


1. case常和occur搭配,但我們常看到這樣的錯誤表達:

  • We reported three cases of tuberculosis occurred after surgery.

出現這個問題的根源是沒有意識到occur是不及物動詞。比如:Two new Zika cases occur in Vietnam,而不是Two new Zika cases are occurred in Vietnam。 所以,這裡應該把occurred改為occurring

  • We reported three cases of tuberculosis occurring after surgery.

2. 「某疾病表現為...」常常容易表達成:Atherosclerotic vascular disease is manifested as a progressive narrowing of the vessel wall.


  • Atherosclerotic vascular disease manifests as a progressive narrowing of the vessel wall.

3. 「病人表現為...癥狀」有時會表達成:These patients were presented with gastrointestinal bleeding.


  • These patients presented with gastrointestinal bleeding.


先說三級醫院。在國內三級醫院比二級醫院好,二級醫院比一級醫院好,之前見過把三級醫院譯成third-class hospital,但這就成了三流醫院了,變成了最差的醫院,肯定不對。

其實在英文中有類似的醫院分級:tertiary hospitalsecondary hospitalprimary hospital,具體介紹如下。基本上和我們的分類標準類似,所以可以採用。

然後就是三級甲等醫院。這個似乎無法直接找到對應的英文,通常我們把甲等譯成grade A,所以「三級甲等醫院」比較標準的英文是grade A tertiary hospital

Primary hospitals – hospitals and 「house-pitals」 that provide hospital care for the more prevalent diseases that do not require any specialized form of treatment and major surgical intervention. Equipped with service capabilities needed to support licensed physicians rendering services in Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Minor Surgery.

Secondary Hospital – equipped with service capabilities needed to support licensed physicians rendering services in the fields of Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, General Surgery and other ancillary services.

Tertiary Hospital – fully departmentalized and equipped with the service capabilities needed to support certified Medical Specialists and other licensed physicians rendering services in the fields of Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Surgery, their subspecialties and other ancillary services.



neoplasm、tumor、cancer、carcinoma …,菜鳥們常常不能很好地辨析這幾個詞,其實幾句話就能說清。

A neoplasm is an abnormal new growth of cells.

A tumor is a commonly used, but non-specific, term for a neoplasm. The word tumor simply refers to a mass, including a collection of fluid. It can be benign (generally harmless) or malignant.


A cancer is another word for a malignant tumor (a malignant neoplasm).



  • Carcinoma – The abnormal cells start their growth in the epithelial tissues.
  • Sarcoma – Sarcomas are cancer classifications in which the tumor grows in soft connective or supportive tissues.
  • Lymphoma –Lymphoma is a tumor that develops in the lymphocytes of the immune system, particularly and usually in the lymph nodes.
  • Leukemia – The location of the cancerous cells is the bone marrow.




2017年8月19日 英國人解析雅思寫作(亞太)
劍橋雅思8 Test3 小作文解析

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