一對多的關聯性 / as well as / 「種
對於二者之間的關聯性,我們一般表達成correlation/association/relationship between A and B, 如:correlation between BMI and leptin concentration。但是,一對多的關聯性該如何表達?比如,要表達A與B/C之間的關聯性,如果表達成correlation between A and B and C,意思很不明確。這種情況下,可以表達成correlation of A with B and C,如:correlation of serum CRP with age and BMI。
使用as well as時需要注意的一個地方
關於as well as的使用,如果是三項或三項以上時,as well as之前的幾項需要一個and來連接,即:A and B, as well as C;A, B, and C, as well as D. 一般不說:A, B, as well as C. 應用舉例如下:
- The cultured cells were examined to assess growth and morphology, as well as bacterial contamination.
- The growth and morphology, as well as bacterial contamination, of cultured cells were assessed.
- Sensitivity and specificity, as well as positive and negative predictive values, were calculated.
成「several cell lines」和「several cytokines」就可以了,不用寫成「several kinds (types) of cell lines」和「several kinds (types) of cytokines」。
※英語寫作:英文簡歷呈現溝通策略!English Writing: Even For Your CV, A Communications Strategy!
※2017年9月16日 英國人解析雅思寫作