Advice about common derailing tactics

"Its not about guns, its about mental health"

> Japan has terrible mental health and ZERO mass shootings and a TINY amount of gun deaths (2nd lowest in 34 OECD member countries, USA topped the list). Other countries show the same data: limiting the accessibility of guns correlates with decreasing gun violence. Its about fucking guns.

"Stop politicizing death, its too soon to talk about this"

> Theres been 30 mass shootings in 2018 already, and 18 school shootings. In 2017, there were 345 mass shootings. When is it SOON ENOUGH?!

"Gun control would only be a bandaid and too-small a step"



If youre planning to engage even a little on commenting, here is some advice about common derailing tactics.

Once you see a derailing tactic, CALL IT OUT BUT DO NOT CONTINUE TO ENGAGE with them on it. Bring it back to the original point: mass shootings are unacceptable and gun control reforms need to happen.

1) Have them back up their own claims. If they make a claim, they have to provide their own sources. DO NOT google things that they mention - its a derailing tactic.

2) Dont let them use tiny, hypothetical situations to negate an giant obvious trend. Eg: When I mentioned the stats of how many mass shootings have happened in 2018, they ask what is a definition of a mass shooting and did I know that bb gun injuries were included in there. Even if this were true, it DOES NOT NEGATE THE MASS SHOOTINGS.

3) Call out slippery slope arguments. Eg: if youre going to ban the AR-15/assault rifles, youre gonna take everyones guns away and repeal the 2nd amendment. Tries to get you in an all-or-nothing mentality, as everything taken to an aggressive hyperbole is flawed.

4) Getting mired in technicalities / demanding you have technical proficiency that doesnt apply to the discussion. Eg: Going on and on about the technical definition of an assault rifle and ignoring the MASS SHOOTING ITSELF.

5) Getting derailed from the subject of the mass shooting. Eg: humans have been killing each other since the dawn of time, talking about gang violence, crime, individual murder. I cant believe that we have to make a fucking distinction, but there it is.

6) Demanding a complete solution from you. Eg: Demanding that you personally figure out how to fix the entire problem, and then nitpicking it apart. Meant for you to lose momentum defending yourself and IGNORES LOOKING FOR AN ACTUAL SOLUTION.

Im so livid and heartbroken. Hopefully this helps for those of you like me who cant help but get into it sometimes.


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