
[美劇] 罪案第六感/Perception 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 罪案第六感/Perception 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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What is reality? Hippie guy.


The observable universe? I suppose that answer might fly in the physics department, but this is neuroscience.

=> 可觀察的宇宙?我想這個答案可能會飛到物理系,但這是神經科學。

Whos got the brains to give me an answer relating to the brain? Ironic t-shirt.

=> 誰有腦袋給我一個關於大腦的答案?諷刺的T恤。

Reality is exactly what we see and hear, instead of what we fantasize about or dream or, you know, maybe hallucinate.

=> 現實正是我們所看到和聽到的,而不是我們幻想或夢想,或者,你知道,也許是幻覺。


=> 啊。


=> 幻覺。

Thats an answer I would have expected from hippie guy.

=> 這是我從嬉皮士那裡得到的答案。

Sex, drugs, and rock n roll, right? Okay.

=> 性,毒品和搖滾樂,對不對?好的。

Now, heres something thats really gonna alter your consciousness.

=> 現在,這是真的會改變你的意識。

Reality Is a figment of your imagination.

=> 現實是你的想像的一個虛構。

Who here hasnt woken up breathless from a nightmare and thought, "oh, thank God its just a dream"? Thats because the neurochemical impulses fired when were dreaming or fantasizing or hallucinating are indistinguishable from the ones banging around inside our skulls when we actually experience those events.

=> 誰在這裡沒有從噩夢中驚醒,想到「哦,感謝上帝,這只是一個夢」?那是因為當我們在做夢,幻想或幻覺時,神經化學衝動與我們實際上經歷那些事件時,在我們的頭骨內敲打的那些衝動是無法區分的。

So If what we perceive is often wrong How can we ever know whats real and what isnt? All right.

=> 所以,如果我們認為常常是錯誤的我們怎麼知道什麼是真的,什麼不是?好吧。

Faculty meetings at noon.

=> 中午的教員會議。

Rosenthals at 2:00, so I picked you up one of the veggie wraps that you like.

=> 羅森塔爾在凌晨2點,所以我給你挑了一個你喜歡的素裹。

You can scarf it down in between.

=> 你可以把它圍在中間。

You know how you get when you dont eat.

=> 當你不吃東西的時候,你知道如何得到。


=> Lewicki。

Yeah? Room and board in exchange for some light housekeeping does not make you my mother.

=> 是嗎?房間和董事會換取一些輕鬆的家政不會讓你成為我的母親。

Just trying to look out for you, doc.

=> 只是想看看你,文檔。

Do you have my puzzles? Yeah.

=> 你有我的難題嗎?是啊。

Times, chronicle, trib, daily mail Professor Pierce? I was wondering if I could buy you a latte.

=> 時代,編年史,摩爾,日常郵件皮爾斯教授?我想知道我能不能給你買一杯拿鐵咖啡。

Uh, I dont drink coffee.

=> 呃,我不喝咖啡。

Oh, it doesnt have to be coffee.

=> 哦,它不一定是咖啡。

I just wanted to pick your brain about my term-paper topic.

=> 我只是想選擇你的大腦關於我的學期論文的話題。


=> 哦。

Heres the thing, miss Karyn.

=> Karyn小姐,這是事情。


=> 卡林。

Uh "Discussing your term paper" is obviously code for sex.

=> 呃「討論你的學期論文」顯然是性的代碼。

And and while we might both enjoy that very much, it could also get me fired, so Im afraid I have to regretfully and respectfully decline your offer.

=> 而且,雖然我們可能都非常喜歡,但也可能讓我失望,所以恐怕我必須遺憾地恭敬地拒絕你的提議。


=> 丹尼爾。


=> 丹尼爾。

Kate Moretti.

=> 凱特莫雷蒂。

Youd be a lot easier to find if you carried a cellphone.

=> 如果你攜帶手機,你會更容易找到。

If I carried a cellphone, the government could track me.

=> 如果我帶著手機,政府可以跟蹤我。

I am the government.

=> 我是政府。

My point exactly.

=> 我的確切點。

I thought you were at Quantico.

=> 我以為你在Quantico。

Got my old desk back.

=> 把我的舊桌子拿回來

Isnt that a demotion? Got a few minutes? His names Clark Weilman.

=> 這不是降級嗎?有幾分鐘?他的名字是克拉克·韋爾曼。

Hes well, he was general counsel of techsan pharmaceuticals.

=> 他很好,他是techsan製藥公司的總法律顧問。

Skull was fractured in six places, and his wife confessed to detectives from Chicago homicide.

=> 六個地方的頭骨骨折,他的妻子坦白從芝加哥兇殺案偵探。

Police have a confession.

=> 警方有一個供認。

Why am I looking at these pretty pictures? Wife makes Nicole Richie look fat.

=> 為什麼我在看這些漂亮的圖片?妻子讓妮可里奇看起來很胖。

I dont know who that is.

=> 我不知道那是誰

I-I think the wife has anorexia or bulimia.

=> 我 - 我認為妻子有厭食症或貪食症。

I dont know.

=> 我不知道。

Either way, she could not lift this trophy, let alone bash her husband over the head with it six times.

=> 無論哪種方式,她都無法舉起這個獎盃,更不用說六次把她的丈夫甩在頭上了。

You think the confession was coerced? She has a vacant affect.

=> 你認為懺悔是被強制的?她有一個空缺的影響。

If she does have an eating disorder, it could be a symptom of a much more serious mental illness.

=> 如果她確實有飲食失調症,那可能是更為嚴重的精神疾病的癥狀。

You were always one of my best students.

=> 你永遠是我最好的學生之一。

W-why is the FBI involved in this anyway? A couple of months ago, techsan informed the bureau that some of its top executives were receiving death threats, calling the pharmaceutical industry part of a vast public/private conspiracy to poison the American people.

=> 為什麼聯邦調查局也參與了這個呢?幾個月前,技術人員通知了該局,一些高級管理人員正在接受死亡威脅,稱製藥業是一個龐大的公私合謀陰謀毒害美國人民的一部分。

Cant argue with that.

=> 不能與此爭論。


=> S.







Says you gave up the consulting gig.

=> 你放棄了諮詢演出。

Any particular reason? Oh, uh After you left, the fun went out of it.

=> 任何特定的原因?哦,呃你離開後,樂趣就消失了。

Well, Im back.

=> 那麼,我回來了。

Why did you kill your husband, Mrs.

=> 你為什麼殺了你的丈夫,夫人。

Weilman? I, uh dont know.

=> Weilman?我,呃不知道。

You told the police you wanted the insurance money.

=> 你告訴警方你想要保險金


=> 是。

Thats thats right, the insurance money.

=> 這就是保險金。

And just what is the point of this? When did you and your husband buy this policy? I dont remember.

=> 而這又是什麼意思呢?你和你的丈夫什麼時候購買這個政策?我不記得了

Was it last Thursday? You met your husband for lunch, and then you both went to the insurance-company offices and signed the papers? Yeah.

=> 是上星期四嗎?你遇見了你的丈夫吃午飯,然後你們倆都去了保險公司辦公室,簽了文件?是啊。

Thats right.

=> 那就對了。

It was Yeah.

=> 這是啊。

Two days ago, when you went for a walk, did you find a stray kitten? You took her home? You called her Millie? How did you know about Millie? Shes innocent.

=> 前兩天,你去散步的時候,你找到一隻流浪的小貓嗎?你帶她回家了?你叫她米莉?你怎麼知道米莉?她是無辜的

What are you talking about? She signed a confession.

=> 你在說什麼?她簽名認罪。

Korsa-what? Its a neurological disorder characterized by anterograde amnesia, extreme susceptibility to suggestion, and confabulation.

=> Korsa - 什麼?這是一種以順行性遺忘為特徵的神經紊亂,對建議的極端敏感性和虛構性。

I tell her she has a cat named Millie, she remembers having a cat named Millie.

=> 我告訴她,她有一隻名叫米莉的貓,她記得有一隻名叫米莉的貓。

You tell her she bashed her husband over the head with a golf trophy, and she remembers that.

=> 你告訴她,她用丈夫的高爾夫獎盃把丈夫打了個頭,她記得那個。

Only there is no cat.

=> 只有沒有貓。

I made that up.

=> 我做了。

Just like you made up a story about a murder plot to collect life insurance, which is a bit of a clich??, isnt it, detective? What the hell? Hey, hold on a second! Hey! Hey! Listen, we did a background check.

=> 就像你寫了一個謀殺謀殺陰謀的故事一樣,這是一個陳詞濫調,是不是,偵探?我勒個去?嘿,等一下!嘿!嘿!聽著,我們做了背景調查。

We found out about that policy, and we asked her.

=> 我們發現了這個政策,我們問她。

Youre acting like I beat it out of her with a rubber hose.

=> 你的表現就像我用橡皮管從她身上摔下來一樣。

Either way, its a false confession.

=> 無論如何,這是一個錯誤的認罪。

She doesnt belong in jail.

=> 她不屬於監獄。

She belongs in a hospital.

=> 她屬於一家醫院。

This is bullshit.

=> 這是廢話。

Can we go now? Just give me a minute.

=> 我們現在能走了嗎?給我一分鐘。

Okay? Im gonna recommend that Ms.

=> 好的?我會推薦女士

Weilman be transferred to a psychiatric unit for further evaluation.

=> Weilman被轉移到精神病部門進一步評估。

Are you kidding me?! She confessed to murder.

=> 你在跟我開玩笑嗎?!她供認謀殺。

Look, if Dr.

=> 看,如果博士

Screwing with one of mine now because some nutjob makes a drive-by diagnosis? Hes not a nutjob, detective Hammond.


He literally wrote the book on forensic neuropsychiatry four of them, actually.

=> 實際上,他從字面上寫了這本關於法醫神經精神病學的書。

Not a nutjob, huh? Okay.

=> 不是一個瘋子,是吧?好的。

So hes a little eccentric.

=> 所以他有點古怪

to get the FBIs interest? Youll have to forgive Alan, Agent Moretti.

=> 獲得聯邦調查局的興趣?你必須原諒艾倫,莫雷蒂特工。

He and Clark were very close.

=> 他和Clark非常接近。

I just need access to all litigation filed against techsan over the past five years.

=> 我只需要訪問過去五年來針對技術人員提起的所有訴訟。

Do you have any idea how many frivolous claims a company like ours has to deal with? Mm.

=> 你有什麼想法,像我們這樣的公司有多少無聊的要求處理?毫米。

I can imagine.

=> 我能想像。

But we may be able to connect the death threats techsan received to someone who brought a lawsuit against the company.

=> 但是,我們也許可以將所收到的技術人員的死亡威脅與對公司提起訴訟的人聯繫起來。

And I would also like access to Mr.

=> 我還想要先生

Weilmans e-mail account and a list of his current and former colleagues really, anyone he came into contact with.

=> Weilman的電子郵件帳戶和他現任和前任同事的名單確實是他接觸到的任何人。

Alan will get you everything you need.

=> 艾倫會給你你需要的一切。

Thanks, Alan.

=> 謝謝,艾倫。

These are the anonymous e-mails sent to Clark Weilman and the other techsan executives.

=> 這些是發給Clark Weilman和其他技術人員的匿名電子郵件。

These death threats were routed through servers all over the world.

=> 這些死亡威脅是通過遍布世界各地的伺服器。

Whoever sent them knows how to cover his tracks.

=> 誰送他們知道如何掩蓋他的軌道。

Anything you can tell us about the psychology of the letter writer would help.

=> 任何你可以告訴我們的信作家的心理將有所幫助。

"Pharmaceutical industry and the fda are conspiring to keep the American people sick.

=> 「製藥業和FDA正密謀保持美國人民的病態。

" Well, that parts certainly true.


Is he serious? Restless leg syndrome? You dont think thats an invention of the drug companies to sell more pills? "You scum need a hearty reminder.

=> 他是認真的嗎?不安腿綜合征?你不認為這是製藥公司發明藥物的更多的發明嗎? 「你的渣滓需要一個豐盛的提醒。

" Thats repeated in each of the e-mails.


You think it means something? "You scum need a hearty reminder.

=> 你認為這意味著什麼? 「你的渣滓需要一個豐盛的提醒。

" "Techsan" "murdered Irene may.


" Its an anagram.


Some domestic terrorist goes to all this trouble to disguise the source of his e-mails, and then he just gives us a name? Hes trying to prove hes smarter than we are.

=> 一些國內的恐怖分子為了掩飾自己電子郵件的來源而鋌而走險,然後給了我們一個名字?他試圖證明他比我們聰明。

Very good, Agent Moretti.

=> 非常好,特工莫雷蒂。

"May v.

=> 「May v。

Techsan, dismissed in summary judgment, filed by a Timothy may on behalf of his mother, Irene.

=> 被提摩太提起的簡易判決駁回的技術人員可以代表其母親艾琳提出。

" Wait here.

=>「 在這兒等著。

Once its clear, you can come up, take a look around.

=> 一旦清楚,你可以來看看周圍。

FBI! Wed like to talk to you! Open it.

=> 聯邦調查局!我們想和你談談!打開它。


=> 先生。

may? FBI! Stop! Stairs! Freeze, Mr.

=> 可能?聯邦調查局!停止!樓梯!冷凍先生

may! Are you all right?! Fine.

=> 可能!你沒事兒吧?!精細。

You want my professional opinion, jumping off a second-story fire escape is what we commonly call "crazy.

=> 你想要我的專業意見,跳出一個二層的走火通道就是我們常說的「瘋狂」。

" Guess that makes two of us.


Its against the law to make terrorist threats.

=> 製造恐怖威脅是違法的。

And murder is kind of a no-no, too.

=> 謀殺也是一種「不」的行為。

I didnt kill anyone.

=> 我沒有殺死任何人。

Then I will ask you again where were you the night that Clark Weilman died? You think Im gonna cooperate with the beast better known as the United States federal government? Herbal tea.

=> 那麼我會再問你克拉克·魏爾曼去世的那個晚上你在哪裡?你以為我會和這個被稱為美國聯邦政府的野獸合作?涼茶。

What? No milk, no sugar.

=> 什麼?沒有牛奶,沒有糖。

No sugar? Processed sugar thats an addictive drug peddled by big agribusiness to promote an epidemic in type 2 diabetes.

=> 無糖?加工的糖是大型農業企業兜售的致癮藥物,用於促進2型糖尿病的流行。

And then their pals in big pharma can reap billions marketing treatments.

=> 然後他們在大製藥公司的好朋友可以收穫數十億營銷治療。

And dont even get me started on why they put hormones in milk.

=> 甚至不要讓我開始為什麼他們把激素放在牛奶里。

I-Im not a fed, by the way.

=> 我 - 順便說一下,我不是美聯儲。

Then what are you doing here? College Professor.

=> 那你在這裡幹什麼?大學教授。

Sometimes they ask for my expert opinion.

=> 有時他們要求我的專家意見。

And I-I bill the beast for my for my time, believe me.

=> 而我 - 我為我的時間記錄這隻野獸,相信我。

Figure as long as theyre gonna bleed me with taxes, might as well get something out of it, right? Your mother had type 2 diabetes, didnt she? She was always sending me out to pick her up soda, ice cream.

=> 只要他們要給我流血的稅,也可以從中得到一些東西,對吧?你母親得了2型糖尿病,不是嗎?她總是派我出去接她喝蘇打水,冰淇淋。

I should have told her no.

=> 我應該告訴她不。

Well, she was your mom.

=> 那麼,她是你的媽媽。

You wanted to make her happy.

=> 你想讓她開心

And you you wanted to help her.

=> 而你,你想幫她。

Thats why you signed her up for a drug trial.

=> 這就是為什麼你簽署了她的藥物審判。

Is that right? Techsans new miracle pill, insulprin? They said it would cure her.

=> 是對的嗎? Techsan的新奇蹟葯,insulprin?他們說會治好她

Instead, she drops dead of a heart attack.

=> 相反,她死於心臟病發作。

You think the drug killed her? Its poison.

=> 你以為藥物殺了她?這是毒藥。

And the big-shot lawyers at techsan have your suit thrown out.

=> 技術人員的高手律師將你的訴訟拋出。

They said it was frivolous.

=> 他們說這是輕浮的。

Bastards wouldnt even pay for the funeral.

=> 混蛋甚至不會為葬禮付錢。

That must have made you pretty angry.

=> 那一定讓你很生氣。

You got no idea.

=> 你不知道。

Angry enough to kill Clark Weilman? Look at me, mister.

=> 生氣足以殺死克拉克·維爾曼?看著我,先生。

You really think I got it in me to cave some guys head in? Drop you back at campus.

=> 你真的認為我在洞里埋了一個人的頭?把你放回校園。

What about the case? You helped us solve it.

=> 那麼這個案子呢?你幫我們解決了。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

You dont really believe that poor guy killed anybody? No.

=> 你真的不相信那個可憐的傢伙殺了誰?沒有。

Hes paranoid.

=> 他是偏執狂

Hes not violent.

=> 他不是暴力的。

I agree.

=> 我同意。

And we have no physical evidence connecting him to the crime scene.

=> 而且我們沒有任何物證將他連接到犯罪現場。

W-wait Im told I can be a little absentminded, so maybe Im missing something here.

=> 等等,我被告知我可能有點心不在焉,所以也許我在這裡錯過了一些東西。

We were assigned to investigate terrorist threats.

=> 我們被指派調查恐怖威脅。

We have the man who made those threats in custody.

=> 我們有這個威脅被羈押的人。

But there was a murder! Local police matter.

=> 但是有一個謀殺!當地警方很重要。

Oh, come on.

=> 哦,來吧。

You dangle a puzzle like this in front of me, and you expect me to drop it before its solved? Listen You were right, okay? My transfer back to Chicago was a demotion.

=> 你在我面前擺弄這樣的謎題,你希望我把它解決掉之前呢?聽你說得對,好嗎?我轉回芝加哥是降級。

Whatd you do? Leap off one too many tall buildings in pursuit of fleeing suspects? The deputy director said that I had a tendency to go beyond the scope of my assigned investigations.

=> 你做了什麼?為了逃避犯罪嫌疑人而跳下一座高樓大廈?副局長說,我有一種超出我指定調查範圍的傾向。

Well, you can try to be a good little bureaucrat and deny your impulses, but you know youre just as incapable of letting this go as I am.

=> 那麼,你可以試著成為一個好的小官僚,否定你的衝動,但是你知道你也不能像我一樣讓自己變成這樣。

Thank you for seeing us, Dr.

=> 感謝您的光臨,博士


=> 科比。

I dont know how much help I can be.

=> 我不知道我能有多少幫助。

I-I didnt know Clark well.

=> 我 - 我不太了解克拉克。

Lawyers dont mix much with lab rats.

=> 律師不會與實驗室老鼠混合太多。



Weilman had contact with uh, friends, associates here at techsan.

=> 魏爾曼曾經和呃,朋友,技術人員在這裡接觸過。

Does your new blockbuster drug, insulprin, cause heart attacks? How is that relevant? Uh, no, thats okay.

=> 你新的重磅藥物insulprin會引起心臟病嗎?這有什麼關係?呃,不,沒關係。

Im happy to answer that.

=> 我很高興回答。

Insulprin Has been rigorously tested for five years.

=> Insulprin已經過五年的嚴格測試。

Subjects taking the drug are certainly no more likely to have heart attacks than the control group.

=> 服用藥物的受試者肯定不會比對照組有心臟病發作。

Were very proud of insulprin here.

=> 我們為這裡的insulprin感到自豪。

Its gonna save a lot of lives.

=> 這會挽救很多人的生命。

And earn billions of dollars.

=> 並賺取數十億美元。

W-what does any of this have to do with Clark Weilmans murder? There was a lawsuit filed against this company by a man claiming his mothers coronary was caused by insulprin, maybe techsan.

=> W-這與Clark Weilman的謀殺有什麼關係?一名男子聲稱母親的冠狀動脈是由insulprin,也許是techsan引起的。


=> 是啊。

I remember that suit.

=> 我記得那件衣服。

It was dismissed in summary judgment.

=> 在簡易判決中被駁回。

Something funny? Sad, actually.

=> 什麼好笑的?實際上很傷心

Um, I remember it, too, because it turns out this may woman was in the placebo group.

=> 嗯,我也記得,因為事實證明這個女人可能是安慰劑組。

She wasnt even taking the drug.

=> 她甚至沒有服用這種藥物。

That answer your question? Daniel? Are we done here? Daniel, are you okay? Hmm.

=> 那回答你的問題?丹尼爾?我們在這裡完成了嗎?丹尼爾,你沒事吧?嗯。

Well, I appreciate your maybe not-so-healthy distrust of large institutions, but how about we just put aside your conspiracy theories and focus on finding the killer? Im looking for a Valerie Nelson! Hammond? Im Valerie Nelson.

=> 那麼,我很欣賞你對大型機構可能不那麼健康的不信任,但是我們只是擱置你的陰謀論而專註於找到兇手呢?我正在找一個Valerie Nelson!哈蒙德?我是Valerie Nelson。


=> 哦。

Id like to have a word with you.

=> 我想和你談一談。

Whats this all about? Well, it seems that Pamela Weilman had another motive for killing her husband.

=> 這是關於什麼的?那麼,Pamela Weilman似乎有另一個殺害她丈夫的動機。

According to his phone records, he was making a lot of late-night calls to a pretty, young coworker.

=> 根據他的電話記錄,他正在給一個年輕漂亮的同事打了很多深夜的電話。

I knew it was wrong, but I fell in love with him.

=> 我知道這是錯的,但我愛上了他。

So, where were you on the night of march 5th? Home Waiting for Clark to call.

=> 那麼,3月5日那天你在哪裡?家等待克拉克打電話。

It was the night he was gonna tell Pamela he was leaving.

=> 那天晚上他要告訴帕梅拉他要走了。

I guess she didnt take it so well.

=> 我想她沒有那麼好。

One of the wifes symptoms is anterograde amnesia, right? Mm.

=> 妻子的癥狀之一是順行性失憶,對嗎?毫米。

So her husband comes home, tells her that hes leaving her for some hottie from the office.

=> 所以她的丈夫回家,告訴她,他離開她的辦公室一些辣妹。

She goes into an adrenaline-fueled rage, and she kills him.

=> 她陷入了腎上腺素的憤怒之中,並殺死了他。

But, because of the korsakoffs, by the time the police get there, shes forgotten why she killed the guy.

=> 但是,由於科薩科夫的情況,在警方到達那裡時,她忘記了為什麼她殺了這個人。

And when the detective says she did it for the insurance money thats how she remembers it.

=> 而當偵探說她做了這筆保險金,那就是她記得的。

Impressive theory.

=> 印象深刻的理論。

But wrong.

=> 但錯了。

Pamela Weilman isnt a killer.

=> 帕梅拉維爾曼不是一個殺手。

Shes a victim.

=> 她是受害者。

First, her husband cheats on her, and then this neanderthal cop tries to put her in jail which is typical of how the mentally ill are treated by our so-called justice system.

=> 首先,她的丈夫欺騙她,然後這個尼安德特人的警察試圖把她關進監獄,這是我們所謂的司法制度對待精神病患者的典型表現。

Well, Im stuck.

=> 那麼,我卡住了。

And the only thing that I know of thats going to get me unstuck is burger grease.

=> 而我所知道的唯一讓我感到不快的是漢堡油脂。

You know cholesterol is the silent killer? Youll have a garden burger.

=> 你知道膽固醇是無聲的殺手?你會有一個花園漢堡。

Ill buy it for you.

=> 我會為你買的。

Lets go.

=> 我們走吧。


=> 沒有。

No, I-I cant.

=> 不,我 - 我不能。

I have I have an appointment.

=> 我有我的約會。

So, why didnt you say yes? Because I had a date with you.

=> 那麼,你為什麼不說是的?因為我跟你約會了

Daniel, we havent had a date since grad school.

=> 丹尼爾,畢業以後我們還沒有約會。

Its time to move on.

=> 現在是繼續前進的時候了。

Admit it.

=> 承認。

Im wearing you down.

=> 我正在穿你。

Im wearing you down.

=> 我正在穿你。

How do you feel? Im fine.

=> 你覺得怎麼樣?我很好。

Why? And we both know how you get when you dont stick to your routine.

=> 為什麼?而且我們都知道,當你不堅持你的日常工作時,你會得到什麼。

Which is why I have Lewicki.

=> 這就是為什麼我有Lewicki。

He keeps me organized.

=> 他讓我組織起來。

What are you gonna do when he graduates? You know you know how often Lewicki changes majors? I dont think theres much danger of graduation.

=> 畢業時你會怎麼做?你知道你知道Lewicki改變專業的頻率嗎?我不認為畢業的危險很大。

Fly ball to right.

=> 向右飛球。


=> 那麼命中。

Back near the wall And Gone! Yes! Into the basket! You see that? Its spring training.

=> 靠近牆壁,走了!是!進入籃子!你看到了嗎?這是春季訓練。

Lets see how they do in October.

=> 我們來看看他們在十月份是如何做的。

Oh, ye of little faith, I am telling you, this is the year.

=> 哦,小信的人,我告訴你,這是今年。

Believing the cubs are gonna win the pennant that is a symptom of a delusional mind.

=> 相信幼崽會贏得三角旗,這是一個妄想癥狀的癥狀。

Rationalitys overrated, particularly if youre a cubs fan.

=> 理性被高估了,特別是如果你是一個幼仔迷。

I have to go.

=> 我得走了。

I have a class tomorrow.

=> 我明天有班。

Good night, Daniel.

=> 丹尼爾,晚安。

And another bad throw by Baker.

=> 貝克又一次糟糕的投籃。

Everybodys safe.

=> 大家的安全。

Sloppy game again defensively, and that ultimately cost the cubs.

=> 馬虎遊戲再次防守,並最終花費幼崽。


=> 虐待狂。

Lewicki?! Lewicki?! Dr.

=> Lewicki? Lewicki?博士

Pierce Im so sorry to bother you at home.

=> 皮爾斯我很抱歉打擾你在家裡。

You work at techsan.

=> 你在techsan工作。

My names Gerard Permut.

=> 我叫傑拉德·佩爾穆特(Gerard Permut)。

What can I do for you, Mr.

=> 先生,我能為你做些什麼?

Permut? I-I have information on Clark Weilmans murder.

=> PERMUT?我 - 我有關於威爾曼的謀殺案的消息。

You should go to the FBI.

=> 你應該去聯邦調查局。

No, I-I cant, I cant.

=> 不,我 - 我不行,我不行。

I cant trust them, okay? I cant.

=> 我不能相信他們,好嗎?我不能。

Listen, I-Ive read all your books, every single one of them, and I-I know I know that you understand people like me.

=> 聽著,我 - 我讀過你所有的書,每一本都是我的 - 我知道我知道你明白像我這樣的人。

And, please, I dont I dont have anyone else to turn to.

=> 而且,請不要我沒有其他人轉向。

I really all right, all right.

=> 我真的沒事,沒事。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

Would you like to sit down? I-I didnt mean to do it, but the voices in my head they told me that I had to do it.

=> 你想坐下嗎?我 - 我不是故意這樣做的,但我腦海中的聲音告訴我必須這樣做。

All right.

=> 好吧。

W-what did the voices tell you to do? Im in love with Valerie Nelson.

=> W--聲音告訴你做什麼?我愛上了Valerie Nelson。

I found out that she was sleeping with Clark Weilman.

=> 我發現她和克拉克·韋爾曼(Clark Weilman)正在睡覺。

The voices told me that the pain would would go away if I killed him.

=> 聲音告訴我,如果我殺了他,痛苦就會消失。

Ohh! All right.

=> 喔!好吧。

I-Im gonna get you some help.

=> 我 - 我會幫你的

She told me that we had a life together.

=> 她告訴我,我們一起生活。

Thats what she said.

=> 她是這麼說的。

I never should have trusted her, ever.

=> 我永遠不應該信任她。

That bitch shes a liar! Lewicki! Who are you calling? Its all right.

=> 那個婊子,她是個騙子! Lewicki!你正在撥打給誰?沒關係。

He works for me, all right? W-were gonna get you some help.

=> 他為我工作,好嗎?我們會幫你的

Lewicki! You need something, doc? Im right in the middle of kicking Obi-Wans jedi ass.

=> Lewicki!你需要一些東西,醫生?我正在踢歐比旺的絕地屁股。

Im sorry to call you away from something so urgent.

=> 我很抱歉打電話給你離開這麼緊急的事情。

But as you can see, I have a situation here.

=> 但正如你所看到的,我在這裡有一個情況。

Its just you and me.


Almost had you.

=> 幾乎有你。

Doc, you have to eat.

=> 醫生,你必須吃。

This is not what I wanted.

=> 這不是我想要的。

Its mahlers first.

=> 這是馬勒的第一個。

That is the Von karajan recording.

=> 這是馮卡拉揚錄音。

I asked for the solti.

=> 我問索爾蒂。

Do you know how hard it is to find a cassette tape? All right, if you just let me buy you an iPod, we can download any recording you want.

=> 你知道找到盒式磁帶有多難嗎?好吧,如果你只是讓我給你買一個iPod,我們可以下載你想要的任何錄音。

You know what? Thats not a bad idea.

=> 你知道嗎?這不是一個壞主意。

You got to get with the program.

=> 你必須得到的程序。

Just stay out of this.

=> 只是留在這個。

Hes here? You know, doc, maybe this guy isnt just a hallucination.

=> 他在這兒?你知道,醫生,也許這傢伙不只是幻覺。

You know, maybe hes some kind of psychic vision.

=> 你知道,也許他是某種心靈的眼光。

There have been studies that show that these no, Lewicki, there have been no studies.

=> 有研究表明,這些不,Lewicki,目前還沒有研究。

There have been frauds and scams and entertainments okay, you said this vision told you he was jealous of the dead guy.

=> 有欺詐和詐騙和娛樂沒關係,你說這個願景告訴你他嫉妒死者。

Maybe there really is some kind of twisted love-triangle thing going on, you know? Why do you keep this idiot around? Because when assholes like you show up, I need someone to tell me that youre not real.

=> 也許真的有一種扭曲的愛情三角形的事情發生,你知道嗎?你為什麼把這個白痴留在身邊?因為當你這樣的混蛋出現時,我需要有人告訴我你不是真實的。

Answer that! Dr.

=> 回答!博士

Pierces residence.

=> 皮爾斯的住所。

Yes, Ill tell him.

=> 是的,我會告訴他的。

Dean Haley wants to see you.

=> Dean Haley想見你。

What in Gods name were you thinking, Daniel? Ill tell you exactly what I was thinking, Paul.

=> 丹尼爾,你在想什麼呢?我會告訴你我在想什麼,保羅。

I was thinking this pheromone-spewing 20-year-old has been sitting in the front row of my class making eyes at me for three semesters running, and now shes inviting me for a latte.

=> 我以為這個20歲的費洛蒙已經坐在我班的前排,目不轉睛地看著我三個學期的跑步,現在她正在邀請我拿一杯拿鐵咖啡。

Oh, and, by the way, shes sticking a skin-tight t-shirt in my face, advertising herself as a "stimulus package.

=> 哦,順便說一下,她貼了一個緊身的T恤在我的臉上,宣傳自己是一個「刺激方案」。

" I dont need any more stimuli.


Look, you cant just go around accusing students of wanting to have sex with you, especially not in front of witnesses.

=> 看,你不能指責學生想和你做愛,特別是不要在目擊者面前。

What witnesses? Are you really that oblivious? She was with a friend.

=> 什麼目擊者?你真的那麼無知嗎?她和一個朋友在一起。

Thats who filed the complaint.

=> 這是誰提出的投訴。

Youre joking.

=> 你在開玩笑么。

Tell me youre Look, Daniel, I have put up with all of your eccentricities because you are a brilliant scholar, youre a popular teacher, and youre my friend.

=> 告訴我你是丹尼爾,我忍受了你所有的怪癖,因為你是一位出色的學者,你是一位受歡迎的老師,而你是我的朋友。

But have you any idea what kind of a hit our endowment has taken, hmm? We cannot afford a lawsuit.

=> 但你有什麼想法,我們的捐贈已經採取了什麼樣的打擊,嗯?我們負擔不起訴訟。

What are you asking me to do? He wants me to apologize to both girls.

=> 你在問我要做什麼?他要我向兩個女孩道歉。

Its outrageous! Why are you smiling? What, y-you think this is funny? What I think is, is that you deflected this offer from this student for the same reason you turned down the dinner invitation with Kate Moretti.

=> 這太離譜了!你為什麼笑?什麼,你認為這很有趣?我想是因為你拒絕了Kate Moretti的晚餐邀請,你偏離了這個學生的提議。

Enlighten me.

=> 開導我。

You are petrified of anything remotely resembling an intimate connection with another human being.

=> 你被嚇呆了,與其他人類有著密切的聯繫。

Oh, spare me the psychobabble.

=> 哦,讓我心動吧。

Tell me Im wrong.

=> 告訴我,我錯了。

Natalie, look at me.

=> 娜塔莉,看著我。

I-I-I hear voices.

=> 我 - 我 - 我聽到的聲音。

I see things that arent there.

=> 我看到的東西不在那裡。

I talk to the walls.

=> 我談到牆壁。

How am I ever gonna have an intimate connection with anybody? You had an incident.

=> 我怎麼會和任何人有親密的關係?你有事。

Daniel? Well, sometimes this happens.

=> 丹尼爾?那麼有時會發生這種情況。

You deal with it, and you move on.

=> 你處理它,然後繼續前進。


=> 對。

So, why is it that I get the feeling that youre more worried about this than usual? What if next time it happens in front of Kate? You told Kate about your condition a long time ago.

=> 那麼,為什麼我覺得你比平常更擔心呢?如果下次發生在凱特面前呢?你很久以前告訴凱特你的情況。

Well, knowing and seeing are two different things.

=> 那麼,認識和看待是兩回事。

I dont m-maybe I should get off this case.

=> 我不會 - 也許我應該擺脫這種情況。

Quit without solving it? Then youd really go crazy.

=> 退出而不解決它?那你真的會發瘋的

Have you talked to rosenthal about going back on your meds? No, no.

=> 你有沒有跟Rosenthal談過回去吃藥?不,不。

Weve talked look, for some people, theyre a miracle n-not me.

=> 我們已經談過了,對於一些人來說,他們是一個奇蹟,而不是我。

But you had fewer symptoms.

=> 但是你的癥狀較少。

And I couldnt concentrate long enough to finish a damn sodoku.

=> 而且我不能集中精力去完成一個該死的sodoku。

I couldnt write.

=> 我不能寫。

I couldnt work.

=> 我無法工作。

No, no, no.

=> 不不不。

I-I can handle this, nat.

=> 我 - 我可以處理這個,nat。

I just Ill keep up my talk therapy with rosenthal.

=> 我只是跟羅森塔爾保持談話療法。

I-Ill stick to my routine.

=> 我 - 我會堅持我的慣例。

Ill watch my diet.

=> 我會看我的飲食。

Ill keep my mind focused and occupied.

=> 我會保持我的專註和佔領。


=> 好的。

Well, lets focus on the incident.

=> 那麼,讓我們把重點放在事件上。

Tell me about it.

=> 告訴我怎麼回事兒。

What is there to tell? It was a schizophrenic hallucination.

=> 有什麼要說的?這是一種精神分裂的幻覺。

It was the product of randomly firing neurons.

=> 這是隨機發射神經元的產物。

Daniel, you know how your mind works.

=> 丹尼爾,你知道你的思維是如何工作的。

Sometimes these hallucinations tell you things that your conscious mind cant make sense of.

=> 有時這些幻覺會告訴你,你的意識不能理解的東西。

Tell me what you saw.

=> 告訴我你看到了什麼

The man.

=> 男人。

He works at techsan, then he came to my house, said he was the killer, which Im pretty sure is physically impossible.

=> 他在techsan工作,然後他來到我家,說他是殺手,我敢肯定,這是不可能的。

What else did he say? That Valerie Nelson is a liar.

=> 他還說了些什麼?瓦萊麗·納爾遜是個騙子。

Who is she? She was having an affair with the victim.

=> 她是誰?她和受害者有染。

She says she has nothing to do with the crime.

=> 她說她與這個罪行無關。

And the police believe her.

=> 警方相信她。

Well, if shes lying How could you prove it? The international atomic energy agency confirmed in the 1990s that Saddam Hussein had an advanced nuclear weapons development program.

=> 那麼,如果她在說謊你怎麼能證明呢?國際原子能機構在20世紀90年代證實,薩達姆·海珊擁有先進的核武器發展計劃。

Why are you making me relive this nightmare? Just watch.

=> 你為什麼讓我重溫這個噩夢?只是看。

had a design for a nuclear weapon and was working on five different methods of enriching uranium for a bomb.

=> 有一個核武器的設計,並正在研究五種不同的方法來濃縮鈾炸彈。

The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.

=> 英國政府了解到,薩達姆·海珊最近從非洲尋求大量的鈾。

Intelligence sources tell us that he has attempted to Thank you, Jimmy.

=> 情報來源告訴我們,他曾經試圖感謝吉米。

Jimmys an aphasiac.

=> 吉米是一個失語症

Hes lost the ability to comprehend spoken language.

=> 他失去了理解口語的能力。

To compensate, many aphasiacs become highly sensitive to subtle inflections in speech.

=> 為了彌補,許多失語症對言語中微妙的變化高度敏感。

Now, when we lie, those vocal nuances become more pronounced.

=> 現在,當我們說謊時,那些聲音的細微差別變得更加明顯。

Most of us wouldnt notice, but aphasiacs do.

=> 我們大多數人不會注意到,但是失語症患者會這樣做。

And for some reason, to them, it sounds funny.

=> 出於某種原因,對他們來說,這聽起來很有趣。

Now, p-put that in.


Youre doing great.

=> 你做得很好

So, where were you on the night of march 5th? Home Waiting for Clark to call.

=> 那麼,3月5日那天你在哪裡?家等待克拉克打電話。

It was the night he was gonna tell Pamela he was leaving.

=> 那天晚上他要告訴帕梅拉他要走了。


=> 女士。

Nelson, Agent Moretti, FBI.

=> 納爾遜,聯邦調查局的莫雷蒂特工。


=> 女士。

Nelson?! Valerie? Valerie? I need an ambulance.

=> 納爾遜?瓦萊麗?瓦萊麗?我需要一輛救護車。

Robert! Think shes gonna make it? Its too early to say.

=> 羅伯特!認為她會做到這一點?現在說還為時過早。

Vicious blow to the back of the head like that? She might not even have seen her attacker.

=> 惡意的打擊到後面的那個腦袋?她甚至沒有見過她的攻擊者。

Why are we still on this case? Chicago p.

=> 為什麼我們仍然在這種情況下呢?芝加哥p。



Should be handling it.

=> 應該處理它。

Just find out who shes been talking to.

=> 只要知道她在跟誰說話。

Whats the nature of your relationship with Ms.

=> 你與女士的關係有何特點

Nelson? I couldnt have picked her out of the crowd at the company picnic.

=> 納爾遜?在公司的野餐中,我不能把她從人群中挑出來。

Then why the calls? We came down here voluntarily.

=> 那為什麼打電話?我們自願來到這裡


=> 先生。

klane isnt under any obligation to answer these questions.

=> 克萊恩沒有義務回答這些問題。

Were you aware that Valerie was having an affair with your dead general counsel? What does that have to do with me? Maybe Clark Weilman wasnt the only one getting executive perks from Valerie.

=> 你是否知道瓦萊麗和你那位死去的總法律顧問有染?這跟我有什麼關係?也許克拉克·韋爾曼(Clark Weilman)並不是唯一從瓦萊麗(Valerie)那裡獲得高管的人。

Maybe you found out, got jealous, killed Clark, and then you tried to do the same thing to Valerie.

=> 也許你發現了,嫉妒,殺死了Clark,然後你試圖對Valerie做同樣的事情。

What?! Were done here.

=> 什麼?!我們在這裡完成。

Even if she doesnt survive this surgery, we will find out what the two of you were up to.

=> 即使她沒有生存下來,我們也會發現你們兩個都在做什麼。

Okay, Philip, Philip, lets go.

=> 好的,菲利普,菲利普,走吧。

Sit, sit, its fine.

=> 坐,坐,沒關係


=> 洋甘菊。

No milk, no sugar.

=> 沒有牛奶,沒有糖。

After Clark was killed, I got an e-mail from Ms.

=> 克拉克遇害後,我收到了女士的電子郵件

Valerie saying it was urgent I should call her, so I did.

=> 瓦萊麗說這是緊急的,我應該給她打電話,所以我做了。

Youre welcome.

=> 別客氣。

She said she had information that could be damaging to the company.

=> 她說她掌握的信息可能會對公司造成損害。

What kind of information? Something about anomalous study results for one of our products.

=> 什麼樣的信息?關於我們的產品之一的異常研究結果的東西。

She said she didnt want to talk about it Dont drink that.

=> 她說她不想談論它不要喝那個。

What time? It might kill you.

=> 幾點了?它可能會殺了你。

Are you trying to poison me?! I told you, no milk, no sugar.

=> 你想要毒害我嗎?我告訴過你,沒有牛奶,沒有糖。

Come on, doc.

=> 來吧,醫生。

Thats the murder weapon.

=> 這是謀殺的武器。

Tea? Yeah, its tea.

=> 茶?是的,這是茶。

Not tea poison.

=> 不是茶毒。

Remember Timothy may? Said his mother was poisoned.

=> 還記得蒂莫西嗎?說他的母親中毒了。

I poisoned her And killed Clark Weilman.

=> 我毒死了她,殺死了克拉克·韋爾曼。

I dont understand.

=> 我不明白。

Whats to understand? Shes trying to establish motive.

=> 什麼是理解?她正在試圖建立動機。

Ill give you a motive.

=> 我會給你一個動機

She was going to expose me, and now thats your job.

=> 她會揭穿我,現在這是你的工作。

How? Can you be quiet, please? Im trying to listen.

=> 怎麼樣?你能安靜點嗎?我正試著聽。

Aah! What the hell? I just bought this suit! Sorry.

=> 啊哈!我勒個去?我剛買了這套西裝!抱歉。

Try club soda.

=> 嘗試俱樂部蘇打水。

Youve had a gut feeling all this time, havent you, especially after what Timothy may said about his mom and what those people at techsan claimed about the insulprin study.

=> 你一直都有一種直覺,不是嗎,特別是在提摩太對他媽媽說什麼之後,以及那些技術人員聲稱有關胰島素研究的東西。

What are you talking about? Dont you remember my name? Gerard Permut.

=> 你在說什麼?你不記得我的名字嗎? Gerard Permut。

So what? So, I know how much you like puzzles.

=> 所以呢?所以,我知道你有多少謎題。

Its another anagram.

=> 這是另一個字謎。

I solved it.

=> 我解決了它。

I think I solved it.

=> 我想我解決了它。

"Gerard Permut.

=> 「Gerard Permut。

Drug tamperer.

=> 藥物篡改者。

" Whos Gerard Permut? You wrote on the wall? I think somebody tampered with the results of the insulprin study.

=>「Gerard Permut是誰?你寫在牆上?我認為有人篡改了insulprin研究的結果。

What makes you say that? Gut feeling.

=> 是什麼讓你這麼說?內心的感覺。

Timothy may believed his mother was poisoned, that her heart attack was caused by the medication.

=> 提摩太可能相信他的母親中毒了,她的心臟病是由藥物引起的。

Timothy may is paranoid.

=> 提摩太可能是偏執狂。

That doesnt make him wrong.

=> 這並不能使他錯誤。

Mays mother was taking a placebo.

=> May的母親正在服用安慰劑。

According to the data reported by the company.

=> 據該公司報告的數據。

Which you believe was tampered with.

=> 你認為這是篡改。

It would cost the company billions to pull that drug off the market.

=> 公司花費數十億美元將這種藥物從市場上拿走。


=> C。





Would certainly have motive to cover that up.

=> 肯定有動機來掩蓋這一點。


=> 也許。

But who had direct access to the study results? Dr.

=> 但誰能直接獲得研究結果呢?博士


=> 科比。

Agent Moretti.

=> 特工莫雷蒂。


=> 博士


=> 刺穿。

What can I do for you? We are trying to figure out who tried to kill Valerie Nelson.

=> 我能為你做什麼?我們試圖找出誰試圖殺死瓦萊麗·尼爾森。

We found these on her hard drive.

=> 我們在她的硬碟上找到了這些。

We were hoping maybe you could tell us what they are.

=> 我們希望也許你能告訴我們他們是什麼。

Well, these look like study results of morbidity rates.

=> 那麼,這些看起來像是發病率的研究結果。

Right, from your insulprin trial, except they show an unusually high incidence of heart attack among women participating in the study.

=> 正確的,從你的insulprin審判,除了他們表現出異常高的心臟病發作參與研究的婦女。

Yeah, well, there there must be a mistake.

=> 是啊,那裡肯定有一個錯誤。

What about this one? Ah, yes.

=> 這個如何?是啊。

These are the correct results.

=> 這是正確的結果。


=> 啊。

You see here? The incidence of heart attacks is approximately the same for those taking the placebo as for those taking the real drug.

=> 你看到這裡?服用安慰劑的人的心臟病發作幾乎與服用真正的藥物者相同。

But only because somebody tampered with these results.

=> 但只是因為有人篡改這些結果。

They moved patient names from one group into the other.

=> 他們把病人的名字從一個小組搬到另一個小組。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

Whod do something like that? Valerie found out you were falsifying the study, so she went to her boyfriend, techsans top lawyer.

=> 誰會這樣做?瓦萊麗發現你是在篡改這項研究,所以她去找了她的男友,技術人員的頂尖律師。

They were gonna ruin everything that you had worked for, so you had to stop them.

=> 他們會毀了你曾經工作的一切,所以你必須阻止他們。

Thats ridiculous.

=> 這是荒謬的。

Size 10 brogans? What? Your shoes.

=> 大小10 brogans?什麼?你的鞋子。

You left a bloody footprint in Valeries apartment.

=> 你在瓦萊麗的公寓里留下了一個血跡。

You spend your whole career looking for that one miracle cure, you know? This wasnt about money for you.

=> 你花費你的整個職業生涯尋找一個奇蹟般的治療,你知道嗎?這不是關於你的錢。

It was about science.

=> 這是關於科學的。

You understand, Dr.

=> 你明白了,博士


=> 刺穿。

Every drug has side effects.

=> 每種藥物都有副作用。

I figured out why it was causing the heart attacks.

=> 我想清楚為什麼會造成心臟病發作。

I could have worked out the kinks But Valerie started collecting evidence against me like Im a criminal.

=> 我本可以解決這個問題,但是瓦萊麗開始收集證據,就像我是一個罪犯。

You mean the study results.

=> 你的意思是研究結果。


=> 是。

And then I saw her stealing pills So I followed her.

=> 然後我看到她偷葯,所以我跟著她。

She brought them to Clark.

=> 她把他們帶到了克拉克。

She goes to a lawyer instead of me?! You figured that they were going to get the pills independently tested, prove that they were dangerous.

=> 她去找律師而不是我?你認為他們要獨立測試藥片,證明它們是危險的。

I thought If I could just make him understand.

=> 我想如果我能讓他明白。

Do you have any idea the liability youve exposed this company to? Clark, please! Get out of here before I get the police! Ohh! I guess I went a little crazy.


Nice work, detective.

=> 好的工作,偵探。


=> 心理。

You didnt tell me you found a footprint in Valeries apartment.

=> 你沒有告訴我你在Valerie的公寓里找到了足跡。

I didnt.

=> 我沒有。

Detective Moretti, I am shocked that you would so blatantly manipulate an obviously troubled individual.

=> 莫雷蒂偵探,我很震驚你會公然地操縱一個明顯陷入困境的人。

Whats up, doc? Daniel, what is it? Case isnt over yet.

=> 這是怎麼回事DOC?丹尼爾,那是什麼?案件還沒有結束。

What are you talking about? Daniel? Dr.

=> 你在說什麼?丹尼爾?博士

Bryant! What now? You said you figured out why insulprin was causing heart attacks.

=> 科比!現在怎麼辦?你說你知道為什麼胰島素導致心臟病發作。

What was it? The drug was depleting patients thiamine levels.

=> 它以前如何?該葯正在消耗病人的硫胺素水平。

Daniel, what is going on? Theres another victim.

=> 丹尼爾,發生了什麼事?還有另一個受害者。


=> 女士。

Nelson? Im Agent Moretti, FBI.

=> 納爾遜?我是聯邦調查局的莫雷蒂特工。

This is Dr.

=> 這是博士


=> 刺穿。

Would you mind if I asked you a couple questions for our case against Dr.

=> 如果我問你幾個問題,我們的情況對博士,你介意嗎?

Bryant? I still cant believe he tried to kill me.

=> 科比?我仍然不敢相信他試圖殺死我。

Well, you found out he was tampering with the insulprin study, so you told Clark Weilman about your suspicions? I knew that drug was gonna hurt a lot of people when it hit the market.

=> 那麼,你發現他是在篡改insulprin研究,所以你告訴克拉克·韋爾曼你的懷疑?我知道這種葯在市場上會傷害很多人。

Clark was a lawyer.

=> 克拉克是一名律師。

I-I figured hed know what to do.

=> 我 - 我想他會知道該怎麼做。

So he told you you needed more evidence? Thats why you brought him the pills? Clark didnt want to expose the company to any liability unless he knew for sure.

=> 所以他告訴過你需要更多的證據?這就是為什麼你給他帶來藥片?除非他知道,否則Clark不想讓公司承擔任何責任。


=> 博士

Bryant had done something wrong.

=> 科比做錯了事。

What? Its just funny you didnt tell the police any of this.

=> 什麼?這很有趣,你沒有告訴警方這一切。

T-they wanted to know about my relationship with Clark.

=> 他們想知道我和克拉克的關係。

I didnt think it had anything to do with the drug.

=> 我不認為這與毒品有什麼關係。

Oh, come on.

=> 哦,來吧。

You gave Clark Weilman those pills so he could poison his wife, right? Are you out of your mind? Well, thats not the clinical description, but yes, actually.

=> 你給了克拉克·韋爾曼那些藥片,所以他可以毒死他的妻子,對吧?你是不是瘋了?那麼這不是臨床描述,實際上是的。

And poor Dr.

=> 和可憐的博士

Bryant he was out of his mind, too.

=> 科比,他也不在意了。

He was feeling so guilty for what hed done that he became paranoid, and he made the same mistake we did.

=> 他對自己所做的事情感到非常內疚,以至於他變得偏執,他犯了同樣的錯誤。

He assumed that youd stolen those pills as evidence when in fact you were supplying Clark Weilman with the perfect murder weapon.

=> 他認為你偷了這些藥片,作為證據,實際上你是給克拉克·韋爾曼提供了一個完美的謀殺武器。

What are you talking about? The drug wasnt on the market yet, so it was virtually untraceable.

=> 你在說什麼?該葯尚未上市,所以幾乎無法追查。

You must have been dosing Pamela for weeks, just waiting for her heart to give out.

=> 你肯定已經吃了好幾個星期的帕梅拉,只是等著她的心放棄。

I was trying to do the right thing.

=> 我正在努力做正確的事情。

Why else would I call the C.

=> 為什麼我會打電話給C.





Of the company and tell him about the falsified results? You were worried that Pamela found out her husband was poisoning her.

=> 該公司,並告訴他有關的偽造結果?你擔心帕梅拉發現她丈夫中毒了她。

If she went to the police, you would need a cover story to explain why you had given him the pills, so you pretended to be a whistle-blower.

=> 如果她去了警察局,你需要一個封面故事來解釋你為什麼給他藥片,所以你假裝成一個告密者。


=> 沒有。

That is not right.

=> 那是不對的。

No, whats not right is that Pamela Weilman was accused of killing her husband when in fact you and your boyfriend were trying to kill her.

=> 不,不正確的是,帕梅拉維爾曼被指控殺害她的丈夫,實際上你和你的男朋友試圖殺死她。

I want a lawyer.

=> 我想要一個律師。

Gonna need a good one.

=> 會需要一個好的。

Nice working with you, doc.

=> 很高興與你合作,doc。

You wanted to see me, Professor? Karyn, yes.

=> 你想見我,教授?卡倫,是的。

Uh, come in, please.

=> 呃,進來吧。

Um, I-I wanted to apologize for what I said on the common the other day.

=> 呃,我 - 我想為前幾天我常說的話道歉。

It was it was, uh, highly inappropriate and, uh, uh, offensive.

=> 這是,這是非常不恰當的,呃,呃,冒犯。

And very perceptive.

=> 非常有洞察力

Im sorry my friend was such a bitch.

=> 對不起,我的朋友真是太婊子了。

I told her not to file that complaint.

=> 我告訴她不要提起這個投訴。

Oh, oh, uh, uh, could you could you just wait uh, wait here one second? Lewicki! W-what is it, doc? I need you to tell me if theres someone in my office.

=> 哦,哦,呃,你能不能等一下,等一下? Lewicki!這是什麼文檔?我需要你告訴我在我的辦公室里是否有人。

Hey! That one was definitely real.

=> 嘿!那一個確實是真實的。

Last week, I asked, "what is reality?" This week, I want to talk about normalcy.

=> 上周我問,「現實是什麼?」本周,我想談談正常情況。

What is normal? If you feel sad, do you just have a case of the blues, or are you suffering from a neurochemical imbalance? The vast majority of the case studies that weve been looking at involve patients whose brains are anything but normal, and theres no question they suffer.

=> 什麼是正常的?如果你感到難過,你是否有一個藍色的情況下,或者你是否患有神經化學失調?我們正在研究的絕大多數案例研究都涉及那些腦筋不正常的病人,他們沒有任何問題。

But Is it all bad? For some, their neurological states might actually protect them from painful truths that no one would want to think about.

=> 但是這一切都不好?對於某些人來說,他們的神經狀態實際上可能會保護他們免受任何人不想考慮的痛苦真相。

Others develop a-a cheerful disposition that may help them cope with situations the rest of us would find disturbing.

=> 另外一些人開發了一種愉快的態度,可以幫助他們應付我們其他人會感到不安的情況。

And if we are to establish a baseline, then we also have to ask ourselves how the brains of even so-called normal people respond to certain stimuli.

=> 如果我們要建立一個基線,那麼我們也必須問自己,甚至所謂的正常人的大腦是如何對某些刺激作出反應的。

And if were able to treat those people living with neurological disorders, restore them to quote "normalcy," well, of course were helping them.

=> 如果我們能夠治療那些生活在神經系統疾病中的人,那麼他們就應該引用「正常」,當然我們正在幫助他們。

But might we sometimes also be stripping away what makes them unique robbing them of an essential part of who they are?

=> 但是,我們有時也會剝奪他們獨特的東西,剝奪他們的本質嗎?


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