


  • 原文:Adverse reactions to drugs and anaesthetists.
  • 改進:Anaesthetists and adverse reactions to drugs.

原文容易讓人產生疑惑,到底是 Adverse reactions to drugs and anaesthetists,還是Adverse reactions to drugs and anaesthetists ,也就是這個to到底是管到drugs還是anaesthetists。

作者的原意是:Adverse reactions to drugs and anaesthetists,所以,為了避免歧義,我們把anaesthetists放在最前面,這樣就避免了上面的疑惑。

  • 原文:a series of fixed duration sequential constant rate infusions
  • 改進:sequential infusions of constant rate and fixed duration


首先,我們可以考慮加上連字元,這樣意思就清晰了很多:a series of fixed-duration sequential constant-rate infusions。

不過infusions的修飾部分仍然很長,我們可以考慮把修飾部分放到infusions的後面:a series of sequential infusions of constant rate and fixed duration。

最後,a series of 和sequential意思重複,二者取其一即可。

  • 原文:crevicular fluid biochemical profile complexity
  • 改進:complexity of the biochemical profile of crevicular fluid


biochemical profile是指crevicular fluid的,所以不妨寫成biochemical profile of crevicular fluid,而complexity是指biochemical profile的,所以可再用一個of,即:complexity of the biochemical profile of crevicular fluid。

  • 原文:The growth factor involvement in this regeneration process has been

rather extensively studied.

  • 改進:The involvement of growth factors in this regeneration process has been

rather extensively studied.

從growth factor involvement中無法判斷是涉及單個growth factor還是多個growth factor,所以改成involvement of growth factors就可以傳遞這一重要信息,並且避免了詞語的堆砌。

  • 原文:At present, health care cost containment remains a national priority . . .
  • 改進:At present, containment of the cost of health care remains a national priority . .

同上例,health care cost containment也存在詞語堆砌的問題, 我們可以用of將其進行分割。

  • 原文:Because only K+ evoked noradrenaline release is extracellular Ca2+ dependent our data suggest block of Ca2+ channels.
  • 改進:We suggest the mechanism is by block of Ca2+ channels, because only K+-evoked release of noradrenaline is dependent on extracellular Ca2+.

在原文中,我們需要讀到is才意識到K+ evoked noradrenaline release不是名詞+動詞+名詞的形式,而是形容詞+名詞的形式,所以改成K+-evoked release of noradrenaline會更加一目了然;我們讀到dependent才意識到原來是dependent on extracellular Ca2+的意思。


  • 原文:Humans with damage to the amygdala have difficulty perceiving fear on someone』s face and do not learn normally to identify stimuli that signal danger.
  • 改進:Humans with damage to the amygdala have difficulty perceiving fear on someone』s face and do not learn to identify normally the stimuli that signal danger.

normally可以表示「正常」的意思(normal learning),也可以表示「通常情況下」的意思(usually the patients do not learn),原文中這兩種理解似乎都說得過去。作者的原意是normal learning,所以可以把normally放在to的後面。

不過,一般我們盡量避免用副詞把不定時結構分開,即:to normally identify,這樣會顯得比較笨拙,所以可以把normally移至identify的後面,即:to identify normally stimuli that signal danger.


  • 原文:Traditionally surgical procedures on the knee joint have been performed through arthrotomy incisions.
  • 改進:Surgical procedures on the knee joint have been performed traditionally through arthrotomy incisions.

將Traditionally放在surgical procedures前面容易讓人誤以為它是修飾surgical的,其實它是修飾performed的,表示through arthrotomy incisions是一種傳統的手術方式。所以,最好是將traditionally放在performed的後面。

另外,也可以在Traditionally後面加上一個逗號,將其與surgical procedures分開:Traditionally, surgical procedures on the knee joint have been performed through arthrotomy incisions.



1.Only the operation can relieve the condition [not drugs].


2.The only operation can relieve the condition [there are no other operations].


3.The operation can only relieve the condition [it cannot cure it].


4.The operation only can relieve the condition [ambiguous, could be 1) or 3)].


5.The operation can relieve only the condition [not, for example, the social consequences]


6.The operation can relieve the only condition [there are no other conditions].


7.The operation can relieve the condition only [could be 3) or 5)].

如果把only看成是修飾relieve the condition這個整體的,這句話可以理解成:手術只能緩解病情(不能治癒),就像第3)句一樣;如果把only看成是修飾condition的,則可以理解成:手術只能緩解病情(不能緩解其他問題),就像第5)句一樣。


  • those who inherit this gene from one parent only enjoy a significant degree of protection against subtertain [falciparum] malaria.

這話話中,作者的原意是讓only修飾one parent,表示只從父母中的一位繼承這一基因,但我們也可以認為only修飾enjoy ,從而造成理解偏差。所以,為了讓句意更加明確,最好將only放到one parent的前面。如下:

  • those who inherit this gene from only one parent enjoy a significant degree of protection against subtertain [falciparum] malaria.


編譯自:Medical Writing: A Prescription for Clarity, Third Edition (Neville W. Goodman, Martin B. Edwards)


劍橋雅思11 Test2 小作文解析

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