
[美劇] 驚世/The Event 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 驚世/The Event 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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政治懸疑劇《驚世》(The Event)由創作過科幻懸疑劇《The 4400》的製片人NickWauters打造,來自《24》的製片人Evan




政治懸疑劇《驚世》(The Event)由創作過科幻懸疑劇《The 4400》的製片人NickWauters打造,來自《24》的製片人Evan







人;中央情報局局長Blake Sterling(ZeljkoIvanek扮演);與Sophia有關聯的CIA特工Simon Lee(Ian

Anthony Dale扮演)。









Wait, what was that? Whats that noise? Keep it rolling! Keep it rolling! The press conference was just about to start now.


But the ground and wall just started shaking within Theres this noise.

=> 但地面和牆壁剛剛開始抖動有這種噪音。


=> 等待。

Somethings happening.

=> 有什麼事情發生。

No, I dont know, Im not sure what this is.

=> 不,我不知道,我不知道這是什麼。

Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Run, run! Drop the camera, drop the camera! Run, run! Once again, welcome aboard Avias Airways flight 514 to Sao Paulo.

=> 哦,我的上帝!哦,我的上帝!跑跑!放下相機,放下相機!跑跑!再次歡迎Avias Airways 514航班飛往聖保羅。

At this time, please make sure your seat belts are securely fastened, your seat backs and tray tables are in the upright position, and your carry-on luggage is stowed either in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you.

=> 此時,請確保您的安全帶已牢固固定,您的座椅靠背和托盤桌子處於直立位置,並且隨身行李可以存放在高架箱中或您前方的座椅下方。

Now is the time also to switch off all electronics.

=> 現在是時候關掉所有的電子產品了。

The captain will let you know when its safe to use all approved devices once weve Sir, you need to be in your seat, please.

=> 一旦我們成為先生,船長會告訴你什麼時候安全地使用所有認可的設備,請你坐在座位上。


=> 抱歉。

I just wasnt feeling well.

=> 我只是感覺不舒服。

Can I get you some No, Im all right.

=> 我可以給你一些不,我沒事。


=> 謝謝。

Your cabin crew will be bringing around a beverage of your choice, but for now, sit back, relax and enjoy your flight.

=> 您的機組人員將帶來您選擇的飲料,但現在,坐下來,放鬆,享受您的飛行。

Can I sit there? You all right? Yeah, yeah.

=> 我可以坐在那裡嗎?你沒事吧?是啊。

One, two, three, four, five, six Leila, this is gonna be great on you.

=> 一,二,三,四,五,六萊拉,這對你會很棒。

Seven Just make sure that you bring it back.

=> 七隻要確保你把它帶回來。

I dont think thats gonna fit.

=> 我不認為這會適合。

Of course its gonna fit.

=> 當然,它會適合。

Samantha, can you please stop? Youre gonna thank me that I gave you that, because it gets chilly on those cruise ships at night.

=> 薩曼莎,你能停下來嗎?你會感謝我給你的,因為晚上在那些郵輪上感到寒冷。

And so I want you to wear that.

=> 所以我想讓你穿這個

Mom, I promise.

=> 媽媽,我保證。


=> 是啊。

Youre gonna wear it? Im gonna wear it.

=> 你會穿嗎?我要穿它。

You better wear it.

=> 你最好戴上它。

Im gonna wear it.

=> 我要穿它。


=> 好。

Samantha, will you please stop? Fine.

=> 薩曼莎,你能停下來嗎?精細。

But, Mom, can I go on a cruise? Samantha.

=> 但是,媽媽,我可以去巡遊嗎?薩曼莎。

You wanna go on a cruise? - Yeah! Yeah? Take me, take me, take me.

=> 你想去巡遊? - 是的!是嗎?帶我,帶我,帶我。

Not this time, but you know what? Maybe next.

=> 不是這次,但你知道嗎?也許接下來。

This time you have to watch Mom and Dad, okay? All right.

=> 這次你要看爸爸媽媽,好嗎?好吧。

All right? Pinky Promise? Pinky promise.

=> 好吧?小指的承諾?小指的承諾。

Yeah, this is the main line for the ship.

=> 是的,這是這艘船的主線。

But they said that we should have a cell signal Okay, great.

=> 但他們說,我們應該有一個單元格信號好,很好。

Most of the time, anyways.

=> 反正大部分時間

All right.

=> 好吧。

And dont worry, well leave you love birds alone this time.

=> 別擔心,這次我們會把愛情留給你。

Oh, no.

=> 不好了。

I Yeah, I just was thinking Listen, I know that this probably isnt the best time to do this since were leaving very soon.

=> 我是,我只是在想,聽著,我知道這可能不是我們即將離開的最佳時機。

But I just wanted to talk to you before we go, and I know this is kind of old-fashioned, its completely old-fashioned actually, but I also know how much you love your daughter, obviously, and Sean, relax.

=> 但我只是想在走之前和你談談,我知道這是一種老套的方式,實際上它是完全老套的,但我也知道你有多愛你的女兒,顯然,肖恩放鬆了。

You have my blessing.

=> 你有我的祝福。

I do? Well, youre gonna take good care of her, love her, cherish her, all that good stuff, right? Yes.

=> 我做?那麼,你會好好照顧她,愛她,珍惜她,所有的好東西,對吧?是。

Yes, yes, of course.

=> 是的,是的,當然。


=> 絕對。


=> 好。

Then you have my blessing.

=> 那麼你有我的祝福。

That was easier than I thought.

=> 這比我想像的要容易得多。

Of course if you hurt her in any way, I will have to kill you.

=> 當然,如果你以任何方式傷害她,我將不得不殺死你。


=> 是。

I get that.

=> 我明白了。

Bye, Shorty.

=> 再見,矮個子

Next cruise is mine, right? Yes, thats right.

=> 下一次巡航是我的,對吧?恩,那就對了。


=> 萊拉。

You take care, okay, Mom? All right, see you in a bit, okay? Bye.

=> 你保重,好嗎,媽媽?好的,稍後再見,好嗎?再見。

Everybody sure they got everything? Bye.

=> 每個人都確定他們得到了一切?再見。


=> 是。


=> 再見。

Sean? Yes, Sir! Bye, sweetie.

=> 肖恩?是的先生!親愛的再見。


=> 再見。

Okay, then.

=> 好吧。

Cleared for departure! Sir, you need to sit down, please.

=> 結束離開!先生,你需要坐下來。

Sir, be seated Hes got a gun! Get over there! Hes got a gun! Come on.

=> 先生,坐著他有槍了!過來!他有槍了!來吧。

Come on, pick up! Fred Dacosta.

=> 來吧,拿起!弗雷德達科斯塔。

Are you the man in charge? Well, for the next nine minutes.

=> 你是負責人嗎?那麼,接下來的九分鐘。

Yes, I am.

=> 對,我是。

Okay, listen to me carefully, Fred.

=> 好的,仔細聽我說,弗雷德。

Theres a terrorist on flight 514.

=> 在514航班上有一個恐怖分子。

Do not let it take off.

=> 不要讓它起飛。

You need to stop that plane or many people will die.

=> 你需要停下那架飛機,否則會有很多人死亡。

Okay, listen, if this is some kind of a joke Hey, look, Fred, we really dont have time for this, okay? Just tell me.

=> 好吧,聽著,如果這是某種玩笑嘿,看,弗雷德,我們真的沒有時間這個,好嗎?就告訴我嘛。

What would it take for you to stop that plane? A bomb threat? Would that do it? Okay, fine! Theres a bomb on flight 514.

=> 你需要什麼來停止這架飛機?炸彈威脅?會這樣做嗎?好的! 514航班有炸彈。

Did you hear me? Yeah.

=> 你聽到了嗎?是啊。

Yeah, I heard you.

=> 是的,我聽到你了。

Weve recaptured William.

=> 我們已經奪回了威廉。

Thats why Im here.

=> 這就是我來這裡的原因。

We finally tracked him down, hiding in plain sight in Los Angeles.

=> 我們終於追蹤到他,隱藏在洛杉磯的視野之中。

Extracted him two days ago.

=> 提前兩天他。

You found him.

=> 你找到他了

After all this time.

=> 畢竟這一次。

Yeah, hes not exactly thrilled about being back.

=> 是的,他不會很高興回來。

And we may have a problem.

=> 而我們可能有一個問題。

He thinks he can buy his freedom back, trade it for information.

=> 他認為他可以買回來的自由,交換信息。

What kind of information? Hes going to tell them about The Event.

=> 什麼樣的信息?他會告訴他們關於事件。

He cant.

=> 他不能。

Hes going to.

=> 他會去的。

You have to convince him to change his mind.

=> 你必須說服他改變主意。

Do whatever it takes.

=> 做任何事情。

Dont you think we should at least warn them? So they can prepare? Theres a new president in the White House.

=> 你不覺得我們至少應該警告他們嗎?所以他們可以準備?白宮有個新總統。


=> 馬丁內斯。

Hes a good man.

=> 他是個好人

I think he would help us.

=> 我想他會幫助我們的。

Presidents havent helped us before.

=> 總統以前沒有幫過我們。

And even if he is a good man, Whitman and the others wont let him find out about this place.

=> 即使他是個好人,惠特曼和其他人也不會讓他知道這個地方。

Yeah, well, Ill make sure he finds out.

=> 好吧,我會確保他知道。

Simon, youre my only conduit to the outside.

=> 西蒙,你是我唯一的渠道。

If our people out there are having doubts, I need you to reason with them.

=> 如果我們那邊的人有疑慮,我需要你跟他們交涉。

We have to protect ourselves.

=> 我們必須保護自己。

Can I count on you? Take her back to her quarters.

=> 我可以指望你嗎?把她帶回她的宿舍。

Yes, sir.

=> 是的先生。

Well, what are you waiting for, Fred? Just do it! Okay, okay.

=> 那麼,你還在等什麼?去做就對了!好吧好吧。

Whos got Avias 514? Right here, boss.

=> 誰有Avias 514?就在這裡,老闆。

Take her to the emergency bomb area.

=> 把她帶到緊急的炸彈區。

Do it! Yes, sir, Avias 514, cancel take-off clearance.

=> 做吧!是的,先生,Avias 514,取消起飛許可。

Taxi clear of runway and contact ground point niner.

=> 計程車脫離跑道和接觸地面小吃。

I did what you asked.

=> 我做了你所問的。

Try calling him on GUARD.


Sir, they just turned off their transponder.

=> 主席先生,他們只是關閉了他們的轉發器。

We lost them.

=> 我們失去了他們。

Hello? Were too late.

=> 你好?我們為時已晚

Hello Theyre offline.

=> 你好他們離線。

Were offline.

=> 我們離線。

Radars down.

=> 雷達掉了

Brett, radars down.

=> Brett,雷達倒了。

Entire system is down! There they are.

=> 整個系統都關閉了!他們在那裡。

Theyre gonna take off! You aint getting by me, come on! Come on! Come on! Stop, you son of a bitch! God damn it! Simon, did you intercept him? I couldnt stop him.

=> 他們要起飛了!你不是靠我,來吧!來吧!來吧!停下來,你這個婊子的兒子!他媽的!西蒙,你攔截了他嗎?我無法阻止他。

Theyre airborne.

=> 他們在空中。

Sir, you need to sit down, please.

=> 先生,你需要坐下來。

Sir, be seated Hes got a gun! Get over there! Hes got a gun! Get back in the corner, get back there, okay? Now stay there.

=> 先生,坐著他有槍了!過來!他有槍了!回到角落,回到那裡,好嗎?現在呆在那裡。

Open the door! You dont have to do this! Sir Just open the door, we can figure this out together.

=> 打開門!你不必這樣做!先生,打開門,我們可以一起解決這個問題。

You have to open the door.

=> 你必須打開門。

Open it.

=> 打開它。

Get back! Back! Back! Can you open it? No.

=> 回來!背部!背部!你可以打開它嗎?沒有。

Can you open the door? No! No! Please? No, I cant, I cant.

=> 你能打開門嗎?沒有!沒有!請?不,我不行,我不行。

Well, how do I talk to the pilot? Its I dont How do I talk to the pilot? Okay, okay.

=> 那麼,我該怎麼和飛行員談談呢?這是我不知道如何與飛行員談話?好吧好吧。

Its the middle button on the phone.

=> 這是手機上的中間按鈕。

The middle button on the phone.

=> 手機上的中間按鈕。

This one? Yes.

=> 這個?是。

Let me in, okay? Its not too late, but we have to act now.

=> 讓我進來,好嗎?現在還不算晚,但我們現在必須採取行動。

Open the door! Come on, open it up! Drop the gun.

=> 打開門!來吧,打開它!放下槍。

Son, Im an air marshal.

=> 兒子,我是空中元帥

Im not gonna ask twice.

=> 我不會再問兩次

Drop the gun now and get your hands up, or I will shoot you.

=> 放下槍,舉起你的雙手,否則我會射擊你。

This isnt what it looks like.

=> 這不是它的樣子。

Do it now! All right, come on, lets go.

=> 現在做!好,來吧,走吧。

All right, all right.

=> 好的,好的。

Okay, come on.

=> 好吧,來吧。

Got it? Yeah.

=> 得到它了?是啊。

Hey, hows the water, is it nice? Its nice, its warm.

=> 嘿,水怎麼樣,好嗎?這很好,很溫暖。

I love it! Hows the book? I cant focus.

=> 我喜歡它!這本書怎麼樣?我無法專註

Theres too much going on, cause Ive been enjoying the view.

=> 有太多的事情發生,因為我一直在享受這個觀點。

Wait, no! Im gonna get sand everywhere! I know, I wish the beach wasnt so sandy.

=> 等等,不!我要到處都是沙子!我知道,我希望海灘不是很沙。

Why does it always have to be so sandy? Okay, so its almost 1:00.

=> 為什麼它總是如此沙質?好吧,差不多一點了。

I say we grab some lunch and then we do the hike.

=> 我說我們拿一些午餐,然後我們做徒步旅行。


=> 好的。


=> 好的。

This place is so beautiful.

=> 這個地方太美了

Yeah, I knew youd like it.

=> 是的,我知道你會喜歡它。

It was the plan.

=> 這是計劃。

What are you talking about? I thought you said the guy at the shop told you about it.

=> 你在說什麼?我以為你說店裡的人告訴過你了。

Yeah, yeah, I kind of lied about that.

=> 是的,是的,我有點撒謊。

What? Nothing.

=> 什麼?沒有。

Can we just stop for a sec? Yeah, you cant keep up? I can.

=> 我們可以停一下嗎?是的,你不能跟上?我可以。

I can keep up.

=> 我可以跟上。

No, I Okay, you know how were always talking about getting away from it all and the two of us just going off and living somewhere on a deserted island paradise somewhere? Yeah.

=> 不,我知道我們總是在談論擺脫這一切,而我們兩個人只是在一個荒涼的島嶼天堂的某個地方居住而生活。是啊。

Yeah, but then we get caught up in things, and we forget that places like this actually exist.

=> 是的,但是我們陷入了困境,我們忘記了這樣的地方確實存在。

So I just wanted to bring you here and sort of freeze this moment in time.

=> 所以我只是想把你們帶到這裡,並且把這一刻凍結起來。

Whats Whats going on? Leila Buchanan, uh Yes? When I first met you five years ago, I thought that I - Help! Somebody, help me, please! Please help! Help! Somebody! Help! Help! Somebody help me! Help! My girlfriend, she fell.

=> 這是怎麼回事? Leila Buchanan,呃是的?五年前我第一次見到你的時候,我想我 - 幫助!有人請幫幫我!請幫忙!幫幫我!有人!幫幫我!幫幫我!來人幫幫我!幫幫我!我的女朋友,她倒下了。

She slipped! I dont know! She was taking a picture.

=> 她滑倒了!我不知道!她正在拍照。

I think she hit her head.

=> 我認為她打了她的腦袋。

Is there a way to climb down? No, no, no, she wont make it till then.

=> 有沒有辦法爬下來?不,不,不,不會的。

Please, youve gotta help me, I cant swim with this cast.

=> 請,你必須幫助我,我不能與這個演員游泳。

Vicky, hang on! Please, help me! Vicky, hang on! Sean, what are you doing? Sean! Are you kidding? You cant do that! Ill be fine.

=> 維基,等等請幫幫我!維基,等等肖恩,你在做什麼?肖恩!你在開玩笑嗎?你不能這樣做!我會沒事兒的。

Youre gonna break your neck! Are you kidding? Sean! Sean! Sean! Vicky, hold on, hes coming! Sean! - Swim! - Sean! Hold on, baby, hes coming! Vicky! Stop fighting.

=> 你會打破你的脖子!你在開玩笑嗎?肖恩!肖恩!肖恩!維基,堅持,他來了!肖恩! - 游泳! - 肖恩!等等,寶貝,他來了!玉萍!別打了。

Stop fighting.

=> 別打了。

Thank you! Thank you! Can you breathe? Breathe.

=> 謝謝!謝謝!你能呼吸嗎?呼吸。

I got you.

=> 我接到你了。

I got you.

=> 我接到你了。

Its been a long day, I think were gonna No, no, no, come on, guys! Stay with us.

=> 這是漫長的一天,我想我們會不會,不,不,來吧,夥計!和我們在一起。

Yeah, I totally owe you one.

=> 是的,我完全欠你一個。

No, dont worry about it.

=> 不,不要擔心。

It was just instinct, you know? You guys are lucky that Seans a great swimmer.

=> 這只是本能,你知道嗎?你們很幸運,肖恩是個很棒的游泳運動員。

Oh, man, Im so glad you were there, you have no idea, seriously.

=> 哦,夥計,我很高興你在那裡,你不知道,認真。

And you, you, come here.

=> 而你,你,來到這裡。

Im never letting you near the edge of anything any time soon.

=> 任何時候我都不會讓你靠近任何東西的邊緣。

I just leaned over to take a picture, and next thing you know, bam! It was like I got hit by a truck.

=> 我只是俯下身去拍一張照片,接下來的事情你知道,b!就像我被卡車撞了一樣。

I had no idea where I was.

=> 我不知道我在哪裡。

- That was a long drop.

=> - 這是一個長期的下降。

- Swimming around aimlessly.

=> - 漫無目的地游泳

That couldve ended badly.

=> 這可能會嚴重結束。

Its my parents.

=> 這是我的父母。

Guys, Ill be right back.

=> 夥計們,我馬上回來。

She is so cute.

=> 她太可愛了。

You know shes hot, Sean, right? Yeah, no, I know both of those things are true.

=> 你知道她很熱,肖恩,對吧?是的,不,我知道這兩件事情都是真的。

Hey, Dad! Hey, sweetheart! Hows Saint Lucia? You guys sound like youre having a good time! Yeah, were just having some drinks with some new friends.

=> 嘿老爸!嘿甜心!聖露西亞怎麼樣?你們聽起來像你玩得很開心!是的,我們只是和一些新朋友喝酒。

Who else is there? Oh, no one, sweetie, its just the TV.

=> 那裡還有誰?哦,沒有人,親愛的,這只是電視。

So, look, your mom and I just wanted to check in.

=> 所以,看,你的媽媽,我只是想檢查。

You know what, Dad, its really loud with the music, so if I could call you back tomorrow when its less noisy, thatd be great.

=> 你知道嗎,爸爸,這個音樂真的很響,所以如果我明天再打電話給你的時候,噪音比較小,那就太棒了。


=> 是啊。

Lets do that.

=> 我們來做吧

Well, tell Mom and Sam I said hi.

=> 那麼,告訴媽媽和山姆,我說嗨。

I will.

=> 我會。

Love you, pumpkin.

=> 愛你,南瓜。

All right, I love you, Dad.

=> 好的,我愛你,爸爸。


=> 再見。

Fresh drinks! Drink up.

=> 新鮮的飲料!喝起來。


=> 理念。

You know what we should do? We should all hang out for the rest of the cruise.

=> 你知道我們該怎麼做?我們都應該出去休息。

Right? Do excursions together.

=> 對?一起做遠足。

I wanted to go snorkelling tomorrow, but Im going to it by myself.

=> 我想明天去浮潛,但我一個人去。

Cause he cant go.

=> 因為他不能去。

Cant go.

=> 不能去。

Broken! Will you guys come? Say youll come, itll be so much fun! Come on.

=> 破碎!你們會來嗎?說你會來,這將是非常有趣!來吧。

Come on, come on, come on.

=> 來吧,來吧,來吧。

Itll be fun! Yeah.

=> 那一定會很好玩!是啊。

All right! Snorkel buddies! Ow! Yeah, were going snorkelling! Okay, cool.

=> 好吧!浮潛夥伴!噢!對,我們要去浮潛好,很酷。

Shots! Shots! Ill do one shot.

=> 射擊!射擊!我會做一槍。

But in a kind of a fun way.


And oh, my God, can they drink! Yes.

=> 哦,我的天啊,他們可以喝嗎?是。

You know, Im not convinced Vicky was totally sober when you fished her out.

=> 你知道,我不相信當你把她趕出去的時候,維琪是完全清醒的。

Its all beginning to make sense.

=> 這一切都開始有意義。

Yeah, you see? Yeah.

=> 是的,你知道嗎?是啊。

5313 Yes.

=> 5313是的。

Thats not us.

=> 那不是我們。

Yeah, thats not Its not.

=> 是的,這不是不是。

Thats not us.

=> 那不是我們。


=> 是的。

This is us.

=> 這是我們。

This is us definitely.

=> 這是我們肯定的。


=> 等待。

Fit in there.

=> 適合在那裡。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

There we go.

=> 我們走了

Okay, wait.

=> 好的,等一下。


=> 等待。

What? What? What? I think I drank too much.

=> 什麼?什麼?什麼?我想我喝得太多了。

Need some fresh air? I think thatd be a good idea.

=> 需要一些新鮮空氣?我認為這是一個好主意。


=> 好的。

Okay, can we make a deal? Tomorrow, after the snorkelling thing, can we just go into Antigua and find a nice little restaurant and have a romantic dinner? Just the two of us.

=> 好的,我們可以做一個交易嗎?明天浮潛之後,我們能不能進入安提瓜找一家不錯的小餐館,吃一頓浪漫的晚餐?只有我們倆。

No Greg, no Vicky.

=> 沒有格雷格,沒有維基。

I would love that.

=> 我會很高興。


=> 好的。


=> 好。

My dad called, by the way.

=> 順便說一下,我的爸爸打來電話。

Oh, yeah? He says hi.

=> 哦耶?他說,嗨。

Hi, Dad! Hi, Dad.

=> 嗨老爸!嗨老爸。

Drop the gun! Now! Get the gun.

=> 放下槍!現在!拿到槍。

Listen, listen, when this is all over, you can arrest me all you want, but right now we have to get into the cockpit.

=> 聽著,聽著,當這一切都結束了,你可以逮捕我所有你想要的,但現在我們必須進入駕駛艙。

You or me, I dont care! Tell the pilot to turn the plane around.

=> 你或我,我不在乎!告訴飛行員轉動飛機。

You get your hands behind your back.

=> 你把你的雙手放在背後。

Get your hands behind your back! Now! Okay.

=> 把你的雙手放在背後!現在!好的。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Were about to get shot! Oh, my God! What the Keep it up! What the What the hell was that? Whos in there? Hi! Hey, how you doing? Happy birthday, David.

=> 我們即將開槍!哦,我的上帝!什麼保持它!這到底是什麼?誰在裡面?嗨!嗨,最近好嗎?祝你生日快樂,大衛。

Happy birthday.

=> 生日快樂。

Okay, three, two Wait a minute! You were supposed to wait! Who wants cake? Hi, Christina.

=> 好吧,三,二等一下!你本來應該等的!誰想要蛋糕?嗨,克里斯蒂娜

Ill pass on the cake.

=> 我會通過蛋糕。

Okay, no cake for the Vice President, but everyone else wants some, right? Yeah! Me! Me! Sorry.

=> 好吧,副總統沒有蛋糕,但其他人都想要一些,對吧?是啊!我!我!抱歉。

Gotta go.

=> 得走了。

Its okay.

=> 沒關係。

So, this is, what, an intervention? Mr President, youre making a mistake, and everyone here agrees.

=> 那麼,干預呢?主席先生,你犯了一個錯誤,這裡的每個人都同意。

What Director Sterling is saying is that we want to urge you to reconsider one more time.

=> 斯特林主任說的是,我們希望敦促你重新考慮一次。

Yeah, no.

=> 是啊,不。

Im not changing my mind.

=> 我沒有改變主意。

Im not.

=> 我不是。

Were closing the Facility.

=> 我們正在關閉設施。

How many times have we had this discussion? Too many times.

=> 我們有多少次討論過?太多了。

I understand your family had it rough back in Cuba, but you cant let personal feelings affect your decisions.

=> 我知道你的家人在古巴有過這樣的困難,但是你不能讓個人感受影響你的決定。

Blake! Not when the safety of our citizens is at stake.

=> 布萊克!不是在我們公民的安全受到威脅時。

Are you saying Im unable to be objective, because of my background? Is that what youre saying? With all due respect, Sir, that is exactly what Im saying.

=> 你是說我無法客觀,因為我的背景?那是你在說什麼?主席先生,我完全應該尊重這正是我所說的。

Blake, please! No, no, no, let him talk, let him talk.

=> 請布雷克!不,不,讓他說話,讓他說話。

We sacrifice the rights of the few for the safety of the many all the time.

=> 我們一直為了許多人的安全犧牲少數人的權利。

Now, you want to do the noble thing, I get it.

=> 現在,你想做高尚的事情,我明白了。

But now is not the time.

=> 但現在不是時候了。

Now is the perfect time.

=> 現在是完美的時間。

Its not just about protecting the rights of the few, this is about protecting human rights.

=> 這不僅僅是保護少數人的權利,而是保護人權。

Now these people may not be Americans, but we are.

=> 現在這些人可能不是美國人,但我們是。

Look what we have done to them.

=> 看看我們對他們做了什麼。

Weve abused them, weve detained them illegally, after all this time.

=> 我們虐待他們,我們非法拘禁他們,畢竟這個時候。

Thats not what this country is about.

=> 這不是這個國家的意思。

Not any more.

=> 不再。

Gentlemen, we No, no, no.

=> 先生們,我們不,不,不。

What youre about to do is gonna make a lot of Americans nervous.

=> 你要做的是要讓很多美國人緊張。

Myself included.

=> 包括我自己。

How are we supposed to reassure the public when we dont have answers yet? Eli, what it comes down to is, we dont have enough information to feel safe enough to let them out.

=> 當我們還沒有答案時,我們應該如何安撫公眾? Eli,究竟是什麼,我們沒有足夠的信息來安全地讓他們出去。

Mr President, its not too late to cancel the press conference.

=> 主席先生,取消新聞發布會為時不晚。

Even if I delayed this announcement, weve already granted one reporter exclusive access to keep a lid on this until today.

=> 即使我推遲了這個公告,我們已經給了一個記者獨家專訪,直到今天仍然是封閉的。

Guys, its too late.

=> 夥計們,為時已晚。

The information is already out there.

=> 信息已經在那裡。

All right, then, fine! Let the public find out.

=> 好,那好吧!讓公眾知道

Just please, Eli, dont let them out.

=> Eli,請別讓他們出來。

For Gods sake, Blake.

=> 看在上帝的份上,布萊克。

How could you keep this from me? What did you think, you were just gonna keep running this thing without my knowledge? Plausible deniability, Sir.

=> 你怎麼能把這個從我這裡?你怎麼想的,你不會不知道我在繼續這個東西嗎?主席先生,似是而非的可否認性。

Thats your excuse? Information regarding the Mount Inostranka Facility has always been on a need-to-know basis.

=> 那是你的借口?關於Mount Inostranka設施的信息一直都是需要知道的。

I am the President of the United States.

=> 我是美國總統。

I need to know.

=> 我需要知道。

So this is true? This is This is all true? Yes.

=> 所以這是真的嗎?這是真的嗎?是。

This is unbelievable.

=> 太不可思議了。

So how many are there? How many prisoners? Ninety-seven.

=> 那麼有多少人?多少個囚犯?九十七。

May I ask how you obtained this file? No, you may not.

=> 我可以問你如何獲得這個文件?不行,你不可以。

The CIA has overseen this programme for many years.

=> 中央情報局多年來一直監督這個計劃。

I can assure you everything is under control.

=> 我可以向你保證一切都在掌控之中。

Theres no need for you to be concerned.

=> 你不必擔心。

I wanna go there.

=> 我想去那裡。

I wanna meet them.

=> 我想見見他們

Here it is.

=> 這裡是。

Welcome to Mount Inostranka.

=> 歡迎來到Mount Inostranka。

Detail, ten hut! Carry on! Ive assembled the detainees in the mess hall, just as you asked.

=> 細節,十個小屋!繼續!就像你問的那樣,我把這些被拘留者聚集在食堂里。

I also want to see their living quarters.

=> 我也想看看他們的宿舍。

And the research labs.

=> 和研究實驗室。

Yes, sir.

=> 是的先生。

But first, you said you might want to meet their leader.

=> 但是,首先,你說你可能想見見他們的領導。

Mr President.

=> 主席先生。

Im Sophia.

=> 我是索菲婭

Live from Miami.

=> 住在邁阿密。

Coming up following the Presidential address, anticipated worldwide and still shrouded in mystery, I will sit down with President Martinez for an exclusive interview.

=> 在總統講話之後,我預計全球範圍內仍然籠罩著神秘的面紗,我將與馬丁內斯總統坐下來接受專訪。

Heres the final draft of your speech.

=> 這是你演講的最後一稿。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。


=> 謝謝。

Sophia, welcome Thank you.

=> 索菲亞,謝謝。

So So Are you sure youre ready to do this? Weve been ready for a long time.

=> 那麼你確定你準備好了嗎?我們已經準備好很久了。

Well, your time has come, my friend.

=> 那麼,你的時間到了,我的朋友。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Rachel? - Yes, sir? Are we ready? Were just waiting for the Vice President.

=> 雷切爾? - 是的先生?我們準備好了嗎?我們只是在等副總統。

I need a lock on the Vice President, please.

=> 我需要副總統的鎖。

The Vice President left an hour ago, also Director Sterling left a little later.

=> 副總統一個小時前離開,斯特林主任稍後離開。

Right now.


Code red, code red.

=> 紅色代碼,紅色代碼。

Mr President, we have to evacuate.

=> 主席先生,我們必須撤離。

Whats going on? We have to go now.

=> 這是怎麼回事?我們現在得走了

Shes coming with us.

=> 她和我們一起來

Lets go! Go! We have to go now.

=> 我們走吧!走!我們現在得走了

We have to go.

=> 我們必須去。

- Let him through, move! Maam, lets go! What is going on? Weve lost all radar capability.

=> - 讓他通過,移動!女士,走吧!到底是怎麼回事?我們失去了所有的雷達能力。

Our entire system is down! Sir, we need to keep moving.

=> 我們整個系統都關閉了!主席先生,我們需要繼續前進。

Keep moving, keep moving! System is down here? The entire Eastern seaboard, sir.

=> 繼續前進,繼續前進!系統在這裡?先生,整個東部海岸。

We think the attack is already under way, you may be the target! Wheres Christina? I dont see Christina.

=> 我們認為襲擊已經在進行,你可能是目標!克里斯蒂娜在哪裡?我沒有看到克里斯蒂娜。

Just go to the car.

=> 只要去車上。

Theyre in the car! Elias! Elias, come on.

=> 他們在車裡!埃利亞斯!埃利亞斯,來吧。

Daddy! Im here.

=> 爸爸!我在這。

Yeah, Im sure theyre just having a good time someplace.

=> 是的,我相信他們只是在某個地方過得愉快。

Look, I really think we should try to give her a little more space.

=> 看,我真的覺得我們應該試著給她多一點空間。

You worry about her more than I do.

=> 你比我擔心得更多

Youre just better off at hiding it.

=> 你只是隱藏它而已。

Then you blame it on me.

=> 那你就怪我吧

Okay, true, yes.

=> 好的,是的。

But look, shes not seven any more.

=> 但是看,她不再是七。

Whats wrong with seven? Nothings wrong with seven, sweetheart.

=> 七點怎麼了?七,甜心,沒有錯。

The President will address the nation next week Okay, fine, lets call her.

=> 總統將在下周對全國發表講話好吧,好吧,讓我們打電話給她。

See what I mean? Yes, I know what you mean.

=> 明白了嗎?是的,我知道你的意思。

Its my parents.

=> 這是我的父母。

Guys, Ill be right back.

=> 夥計們,我馬上回來。

All right.

=> 好吧。

She is so cute.

=> 她太可愛了。

Hey, Dad! Hey, sweetheart! Hows Saint Lucia? You guys sound like youre having a good time! Yeah, were just having some drinks with some new friends.

=> 嘿老爸!嘿甜心!聖露西亞怎麼樣?你們聽起來像你玩得很開心!是的,我們只是和一些新朋友喝酒。

Who else is there? Oh, no one, sweetie, its just the TV.

=> 那裡還有誰?哦,沒有人,親愛的,這只是電視。

So look, we havent heard from you in a couple of days.

=> 那麼看,我們幾天之內還沒有收到你的消息。

So your mom and I just wanted to check in.

=> 所以你媽媽和我只是想檢查。

Tell her I said hi.

=> 告訴她我說你好

Hi, sweetie! Your mom says hi.

=> 嗨,親愛的!你媽媽打個招呼

Hows Sean? Sam, you left your bike outside again.

=> 肖恩怎麼樣?山姆,你又把車停在了外面。

But Im gonna use it tomorrow.

=> 但我明天會用它。

Yeah, thats not a good enough excuse.

=> 是的,這不是一個好的借口。

Go grab it.

=> 去抓住它。

You think I could call you back tomorrow when its not so noisy? Yeah.

=> 你以為我明天可以打電話回來,不是很吵?是啊。

Lets do that.

=> 我們來做吧

Im going to use it tomorrow.

=> 我明天要用它。

No buts.

=> 沒有但是。


=> 精細。

Tell Mom and Sam I said hi.

=> 告訴媽媽和山姆我說嗨。

I will.

=> 我會。

Love you, pumpkin.

=> 愛你,南瓜。

All right, I love you, Dad.

=> 好的,我愛你,爸爸。


=> 再見。

That was fast.

=> 那很快。

Yeah, well, she couldnt hear over the music.

=> 是啊,她聽不到音樂。

So shell call tomorrow.

=> 所以她明天打電話。

So, well, Im just saying, I think you should start to trust Sean a little more.

=> 所以,我只是說,我想你應該開始相信肖恩多一點。

Yeah, whats that supposed to mean? No, I just You know, hes a good kid.

=> 是的,那是什麼意思?不,我只是你知道,他是個好孩子。

Hes a good kid.

=> 他是個好孩子

No, no, no, the way you said that.

=> 不,不,你說的那樣。

You know something.

=> 你知道一些事情。

Dont know anything.

=> 什麼都不知道

What do you know? Shes not telling me anything.

=> 你知道什麼?她什麼都沒有告訴我

Nobodys telling me anything.

=> 沒有人告訴我任何事情。

- You Totally I dont know about that.

=> - 你完全不知道。


=> 隊長。

Hi, Im Maureen Donovan.

=> 嗨,我是Maureen Donovan。

Michael Buchanan.

=> 邁克爾·布坎南

How are you? Welcome aboard.

=> 你好嗎?歡迎登機

Mike, whats up, bud? How you doing? I thought I was flying with Davies.

=> 邁克,怎麼了,花蕾?你好嗎?我以為我正在和戴維斯一起飛行。

Yeah, I dont know.

=> 是的,我不知道。

Scheduling change.

=> 調度更改。

Well, Captain, weve got clear skies all the way to Sao Paulo.

=> 那麼,上尉,我們已經清晰的天空到聖保羅。

Should be a smooth ride.

=> 應該是順利的。

What the hell is going on? Son, whos in there? Ill explain everything once were on the ground, but right now, unless you want to be used as a live bomb, you have to get us in there.

=> 這到底是怎麼回事?兒子,誰在裡面?一旦我們在地面上,我會解釋一切事情,但是現在,除非你想被當做一個活的炸彈,否則你必須讓我們在那裡。


=> 請。

Please! Okay.

=> 請!好的。


=> 好的。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Open the door.

=> 打開門。

Keep your hands where I can see them.

=> 把手放在我能看見的地方。

All right, all right.

=> 好的,好的。

Whats going on? Whats that? It gives the pilot a few seconds to override the system before he can lock it.

=> 這是怎麼回事?那是什麼?它可以讓飛行員在鎖定之前幾秒鐘覆蓋系統。

Which he just did.

=> 他剛剛做了什麼。

Well, try it again! Try it again.

=> 好吧,再試一次!再試一次。

No, no, no, once the override is set, you cant get in there from out here.

=> 不,不,不,一旦設置了覆蓋,就不能從這裡進入。

Damn it, Mike! - Look! What? Oh, my God.

=> 該死的,邁克! - 看!什麼?哦,我的上帝。

Oh, God.

=> 天啊。

Theyre gonna shoot us down.

=> 他們會把我們打倒

How do we get in there? Theyre gonna shoot us down.

=> 我們如何進去?他們會把我們打倒

Im so glad we decided to do this.

=> 我很高興我們決定這樣做。


=> 是啊。

Greg totally missed out.

=> 格雷格完全錯過了。

Well, snorkelling with a cast.

=> 那麼,與一個演員浮潛。

You cant really blame him.

=> 你不能怪他

What did he end up doing? I dont know.

=> 他最終做了什麼?我不知道。

He went on some jungle excursion.

=> 他去了叢林遊覽。

Sounded lame.

=> 聲音蹩腳。

Leilas gonna be so bummed.

=> 萊拉會很傷心的

She would have loved this.

=> 她會喜歡這個。

Leila Im sure its just food poisoning.

=> 萊拉我相信這只是食物中毒。

Shell be better by tomorrow, right? Well, I think its just that she had a little too much to drink last night actually.

=> 她明天會好起來,對吧?嗯,我想這只是昨天晚上喝了太多東西而已。


=> 對。

Maybe it couldve been that.

=> 也許它可能是這樣的。


=> 抱歉。

Thats all right.

=> 沒關係。

Well, at least we had fun, right? Right? Yes.

=> 那麼,至少我們玩得開心吧?對?是。

Picture! What? Lets take a picture.

=> 圖片!什麼?我們來拍一張照片吧。


=> 好的。

Damn it.

=> 該死的。

Leila, its me.

=> 萊拉,這是我。

My cards not working.

=> 我的卡沒有工作。

Leila, are you okay? Hi, I just need a new key.

=> 萊拉,你還好嗎?嗨,我只需要一個新的密鑰。

A little problem? Whats the matter with the key? It just wasnt working in the door when I tried it.

=> 有點問題?關鍵是什麼?當我嘗試它時,它只是沒有在門口工作。

Sometimes the magnetic strip gets damaged.

=> 有時磁條受損。

So Ill get you a new one.

=> 所以我會給你一個新的。


=> 好的。

What was the name again? Walker.

=> 那又是什麼名字?沃克。


=> 肖恩。

Its not coming up.

=> 這不是來了。

Whats your room number? Actually, I have someone else in room 5314.

=> 你的房間號是多少?其實,我在5314房間還有別人。

What What do you mean? No, no, no, thats my room.

=> 什麼?你什麼意思?不,不,不,這是我的房間。

Well, could it be youre misremembering the room number? No.

=> 那麼,難道是你誤解了房間號?沒有。

No, its 5314.

=> 不,這是5314。

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

What do you mean, youre sorry? Look, my girlfriend is up there right now, and she wasnt feeling well this morning, and now shes not even answering the door, so could you just please give me a new key? Sir, without knowing your room number, I cant Mr Walker, youre not Okay, can someone just let me into my room? Im not crazy, Im not on drugs.

=> 你是什麼意思,你很抱歉?瞧,我女朋友現在就在那裡,今天早上她感覺不舒服,現在她連門都沒有響,所以可以給我一個新鑰匙嗎?主席先生,在不知道你的房間號碼的情況下,我不可能沃克先生,你不是,是否有人讓我進入我的房間?我不瘋狂,我沒有吸毒。

I know that my room is 5314.

=> 我知道我的房間是5314。

Theres a balcony.

=> 有一個陽台。

Weve been there for four days.

=> 我們已經在那裡四天了。

Its a suite.

=> 這是一個套房。

My girlfriend is in there, and shes sick.



=> 是。

Can you please just let me in? I understand, but legally, I cant just open the door.

=> 你可以請讓我進來嗎?我明白,但在法律上,我不能開門。


=> 你好。

Sorry to bother you, Sir.

=> 先生,抱歉打擾你了。

Ship security.

=> 船舶保安。

Is there a problem? Who are you? Im sorry? Hey, hey, hey, you cant just walk in! JB! What is this? Hey, wait a minute! Where is my girlfriend? Whats this about? Leila! A mix-up with the rooms.

=> 有問題嗎?你是誰?對不起?嘿,嘿,嘿,你不能走進去! JB!這是什麼?嘿,等一下!我的女朋友在哪裡?這是關於什麼的?萊拉!與房間混淆。

Well be out of your hair in a second.

=> 我們會在一秒鐘之內脫離你的頭髮。

I apologize.

=> 我道歉。

Where is my girlfriend? Look, I dont know what youre talking about.

=> 我的女朋友在哪裡?看,我不知道你在說什麼。

Where is she? - JB, who is this? Where is my girlfriend? We are done! Out of the room! Out of the room! I apologize, Sir.

=> 她在哪? - JB,這是誰?我的女朋友在哪裡?我們完了!走出房間!走出房間!主席先生,我很抱歉。


=> 出。

Hold on, hold on.

=> 等一下,等一下

Thats enough! We have no record of you or your girlfriend ever boarding this ship.

=> 這就夠了!我們沒有記錄你或你的女朋友登上這艘船。

Or even having a reservation.

=> 甚至有保留。

Come on! Thats How do you think I got on? You tell us.

=> 來吧!那你覺得我怎麼樣?你告訴我們

Im gonna need to see your passport.

=> 我需要看你的護照。


=> 好的。

Yeah, I would love to show you my passport, except it happens to be in my room with the rest of my stuff! And my girlfriend! Can you Sir.

=> 是的,我很樂意向你展示我的護照,除了恰好在我的房間里和我的其他東西!和我的女朋友!你可以先生嗎?


=> 先生。

Sir! Im gonna ask you to follow me to the security office just so we can straighten this Okay, no, no, no.

=> 先生!我會要求你跟我到安全辦公室,這樣我們才能把這個好,不,不,不。

Wait, wait, wait.

=> 等等,等等

This is crazy.

=> 這太瘋狂了。

Can I just call her? Can I call her? Go ahead.

=> 我可以給她打電話嗎?我可以給她打電話嗎?前進。


=> 謝謝。

Sorry, this number is not in service.

=> 對不起,這個號碼不在服務中。

Message 46.

=> 消息46。

Sorry, this number is not in service.

=> 對不起,這個號碼不在服務中。

Hi, youve reached the Buchanans.

=> 嗨,你已經到了布坎南人。

We cant get to the phone right now, so please leave us a message! Bye! Hi, guys, its Its Sean.

=> 我們現在不能接電話,所以請給我們留言!再見!嗨,夥計,這是肖恩。

Can you just call me soon as you get this? Thanks, bye.

=> 你可以打電話給我嗎?謝謝再見。


=> 好的。


=> 等待。

Lets go.

=> 我們走吧。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

Hey! God damn it! Come back! Mike! Mike! Avias 514, this is your final warning.

=> 嘿!他媽的!回來!麥克風!麥克風! Avias 514,這是你最後的警告。

Mike! Squawk 7700 and ident.

=> 麥克風! Squawk 7700和身份證。

Acknowledge, Avias 514.

=> 承認,Avias 514。

Mike! Please! What is going on? Weve lost all radar capability.

=> 麥克風!請!到底是怎麼回事?我們失去了所有的雷達能力。

Our entire system is down! What is that? I dont know! Is this like an earthquake? Yeah! Move it! Mike! Mike! Please, listen to me.

=> 我們整個系統都關閉了!那是什麼?我不知道!這就像地震嗎?是啊!移動它!麥克風!麥克風!請聽我說。

Whatever they promised you, you cant trust them, okay? You and I together will come up with something.

=> 不管他們答應你什麼,你都不能相信他們,好嗎?你和我一起會想出一些東西。

Well find her.

=> 我們會找到她的。

Just please, please, listen.

=> 請,請聽。


=> 聽。

I love Leila, too.

=> 我也喜歡Leila。

But think about what youre doing! She would never want you to do this! Mike! If youre gonna do it, you better do it now.

=> 但想想你在做什麼!她永遠不會希望你這樣做!麥克風!如果你要這樣做,你最好現在就做。

Somethings jamming my system.

=> 有什麼干擾我的系統。

Mayday! Mayday! What happened? I dont know.

=> 勞動節!勞動節!發生了什麼?我不知道。

I dont know.

=> 我不知道。

Honey, are you okay? Its okay.

=> 親愛的,你沒事吧?沒關係。

Its okay.

=> 沒關係。

You okay, pumpkin? Mr.

=> 你還好,南瓜?先生。

President, are you all right, Sir? Mr.

=> 主席先生,你還好嗎?先生。

President, are you all right, Sir? Mr President, are you okay? Im fine.

=> 主席先生,你還好嗎?主席先生,你沒事吧?我很好。

Let him through! Move! They saved us.

=> 讓他通過!移動!他們救了我們

Who? Who saved us? I havent told you everything.

=> 誰?誰救了我們?我沒有告訴你一切。


[美劇] 訴訟雙雄/Suits 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
《劇本就TM應該這樣寫》| 編故事的技巧之故事設計
[美劇] 犯罪心理/Criminal Minds 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 國務卿女士/Madam Secretary 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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