180217-Leaders-Heading Back to Hell重返地獄

Congo, scene of the world』s worst war in decades, is sliding back to mayhem


NO CONFLICT since the 1940s has been bloodier, yet few have been more completely ignored. Estimates of the death toll in Congo between 1998 and 2003 range from roughly 1m to more than 5m—no one counted the corpses. Taking the midpoint, the cost in lives was higher than that in Syria, Iraq, Vietnam or Korea. Yet scarcely any outsider has a clue what the fighting was about or who was killing whom. Which is a tragedy, because the great war at the heart of Africa might be about to start again.

  • midpoint中位數


The cause of the carnage大屠殺的起因

To understand the original war, consider this outrageously oversimplified analogy. Imagine a giant house whose timbers are rotten. That was the Congolese state under Mobutu Sese Seko, the kleptocratic tyrant who ruled from 1965 to 1997. Next, imagine a cannonball that brings the house crashing down. That cannonball was fired from Rwanda, Congo』s tiny, turbulent neighbour. Now imagine that every local gang of armed criminals comes rushing in to steal the family jewels, and the looting turns violent. Finally, imagine that you are a young, unarmed woman who lives alone in the shattered house. It is not a pleasant thought, is it?

為了理解真正的源頭,列舉一個極度簡化的例子,這就像一棟大房子,但橫樑已經腐爛。這就是剛果1965 到 1997年,在通過掠奪財富成為巨富Mobutu Sese Seko統治下的真實寫照。下一步,想像一下房子被炮彈擊中後轟然倒塌。這顆炮彈是由剛果的鄰國,領土雖小但暴亂不斷的盧安達發射的。


  • outrageously /a?t?red ??sl?/ 兇殘地,非比尋常地
  • oversimplify 英文常見構詞法--合成法的體現,具體是合成動詞類型下的「副詞+動詞」組合,比如:over(過度)+whelm(壓倒)=overwhelm(壓倒,制服);over(過度)+estimate(估計)=overestimate過度估計;以及本段出現的over(過度)+simplify(簡化)=oversimplify(過度簡化),掌握了底層規律,背單詞的效率如火箭班躥升啊
  • analogy/?n?l?d?i/類比,類推
  • timber/t?mb?/ 木材,橫樑,本段是「橫樑」的意思
  • kleptocratic klepto thief盜賊的意思,起源於1815-1820的希臘;cratic是統治者的意思,連起來kleptocratic 指的是「盜賊統治」,指統治者或統治階層利用職權佔用人民財產而提高自身財產的手段;
  • cannonball/k?n?nb?l/炮彈,cannon大炮,ball炮彈,儘管這個詞隨著語境可以猜出來含義,還是可以講一下的。cannon「大炮」的意思,起源於14世紀的歐洲,16世紀左右確定了cannon的名字,炮管較長,彈道平直;口徑為30-52,最大射程可達30公里,中文的」加農炮「即是從cannon這個詞翻譯而來,如圖:

  • 另外,cannon/k?n?n/雖然跟日本相機公司「佳能」的英文商標canon發音相同,但含義卻大相徑庭。canon是指「標準」、「教規,」教室「、」正典聖經「等含義,是個GRE級別的辭彙,取這個單詞做商標,相比也從側面反映出了佳能創始人對待技術嚴謹的態度。以後再看到白底紅字的佳能標,也可以跟小夥伴裝一下X,哎,你知道canon英文商標是啥意思么?

  • loot/lu:ti?/搶劫

Mobutu and his underlings looted the Congolese state until it could barely stand. When a shock struck, it collapsed. The shock was the Rwandan genocide of 1994. The perpetrators of that abomination, defeated at home, fled into Congo. Rwanda invaded Congo to eliminate them. Meeting almost no resistance, since no one wanted to die for Mobutu, the highly disciplined Rwandans overthrew him and replaced him with their local ally, Laurent Kabila. Then Kabila switched sides and armed the génocidaires, so Rwanda tried to overthrow him, too. Angola and Zimbabwe saved him. The war degenerated into a bloody tussle for plunder. Eight foreign countries became embroiled, along with dozens of local militias. Congo』s mineral wealth fuelled the mayhem, as men with guns grabbed diamond, gold and coltan mines. Warlords stoked

ethnic divisions, urging young men to take up arms to defend their tribe—and rob the one next door—because the state could not protect anyone. Rape spread like a forest fire.

Mobutu和他的爪牙知道最後一刻,都在對剛果巧取豪奪。當襲擊來臨時,國家轟然倒塌。這次襲擊就是1994年的盧安達種族屠殺。讓人恨之入骨的暴徒們毀壞了監獄,逃到了剛果。盧安達為了追擊犯人,入侵了剛果。一路如入無人之境,因為沒有人願意為了Mobutu奮力抵抗。訓練有素的盧安達軍隊推翻了Mobutu,並扶持了當地同盟Laurent Kabila。沒想到Laurent Kabila調轉矛頭組建了génocidaires,所以盧安達也將他推翻了。戰爭演變成了針對掠奪物的血腥鬥爭。八個國家和數十隻當地民兵部隊被捲入其中。剛果的礦產資源並武裝兵佔領,鑽石被洗劫一空,金礦和鈳鉭礦一片狼藉。軍閥們勒令青壯男子拿起武器抵抗部落衝突,卻演變成了對部落的逐個洗劫,這無疑給戰爭又添了一把火。因為國家已經無力保護任何人。強姦像森林大火一樣席捲整個剛果。

  • underling/??nd?l??/ 下屬(含貶義),因為這裡語境是暴亂,可以翻譯成「爪牙」
  • genocide/d??n?sa?d/種族滅絕,大屠殺
  • perpetrator/?p?..p??tret?/犯人
  • abomination/?,bɑm?ne??n/令人厭惡的,極度厭煩的,語氣很重
  • génocidaires法語,意思是參與盧安達大屠殺的人,見下圖維基百科截圖:

  • overthrow/?ov?θro/打倒,推翻,聯繫上一段的構詞法記憶;
  • degenerate/d?d??n?ret/墮落,退化
  • tussle/t?sl/扭打,激烈鬥爭
  • plunder/pl?nd?/掠奪,搶奪,有v.和n.兩個詞性
  • embroiled/?mbr??l/捲入,使混亂
  • militia/mili??/民兵
  • coltan/?k?l?t?n/鈳鉭礦,剛果戰爭的導火索之一,盧安達和烏干達由民主剛果盜取鈳鉭鐵礦,然後出口到西方(主要是美國)。鈳鉭鐵礦廣泛用於製造高科技產品,如:行動電話、DVD播放機、PS2遊戲機等。
  • Warlordthe leader of an unofficial military group fighting against a government, king, or different group. 跟政府、國王和其他組織對抗的,非正式軍隊的領導者,也就是軍閥,參考東北之王張作霖。這個詞同樣是利用合成法來的:war戰爭;lord王,戰爭的王者,軍閥
  • stoke /stok/ 添火,大吃大喝


The war ended eventually when all sides were exhausted, and under pressure from donors on the governments involved. The world』s biggest force of UN blue helmets arrived. Kabila』s son, Joseph, has been president since his father was shot in 2001. He has failed to build a state that does not prey on its people. Bigwigs still embezzle ; soldiers mug peasants; public services barely exist. The law counts for little. When a judge recently refused to rule against an opposition leader, thugs broke into his home and raped his wife and daughter.


  • blue helmets helmet頭盔,「藍盔部隊」,聯合國維和部隊的別稱
  • Bigwig/b?ɡw?ɡ/權貴之人,有重大影響的人,非正式用法,同義詞有mogul, nabob,pooh-bah等等,實在記不住,就記住VIP這一個同義詞就行了
  • embezzle /imbezl?/挪用公款,侵佔
  • mug 有馬克杯、打劫的意思,這裡是後者
  • thug /θ?ɡ/暴徒

Mr Kabila was elected for a final five-year term in 2011. His mandate ran out in 2016, but he clings to the throne. He is pathetically unpopular—no more than 10% of Congolese back him. His authority is fading. He can still scatter protests in the capital, Kinshasa, with tear gas and live bullets. And few Congolese can afford to take a whole day off to protest, in any case.But in the rest of this vast country, he is losing control (see page 18). Ten of 26 provinces are suffering armed conflict. Dozens of militias are once again spilling blood.Some 2m Congolese fled their homes last year, bringing the total still displaced to around 4.3m. The state is tottering, the president is illegitimate, ethnic militias are proliferating and one of the world』s richest supplies of minerals is available to loot. There is ample evidence that countries which have suffered a recent civil war are more likely to suffer another. In Congo the slide back to carnage has already begun.


  • mandate/?m?nde?t/ 命令,要求
  • clings /kl??/堅守,cling to 抱住,固守,這裡指到了任期仍不退位
  • scatter/?sk?t? $ -?r/分散

Beyond Africa, why should the world care? Congo is far away and has no discernible effect on global stockmarkets. Besides, its woes seem too complex and intractable for outsiders to fix.

It has long had predatory rulers, from the slave-dealing pre-colonial kings of Kongo to the Kabila family. Intrusive outsiders have often made matters worse, from the rapacious Belgian King Leopold II in the 19th century to the American cold warriors who propped up Mobutu for being anti-Soviet.

但非洲以外的國家,誰會在意呢?剛果地處遙遠的非洲,對全球股市的影響微乎其微。除此以外,事件過於複雜,外人很難解決。從殖民時期前剛果販賣奴隸的國王到Kabila家族,「掠奪主義」根深蒂固。闖入者往往會讓問題雪上加霜,無論是19世紀比利時貪婪的國王Leopold II,還是因為Mobutu反蘇而支持他的美國冷戰戰士,都是如此。

  • totter /t?t?ri?/ 顫巍巍的,動搖的,可以指人走路,也可以指政權不穩,這裡很顯然是後者
  • proliferating/pr?l?f?ret/ 擴散,繁殖 注意重音在第二個音階
  • ample/?mpl/ 豐富的,足夠的,跟"abandance"類似
  • discernible/d?z?n?bl/可識別的,段落中,這個詞的前面加了一個no表示否定,也就是「影響微弱」的意思
  • woes/wo/ 悲哀、悲痛,GRE辭彙,比sorrowsad可高級多了
  • intractable/?ntr?kt?bl/難對付的
  • slave-dealing奴隸貿易
  • rapacious/r?pe??s/貪婪的,needy的2.0版同義詞
  • prop/prɑp/支柱,支撐

Nonetheless, the world should care and it can help. Congo matters mainly because its people are people, and deserve better. It also matters because it is huge—two-thirds the size of India—and when it burns, the flames spread. Violence has raged back and forth across its borders with Rwanda, Uganda, Angola, South Sudan and the Central African Republic. Studies find that civil wars cause grave economic harm to neighbouring states, which in Congo』s case are home to 200m people. Put another way, if Congo were peaceful and functional, it could be the crossroads of an entire continent, and power every country south of it with dams on its mighty river.


If outsiders engage now, the slide back to war may yet be held in check.First, cuts to the UN peacekeepers』 budget, made partly at President Donald Trump』s behest, should be reversed. The blue helmets are not perfect, and cannot protect remote villages. But they can protect cities and are the only force that Congolese trust not to slaughter and pillage. Second, Mr Trump』s welcome sanctions against Mr Kabila』s money men— building on earlier embargoes on conflict minerals—should be extended. Donors should press Mr Kabila to keep his promise to hold elections by the end of the year, and not to flout the constitution by running again.In this, they should make common cause with sensible African leaders. The Congolese opposition should take part in the vote, instead of boycotting it.



  • at...behest按照...的命令
  • sanction/s??k??n/制裁,認可,支持
  • embargo禁止出入港口
  • pillage/p?l?d?/掠奪,GRE辭彙
  • flout/fla?t/嘲笑,愚弄,又一個GRE辭彙,學起來逼格滿滿
  • opposition /ɑp?z???n/ 對手,反抗者,在政治背景中,指反對黨或在野黨


  • make common cause with與...聯合起來,比如英文版《喬布斯傳》中有這樣一句話:

One person who encouraged the denizens of the counterculture to make common cause with the hackers was Stewart Brand.


A flicker of hope一線希望

The omens are not all bad. South Africa has just dumped Jacob Zuma (see page 39), who indulged Mr Kabila』s claim that Western pleas to uphold Congolese law were imperialism. (Mr

Zuma』s nephew reportedly has oil interests in Congo.) Cyril Ramaphosa, Mr Zuma』s successor, is honest and pragmatic. Just as Nelson Mandela was repelled by Mobutu, and hastened his departure, so Mr Ramaphosa is surely repelled byMr Kabila. He has experience negotiating the end of bad things, including apartheid, Northern Ireland』s troubles and Mr Zuma』s presidency. He must not let Congo go back to hell.

局勢也並不是每況愈下。Kabila聲稱西方國家虛情假意地支持剛果法律,南非總統祖瑪對此深信不疑,可結果證明這只是帝國主義的手段而已。好在南非已經擺脫了祖瑪的統治。報道稱,祖瑪的外甥對剛果的石油很感興趣。祖瑪的繼任者Cyril Ramaphosa是個真誠的實用主義者。正如尼爾遜·曼德拉被Mobutu抵制一樣,Cyril Ramaphosa也註定被Kaliba抵制。他對通過談判來收拾殘局很有經驗,種族隔離,北愛爾蘭風波和祖瑪任期等事件中都是如此。他不能讓剛果再次陷入水深火熱之中。

  • omen/om?n/預兆
  • imperialisn/?mp?r??l?z?m/帝國主義
  • pragmatic/pr?gm?t?k/實用主義
  • repel/r?p?l/擊退,抵制,不愉快,這裡指ZZ鬥爭
  • reignites/?ri:iɡnait/重燃
  • uphold /?phold/支持,擁護,其他同義詞見下:
    • back: 通常指對論點、行動、事業等的強有力支持。
    • uphold: 既可指積極努力對陷入困境者的支持,也可指給某人在行動、道義或信仰上的支持。
    • support: 含義廣泛,多指在道義上或物質上支持某人,也可指對某項事業的支持。
    • sustain: 側重指連續不斷的支持。
    • advocate: 多指通過寫文章或發表演說等來支持或擁護,往往暗示提倡某事或為某事辯護。
  • Northern Ireland』s trouble愛爾蘭風波,指1920年被英國征服後,國家內部關於應該自製還是順從英國統治的爭論,從1966年延續到1999年。去年英國退歐,也有愛爾蘭獨立的消息。具體可點擊鏈接了解:alphahistory.com/northe




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