of your political agenda.

=> 在你統治的早期,你採取了很大的措施來解決這個問題,但最近它還沒有站在你的政治議程的最前沿。

Certainly, a man of your education and obvious love of family understands the importance of this issue.

=> 當然,一個受過教育的人和對家庭的熱愛明白這個問題的重要性。

We would like to work with you to bring it back to the top of your list.

=> 我們希望與您合作,將其帶回您的名單的頂部。

It would be an honor to do so, Madam Secretary.

=> 主席女士,這將是一種榮幸。

Im sure that you can enlist the help of your wives Majaha Sibhale Lindelwa Nomcebo, Nolwazi, Siviwe, Temily, Dzeltwe, Andiswa and Bongeka.

=> 我相信你可以爭取你的妻子Majaha Sibhale Lindelwa Nomcebo,Nolwazi,Siviwe,Temily,Dzeltwe,Andiswa和Bongeka的幫助。

A womans perspective is such an important thing and you have no shortage of that.

=> 一個女人的視角是如此重要的事情,你並不缺乏這一點。

That exchange with the King is already trending, Madam Secretary.

=> 這位女王與國王的交流已經開始了。

Twitter is blowing up.

=> Twitter正在炸毀。

People love it.

=> 人們喜歡它。

Well, not everyones going to love it.

=> 那麼,不是每個人都會喜歡它。

Matt, prepare a statement for tomorrow.

=> 馬特,明天準備一個聲明。

We may have to call a press conference.

=> 我們可能不得不召開新聞發布會。

Im already on it.

=> 我已經在上面了

Do you want this to become an issue? Yes! I think weve spent enough time on my look.

=> 你想這成為一個問題?是!我想我們已經花了足夠的時間在我的面前。

World health, education, war on women how do you want to frame it? All of the above.

=> 世界衛生,教育,對婦女的戰爭你想如何框架呢?上述所有的。

Its a strong message.

=> 這是一個強烈的信息。

Itll play well in the polls.

=> 這將在民意調查中發揮出色。

Not that I, you know, care about polls.

=> 不,我知道,關心民意調查。

Car is waiting for you outside when youre ready.

=> 當你準備好的時候,汽車正在外面等著你。

Ill tell security to stand by.

=> 我會告訴安全的。

Thanks, Blake.

=> 謝謝,布雷克。

Nice work, Madam Secretary.

=> 女士,秘書。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Ooh Hey.

=> 哦,嘿。

How long have you been here? You know, if you wanted to come tonight, I could have gotten you an invitation, because I happen to know people in the Whats wrong? George is dead.

=> 你在這裡多久了?你知道,如果你今晚想來,我可以得到你的邀請,因為我碰巧知道有什麼人是錯的?喬治已經死了

What happened? Single-car collision into a telephone pole.

=> 發生了什麼?單車撞到電線杆上。

No witnesses.

=> 沒有證人。

That wasnt an accident.

=> 那不是一個意外。

I know.

=> 我知道。


[美劇] 尼基塔/Nikita 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 犯罪心理/Criminal Minds 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 罪案第六感/Perception 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
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