
[美劇] 東區女巫/Witches of East End 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 東區女巫/Witches of East End 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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北漢普頓僻靜的小鎮里,Joanna和兩個女兒過著看似平靜的生活。Joanna的女兒和一位年輕有為的外來者 訂婚後,卻發生了一連串的怪事。Joanna不得不坦承,女巫才是她們母女三人的真實身分。


北漢普頓僻靜的小鎮里,Joanna和兩個女兒過著看似平靜的生活。Joanna的女兒和一位年輕有為的外來者 訂婚後,卻發生了一連串的怪事。Joanna不得不坦承,女巫才是她們母女三人的真實身分。


Is that Joanna Beauchamp? Whats she doing here? Evening, Joanna.

=>那是Joanna Beauchamp?她在這裡幹什麼?晚安,喬安娜。

Heading to the big engagement party? Calm down, Ollie.

=> 向大訂婚派對?冷靜下來,奧利。

Its okay.

=> 沒關係。

Come on, lets go.

=> 來吧,走吧。

Freya, come on, lets go! Were gonna be late! I know, I know.

=> Freya,來吧,走吧!我們會遲到的!我知道我知道。

Im sorry, Im sorry, Im sorry, Im sorry.

=> 對不起,對不起,對不起,對不起。

I hate this dress.

=> 我討厭這件衣服。

I should change, shouldnt I? - I better go change.

=> 我應該改變,不是嗎? - 我最好去改變。

- Stop it.

=> - 停下來。

You look beautiful.

=> 你看起來很美。

Plus, youve already changed five times.

=> 另外,你已經改變了五次。

If you do it again, I might have to smack you.

=> 如果你再做一次,我可能不得不毆打你。

Why am I so nervous? Its your engagement party.

=> 我為什麼這麼緊張?這是你的訂婚派對。

Of course youre nervous.

=> 當然你很緊張

No, no, its not that.

=> 不,不,不是的。

I just I feel off.

=> 我只是感覺到了。

I had the strangest dream last night.

=> 我昨晚做了最奇怪的夢。

There was this guy, and I never seen him before, but I felt like Id known him forever.

=> 有一個人,我從來沒有見過他,但我覺得我永遠都認識他。

And then he kissed me, and the world exploded.

=> 然後他吻了我,世界爆炸了。

That is a classic anxiety dream.

=> 這是一個經典的焦慮夢想。

Youre worried about getting married, its a big step, so create a dream scenario about the perfect guy who doesnt actually exist.

=> 你擔心結婚,這是一個很大的步驟,所以創建一個夢想的場景,關於一個完全不存在的完美的傢伙。

But Im not anxious.

=> 但我並不著急。

I know Dash is the one.

=> 我知道短跑是一個。

I love him so much.

=> 我很愛他。

I dont want anyone else.

=> 我不想要其他人。

Which is why I am so freaked out.

=> 這就是為什麼我這麼嚇壞了。

You know about me and my dreams.

=> 你知道我和我的夢想。

Youre not psychic.

=> 你不是心靈的

I might be.

=> 我可能是。

I can read auras.

=> 我可以讀光環。

Thats not a thing.

=> 這不是一回事

Scoff all you want, but I know I have the gift.

=> 嘲笑你想要的,但我知道我有這個禮物。

You only have one superpower, and it is your breasts.

=> 你只有一個超級大國,這是你的乳房。

Mom! Mom! Where were you? Scared the crap out of us.

=> 媽媽!媽媽!你去哪了?嚇壞了我們的垃圾。

In the car waiting for you.

=> 在車裡等著你。

You look beautiful.

=> 你看起來很美。

I cant believe my babys getting married.

=> 我不敢相信我的寶寶結婚了。

Mom, its an engagement party, not a wedding.

=> 媽媽,這是一個訂婚派對,不是婚禮。

Come on, we have to go.

=> 來吧,我們得走了。

Take a walk with me On the water Got the power to make you a believer Take you where you never been before Never been before So am I the only one who finds this completely exhausting? And its not even our wedding.

=> 和我一起散步在水面上擁有讓你成為信徒的力量把你帶到你以前從未去過的地方以前從來沒有過我是唯一一個覺得完全用盡的人嗎?這甚至不是我們的婚禮。

I will marry you in Vegas tomorrow if you want.

=> 如果你願意的話,我明天將在拉斯維加斯和你結婚。

Really? Wherever, whenever.

=> 真?無論何時何地。


=> 噢。

Oh, and by the way, I forgive you.

=> 哦,順便說一句,我原諒你。

For what? For being a half an hour late tonight.

=> 為了什麼?今晚晚了半個小時

People were starting to look at me funny.

=> 人們開始有趣地看著我。

I wasnt half an hour late.

=> 我遲到了半小時。

You are always at least for everything you do.

=> 你總是至少為你所做的一切。

Five minutes.

=> 5分鐘。

Did I mention youre worth the wait? Hi, Mom.

=> 我提到你值得等待嗎?嗨,媽媽

I was wondering where you got off to.

=> 我想知道你在哪裡下車。


=> 嗯。


=> 毫米。

Oh, look at that.

=> 哦,看那個。

Why dont you come back into the party.

=> 你為什麼不回到晚會呢?

This is such an interesting dress, dear.

=> 親愛的,這件衣服很有趣

I like how you just put it all out there, and screw what other people think is appropriate.

=> 我喜歡你如何把它全部放在那裡,並擰緊其他人認為是適當的。

I really do appreciate all youre doing for us.

=> 我真的很感激你為我們做的一切。

You dont have to be so generous.

=> 你不必如此慷慨。

Oh, its nothing.

=> 哦,沒什麼。

I want us to be close, dear.

=> 親愛的,我希望我們親近

I never had a daughter.

=> 我從來沒有一個女兒。

And I was always hoping that when Dashiell married, that she and I would have the relationship I always dreamed of.

=> 我一直希望,當達希爾結婚時,她和我會有我一直夢寐以求的關係。

Yes, I would love that.

=> 是的,我會喜歡這個。


=> 好。

I hope we can.

=> 我希望我們能。

I just have to say, I know that you were raised in, well, a certain way, you know, through no fault of your own, and I would really like to help teach you about etiquette and-and style and all the other things that you never had a chance to learn.

=> 我只能說,我知道你是以一種特定的方式被培養出來的,而不是你自己的過錯,我真的很想幫助你教授禮儀,風格和所有其他的東西你從來沒有機會學習。

But we can talk about that later.

=> 但是我們可以稍後再談。

Ill take you to lunch, and well go shopping.

=> 我帶你去吃午飯,我們去買東西。

Ill find you a bra that actually fits.

=> 我會找到你合適的胸罩。

Ooh, thats wonderful! Look at that.

=> 哦,太好了!看那個。

I hope you choke on it.

=> 我希望你能憋住它。

Mom? Are you okay? Hey.

=> 媽媽?你還好嗎?嘿。

Dude Dont call me "dude.

=> 夥計不要叫我「夥計。

" Youll never believe what I just did.


I made Dashs mother choke, with my mind.

=> 我的腦海中,我讓達什的母親窒息。

Is she okay? Youre totally missing the point.

=> 她還好嗎?你完全錯過了這一點。

Am I? Ingrid, she basically called me a poor townie with bad taste and no manners, and then I wished for her to choke, and she did.

=> 我是嗎?英格麗德,她基本上稱我是一個壞脾氣,沒有禮貌的可憐的鄉紳,然後我希望她窒息,而她呢。

So So Im pretty sure theres no way that could just be a coincidence.

=> 所以我很確定沒有辦法可能只是一個巧合。

Then you dont understand statistics and probability.

=> 那麼你不明白統計和概率。

I dont need to; I have powers.

=> 我不需要;我有權力。

Choking powers.

=> 窒息的權力。

Congratulations? Oh, my God.

=> 恭喜?哦,我的上帝。

Ingrid, its him.

=> 英格麗德,是他。

Who? The guy from my dream.

=> 誰?我的夢想傢伙。

Okay, that guy is fairly hot.

=> 好的,那傢伙很熱。

Are you blushing? This cant be happening.

=> 你臉紅嗎?這不可能發生。

Its not.

=> 不是。

You are experiencing something called illusory correlation.

=> 你正在經歷一種叫做虛幻相關的事情。

You had a dream about a hot guy, and now you see a hot guy, so you retroactively turn him into the guy from your dream, so you can say the dream is prescient when its really just a coincidence.

=> 你有一個夢想成為一個熱門傢伙,現在你看到一個熱門傢伙,所以你追溯到他夢想中的傢伙,所以你可以說,這個夢想是有先見之明的,當它只是一個巧合。

You think everythings a coincidence.

=> 你以為一切都是巧合。

Because most things are.

=> 因為大部分事情是。

Come on, Ingrid! First Dashs mom and now this? Whats your explanation? I would say youre losing it due to wedding stress.

=> 來吧,Ingrid!第一個Dash的媽媽,現在呢?你的解釋是什麼?我會說,由於婚禮壓力,你會失去它。

I need a drink.

=> 我需要一杯飲料。


=> 停止。

Creepy, right? Yeah.

=> 令人毛骨悚然,對吧?是啊。

Extremely creepy.

=> 令人毛骨悚然。


=> 抱歉。

Didnt mean to startle you, Mrs.

=> 不是故意嚇到你


=> 比徹姆。


=> 短跑。

Come on, were at your engagement party, youre marrying my daughter; you can call me Joanna.

=> 來吧,我們在你的訂婚派對上,你跟我女兒結婚了。你可以叫我喬安娜

Of course.

=> 當然。


=> 喬安娜。

You know, its-its actually the man who built this place back in the early 1900s.

=> 你知道的 - 這實際上是20世紀初建造這個地方的人。

Archibald Browning.

=> Archibald勃朗寧。

You heard of him? Yeah, he was a real son of a bitch.

=> 你聽說過他?是的,他是一個婊子的真正的兒子。

So Ive read.

=> 所以我讀過

He No, I mean, he was into some weird stuff.

=> 他不,我是說,他陷入了一些奇怪的事情。

Thats for sure.

=> 這是肯定的。

I mean, the architecture of this place, its, uh, well, its unique, Ill give it that.

=> 我的意思是,這個地方的建築,嗯,這是獨特的,我會給它的。

The restoration process was certainly a challenge.

=> 恢復過程當然是一個挑戰。

Well, you did a spectacular job.

=> 那麼,你做了一個壯觀的工作。

Thank you, Mrs.

=> 謝謝你,夫人


=> 比徹姆。


=> 抱歉。


=> 喬安娜。

Please forgive me.

=> 請原諒我。

I yeah, I grew up with a lot of rules.

=> 我是,我長大了很多規則。

And if you tell her to do something, shell do the opposite.


Thats what I love about her.

=> 這就是我喜歡她的原因。

Well, youve only known her for a few months.

=> 那麼,你只認識她幾個月。

Check back with me in a year when youre ready to strangle her.

=> 一年後,當你準備扼殺她時,請回頭看看我。

Ill have a gimlet.

=> 我會有一個手鐲。

Dirty martini please.

=> 臟馬丁尼請。


=> 英格麗。


=> 亞當。


=> 嘿。

You look great.

=> 你看起來很棒。

So good to see you.

=> 很高興見到你。

So, um, this house is incredible, huh? Ive never actually been inside.

=> 那這個房子真不可思議吧?我從來沒有真正進入。


=> 是啊。

Did you know there are all these tunnels and secret rooms where they used to have ritual animal sacrifices and sadomasochistic sex orgies with people writhing around naked, covered in goat blood? Um I wrote a dissertation about it.

=> 你知不知道有這些隧道和秘密的房間,他們曾經在那裡用牲畜祭祀儀式和虐待性的狂歡,人們用羊血在身邊扭動著,我寫了一篇關於它的論文。


=> 哦。

About witchcraft and occult practices in post-Revolutionary New York.

=> 關於革命後紐約巫術和神秘的做法。

Not about goat orgies.

=> 不是關於山羊狂歡。

Right, um Thank you.

=> 對,恩,謝謝。

Uh, sounds cool.

=> 呃,聽起來很酷。

Id love to read it sometime.

=> 我很樂意閱讀。

No, its not that good.

=> 不,這不好。

Plus, Ive been a little blocked for the past few years or so.

=> 此外,過去幾年來我一直受到阻撓。

Oh, thats too bad.

=> 噢,那太糟糕了。

But, you know, Im sure youll figure it out.

=> 但是,你知道,我相信你會知道的。

So, I was sorry to hear about you and Emma.

=> 所以,我很遺憾聽到你和艾瑪的消息。

I always liked her.

=> 我一直喜歡她。


=> 哇。

Bad news travels fast, huh? Its a small town.

=> 壞消息傳得很快,對吧?這是一個小鎮。


=> 是啊。

Anyway, i-its okay.

=> 無論如何,我 - 沒關係。

She wasnt really that Smart? I was gonna say "nice" but Right.

=> 她真的不是那麼聰明?我會說「很好」,但是。

she also wasnt that smart.

=> 她也不是那麼聰明。

What can I say, ever since you turned me down Turned you down? What are you talking about? Yeah, about a year ago.

=> 自從你拒絕我以後,我能說什麼呢?你在說什麼?是的,大約一年前。

I came into the library.

=> 我進了圖書館。

You helped me pick out a detective novel.

=> 你幫我挑出一本偵探小說

I asked you to have dinner with me, and you laughed in my face.

=> 我叫你和我一起吃晚飯,你笑我的臉。

I thought you were kidding.

=> 我以為你在開玩笑呢

Why would I have been kidding about that? I, uh Excuse me.

=> 我為什麼一直在開玩笑呢?我,呃,請原諒。

This is Detective Noble.

=> 這是偵探貴族。

What? Yeah.

=> 什麼?是啊。

Ill be right there.

=> 我馬上到。

Uh, Im sorry.

=> 呃,對不起。

I have to go.

=> 我得走了。

Uh, a couple was attacked in Melrose Park.

=> 呃,一對夫婦在梅爾羅斯公園遭到襲擊。

Excuse me.

=> 打擾一下。

Attacked? Oh, no.

=> 襲擊?不好了。

Like, mugged? Like murdered.

=> 像,搶劫?像被謀殺一樣。

You okay? Yeah.

=> 你好嗎?是啊。


=> 精細。

You sure? You just seem off.

=> 你確定?你看起來不錯


=> 抱歉。

I just dont feel that great.

=> 我感覺不太好

Too much champagne.

=> 香檳太多了。

Killian? How are you, man? This is a little like seeing a ghost.

=> 基利安?哥們兒,你好嗎?這有點像看到一個鬼。

Well, I figured my big brothers getting married.

=> 那麼,我想我的哥哥結婚了。

I should come congratulate him.

=> 我應該來祝賀他。

You have a brother? Yeah.

=> 你有兄弟?是啊。

I-I told you I had a brother.

=> 我 - 我告訴過你我有一個兄弟

No, you didnt.

=> 不,你沒有。

Thats okay.

=> 沒關係。

Im not surprised he wouldnt mention me.

=> 我不奇怪他不會提到我。

Its been a long time.

=> 已經很久了。

Im Killian.

=> 我是基利安

Its nice to meet you.

=> 很高興見到你。

Will you excuse me? I Ladies room.

=> 你能原諒我嗎?我女士的房間。

What is wrong with you? I dont know what Im doing.

=> 你怎麼了?我不知道我在做什麼

I shouldnt be here.

=> 我不應該在這裡

I know this is going to sound But I had a dream about this.

=> 我知道這將會發生但我對此有一個夢想。

I think I had the same dream.

=> 我想我有同樣的夢想。

What happened in yours? What? I cant do this.

=> 你的事情發生了什麼?什麼?我不能這樣做。

Im sorry, I dont know whats come over me.

=> 對不起,我不知道是怎麼回事。

I have to go.

=> 我得走了。

It was a cat.

=> 這是一隻貓。

Im telling you, I hit a cat, not a woman.

=> 我告訴你,我打了一隻貓,而不是一個女人。


=> 好的。

Cause it looks a lot like you hit a naked woman.

=> 因為它看起來很像你打一個裸體女人。

They interviewed the couple who found Bill and Mara Thatcher last night, and get this: He said the murderer ripped out Bills eyeballs and tongue.

=> 他們採訪了昨天晚上找到比爾和瑪拉·撒切爾夫婦的情況,得知這一點:他說兇手扒開了比爾的眼球和舌頭。

Ew, Ingrid.

=> Ew,Ingrid。

Just ripped them right out.

=> 剛把他們撕了出來。


=> 足夠。

How gross is that? And Mauras in a coma.

=> 那有多嚴重?而Maura昏迷了。

They think shes gonna make it? So, did you have a good time last night, Freya? Holy shit! Theres my clumsy girl.

=> 他們認為她會做出來的?那麼,你昨天晚上玩得開心嗎,弗雷亞?神聖的狗屎!我笨拙的女孩

Did you guys just see that? It-it spontaneously broke for no reason.

=> 你們剛才看到了嗎?它 - 毫無理由地自發地破裂了。

Please, tell me you just saw that.

=> 請告訴我,你剛才看到了。

I saw you knock into the counter.

=> 我看見你敲櫃檯。

It was nowhere near the counter! Sweetie, are you okay? You seem a little Im fine.

=> 這是櫃檯附近!親愛的,你沒事吧?你好像有一點我沒事


=> 緊張。

No, Im not.

=> 不,我不是。

I bet I know what it is.

=> 我敢打賭,我知道這是什麼。

- You do? - Youre having second thoughts about the wedding.

=> - 你做? - 你有關於婚禮的第二個想法。

Youre the one having second thoughts, Mom, not me.

=> 你是第二個想法的人,媽媽,不是我。

I just dont know what the hurry is.

=> 我只是不知道快點是什麼。

Youre very young, you barely know him.

=> 你很年輕,你幾乎不了解他。

Whats the rush? The rush is she has no idea what she actually wants to do with her life, and getting married feels like doing something with her life.

=> 急什麼?她不知道自己真正想做什麼,結婚就像做了一些生活中的事情。

Even if its the wrong thing.

=> 即使這是錯誤的事情。

Hey, I am perfectly happy doing what Im doing.

=> 嘿,我很高興做我正在做的事情。

I like being a bartender.

=> 我喜歡做一個調酒師。

I bring joy and drunkenness to people in need.

=> 我給有需要的人帶來快樂和醉酒。

Plus I am in love with Dash Gardiner.

=> 另外我愛上了Dash Gardiner。

Ive never felt this way about anyone.

=> 我從來沒有這樣想過任何人。

I know this is right.

=> 我知道這是對的。

We belong together.

=> 我們屬於彼此。

And I dont care what you guys think.

=> 我不在乎你們的想法。

Freya, I just want to be sure that youre thinking this thing through.

=> 弗雷亞,我只是想確定你正在考慮這件事。

Dash travels a lot for work.

=> 短跑運動很多。

How are you gonna handle that? So, you think Im cheating on him? What are you talking about? Nobody said that.

=> 你將如何處理?所以,你覺得我在欺騙他?你在說什麼?沒人說。

I have to go see Dash.

=> 我必須去看短跑。

Wow I must admit, I hate leaving you but I do love our good-byes.

=> 哇,我必須承認,我討厭離開你,但我愛我們的再見。

Why do you have to go halfway around the world? Cant you be a Doctor Without Borders here? I wont be gone that long.

=> 為什麼你要走到世界的中途?你不能成為無國界醫生嗎?我不會那麼久。

I promise Ill cut back on the traveling once were married, okay? Okay.

=> 我保證一旦結婚就會減少旅行,好嗎?好的。

I dont want to be away from you.

=> 我不想離開你。

I hate it.

=> 我討厭它。

Maybe we go to Vegas.

=> 也許我們去維加斯。

Well just do it.

=> 我們就這樣做。

Or I could come on your trip.

=> 或者我可以來你的旅行。

We could elope.

=> 我們可以私奔。

You worried youre gonna change your mind? I will never change my mind.

=> 你擔心你會改變主意?我永遠不會改變主意。

Neither will I.

=> 我也不會

Good morning, Jim.

=> 吉姆,早上好。


=> 早上。

Mysticum flamma aperire pictura Mysticum flamma aperire pictura Mysticum flamma aperire pictura Mysticum flamma aperire pictura Mysticum flamma aperire pictura Mysticum flamma aperire pictura Mysticum flamma aperire Hey, Barbie.

=> Mysticum flamma aperire pictura Mysticum flamma aperire pictura Mysticum flamma aperire pictura Mysticum flamma aperire pictura Mysticum flamma aperire pictura Mysticum flamma aperire pictura Mysticum flamma aperire嘿,芭比娃娃。

Whats up? Hey.

=> 這是怎麼回事?嘿。


=> 你好。

I just talked to the doctor.

=> 我剛剛和醫生交談過

And our last try with IVF failed.

=> 而我們最後一次嘗試體外受精失敗。

Oh, sweetie, Im so sorry.


Is there anything I can do? Well, you studied witchcraft.

=> 有什麼我可以做的嗎?那麼,你學習巫術。

Do you know any "get pregnant" spells? Honey, I studied history, not how-to, but if there were such a thing as real witchcraft, and I somehow had the ability to use it, you would be the first person I would help.

=> 你知道任何「懷孕」的法術嗎?親愛的,我研究過歷史,而不是如何去做,但是如果有真正的巫術這樣的東西,而且我有能力使用它,那麼你將是我會幫助的第一個人。

I know.

=> 我知道。

Wendy You dont look so good.

=> 溫迪你看起來不太好。

Well, I died this morning.

=> 我今天早上去世了

So Im sorry if my hair isnt perfect.

=> 所以我很抱歉,如果我的頭髮不完美。

What are you doing here? Thats a fine welcome you give your sister you havent seen in over a hundred years.

=> 你在這裡做什麼?這是一個很好的歡迎,你給你的妹妹,你沒有在一百年以上看到。

How much money do you need? Actually, I came here to save your life.

=> 你需要多少錢?其實我是來這裡救你的

Okay, okay.

=> 好吧好吧。

Well see you tomorrow.

=> 我們明天見。

Oh, my God, my butt is like eating my underwear.

=> 噢,我的上帝,我的屁股就像在吃我的內褲。


=> 你好。


=> 嘿。


=> 嘿。

Um listen, Im really sorry for rushing out the other night.

=> 嗯,聽著,我真的很抱歉,因為有一天晚上趕了出來。

I realize I didnt even say good-bye, which was very rude of me, and No, its okay.

=> 我意識到我甚至沒有說再見,這是非常粗魯的,不,沒關係。

Youre a cop.

=> 你是警察

If someone gets brutally murdered, you get a pass.

=> 如果有人被殘忍的謀殺,你會得到一個通行證。

So, hows the investigation coming? Well, actually, thats why Im here.

=> 那麼,調查如何?實際上,這就是我來這裡的原因。

I know you know a lot about occult stuff, and, well, there was this, uh, weird symbol, uh, in the gravel where the bodies were found.

=> 我知道你知道很多關於神秘物質的東西,呃,在這個屍體被發現的礫石里有這個,那個奇怪的符號,呃。

I thought maybe youd know what it meant.

=> 我想也許你會知道這是什麼意思。

Uh, I-I have to warn you, these are, uh these are graphic.

=> 呃,我 - 我必須警告你,這些都是,這些都是圖形。

Whoa! Yeah.

=> 哇!是啊。

Gruesome, I know.

=> 可怕,我知道。

Do do you recognize the symbol? It almost looks like a mixture of several I recognize, but theyre all from different cultures.

=> 你認得這個符號嗎?它幾乎看起來像我認識的幾個混合物,但他們都來自不同的文化。

This is really strange.

=> 這真的很奇怪

Can I keep this? I could check some books if you want.

=> 我可以保留這個嗎?如果你願意,我可以查一些書。


=> 是啊。

Yeah, that-thatd be great.

=> 是的,那很棒。

And, uh, and then maybe we could, um, discuss it over coffee? Sure.

=> 那麼,呃,也許我們可以這個,通過咖啡來討論呢?當然。


=> 大。

Bye, Ingrid.

=> 再見,英格麗德

How you doing, lady? Okay, I have an idea.

=> 你怎麼樣,女士?好的,我有一個想法。

And its incredibly stupid, and I cant believe Im suggesting it, but do you want to try a fertility spell? Are you serious? Look, Im still a rational skeptic, but what the hell, it might be kind of fun, right? Hey, you want to help us cast a magic spell to try to get Barb pregnant? Only if I can make hats.

=> 這是非常愚蠢的,我不能相信我建議,但你想嘗試一個生育的咒語?你是認真的嗎?看,我仍然是一個理性的懷疑論者,但究竟是什麼,這可能是一種樂趣,對嗎?嘿,你想幫助我們施展一個魔法咒語,試圖讓巴勃懷孕嗎?只有我可以戴帽子。

I cant believe I got hit by a car.

=> 我不敢相信我被車撞了。

Thats almost as dumb as the time I died from syphilis.

=> 這幾乎和我死於梅毒的時候一樣愚蠢。

So how many? Lives do I have left? I dont know-- a few.

=> 那麼多少?我有生活嗎?我不知道 - 幾個。

Who keeps count? Well, I would, if I only had nine.

=> 誰保持計數?那麼,如果我只有九個,我會的。

Well, you deal with your curses and Ill deal with mine.

=> 那麼,你處理你的詛咒,我會處理我的。

Joanna, I hate your clothes.

=> 喬安娜,我討厭你的衣服。

You know, for a supposed artist, you dress like a schoolteacher.

=> 你知道,對於一個所謂的藝術家,你穿著像一個教師。

I am a schoolteacher.

=> 我是一名教師。

I teach art.

=> 我教藝術。

Oh, sorry.

=> 哦對不起。

You know, Im actually surprised that you let me in.

=> 你知道,我真的很驚訝,你讓我進來。

Every time I call lately, you hang up.

=> 每次我打電話,你都掛斷電話。

Lately? You havent called since 1972.

=> 最近?你從1972年就沒有打過電話。

Well, I got sick of trying.

=> 那麼,我厭倦了嘗試。

Plus Ive been busy.

=> 另外我一直很忙。

I moved to New Orleans.

=> 我搬到了新奧爾良。

I opened up this cute little voodoo shop in the French Quarter.

=> 我在法國區打開了這個可愛的小巫毒商店。

I got married, I got divorced, I got married again, I got widowed, I got eaten by a crocodile.

=> 我結婚了,我離婚了,我再次結婚了,我喪偶了,被一條鱷魚吃掉了。

Im not even kidding about that.

=> 我什至不是在開玩笑。

Plus Ive been keeping an eye on you from afar.

=> 另外,我一直在遠遠地注視著你。

Even though you hate me.

=> 即使你討厭我

I dont hate you.

=> 我不恨你

I-I was just mad.

=> 我 - 我只是生氣了。

Anyway, I havent seen you in a century, and suddenly you turn up half-naked on my doorstep, telling me Im in danger.

=> 無論如何,我在一個世紀里還沒有見過你,突然你在我家門口半裸起來,告訴我我處於危險之中。

Care to elaborate? Oh, yeah, I was getting to that, but first where are the girls? Were gonna need their help.

=> 謹慎地闡述?哦,是的,我剛剛開始了,但首先是女孩呢?我們需要他們的幫助。

No, no.

=> 不,不。

No way.

=> 沒門。

Whatever this is, Im keeping them out of it.

=> 不管這是什麼,我都把它們放在外面。

And no magic while youre here.

=> 當你在這裡的時候沒有魔法。

House rules.

=> 家庭規則。

What are you talking about? The girls dont know what they are.

=> 你在說什麼?女孩們不知道他們是什麼。

What do you mean they dont know? I didnt tell them this time.

=> 你是什麼意思,他們不知道?這次我沒有告訴他們。

How could you not tell them? I wanted to see if I could change their fate.

=> 你怎麼能不告訴他們?我想看看我能否改變命運。

You cant change fate.

=> 你不能改變命運。

Thats why they call it fate.

=> 這就是為什麼他們稱之為命運。

Its fated.

=> 這是命運。

I just got sick of it.

=> 我只是厭倦了。

The endless cycle.

=> 無盡的循環。

I watched my girls grow up grow into their gifts And then, they die because of them.

=> 我看著我的女孩長大成為他們的禮物,然後,他們因為他們而死亡。

And before Im even done mourning, the cycle starts up again.

=> 甚至在我還沒有做完哀悼之前,這個循環又開始了。

Im suddenly nine months pregnant with Ingrid.

=> 我突然懷孕了九個月的英格麗。

And then soon after comes Freya.

=> 然後不久,弗雷亞來了。

And once again my girls grow up.

=> 我的女孩又一次長大了。

They practice magic.

=> 他們練習魔法。

Then one way or another they die by its hand over and over and over and over.

=> 不管怎麼樣,他們一遍又一遍地用手去死。

Ive given birth to them and watched them die a dozen times and neither of thems ever lived past 30.

=> 我已經生下了他們,看著他們死了十幾次,他們都沒有過30歲。

I am sick of it.

=> 我厭倦了。

I decided this life, for once, theyd be normal.

=> 我曾經決定過這樣的生活,他們是正常的。

So youre denying them their birthright? Im trying to give them something they have never, ever had, not in hundreds of years of so-called immortality: a long and happy life.

=> 所以你否認他們與生俱來的權利?我試圖給他們一些從未有過的東西,而不是所謂的不朽的數百年:一個漫長而幸福的生活。

And you think youre cursed.

=> 你以為你被詛咒了

At least you got to have children.

=> 至少你得生孩子

Having children is my curse.

=> 有孩子是我的詛咒。

You cant hide their powers forever, Joanna.

=> 喬安娜,你永遠無法隱藏自己的權力。

Theyre gonna come out one way or another, whether you want them to or not.

=> 無論你想不想,他們都會以某種方式出現。

Be right with you, buddy.

=> 和你在一起,哥們。

Im trying to make this jar of olives explode with my mind.

=> 我正在努力使這罐橄欖炸開我的腦海。

Never meant to start a fire So you just gonna stand there scowling at me, or can I have a drink? What can I get you, sir? What do you recommend? I recommend you leave now and never come back.

=> 從來沒有意味著開火,所以你只是站在那裡對我皺眉,或者我可以喝一杯?先生,我能得到你什麼?你有什麼建議?我建議你現在離開,永遠不會回來。

Why dont you make me the house special? I hear youre an artist, that your drinks are practically aphrodisiacs.

=> 你為什麼不讓我的房子特別?我聽說你是一個藝術家,你的飲料幾乎是春藥。

Well, but then youll just end up all hot and bothered, and alone and frustrated.

=> 那麼,那麼你最終會變得火熱,煩躁,孤獨和沮喪。

Im already frustrated.

=> 我已經感到沮喪了

Get used to it.

=> 習慣它。

Docked down at Fair Haven.

=>停靠在Fair Haven。

Little bit cramped, but I think well make do.

=> 有點局促,但我想我們會做。

What are you talking about? Youre coming by after your shift, yeah? No.

=> 你在說什麼?換班後你來了,是嗎?沒有。

Why not? Because Im engaged to your brother.

=> 為什麼不?因為我正在和你的兄弟訂婚

Didnt seem to stop you last night.

=> 昨晚似乎沒有阻止你。

That was a momentary lapse.

=> 那是一時的失誤。

I bet you have a lot of those.

=> 我敢打賭,你有很多這些。

Go to hell.

=> 去死吧。

Um were not gonna, like, awaken any evil spirits, are we? First of all, this is white magic, not black magic.

=> 呃,我們不會像喚醒任何邪惡的靈魂一樣,是嗎?首先,這是白魔法,不是黑魔法。

And secondly, theres no such thing as any kind of magic, so Im guessing not.

=> 其次,沒有任何魔法這樣的東西,所以我猜不是。

Oh Okay.

=> 哦好的。


=> 是。

So it says here we should join hands around Barb Mm-hmm.

=> 所以它說在這裡我們應該圍繞巴姆嗯嗯。

and do the chant while she massages her uterus.

=> 當她按摩她的子宮的時候唱頌歌。

Here we go.

=> 開始了。

Nostri incantatores facit fertilis semen Uh "semen.

=> Nostri incantatores facit fertilis semen呃「精液。

" What are you, 12? Its Latin.


It means "seed.

=> 這意味著「種子。

" Ew.


Are we doing this or not? Suddenly, Miss Im-Too-Good-For-Witchcraft is kind of getting into the witchcraft.

=> 我們是否在做這個?突然之間,我的太好了巫術是一種進入巫術。

I believe if you do something, you should do it right.

=> 我相信如果你做了什麼,你應該做對的。

Now, come on.

=> 現在,來吧。

Nostri incantatores facit fertilis semen.

=> Nostri incantatores facit fertilis精液。

Nostri incantatores facit fertilis semen.

=> Nostri incantatores facit fertilis精液。

Nostri incantatores facit fertilis semen Shouldnt there be, like, flashes of light? Or a puff of smoke, or something? From the fake spell we got off the Internet? Im bored.

=> 不應該有像閃光一樣的光線嗎?還是一口煙,還是什麼?從假的咒語,我們下了互聯網?我很無聊。

You guys want to go grab a drink at the Bent Elbow? Yes.

=> 你們想要去彎頭彎去喝一杯嗎?是。


=> 完全。


=> 請。


=> 嘿。

I know youve been angry at me these past hundred years.

=> 我知道在過去的一百年里你已經對我生氣了。

Why would I be angry at you? You only killed my eldest daughter.

=> 我為什麼要對你生氣?你只是殺了我的大女兒

It was an accident.

=> 這是一個意外。

Plus, Ingrid was reborn.

=> 另外,英格麗已經重生。

Its never the same.

=> 這是不一樣的。

Shes always a little bit different.

=> 她總是有點不同

And every time I lose them, it gets a little bit harder.

=> 而每一次我失去它們,都會變得更加困難。

Oh, dont even act like your curse isnt way better than mine.

=> 哦,甚至不要像你的詛咒那樣比我的好。

Oh, here we go Immortality? Is that really even a curse? Immortality with endless motherhood.

=> 哦,這裡我們去不朽?這真的是一個詛咒?不朽的母性。

Do you know how many times I gave birth before they invented the epidural? Not to mention soap.

=> 你知道我發了幾次硬膜外麻醉藥嗎?更不用說肥皂。

All right, but even though youre "cursed" with immortality, youre not really immortal, are you, Joanna? I mean, if somebody wanted to kill you, really wanted to kill you, they could.

=> 好吧,但即使你被不朽的「詛咒」,你也不是真正的不朽,你呢,喬安娜?我的意思是,如果有人想殺了你,真的想殺了你,他們可以。

Even with your girls, the right spell in the wrong hands could not only kill Freya and Ingrid, but it could stop them from being reborn.

=> 即使和你的女孩在一起,正確的咒語不僅可以殺死Freya和Ingrid,也可以阻止他們重生。

What are you getting at? Put out your cards.

=> 你在做什麼?拿出你的卡。

I dont know where they are.

=> 我不知道他們在哪裡

Yeah, you do.

=> 是的,你呢。

I had a dream about you the other night.

=> 那天晚上我夢到了你。

Your eyes were green, they were glowing, because it wasnt you, it was a shifter, somebody doing evil in your name.

=> 你的眼睛是綠色的,它們發光,因為這不是你,它是一個移位器,有人以你的名義做惡。

When I awoke, I dealt a deck for you.

=> 當我醒來的時候,我給你打了一個套牌。

I couldnt believe what I saw.

=> 我無法相信我所看到的。

I thought I made a mistake, so I dealt them again, and again, and again.

=> 我以為我犯了一個錯誤,所以我再次處理,再一次。

Every time, the same thing.

=> 每一次,同樣的事情。

This cant be right.

=> 這不可能是正確的。

Look here.

=> 看這裡。

The Impostor.

=> 冒充者

Look at the eyes.

=> 看看眼睛。

And here, the cloak pulled back.

=> 在這裡,斗篷拉回來了。

I didnt know what that meant at first, but now I know.

=> 我一開始並不知道這是什麼意思,但現在我知道了。

Its the powers that youre hiding from your daughters.

=> 這是你從你的女兒藏起來的權力。

Theyre about to be revealed.

=> 他們即將被揭示。

The life you built here, Joanna, its about to change.

=> 你在這裡建立的生活,喬安娜,它即將改變。

Upheaval, death, destruction, pain, imprisonment, betrayal.

=> 劇變,死亡,破壞,痛苦,監禁,背叛。

Its coming for you.

=> 這是為你而來。

Like nothing youve ever seen before.

=> 就像你以前見過的一樣。

Hold on.

=> 等一下。

Dont get dramatic.

=> 別激動。

Youre always so damn dramatic.

=> 你總是太戲劇化了。

N No, no, no, no, no.

=> 否不,不,不,不。

This isnt happening.

=> 這沒有發生。

Okay, first things first: your enemy.

=> 好的,首先要做的是:你的敵人。

The one who can make themselves look like you.

=> 能讓自己看起來像你的那個人

From the lay of the cards, it looks like they dont have the tools to kill you quite yet.

=> 從牌面上看,看起來他們還沒有殺死你的工具。

Theyre still searching, so that gives us some time.

=> 他們仍然在尋找,這給了我們一些時間。

Do you have any idea who it might be? I have absolutely no idea.

=> 你有什麼想法可能是誰?我完全不知道。

You said somebody bought Fair Haven.

=> 你說有人買了Fair Haven

The boy whos marrying Freya? No, hes mortal.

=> 那個和Freya結婚的男孩?不,他是凡人。

How do you know? Because I tested him.

=> 你怎麼知道的?因為我測試了他。

Ah! Oopsie! Mom, did you just stab my fianc??? So clumsy.

=> 啊! Oopsie!媽媽,你剛剛刺我的未婚妻?如此笨拙。

Let me get a Band-Aid.

=> 讓我得到一個創可貼。

Ow! What is wrong with you? Nothing.

=> 噢!你怎麼了?沒有。

Be right back.

=> 馬上回來。

Baby, Im sorry.

=> 寶貝,我很抱歉。

Dico me est hoc creatura humana.

=> Dico me est hoc creatura humana。

The test was definitive.

=> 測試是確定的。

Dash Gardiner is just an ordinary man.

=> Dash Gardiner只是一個普通人。

Only very rich.

=> 只有非常豐富。

The cards dont lie.

=> 卡片不撒謊。

You have an enemy, Joanna.

=> 你有一個敵人喬安娜

Somebody who wants to hurt you.

=> 有人想傷害你

Somebody whose powers rival your own.

=> 有能力與你自己相抗衡的人

And theyre not gonna stop until you and your girls are dead.

=> 而他們不會停止,直到你和你的女孩都死了。

Forever dead.

=> 永遠死去。

I knew youd come.

=> 我知道你會來

I knew youd come.

=> 我知道你會來

Why do you look so sad? Because Ive waited 400 years for this, and its not even really happening.

=> 為什麼你看起來很傷心?因為我已經等了400年了,甚至還沒有真正發生。

So youre saying shes crazy? Im saying shes eccentric.

=> 所以你說她瘋了?我說她是古怪的

Whos eccentric? Our aunt.

=> 誰古怪?我們的阿姨

We have an aunt? I told you guys about Aunt Wendy.

=> 我們有一個阿姨?我告訴過你們溫蒂姨媽

Id always just assumed you made her up as a cautionary tale about what happens when sisters fight.

=> 我總是以為你把她當成是姐妹們戰鬥時會發生什麼事情的警示故事。

No, shes very real.

=> 不,她很真實。

Shes upstairs in the attic sleeping.

=> 她在閣樓上睡覺。

And you guys should know, shes a little off.

=> 你們應該知道,她有一點點關閉。

She also brought her cat.

=> 她還帶了她的貓。

Bad cat! If youre not careful, Im gonna have you spayed.

=> 壞貓!如果你不小心,我會讓你噴。

Im a little off, am I? Look, I do appreciate you coming to help with the whole "someones trying to kill me" thing.

=> 我有一點關,是嗎?看,我很感激你來幫助整個「有人試圖殺了我」的事情。

But the one rule I ask you abide while youre here is stay in human form.

=> 但是,當你在這裡的時候,我要求你遵守的一條規則就是保持人的形式。

And dont involve the girls in this.

=> 而不要讓女孩參與其中。

Wait, thats two rules.

=> 等等,這是兩條規則。

Oh, heres another: put on some clothes.

=> 哦,還有一件:穿上一些衣服。

Were you not paying attention last night? The girls are gonna figure out who they are, whether you want them to or not.

=> 你昨晚沒注意嗎?女孩們要弄清楚他們是誰,不管你是否要他們。

Now get dressed.


Im tired of looking at your nipples.

=> 我厭倦了看你的乳頭。

Well, then find me something that doesnt make me look like the old woman who lived in a shoe.

=> 那麼,找到我的東西,不讓我看起來像一個生活在鞋裡的老女人。

Do you think its possible to have two soul mates? I dont think its possible to have one soul mate.

=> 你覺得有兩個靈魂伴侶是可以的嗎?我不認為有一個靈魂伴侶是可能的。

I think "soul mates" is a concept Hollywood invented to sell tickets to Meg Ryan movies.

=> 我認為「靈魂伴侶」是好萊塢發明出售Meg Ryan電影票的概念。


=> 好的。

Do you think its possible to be in love with two men at once? No.

=> 你認為有可能同時愛上兩個男人嗎?沒有。

I think romantic love is a concept Hollywood invented to sell tickets to Katherine Heigl movies.

=> 我認為浪漫的愛情是好萊塢發明出售Katherine Heigl電影票的概念。

No, you dont.

=> 不,你不知道。

So who is he? I just meant hypothetically.

=> 那他是誰?我的意思是假設。

Hypothetically, who is he? Hypothetically, hes Dashs brother.

=> 假設他是誰?假設他是Dash的兄弟。

Freya, you didnt.

=> Freya,你沒有。

Oh, I know.

=> 哦,我知道。

I love Dash.

=> 我喜歡短跑。

So much.

=> 非常。

I do.

=> 我做。

Hes safe and warm and comforting and familiar and hot and funny and romantic and sweet, and I can totally see myself spending the rest of my life with him.

=> 他安全,溫暖,安慰,熟悉,熱烈,有趣,浪漫和甜蜜,我完全可以看到自己與他一起度過餘生。


=> 好。

Cause youre engaged.

=> 因為你訂婚了

But then theres Killian.

=> 但是那裡有Killian。

Oh, my God.

=> 哦,我的上帝。

And I cant explain it, but he is like lightning bolt passion crazy amazing awesome soul mate sexual insanity.

=> 而我無法解釋,但他就像閃電般的激情,瘋狂的令人驚嘆的真棒靈魂伴侶性瘋狂。

- Oh, Freya.

=> 哦,弗蕾婭。

Oh, Freya.

=> 哦,弗雷亞

- Dont say "Oh, Freya.

=> - 別說「哦,弗蕾婭。

" Please dont say "Oh, Freya.


" I hate it when you say "Oh, Freya"! Girls, I want you to meet your Aunt Wendy.



=> 芙蕾雅。

Hi, Im sure you dont remember me, Hi.

=> 嗨,我確定你不記得我,嗨。

But we met a long time ago.

=> 但是我們很久以前見過面了

And, boy, did we have fun.

=> 而且,男孩,我們玩得開心嗎?

Oh, well, please tell me some stories about Mom that I can use against her later.

=> 哦,好吧,請告訴我一些關於媽媽的故事,以後我可以用來對付她。

Oh, honey, Ive got a million.

=> 哦,親愛的,我有一百萬。


=> 英格麗。

You look so Its really nice to meet you.

=> 你看起來很高興見到你真高興。

Im late for work.

=> 我上班遲到了。

Ive got to go.

=> 我得走了。

What was that about? I dont know.

=> 那是關於什麼的?我不知道。

Tell me about this boy Dash.

=> 告訴我關於這個男孩衝刺。

Hes not a boy, Aunt Wendy.

=> 溫迪姨媽,他不是男孩。

Hes a man.

=> 他是一個男人。

And hes amazing.

=> 而且他太棒了。

But But nothing.

=> 但是沒什麼。

Hes seriously perfect.

=> 他非常完美。

I couldnt be happier.

=> 我不能更快樂。

Or more conflicted.

=> 或者更有衝突。

You love him.

=> 你愛他。

Thats very clear.

=> 這很清楚。

But youre tempted by another.

=> 但是你被另一個誘惑了。

Oh, my God.

=> 哦,我的上帝。

How did you know? Your aura.

=> 你怎麼知道?你的光環

Its, like, You can read auras? Uh-huh.

=> 就像,你可以讀光環?嗯。

Im very intuitive.

=> 我很直觀。

Especially with other w family members.

=> 特別是與其他w家庭成員。

I can read auras, too.

=> 我也可以讀光環。

Or at least I can see them.

=> 或者至少我可以看到他們。


=> 有時。

I think.

=> 我認為。

Freya, theres something you should know about your Aunt Wendy.

=> 弗雷亞,你應該知道溫迪阿姨的事情。

Shes what people in the psychiatric profession call "a flake.

=> 她是什麼精神病專業的人稱之為「片」。

" And you shouldnt listen to anything she says.


Well, I guess Im a flake, too.

=> 好吧,我想我也是一片片。

Must run in the family.

=> 必須在家庭中運行。

You keep messing with my girls, and that curse on your headll be the least of your worries.

=> 你一直在和我的女孩們鬧事,而且你頭上的詛咒是你最擔心的。

What? Its not like I levitated over by the zucchini cart or something.

=> 什麼?這不像我西葫蘆車或什麼東西懸浮。

Were gonna have to work on getting that broomstick out of your ass, babe.

=> 我們必須努力把掃帚從你的屁股里拿出來,貝貝。

Mysticum flamma aperire pictura.

=> Mysticum flamma aperire pictura。

Mysticum flamma aperire pictura.

=> Mysticum flamma aperire pictura。

Mysticum flamma aperire pictura.

=> Mysticum flamma aperire pictura。

Mysticum flamma aperire pictura.

=> Mysticum flamma aperire pictura。

Mysticum flamma aperire pictura.

=> Mysticum flamma aperire pictura。

Mysticum If you come with me, I can help you get revenge on the witch who did this to you.

=> 神秘人如果你和我一起來,我可以幫你報復那個對你做的這個女巫。

Figured my not showing up at your boat last night wouldve been a hint.

=> 想像我昨天晚上沒有出現在你的船上會是一個暗示。

Its not why Im here.

=> 這不是我來這裡的原因


=> 自負。

Look, I decided we should be friends.

=> 看,我決定我們應該是朋友。

You want to be friends? Well, you are marrying my brother, so in a way were practically family.

=> 你想成為朋友?那麼,你嫁給我的兄弟,所以從某種意義上說,我們幾乎是家庭。

We should at least be friends.

=> 我們至少應該成為朋友。

Hang out, get to know each other.

=> 出去走走,互相認識。

Platonically, of course.

=> 柏拉圖式的,當然。

I dont really think thats a good idea.

=> 我真的不認為這是個好主意。

I get it.

=> 我知道了。

Youre afraid you wont be able to keep your hands off me.

=> 你害怕你不能把手放在我身上。

In your dreams.

=> 在你夢裡。

True, but I promise to be a gentleman.

=> 誠然,但我保證會成為一個紳士。

All right, Im game.

=> 好的,我是遊戲。


=> 涼。

Well be friends.

=> 我們將成為朋友。

Youll marry Dash then spend the rest of your life wondering what it wouldve been like with me.

=> 你會和Dash結婚,然後度過餘生,想知道我會怎麼樣。

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

Whos the conceited one? At least thats what Ill be doing anyway.

=> 誰是自負的?至少這就是我將要做的事情。

So, can I get a drink or what? Pal.

=> 那麼,我可以喝點什麼嗎?朋友。

All right, chill out, buddy.

=> 好吧,放心,哥們。

Ill go make you something.

=> 我會去做你的東西。

Yeah Yeah Hey, where have you been all day? Freaking out.

=> 是啊,嘿,你在哪裡呆了一整天?嚇壞了。

Why? Wait, did you pee on this? Yah-ha! I mean, you dont think What, that it was the spell? The doctor did say that it would take a miracle.

=> 為什麼?等等,你在這上面撒尿嗎?呀,哈!我的意思是,你不認為是什麼,那是咒語?醫生的確說過這將會帶來奇蹟。

Okay, besides the fact that we got it off a Web site that misspelled both the words "fertility" and the word "spell," its way too fast for that to have worked.

=> 好的,除了我們從一個拼寫錯誤的「生育」和「拼寫」這個詞的網站上得知它之外,事實上這樣做太快了。

Well, all I know is, yesterday I wasnt pregnant, and then we did that spell, and then Bob and I-- you know-- twice, and then I went to sleep and I had this dream.

=> 嗯,我所知道的是,昨天我沒有懷孕,然後我們做了這個咒語,然後鮑勃和我 - 你知道 - 兩次,然後我去睡覺,我有這個夢想。

You were there.

=> 你在那裡。

You were handing me my baby.

=> 你把我的寶貝遞給我

But that was just a dream.

=> 但那只是一個夢想。

I know it was, and it seems crazy, but it also feels kind of true, too, doesnt it? Like, if this were a movie, right now would be the moment where the girl who thought she was ordinary finds out shes actually magic and the power was within her all along.

=> 我知道是這樣,而且看起來很瘋狂,但是它也是真實的,不是嗎?就像,如果這是一部電影,現在就是那個認為她是普通人的女孩發現她實際上是魔法,而且她的力量一直在她身上。

I, I have to go.

=> 我,我得走了。


=> 嘿。

Well, what are, what are you so upset about? Yes.

=> 那麼,什麼是你如此煩惱?是。

Drink up.

=> 喝起來。

You are kicking my ass.

=> 你在踢我的屁股

Never play darts against a bartender.

=> 不要對酒保玩飛鏢。

You got me with your fingers on my throat And my head on the floor See, I, for one, think this whole platonic thing is going great.

=> 你把我的手指放在我的喉嚨上,我的頭在地板上。看,我認為,這整個柏拉圖式的東西都很好。

Its not, not torture at all.

=> 這不是,不是折磨。

Im gonna go to the bathroom.

=> 我要去洗手間。

Yeah, this is how you want me to play You know I love it, but its stopping today Im slipping away I dont care how drunk you are or how hot he is.

=> 是啊,這就是你想讓我玩的方式你知道我喜歡它,但是今天它已經停止了我正在滑走我不在乎你是多麼醉了,還是他有多熱。

Keep it friendly, Freya.

=> 保持友好,Freya。

Whoa, hey, ladies room.


Uh, ocupado, buddy.

=> 呃,ocupado,哥們。

Hello, Freya.

=> Freya,你好。

Hi, stranger.

=> 你好,陌生人。

You have quite the sunburn there.

=> 那裡有太多的晒傷。

You know, Id put some aloe on that ASAP.

=> 你知道,我會儘快把一些蘆薈。

She said that youd be different, that you wouldnt remember me.

=> 她說,你會不一樣,你不會記得我。

Who said? My benefactor.

=> 誰說?我的恩人

She really hates your family, even more than I do.

=> 她真的很討厭你的家人,甚至比我還多。

She said that I could have you as my toy, that I could do whatever I want with you.

=> 她說我可以把你當做我的玩具,我可以隨你隨便做任何事情。

Youre not the, not the same Freya, but youre still Freya.

=> 你不是,不一樣的弗蕾亞,但你仍然是弗蕾亞。

Okay, I think you have me confused with a different Freya.

=> 好的,我覺得你讓我和另一個Freya混淆了。

Its a very common name.

=> 這是一個非常普遍的名字。

I asked you to be my bride, and you rejected me.

=> 我問你是我的新娘,你拒絕了我。

All I did was get a little bit angry, and what did you do? You stuck me in a desert for 80 years! Well, guess what.

=> 我所做的只是有點生氣,你做了什麼?你把我困在沙漠里80年了!那麼,猜猜看。

Im gonna do a lot more than hit you this time.

=> 這次我會做更多的事。

Killian, somebody! Take what you came here for Im ready for you Stop that! Somebody! I said stop that! Help me! Quiet.

=> 基利安,別人!把你來到這裡,我為你準備好了!有人!我說停止了!幫我!安靜。

Oh, God, just let me go.

=> 哦,上帝,讓我走吧。

Just let me go, please.

=> 請讓我走。

My magic is a little bit rusty, and I was never as talented as you, which is why youre gonna be the one to cast the spell.

=> 我的魔法有點生疏,我從來沒有和你一樣有才華,這就是為什麼你會成為這個魔咒的原因。

Take this.

=> 拿著它。

Uh Im gonna cast a magic spell with a scented candle? Yes, we are.

=> 呃我要用香薰蠟燭施放魔法咒語?是的我們是。

Okay, take a deep breath.

=> 好,深吸一口氣

Repeat after me.

=> 跟著我重複一遍。

Mysticum pictura devorare nos.

=> Mysticum pictura devorare nos。

I dont speak that.

=> 我不這麼說

Yes, you do, Freya, yes, you do, Now say it.

=> 是的,你呢,弗蕾婭,是的,你呢,現在說出來。

Mysticum pictura devorare nos.

=> Mysticum pictura devorare nos。

Good, again.

=> 好,再次。

Mysticum pictura devorare nos.

=> Mysticum pictura devorare nos。

Mysticum pictura devorare nos.

=> Mysticum pictura devorare nos。

Mysticum pictura devorare nos.

=> Mysticum pictura devorare nos。


=> 再次。

Mysticum pictura devorare nos.

=> Mysticum pictura devorare nos。

What? Hey, Im making a vision stew.

=> 什麼?嘿,我正在做一個視覺燉肉。

I used this once to track down an old boyfriend of mine who owed me money.

=> 我曾用這一次追查我欠我錢的一個老男朋友。

Thought we could use it to find our imposter.

=> 以為我們可以用它來找到我們的冒名頂替者。

Its in the peyote family, so dont be alarmed if the walls start breathing.

=> 它在peyote家庭,所以如果牆壁開始呼吸,不要驚慌。

Do you want a taste? Freya, did you fall in? Freya.

=> 你想嘗嘗嗎? Freya,你是不是陷入了困境?芙蕾雅。

Freya? Freya.

=> 芙蕾雅?芙蕾雅。

Ooh-ooh-ooh So what you gonna say now? Thanks.

=> 哦,哦,哦所以你現在要說什麼?謝謝。

I heard you were ready to talk to me.

=> 我聽說你準備和我說話。

I know who killed my husband.

=> 我知道是誰殺了我的丈夫

Oh, my God, what happened? You stabbed me.

=> 哦,天啊,發生了什麼事?你刺傷了我

Plus I think I ruined your towel.

=> 另外我想我毀了你的毛巾。

Okay, its okay, I can fix this.

=> 好的,沒關係,我可以解決這個問題。

I can do a healing spell.

=> 我可以做一個治療法術。

No, no, no, wait, no, no, its too late.

=> 不,不,不,不,等等,不,不,太晚了。

Listen to me.

=> 聽我說。

The imposter-- shes real.

=> 冒名頂替者 - 她是真實的。

I was right; she looks like you.

=> 我是對的;她看起來像你。

I managed to eat some stew after she left.

=> 她走後,我設法吃了一些燉菜。

I had a vision.

=> 我有一個願景。

Oh, man, walls are breathing.

=> 哦,男人,牆壁正在呼吸。

Holy shit.

=> 神聖的狗屎。

Listen, you have to save Freya.

=> 聽著,你得救Freya。

The bar where she works-- in the bathroom, theres a picture.

=> 她工作的酒吧 - 浴室里有一張照片。

An old lover of hers wants revenge.

=> 她的一個老戀人想報復。

Guys, what the hell is going on? Shh.

=> 夥計們,到底是怎麼回事?噓。

Hes going to take her in there.

=> 他要帶她去那裡

He wants to kill her in the picture because he knows if he does She cant be reborn.

=> 他想在圖片中殺死她,因為他知道如果他這樣做,她不能重生。

I wish I could help you.

=> 我希望我可以幫到你。

I dont understand whats happening.

=> 我不明白髮生了什麼事。

We dont have much time.

=> 我們沒有太多時間。

We have to help your sister, but first theres something I need to tell you.

=> 我們必須幫助你的妹妹,但是首先我需要告訴你。

Its the truth about who we are.

=> 這是關於我們是誰的真相。

Please dont tell me were witches.

=> 請不要告訴我,我們是女巫。

Were witches.

=> 我們是女巫。

When you were little, I put a spell on you girls so you wouldnt figure out what we were.

=> 當你小時候,我把一個咒語給你女孩,所以你不知道我們是什麼。

It barely worked on Freya, but it worked too well on you.

=> 它幾乎沒有在弗雷亞工作,但它對你的工作太好了。

Freya knew and you lied to her.

=> 弗蕾亞知道,你對她撒謊了。

You sent her to therapy.

=> 你送她去接受治療。

Oh, my God, she is going to be so pissed.

=> 哦,我的天啊,她會很生氣的。

Only if we can save her.

=> 只有我們能救她

I dont believe you.

=> 我不相信你

I am a rational skeptic.

=> 我是一個理性的懷疑論者。

I am a wallflower.

=> 我是壁花。

Baby, no, youre magic.

=> 寶貝,不,你是魔法。

Oh, this isnt happening.

=> 哦,這沒有發生。


=> 溫迪。

Detective Noble.

=> 偵探貴族。

Joanna Beauchamp, you are under arrest for the murder of Bill Thatcher and the attempted murder of Maura Thatcher.

=> 喬安娜·波尚(Joanna Beauchamp),因謀殺比爾·撒切爾(Bill Thatcher)和謀殺莫拉·撒切爾(Maura Thatcher)而被捕。

You have the right to remain silent.

=> 你有保持沉默的權利。

Wait, Adam, what the hell? She was positively I.

=> 等等,亞當,到底怎麼了?她很積極。



d by the victim.


Im sorry.

=> 對不起。


=> 媽媽。

You have to save your sister.

=> 你必須救你的妹妹。

Youre the only one who can do it.

=> 你是唯一一個能做到的人。

Please dont tell me the power was within me all along.

=> 請不要告訴我一直在我內部的力量。

The breakfront has a false back.

=> 前線有一個虛假的回來。

Youll find everything you need inside.

=> 你會發現你需要的一切。

Ingrid, hurry, please.

=> 英格麗德,請快點。


[美劇] 訴訟雙雄/Suits 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 犯罪心理/Criminal Minds 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 尼基塔/Nikita 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
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