

在英文科技論文中,冠詞的使用特別講究,我們必須根據英語的習慣加上必要的冠詞,例如: 新術式對防止術後腰痛有積極的作用(The new surgical procedure plays a positive role in the prevention of postoperative back pain)。本文例舉英語醫學論文中冠詞的一些習慣用法,供醫學論文譯作者參考。

1. 器官、組織和解剖部位名稱

器官、組織和解剖部位名稱的單數形式前一般要用定冠詞: the mall intestine(小腸),the adrenal gland(腎上腺),the internal thoracic artery(胸廓動脈),the dentate line(齒狀線),the diaphragmatic surface of the liver(肝膈面),the urinary system(泌尿系統)。這類名稱並列出現時,可以只保留第一個而省略其他的定冠詞: the heart, (the) lung and (the) kidney。

2. 疾病名稱

疾病名稱前一般不用冠詞: biliary fistula(膽瘺),adenoma(腺瘤),groin hernia(腹股溝疝),intestinal obstruction(腸梗阻)。Syndrome一詞與專有名詞合用時不用冠詞: Cushings syndrome(柯興氏綜合征),與非專有名詞合用時習慣上要用定冠詞: the adrenal cortical syndrome(腎上腺皮質綜合征)。

3. 手術名稱

手術名稱前一般不用冠詞: hysterectomy(子宮切除術),laparoscopy(腹腔鏡術),liver transplant(肝臟移植),urinary diversion(尿路分流術)。含有approach、technique、method等表示技術方法的單詞的片語前習慣上要用冠詞the或a/an: (1) the transsphenoidal approach(經蝶手術徑路),the immunohistochemical technique(免疫組化技術),the sequence-based-typing method(直接測序法); (2) a modified approach(一種改良徑路),a new technique(一種新技術),a relatively simple and convenient method(一種相對簡便的方法)。

4. 藥物名稱

藥物名稱前不用冠詞: gentamicin(慶大黴素),dicynone(止血敏),cephalosporin(先鋒黴素),cyclosporin A (環孢素A)。

5. 縮略詞

縮略詞前一般不用冠詞: GERD(gastroesophageal reflux disease胃食管返流病),LapUS(laparoscopic ultrosonograph腹腔鏡超聲技術),CHPS(congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis先天性肥厚性幽門狹窄),FNAB(fine needle aspiration biopsy細針抽吸活檢)。

6. 序數詞和基數詞

含序數詞的片語前要用定冠詞,而名詞加基數詞的片語前則不用任何冠詞:(1)the first group,the first stage,the first step, the first 2 weeks,the first costae;(2) Group 1,Stage 1,Step 1, Table 1,Figure 1。

7. 重複出現的名詞

研究對象或方法第一次出現在摘要或論文中時,視其單複數形式或是否可數名詞等情況採用不定冠詞或不用任何冠詞,再次或重複出現時要用定冠詞修飾: (1) A patient with olfactory groove meningioma received microsurgical treatment. … Follow-up studies showed that the patient recovered well. (2) Nineteen patients underwent modified Madigan prostatectomy. … Of the 19 cases, 17 showed no complications. (3) Microsurgery was performed on 12 patients. … After the operation, improvement was observed in 10.

8. 標題中的研究對象

英文中可數名詞泛指一般事物有三種方法: 加定冠詞the,加不定冠詞a/an或使用複數。以下論文標題中rat既無冠詞又無複數s的用法是錯誤的: Effect of somatostatin on liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in rat(生長抑素對大鼠部分肝切除後肝再生的影響)。研究對象出現在標題中時,為了達到簡潔的目的,最好採用不加冠詞的名詞複數形式: for cancer patients,in rabbits。

9. 論文作者單位

論文作者的單位(科室、院系、附屬醫院、大專院校、研究機構等)名稱前的定冠詞可以省略,以求簡潔,並且同一期刊應採用統一的用法: (the) Department of General Surgery, (the) Fourth Military Medical University, (the) Institute of Cancer Research。

以專有名詞命名的單位名稱前不用冠詞: Sun Yet-sen University of Medical Sciences,Bethune International Peace Hospital,Hunan Childrens Hospital。

10. 其他


series of studies(誤) a series of studies(正)

all time(誤) all the time(正)

most common disease(誤) the/a most common disease(正)

better way(誤) a better way(正)

result(s) of experiment(誤) the result(s) of the experiment(正)

increase in(誤) an/the increase in(正)

(an) one-year old boy(誤) a/the one-year old boy(正)

both mother and baby(誤) both the mother and the baby(正)

follow-up of 6 months(誤) a/the follow-up of 6 months(正)

average length of hospitalization(誤) the average length of hospitalization(正)

treatment of(誤) the treatment of (正)

close relationship between(誤) a/the close relationship between(正)

family history of(誤) a/the family history of(正)

retrospective study of(誤) a retrospective study of(正)

control group(誤) the control group(正)

the another procedure(誤) the other procedure or another procedure (正)

only choice(誤) the only choice(正)

on biological basis (誤) on a/the biological basis (正)

lack of (誤) a/the lack of (正)

(the) similar test (誤) a similar test (正)

in the size/height/weight (誤) in size/height/weight (正)

pay a great attention to (誤) pay great attention to (正)

40 years of the age (誤) 40 years of age (正)

over past decade (誤) over the past decade (正)

5-year survival rate (誤) a/the 5-year survival rate (正)

of a prime importance (誤) of prime importance (正)

due to (the) unknown cause (誤) due to an unknown cause (正)

key to success (誤) the/a key to success (正)

important factor (誤) an/the important factor (正)

diameter of (誤) the diameter of (正)

side/long-term effect (誤) a/the side/long-term effect (正)

total number of (誤) a/the total number of (正)




劍橋雅思5 Test4 小作文解析
2017年8月19日 英國人解析雅思寫作(亞太)
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