Searching Here and There, Searching Everywhere:: 尋尋覓覓之「千古第一才女」
Searching Here and There, Searching Everywhere: A Lyric Poem to the Tune of Sheng-Sheng-Man
By Li Qingzhao (Song Dynasty)
Translated by Wen Xin Jiao (文心交, Writings in Tune with Heart)
Searching here, searching there; lonely now, lonely then; how do I feel sad and miserable in a self whisper? At a suddenly warm but still cold season, hardly can I rest well. Two or three cups of thin wine, how can they keep it out — the swift morning wind. A flock of geese flying over, makes me feel even blue, for those old animal friends are leaving.
Yellow flowers cover the ground. Poor chrysanthemums, badly damaged, who is going to pick you now? Alone by the window, how can I kill the daytime for the dark? Dipped in the early drizzle, parasol tree leaves, at dusk, are still dripping. Here and now, what a worry it is!
苦苦地尋尋覓覓,卻見冷冷清清,怎不讓人凄凄慘慘心生悲切。乍暖還寒時節,最難保養休息。飲三杯兩杯淡酒,怎麼能抵得住他,這清早襲來的寒風?一行大雁飛過,更讓人傷心,因為都是舊日的相識。 園中菊花堆積滿地,都已經憔悴不堪,如今還有誰來採摘?冷清清地守著窗子,獨自一個人怎麼熬到天黑?梧桐葉上細雨淋漓,到黃昏時分,還是點點滴滴。這般情景,怎麼能用一個「愁」字了結!
注2:Soaked in the early drizzle,改為dipped in the early drizzle,一來表示細雨只並非下了一整天;二來與取其與dripping之形近。
注3:所謂心有戚戚。戚戚指的是:相親貌;憂傷貌;心動貌;低語聲。此處翻譯成低聲細語(in a whisper))、自言自語,細雨添愁、誰與細語。
注5:這次第:這光景、這情形。翻譯成here and now (此情此景此時)。
(欲罷不能,欲說還羞,坐卧不安,寢食不香)。Worry: to be anxious or
unhappy about someone or something, so that you think about them a lotSorrow: 1) a feeling
of great sadness, usually because someone has died or because somethingterrible has happened to you (=grief), e.g., great/deep sorrow, a time of great sorrow; 2) an event or
situation that makes you feel great sadness, e.g., the family』s joys andsorrows注7:對比其他版本
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