
[美劇] 尼克病院/The Knick 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 尼克病院/The Knick 全集第1季第1集劇


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當史蒂文·索德伯格( Steve Soderbergh )決定告別影壇時,他或多或少地也表示過,不斷攀爬電影高峰的幾十年來,他付出了很多,也收穫了很多。但這位電影[展開全文]


當史蒂文·索德伯格( Steve Soderbergh )決定告別影壇時,他或多或少地也表示過,不斷攀爬電影高峰的幾十年來,他付出了很多,也收穫了很多。但這位電影人同樣也不懼挑戰,看起來電視界為他提供了一個更好的機會,能夠通過一個更宏偉、更大膽的框架講故事,其中的餘地和自由是在好萊塢電影工作室享受不到的。不過這僅僅是索德伯格這部即將在電影台( Cinemax )播出的新劇《尼克病院》( The Knick )令人期待的原因之一。


Johnny? Johnny, its seven and a half.


You said seven and a half? The Knick.

=> 你說七點半?尼克。

North on Mott, east on 11th.

=> 北部在莫特,東部11號。

Bowery is faster, sir.

=> Bowery更快,先生。

Wont have a long wait for the trolleys crossing.

=> 將不會有漫長的等待手推車過境。

I dont want faster.

=> 我不想要更快。

I enjoy waiting.

=> 我喜歡等待。

Mott north across Houston.

=> 莫特在休斯頓北部。

Yes, sir.

=> 是的先生。

Please save my baby.

=> 請救我的寶貝。

Gentlemen, after two uneventful pregnancies, Mrs.

=> 先生們,在兩次平安的懷孕之後,

Warren presented in her eighth month with what is assumed to be a case of placenta previa.

=> 沃倫在第八個月的時候介紹了一個假設是前置胎盤的案例。

The hope had been to delay any procedure for the benefit of the fetus.

=> 希望是為了胎兒的利益推遲任何程序。

But circumstance has forced our hand.

=> 但情況迫使我們的手。


=> 博士

Thackery and I have rehearsed the newest techniques extensively and feel confident that the speed necessary for success can finally be achieved.

=> 撒奇和我已經廣泛地排練了最新的技術,並且確信成功所需的速度終於可以實現了。

Surgical knife.

=> 外科刀。

I want the students to take note that Dr.

=> 我想讓學生注意到博士

Christiansen is entering on the medial line just above the pubis.

=> 克里斯蒂安森正在進入恥骨上方的中線。

We must be careful to extract the fetus quickly and in such a manner so as not to release pressure on the rupture, thus exacerbating the hemorrhage.

=> 我們必須小心地快速抽出胎兒,以免對破裂造成壓力,從而加劇出血。

As you can see, there is significant blood in the cavity.

=> 正如你所看到的那樣,腔內有很大的血液。

Vacuum, Everett.

=> 真空,埃弗雷特。

Though its difficult to see, it seems the fetus has migrated through the rupture upward toward the abdomen.

=> 雖然很難看,但是胎兒似乎已經通過破裂向腹部移動。

We need to lengthen the incision and get the baby out now.

=> 我們需要延長切口,把寶寶趕出去。


=> 朱爾斯。

Nurse Monk, knife.

=> 護士和尚,刀。


=> 刀。

Bertie, cauterize.

=> 伯蒂,燒灼。

Her pulse is weakening.

=> 她的脈搏正在減弱。

- I have a leg.

=> - 我有一條腿

- Pull the fetus down and out.

=> - 把胎兒拉出來。

Its trapped in the cord.

=> 它被困在繩子里

Forceps clamps, umbilical scissors.

=> 鑷子鉗,臍剪。


=> 伯蒂。

Come on, Thack.

=> 來吧,塞克


=> 剪刀。

- Youre free.

=> - 你自由了。

- Tube it.

=> - 管它。

More vacuum, Chickering.

=> 更多的真空,Chickering。

Put your back into it.

=> 把你的背進去。

Her pulse has become eccentric.

=> 她的脈搏變得古怪。

We still have time.

=> 我們還有時間。

Clamp that artery.

=> 夾住動脈。

Invert that section, Thack.

=> 反過來這一節,薩克。

Theres the bleed.

=> 有流血。

We can still close the rupture.

=> 我們仍然可以關閉破裂。

Warrens needle and gut.

=> 沃倫的針和腸。

Dowells needle and silk.

=> Dowell的針和絲綢。


=> 好。

Her pulse is faint and fully eccentric.

=> 她的脈搏微弱而完全偏心。

Shes pallid and her lips are blue.

=> 她蒼白,嘴唇是藍色的。


=> 踏板。

One, two, three.

=> 一二三。


=> 幾乎。


=> 幾乎。


=> 幾乎。


=> 那裡。

The bleeding stopped.

=> 流血停止了。


=> 沒有。

It seems it seems we are still lacking.

=> 看來我們似乎還缺乏。

I hope, if nothing else this has been instructive for you all.

=> 我希望,如果沒有別的,這對你們所有人都是有益的。

Well solve it.

=> 我們會解決它。

How many more, Thack? "And many strokes, though with a little axe, hew down and fell the hardest timbered oak.

=> 還有多少,薩克? 「許多筆觸,雖然有一個小斧頭,砍倒了最硬的木質橡木。

" Thus spake Thack the Wise.



=> 朱爾斯。

The procedure failed.

=> 程序失敗。

You didnt.

=> 你沒有。

Thank you, my friend.

=> 謝謝,我的朋友。

Isnt it a knobby one? Its just the proper style.

=> 這不是一個多頭?這只是正確的風格。

Fuck it all.

=> 他媽的這一切。

Your god always wins.

=> 你的上帝總是贏。

It is the longest unbeaten streak in the history of the world.

=> 這是世界歷史上最長的不敗歷史。

Yet J.

=> 然而J.



Christiansen fearlessly took up arms in that battle to oppose the inevitable.

=> 克里斯琴森無畏地拿起武器在這場戰鬥中反對不可避免的。

Throwing himself at an enemy that has never known defeat and, as sure as Im standing here, never will.

=> 把自己扔在一個從來不知道失敗的敵人身上,就像我站在這裡一樣,永遠不會。

One could not be blamed for wondering if J.

=> 人們不能因為想知道J.



came to see his lifes work as a fools errand.

=> 來看他一生的工作是一個傻瓜的差事。

A rube finally realizing that the game hes been playing will be forever rigged against him.

=> 最後,魯貝終於意識到,他一直在玩的遊戲將會永遠受到欺騙。

But my dear friend J.

=> 但是我親愛的朋友J.



was a fine man and certainly was no fool or rube.

=> 是一個好人,當然不是傻瓜或魯莽的人。

He and I spent our lives tilting at the very same windmills.

=> 他和我在同一颱風車上度過了我們的生活。

So why have I not lost hope like he did? Because those windmills at which we tilted were created by men to turn grindstones that transformed the Earths bounty into flour.

=> 那麼為什麼我不像他那樣失去希望呢?因為我們傾斜的那些風車是由男人製造的,這些磨坊把地球上的恩惠變成了麵粉。

From such humble beginnings grew the astonishing modern world in which we now live.

=> 從這樣卑微的開始,我們現在就生活在令人驚嘆的現代世界中。

We cannot conquer the mountains, but our railroads now run through them with ease.

=> 我們無法征服山脈,但我們的鐵路現在輕鬆地穿過它們。

We cannot defeat the river, but we can bend it to our will and dam it for our own purposes.

=> 我們不能打敗這條河,但是我們可以將它屈服於我們的意願,並為了我們自己的目的而將其淹沒。

We now live in a time of endless possibility.

=> 我們現在生活在一個無限可能的時代。

More has been learned about the treatment of the human body in the last five years than was learned in the previous 500.

=> 過去五年中對人體治療的了解比過去五百年時還要多。

a man could expect from his life.

=> 一個人可以期望從他的生活。

Today, it is more than 47.

=> 今天是47以上。

Eventually the train tunnels will crumble.

=> 最終火車隧道將崩潰。

The dams will be overrun.

=> 水壩將被超載。

Our patients hearts will all stop their beating.

=> 我們病人的心都將停止跳動。

But we humans can get in a few good licks in battle before we surrender.

=> 但是我們人類在投降之前可以在戰鬥中進行一些好的舔。。


=> 凱瑟琳。

I will not stop pushing forward into a hopeful future.

=> 我不會停止向前邁進一個充滿希望的未來。

And with every blow I land, every extra year I give to a patient I will remember my fallen friend Jules Michael Christiansen and know that at the very least, something, however temporary has been won.

=> 而且,每次我落地的時候,我每隔一年給一個病人,我都會記得我墮落的朋友朱爾斯·克里斯蒂安森,並且知道,至少暫時的東西已經贏了。

Lovely eulogy, Dr.

=> 可愛的悼詞博士


=> 薩克雷。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

If not a bit self-aggrandizing.

=> 如果沒有一點自我膨脹。

And another chance for him to trumpet his personal war against God.

=> 還有一個機會鼓吹他對上帝的個人戰爭。

Good afternoon, Miss Robertson.

=> 下午好,羅伯遜小姐。

- Sister.

=> 姐姐

- Mr.

=> - 先生。


=> 巴羅。

It was a lovely funeral.

=> 這是一個可愛的葬禮。

As these things go.

=> 隨著這些事情的發展。

The minister was very eloquent, Sister.

=> 這位部長非常雄辯,姐姐。

Protestants have their moments, too.

=> 新教徒也有他們的時刻。


=> 是。

You should come to one of our Sunday services, Sister.

=> 你應該來我們周日的服務之一,姐姐。

Very God-fearing.

=> 非常敬畏上帝

Good day to you both.

=> 祝你們好日子。

The whole event is just completely tragic and quite shocking.

=> 整個事件完全是悲劇性的,相當令人震驚。

Who would have guessed Dr.

=> 誰會猜到博士

Christiansen was so hopelessly lost? surgery with no survivors would drive any good man mad.

=> 克里斯蒂安森是如此絕望地失去了?沒有倖存者的手術會驅使任何好人發瘋。

Of course.

=> 當然。

His anguish is over, but hers is just beginning.

=> 他的痛苦已經結束,但她的剛剛開始。

Though I understand he left her a sizable sum.

=> 雖然我知道他給了她一大筆錢。

Enough to keep a widow warm at night? And to attract the right type of suitor.

=> 足以讓寡婦在晚上保持溫暖?並吸引合適的求婚者。

She is still a handsome woman.

=> 她仍然是一個英俊的女人。

Always surprised by your sensitivity.

=> 總是讓你感到驚訝。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Yes, Mr.


Cleary, the casket was closed today.

=> Cleary,棺木今天關閉了。

Ah, well, the worms will be thankful for the extra holes, though.

=> 啊,好吧,蠕蟲會感謝額外的漏洞。

Saves them from having to make em for themselves.

=> 保存他們不必為自己做的。

Ah, Sister, dont judge me too harsh.

=> 啊,姐姐,不要太苛刻了。

Im just a poor simple sinner in the eyes of the Lord.

=> 我在主眼中只是一個可憐的單純的罪人。

The Lord loves all His children equally.

=> 主平等地愛他所有的孩子。

Though in your case, Mr.

=> 雖然在你的情況下,先生

Cleary, Im sure Hell make an exception.

=> Cleary,我相信他會例外。


=> 救護車。


=> 對。

We got one.

=> 我們有一個。

- Good afternoon, gentlemen.

=> - 下午好,先生們

- Good afternoon.

=> - 下午好。

Miss Telfer.

=> 特爾費爾小姐

My father sends his regrets that he cant be here today, so Ill be sitting in as his proxy.

=> 我的父親今天遺憾地發現他不能在這裡,所以我會坐在這裡作為他的代理人。

Signed by Captain Robertson.

=> 由羅伯遜上尉簽名。

Perhaps we should adjourn, then, till the captain can be here - and were able to do this properly.

=> 那麼也許我們應該休會,直到船長可以在這裡 - 而且我們能夠正確地做到這一點。

- Yes.

=> - 是的。

If you strongly object to my fathers wishes, Mr.

=> 如果你強烈反對我父親的願望,

Habershorn, I will understand if you need to make your apologies and leave.

=> Habershorn,我會理解你是否需要道歉並離開。

Then lets get to the business at hand.

=> 那我們來看看手頭的事情

Id like to welcome Dr.

=> 我想歡迎Dr.

Thackery to his first board meeting, seated in place of the late Dr.

=> Thackery到他的第一次董事會會議,坐在代替已故博士


=> 克里斯蒂安森。

My condolences, Dr.

=> 我的哀悼博士


=> 薩克雷。


=> 博士

Christiansens untimely passing has brought added strain to the Knickerbocker.

=> 克里斯蒂安森的不合時宜的傳球給尼克伯克帶來了額外的壓力。

Aside from the public disaster it presents, it further hampers our efforts at financial solidity.

=> 除了它所帶來的公共災難之外,這進一步阻礙了我們在財務穩健方面的努力。

As you can see, gentlemen, in the published reports in front of you, monthly costs have increased.

=> 正如你所看到的,先生們,在你面前發表的報告中,每月的成本增加了。

This is due in part to the recent renovations in the mens and womens wards.

=> 這部分是由於男女病房最近進行了翻修。

The hospital is now running at a deficit of nearly $30,000 a year.

=> 這家醫院每年的赤字近3萬美元。

Now, in light of this, Ive taken the liberty of postponing the much needed repairs in the courtyard.

=> 現在,鑒於此,我冒昧在院子里推遲急需的維修。

Now, Dr.

=> 現在,博士

Thackery, as you were Dr.

=> Thackery,因為你是博士

Christiansens Deputy Chief of Surgery, the board would like you to step into his position as Chief.

=> 克里斯蒂安森的外科副主任,董事會希望你能夠擔任首席。

Wed be grateful if youd accept.

=> 如果你願意,我們將不勝感激。

I will, though with great regret.

=> 我會儘管很遺憾。

Which means youll be needing a new deputy.

=> 這意味著你將需要一個新的副手。

Im sure we all agree that Dr.

=> 我相信我們都同意博士

Gallinger is the right man for the job.

=> 加林格是這個工作的正確人選。

Im not sure we all agree on that.

=> 我不確定我們都同意這一點。

My father and I would like you to consider another candidate.

=> 我和我父親希望你考慮另一位候選人。

Based on what? Your surgical expertise? Based on our faith in the man.

=> 基於什麼?你的手術專長?基於我們對這個人的信仰。


=> 博士

Algernon Edwards.

=> 阿爾傑農·愛德華茲。


=> 先生。


=> 巴羅。

He received his medical education at Harvard College, graduating with distinction.

=> 他在哈佛學院接受了醫學教育,畢業後一直名列前茅。

His training was done at Boston Hospital and then Providence.

=> 他的訓練在波士頓醫院和普羅維登斯完成。

And he spent the past four years working and instructing at St.

=> 他在過去的四年里一直在St.工作和指導

Thomas Hospital in London under Sir William MacCormac, President of the Royal College of Surgeons and at the Institut Pasteur in France under Albert Calmette.

=> 托馬斯醫院由倫敦皇家外科醫學院院長William MacCormac爵士和法國巴斯德研究所下屬的Albert Calmette負責。

He has more knowledge of recent surgical advances in Europe than any man in the country.

=> 他對歐洲最近手術進展的了解比國內任何人都要多。

And his return to the States provides us with a great opportunity, Thack.

=> 他回到美國給我們提供了一個很好的機會,薩克。

Cornelia and her father have prevailed upon him to travel to New York tomorrow, as we assumed you would want to meet with him.

=> 因為我們假設你想和他見面,科妮莉亞和她的父親已經勝過他明天去紐約了。

He seems very qualified.

=> 他看起來非常合格。

Then I shall arrange for him to meet with you.

=> 那我就安排他和你見面。

Arrange or insist? I think you can find a few minutes for a candidate of this caliber.

=> 安排還是堅持?我認為你可以找到這個口徑的候選人幾分鐘。

Considering all the Robertsons have done for us, it would be foolish not to respect their opinion and entertain the possibility.

=> 考慮到所有的羅伯遜已經為我們做了,愚蠢的是不尊重他們的意見和娛樂的可能性。

Far be it for me to be foolish, Herman.

=> 赫爾曼,這對我來說是愚蠢的。

I will meet the man, but my choice is firm.

=> 我會遇見那個男人,但我的選擇是堅定的。

Its Gallinger.

=> 這是加林格。

Ah, and a good day to you, Pete.

=> 啊,皮特,祝你好運。

How you doing there, fella? Got a nice little package there for us? Youre not getting this one, Cleary.

=> 你在那裡怎麼樣,夥計?有一個很好的小包在那裡為我們?你沒有得到這個,Cleary。

Oh, Pete.

=> 哦,皮特

Cant we be reasonable? Talk about this like gentlemen? Now, as to my mind, you can either give us the goods, or youse can all travel to the Knick as patients.

=> 我們不能合理嗎?像這樣的先生們談談這個?現在,就我的想法而言,你可以給我們貨物,或者你們都可以作為病人來到尼克斯。

Hooked a fine one.

=> 鉤了一個罰款。

Banker from up 5th Avenue.

=> 來自第五大道的銀行家。

Liver problems.

=> 肝臟問題。


=> 黃疸。

Pissing blood, he says.

=> 他說,撒尿血液。

Im sure this one will be in a private with us for a few weeks and be paying his bill in full.

=> 我相信這個人會和我們私下交談幾個星期,並全額支付他的賬單。

- Nice catch.

=> - 好,趕上。

- Thats two more bits for Cleary.

=> - 這是Cleary的兩位。

End of the month.

=> 月底。

Another beautiful day at the Knick, Nurse Elkins? Maam.

=> Knick的另一個美好的一天,護士Elkins?太太。


=> 博士


=> Gallinger。

This is Mr.

=> 這是先生

Sebastiano Gentile.

=> 塞巴斯蒂安外邦人。


=> 40。

On the eighth of this month he was struck by a streetcar, fracturing his pelvis.

=> 本月8日,他被一輛電車撞倒,骨盆骨折。


=> 先生。

Gentile, dont you know never to quarrel with a streetcar? Ive never known a man to beat one yet.

=> 外邦人,你不知道不要和電車吵架嗎?我從來沒有認識過一個人打敗過。

I know that now.

=> 我現在知道了。

Next time, take on one of those horseless carriages.

=> 下一次,採取那些無馬車之一。

Much better odds.

=> 更好的幾率。

Upon arrival, an extensive wound on the lateral side of his thigh was immediately stitched and dressed.

=> 抵達後,他大腿外側的廣泛傷口立即被縫合和打扮。

Pulse was 112.

=> 脈搏是112。

Abdomen was tympanitic.

=> 腹部是鼓膜炎。

And there was tenderness below the umbilicus.

=> 臍下有壓痛。

So he was taken into the operating theater, where we found four puncture wounds from the fractured pelvic bone lacerating the bowel.

=> 於是他被帶到手術室,在那裡我們發現了四處破裂骨盆骨撕裂傷口的傷口。

And with Dr.

=> 和博士

Chickering assisting, we immediately sutured the wounds using three catgut sutures on each puncture.

=> 唧唧歪歪的協助,我們立即用每根穿刺線上的三根腸線縫合傷口。

Was there any consideration of removing the damaged section of the bowel? The difficulty in reconnecting the two new ends of the intestines seemed too great and the danger of post-operative bowel leakage was another complication we discussed.

=> 有沒有考慮去除腸道受損部位?重新連接腸道兩端的困難似乎太大,手術後腸道泄漏的危險是我們討論的另一個複雜問題。

And I dared not risk a resection.

=> 我不敢冒險切除。

Any complications thus far? Mr.

=> 迄今為止的任何併發症先生。

Gentile has developed a small case of bronchitis, which is common after such a procedure.

=> Gentile已經發展出一例小型的支氣管炎,這種手術很常見。

Very good, Doctor.

=> 非常好,醫生。


=> 木屐。

Per Dr.


Gallingers instructions.

=> 加林格的指示。

Twice in the past 24 hours and I emptied his drains throughout the night.

=> 在過去的24小時里兩次,我整夜都清空了下水道。

And did you recently empty that one? I didnt.

=> 你最近是否清空那個?我沒有。

Its tended to have collected very little fluid.

=> 它傾向於收集很少的流體。

And yet the area where the drain exits the wound is swollen.

=> 然而,引流管排出的區域腫脹了。

Perhaps you might have considered clearing the drainage tube of clogs.

=> 也許你可能已經考慮清理木drainage引流管了。

How long have you been here? Almost three weeks.

=> 你在這裡多久了?差不多三個星期

Then you should already know, Nurse Elkins, that the goal is to keep the patients alive, not kill them with negligence after a surgeons done his best to save them.

=> 那麼你應該已經知道,護士埃爾金斯,目標是保持病人活著,而不是在外科醫生竭盡全力挽救他們後,疏忽殺了他們。

I expect everyone to be well versed in their responsibilities.

=> 我希望每個人都能夠很好地履行自己的責任。

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

No, weakness and self-pity have no place on my ward.

=> 不,我的病房裡沒有軟弱和自憐。

If Im asking too much of you, you can always take the donkey cart back to Kentucky and continue in the fine tradition of curing people with moonshine and angleworm poultices.

=> 如果我問你太多,你可以隨時把驢車帶回肯塔基州,繼續用月光和角蟲藥膏治好病人的優良傳統。

Rest up, Mr.

=> 休息一下,先生


=> 外邦人。

You got a lot more trolleys to dodge in your future.

=> 你的未來有更多的手推車閃避。

The jokes on Thackery.

=> 撒克里人的笑話

He doesnt know youre from West Virginia.

=> 他不知道你來自西弗吉尼亞州。

Jesus, Speight.

=> 耶穌,Speight。

You sure its not you with the fucking tuberculosis? Watch your mouth, Cleary.

=> 你確定這不是你他媽的結核病?看著你的嘴,Cleary。

Theres plenty of other stretcher boys I can call for this.

=> 還有很多其他擔架男孩我可以打電話給這個。

Health Inspector.

=> 衛生督察。

Health Inspector.

=> 衛生督察。

Open the door, please.

=> 請開開門。


=> 嗯。


=> 太太。

Krawetz? Were here to take you to the hospital.

=> Krawetz?我們在這裡帶你去醫院。

Do you understand? Hospital.

=> 你明白嗎?醫院。

Hos hospital.

=> Hos醫院。

She has a disease.

=> 她有一種疾病

She must be taken out of here.

=> 她必須離開這裡。

Christ alive, its the Tower of Babel in these shitholes.

=> 基督活著,在這些信道里是巴別塔。

Never the same language twice.

=> 從來沒有相同的語言兩次。

Hospital! My father says he doesnt want you taking my mother.

=> 醫院!我的父親說他不想讓你帶走我的母親。

Well, Im Officer Sears of the New York Police Department and there is a law that says we have to take her someplace thatll make her well so she doesnt get you sick, too.

=> 我是紐約警察局的西爾斯警官,有一條法律規定,我們必須把她帶到一個能使她康復的地方,否則她也不會生病。

My my father says they took our neighbor and he never came back.

=> 我的父親說,他們帶走了我們的鄰居,他從來沒有回來。

Oh, shell be back and fit as a fiddle.

=> 哦,她會回來,適合作為一個小提琴。

You watch.

=> 你看。

No windows, no ventilation, no sunlight inside, no running water.

=> 沒有窗戶,沒有通風,裡面沒有陽光,沒有流水。

A breeding ground for disease.

=> 疾病的滋生地。

Thats why the new laws were passed.

=> 這就是新法律通過的原因。

I can compel you to make any and all structural changes to your property I deem necessary to protect the public.

=> 我可以強迫你對你認為有必要保護公眾的財產進行任何結構上的改變。

That will cost a fortune.

=> 這將花費一大筆錢。

Im a businessman.

=> 我是商人。

Blame Listers microscope and Riis camera.

=> 責備利斯特的顯微鏡和里斯的相機。

The New York City Health Department is just doing its job.

=> 紐約市衛生局正在做它的工作。

You own two more buildings on this block, dont you? Perhaps we can come to some other arrangement.

=> 你在這個街區還有兩棟樓,不是嗎?也許我們可以來一些其他的安排。

Perhaps we can.

=> 也許我們可以。

Its the last of the six loads.

=> 這是六個負載中的最後一個。

Keep your boilers cooking for the next four months.

=> 保持你的鍋爐在未來四個月的烹飪。

Three cents a pound? Sounds good.

=> 一分錢三美分?聽起來不錯。

That is excellent, Mr.

=> 先生,這很好,


=> 考克。

Here is a bank draft from the Knickerbocker for the full amount.

=> 這是來自Knickerbocker的全額匯票。

Thank you for choosing Parkhurst.

=> 感謝您選擇Parkhurst。


=> 先生。

Parkhurst is grateful for your business.

=> Parkhurst感謝您的業務。

And I am grateful for his.

=> 我很感激他的。

Pardon me, gentlemen.

=> 對不起,先生們。

Where might I find Dr.

=> 我在哪裡可以找到博士

John Thackery? - Down there.

=> John Thackery? - 在下面。

- Lets go, guys.

=> - 夥伴們,我們走。

Come on.

=> 來吧。


=> 博士

Thackery? Yes.

=> 薩克雷?是。

I was told I could find you here.

=> 有人告訴我可以在這裡找到你。

Im Algernon Edwards.

=> 我是Algernon Edwards。

Would you prefer for me to wait in your office? No, this is fine.

=> 你願意讓我在你的辦公室里等嗎?不,這沒關係。

May I ask what it is youre making? Its an idea for an improvement on an instrument.

=> 請問你在做什麼?這是一個改進儀器的想法。

A colleague of mine in London was very fond of smelting as well.

=> 倫敦的一位同事也很喜歡冶煉。

In fact, the harelip forceps he modified is now the standard in Europe.

=> 事實上,他修改的harelip鉗現在是歐洲的標準。

Well, if I find myself on the Continent working on a harelip, I will know who to thank.

=> 那麼,如果我發現自己在大陸工作harelip,我會知道誰要感謝。

Im beginning to think you were not told everything about me.

=> 我開始以為你沒有告訴我所有的事情。

You envisioned something different, I take it.

=> 你設想了一些不同的東西,我接受了。

Something lighter.

=> 更輕的東西。

I did.

=> 我做了。

And to be frank, Dr.

=> 坦率地說,博士

Edwards, I only agreed to this meeting as a courtesy to Miss Robertson, but I am certainly not interested in an integrated hospital staff.

=> 愛德華茲,我只是同意這個會議,作為對羅伯遜小姐的禮節,但是我當然對一個綜合醫院的工作人員不感興趣。

My skin color shouldnt matter.

=> 我的膚色應該不重要。

Well, if it doesnt matter, then why was that information held back from me? Youll have to ask Miss Robertson.

=> 那麼,如果沒關係,那麼為什麼這些信息會阻止我呢?你得問問羅伯遜小姐

Its also nowhere to be found on your credentials.

=> 這也是無處可查找您的憑據。

Is your race listed on yours? Theres no need for it to be.

=> 你的種族在你的列表上?沒有必要這樣做。

I grant that your background is impressive, and Im sure there are many Negro infirmaries that will benefit from your talents, - But this hospital - Youre here.

=> 我承認你的背景令人印象深刻,而且我確定有很多黑人醫療機構將從你的才能中獲益,但是這個醫院你在這裡。

This is where Id like to be.

=> 這是我想成為的地方。

If you would just give me a chance.

=> 如果你只是給我一個機會。

In London and in Paris, I was treated as an equal.

=> 在倫敦和巴黎,我被視為平等。

- And I have no doubt - This is New York.

=> - 我毫不懷疑 - 這是紐約。

This is not London or Paris.

=> 這不是倫敦或巴黎。

You can only run away and join the circus if the circus wants you.

=> 如果馬戲團要你,你只能逃跑並加入馬戲團。

I dont want you in my circus.

=> 我不想要你在我的馬戲團。


=> 博士


=> 愛德華茲。

How was your meeting with Dr.

=> 你與博士的會面如何?

Thackery? Wonderful if you call being humiliated in front of a 1,000-degree furnace a meeting.

=> 薩克雷?奇妙的是,如果你稱之為在一個1000度的爐子面前羞辱一個會議。

What do you mean? Thank your father for me.

=> 你什麼意思?感謝你的父親給我。

Im going to head back to Boston.

=> 我要回到波士頓。

Sorry if I wasted your time.

=> 對不起,如果我浪費你的時間。

I certainly wasted mine.

=> 我當然是浪費了我的。


=> 博士


=> 愛德華茲。


=> 博士


=> 愛德華茲。


=> 阿爾傑農。

Miss Robertson.

=> 羅伯遜小姐


=> 博士

Chickering would like to see you.

=> Chickering想見你。

- Inspector Speight.

=> - 督察Speight。

- Mr.

=> - 先生。


=> 巴羅。

How are things on the streets? Getting worse every day.

=> 街上的事情怎麼樣?每天惡化。

The more boatloads they let in, the more pestilence infects the city.

=> 他們進去的船越多,傳染病就越多。

I had three cases of tuberculosis just today.

=> 今天剛剛有三例結核病。

The poor are just weaker than us.

=> 窮人比我們弱。

Shipping companies see to that.


Some of these diseases, they spread so quick, they wipe out whole blocks of people in just a few days.

=> 其中一些疾病傳播得很快,在短短的幾天之內就消滅了整個人群。

We have to burn the bodies.

=> 我們必須燒屍體。

We have no place to put them.

=> 我們沒有地方把它們。

- That a new one of your kids? - Yes.

=> - 你的新孩子? - 是的。

Handsome-looking family.

=> 英俊的家庭。

Always wanted to have one of those done of me.

=> 一直想要有一個我做的。

And why havent you? Dont think I could sit still that long.

=> 為什麼不呢?不要以為我能坐得那麼久。

What if I had to use the toilet? Those frames look like they set you back a bit.

=> 如果我不得不使用廁所怎麼辦?這些框架看起來像他們讓你回來了一點。

Gold leaf? Where did you say you sent these tuberculosis patients? The Knick got one.

=> 金葉子?你說你把這些肺結核病人送到了哪裡?尼克得到了一個。

Citys gonna cover the full freight cost since I put her here.

=> 自從我把她放在這裡以後,City將會承擔全部運費。

And you want a finders fee.

=> 而你想要一個發現者的費用。

Could have easily sent her to St.

=> 可以輕鬆送她到聖

Vincents or Presbyterian.

=> 文森特或長老會。

Next time could be none.

=> 下一次可能沒有。

Or it might be all of them.

=> 或者它可能是所有這些。

You know, I like you, Herm.

=> 你知道,我喜歡你,赫姆。

Were cut from the same cloth.

=> 我們從同一塊布上剪下來

I like to think not.

=> 我喜歡不這樣想。

Its not good.

=> 這不好。

The tuberculosis is pretty advanced.

=> 結核病相當先進。

Her lungs are completely full of fluid.

=> 她的肺里充滿了液體。

Fever of 104.

=> 發燒104。

Pulse is erratic.

=> 脈搏是不穩定的。

Her fingers are clubbing.

=> 她的手指在泡吧。

Are you recommending a sanitarium stay? Shes already on the other side of the hill, Im afraid.

=> 你是否推薦療養院?恐怕,她已經在山的另一邊了。

I honestly dont think shell make it through the week.

=> 我真的不認為她會通過一周。

Does she know? She doesnt speak English.

=> 她知道嗎?她不會說英語。

Her daughter has been interpreting for me.

=> 她的女兒一直在為我解釋。

I see.

=> 我懂了。

Responsibility is to the patient, but theres no rule that says we have to Hello.

=> 責任是對病人,但沒有規則說,我們必須要你好。

May I ask your name? - Yetta.

=> 我可以問你的名字嗎? - Yetta。

- Yetta.

=> - Yetta。

A beautiful name.

=> 一個美麗的名字。

Yetta, my name is Miss Robertson.

=> Yetta,我的名字是羅伯遜小姐。

Im from the social welfare office of the hospital.

=> 我來自醫院的社會福利辦公室。

I need your help right now to explain something to your mother.

=> 我現在需要你的幫助,向你的母親解釋一些事情。

All right? Please tell your mother that the doctor says her disease has made her very sick.

=> 好吧?請告訴你的母親,醫生說她的病讓她病得很重。

She will not get better.

=> 她不會好起來的

She will only get worse.

=> 她只會變得更糟。

But the hospital will do all it can to make her as comfortable as possible.

=> 但醫院會盡其所能使她儘可能舒適。

If there is anything she or your family needs, we are here to help you.

=> 如果有什麼她或你的家人需要,我們在這裡幫助你。

Does she understand? She understands.

=> 她明白嗎?她明白。

Im so sorry.

=> 我很抱歉。

My mother wants to know what time it is.

=> 我媽媽想知道現在幾點了

Its 4:30.

=> 現在是四點半

My mother says I should go or else Ill be late for my shift.

=> 我的母親說我應該去,否則我會遲到換班。

Keller Shirtwaist Factory on Delancey.

=> Keller Shirtwaist工廠Delancey。

Be sure she gets there safely, Jesse.

=> 一定要安全的到達那裡,傑西。

Yes, maam.

=> 是的女士。

I expected you over an hour ago.

=> 我在一個小時以前就想到了你

What kept you? Your treatment of Dr.

=> 是什麼讓你?你對博士的治療

Edwards was indefensible.

=> 愛德華茲是無法辯護的。

No, it was completely defensible.

=> 不,這是完全可辯護的。

Ill tell you exactly what I told him.

=> 我會告訴你我告訴他的。

Im not interested in leading the charge in mixing the races.

=> 我對混合種族的領導不感興趣。


=> 博士

Edwards is as capable as any doctor in this hospital.

=> 愛德華茲和這家醫院的醫生一樣有能力。

- Likely more so.

=> - 可能更多。

- Perhaps.

=> - 也許。

But just as a shopkeeper would never stock an item on his shelves no customer would buy, I would not employ a surgeon no patient will agree to have operate them.

=> 但就像一個店主永遠不會把貨架上的東西放在貨架上一樣,顧客也不會購買,我不會僱用一個外科醫生,也不會有病人同意操作。

Then patients must be convinced of his ability.

=> 然後患者必須確信自己的能力。

Are you going to stand there and honestly tell me that the way out of our financial troubles is to hire a Negro surgeon? Once people learn that he is an excellent surgeon, theyll change their minds.

=> 你會站在那裡誠實地告訴我,擺脫我們財務困境的方法是僱用一名黑人外科醫生?一旦人們知道他是一個優秀的外科醫生,他們會改變主意。

Were speaking about a patients possible mortality.

=> 我們正在談論病人可能的死亡率。

Is this really a fair time to begin a social crusade? - Yes.

=> 這真的是開始社會討伐的好時機嗎? - 是的。

- Were an institution in dire condition.

=> - 我們是一個處境艱難的機構。

Were not an incubator for some progressive experiment for you and your fathers money.

=> 我們不是為了你和你父親的錢而進行一些進步實驗的孵化器。

Please, find yourself another hobby.

=> 請發現自己的另一個愛好。

- Got it? - Yeah.

=> - 得到它了? - 是的。

Do you see what youve done? The Robertsons are pulling their crews.

=> 你看到你做了什麼?羅伯遜正在拉他們的船員。

Theyre terminating the electrification project.

=> 他們正在終止電氣化項目。

Oh, so childish.

=> 哦,太孩子氣了。

No, Thack, youre the child.

=> 不,薩克,你是小孩。

We need their money.

=> 我們需要他們的錢。

We need to electrify.

=> 我們需要通電。

Im not hiring the Negro.

=> 我不僱用黑人。

Do you think I want that dusky coon roaming these halls? A man of high rank on our staff who will repel patients? I need you happy, but right now I need the Robertsons happier.

=> 你覺得我想要那些昏暗的浣熊漫遊這些大廳嗎?我們的工作人員排名高的人會排斥病人嗎?我需要你快樂,但現在我需要Robertsons更快樂。

You know we have no choice.

=> 你知道我們別無選擇

The man will be hired.

=> 這個人將被僱用。

Then Ill resign.

=> 那我就辭職

Again? I want you to stay like that for 20 minutes, Mrs.

=> 再次?我希望你能像這樣保持20分鐘,夫人。


=> 埃伯哈特。

Nurse Connelly will keep massaging your belly.

=> 康納利護士將繼續按摩你的肚子。

Trust an old midwife.

=> 相信一位老助產士。

That breech baby will turn around in no time to get away from the cold.

=> 那個後膛的寶寶會很快轉身離開寒冷的。

Is this something the doctor prescribed? He would if he knew what he was doing.

=> 這是醫生處方嗎?如果他知道他在做什麼,他會。

Oh, I envy that cigarette.

=> 哦,我羨慕那支香煙。

Nice and slow.

=> 好而慢。

Nice and slow.

=> 好而慢。

Ah, the poor Lords got all these ladies married to Him and none will give Him a go.

=> 啊,可憐的主把這些女人都嫁給了他,沒有人會放棄他。

Hey, do penguins ever just want to go for a good poke? Oh, we get curious.

=> 嘿,企鵝有沒有想過要去捅一捅呢?哦,我們好奇。

But then they show us a photograph of your sorry face and we all run right back into the arms of God.

=> 但是,他們向我們展示了一張你的遺憾的照片,我們都跑回了上帝的懷抱。

Your ugly mugs responsible for more girls staying virgins than the chastity belt.

=> 你的醜陋的杯子負責更多的女孩比貞操帶保持處女。

How in Gods name are you still going? I have an insatiable desire for fame.

=> 上帝的名字怎麼樣呢?我對成名感到貪得無厭。

And, of course my old friend Uncle Parker.

=> 當然,我的老朋友帕克叔叔。

Id love to have your help for this next part.

=> 我很樂意為您的下一部分提供幫助。

Unless, of course, youd rather go back to sleep.

=> 當然,除非你寧願回去睡覺。

His temperature is 105 and his pulse is rapid at 166.

=> 他的體溫是105,而他的脈搏是166。

He has vomited three times in the last 90 minutes.

=> 他在過去的90分鐘內嘔吐過三次。

I figured his bronchitis was worsening, so I summoned you.

=> 我覺得他的支氣管炎正在惡化,所以我就召喚你了。

Its not his bronchitis.

=> 這不是他的支氣管炎。

Its septicemia.

=> 這是敗血症。

The swelling of the limbs.

=> 四肢腫脹。

The discoloration has started, too.

=> 變色也開始了。

My repair didnt hold.

=> 我的修理沒有成功。

Hes leaking his own bowel poisons into his blood.

=> 他正在把自己的腸毒液漏進他的血液里。

I should have resected.

=> 我應該切除。

It would have happened with any surgeon, Thackery included.

=> 包括Thackery在內的任何外科醫生都會發生這種情況。

Ah, allow me to introduce you to two of your junior surgeons.


Good morning to you all.

=> 大家早上好。


=> 博士

Everett K.

=> 埃弗里特K.

Gallinger and Dr.

=> 加林格和博士

Bertram Chickering Jr.

=> Bertram Chickering Jr.

This is our new assistant chief surgeon Dr.

=> 這是我們新的副主任外科醫生Dr.

Algernon Edwards.

=> 阿爾傑農·愛德華茲。

Thackery hired him? Directed me to do it as of late yesterday.

=> Thackery僱用他?指示我在昨天晚些時候這樣做。

Everyone calls me Bertie.

=> 大家都叫我伯蒂。

Feel free yourself.

=> 自由自在。

Welcome to our circus.

=> 歡迎來到我們的馬戲團。

It seems we need to head back inside the tent.

=> 看來我們需要回到帳篷裡面。

Excuse me.

=> 打擾一下。

Septicemia following a bowel repair.

=> 腸道修復後的敗血症。


=> 毫米。

We need to go back in and find the leak right away.

=> 我們需要回去,馬上找到泄漏點。

We? He is my patient, Doctor, not yours.

=> 我們?他是我的病人,醫生,不是你的。

We cant go back in.

=> 我們不能回去了。


=> 支氣管炎。

The ether will kill him.

=> 以太會殺了他。

Get Dr.

=> 博士


=> 薩克雷。

I dont believe hes come in yet.

=> 我不相信他還在。

Then find him, please.

=> 那麼請找到他。

Time is precious.

=> 時間是寶貴的。

Hes dying in front of our eyes.

=> 他快要死在我們的眼前了。

Surely we can solve this ourselves? - Youll solve nothing.

=> 我們當然可以解決這個問題嗎? - 你什麼都不會解決

- Doctor.

=> - 醫生。

He needs an immediate resection.

=> 他需要立即切除。

Two slippery pieces of bowel, wet noodles somehow sutured perfectly together while septic fluids leak all over the cavity poisoning the patient.

=> 兩片濕滑的腸子,濕麵條以某種方式完美地縫合在一起,而化膿性液體滲漏到病人身體的中心。

That is if we are somehow able to bring about surgical sleep without killing the man.

=> 這就是說,如果我們能夠在不殺死人的情況下實現手術睡眠。

- Nurse Elkins.

=> - 護士Elkins。

- Yes? Bertie and I will prepare Mr.

=> - 是嗎?伯蒂和我會準備先生

Gentile for the surgery.

=> 外科手術。

I need you to find Dr.

=> 我需要你找到Dr.


=> 薩克雷。

Try his home first.

=> 先試試他的家。

We dont have a minute to spare.

=> 我們沒有一分鐘的時間。

Now, excuse me.

=> 現在,請原諒。

Lucy, do you know where he lives? - No.

=> 露西,你知道他住在哪裡嗎? - 沒有

- 28 Waverly.

=> - 28韋弗利。

Lucy, do you know where that is? No.

=> 露西,你知道那是什麼嗎?沒有。

West, then left on Wooster Street towards Washington Square.

=> 西,然後在伍斯特街上走向華盛頓廣場。

Welcome to the Knick.

=> 歡迎來到Knick。


=> 博士

Thackery? Dr.

=> 薩克雷?博士

Thackery? Dr.

=> 薩克雷?博士

Thackery? Dr.

=> 薩克雷?博士

Thackery, youre urgently needed for a procedure.

=> Thackery,你迫切需要一個程序。

Good Lord, Dr.

=> 好主,博士


=> 薩克雷。

Go away.

=> 走開。

Please go away.

=> 請走開。


=> 博士

Gallinger sent me.

=> 加林格送我了。

A patient is dying.

=> 病人正在死亡。

Which one? Mr Mr.

=> 哪一個?先生


=> 外邦人。

He has septicemia.

=> 他有敗血症。

Oh, fucking Gallinger.

=> 哦,他媽的加林傑。

Whats wrong with you? Are you sick? I was trying to spend a night without it.

=> 你這人怎麼回事?你生病了嗎?我試圖沒有它的一個晚上。

Without what? Nurse, I need your assistance.

=> 沒有什麼?護士,我需要你的幫助。

You need to inject me.

=> 你需要給我注射

I cant do it.

=> 我做不到

Cocaine? How much? I dont want to kill you.

=> 可卡因?多少?我不想殺你

A touch more than 22.

=> 觸摸超過22。

Youve destroyed yourself, Doctor.

=> 醫生,你已經摧毀了你自己。

- Youre collapsed everywhere.

=> - 你到處都崩潰了

- Toes.

=> - 腳趾。

- Theyre too small.

=> - 他們太小了。

- Not for me.

=> - 不適合我。

Its fine.

=> 沒關係。

- I dont think I can.

=> - 我不認為我可以。

- Oh, for Gods sake.

=> - 哦,看在上帝的份上。

- What are you doing? - You want a bigger vein? - You want me to inject your - Yes, on the underside.

=> - 你在做什麼? - 你想要更大的靜脈? - 你要我注射你的 - 是的,在底部。

The urethral.

=> 尿道。


=> 護士。

Do it! Lord forgive me.

=> 做吧!上帝原諒我。

Gentlemen, atomizers on.

=> 先生們,霧化器上。

Everyone scrubbed, washed, cleansed, deloused, purified by God? - All except the last, Thack.

=> 每個人都被上帝洗凈,洗凈,潔凈,凈化,凈化? - 除了最後一個,Thack。

- Whats he doing here? - You hired him.

=> - 他在這裡做什麼? - 你僱用他了

- Im here to assist in the surgery.

=> - 我在這裡協助手術。

- Hes not touching me.

=> 他沒有碰我

- Dont worry, Mr.

=> - 別擔心,先生


=> 外邦人。

He wont be.

=> 他不會的。

Everett, youll be assisting me.

=> 埃弗里特,你會幫助我的。

Bertie, youll back up Everett.

=> 伯蒂,你會支持埃弗里特。

Thack, we cant use ether on account of his lungs and we cant operate on a man whos awake.

=> 薩克,我們不能因為他的肺而使用以太,而且我們不能對一個醒著的人進行操作。

I know.

=> 我知道。

I was considering this on the way in.

=> 我正在考慮這一路上。

You could try Nirvanin on the abdomen.

=> 你可以嘗試腹部Nirvanin。

Theres some success in Germany.

=> 德國取得了一些成功。

In dental surgery.

=> 在牙科手術。

For something like this, it wont penetrate to the necessary depth.

=> 對於這樣的事情,它不會滲透到必要的深度。

Nurse Elkins, would you prepare a spinal needle and a hypodermic of 10 of a 2% cocaine solution? Are you not familiar with the drug? I am.

=> 護士艾爾金斯,你會準備一個脊髓針和皮下注射10%的可卡因溶液嗎?你不熟悉這種葯嗎?我是。

Then prepare it.

=> 然後準備。

I didnt hire him.

=> 我沒有僱用他

Barrow forced him upon me.

=> 巴羅強迫他在我身上。

Hes the new assistant chief.

=> 他是新任副總監

I was told you had decided to offer me the position.

=> 有人告訴我,你決定給我提供這個職位。

Well, if Barrow told it to you, you should know there is never likely to be much truth in it.

=> 那麼,如果巴羅告訴你的話,你就應該知道這裡面絕不會有太多的事實。

I will not stay where Im not wanted.

=> 我不會留在我不想要的地方。

Then Im guessing you dont stay anywhere for very long.

=> 那麼我猜你不會呆在任何地方很長時間。

As per my oath, I will remain in the theater until the patient is out of danger.

=> 根據我的宣誓,我會留在劇場,直到病人脫離危險。

And then I will resign.

=> 然後我會辭職。

Congratulations, Everett, on your new promotion.

=> 恭喜,埃弗里特,你的新晉陞。


=> 先生。

Gentile, were going to sit you up.

=> 外邦人,我們要坐你。

- Everett, Bertie.

=> - 埃弗雷特,伯蒂。

- Uh, what are we doing? Sit him up.

=> - 呃,我們在做什麼?坐起來

Arch his back forward.

=> 拱起他的後背。

Nurse Monk, pencil, sponge with antiseptic.

=> 護士和尚,鉛筆,海綿與防腐劑。

Gentlemen, before you is a patient who is infected with septicemia from his bowel.

=> 先生們,在你是一個患腸道敗血症的病人之前。

Normally, we would induce surgical sleep with ether, but due to a severe case of bronchitis he has developed post-operatively, we cannot.

=> 通常情況下,我們會用乙醚誘發手術,但是由於嚴重的支氣管炎病例,他發展成術後,我們不能。

We must operate, but we cannot do it to a man who can feel pain.

=> 我們必須經營,但是我們不能這樣做,一個能感到痛苦的人。

My solution numb the nerves in the spine between the thoracic vertebrae six and seven so as to stop the brain from learning of the pain.

=> 我的解決方法麻木胸椎和脊椎之間的神經,以阻止大腦學習疼痛。

I intend to inject a 2% cocaine solution directly into Mr.

=> 我打算把2%的可卡因溶液直接注入先生

Gentiles spinal canal.

=> 外邦人的椎管。

Low enough not to affect the heart and lungs, high enough to dull everything below.

=> 足夠低,不會影響心臟和肺部,高到足以使下面的一切變鈍。

My God, wont that paralyze him? Not if he makes for the hollow canal in the sub-arachnoid space.

=> 我的上帝,不會讓他癱瘓嗎?不,如果他在蛛網膜下腔做空心管。

Its been tried once before on a Labrador retriever.

=> 之前曾在拉布拉多獵犬上試過一次。

What happened? There isnt a day goes by where I dont miss that dog.

=> 發生了什麼?有一天,我不會錯過那條狗。

If you could attempt to suppress your cough.

=> 如果你可以試圖壓制你的咳嗽。

Just a few seconds more.

=> 再過幾秒鐘

Lets get him back down.

=> 讓我們把他放下。

Hes a madman.

=> 他是個瘋子

"Though this is madness, yet there is method in it.

=> 「雖然這是瘋狂的,但還是有方法的。

" No pain.

=>「 不痛。


=> 解剖刀。


=> 紗布。


=> 毛巾。

Heres the location of my repairs.

=> 這是我修理的位置。

Your sutures failed in two spots where the obstruction backed up with pressure on them.

=> 您的縫合線在兩處受到阻礙而受到壓力的位置失敗。

- You should have resected.

=> - 你應該切除。

- I know that now.

=> - 我現在知道了

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。


=> 博士

From this day forth, Mr.


Gentile, you will have the honor of evacuating your bowels several seconds faster than any of your friends.

=> 外邦人,你將有幸比你的任何朋友快幾秒鐘的時間撤離你的腸子。

Watch carefully, Bertie.

=> 仔細觀察,伯蒂。

Youre gonna want to tell your father all about this.

=> 你要把這一切告訴你的父親。

After the bad section of the bowel is removed, each new end of the intestine can be clamped together into this device which allows it to keep its tubular contour and shape.

=> 在排除壞的部分之後,腸的每個新的末端可以被一起夾緊到該裝置中,使得它能夠保持其管狀輪廓和形狀。

I now tighten the screw to bring the two new ends together.

=> 我現在擰緊螺絲把兩個新的目的放在一起。

And were in good stead for an easy connection with sutures.

=> 而且,我們很好地與縫合連接。

When I finish this, you close, Everett.

=> 當我完成這個時,你關閉,埃弗里特。

Nice knowing you, Doctor.

=> 很高興認識你,博士。

Im not leaving this circus until I learn everything you have to teach.

=> 我不會離開這個馬戲團,直到我學習你所要教的一切。


=> 唐人街。

- 467 Mott Street.

=> - 莫特街467號。

- Yes, sir.

=> - 是的先生。


=> 嚴。


[美劇] 福爾摩斯:演繹法/Elementary 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 無垠的太空/The Expanse 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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